June 26, 2024

The Princess Royal | Recap and Review

The Princess Royal
A married couple, a princess and her prince consort, is "revived".
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhang Ling HePei Wen Xuan
Zhao Jin MaiLi Rong
Rao Jun (Author: Mo Shu Bai)
Chinese Title
To Spend Magnificent Years
Episodes: 22/40
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.75/5

Recap Updates (for eps pre-18): [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [14] [15] [16] [17


Zhang Ling He:
Pei Wen Xuan
Zhao Jin Mai:
Li Rong
Chen He Yi:
Su Rong Qing

Liu Xu Wei:
Li Chuan
Cheng Guo:
Shangguan Ya
Yi Da Qian:
Su Rong Hua

He Qiu:
Qin Zhen Zhen
Xun Chuan

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Our Princess Li Rong and her fuma Pei Wen Xuan die on the same night. She was 38, and he was 40. Neither of them pass this age, but I guess it's better that for the rest of 39 episodes, they're playing the right age. She thinks he poisoned her and he thinks she sent assassins. 

Other key happenings in the first life: 
  • The Emperor (Li Chuan) is dying. Throughout his reign, he was a puppet to the Noble Houses. He suspects his sister, Li Rong (Shangguan family), will rebel. 
  • The Emperor wants to depose Li Xin (Crown Prince, Empress's son) and make Li Ping (Qin Zhen Zhen's son) the new Crown Prince. 
  • The Empress (Shangguan Ya) sent a letter to "Second Lord" to tell him to be ready at any moment (to rebel). 
  • Su Rong Qing is Li Rong's beau that she keeps in her room while being married to Pei Wen Xuan.
  • Zhang Ling He's greasy moustache needs to go: 
Dramas give too much power to moustaches: turn women into men and men into old men.

Li Rong revives. Shock. She is 18 again. She reunites with her servant, Jing Lan, who died from an arrow to protect her. She sees her father (Emperor) and realizes he was already cautious of her poisoning him, but she still loves and misses him. Now she has to pick her husband all over again. 

Pei Wen Xuan revives too. Double shock. He's back to being poor. 
First marriage
Li Rong curiously asks Jing Lan for Pei Wen Xuan's reaction to her consort-pageant invitation. She quotes him: 

Pei Wen Xuan: I'm not capable, but good thing is I'm hot my 皮相尚可 face/skin is satisfactory.
[Ep14Pei Wen Xuan is tender with Li Rong's injured hand, but he's simmering with jealousy as Shangguan Ya provokes him where it's sore: Su Rong Qing. She's proposing for Li Rong to marry Su Rong Qing for the sake of establishing the Inspectorate. Our man is brooding all day. 
Even though Li Rong and Su Rong Qing aren't talking to each other about Qin's case, it's like they're talking to each other all night. <3 
Pei Wen Xuan is particularly overburdened at work. Since the ministers can't bully the Princess, they take it out on him. They want to stop our couple from investigating the Noble Houses and all their embezzlements. They also want to strip the princess of her Inspectorate power.  

Li Rong stays up to wait for Pei Wen Xuan. 

Pei Wen Xuan (to Jing Lan):  Don't let her be reckless like this. Her body will break. 
Jing Lan: How do I convince her? How about you, fuma
Pei Wen Xuan: You’re right. I’ll convince her then. He was waiting for this, haha

Pei Wen Xuan catches her sleeping on her work-lounge chair. He thinks to himself. 

Pei Wen Xuan: No matter in the past or now, what I look forward to, recall fondly of, and yearn for is the sense of family – caresses her face – is exactly this moment. After a weary day, there is someone waiting for me at home.
She stirs awake. He calls her, “Rong Rong”!  She doesn't hear it. She sleepily asks, "Can you not get angry whenever you see Su Rong Qing. On one hand you tell me to try, and on the other hand you get angry. That’s too hard on me." 

Pei Wen Xuan: Then don’t try anymore. *Gasp*
But he's only assertive when she's asleep. When he's bathing, Pei Wen Xuan is bullied by his greasy-40-year-old version of himself. He taunts him that he only had an upper-hand on Su Rong Qing because he was a eunuch. This second life, Pei Wen Xuan has nothing on him. Don't listen to this old geezer! He died. 

Our broody Pei Wen Xuan helps Li Rong set up a date with Su Rong Qing (for Qin's case). He's unwilling, but if it's what she wants, then it's what he'll do. 

The date's cancelled, though. Li Rong chooses to save Pei Wen Xuan instead! He's "scammed" by his mother to return home where he's punished by his elders for supporting the Princess's Inspectorate. I think there can be a debate on if Pei Wen Xuan purposely interrupted the date. I'm on the side that Tong Ye just can't do low-key standing in a corner. Pei Wen Xuan can't be that green-tea, right?? With a sword in hand, Li Rong orders to break the door. She barely controls her trembling temper after seeing the blood bleed from his back. She declares that if Pei Family doesn't want him, she will establish a new clan for him. If they still want him, then how they treat her is how they treat him. If Madam Wen doesn't know how to care for and protect her own son, then spend the rest of her days practicing religious vegetarianism and pray to her husband.

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan already has a new family. He has someone to care for him, and someone to love him. If you cannot assume the responsibility of a mother, then at least don't give him trouble. He can tolerate it. Bengong cannot. 🥹😍

Li Rong (to Pei Wen Xuan): Let's go home. 

Pei Wen Xuan has fallen in love with his wife all over again. This episode and their quotes about being family :') Pei Wen Xuan, there's someone waiting for you at home, and someone to protect you! 
"Break open the door!"
Break his arms!

[Ep15Li Rong has 心疼 written all over her eyes for Pei Wen Xuan. He assures her this was all part of his scheme. 

心疼 Xīn téng – Often translated as “in pain/hurt”. To be more exact, 心疼 means the heart (心) is in pain (疼). The heart can only be in pain if one loves dearly. It’s an endearing term. 

Li Rong: What’s wrong with you? Pei Wen Xuan. Why do you always risk your life? When will you realize you’re very important? Why don’t you 心疼心疼 (love) yourself more? She's practically saying "You're very important. My heart hurts for you."
Pei Wen Xuan drops into her embrace, and snuggles into her small shoulders.
Pei Wen Xuan: Don’t worry. I will be more powerful.
Li Rong: Who’s hurting for you? You. I just think you’re embarrassing me. Listen carefully. You are my fuma. Only I can bully you. Do you understand? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Understand. 
*Hugs her again* I'm weak for tall guys hunching over his whole body to hug the girl
Li Rong lectures Pei Wen Xuan for spoiling his mother, Madam Wen. 

Li Rong: If there’s anything you want, you must fight for and take it yourself. 
Pei Wen Xuan: But what if that person doesn’t want to. 
Li Rong: Then she can reject. Whether she wants to or not, shouldn't you at least give her a choice? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Even when I already know which choice is better for her?
Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, only she will know which choice is best. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness’s words, I will consider it. 

Here is Pei Wen Xuan considering her words to fight for what he wants:
"I'm not letting go"
 He's such a cute clinger!!! 😍

In bed, Pei Wen Xuan asks Li Rong to describe him. She’s like You just have to make me compliment youNo. He asked for a description but she only had compliments, I see. She recalls that he's a good learner. In a month, he knew how to draw the perfect eyebrows and set hair. She wants him to know he's a really good guy. Then our really good latches onto Li Rong. Feigning pain, he clings onto her all night. 

The Pei Family saga continues at court. Pei Li Xian is like a rabid dog, refusing to let Li Rong go unpunished (for slapping him). They both kneel in front of the Emperor's door, asking for a verdict. As for Pei Wen Xuan, he lets his mother choose (as per Li Rong's advice) and she chooses her son. He brings her to the palace, and notices it's raining. He remembers what happened in the past: Su Rong Qing reached her first with the umbrella. Pei Wen Xuan can't let that happen! He's determined to fight for himself as Li Rong taught him. He runs for his life to be her umbrella. YES! 🍵🍵🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️. Su Rong Qing might have been first if he didn't go home and change into pretty white robes. And Li Rong is right about Pei Wen Xuan. He is a fast learner. She only taught him last night, and he's applying everything today with remarkable speed 🏃‍♂️. Pei Wen Xuan lifts her in his arms despite his injuries because he ain't letting her go. He'll grab every chance. 
Yes, this man ain't letting go. SO CUTEEEEE.

Li Rong also respectfully apologizes to her mother-in-law for the other night. Awww :] (but she was right).

[Ep16For Wen Xuan~, Li Rong "steals" back the inheritance that's rightfully his. Relatives are your first enemy, I swear
Li Rong asks Pei Wen Xuan if he's worried about her servant stealing his money while transporting it to their house. Pei Wen Xuan has absolute trust because Tuoba Yan (servant) belongs to the Princess. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Right now, Princess and I are one, what is there to worry about?
Li Rong: Right now.... What about the future?
Pei Wen Xuan (teasingly): Future...shall be future's problems. 
Li Rong: This isn't like you [...] or is it because your future isn't something Lord Pei wants to share with me. 
Pei Wen Xuan: That isn't it. I already thought about my future. Pei Wen Xuan will always be with Your Highness. 

Palace politics. All of the witnesses are killed. Li Rong needs Pei Wen Xuan to depart the city and gather testimonies for Qin's case. Pei Wen Xuan feels honoured that he gives her security now. She tells him the mission won't be peaceful. 

Pei Wen Xuan: It won't just be not peaceful. It's a task I’m risking my life for. But it’s okay. To be ordered by the princess, ten thousand deaths will not prevent me. This hurt me. Then he finishes it with a soft smile ):  

It's barely been days and Pei Wen Xuan misses his Rong Rong dearly already.
Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong

Palace politics. Li Rong splendidly battles at court on her own. First, she takes onus for kidnapping the imprisoned Qin defendants (flogx30 and quarantinex30days), but her crime is nothing compared to the Minister of Justice (Xie Lan Qing). 1) In his incapable hands, all the witnesses have died. 2) His incorporation interrupted the progress of the case. 3) Finally, every bit is suspicious (all the witnesses died) yet he wants to hush up the case. With her points landing like darts, none of the ministers have the right to stop her when she requests for 20 more days. If she still has no evidence, she volunteers to be expelled from the capital city. 

Li Rong bet everything on Pei Wen Xuan, but he dies. He falls off a cliff. You all know what that means.... Uncle Shangguan did it. 

[Ep17The conversation between the Emperor and Li Rong is enlightening: there was true love between the Emperor and the Empress. 
  • Emperor and Empress remind me of Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong in their first life.
  • Empress supports her brother like Li Rong supports Li Chuan
  • For some reason, Empress quit believing in the man of her life, the Emperor. She'd rather believe in her blood, and thinks Shangguan is better for her children.
The Empress tells Li Rong that Pei Wen Xuan has died. This is her advice to her daughter: "girls in the palace should never place all their hopes on one man." What happened to the Empress? Is it another terrible misunderstanding or the Emperor really broke her heart/trust? 

Li Rong refuses to believe Pei Wen Xuan has died no matter who tells her and how many times they tell her. He has to be alive. She convinces herself it's his scheme. After all, disguising as someone dead is the safest plan. (Meanwhile, House of Pei already wants inheritance.)
"Pei Wen Xuan, Pei Wen Xuan, Pei Wen Xuan"
Ep16: Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong

Xun Chuan (Qin Zhen Zhen) rescues her brother from being imprisoned by the Ministry of Justice

It's Day20. Su Rong Qing proposes a marriage to Li Rong so that she can stay in the city. He admits that Pei Wen Xuan's death gave him courage to confess. He also tells her that his background kept him from revealing his feelings. I don't know what kind of confession he thinks is romantic, but this ain't it

Pei Wen Xuan returns! 

[Ep18Li Rong hugs and cries with Jing Lan after hearing that Pei Wen Xuan is back. As for Su Rong Qing's proposal, he tells her to treat it like nothing happened. 

Su Rong Qing: I don't want to be Your Highness's enemy. I just want you to live well. It seems this go (chess) game, I still lost. 
Could it be?
Li Rong: Su Rong Qing, are you also a... (time leaper)? Nevermind. 
It can't be.  
It can be

Su Rong Qing meets Pei Wen Xuan at the bridge. They spar with words. 

Su Rong Qing: If His Highness wasn't cautious of his royal relatives, you would never even have a chance of touching the corner of the princess's robes. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Right now, the person standing next to Her Highness is me. I won't yield this spot ever again. You, Su Rong Qing will never have a chance, not in the past nor in the future. He's also implying that Su Rong Qing only got to be next to the princess in round one because PWX yielded

Su Rong Qing lands a critical blow, revealing he proposal to Li Rong. 

Su Rong Qing: Protecting Her Highness shouldn't be letting her make enemies with every minister on the court, nor letting her take the daunting responsibility of the Inspectorate. If you dare put her in danger again, then remember this: you will forever lose the right to have Her Highness. Oof. So wrong on so many things. He does not know Li Rong at all if he wants her to be a princess sitting obediently in her palace. And "have/own" the princess? Pei Wen Xuan already corrected himself on that in his first life
Pei Wen Xuan wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. Is he crying at the thought of losing Li Rong? Aw. He doesn't care about what Su Rong Qing says. Okay. Mr. Tear has something to say about that, lol. He's confident that Li Rong won't accept Su Rong Qing's proposal. 
Li Rong dashes to the bridge to her fumaPei Wen Xuan, omg. One sight of her and everything that upset him melted away. He clutches her in his arms. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Rong Rong, I'm here to take you home. 

Li Rong awkwardly pat-hugs Pei Wen Xuan. He quickly lets go and apologizes for offending her. No. She just wants to know if he's injured anywhere. Pei Wen Xuan pouts. HE POUTS. "Mm! Hurts." Li Rong's lips split into the widest grin. This cute idiot. 
Lovely Jing Lan shipping everything firsthand
These girls are awesome too.

We have a problem: night falls and our couple is not coupley. Tong Ye reports an emergency to Pei Wen Xuan: the Princess won't sleep! This really is something Pei Wen Xuan is concerned about. Immediately, he returns to the bedroom to put her (and himself) to bed. 

In bed, Li Rong tells Pei Wen Xuan that everyone thought he died, but she knows he didn't. He emotionlessly thanks her for being able to feel at ease about him. That's not what she meant! 

Li Rong: It's not all because I felt reassurance. I was also afraid. Afraid of losing you!! (Can I please be Li Rong's speakerphone) I was afraid that if you really died, I wouldn't know what to do. It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, I can only convince myself that you're alive. 

Pei Wen Xuan shuffles in bed to face her. All he does is smile at her. Feeling awkward, she turns away. Now he shuffles on top of her, telling her how happy he is that she has him in her heart. How does she resist this face that's so close.
Pei Wen Xuan: 臣願献人間喜樂,以報君恩. This humble servant is willing to offer the joys of the human world to repay lord's grace [for having me in your heart]. Your Highness, what do you think? He's offering sex so eloquently! AHHH.Speaking servile, but acting sexily assertive *Fans myself* 

He kisses her and their fingers interlace, but Li Rong is still hesitant! Why! Li Rong, you can't be moved by Su Rong Qing's proposal, can you?! I think not, but this timing isn't so good for our FL. I think she's over Su Rong Qing. The only thing she's hesitant about is opening her heart to Pei Wen Xuan completely. Because it's going to be a floodgate of love that she knows she can't stop once she frees the last of her resistance. Girl, I know you

Pei Wen Xuan reveals to Li Rong that he knows about the proposal. He only wants to warn her not to be swayed by Su Rong Qing's beauty. Says the most beautiful man on her bed. Pei Wen Xuan, her eyes are consumed by you

Pei Wen Xuan: What Your Highness wants, this humble servant can give you. Whenever Your Highness wants to be served, your humble servant will always be ready. *Gulps*

It's a win on the court. Li Rong officially has every minister's (forced) approval of establishing her inspectorate. Shuangguan Ya has gained a foothold in managing her household. As for our trusty Pei Wen Xuan, he's proudly standing behind Li Rong. Using every inch of his long body to enable Li Rong

[Ep19Shangguan Ya rubs it in to Pei Wen Xuan that his wife is more powerful than him. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Only those who have no ability will use their wife's weakness to show their ability. What I hope is that my wife can do what she wants. If she wants the world, I can give it to her. If she wants stability, I can give it to her. What’s more, as a husband, doting on my wife is not about giving her a golden birdcage, but it is about giving whatever she wants. I have the ability to let her do as she pleases.
At night, Li Rong is counting her blessings for this life. 

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, I have friends, I have family. *Deliberately pauses*
Unsaid: I have a loving husband too. 

In the past, she thought that Su Rong Qing knew her better, but now she realizes it wasn't like that at all. 

Li Rong: Thank you for understanding me. You...will always be at my side, right? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Mm.
I like that her realization isn't just for this life, but in the past, Pei Wen Xuan knew her well too.
Shangguan Ya and Su Rong Hua might be official. Su Rong Qing watches on proudly.  
Xun Chuan (Qin Zhen Zhen) bids farewell to her boys: her brother and the Crown Prince. The siblings opened my floodgate. We were never sure if the brother knew, but how could he not recognize his precious sister? Xun Chuan and Li Chuan are going to be star-crossed lovers! Or is she going to come back stronger and be his soulmate?

At the court, Li Rong and Li Chuan stage their debate so that the Emperor won't be cautious of them, and so that there's "supposedly" a voice supporting the royal ministers. 

After work, Pei Wen Xuan has Tong Ye scrubbing his back, cleansing his body for an intimate night. A man of his words: he's always ready to "serve" LMAO. But Li Rong seems only interested in the food. She's teasing him. She'd be blind to not see the cleavage he's flashing. 

Li Rong is threatened by the ministers she's investigating. Then they injure her fuma (Pei Wen Xuan). Had they scared her, she would have spared them, but they messed with Pei Wen Xuan. 

Li Rong: It’s I die, or they die. <3 No one can touch (hit) a hair on his head, except Li Rong.

I love that she’s doting on him even though he can drink soup fine with his left hand. She even prioritized that and let Shangguan Ya wait
It's not just Pei Wen Xuan who knows her habits, Li Rong knows him too, like his penchant for drinking soup first. She drinks from the same spoon too ~

[Ep20Li Rong continues to spoon-feed Pei Wen Xuan. I say it's 100% deliberate that he's occupying his hand so that she can feed him. Not that Li Rong minds spoon-feeding him anyway. <3 And I think his soup drinking is delegated to her whether or not his hands are injured.

Li Rong is dumbstruck when Pei Wen Xuan knows her favourite flowers. It turns out Su Rong Qing had it wrong all along. It was never peony, but buttercups. From young, Li Rong was taught by her mother to never reveal what she loves even if it's just a flower. Awwwww. She's been raised like this by her mother and after the betrayal in the first life her heart has hardened. It's why she doesn't show her love to Pei Wen Xuan.  

Li Rong completely misunderstands that Pei Wen Xuan knows her plans to lure the assassins. He doesn't! The man just wants to confess his love. Oh no. Oh no. Oh nononono. He let his hair down, and is dressed in the white robes that she complimented. He plays his favourite qin and planted her favourite flowers spanning the entire meadow.  Now it's covered with blood. 
Instead of running away from the assassins, Pei Wen Xuan runs towards them. That's because Li Rong is there. He wasn't going to abandon her, and now he's injured everywhere, but where it hurts most is his heart. Li Rong realizes she misunderstood. 

Li Rong: Your qin... 
Pei Wen Xuan: The qin has snapped...in that case, abandon it. 
Li Rong: But this qin has been with you for so long. If we fix it, it can still be used. 
Pei Wen Xuan (shaking his head): I've fixed it many times. No need.

Replace qin with 情 qing (= feelings/love). That's what they actually mean

He tells her he had been breeding these flowers before their marriage. Everything today was for her. 

Pei Wen Xuan: You clearly know everything, but you keep it in your heart and you pretend to know nothing. You just want me to keep that "friendship" and continue to be good to you. You don't want to be with me, but you don't want to let go of my capabilities, and you don't want to let go of my kindness. On one hand, you treat me well to keep me, and on the other hand, when I approach you, you reject me. But let me tell you, Li Rong. Love cannot be trampled like this. Oof.  You don't have to love me, but you must respect my feelings. Today, if you cared just one bit, you wouldn't be ignorant to everything I did. 

Have we had a FL whose personality is such a puzzle for half the show? Pei Wen Xuan filled in the last piece with this confession. She does want to keep him close without revealing her love. However, I feel like just as she meant to hide her love for the yellow flowers, it still seeped through for Pei Wen Xuan to notice. It's the same for her love for Pei Wen Xuan. It's showing (feeding him, and killing anyone who hurts him).  

Pei Wen Xuan: [Today] from the bottom of your heart, you thought I was scheming, but not –
Li Rong (perks up): Not what? She wants to hear him say he loves her. Her asking this question shows how much reassurance on top of reassurance she needs to trust someone even after all this.
Pei Wen Xuan is exasperated. To him, she's still pretending to be clueless. He surrenders, "Your game is on another level." Awwwww :(

Li Rong: I never disrespected your feelings. I would never trample on them either. 

Pei Wen Xuan is too hurt to listen anymore. He walks away. Li Rong desperately clenches onto his broken qin, their broken love. It's like there's a force gluing her to her spot. Then he faints, but Li Rong has no idea. 

Li Rong goes back to work, and buries herself behind her documents. She also ordered her captive to kill his client the way he ordered him to kill Pei Wen Xuan. The client is Xie Lan Qing, the Minister of Justice, a high ranking official. Li Rong wants revenge for Pei Wen Xuan .

Su Rong Hua is very sweet. He sees that Shangguan Ya is afraid to disturb Li Rong, and so he disturbs Li Rong in order for Shangguan Ya to be dismissed for the day. He walks her home, and dissects the romance for Shangguan Ya (who's dying to know more): Li Rong, the more she cares, the more she doesn't want to touch it; Pei Wen Xuan may appear to be gentle and subservient, but he's assertive, and ambitious of his goals, especially when it comes to romance. However, romance to Li Rong is solemn and sorrowful. Su Rong Hua credits someone else for this analysis. Su Rong Qing... He's also not their CP fan. He doesn't think they match. Su Rong Hua, you are very sweet, but you are very wrong. Mind your own business. Shangguan Ya ditches him. 

[Ep21Shangguan Ya ditched her boyfriend(-to-be) for her confused bestie. She's a keeper! Li Rong understands that they all want an answer from her. She admits she's selfish. She doesn't want to give anything, yet receive all the love. 

Li Rong: No matter how well I treat [Pei Wen Xuan], as long as I don't give him what he wants, then I shouldn't make him stay. I am at fault today. It is I who kept avoiding his feelings

Shangguan Ya asks Li Rong the obvious: can't she just be with Pei Wen Xuan? Li Rong thinks of her mother's words, and her past life. It's hard for her to change when she was raised that way, and lived one whole life like that

At home, Li Rong apologizes to Pei Wen Xuan. He tells her there is no right or wrong when it comes to feelings. Li Rong wonders to herself if this is the life she wants and then recalls the future Pei Wen Xuan depicted when they married (the second time). She wants a family, a person who loves her and whom she loves. She wants children. She wants someone to live with for the rest of her life. That future looked bleak when Pei Wen Xuan turns his back on her. He's separating rooms with her again. Awww, the one things she requested from Pei Wen Xuan in the carriage.

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, can you wait a bit for me? I know I'm not a likeable person, especially when it comes to love. I irritate others. I can't trust you, and I can't trust myself, but it's not that I can't feel your feelings, and I definitely wasn't trying to keep you out of convenience. I know all the rationals, but I just can't do it. I just can't give my heart out like that without any guards. It's why I kept asking you to confirm if you're going to leave me. [...] Can you please wait for me? Don't leave. 

Pei Wen Xuan hasn't said a word nor turned around. Li Rong is dejected. She realizes it's too much to ask of him. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Rong Rong, ten years...twenty years, is that enough? ♥♥♥
Li Rong: Huh?
Pei Wen Xuan: If that's not enough, then I can add another twenty years. I have a lot of patience. I can wait for a long time. If you walk slowly, it's fine. I won't be tired. I won't leave either. Because I love you. I loved you for a long time. I will wait for you. You just have to walk forward. 
Li Rong (cries): What do you see in me? Right? LOL. I have a bad temper and I bully you all the time. 
He just loves her. That is all. 
Pei Wen Xuan will still sleep in the study room, however, puzzling our Li Rong. Men are confusing. Then he comes back in. He forgot something: a goodnight kiss. Then he leaves. You flirt!!!
You know what, I don't think Pei Wen Xuan would be as successful if his confession went as planned. I love Li Rong, but she needed the threat of actually losing him

Our Green-Tea Pei Wen Xuan is already scheming ahead. Sleeping in the study room is a strategic retreat to make Li Rong want him. I need this Green-tea-ness to give our ML some flaws, hahaha.  Nanny Tong Ye is exasperated. He doesn't get anything and is just impatient, impatient, impatient. Pei Wen Xuan orders him to cover him with the blanket. 

Tong Ye (pettily): Stay cold! Hopefully it'll wake you up. Hahaha.

The next night, Li Rong can't sleep. She wants her goodnight kiss, lol. Like a cat burglar, she sneaks into her own study room (which she messed up in the day just to get his attention, by the way). She gets by the snoring guards, but not by her sly husband. He was waiting to prance the little cat who snuck in, but he might just be her prey when her hand hooks the nape of his neck. "I'm a wild cat, a dangerous one. Lord Pei, be careful." 
Our little cat also deciphered Pei Wen Xuan's scheme: 欲擒故縱 to loosen the reins only to grasp them better. Lord Pei is still feigning innocence until she pretends to leave. He pulls her back, admitting he wants her to 心疼心疼 him. (心疼 = hurt with love). As long as she wants him back in her room, just one sentence, and he'll give her a stepping stone. Psh. She tries to hit him, but she can't refuse that smile of his. 

Li Rong (mutters): Then come back with m–
Pei Wen Xuan: Al-righty! 

It's morning, and Jing Lan wakes up Li Rong, but she didn't get the memo that Pei Wen Xuan returned. She skittishly corrects herself, "Nevermind! We don't have to wake up!" Then Tong Ye frantically runs in to report his lord missing. He stops panicking when he hears a man's voice and demands who it is. Your Lord Pei. Tong Ye smacks his eyes closed and runs back out the way he came in. I love these two servants.
Palace Politics. Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan may be working separately, but their goals align: take down Xie Lan Qing. 1) Pei Wen Xuan led the Emperor to realize that Xie Family is colluding/bribing Consort Rou. 2) Li Rong released the assassin who then betrayed her, and now Xie Lan Qing accuses her of assassinating him with his assassin. This was all part of Li Rong's plan to expose them. Awww, hey! She's doing the same thing Pei Wen Xuan did to her: 欲擒故縱 = to loosen the reins only to grasp them better. And what is this shocking secret she has of Xie Lan Qing and the assassin? What? Are they related? 

[Ep22Xie Lan Qing and Lin Fei Bai (assassin) are father and son. Xie Lan Qing is incredulous. With the most accurate paternity test, The Blood Drop, Li Rong confirms their relationship. I love how later on, Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong have a convo on the test being bogus. Xie had a lover, a jianghu woman, Lin Xia, but he married another woman approved by his family. Li Rong's defence is to ask everyone which story is more plausible: 1) The son is assassinating the father (as Xie argues) or 2) the son and father are working together to frame her (as Li Rong argues). #2 wins. The Emperor's like how can a girl who's barely 20 scheme against a sly fox who's been trained for 30 years. They've accumulated the same years actually, lol. Thus, Xie is detained. Pei Li Ming is nominated by Pei Wen Xuan to oversee the case. I forgot there was a kinder Pei uncle, but I still hate them all. Pei!

As Pei Wen Xuan is held back by the Emperor, Su Rong Qing approaches Li Rong. He asks her about her married life. 

Li Rong: Lord Su, my love life really shouldn't trouble you. I love that Li Rong is gradually over him, and she probably doesn't even know when it happened but I'd argue it was when he proposed to her and she realized she had no desire to marry him even if Pei Wen Xuan died
Su Rong Qing: I actually have a wish. I wish that Your Highness's love doesn't incorporate politics and can be pure and clean without regrets. Ah, this is his wish for himself.

Pei Wen Xuan jealously inquires about their conversation. Li Rong can't help but tease him. 
Li Rong: I have a few more thoughts about [Su Rong Qing] now. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Don't you have enough thoughts about him already? How much more do you need? Why don't you just put him on the tip of your heart (心尖)? Poor Lord Su, though. 
心尖 xīn jiān – Bottom tip of the heart (apex) / innermost feelings / my darling
Li Rong: Wait. What do you mean poor him when he's on the tip of my heart?
Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness's tip is only this big 🤏. If Lord Su has to stand there, he'll have to stand on one foot. When his left leg is tired, he has to stand on his right, and vice versa. Lord Su will be exhausted, don't you think?  Hahaha. So petty. Pei Wen Xuan's heart-eye is tinier 🤏. It's funnier in Chinese because he says 金雞獨立, which gives you a full image of a "Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg" (a tai-chi posture name).
Li Rong (tries not to laugh): Exhausted. Exhausted to death! A task this tough, I see Lord Pei is unfitting. I shall find someone else. 
Pei Wen Xuan: On the contrary! Your Highness doesn't know but my exclusive speciality is Rooster Stand On One Foot. If Your Highness is willing, I can stand on Your Highness's heart tip for the rest of my life. 
Li Rong shivers from her goosebumps. 

Semi-related: 金雞獨立 also sounds like 經濟獨立 which means financially independent, which he is not. LOL

Shangguan Ya doesn't understand the love story again, but this time it's between Xie Lan Qing and Lin Xia. She taught her son to hate Xie, but at the brink of death, she told her son to help Xie. Li Rong understands. First hand experience. Lin Xia (Li Rong) hated Xie (Pei) because there was love. It's why she hoped that she could see him before she died. At her last moment, other than regret, she also recalled her happiest moments. 

Pei Wen Xuan is curious what Li Rong saw at her death. She returns the question (without answering!). He remembers, and just thinking about it has him smiling. Aw. It was their first Chinese New Years watching fireworks together. They promised to watch it every year. Li Rong envies his beautiful memory. He, however, reminds her that she broke her vow. Li Rong makes it up with another promise: to watch fireworks together this year. 

Li Rong: This time, our promises to each other, either we don't say it or we keep till the very end.
They pinky promise, and stamp. 
Li Rong: 100 years!
Pei Wen Xuan (ups her): Forever and ever. 
She's so cute!
Pinky heart
This is the last scene in the ending credit. Appropriate. Forever and ever.
Pei Wen Xuan is hilariously territorial. When the three (Su Rong Qing, Pei Wen Xuan, and Li Rong) take a carriage together, he serves tea to everyone except himself. He lies that the third cup is cracked. He'll just drink from Li Rong's. Heh. That must be green tea he's drinking. Then he asks if Li Rong wants to drink some more, sharing more saliva. 

Xie Lan Qing had no idea Lin Xia died two years ago. He also had no idea she bore his son. She had lied about the baby's age, and so he never suspected the child could be his. 

Xie has one last question for Li Rong: "Does she hate me?"
Li Rong doesn't know, but she has a question too: "Do you love her?" 

Xie Lan Qing doesn't dare speak of love. Li Rong nods. Love to him is cold and thin. Xie Lan Qing had thought that if he became more powerful, he could protect them both, but now he understands that when it comes to their royal clan, love is a privilege. Oh, this is Su Rong Qing. If he had forcefully married her, he wouldn't mind dying for it, but he can't risk her life too. However, at the end of the day, he chose his position and his clan. Mmhmm, Su Rong Qing.

Pei Wen Xuan pits Su Rong Qing with Xie Lan Qing and asks for the sake of his noble clan, will he kill the person he loves? Su Rong Qing is offended. Guilty. He asks Lord Pei not to joke about the woman he loves. Oh. Pei Wen Xuan doesn't walk away losing this one, though. He reminds Su Rong Qing basic etiquette that he should be greeting him as "fuma" (Princess's husband). Su Rong Qing is like still water. He's upset, but he barely reacts, instead he wishes the princess Happy New Year, and not the fuma, ofc.

After confirming Li Rong was reborn too, Su Rong Qing doesn't understand why she married Pei Wen Xuan again. Dude, you took 20 more episodes to recognize her, and that's not even the tip of it. He swears in this life he will protect his Su Clan and the princess. He wants the princess to wait for him. Grand Princess ain't going to wait for no one




[First Impression] N/A. I started recapping at Ep18. The plan is to slowly fill in the rest of the episodes. I'm not in a rush, so you shouldn't be either (; 

  • Same author (Mo Shu Bai) as Destined.
  • Quick post-production. This wrapped in February, taking only 5 months to air. 
  • 狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心 gǒu yǎo Lǚ Dòng Bīn – A dog biting Lü Dongbin = to ill reward a person's kindness [Ep10]
  • 萬死而不辭 wàn sǐ bù cí – Ten thousand deaths will not prevent me / Ready to risk life and limb to help [Ep17]
  • 欲擒故縱 yù qín gù zòng – In order to capture, one must let loose / to loosen the reins only to grasp them better [21]
  • 心尖 xīn jiān – Bottom tip of the heart / innermost feelings / my darling [22]

[A Highlight

[Review & Rating]

Rating: /5


Preliminary recs are random / a peek at the list. These may be updated if drama is completed

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