June 26, 2024

The Princess Royal | Recap and Review

The Princess Royal
A husband and wife “kill each other”, revives, and remarries.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhang Ling HePei Wen Xuan
Zhao Jin MaiLi Rong
Rao Jun (Author: Mo Shu Bai)
Chinese Title
To Spend Magnificent Years
Episodes: 40 + Extra
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.75/5

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Recaps: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [ 37] [38] [39] [40[Extra]


Zhang Ling He:
Pei Wen Xuan
Zhao Jin Mai:
Li Rong
Chen He Yi:
Su Rong Qing

Liu Xu Wei:
Li Chuan
Cheng Guo:
Shangguan Ya
Yi Da Qian:
Su Rong Hua

He Qiu:
Qin Zhen Zhen
Xun Chuan

Mini Recaps

[Ep1[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Our Princess Li Rong and her fuma Pei Wen Xuan die on the same night. She was 38, and he was 40. Neither of them pass this age, but I guess it's better that for the rest of 39 episodes, they're playing the right age. She thinks he poisoned her and he thinks she sent assassins. 

Other key happenings in the first life: 
  • The Emperor (Li Chuan) is dying. Throughout his reign, he was a puppet to the Noble Houses. He suspects his sister, Li Rong (Shangguan family), will rebel. 
  • The Emperor wants to depose Li Xin (Crown Prince, Empress's son) and make Li Ping (Qin Zhen Zhen's son) the new Crown Prince. 
  • The Empress (Shangguan Ya) sent a letter to "Second Lord" to tell him to be ready at any moment (to rebel). 
  • Su Rong Qing is Li Rong's beau that she keeps in her room while being married to Pei Wen Xuan.
  • Zhang Ling He's greasy moustache needs to go: 
Dramas give too much power to moustaches: turn women into men and men into old men.

Li Rong revives. Shock. She is 18 again. She reunites with her servant, Jing Lan, who died from an arrow to protect her. She sees her father (Emperor) and realizes he was already cautious of her poisoning him, but she still loves and misses him. Now she has to pick her husband all over again. 

Pei Wen Xuan revives too. Double shock. He's back to being poor. 
First marriage
Li Rong curiously asks Jing Lan for Pei Wen Xuan's reaction to her consort-pageant invitation. She quotes him: 

Pei Wen Xuan: I'm not capable, but good thing is I'm hot my 皮相尚可 face/skin is satisfactory.
[Ep2][Jump to: Top | Comments]

At the pageant banquet, our consort-candidate, Pei Wen Xuan, sees Li Rong. He thinks to himself: 

Pei Wen Xuan: That year when you were 18 and I was 20 was the most beautiful memory of my life. 

Then he sees her with Su Rong Qing. And that was the worst memories of his lifeLi Rong had adopted Su Ring Qing into their home and wanted to divorce Pei Wen Xuan, but he wouldn't allow it. Her best ally can only be him

Pei Wen Xuan interrupts the rendezvous to help Li Rong avoid marrying Su Rong Qing. If she chooses him, only two endings await her: execution or exile by marriage. Pei Wen Xuan has good intentions, but Li Rong won't even spare him a glance. She even embarrasses him in public, but that doesn't stop him from wanting the best for her. He even proposes! He cares! 
Consort Ning (but I will call her Consort Yang to refer to her family name (Yang Wan)) wants her brother (Yang Quan) to be chosen as the Princess's fuma. It's to keep her family safe in case they're punished, but the Emperor rejects her (because he plans to take down the Yang Family).

Li Rong can't avoid not marrying Pei Wen Xuan! He made himself the only choice left, ha. She doesn't want to relive her old life as she remembers how Qin Zhen Zhen (the Emperor's consort) was his childhood sweetheart. Aw, she cared a lot too! Upset, she orders Pei Wen Xuan to eat the lemons because he's allergic to citrons. If her heart is in pain, she wants him to be in pain with her

Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan play a game of weiqiIt's magical. It's like each piece they place in an intersection represents a unique aspect of their life, their shared memories, revealing not just strategies but their emotions and thoughts. Their connection is profound. They know they have both been reborn. 

[Ep3[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong asks Pei Wen Xuan why he's meddling with her marriage. She answers for him: "Because you're guilty!" She calls him 狼心狗肺– heart of a wolf, and lungs of a dog, a cruel and unscrupulous thing that's not even human. Pei Wen Xuan insists that he only wants to help. Whether in the past or the now, he never changed; he just wants her to be well. He offers to marry her until she overcomes her obstacle, and then she can pick her favoured husband. 

Li Rong feels sick. How can he be so audacious to suggest they live the same life, suspecting and scheming each other for another 20 long years? She's had enough. She won't marry him. 

There's a downpour, and she recalls their fight over Qin Zhen Zhen, the woman Pei Wen Xuan loves according to Li Rong. His eyes looked conflicted, and his mouth was knotted. He struggled to explain his feelings for Qin Zhen Zhen, letting Li Rong think whatever she wanted. He accepted her condition to stay married for convenience. They vowed to be allies instead, never to betray or they'll die. Thunder struck on their vow. 17 years later, they died together. But did they betray? 

Rewatching their conflict here (the flashback of her asking him to be allies) hurts me so much more. 

"If you don't answer me (to be only allies and not lovers), then I'll think you still like me." 

He's silent.

"But if you have feelings for me, and you still involve yourself with her, then that's too disgusting."

1) Li Rong has convinced herself she doesn't need love, but Pei Wen Xuan later corrects her (Ep26). Li Rong wants love, and the love she wants is more pure than most. It's displayed in this scene that she cannot tolerate PWX having an inkling of feelings for another woman even if she loves him, and he (partially) loves her, too.

2) Pei Wen Xuan agrees to Li Rong's alliance because the other option was to divorce. He did not know love. He's conflicted about his feelings, but if the other option was divorce, he knew he had to choose to be allies. In the following 17 tears, he gradually realizes who he loves: Li Rong. She was the only light in the corrupted palace. Everyone succumbed to power and greed, but never Li Rong. 

3) The rest of the show is Pei Wen Xuan in debt, wanting to earn back Li Rong's love. He goes above and beyond to be her purity to match her purity (Ep26). In Ep27, he even said that he doesn't want her to look down on him. He wants to be her light for as far as her eyes can see

Pei Wen Xuan eases into his chair, acting mellow that yes, he's meddling, but since they were married, he just wants to be nice. Plus, who else can help her now? 口是心非. His mouth just can't say what his heart feels. If he didn't love her, he would have walked away by now! 

Li Chuan (Crown Prince and Li Rong's brother) is upset at her sister's fuma-candidates. The Empress explains to him that between his position as the crown prince, and his sister's happiness, they can only choose one. The Emperor cannot tolerate Li Rong marrying anyone from the Noble Houses (e.g. Su Rong Qing) because that will make the Shangguan Family (e.g. Empress, Li Chuan, and Li Rong) too strong. 

Pei Wen Xuan's plan to help Li Rong is simply to help Li Chuan ascend the throne. Once he has power, Li Rong can divorce her husband, and marry whomever she wishes. Now then, which lad should she marry? 

The Common Houses fuma-candidatesCui Yu Lang comes from a poor family and he's promiscuous. Yang Quan is aggressive and his clan is overtly ambitious for power. The Emperor has plans to exterminate this family, and if Li Rong chooses him, the Emperor will know she wants power, and tarnish her with them. Dads...he rejected Consort Yang Wan's request, but still allowed Yang Quan to be a candidate to test Li Rong....? Lord Ning might be her best option of these three. Bonus: he's going to die in two years. Yay! The problem is he's cognitively impaired. As long as she can withstand the malicious rumours, Pei Wen Xuan assures her that she'll marry her Su Rong Qing soon. You will see that Li Rong is gradually more upset with Pei Wen Xuan. In this whole conversation, he talked about every candidate except himself. He says Lord Ning is her best choice. No, her best choice is Pei Wen Xuan. It was so obvious, and he didn't say it. (But he did offer himself before and she was offended!! Ah, Li Rong.). 

Li Rong tells Pei Wen Xuan they should never see each other again. There was a hard pause, and her tone hardened too. She isn't saying what she truly wants. Pei Wen Xuan's eyes dim, and the corner of his lips tighten. In a controlled voice, he agrees. The lump in my throat D: Omg, and Pei Wen Xuan's OST, "Never Ending Love" T_T They're both in pain from this. These two idiots!  
Li Rong serves Pei Wen Xuan lemon, knowing precisely that he's allergic to citrons. T_T. He eats it until she's satisfied. But why is their heartache in her expression? She can't face him anymore. 

Li Rong: We've settled our debts. That's it for her "revenge" on him....

After Pei Wen Xuan leaves, Li Rong quickly orders her maid to prepare money, ginger soup, medicine, and a shawl for Pei Wen Xuan. Awwww, clearly, our drama isn't about revenge. Li Rong never hated Pei Wen Xuan even if she believed he poisoned her. There's so much tenderness in the items she prepared: ginger soup and a shawl because of the cold weather.
Pei Wen Xuan receives the tenderness from Li Rong via the maids. He has last words for Li Rong....on top of last words, worried that she'll be reckless even after triggering his allergies. He can't let her go. He really can't let her go. His eyes are glistening as he wraps himself in the shawl she gave, smiles at the sweet jujubes, and hugs the bowl of warm ginger soup with his hands. He doesn't even need to jujube to taste the sweetness. He smiles at the money too. Only Li Rong would pay so much attention to his low self-esteem. 

Li Rong receives Pei Wen Xuan's (not) last, last words. She's happy that he's worried about her. She sighs, though. This is their farewell. She's going to lose her best weiqi opponent. No one played better than Pei Wen Xuan. Su Rong Qing would always yield, which was no fun. Only Pei Wen Xuan challenged her bravely and viciously. 

Rewatch: The way these men play is the way they pursue their love. Li Rong likes her men the way she likes her game of qi. 

Yang Quan (the aggressive candidate) concocts a kidnap to make Li Rong his wife by force so that the Emperor cannot punish his Yang family. Pei Wen Xuan helps Li Rong escape, but he actually almost slung her down, ruining her stealth decoy plan. Our smart idiot almost killed his wife, lol
They're escaping for their lives, and they still have the energy to bicker. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Li Rong. Will speaking nicely kill you? 
Li Rong: Ey, I can speak fine to others. With you? No. He's the only one who's special to her like this xD.

Li Rong isn't that worried. The worst is just marrying Yang Quan. Pei Wen Xuan does not like that. She's more interested in something else: how come Pei Wen Xuan is here? He's about to confess his crime, and before he starts, she already knows. Loool. She asks if he's really not back for revenge. Ha! She jumps off his back, afraid she'll accidentally murder him. I love how they argue so lightheartedly. How deep is their love that they can argue peacefully despite the looming question of their murder. 

Like old married couples, Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan argue and argue. It's endless until someone's stomach grumbles. Li Rong plops down, tired from all the walking. Pei Wen Xuan walks around to find twigs to start a fire. He should be more tired than her, but he wants them to be warm and her to be fed. Aw

In the palace. Consort Yang solicits the Empress, but it's more like a threat. If they don't join forces (have Yang Quan and Li Rong marry), then Consort Yang will accuse the Crown Prince as their mastermind. 

In the wild. Pei Wen Xuan tells Li Rong to sit on the dry grass so that his tinder doesn't fly away. 

Li Rong: This person. Can't even say nice words properly. Says who!!  

He smiles, knowing she understands his intentions. He wants her to be warm, and wraps the shawl around her too. 

Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong resolve their misunderstanding! They didn't kill each other. It was Su Rong Qing who manipulated them both. He poisoned Li Rong, and then egged her to kill Pei Wen Xuan for the "betrayal". Li Rong is in disbelief. She saved Su Rong Qing when Su Clan was to be exterminated. But his clan was only exterminated because of her brother, Li Chuan, and it was cruel that he was the only one alive. And he couldn't even be alive as a man. He was castrated and became a eunuch. Woow

[Ep4[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Consort Yang entices Consort Rou to overthrow the Emperor as well. She needs to oust him before he exterminates her Yang Clan. This Emperor has such powerful wives. The Empress is from Shangguan Family (powerful in the capital). Consort Rou & Yang have military power. However, Consort Yang's alliance with Consort Rou is only a facade! It's to make the Empress anxious and force her compliance. Cunning.

Pei Wen Xuan is freezing cold and keeps warm by the fire. Li Rong reluctantly offers her dry grass bed, and before she finishes her sentence.....

Pei Wen Xuan: Coming. LOL

Our married couple finally share the same (makeshift) bed after 17 years, and they talk about Qin Zhen Zhen... Other than this blip in their conversation, the rest is heart-to-heart. Li Rong appreciates his help that almost killed her. She acknowledges his good intentions and Pei Wen Xuan acknowledges his past mistakes. They ask about their future from hereon. Pei Wen Xuan hasn't thought of his yet. Li Rong knows she doesn't want to live like the past. She doesn't want to see a tyrannical Li Chuan and a destitute Su Rong Qing. It seems at the mention of Su Rong Qing, Pei Wen Xuan shuts his eyes to shut his heart from hearing about another man on his bed with his wife. Pei Wen Xuan remembers the past. Jing Lan had convinced him to coax Li Rong, who was too arrogant to admit she loved him, but he was too stubborn to admit he was wrong. He tells Li Rong that he has regrets (his flashback = Li Rong is flogged because she wants to save Su Rong Qing), but she's asleep.

Pei Wen Xuan (to himself): In my past life, I did not forsake the palace or the country. I only forsake the grand princess. He covers her with the cloak to keep her warm.
Li Rong wakes up first slightly before Pei Wen Xuan. He's not as calm as her. 

Pei Wen Xuan: I’m thinking how do I tell you I didn’t do anything to you [while you were sleeping]
Li Rong: I know. I’m not at that age where I feel nothing if you did anything. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Li Rong. You're still a princess. Can you be a bit more refined? 
Li Rong: I’m already at such an age, why pretend to be refined?

Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan hide from Su Rong Qing, who's leading the search for our princess. Pei Wen Xuan comforts Li Rong that the current Su Rong Qing is still a nobleman. He never participated in politicking. He isn't the Su Rong Qing who killed her. In fact, the one who's more hostile is Li Chuan. He's aggressive with Pei Wen Xuan after finding out Li Rong spent a night with him. 

Su Rong Qing is much gentler. He asks Li Rong, "Your Highness, have you been well?" Meanwhile Pei Wen Xuan watches quizzically from afar because Su Rong Qing was never involved in their life this early. Meanwhile Tong Ye watches his master with a pout. He's not angry at Pei Wen Xuan. He's mad that Li Chuan called his master a dog!
Li Chuan asks his sister to promise him one thing. 

Li ChuanJie, even if you marry, I still must be your most important man. Awwwww.

But Li Rong remembers Li Chuan's cruelty. After Qin Zhen Zhen died, he slit the throat of an innocent maid. Li Rong had to remind him he's the ruler of their nation to stop his tyranny. Emotionless, he dropped his sword and hollered at everyone to scram. The current Li Chuan though, is innocent. This innocence is precisely what Li Rong swears to protect in this life.

Pei Wen Xuan and Su Rong Qing chatter about Li Rong's marriage. For Su Rong Qing, between Yang Quan and Pei Wen Xuan, he would prefer Pei Wen Xuan. And Su Rong Qing, this is your business because...? Pei Wen Xuan wonders if Su Rong Qing was also reborn.
The Empress summons Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan separately. 

The Empress wants Li Rong to marry Yang Quan for military power. Li Rong says that's killing Li Chuan because the Emperor hates/fears power alliance. The Empress refutes because it's the Emperor who's killing them. He wants to promote Xiao Clan (= Consort Rou) and empower Li Cheng (Prince Su) over Li Chuan. The Empress thought of everyone in her family except Li Rong, her daughter. Li Rong will have to marry the barbaric Yang Quan. The Empress pauses. Li Rong says she still has another choice: Pei Wen Xuan. He may have nothing to offer the Empress, but he can give Li Rong stability. With him, she can earn the Emperor's trust that she isn't vying for power. 

Li Rong confronts her mother for using her. "A daughter isn't a daughter, but just a sword. My happiness doesn't matter." The Empress slaps Li Rong, asking her daughter if she has a heart. Li Rong has a heart!! Li Rong understands the Empress is clouded by jealousy (over Consort Rou). She assures the Empress that Li Chuan will have his military power, but it should not be from Yang Clan. Li Rong will also allow her marriage to be a bargaining chip, but not for a worthless alliance.

Li Rong: Leave everything to me and Chuan'er. As for you, you only need to do one thing. [...]. I only need you to be a good mother :(

The Empress cries. She reveals she's being threatened by both sides: Consort Yang will accuse Li Chuan of being the mastermind (in revolting), and the Emperor wants to undermine Li Chuan and Shangguan Family. The Empress just wants everyone she cares to survive. Li Rong understands. She will handle it. What a dependable daughter.

Pei Wen Xuan sees Li Rong hiding her freshly slapped cheeks. He has the best remedy (aww): 

Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness, this marriage, do you think we should do it again? 

He's not pitying Li Rong as she assumes. He wants to marry her. He wants to make things right. This is not pity. This is his love. Li Rong takes his offer. "Then let's marry." Here's there non-financial-prenup: he cannot tolerate her "living room guest" (= Su Rong Qing), and she cannot tolerate his "heart guest" (= Qin Zhen Zhen). They agree. Peeps. Most romantic proposal right here

Next, Pei Wen Xuan sucks up to his mother-in-law the Empress. Easy peasy. He promises to help her son, Li Chuan by approaching the Emperor (like a secret agent) with his Common Clan identity. The Empress interrogates him. Why pick Li Chuan (and not Li Cheng)? I thought he was going to speak like a slick car salesman, but he's so genuine (': 

Pei Wen Xuan: This humble servant cannot bear to see the princess be disgraced. 
Empress (surprised): You love my daughter? 
Pei Wen Xuan: I wish to plant a Phoenix tree in my courtyard to attract the Phoenix to come back home. He's going to create an environment (tree) for Li Rong to call home (': 

The Empress seems to be moved by his sincerity. She must have approved. Pei Wen Xuan leaves and a fancy carriage awaits him (as he had requested from Li Rong). But he didn't ask for clothes, and Li Rong thoughtfully prepared that

Now it's time for Pei Wen Xuan to meet his father-in-law the Emperor, and truly be the slick car salesman that's in his DNA

[Ep5[Jump to: Top | Comments]

The Emperor trusts Pei Wen Xuan is on his side (= against Yang Clan and the Noble Houses). He permits the marriage with Li Rong. 

Pei Wen Xuan has earned everyone's permission except there's one more... It's Pei Wen Xuan's! Li Rong confirms with him that if he takes this sword from her, he's set on marrying her. 

Li Rong: Do you dare take this?
Pei Wen Xuan: If the princess dares to give, then this humble servant dares to take. 

Consort Yang plans to kill Pei Wen Xuan. Li Rong paces back and forth, worried for him. She sent her guards to protect him. He's fine! Pei Wen Xuan overcomes the assassination and kills Yang Quan. Yuan Fei Yu (Li Rong's guard) greets Pei Wen Xuan, who then tells him that he will personally thank the princess the next day. No need. Tong Ye is grateful for the princess because that means she's watching out for his master, letting him rest. Actually. Y'all thought too much. Li Rong wants Pei Wen Xuan's gratitude right now. Please kowtow to her portrait 3 times. HAHA. "No problem." Say what? This answer from Pei Wen Xuan surprises everyone and even Yuan Fei Yu. And voila! Here's Pei Wen Xuan's three kowtows:
Where's the full sized poster?
Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong make the same plans to visit the Emperor. Hers is a random excuse of showing the Emperor flowers. They both have to wait. She's actually waiting for Pei Wen Xuan ~ She knew he would report to the Emperor. AWWWW! Who needs him to visit her the next day when she is going to visit him immediately. She prepares an extra teacup and a seat for Pei Wen Xuan. She questions him if he's back because he misses her. Sweetie, you miss him. But they both know exactly what happened, and why he's back, but still his words that he dare not miss her disappoints Li Rong. 
Rewatchers! I found the buttercup (ranunculus). When Pei Wen Xuan walked up to her, he even looked in the direction of the flowers. He made a mental note of her love for romance novels because he didn't know it started this early, but not the flowers because that was already obvious to him. 
It's confirmed. The Emperor approves of Pei Wen Xuan as his son-in-law. That above is the face of the man who wants to be praised by his wife for overcoming all obstacles for her hand: The way his eyes slit smugly at her xD Li Rong just isn't a giver at the moment, and so Pei Wen Xuan compliments her acting. The Emperor was a great actor too, pretending to be clueless about Yang Quan's death. Like father, like daughter! 

Pei Wen Xuan does have a serious question for Li Rong.  Very serious. What did she mean to appoint Su Rong Qing for the case? To investigate with Su Rong Qing everyday or summon him at her side at all times? Heh. Li Rong isn't losing this verbal spar. She finds something puny on his chest: it's the eye of his heart 🤏 [小心眼 Xiǎo xīn yǎn – Small heart eyes →  Petty / Narrow-sightedminded]. Notices Jing Lan at the back please. She was having so much fun shipping them. 
The bickering never stops. Pei Wen Xuan insults Li Rong back, calling her an "old cow chowing on young and tender grass". LOL. Not our Niu Niu 🐮🐮 calling his FL a cow! xD. (Btw, Zhang Ling He is affectionately called a cow because of his bad singing, lol)

Pei Wen Xuan pulled an all-nighter to capture Yang Clan. During the morning summit, he lines up way at the end because he ranks way low while Li Rong is way ahead. Pei Wen Xuan swears to himself that one day he will walk side by side with her. That dream might not be that far away.... Li Rong is prohibited from entering and she has to wait outside with Pei Wen Xuan. Pei Wen Xuan is such a rascal, though. He teases Li Rong if she was actually waiting for him....or..... was he making her pride feel better by turning her father's rejection into a lighthearted joke? Awww. It's the latter

[Ep6[Jump to: Top | Comments]

All the Noble Houses defend Yang Clan. It's Pei Wen Xuan's testimony vs. everyone's accusations. Actually though, it's the Emperor who's "secretly" wielding Pei Wen Xuan like a sword at all the Noble Houses. 

Su Rong Qing is so nosy about Li Rong's marriage. Annoyed, Pei Wen Xuan asserts that he will definitely marry the princess. Su Rong Qing continues to pester, though and asks Pei Wen Xuan about his feelings for Li Rong, and then for his wawaqing (Qin Zhen Zhen). Pei Wen Xuan is seething. Su Rong Qing smiles and says he understands: some people are like the moon. They can yearn for her, but they can't have her. Pei Wen Xuan's lips curl into a cold smile. He warns Su Rong Qing to cease mentioning Li Rong or he'll think his "moon" is Li Rong. Pei Wen Xuan used Su Rong Qing's words against him. By calling Li Rong Su Rong Qing's moon, he's telling Su Rong Qing that he can want her, but he can never have her

Like a middle-aged husband, Pei Wen Xuan sleeps anywhere anytime. Li Rong wakes him up~~ 
We can have tea parties in carriages now, lol
Cute, cute, cute!
They didn't reveal what they remembered, but they shared the same memory at this exact moment 😘

Pei Wen Xuan is concerned about Li Rong's safety because she's personally investigating Tuoba Yan (who is money laundering for Yang Clan). Li Rong teases that he cares about her, but then he lies that he's actually worried about himself. 

Pei Wen Xuan: If something happens to you, I won't have my life anymore. 
Li Rong: Then remember for now on, I, (Princess) Ping Yue, am your life. You are.

Look at our cute exclusive couple clutching each other to avoid the opposite sex:
Li Rong finds Tuoba Yan's ledgers. She's almost caught by the guards, but she's saved by Su Rong Qing. Pei Wen Xuan spots them escaping together and catches up. Pei Wen Xuan might be drunk, but he knows that Su Rong Qing wanted to propose to Li Rong, but as long as Pei Wen Xuan is here, Su Rong Qing can't even dream of saying it. Whew. And for the record, Li Rong shifted out of Su Rong Qing's arms before Pei Wen Xuan arrived. As for Li Rong, she's more confused at the logistics than moved by Su Rong Qing's (half-told-)proposal. Then Pei Wen Xuan pukes very on cue, and Li Rong totally forgets about the proposal as she tends to her grumpy fiancé. Feng Ming (Li Chuan's female bodyguard) smiles at the cute bickering couple. 

Li Rong takes Pei Wen Xuan for a walk to sober up. He's following so closely and blindly that he bumps into her. She laughs that he doesn't ask where she's taking him. He answers that it's because she won't lead him to death, but every choice he made thus far has put him in danger. Even if she's taking him to hell, Pei Wen Xuan is walking with her. She can feel the bones in his words, and thinks it's her revealing Persian dress that bothers him. (It's clothes from Su Rong Qing that bothers him.) Li Rong reminds Pei Wen Xuan that he loved her Persian dress when they married the first year. 
No kissing this life (yet), but Li Rong, like a CEO, buys her fiancé candy. 
Niu Niu chose a cow 🐮 and Mai Mai chose wheat 🌾
Li Rong asks Pei Wen Xuan why he must kill Yang Quan. His answer: because Li Rong wanted military power. What she wants, he'll give. Swoon. But that's not all. Un-swoon..? Yang Clan was an incessant pest to the royal family in the past. He also doesn't want Li Rong and Li Chuan to be imprisoned because they lacked military power. 

Li Rong was almost touched by Pei Wen Xuan. He teases her that if she really is moved, then he can promise he won't ever take her life. Li Rong, however, cannot wager on his life or death. She just knows that if she ever takes his life, he'll definitely bury her with him. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Then let’s make a bet. If Your Highness can have her heart moved by me, this humble servant can even give you his life. Re-swoon!

His eyes are red! Meanwhile her eyes are seeing two Pei Wen Xuans. She's remembering the feelings of her first love ~ 

[Ep7[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong fail to enlist Qin Li (Qin Zhen Zhen's brother). Pei Wen Xuan is unconcerned though because Qin Li will be the general who will help secure Li Chuan's reign. Our couple hike down again and Pei Wen Xuan notices that Li Rong is exhausted. He knowingly smiles and then boasts about his rejuvenated body and athleticism. Hearing that, Li Rong orders him to squat and then aggressively jumps onto his back. Pei Wen Xuan knows her so well. He purposely boasted about his strength for her to feel entitled to shove him off his high horse
Pei Wen Xuan is gentle with Li Rong to avoid waking her, but her sleep is rudely interrupted by a minister of Justice arresting Pei Wen Xuan. He's accused of killing Tuoba Yan (ahem, Consort Yang). Li Rong carries subtle menace in her melodic voice as she threatens the minister that Pei Wen Xuan is her man, and in the future he will likely continue to be her man. Ou. The minister understands: Pei Wen Xuan will not be mistreated. 

Li Chuan and Qin Zhen Zhen fight and fall in love. (Li Chuan doesn't help Li Rong with the incarceration because he knows that they need to divide and conquer. He trusts his sister can handle the palace, while his priority is falling in love with Qin Zhen Zhen convincing Qin Li.)

Oh oh OH. Su Rong Qing loves Li Rong. He draws her portrait from across the divider and keeps it close to his heart. 

Li Rong imprisons herself with Pei Wen Xuan in the cell next door. You know how Pei Wen Xuan accused Li Rong of wanting to spend day and night "investigating" with Su Rong Qing before? He was wrong. She got the chance with Su Rong Qing, but she would rather spend time with Pei Wen Xuan in prison. After Pei Wen Xuan asks for updates on Qin Li, he has a solution and it involves "Zhen–". 

Li Rong: Zhen what? She hates it that he drops Qin Zhen Zhen's surname. Could that be why she dropped Su Rong Qing's surname?

Pei Wen Xuan truly believes that Qin Zhen Zhen unwillingly rejected their marriage because of her family. Li Rong is incredulous. She laughs at him but she's also mad. She's so jealous, lol.  In the BTS, Zhao Jin Mai's fire stick wasn't supposed to be faulty, but she acted through it, which showed her jealousy better. He's clueless as to her jealousy because what more is there to be upset about Qin Zhen Zhen? It must be about Tuoba Yan. Looool, Men. He comforts her that from now on he'll do the interrogation. She rejects because her mood has nothing to do with him. Her bad mood has everything to do with him, lol. He disagrees. They are to live together. If she comes home upset, the one who suffers is him. Awww, lol. His clumsy comforting somehow worked. She likes the sound of "living together" and "from now on". Li Rong cooly permits it, but the lightness in her tone betrays her underlying happiness.

Su Rong Qing isn't the only one who drew Li Rong. Pei Wen Xuan drew her from memory. He even wrote a poem comparing her beauty to a peony, so beautiful that it overturns the city....but too bad she is an old and stale peony. LOL. Before she whips him between the bars, Pei Wen Xuan eloquently and shamelessly defends himself that calling her old and stale is a compliment (in what universe?). The sound effect team covered his verbosity with Mooos! xD 

Qin Zhen Zhen visits Pei Wen Xuan in prison and personally rejects her marriage with him. Trust, it has nothing to do with her family. Li Rong can't stop laughing. 

[Ep8[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Pei Wen Xuan will not interfere with Qin Zhen Zhen's life, but he can, depending on Li Rong. If she wants him to, he will. In the past, he shouldn't have meddled with Qin Zhen Zhen's affairs. Right now, he definitely shouldn't meddle. Everyone has their own destiny. As for him, since he promised to marry Li Rong, he will hold himself accountable as her husband. Li Rong's heart clenches. She confirms if there's a deadline (I think she's hoping for him to say he will always be her husband), and what he hears is that there is a deadline. The slight drop in Pei Wen Xuan's jaw is just a fraction of the drop in his heart :(

They open up about their marriage in the past. Pei Wen Xuan was stubborn and inflexible. Since he was promised to Qin Zhen Zhen, he thought he should be loyal to her. He had assumed he liked her, and then he met Li Rong and he also loved her too. He struggled with his values. Li Rong knew all of this, but it's news to Pei Wen Xuan that Li Rong knew he loved her. Li Rong also analyzes herself that although she knew, she lacked emotional resilience and was afraid to confirm. She closed her heart to him after that. 

Pei Wen Xuan elaborates his side. Unwilling to admit his halfheartedness for Qin Zhen Zhen, whom he thought he loved, was just one layer. Unwilling to bow down to royal power was the other layer. He didn't want to admit that he loves Li Rong because that was like losing to power. 

Pei Wen Xuan wonders why Li Rong didn't wait for him (to sort out his feelings) if she knew he loved her. 

Li Rong: Why should I wait for you? [...] A girl like me, you shouldn't be asking why I didn't wait for you. You should be asking why should I even bother waiting for you? 
Rise and shine! Li Rong is slaying her old lady exercises xD

Grit and grind! Li Chuan is slaying on the battlefield with the help of Qin Li. 

Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong are released after Tuoba Yan turns himself in, revealing that he's alive, meaning Pei Wen Xuan cannot be a murderer. This is timed to Li Chuan capturing Yang Clan redhanded for embezzling. With hard evidence (embezzlement and Tuoba Yan's testimony on money laundering), no Noble Family can defend Yang Clan anymore. 

Pei Wen Xuan is suspicious of Su Rong Qing approaching Li Rong. Li Rong isn't. She tells Pei Wen Xuan his difference with him. Su Rong Qing is more cruel. "Clan, Glory, and Tradition are values he must carry for his whole life. For that, he was taught to restrain and to endure. He will not possess emotions that you're thinking of like love." Pei Wen Xuan disagrees. He calls her cute for being so gullible. 

Consort Yang is trialled at court. Her testimony is electrifying. "I, Yang Wan, am also.a loyal and brave woman known across the world." Although she's wrong, she's admirable. It seems her family supported this Emperor's ascension and she is indignant because of his betrayal. She's furious and exposes the Emperor for wanting to depose Li Chuan and shrivel Li Rong's power in a poor marriage. Blinded by rage, she points her sword at Li Rong, but Pei Wen Xuan shields his wife with his body. Consort Yang is killed by a guard. The Emperor is relieved her mouth is forever silenced and orders her to be towed away. However, Li Rong keeps Consort Yang's dignity and covers her body. She shouldn't be towed, but carried out. 

Father Yang cries for his daughter. There is gratitude in his tears for Li Rong. Pei Wen Xuan knew that Father Yang was once noble, but he was born in a corrupted system. Pei Wen Xuan wanted to know how he decayed in order to prevent himself and others from decaying (i.e. Pei Wen Xuan wants to change the system.) 

[Ep9] [Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong thinks Pei Wen Xuan's talk with Father Yang was nugatory. Doesn't he already know how he died? Pei Wen Xuan elaborates that he wants to hear the truth because only the dying won't care to lie. Not everyone is as true as they appear like her for example (or Su Rong Qing, according to Li Rong). and not everyone will be like Li Rong, caring about the dignity of the dead, going against power to do what's right. Awww, this compliment from him about her. He wants her to know not all words are the truth, and not all hoaxes are lies. He gives her an example: "I look like I'm joking, but I really need – he takes her hand to his chest – money." LOL. So much duplicity. His example is for this part: "not all words are the truth". He's not joking that he wants her. Since she's pinching his allowance, he calls her poor and teases if other princesses are better off. In a huff, she tells him to find other princesses, but nope, he wants her money only. In a puff, she leaves. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Li Rong. The way he calls her ~ 
Li Rong: Speak!
Pei Wen Xuan: If there is a next time, I will still protect you in the front. Swoon. To have someone protect you is always a good thing. 

Pei Wen Xuan's mother (Madam Wen) is worried that her son will be a fuma. He assures her that he fought hard for this marriage and that he pursued the princess. Madam Wen had thought Pei Wen Xuan was interested in Qin Zhen Zhen, but now that she thinks about it, he never seemed to be in love. He never sent her a letter or even acted differently. He was always courteous with her. So different from when he's with Li Rong, mmhmm. Pei Wen Xuan jokes if it's only love if he likes to pick on her. 

Madam Wen: In front of the person you love, you'll always be a child.

Pei Wen Xuan ruminates on his mother's words.  Pei Wen Xuan always knew he loved Li Rong, but I think in this second life, he has a deeper realization of how much more he is in love.

Wedding preparations are in full gear.

Li Rong has Pei Wen Xuan choose between two of her wedding dresses. Then she vetoes his choice because the right choice is always the men's wrong choice. Amen xD

Pei Wen Xuan gives red pockets pouches. He's extra generous with Su Rong Qing's and gives him double. This is where Li Rong's money is going, lol. He asks Su Rong Qing for advice: who would he choose between his wife and his clan. Su Rong Qing can't seem to answer without losing his social smile. He says he will choose who's right. Pei Wen Xuan continues to probe: shouldn't it be family? Su Rong Qing slickly answers: "Isn't your wife also family?" 

I finally know Li Rong's other maid's name! Jing Mei delivers a letter to Pei Wen Xuan from Li Rong. He smiles tenderly at her, threatening him that nothing embarrassing should happen at their wedding. Y'all don't understand. These are love letters.

Su Rong Qing drowns in alcohol the night before Li Rong marries Pei Wen Xuan. I'm only mentioning this because the camera pans to the "moon" that looks like a lamp bulb. Li Rong will always be his moon. He can yearn, but he can never have

Wedding day

Li Chuan is both happy to see his a jie marrying, and annoyed that Pei Wen Xuan doesn't deserve her. He really loves Li Rong. He also isn't mad at Prince Su (Li Cheng) promising his a jiePrincess Hua Yue, a grander marriage because he shares the same love for his a jie. He even personally escorts Li Rong's carriage. It's unfitting for a crown prince, but he is her brother before he is a prince. 

Yikes, Su Rong Qing is the best man. This was Pei Wen Xuan's wedding present for Li Rong. What a green-tea move, LOL.. The poem he reads is the poem he wrote in the past.... and how can Li Rong not be suspicious that he came back too???? 

With the crown prince as the bridesmaid and the best nobleman (Su Rong Qing) as the best man, this wedding party is the bomb. 

Our bride and groom glare stare at each other. There's love and a bit of hate from her because of what he did (invite Su Rong Qing), hahaha. They can even bicker during their aisle walkShe's petty enough to bump his head with her extravagant wedding crown. YOU KNOW WHAT. I just had a thought that needed all caps, sorry. There was a scene where she chose her wedding accessories, and now I think she chose the biggest crown with this purpose, hahaha.  
First marriage
Second marriage
Not sorry xD
The wedding dress that Pei Wen Xuan liked (right) was the one she wore for their first marriage ~ Aww.
First marriage

Su Rong Qing tells Li Chuan that Li Rong can risk her life for him (Li Chuan). Li Chuan knows, and he can risk his life for her too. Su Rong Qing wants him to confirm that he'll never betray Li Rong. Su Rong Qing explains that his bizarre question stems from his admiration of their sibling love, as he also has a brother, Su Rong Hua (Yi Da Qian!). (It seems as though Su Rong Qing's family (brother and father) knows that he doesn't want to be involved in the politics between the Noble Houses (Li Chuan) and Common Houses (Li Cheng / Prince Su), but he's oddly accepting Consort Rou's offer to teach her son, Prince Su.)

Li Rong needs help removing her extra-large and ostentatious crown, and lord knows how tough it is to get a seated husband walking, let alone helping. He unwillingly unseats his butt to free her head....but wait, how does he take this thing off? Haha. An old married couple's wedding night xD. I love this.
The producer shed light on the design of their bed. The backdrop is water. The lights dangle so that it can sway. It's an imagery of our couple that wherever they are, even in bed, they're sailing on the milky way of love. 坠入爱河. A lot of their highlight scenes also happen in water and with stars.

[Ep10[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Pei Wen Xuan claims that he made Su Rong Qing the bestman in consideration of Li Rong's happiness. Excuse me! On your wedding night, sir! You're telling her to consider another man?  Pei Wen Xuan asks her if she thought of marrying Su Rong Qing when he read her the poem. No. She changes the topic that it's impossible anyway; she, as a divorcee, cannot marry into a Noble Family. Don't worry! Pei Wen Xuan has a four-step plan for her. Li Rong is less than thrilled. She retaliates, offering to matchmake him and Qin Zhen Zhen too. He urgently explains he's not urgent about that. Lol. Well, so is she. If there's anything she's urgent about, it's sleeping. And we're back to the first problem: where does Pei Wen Xuan sleep? With her, of course! He's smiling that she offered. 

Li Rong is puzzled about their relationship. Kinda ironic after marrying not once but twice. Pei Wen Xuan suggests she can call him gege. She has a better idea: bestie (which implies that he's a girl friend). 
Her: "Bestie! Bestie! Bestie!"
Him: "My wife. My wifeMy wife!"
Our married couple's first task is to un-marry a future couple. They want to stop Shangguan Ya before she marries Li Chuan. Well, first they have to find her and Li Rong has all the wrong info. Her words were dripping with confidence that Shangguan Ya was a book-girl. No. She's a gambler. Haha. Pei Wen Xuan knew, though. He's not at all surprised that Li Rong failed to read people. 
Shangguan Ya flees from a breathless Li Rong (our 40yo needs exercise, lol) and crashes into love Su Rong Hua. Although Li Rong lost sight of Shangguan Ya, she climbs over the railing too, ordering a confused Su Rong Hua to catch her. She loses her grip when Pei Wen Xuan thunders her name. He's so worried! xD. He catches her safely, cradling her into his arms, but she's blaming him for making her fall. Hahaha, he's so cute at fretting over herPass on the blame~ Pei Wen Xuan hollers at Su Rong Hua for putting the princess in danger. Su Rong Hua shifts the blame back to the princess, which only upsets the princess's husband more. 

A nearby basket has a seizure. Shangguan Ya is inside, and she must be laughing at Su Rong Hua for winning the immature fight with Pei Wen Xuan, which exposes her location. No harm is done, though. Shangguan Ya is on the same page as them: she doesn't want to marry Li Chuan. Pei Wen Xuan, however, is slightly concerned that Shuangguan Ya and Su Rong Hua have met again. 

Li Rong is concerned about Li Chuan, who seems bleak about his future. His back is cloaked in an aura of deepening darkness, an eerie solitude. It reminds Li Rong of the past Li Chuan. He had told her there lies a monster trapped within him. Li Rong wonders when that monster appeared. Was it now? And who fed this monster? 
Just when Li Rong is apprehensive and lost, Pei Wen Xuan appears. love the colour of his robes. He can sense her melancholy. But does he sense how healing his presence is to her? Jing Lan can. Li Rong cheered up just seeing Pei Wen Xuan. Aw/ She shows it by being all handsy and hitting him. Tong Ye pretends he can't hear the lovers' quarrel.
Back at home, Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan play a game of weiqi. She confides in him her confusion about Li Chuan. Why was he in so much pain? Just because of Qin Zhen Zhen? Does love last that long? PWX's is eyes are telling her "yes". Pei Wen Xuan explains Li Chuan's perspective. Li Chuan's determination to pacify the war at North started because of Li Rong. When they were young, Li Rong cried in fear for a princess who had an alliance marriage and was murdered. From then on, Li Chuan promised himself that he would always protect Li Rong. 

Pei Wen Xuan says Li Chuan is different from Li Rong. Li Chuan is emotional and Li Rong is rational. Li Chuan fought for peace and defeated the noble families, but he lost everything that was valuable to him. Li Rong thinks it's just Qin Zhen Zhen, but she's wrong.

Pei Wen Xuan: He lost his mother, his wife, you, and himself. 

In a roundabout way, Pei Wen Xuan comforts Li Rong that she may have lost one game of weiqi. There's still another one: this second life.  
I love this shot of their house that looks like they're on a boat <3. Everywhere they are, they're on the milky way of love.
Pei Wen Xuan is in tune with Li Rong's mood once again, and cheers her up. 

Pei Wen Xuan: From now on, if you go out, I’ll pick you up. 😍
Li Rong: Tell me the truth. Do you want money again? 🤣 
This married couple <3

In response, Pei Wen Xuan calls her a dog. How, you ask? The full idiom that he couldn’t finish saying is 狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心. It literally means "A dog is biting Lv Dong Bin, not knowing how kind he is". If Pei Wen Xuan is "Lv Dong Bin" (from wiki: “a scholarly, clever man with a genuine desire to help people”), then she's the dog.

Li Rong approves of Pei Wen Xuan picking her up in her carefully crafted reluctant acceptance, but her eagerness (to see him everyday) is betrayed when she's hollering after him jokingly backing out and telling her to dream on. Li Rong loves this bickering. In Ep3, she mentioned the type of weiqi that she liked: the ones that were challenging. Only Pei Wen Xuan can play her like that. The type of weiqi she loves is the same as the type of love she wants: challenging, worthwhile, equals

[Ep11[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Nobody wants to be Li Chuan's wife. Lol. Qin Zhen Zhen is who he loves, but she doesn't want to be his consort. It's not that she doesn't love him, she prefers freedom. She gives him her blessings, though, to never retreat from his obstacles. Shangguan Ya is his appointed wife, but she doesn't want to be trapped in the palace either, vying with a bunch of girls for one man's affection. These two ladies were always so smart. It sucks that they had to marry the same man in the first life, the one thing they hated

Everyone who wants dibs on the future queen rigs the fragrance competition. Shangguan Clan pressures Li Chuan to choose Shangguan Ya's number. Consort Rou wants her niece (Xiao) to be chosen, but doesn't mind if the winner is Shangguan Ya because that will only make the Emperor hate Shangguan Family more. It's a win-win for Consort Rou. It's just that nobody realizes Shangguan Ya sabotaged her own chance, and switched her pouch with Qin Zhen Zhen. Li Rong needs to prevent all of this. She can't let either Qin Zhen Zhen or Shangguan Ya win, but Consort Rou is pretty cunning, blocking Li Rong from sending any signal to her brother. 

Pei Wen Xuan recognizes Li Rong's fragrance. That is our old married couple! I'm thinking he made that fragrance for her, and he's smiling because she actually remembers. This is all the signal he needs to help Li Chuan choose Li Rong. By choosing his sister as the winner, consort-selection is forfeited. A bullet has been dodged.

Afterwards, Li Rong waits for Pei Wen Xuan, but has a few words with Qin Zhen Zhen first. Li Rong clarifies there's no love between her and Pei Wen Xuan. Li Rong is totally misunderstanding and thinks they fancy each other. Her consideration for Pei Wen Xuan is the main reason for preventing Qin Zhen Zhen from being Li Chuan's consort. 

When the boys come out, Li Rong ignores Pei Wen Xuan and instead greets Su Rong Qing, thanking him for helping her earlier. Our girl is a hypocrite. She ignored him when she was waiting for him. Her jealousy is hurting Pei Wen Xuan ): Li Rong is rude to Pei Wen Xuan, but at the same time, she's also much closer with Pei Wen Xuan that she doesn't need to go out of her way to thank him. This scene did not feel good, but at least it indicates where they stand in her heart.  Pei Wen Xuan is bitter, but rubs it in to Su Rong Qing that when it's time to go, Li Rong is leaving with him. Awww, it's a pitiful win!! 

In the carriage, Pei Wen Xuan realizes why Li Rong thanked Su Rong Qing, and she hurts him some more by saying that Su Ring Qing is the one who knows her better. From Pei Wen Xuan's perspective, he has no interest in helping Qin Zhen Zhen because he doesn't care! And so when QZZ pleaded with her eyes, he didn't step in. He also knows in the first life Qin Zhen Zhen and Li Chuan love each other. Li Rong's concern for his non-existent feelings towards QZZ is beyond his conception yo. He changes the topic that she should be happy that they won today. She snubs him that he should be too. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Except for when Your Highness bullies me, I don't have unhappy times. ):

Li Rong stabs Pei Wen Xuan's heart even more. She talks about divorce and to spend his life with Qin Zhen Zhen, the woman he truly loves. Pei Wen Xuan can't talk nor look her in the eye. He can't even be in the same space with her and storms out of the carriage. 

After a few steps, he stops in his tracks. Utterly bitter. 

Pei Wen Xuan: I refuse (to accept this destiny). 
Pei Wen Xuan runs back and stops her carriage. He angrily tells her he doesn't like Qin Zhen Zhen. Li Rong is annoyingly considerate. She thinks she understands. It's been so many years, his love might not be as intense. No. Listen to Pei Wen Xuan. In the past, he didn't love Qin Zhen Zhen. Now he still doesn't love Qin Zhen Zhen. It was never love. 

Pei Wen Xuan: I never think of her. I never worry about her. It was everyone who told me she was going to be my wife and so I must treat her well. That's why I thought I liked [Qin Zhen Zhen]. It's until I met someone else then I knew. When she's sorrowful, I'll be nervous. When she smiles just once, all the cold winters in the world seem to disappear. When she sees a hairpin, I will remember it with my heart. When the weather changes, I will worry if she'll be rained on. When she's not home for a few days, I'll miss her like crazy. 

He finally looks up at Li Rong. He wishes he could write her letters when she was gone to tell her how much he misses her. He will wonder how many children they would have and if they can grow old together. Omg. I'm editing these recaps backwards and everything he says he wanted to do, she does it. She initiates them all :')

Pei Wen XuanLi Rong, if I have any regrets, it is only you. What I really did love, and really did lose was only Li Rong.

Li Rong is confused. She knew he liked her a bit, but he didn't like Qin Zhen Zhen at all? Pei Wen Xuan says it's because once she makes a conclusion, nothing will change her mind. She was blind to Shangguan Ya's disguise, Su Rong Qing's vengeance, and Li Chuan's difficulties. As for Pei Wen Xuan himself... 

Pei Wen Xuan: Li Rong. I really did love you. I did lose you. Do you understand my heart's yearnings and desires? 

Li Rong says she'll consider it. It's too much for her right now. Pei Wen Xuan shakes his head. It's not the answer he hoped for. He would rather she yell at him or stop him, love him or hate him, anything but this: to look at him and see nothing. 視若無睹. Oof. He leaves her. He cannot be like her, suppressing her feelings with rationality. He's exhausted. He will sleep separately with her from now on. 
Li Rong stops the carriage! She's unwilling to concede to the past and repeat her mistakes. She hops off and chases after Pei Wen Xuan! As long as she takes her steps towards him, Pei Wen Xuan will always turn around! :') 
Li Rong explains her perspective. She had asked him about Qin Zhen Zhen, and he said he was worried about her. She thought he had both of them in his heart, and she didn't want that kind of love. She also clarifies she doesn't just care about power. If others treat her well, she will treat them well too. 

Li Rong: I never wanted to use you for Chuan'er. I thought about you(r future) too. Also, didn't you also matchmake me with Su Rong Qing without my permission?
Pei Wen Xuan: Li Rong, I'm matchmaking you with Su Rong Qing to force you to see your own heart. Li Rong, you never tell me the truth. You will always use your rationality to suppress your emotions. That will only make me look more pitiful. 
Li Rong: I'm sorry. I'm used to it. Aw.
Pei Wen Xuan: Li Rong, I know my own heart. Do you know yours? 
Li Rong is silent. She's still looking for an answerIt's not that she doesn't love him. She's 40! Her feelings are weathered down. Her love is tainted with so many memories that pain her. She needs time
Pei Wen Xuan: What I told you today, do you understand? 
Li Rong: Yes...
Pei Wen Xuan: Are you happy? 
Li Rong nods
Pei Wen Xuan: That's good then. [...] If in the past we spoke our feelings maybe our ending would be happier. 

'Tis the episode that Pei Wen Xuan stops being stubborn with himself. He'll love openly with all his heart.

[Ep12[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Pei Wen Xuan isn't asking Li Rong to reply his confession. Why! He says it's better for them to unload their baggage to be better allies. Screw that. He also apologizes for matchmaking her with Su Rong Qing. She never blamed him for that. She just thinks before she clearly understands her feelings, she doesn't want to bother him. She's talking about Su Rong Qing and Pei Wen Xuan. She doesn't know her feelings to reply Pei Wen Xuan
"Don't laugh!"
Pei Wen Xuan wants them to change their relationship. Li Rong's like, No more bestiesHehe. He wants their feelings to be more out-spoken. Why be so stubborn when they're blessed with a second chance? That's hard for Li Rong, but she'll try. She has a request too. Can he please not be so quick to take offence and threaten to 分居This might get translated as divorce / separation. It is right! I just like that she chose this term specifically for divorce when we have a few other words for it. It literally means "to live separately" and reveals what she loves in her marriage with him: to live together every day

The Empress punishes Li Chuan. Li Rong is stoic, but there's pain in her eyes as she watches her brother kneel and kowtow for not marrying a woman. She interrogates her mother if she truly doesn't understand Uncle Shangguan's intentions. He doesn't just want to be the Crown Princess's father. He wants to be the Empress's father. He wants every ruler to be half Shangguan. However, the world isn't Shangguan's, but Li's. This is the crux of their father, the Emperor's, contempt. He will not tolerate Shangguan Family to be the mother of the country for another (4th) reign. 

Li Rong orders Li Chuan to stand and takes his hand to leave the Empress. Awwwwww. This sibling love. Li Chuan is touched and elated. He had thought Li Rong would take their mother's side. (She did...) He apologizes as well for being reckless. She couldn't marry the person she loves, so why should he be allowed to choose? Li Rong corrects him that she did marry the man she loves he's not reckless. He's just not powerful enough. Li Rong will always support him so that he has the power to choose the life he wants. He wonders if her support is conditional. What if she disagrees with what he thinks is right? 

Li Rong: Even if one day our thoughts are misaligned, you will always be my didi. I will never abandon you. 
Jing Lan auntie-smiles at the siblings
Li Chuan celebrates Qin Zhen Zhen's birthday and buys her a sword. They're sweet, but they're doomed. Because of their relationship, Uncle Shangguan sabotages Qin Family. On top of embezzlement, they're accused of treason, a crime that will exterminate their clan. 

The politics behind Noble Houses ganging up on Qin Family. It's not just because Qin Zhen Zhen is a threat to Shangguan Ya being the Crown Princess, but it did help Uncle Shangguan narrow down which of the Common Houses to target. The Emperor is overtly favouring the common houses, and nominating them to lead the battles to earn merits over the Noble Houses. The Noble Houses need a scapegoat, a symbol for the consequences of opposing the Noble Houses. 

The Inspectorate. Pei Wen Xuan suggests to Li Chuan (and the Emperor) to establish an Inspectorate, which is like the FBI and will operate independently from the government to ensure justice is administered without favouritism or corruption. Li Chuan wants Li Rong to take charge. He would take the position if he could, but as the Crown Prince, he cannot oppose the Noble Houses and favour the Common Houses. He hasn't amassed enough power to protect the people he loves, but he is determined that he will avenge them.  

Li Rong is reluctant about the Inspectorate because it is precisely this agency that plagued Li Chuan's reign. And this is the precise reason that Pei Wen Xuan suggested it. Instead of letting the Emperor establish it first (like the first life), they should take control. This is the choice Pei Wen Xuan is giving Li Rong. 

She's like Where is the choice? It's either accept this dangerous power or let Li Chuan die in the crossfire. Pei Wen Xuan disagrees. If she gives up all her power, she can still be his wife, and the princess. It's a win-win for Pei Wen Xuan! 

Jokes aside. The benefits of controlling the Inspectorate: they can protect Qin Family, and the Crown Prince. However, there are consequences too: the Inspectorate is a double edge sword. If they offend the Noble Houses and the Emperor, the next target will be her. In summary, her choices are either (1) take power and she can die or (2) don't take power, and Li Chuan can die. She recalls something happier: 

Li Rong: What did you say that if I had nothing again? I will still be your wife? This question from her! As much as she's doubting his love, she's yearning for a "yes" from him
Pei Wen Xuan: I said that? When that time comes, you'll know. That it's true. Li Rong will always have Pei Wen Xuan
Li Rong: The consequences are too dire. I rather not know (like that). 
Overwhelmed, she adjourns for the night, but Pei Wen Xuan calls her back
Pei Wen Xuan: As your husband, no one can touch a hair on you unless it's over my dead body. As your ally, even if you will be "hacked to pieces", I will run forward to protect you. No matter if we're married or allies, our fates are already tied together in life and death. Just choose whichever road you like... (Because she'll always have him right there whether it's behind her, in front of her, and beside her)

Li Rong looks into her heart and wonders if she values Pei Wen Xuan as just her ally, but there in her heart is her 38-year-old-pessimistic self. She reminds herself that people don't change overnight. Pei Wen Xuan's confession was once his feelings, and it doesn't represent now. They cannot go back to those times. Doesn't Li Rong already know their ending? Why go back to that life? Is she over Su Rong Qing? Li Rong replies that Su Rong Qing might just be a passerby in her life that she truly pitied and empathized with. Her feelings don't linger on him. The pessimistic Li Rong reminds herself that to love in the palace is only revealing her vulnerabilities. Never overstepping is the best protection. Li Rong nods. Her iron will to guard her heart is back up again. She will choose power (the Inspectorate) to protect herself and the people she cares for. She needs to be strong. She cannot have weaknesses. 

[Ep13[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong asks her husband to set her up on a date with her boyfriend (Su Rong Qing), and even makes him plan the date. Me tuts. Li Rong! 
Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan ask the Emperor for the power of the Inspectorate. He will consider it with great trepidation. When they're gone, he fondly recalls the memory of Li Rong when she was young. Any rewatchers? It's the seal! It appears so early here when the Emperor asks Li Rong, "You want power? How much power?" He really did keep this close to his heart. Wow..Pei Wen Xuan is confident that with him as shield (the one forcing her to take power), the Emperor will relinquish and won't be suspicious that Li Rong is too smart. It's our Pei Wen Xuan who's too smart. Li Rong agrees: 
Li Rong is always 動手動腳 (handsy) with him
This scene might just be the conception of the Extra episode ^^"
Li Rong has the Emperor's approval to be the Chief of the Inspectorate, but he needs her to justify her position to the ministers, and so she stages Qin Zhen Zhen's death. She will be reborn as Xun Chuan. Our dense Li Rong gave her such a romantic name. Xun Chuan sounds like "finding" Chuan

Pei Wen Xuan comes home late and finds Li Rong asleep on the chair. She was waiting for him? :) He gently lifts her to bed. She still wakes up, and asks about the date with Su Rong Qing. She doesn't realize there could be another reason other than for work she would want to meet Su Rong Qing. Lol. He asks her if she would ever consider the second option: give up power and he could protect her. She's wide awake. She doesn't want to put her life in another person's hand. She wants power so she can protect the people she loves like Chuan'er..."and even you." 

Pei Wen Xuan (to himself): Li Rong, clearly, you're the one who should be protected the most. Hmmmm. Is he being romantic, or does he know something?
Su Rong Qing rejects Li Rong's date. She's shocked. Pei Wen Xuan's like "You think you're a goddess or something?" Ha. She reaches over to hit him, but he reminds her she promised to stop. She hits him. "We're at home." Ha. Li Rong should have known Su Rong Qing isn't interested in a collaboration to undermine the Noble Houses. She overestimated Su Rong Qing's feelings for her and admits to Pei Wen Xuan that he knows her (and everyone else) better than her. 

Li Rong and Pei Wen Xun march into the Ministry of Justice to recover the files for Qin Family's case. They won't oblige, and so we take it by force. Then she even plays victim in front of Su Rong Qing by cutting her palm with her own ring. He actually really cares that she's injured the slightest. 

Su Rong Qing's gentle words are like music to Li Rong's ear that she's annoyed whenever Pei Wen Xuan rudely interrupts, lol. He's not so gentle with Pei Wen Xuan, and belittles his status. Who are you to trespass the Ministry of Justice? Pei Wen Xuan's answer is straightforward. "As her husband. You got a problem?" Li Rong's smile peeps through. Then Pei Wen Xuan takes her hand to leave. 
Pei Wen Xuan chucks Su Rong Qing's filthy handkerchief to the ground. He also uses his own to apply pressure as he holds her hand. He's handsy too ~~ (; and so smooth at holding her hand

Li Rong: Pick it up.
Pei Wen Xuan: Don't pick it up.
Qin Zhen Zhen: 😵‍💫

[Ep14[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Pei Wen Xuan is tender with Li Rong's injured hand, but he's simmering with jealousy as Shangguan Ya provokes him where it's sore: Su Rong Qing. She's proposing for Li Rong to marry Su Rong Qing for the sake of establishing the Inspectorate. Our man is brooding all day. 
Even though Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan aren't talking to each other about Qin's case, it's like they're talking to each other all night. <3 
Pei Wen Xuan is particularly overburdened at work. Since the ministers can't bully the Princess, they take it out on him. They want to stop our couple from investigating the Noble Houses and all their embezzlements. They also want to strip the princess of her Inspectorate power.  

Li Rong stays up to wait for Pei Wen Xuan. 

Pei Wen Xuan (to Jing Lan):  Don't let her be reckless like this. Her body will break. 
Jing Lan: How do I convince her? How about you, fuma
Pei Wen Xuan: You’re right. I’ll convince her then. He was waiting for this, haha

Pei Wen Xuan catches her sleeping on her work-lounge chair. He thinks to himself. 

Pei Wen Xuan: No matter in the past or now, what I look forward to, recall fondly of, and yearn for is the sense of family – caresses her face – is exactly this moment. After a weary day, there is someone waiting for me at home.
She stirs awake. He calls her, “Rong Rong”!  She doesn't hear it. She sleepily asks, "Can you not get angry whenever you see Su Rong Qing. On one hand you tell me to try, and on the other hand you get angry. That’s too hard on me." 

Pei Wen Xuan: Then don’t try anymore. *Gasp*
But he's only assertive when she's asleep. When he's bathing, Pei Wen Xuan is bullied by his greasy-40-year-old version of himself. He taunts him that he only had an upper-hand on Su Rong Qing because he was a eunuch. This second life, Pei Wen Xuan has nothing on him. Don't listen to this old geezer! He died. 

Our broody Pei Wen Xuan helps Li Rong set up a date with Su Rong Qing (for Qin's case). He's unwilling, but if it's what she wants, then it's what he'll do. 

The date's cancelled, though. Li Rong chooses to save Pei Wen Xuan instead! He's "scammed" by his mother to return home where he's punished by his elders for supporting the Princess's Inspectorate. I think there can be a debate on if Pei Wen Xuan purposely interrupted the date. I'm on the side that Tong Ye just can't do low-key standing in a corner. Pei Wen Xuan can't be that green-tea, right?? With a sword in hand, Li Rong orders to break the door. She barely controls her trembling temper after seeing the blood bleed from his back. She declares that if Pei Family doesn't want him, she will establish a new clan for him. If they still want him, then how they treat her is how they treat him. If Madam Wen doesn't know how to care for and protect her own son, then spend the rest of her days practicing religious vegetarianism and pray to her husband.

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan already has a new family. He has someone to care for him, and someone to love him. If you cannot assume the responsibility of a mother, then at least don't give him trouble. He can tolerate it. Bengong cannot. 🥹😍

Li Rong (to Pei Wen Xuan): Let's go home. 

Pei Wen Xuan has fallen in love with his wife all over again. This episode and their quotes about being family :') Pei Wen Xuan, there's someone waiting for you at home, and someone to protect you! 
"Break open the door!"
Break his arms!

[Ep15[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong has 心疼 written all over her eyes for Pei Wen Xuan. He assures her this was all part of his scheme. 

心疼 Xīn téng – Often translated as “in pain/hurt”. To be more exact, 心疼 means the heart (心) is in pain (疼). The heart can only be in pain if one loves dearly. It’s an endearing term. 

Li Rong: What’s wrong with you? Pei Wen Xuan. Why do you always risk your life? When will you realize you’re very important? Why don’t you 心疼心疼 (love) yourself more? She's practically saying "You're very important. My heart hurts for you."
Pei Wen Xuan drops into her embrace, and snuggles into her small shoulders.
Pei Wen Xuan: Don’t worry. I will be more powerful.
Li Rong: Who’s hurting for you? You. I just think you’re embarrassing me. Listen carefully. You are my fuma. Only I can bully you. Do you understand? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Understand. 
*Hugs her again* I'm weak for tall guys hunching over his whole body to hug the girl
Li Rong lectures Pei Wen Xuan for spoiling his mother, Madam Wen. 

Li Rong: If there’s anything you want, you must fight for and take it yourself. 
Pei Wen Xuan: But what if that person doesn’t want to. 
Li Rong: Then she can reject. Whether she wants to or not, shouldn't you at least give her a choice? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Even when I already know which choice is better for her?
Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, only she will know which choice is best. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness’s words, I will consider it. 

Here is Pei Wen Xuan considering her words to fight for what he wants:
"I'm not letting go"
 He's such a cute clinger!!! 😍

In bed, Pei Wen Xuan asks Li Rong to describe him. She’s like You just have to make me compliment youNo. He asked for a description but she only had compliments, I see. She recalls that he's a good learner. In a month, he knew how to draw the perfect eyebrows and set hair. She wants him to know he's a really good guy. Then our really good latches onto Li Rong. Feigning pain, he clings onto her all night. 

The Pei Family saga continues at court. Pei Li Xian is like a rabid dog, refusing to let Li Rong go unpunished (for slapping him). They both kneel in front of the Emperor's door, asking for a verdict. As for Pei Wen Xuan, he lets his mother choose (as per Li Rong's advice) and she chooses her son. He brings her to the palace, and notices it's raining. He remembers what happened in the past: Su Rong Qing reached her first with the umbrella. Pei Wen Xuan can't let that happen! He's determined to fight for himself as Li Rong taught him. He runs for his life to be her umbrella. YES! 🍵🍵🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️. Su Rong Qing might have been first if he didn't go home and change into pretty white robes. And Li Rong is right about Pei Wen Xuan. He is a fast learner. She only taught him last night, and he's applying everything today with remarkable speed 🏃‍♂️. Pei Wen Xuan lifts her in his arms despite his injuries because he ain't letting her go. He'll grab every chance. 
Yes, this man ain't letting go. SO CUTEEEEE.

Li Rong also respectfully apologizes to her mother-in-law for the other night. Awww :] (but she was right).

[Ep16[Jump to: Top | Comments]

For Wen Xuan~, Li Rong "steals" back the inheritance that's rightfully his. Relatives are your first enemy, I swear
Li Rong asks Pei Wen Xuan if he's worried about her servant stealing his money while transporting it to their house. Pei Wen Xuan has absolute trust because Tuoba Yan (servant) belongs to the Princess. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Right now, Princess and I are one, what is there to worry about?
Li Rong: Right now.... What about the future?
Pei Wen Xuan (teasingly): Future...shall be future's problems. 
Li Rong: This isn't like you [...] or is it because your future isn't something Lord Pei wants to share with me. 
Pei Wen Xuan: That isn't it. I already thought about my future. Pei Wen Xuan will always be with Your Highness. 

Palace politics. All of the witnesses are killed. Li Rong needs Pei Wen Xuan to depart the city and gather testimonies for Qin's case. Pei Wen Xuan feels honoured that he gives her security now. She tells him the mission won't be peaceful. 

Pei Wen Xuan: It won't just be not peaceful. It's a task I’m risking my life for. But it’s okay. To be ordered by the princess, ten thousand deaths will not prevent me. This hurt me. Then he finishes it with a soft smile ):  

It's barely been days and Pei Wen Xuan misses his Rong Rong dearly already.
Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong

Palace politics. Li Rong splendidly battles at court on her own. First, she takes onus for kidnapping the imprisoned Qin defendants (flogx30 and quarantinex30days), but her crime is nothing compared to the Minister of Justice (Xie Lan Qing). 1) In his incapable hands, all the witnesses have died. 2) His incorporation interrupted the progress of the case. 3) Finally, every bit is suspicious (all the witnesses died) yet he wants to hush up the case. With her points landing like darts, none of the ministers have the right to stop her when she requests for 20 more days. If she still has no evidence, she volunteers to be expelled from the capital city. 

Li Rong bet everything on Pei Wen Xuan, but he dies. He falls off a cliff. You all know what that means.... Uncle Shangguan did it. 

[Ep17[Jump to: Top | Comments]

The conversation between the Emperor and Li Rong is enlightening: there was true love between the Emperor and the Empress. 
  • Emperor and Empress remind me of Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong in their first life.
  • Empress supports her brother like Li Rong supports Li Chuan
  • For some reason, Empress quit believing in the man of her life, the Emperor. She'd rather believe in her blood, and thinks Shangguan is better for her children.
The Empress tells Li Rong that Pei Wen Xuan has died. This is her advice to her daughter: "girls in the palace should never place all their hopes on one man." What happened to the Empress? Is it another terrible misunderstanding or the Emperor really broke her heart/trust? 

Li Rong refuses to believe Pei Wen Xuan has died no matter who tells her and how many times they tell her. He has to be alive. She convinces herself it's his scheme. After all, disguising as someone dead is the safest plan. (Meanwhile, House of Pei already wants inheritance.)
"Pei Wen Xuan, Pei Wen Xuan, Pei Wen Xuan"
Ep16: Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong Rong

Xun Chuan (Qin Zhen Zhen) rescues her brother from being imprisoned by the Ministry of Justice

It's Day20. Su Rong Qing proposes a marriage to Li Rong so that she can stay in the city. He admits that Pei Wen Xuan's death gave him courage to confess. He also tells her that his background kept him from revealing his feelings. I don't know what kind of confession he thinks is romantic, but this ain't it

Pei Wen Xuan returns! 

[Ep18[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong hugs and cries with Jing Lan after hearing that Pei Wen Xuan is back. As for Su Rong Qing's proposal, he tells her to treat it like nothing happened. 

Su Rong Qing: I don't want to be Your Highness's enemy. I just want you to live well. It seems this game of weiqi, I still lost. 
Could it be?
Li Rong: Su Rong Qing, are you also a... (time leaper)? Nevermind. 
It can't be.  
It can be

Su Rong Qing meets Pei Wen Xuan at the bridge. They spar with words. 

Su Rong Qing: If His Highness wasn't cautious of his royal relatives, you would never even have a chance of touching the corner of the princess's robes. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Right now, the person standing next to Her Highness is me. I won't yield this spot ever again. You, Su Rong Qing will never have a chance, not in the past nor in the future. He's also implying that Su Rong Qing only got to be next to the princess in round one because PWX yielded

Su Rong Qing lands a critical blow, revealing he proposal to Li Rong. 

Su Rong Qing: Protecting Her Highness shouldn't be letting her make enemies with every minister on the court, nor letting her take the daunting responsibility of the Inspectorate. If you dare put her in danger again, then remember this: you will forever lose the right to have Her Highness. Oof. So wrong on so many things. He does not know Li Rong at all if he wants her to be a princess sitting obediently in her palace. And "have/own" the princess? Pei Wen Xuan already corrected himself on that in his first life
Pei Wen Xuan wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. Is he crying at the thought of losing Li Rong? Aw. He doesn't care about what Su Rong Qing says. Okay. Mr. Tear has something to say about that, lol. He's confident that Li Rong won't accept Su Rong Qing's proposal. 
Li Rong dashes to the bridge to her fumaPei Wen Xuan, omg. One sight of her and everything that upset him melted away. He clutches her in his arms. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Rong Rong, I'm here to take you home. 

Li Rong awkwardly pat-hugs Pei Wen Xuan. He quickly lets go and apologizes for offending her. No. She just wants to know if he's injured anywhere. Pei Wen Xuan pouts. HE POUTS. "Mm! Hurts." Li Rong's lips split into the widest grin. This cute idiot. 
Lovely Jing Lan shipping everything firsthand
These girls are awesome too.

We have a problem: night falls and our couple is not coupley. Tong Ye reports an emergency to Pei Wen Xuan: the Princess won't sleep! This really is something Pei Wen Xuan is concerned about. Immediately, he returns to the bedroom to put her (and himself) to bed. 

In bed, Li Rong tells Pei Wen Xuan that everyone thought he died, but she knows he didn't. He emotionlessly thanks her for being able to feel at ease about him. That's not what she meant! 

Li Rong: It's not all because I felt reassurance. I was also afraid. Afraid of losing you!! (Can I please be Li Rong's speakerphone) I was afraid that if you really died, I wouldn't know what to do. It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, I can only convince myself that you're alive. 

Pei Wen Xuan shuffles in bed to face her. All he does is smile at her. Feeling awkward, she turns away. Now he shuffles on top of her, telling her how happy he is that she has him in her heart. How does she resist this face that's so close.
Pei Wen Xuan: This humble servant is willing to offer sex the joys of the human world to repay lord's grace [for having me in your heart]. Your Highness, what do you think? He's offering sex so eloquently LOL. Speaking servile, but acting sexily assertive *Fans myself* 

He kisses her and their fingers interlace, but Li Rong is still hesitant! Why! Li Rong, you can't be moved by Su Rong Qing's proposal, can you?! I think not, but this timing isn't so good for our FL. I think she's over Su Rong Qing. The only thing she's hesitant about is opening her heart to Pei Wen Xuan completely. Because it's going to be a floodgate of love that she knows she can't stop once she frees the last of her resistance. Girl, I know you

Pei Wen Xuan reveals to Li Rong that he knows about the proposal. He only wants to warn her not to be swayed by Su Rong Qing's beauty. Says the most beautiful man on her bed. Pei Wen Xuan, her eyes are consumed by you

Pei Wen Xuan: What Your Highness wants, this humble servant can give you. Whenever Your Highness wants to be served, your humble servant will always be ready. *Gulps*

It's a win on the court. Li Rong officially has every minister's (forced) approval of establishing her inspectorate. Shuangguan Ya has gained a foothold in managing her household. As for our trusty Pei Wen Xuan, he's proudly standing behind Li Rong. Using every inch of his long body to enable Li Rong

[Ep19[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Shangguan Ya rubs it in to Pei Wen Xuan that his wife is more powerful than him. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Only those who have no ability will use their wife's weakness to show their ability. What I hope is that my wife can do what she wants. If she wants the world, I can give it to her. If she wants stability, I can give it to her. What’s more, as a husband, doting on my wife is not about giving her a golden birdcage, but it is about giving whatever she wants. I have the ability to let her do as she pleases.
At night, Li Rong is counting her blessings for this life. 

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, I have friends, I have family. *Deliberately pauses*
Unsaid: I have a loving husband too. 

In the past, she thought that Su Rong Qing knew her better, but now she realizes it wasn't like that at all. 

Li Rong: Thank you for understanding me. You...will always be at my side, right? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Mm.
I like that her realization isn't just for this life, but in the past, Pei Wen Xuan knew her well too.
Shangguan Ya and Su Rong Hua might be official. Su Rong Qing watches on proudly.  
Xun Chuan (Qin Zhen Zhen) bids farewell to her boys: her brother and the Crown Prince. The siblings opened my floodgate. We were never sure if the brother knew, but how could he not recognize his precious sister? Xun Chuan and Li Chuan are going to be star-crossed lovers! Or is she going to come back stronger and be his soulmate?

At the court, Li Rong and Li Chuan stage their debate so that the Emperor won't be cautious of them, and so that there's "supposedly" a voice supporting the royal ministers. 

After work, Pei Wen Xuan has Tong Ye scrubbing his back, cleansing his body for an intimate night. A man of his words: he's always ready to "serve" LMAO. But Li Rong seems only interested in the food. She's teasing him. She'd be blind to not see the cleavage he's flashing. 

Li Rong is threatened by the ministers she's investigating. Then they injure her fuma (Pei Wen Xuan). Had they scared her, she would have spared them, but they messed with Pei Wen Xuan. 

Li Rong: It’s I die, or they die. <3 No one can touch (hit) a hair on his head, except Li Rong.

I love that she’s doting on him even though he can drink soup fine with his left hand. She even prioritized that and let Shangguan Ya wait
It's not just Pei Wen Xuan who knows her habits, Li Rong knows him too, like his penchant for drinking soup first. She drinks from the same spoon too ~

[Ep20[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong continues to spoon-feed Pei Wen Xuan. I say it's 100% deliberate that he's occupying his hand so that she can feed him. Not that Li Rong minds spoon-feeding him anyway. <3 And I think his soup drinking is delegated to her whether or not his hands are injured.

Li Rong is dumbstruck when Pei Wen Xuan knows her favourite flowers. It turns out Su Rong Qing had it wrong all along. It was never peony, but buttercups. From young, Li Rong was taught by her mother to never reveal what she loves even if it's just a flower. Awwwww. She's been raised like this by her mother and after the betrayal in the first life her heart has hardened. It's why she doesn't show her love to Pei Wen Xuan.  

Li Rong completely misunderstands that Pei Wen Xuan knows her plans to lure the assassins. He doesn't! The man just wants to confess his love. Oh no. Oh no. Oh nononono. He let his hair down, and is dressed in the white robes that she complimented. He plays his favourite qin and planted her favourite flowers spanning the entire meadow.  Now it's covered with blood. 
Instead of running away from the assassins, Pei Wen Xuan runs towards them. That's because Li Rong is there. He wasn't going to abandon her, and now he's injured everywhere, but where it hurts most is his heart. Li Rong realizes she misunderstood. 

Li Rong: Your qin... 
Pei Wen Xuan: The qin has snapped...in that case, abandon it. 
Li Rong: But this qin has been with you for so long. If we fix it, it can still be used. 
Pei Wen Xuan (shaking his head): I've fixed it many times. No need.

Replace qin with 情 qing (= feelings/love). That's what they actually mean

He tells her he had been breeding these flowers before their marriage. Everything today was for her. 

Pei Wen Xuan: You clearly know everything, but you keep it in your heart and you pretend to know nothing. You just want me to keep that "friendship" and continue to be good to you. You don't want to be with me, but you don't want to let go of my capabilities, and you don't want to let go of my kindness. On one hand, you treat me well to keep me, and on the other hand, when I approach you, you reject me. But let me tell you, Li Rong. Love cannot be trampled like this. Oof.  You don't have to love me, but you must respect my feelings. Today, if you cared just one bit, you wouldn't be ignorant to everything I did. 

Have we had a FL whose personality is such a puzzle for half the show? Pei Wen Xuan filled in the last piece with this confession. She does want to keep him close without revealing her love. However, I feel like just as she meant to hide her love for the yellow flowers, it still seeped through for Pei Wen Xuan to notice. It's the same for her love for Pei Wen Xuan. It's showing (feeding him, and killing anyone who hurts him).  

Pei Wen Xuan: [Today] from the bottom of your heart, you thought I was scheming, but not –
Li Rong (perks up): Not what? She wants to hear him say he loves her. Her asking this question shows how much reassurance on top of reassurance she needs to trust someone even after all this.
Pei Wen Xuan is exasperated. To him, she's still pretending to be clueless. He surrenders, "Your game is on another level." Awwwww :(

Li Rong: I never disrespected your feelings. I would never trample on them either. 

Pei Wen Xuan is too hurt to listen anymore. He walks away. Li Rong desperately clenches onto his broken qin, their broken love. It's like there's a force gluing her to her spot. Then he faints, but Li Rong has no idea. 

Li Rong goes back to work, and buries herself behind her documents. She also ordered her captive to kill his client the way he ordered him to kill Pei Wen Xuan. The client is Xie Lan Qing, the Minister of Justice, a high ranking official. Li Rong wants revenge for Pei Wen Xuan .

Su Rong Hua is very sweet. He sees that Shangguan Ya is afraid to disturb Li Rong, and so he disturbs Li Rong in order for Shangguan Ya to be dismissed for the day. He walks her home, and dissects the romance for Shangguan Ya (who's dying to know more): Li Rong, the more she cares, the more she doesn't want to touch it; Pei Wen Xuan may appear to be gentle and subservient, but he's assertive, and ambitious of his goals, especially when it comes to romance. However, romance to Li Rong is solemn and sorrowful. Su Rong Hua credits someone else for this analysis. Su Rong Qing... He's also not their CP fan. He doesn't think they match. Su Rong Hua, you are very sweet, but you are very wrong. Mind your own business. Shangguan Ya ditches him. 

[Ep21[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Shangguan Ya ditched her boyfriend(-to-be) for her confused bestie. She's a keeper! Li Rong understands that they all want an answer from her. She admits she's selfish. She doesn't want to give anything, yet receive all the love. 

Li Rong: No matter how well I treat [Pei Wen Xuan], as long as I don't give him what he wants, then I shouldn't make him stay. I am at fault today. It is I who kept avoiding his feelings

Shangguan Ya asks Li Rong the obvious: can't she just be with Pei Wen Xuan? Li Rong thinks of her mother's words, and her past life. It's hard for her to change when she was raised that way, and lived one whole life like that

At home, Li Rong apologizes to Pei Wen Xuan. He tells her there is no right or wrong when it comes to feelings. Li Rong wonders to herself if this is the life she wants and then recalls the future Pei Wen Xuan depicted when they married (the second time). She wants a family, a person who loves her and whom she loves. She wants children. She wants someone to live with for the rest of her life. That future looked bleak when Pei Wen Xuan turns his back on her. He's separating rooms with her again. Awww, the one things she requested from Pei Wen Xuan in the carriage.

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, can you wait a bit for me? I know I'm not a likeable person, especially when it comes to love. I irritate others. I can't trust you, and I can't trust myself, but it's not that I can't feel your feelings, and I definitely wasn't trying to keep you out of convenience. I know all the rationals, but I just can't do it. I just can't give my heart out like that without any guards. It's why I kept asking you to confirm if you're going to leave me. [...] Can you please wait for me? Don't leave. 

Pei Wen Xuan hasn't said a word nor turned around. Li Rong is dejected. She realizes it's too much to ask of him. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Rong Rong, ten years...twenty years, is that enough? ♥♥♥
Li Rong: Huh?
Pei Wen Xuan: If that's not enough, then I can add another twenty years. I have a lot of patience. I can wait for a long time. If you walk slowly, it's fine. I won't be tired. I won't leave either. Because I love you. I loved you for a long time. I will wait for you. You just have to walk forward. 
Li Rong (cries): What do you see in me? Right? LOL. I have a bad temper and I bully you all the time. 
He just loves her. That is all. 
Pei Wen Xuan will still sleep in the study room, however, puzzling our Li Rong. Men are confusing. Then he comes back in. He forgot something: a goodnight kiss. Then he leaves. You flirt!!!
You know what, I don't think Pei Wen Xuan would be as successful if his confession went as planned. I love Li Rong, but she needed the threat of actually losing him

Our Green-Tea Pei Wen Xuan is already scheming ahead. Sleeping in the study room is a strategic retreat to make Li Rong want him. I need this Green-tea-ness to give our ML some flaws, hahaha.  Nanny Tong Ye is exasperated. He doesn't get anything and is just impatient, impatient, impatient. Pei Wen Xuan orders him to cover him with the blanket. 

Tong Ye (pettily): Stay cold! Hopefully it'll wake you up. Hahaha.

The next night, Li Rong can't sleep. She wants her goodnight kiss, lol. Like a cat burglar, she sneaks into her own study room (which she messed up in the day just to get his attention, by the way). She gets by the snoring guards, but not by her sly husband. He was waiting to prance the little cat who snuck in, but he might just be her prey when her hand hooks the nape of his neck. "I'm a wild cat, a dangerous one. Lord Pei, be careful." 
Our little cat also deciphered Pei Wen Xuan's scheme: 欲擒故縱 to loosen the reins only to grasp them better. Lord Pei is still feigning innocence until she pretends to leave. He pulls her back, admitting he wants her to 心疼心疼 him. (心疼 = hurt with love). As long as she wants him back in her room, just one sentence, and he'll give her a stepping stone. Psh. She tries to hit him, but she can't refuse that smile of his. 

Li Rong (mutters): Then come back with m–
Pei Wen Xuan: Al-righty! 

It's morning, and Jing Lan wakes up Li Rong, but she didn't get the memo that Pei Wen Xuan returned. She skittishly corrects herself, "Nevermind! We don't have to wake up!" Then Tong Ye frantically runs in to report his lord missing. He stops panicking when he hears a man's voice and demands who it is. Your Lord Pei. Tong Ye smacks his eyes closed and runs back out the way he came in. I love these two servants.
Palace Politics. Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan may be working separately, but their goals align: take down Xie Lan Qing. 1) Pei Wen Xuan led the Emperor to realize that Xie Family is colluding/bribing Consort Rou. 2) Li Rong released the assassin who then betrayed her, and now Xie Lan Qing accuses her of assassinating him with his assassin. This was all part of Li Rong's plan to expose them. Awww, hey! She's doing the same thing Pei Wen Xuan did to her: 欲擒故縱 = to loosen the reins only to grasp them better. And what is this shocking secret she has of Xie Lan Qing and the assassin? What? Are they related? 

[Ep22[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Xie Lan Qing and Lin Fei Bai (assassin) are father and son. Xie Lan Qing is incredulous. With the most accurate paternity test, The Blood Drop, Li Rong confirms their relationship. I love how later on, Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong have a convo on the test being bogus. Xie had a lover, a jianghu woman, Lin Xia, but he married another woman approved by his family. Li Rong's defence is to ask everyone which story is more plausible: 1) The son is assassinating the father (as Xie argues) or 2) the son and father are working together to frame her (as Li Rong argues). #2 wins. The Emperor's like how can a girl who's barely 20 scheme against a sly fox who's been trained for 30 years. They've accumulated the same years actually, lol. Thus, Xie is detained. Pei Li Ming is nominated by Pei Wen Xuan to oversee the case. I forgot there was a kinder Pei uncle, but I still hate them all. Pei!

As Pei Wen Xuan is held back by the Emperor, Su Rong Qing approaches Li Rong. He asks her about her married life. 

Li Rong: Lord Su, my love life really shouldn't trouble you. I love that Li Rong is gradually over him, and she probably doesn't even know when it happened but I'd argue it was when he proposed to her and she realized she had no desire to marry him even if Pei Wen Xuan died
Su Rong Qing: I actually have a wish. I wish that Your Highness's love doesn't incorporate politics and can be pure and clean without regrets. Ah, this is his wish for himself.

Pei Wen Xuan jealously inquires about their conversation. Li Rong can't help but tease him. 
Li Rong: I have a few more thoughts about [Su Rong Qing] now. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Don't you have enough thoughts about him already? How much more do you need? Why don't you just put him on the tip of your heart (心尖)? Poor Lord Su, though. 
心尖 xīn jiān – Bottom tip of the heart (apex) / innermost feelings / my darling
Li Rong: Wait. What do you mean poor him when he's on the tip of my heart?
Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness's tip is only this big 🤏. If Lord Su has to stand there, he'll have to stand on one foot. When his left leg is tired, he has to stand on his right, and vice versa. Lord Su will be exhausted, don't you think?  Hahaha. So petty. Pei Wen Xuan's heart-eye is tinier 🤏. It's funnier in Chinese because he says 金雞獨立, which gives you a full image of a "Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg" (a tai-chi posture name).
Li Rong (tries not to laugh): Exhausted. Exhausted to death! A task this tough, I see Lord Pei is unfitting. I shall find someone else. 
Pei Wen Xuan: On the contrary! Your Highness doesn't know but my exclusive speciality is Rooster Stand On One Foot. If Your Highness is willing, I can stand on Your Highness's heart tip for the rest of my life. 
Li Rong shivers from her goosebumps. 

Semi-related: 金雞獨立 also sounds like 經濟獨立 which means financially independent, which he is not. LOL

Shangguan Ya doesn't understand the love story again, but this time it's between Xie Lan Qing and Lin Xia. She taught her son to hate Xie, but at the brink of death, she told her son to help Xie. Li Rong understands. First hand experience. Lin Xia (Li Rong) hated Xie (Pei) because there was love. It's why she hoped that she could see him before she died. At her last moment, other than regret, she also recalled her happiest moments. 

Pei Wen Xuan is curious what Li Rong saw at her death. She returns the question (without answering!). He remembers, and just thinking about it has him smiling. Aw. It was their first Chinese New Years watching fireworks together. They promised to watch it every year. Li Rong envies his beautiful memory. He, however, reminds her that she broke her vow. Li Rong makes it up with another promise: to watch fireworks together this year. 

Li Rong: This time, our promises to each other, either we don't say it or we keep till the very end.
They pinky promise, and stamp. 
Li Rong: 100 years!
Pei Wen Xuan (ups her): Forever and ever. 
She's so cute!
Pinky heart
This is the last scene in the ending credit. Appropriate. Forever and ever.
Pei Wen Xuan is hilariously territorial. When the three (Su Rong Qing, Pei Wen Xuan, and Li Rong) take a carriage together, he serves tea to everyone except himself. He lies that the third cup is cracked. He'll just drink from Li Rong's. Heh. That must be green tea he's drinking. Then he asks if Li Rong wants to drink some more, sharing more saliva. 

Xie Lan Qing had no idea Lin Xia died two years ago. He also had no idea she bore his son. She had lied about the baby's age, and so he never suspected the child could be his. 

Xie has one last question for Li Rong: "Does she hate me?"
Li Rong doesn't know, but she has a question too: "Do you love her?" 

Xie Lan Qing doesn't dare speak of love. Li Rong nods. Love to him is cold and thin. Xie Lan Qing had thought that if he became more powerful, he could protect them both, but now he understands that when it comes to their royal clan, love is a privilege. Oh, this is Su Rong Qing. If he had forcefully married her, he wouldn't mind dying for it, but he can't risk her life too. However, at the end of the day, he chose his position and his clan. Mmhmm, Su Rong Qing.

Pei Wen Xuan pits Su Rong Qing with Xie Lan Qing and asks for the sake of his noble clan, will he kill the person he loves? Su Rong Qing is offended. Guilty. He asks Lord Pei not to joke about the woman he loves. Oh. Pei Wen Xuan doesn't walk away losing this one, though. He reminds Su Rong Qing basic etiquette that he should be greeting him as "fuma" (Princess's husband). Su Rong Qing is like still water. He's upset, but he barely reacts, instead he wishes the princess Happy New Year, and not the fuma, ofc.

After confirming Li Rong was reborn too, Su Rong Qing doesn't understand why she married Pei Wen Xuan again. Dude, you took 20 more episodes to recognize her, and that's not even the tip of it. He swears in this life he will protect his Su Clan and the princess. He wants the princess to wait for him. Grand Princess ain't going to wait for no one

[Ep23[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Shangguan Ya convinces Lin Fei Bai to turn over a new leaf. Should this scene be cute? Because it is. 

It's New Year. Su Family looks so lovely. Even the parents are loving. Su Rong Qing cherishes this moment. However, the flashbacks of his first life still haunt him. His parents were beheaded. His brother died in front of him. He was castrated. He swears to protect his family and ensure Li Chuan cannot ascend the throne. 
Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan celebrate with the servants, aw. She eats the dumpling he told her to and bites the silver. In pain, she glares at him. He's like, "Who told you to eat so ferociously?" LOL. Then he makes her say cheesy lines for the red-pocket-pouch, which she whispers to his ear only. Did she repeat Tong Ye's example: "Fuma ya! I really like you ah! Let's spend every New Year together ah!" Jing Lan cheers when she hears Li Rong say exactly that. <3

Our couple's New Year's wishes are for each other. He wants to give his Rong Rong a home that's different from the palace. He will heal her emotional wounds.

Pei Wen Xuan's wish: From now on, Your Highness will have a fuma, and Li Rong will have a Pei Wen Xuan. <3

Li Rong's wish: Pei Wen Xuan, I will strive to protect the sceneries like today. <3

There's a New Year celebration in the palace. Consort Rou's children have a performance to show the Emperor. It's clearly the Rou siblings' stage, but they've become accessories to Li Rong and Su Rong Qing who is then completely upstaged by a "vinegar jar" = jealous Pei Wen Xuan. LOL
Hahaha, how did PWX even get there. 
Defending Li Rong here! She kept staring at SRQ only because she suspects he's back too. She should stop suspecting and be certain by now though... -_- I guess she really doesn't know him. 

Only when Pei Wen Xuan joined, did she smile

Li Rong smiles to herself at the thought of Pei Wen Xuan. She swears he would have grabbed the suona (which is commonly associated with funerals) had the musician not clutched it so tightly.  Pei Wen Xuan mutters under his breath that if he did play the suona, he'll perform the happiest song there is to curse celebrate her (next) fate/love/marriage. Looool.  

Li Chuan is sad after his father publicly snubs him. He didn't even see the tangerine jiejie peeled for him.

[Ep24[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Su Rong Qing is acting up! He's a roadblock to Pei Wen Xuan's promotion. Li Rong won't sit still for this. She has to find her hubby a job! And so she nepotizes the requirement process. 
Jing Lan: Your Highness seems happier doing something for fuma than for your-highness-self. 
Li RongBeing pampered isn't skillful. Being able to pamper is capable. To be loved by someone, there's bound to be a day you'll grow old [and he doesn't love you anymore]. To love someone is different. You can love if you want, and you can leave if you want. It's much freer. 
Jing Lan (loudly whispers to Jing Mei): Don't listen to Her Highness. Her mouth is just stubborn. When you're happy doing something for another person, there might not be a specific reason, it could just simply be love. This isn't embarrassing to admit. 
Li RongYes...there is nothing to be embarrassed about. 

Li Rong scrunches her nose at our lovely, and cute Jing Lan who's cute down to her voice. She deserves all the sweet tangerines in the world!

Promotions. With the help of Li Rong, Pei Wen Xuan is now a whopping 4th-ranking official. Pei Wen Xuan is like Oh my lord. He faints. HAHAHA. Technically he said Oh my mother.  But that wasn't Li Rong's intention. They're sabotaged by Su Rong Qing (, Consort Rou, and Uncle Shangguan). Now the Emperor suspects Li Rong of a power play. 

The steps Su Rong Qing took: 1) he had Shangguan Ya overhear the fathers (including incorrigible Uncle Shangguan~) nominating Su Rong Qing for a post that would interfere with Pei Wen Xuan's; 2) this propels Li Rong into nepotizing another department; 3) Su Rong Qing can now frame her for bribing a minister to promote her husband for power; 4) lastly Su Rong Qing made Consort Rou take his cover. He is helping Consort Rou, right? .....  
我的個親娘啊 hahahaha
Cui Yu Lang rushes across the room to help Pei Wen Xuan. Don't know him? You do. He was one of the runner-up fuma-candidates in Ep2, the playboy. Dude was really worried. Why lol.

Princess-Fuma "faints" again, LOL.
Li Rong, our wild cat, sniffles and cries to her daddy that she was framed. The Emperor is a little surprised that everyone seems to know exactly how his brain is wired. Pft. He believes Li Rong and slaps Consort Rou and her daughter (Hua Yue). Before Su Rong Qing, these two ladies were doing fine, face-unslapped. And what a man this Emperor is. He keeps hitting woman. No wonder the Empress has no faith in him. 

Emperor (to Consort Rou): Remember what you said to zhen. You said you're willing to be zhen's sword. If zhen finds out that this sword has changed its direction, then zhen will smelt it. 

Consort Rou retaliates. She plans to poison the Emperor. 

P.S. Li Chuan receives a letter from Qin Zhen Zhen awwwww. I like this. He needs something happy

[Ep25[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan FINALLY confirm Su Rong Qing's rebirth. Meanwhile Su Rong Qing already has his next, and next next, and next next next steps planned out. He wonders to himself why fate cruelly forces him to choose between his family and Li Rong each time. This time, he will stabilize the court and then propose to Li Rong. I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing family first except he doesn't realize he has no Li Rong to choose anymore
Pei Wen Xuan hugs Li Rong, afraid she'd return to Su Rong Qing. Men. Why don't you get women. He was confident he could win Su Rong Qing, but not anymore when he's the Su Rong Qing she spent 17 years with. She assures him that her (for Pei Wen Xuan) has nothing to do with anyone else. 

Pei Wen Xuan (asserts): You are my wife. 
He kisses her forehead

Taoist Accusation. Li Rong impeaches the taoist's credibility. However, she overlooked the charm, and in haste, admitted it was Pei Wen Xuan's writing. This was Su Rong Qing(+ Consort Rou)'s real trap. The charm wishes for three lives of love with Li Rong. Consort Rou raises questions to the Emperor: How much must a man love a woman that one life isn't enough and he needs 3; is Pei Wen Xuan really working for the Emperor or for Li Rong (who represents Li Chuan and House of Shangguan); could Pei Wen Xuan actually be the mastermind helping Li Rong? It's over for Pei Wen Xuan once the Emperor suspects his loyalty. Now our couple realize the target was Pei Wen Xuan all along. Once he's down, and Li Rong is no longer governing the Inspectorate, Li Chuan cannot ascend successfully. 

The charm! Could this be the key to the rebirths? Not this fake charm specifically, but Pei Wen Xuan could have written one in his first life. 

Li Rong's solution is to divorce. Pei Wen Xuan is livid. No matter what she says that it won't affect their love and that it's their best option, Pei Wen Xuan refuses to give up their marriage. Li Rong is pointed. "Pei Wen Xuan, you're scared. You don't trust me." This is why I quoted PWX's "You are my wife". He's insecure. His trust in their relationship hinges on the fact that they're married, and not because she loves him. Once he loses this marriage, he really is afraid he'd lose Li Rong. Pei Wen Xuan rebuts that Li Rong always chooses power over his feelings. Insulted, she storms out of the room. He threatens to write her a divorce letter. She dares him to, and in fact, she's going to rent a boat and invite a dozen males to entertain her. 

Pei Wen Xuan's anger could melt steel, but then he finds Li Rong's unsent letters to him. His heart has melted. There's so much love in her writing, and even in her letters she tries to lie about her feelings first. Awww. This is Li Rong, our girl who suppresses her feelings to herself even when no one's looking. 

Even Greasy Moustache lectures Pei Wen Xuan. How could he have accused Li Rong of only loving power? Omg, we lived to see the day this dead guy is telling Pei Wen Xuan the right thing. A lot of this is your fault tho, Greasy. 

Li Rong pays the "handsome" escorts to torture entertain her. Oh hey, one of them is Wang Ze Xuan. They perform a magic trick, and Cui Yu Lang appears! LOL. That's why he randomly showed up last ep.  He has a case to submit for his friend, Chen Hou Zhao, who's denied justice. Then he offers his body as an disincentive. Eek!
Pei Wen Xuan kicks Cui Yu Lang's butt before he burns Li Rong's eye anymore. He had arrived by a boat he prepared for Li Rong for the water lantern festival. Awww. Pei Wen Xuan forcefully drags her onto his boat and paddles away, leaving Li Rong terrified enough to consider their potential demise together. Then he sexually harasses her. ): She knocks him off and scratches his neck. Then he comes back to his senses, and gently hugs her. He tells her he read her letters. He knows she loves him, but he's just so, so angry. He's angriest with himself, however, because he should have believed her. He confesses that he's not that generous. :( He's petty and hates it when there are men around her. He hates it even more that she always acts like she can leave him behind. 
The way he hugs her. Sigh.
Pei Wen Xuan: I'm sorry. 
Li Rong: I didn't choose power. Between power and you, I never said power was more important. I just wanted to find the best solution to protect us. [...] My love might not be as pure as yours that not an ounce of it can be exchanged with anything, but I'm not without a heart. [...] I just think that if I love someone, I want that person to be well. Even if he's not living with me, as long as he's living well, I'm fine. But you always think that my heart only has power, that I'm cold and heartless. That's why you or Chuan'er or anyone else can say these words to me and think I won't be hurt, but it isn't like that. I also care. I hope that if I treat someone well, that person can acknowledge me, love me, and accept me. I also hope that the person I love, that no matter how hateful I am, can still love me. I know this is selfish, but I have no choice. I think I have started falling in love with you again. I just love you and I don't know what to do. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Then just love. 

Awwwww. Li Rong! She has completely opened up to Pei Wen Xuan. These two, after every fight, they come back stronger. They're inseparable now.  

There's a Cantonese saying that applies to this whole episode: 床頭打架床眉和. It's a common saying for old married couples who fight easy and make up easy. 
  1. lit: to quarrel with each other at the head of the bed and compromise at the end of it
  2. fig: to fight getting into bed and make up before falling asleep
  3. fig: to quickly make up after a quarrel 
  4. fig: to end an intense argument with make-up sex
[Ep26[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Tong Ye makes fun of Cui Yu Lang's wisp, hahaha
Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong are still on the boat. She stares at his neck, and then at his face, worried that she hurt him. Pei Wen Xuan panics that she scratched his handsome face too. Of course, he's worried. It's because of this face that she fell in love with him. LOL
Pei Wen Xuan didn't believe in wishing on lanterns before. 

Pei Wen Xuan: But after meeting you, I want believe in all the superstitions (gods and buddhas) there are in this whole wide world. Because meeting her is that much of a blessing to him

Pei Wen Xuan only wanted power in order to be next to Li Rong, which is why he cannot accept leaving her for power even if it's just temporary. A part of it was because he was afraid she'd like someone else, but more than that he doesn't want her to be disappointed in love. Ok, Mr. Romantic. What do you suggest we do then? He'll do as she says. He won't feel upset or afraid anymore; he knows her feelings. He also knows her more than she knows herself. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Li Rong, in the depths of your heart, the love you want is more pure than you think.  What you want, I must give. What you receive, there mustn't be any compromise. I will also prove that this pure love is only something I, Pei Wen Xuan, can give. *Dies* My ghost is typing the rest of this recap. 

Li Rong is blissfully speechless. They lie down on the boat. He asks for her wish, while his is a secret. Hers is to be with him forever and ever, inseparable. She also wished that they could consider having children. After talking about babies, they're not making babies. Rude! (Ok, but I guess it's too much for a Cdrama to have sex in open water. Scandalous). 

The next day Li Rong and Su Rong Qing have a telepathic moment. It was a pretty cool scene. I can't really read his thoughts if he wasn't voicing it, but Zhao Jin Mai's was so good. She knows it's him, but she doesn't know him anymore. It's all in her eyes. Confusion and disappointment

Pei Wen Xuan's counterstrike. Pei Wen Xuan requests a divorce from the Emperor before he gets to it. He complains that the princess is a tiger-wife, clawing his neck, accusing him of writing the charm, and playing with other men. It's not all not true, lol. Pei Wen Xuan is such a top-rate whiner that the Emperor is considering his side of the truth already. Su Rong Qing, however, is confident Pei Wen Xuan is cornered. 

Su Rong Qing: [Pei Wen Xuan] is adept at beguiling people's hearts. He's not lacking in ability or methods. If you want to officially knock him down, it's hard, If you want to physically knock him down, it's even more costly. Why, thank you. [His weakness is that] he cares about love. He won't give up Her Highness for power. But if he doesn't choose divorce, then Li Rong will remain suspicious to the Emperor. 
Maid: What if he agrees to a divorce?
Su Rong Qing: Then he deserves to die. Anyone who forsakes Her Highness deserve death. Including himself. 1st life

The Emperor shares with Eunuch Fu Lai the hardest part about being the emperor: everyone is lying to him. "If zhen wants to hear the truth, zhen has to hear a pile of lies to find the truth. This so-called truth is further wrapped in more truth and lies." The Emperor nostalgically recalls that Fu Lai lied about stealing persimmons when they were kids. If he guessed wrong, he lost a few fruits, but if he guesses wrong now, it's the country he's losing. 
Pei Wen Xuan is in a rush. He needs to snuggle with Li Rong, and Tong Ye is making it much harder than it should be, lol. Pei Wen Xuan doesn't even change to cuddle with Li Rong. He updates her that he tattled on her: "This cat bit me and clawed me." He also made the Emperor suspect Consort Rou is colluding with the Noble Houses. Li Rong sleepily smiles, but notes that that still isn't enough. Pei Wen Xuan assures her like a game of qi, this needs to be played piece by piece. Su Rong Qing is a scary enemy, and Pei Wen Xuan is worse, LOL.  

1st piece. Pei Wen Xuan forges the taoist's writing to incriminate Su Rong Qing as the mastermind. Pei Wen Xuan's only concern now is if they use this letter, it's officially declaring war with Su Rong Qing. Li Rong mutters that Su Rong Qing may have already declared his intention. 

2nd pieceLi Rong inquires the Emperor about her incriminating evidence on Su Rong Qing, which the Emperor hasn't received. It was stolen. 

3rd pieceXuan Ji, a minister, stole the evidence for Su Rong Qing, but that was the trap. Su Rong Qing is emotionless as he stares at the fake evidence. They've lost. Same trick back at you! The ball was out, but since the minister saved it, they've lost the point. It doesn't matter if the evidence is fake anymore, since they stole the evidence, it is now true. 

Su Rong Qing retaliates with the unthinkable: burn down the Submissions Office. So reckless!! Later, the Emperor interrogates Su Rong Qing with Li Rong in attendance. The taoist is also summoned. Li Rong is nervous because Su Rong Qing kidnapped the taoist's son as his wager. 

4th piece. Pei Wen Xuan is sly and composed as he tells Li Chuan the critical piece he schemed. He knows the taoist doesn't dare offend the princess nor Su Rong Qing, and as he predicted, the taoist does commit suicide. With the fire burning down the evidence, and the witness killing himself, Su Rong Qing cannot be innocent anymore. However, Li Chuan is still concerned about his jiejie. At the same time the Emperor suspects Su Rong Qing, he will also suspect Li Rong. 

5th piecePei Wen Xuan sets the final piece: the taoist's son. There is already a witness who saw Su Family's carriage taking the son. There's no hard evidence on Su Rong Qing, but the circumstantial evidence have said it all. 

Pei Wen Xuan hastily finishes the game with Li Chuan. He has to meet his wife! 

[Ep27[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Su Rong Hua takes the blame for Su Rong Qing! Li Rong and Su Rong Jing adjourned for the Emperor to interrogate him. 

Outside, Li Rong asks Su Rong Qing if he feels guilty at all. He replies that there are times guilt is a privilege. He's on a road with no other options except forward. He cannot be cautious or indecisive. She has one last question or more like a statement: 

Li Rong: It was you who did it (killed me). 
Su Rong Qing: Sorry. I had no other choice, but Your Highness, believe me. I will never hurt you. Hm.

Pei Wen Xuan picks up his wife under his umbrella. I like how he doesn't have to run this time, lol. He's calm even when she's with Su Rong Qing. He feels secure now (: Before he leaves, however, he turns around... 

Pei Wen Xuan: Lord Su, nice to meet you. 
Su Rong Qing: It's not just "nice to meet you." Lord Pei, long time no see. *Chills*

Back to Su Rong HuaAs Prince Su's teacher, Su Rong Hua (lies that) he wanted to help him and sabotage Li Rong. The Emperor believes his motive, and removes him from his post. As Su Rong Hua walks away, he smiles, proud that he protected his didi. However, Su Rong Qing tells him never again. "My road, I'll walk; my punishment, I'll take." Su Rong Hua must have died, taking Su Rong Qing's punishment. Su Rong Qing wishes for his brother that he could live happily with Shangguan Ya. Aw. I like their brotherhood

Li Rong doesn't understand what changed Su Rong Qing. She asks Pei Wen Xuan if he's done anything evil too. He replies that he'll think of Li Rong in those times. He doesn't want her to look down on him. He wants to be her light for as far as her eyes can see. Whew. On that note, Pei Wen Xuan wants to clarify something (knowing that the taoist would be suicidal and still sending him as witness is considered murder), but Li Rong is already understanding (e.g. the taoist was no taoist). 

Li Rong confesses that she was afraid to oppose Su Rong Qing, but she trusted Pei Wen Xuan. 

Li Rong; Because you're here, my heart has a base (= I'm confident). 

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, my eyes can tolerate white and black, but I'm also happy that you can satisfy a desire so dreamlike. She's calling him dreamy.

Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong divorce!! The Emperor sent the decree because Consort Rou insists Pei Wen Xuan isn't his sword, but Li Rong's sword. I caught Jing Lan smiling when Tong Ye lectured Pei Wen Xuan after the divorce edict. Our ute maid knows it's an act. Pei Wen Xuan immediately moves out. Li Rong, as dramatically as she can, cries and begs him to stay. Tong Ye is hurt too. Correction: Tong Ye is the only one hurting LOL. He helps her convince Pei Wen Xuan

Tong Ye: Even though her temper is a bit – 
Li Rong: What's wrong with my temper? 
Jing Lan: What's wrong with Her [Highness's] temper? 
Couple status. One "divorced", another together. Su Rong Qing confesses to Shangguan Ya. 

The next day, Li Rong is a persuasive divorcee = eyes are swollen and impossibly red. She purposely ate spicy noodles for this zombie look. Li Chuan surprises her by pretending to be her maid, gently rolling the egg on her eye. Didi is sweet. 
Li Rong (eyes closed): So embarrassing. Bengong's flourishing beauty is tarnished by Pei Wen Xuan. 
Li Chuan: Exactly! It's all that dog's fault. 

Rumours also have it that Li Rong chased Pei Wen Xuan's carriage down the street. These rumours LOL. She only walked like ten steps from her main door, hahaha

Everything is not going according to Su Rong Qing's plan thanks to Consort Rou. They're like the worst villain partners, lol. His intentions were never to divorce the couple. He wants Pei Wen Xuan to lose power, and Li Rong to lose money. Although the latter seems to be in effect. Li Rong is stressed about money because on the east Qin Lin needs money, on the west, Lin Fei Bai needs money, and at the centre, she needs money for her Inspectorate. 

Li Rong is so busy making money, she rejects Pei Wen Xuan's date. Well, he's not a man who can be rejected. He tails his ex-wife like an ex-husband (and even schemes her with the carriage, looool). He spies her rendezvous with Cui Yu Lang

[Ep28[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Cui Yu Lang's real motive is to pledge allegiance to Li Rong. Why her? Because she handled Qin's case. She's righteous. He thinks she won't believe that. Au contraire! Shoulda told her sooner. (She had also read his poems before). Li Rong's mission for Cui Yu Lang is to approach Consort Rou. However, she can only trust him if he takes her poison. She will give him an antidote every month, and the cure when Consort Rou is defeated. He takes it. His only handsome moment thus far

The vinegar jar Pei Wen Xuan orders Tong Ye to steal Cui Yu Lang's carriage wheels so he can't go home. LOL. That's not very noble, Tong Ye says. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Noble? For 20 years, I was noble. This one time, I'm low, so what? Hahaha. Cu Yu's cheapness vs. Pei Wen Xuan's pettiness LOL

Pei Wen Xuan is really low. He chucks tea at Cui Yu Lang's pretty face. Ha! 🍵 Pei Wen Xian's seeps into the next day as he storms off swiftly when Li Rong innocently smiles at him. He thinks she's utterly heartless for rejecting his date and then pretending nothing happened. 
Cui Yu Lang's first task from Li Rong: reprimand the Crown Prince. Omo.  Anxiety is up as Cui Yu Lang racks his brain for a reproachable reason. He's got one! Li Chuan sneezed at a ceremony and upset the gods. Hahaha. Cui Yu Lang fails so hard except the Emperor actually makes Li Chuan kneel at night for sneezing. ?!?!? Then the Empress makes him kneel in the afternoon to punish him for being punished by the Emperor. ?!!? Li Chuan, disown them!

Li Chuan only has his jiejie, but she also knows she cannot mend his heart nor his life. She feels sorry for him when she has Pei Wen Xuan, stability and freedom once Li Chuan succeeds. Li Chuan, however, has to live for the Empress, Li Rong, and the country forever. He must live for everyone, except himself. 

Cui Yu Lang is recruited by Consort Rou as expected. Isn't this lady too easy and too obvious? Also, every time the Emperor eats her food, her eyes are speaking THERE'S POISON \o/.

Li Rong and Su Rong Qing meet by chance. He was doing charity work, and she was buying Pei Wen Xuan's favourite food in case he comes tonight. Su Rong Qing takes her to his store around the corner, but he trails after her just like he did as a servant in the past. Annoyed, she tells him to walk in front. Su Rong Qing 's head is still hung low, and asks her if there's anything else she would like to ask of him. No. If she wants to know she'll investigate it herself. She doesn't even care to ask. If there's something she wants to know it's this: 

Li Rong: It's either I die, or you die. 

Those are cruel words, but Su Rong Qing still humbly greets her. This is kind of sad. I just realized. Does he always properly greet her? :O 

The vinegar jar (Pei Wen Xuan) snaps Li Rong from her reveries. He's jealous, but he's sweet too: 
More schemingThere's so many steps to these schemes. Now that Li Rong planted Cui Yu Lang next to Consort Rou, Li Rong will also give her the Inspectorate. On Su Rong Qing's side, he's mysteriously hushing Chen Hou Zhao. 

[Ep29[Jump to: Top | Comments]

O' Emperors, the paragon of worst fathers. His poor children: 
  • Li RongThe Emperor is disappointed in her for concealing the injustice of the imperial exam. Not only does he immediately fire her without considering an ounce of her feelings, he makes her write a recommendation letter for Prince Su to replace her. 
  • Li Chuan. He always felt powerless to fate, but now that there's a sister who loves him, and a woman he cherishes, Li Chuan won't retreat. Our long distance couple is sweet too :') Who needs a father >_>
  • Prince Su. He's worried about governing the Inspectorate. It's a blade, but it's a double-edged sword. What if it hurts them instead? Consort Rou understands her son's concern but even when we learn how to swim, we need to enter the water first.
Pei Wen Xuan hurts for Li Rong. She lost her power so fast because her father never cared about her other than being his chess piece. He orders Tong Ye to prepare a change of clothes and add some fragrance. He's heading over tonight. Tong Ye's like Are you going to work or for a date? 
Pei Wen Xuan climbs over walls to see his ex-wife, but sees Cui Yu Lang firstLOL. So rude to Pei Wen Xuan's eyes*Pow!* Cui Yu Lang is actually here for work unlike Pei Wen Xuan, who quickly apologizes for the punch to the eye. Cui Yu Lang only dared to snub Pei Wen Xuan for wall-climbing home when his escape route is in clear sight. 

Our married couple is having an affair ~ "Meow" is Pei Wen Xuan's secret signal to the maids to let him see his (ex-)wife bathe. Rawr. Li Rong asks him why he's here. 

Pei Wen Xuan: I miss you! 

Very soon, Li Rong figures out that he's here because he's worried that the Emperor hurt her feelings. Aw. Even Jing Lan noticed it. As rational as Li Rong is, she yearns for love from her father too. It's clear in Ep1 when she brought her father dessert despite knowing how he treated her in the pastPei Wen Xuan cheers her up that he's here for another reason too: beat up Cui Yu Lang. He asks her for compensation for his psychological damage. 

Li Rong: What kind of reward? Like this? 
She rests her arm on his shoulder, twirling the petals in her fingers behind his neck
Pei Wen Xuan: Not enough. 
Li RongLike this? 
She kisses him, closing the gap between their bare bodies
Pei Wen XuanNot enough. It'll never be enough ~ 
He kisses her back
I saw clips online and fans have snipped it so that you hear his voice asking, "Are you tired?" while they've been kissing in the pool for a while. Whew. I wish that was actually the scene
Case: Imperial Exam. The case escalates and it's not just one scholar suffering injustice, it's now a class action lawsuit. Su Rong Qing's scheme is for Li Chuan to oversee the trial because there's only failure ahead. The case involves too many corrupt, noble ministers. Pei Wen Xuan tries to volunteer himself, and only himself for the case. He's denied because he's not powerful enough. Cui Yu Lang (team princess) was just about to speak, and we're saved by Consort Rou! As the mother-head of the Inspectorate, she will take this case. Hahaha, Su Rong Qing's "best" partner in crime. I like Pei Wen Xuan's little smirk

This case really escalates. This is Pei Wen Xuan's scheme now. It is a personal revenge for taking Li Rong's Inspectorate, and it is to revolutionize the bureaucratic system, making the imperial exam the only way to enlist palace officials. Pei Wen Xuan wants to abolish nepotism. I like that Pei Wen Xuan has something else to live for LOL. This was his purpose in the first life: to fight for equal rights. Our leads have great telepathic moments: 

Su Rong Qing (bitterly): Very nice. (Not.)
Pei Wen Xuan (smugly): You and I both. Learn this Chinese phrase! It's easy: 彼此彼此 bǐcǐ bǐcǐ. It's like a rap, like boots and cats.  
Meanwhile our FL....
Li Rong: You dog. LOL. She knows he's avenging her, but he's putting himself in danger.

Shangguan Ya and Su Rong Hua discuss Xie Family's Xie Chun He. He tells her how this tyrant of a man is likely plotting something. He even attempted to assassinate the Emperor before. Shangguan Ya is overly concerned, but doesn't tell him why. She's worried about Lin Fei Bai, who I forgot is a potential heir to Xie Family! He could be a formidable love rival for Su Rong Hua helper to Li Rong if he takes control of Xie Family. I am impressed; Li Rong found really good pieces for herself
Pei Wen Xuan comes home, but is heading out just as fast. Then he hears a voice. "Where do you think you're going (at this hour?)" Her place. LOL. Tong Ye's like Oh hey, gongzi, Her Highness is hereNo, that's a moving, talking couch. Pei Wen Xuan scans the room, and finds the plank he needs, and down he goes, kneeling to the princess. She's mad, but she orders him to stand up. 

Pei Wen Xuan (pouts): Not standing. Not until you agree to stay tonight. Loooool. This child. Mum's wise words about her son: "In front of the person you love, you will always be a child"
Li Rong has to grab him up to make him stand
Li Rong: Did you think that just because we are divorced that no matter what happens to you, it won't implicate me? 
She's mad just thinking about all the risks. What if Consort Rou didn't come? What if he fails? Did he not learn the lessons from last life when he and Li Chuan tried to reform the system? What if the Noble Houses throw a coup? 
Pei Wen Xuan: All revolutions come with a cost.
Li Rong: What cost? Your life? Are you my general or my bodyguard? Is your life that valueless? 
Pei Wen Xuan: I never said I don't want my life. 
Li Rong: If you're not going to cherish your life, then why be my husband?
Pei Wen Xuan: Nothing has happened (yet). 
Li Rong: I don't care! Before you took this risk, have you asked me first? Do you think your life and death has nothing to do with me? Or did you think I wouldn't care?
He hangs his head low
Li Rong: I'm talking to you! 
He looks up again with eyes no one can be mad at.
Li Rong: I'm telling you, Pei Wen Xuan. Your life isn't just yours. You are my husband, the father of my future child. 
His smile peeps through. Father, eh
Li Rong: Don't laugh! 
He immediately obeys, but there's a naughty twinkle in his eye.
Li Rong: If you can't do it (be my husband and father of my child), I'll – 
She can't finish her sentence. 
He extends his neck, urging her to go on, knowing precisely that she can't. 
Li Rong: I'm so annoyed! 
Pei Wen Xuan: Rong Rong, I'm wrong. I'm wrong. 
Li Rong had all the good lines, but Pei Wen Xuan's reactions were loud and clear too, awwwww! 

"You are my husband, the father of my future child."
"Don't laugh!"
Now the real conversation. 

Pei Wen Xuan: How did you get in? Hahaha.
She climbed a ladder too! Aw
Pei Wen Xuan: But what about the house next door?
Li Rong: I bought it. LOL
He urges her to go home now. 
Li Rong (disappointed): You're not having me stay? 
Pei Wen Xuan: [I want to, but] 床笫之本事是風雅之事 But bedroom matters (sex) is cultured matters. It shouldn't be mixed with this. So sophisticated! I see why he resisted making babies on the ship now (No, I don't). Your Highness is right. I'm not your ally. I am your husband and your future child's father. [I promise to tell you next time.]

Now an update on this guy: Su Rong Qing cuts off Consort Rou. She's on her own. Someone's going to drown. If she didn't know how to swim, don't attempt dipping into the ocean with sharks. 

[Ep30[Jump to: Top | Comments]

A lot of birds this ep

Pei Wen Xuan indulges Consort Rou with the taste of absolute power. This is exactly what Li Rong wants. For someone like Consort Rou, give her a bit of power, and she'll lose sight of the ground. Li Rong won't have to do anything, and Consort Rou will ruin herself. 

Unsurprisingly, Consort Rou double dips. She wants the reputation of an equitable leader (by asking Pei Wen Xuan to convince the scholars to accept a settlement and end their trial without actually giving them justice) and more palm-greasing from Wang Hou Wen, Minister of Rites/Academia (by asking Pei Wen Xuan to arrest the guy). However, Pei Wen Xuan is the one arrested because Wang Hou Wen reported to the Minister of Justice, aka Su Rong Qing. 
Random Birdness. Wang said a funny line to his servant: 鳥都比你明白,我養你有個鳥用啊. niao (bird) is smarter than you. What niao use do I have for you?  This man's love for birds is no other. They're his companions, and his puns. Iirrc, the last time he met Su Rong Qing, he used his sick birds as excuse to leave xD  

Su Rong Qing warns Pei Wen Xuan that this time is only a detainment, the next time, it will cost him his life. Pei Wen Xuan asks him if he has considered the princess after he dies. Su Rong Qing is silent. Unlike Li Rong, Pei Wen Xuan has more questions for Su Rong Qing.

Pei Wen XuanSince you came back, then why did you still let –
Su Rong QingLet her marry you? If I say I want you two to be well, will you believe me? 
Pei Wen XuanThe prerequisite is to not have Li Chuan ascend the throne, correct? 
You know, if Pei Wen Xuan thinks about helping Su Rong Qing save his family, then maybe they don't have to be enemies

Li Rong was applying makeup in the middle of the night, expecting Pei Wen Xuan to climb her wall when she was notified he was arrested. She rushes to prison. 

Su Rong Qing: I didn't think Your Highness would arrive so fast. 
Li Rong: You just didn't think I would assume the worse of you. 
Su Rong Qing: Yes. Your Highness knows me. 
Li RongBut you never knew me. Su Rong Qing, I never hated you even if you killed me. I know you have your reason, but let me tell you that if you kill Pei Wen Xuan, I will hate you, I will hate you forever. 
He's too hurt to bow, but I can't tell if that was a sigh of relief at the end. 

Li Rong takes Pei Wen Xuan into her carriage. He thinks she's taking him home. Think again. You're on the princess pumpkin carriage, fuma. She's taking him home to her grand princess hut. She assures Pei Wen Xuan it'll be fine. Here's her updated spoiled princess script: 

Li Rong: Even though we're divorced, I'm obsessed with Pei daren. I'm hopelessly attached to him. [...] and kidnapped him back to my princess hut. I must carry through my love-brained reputation and flesh out the substance, don't you think?

This script flies. 

Consort Rou arrests Wang Hou Wen herself. Oh, she finally stopped working from home. It's all Pei Wen Xuan's scheme. He (or his teacher) forged Wang Hou Wen's writing to send her an insulting poem. It describes a crow (ofc, it's birds for this guy) who grew up poorly in a dingy environment and one day flies to the top and becomes a phoenix, achieving meteoric success, but despite the power, not even the darkness nights can conceal her poor upbringing. This poem from Pei Wen Xuan aligns with Li Rong's thoughts of how to ruin Consort Rou align so perfectly. Consort Rou thinks Wang Hou Wen insulted her and so she tortures him. He warns her the moment she arrested him, she marked herself as the enemy of the Noble Houses. They may all have different surnames, but when they're targeted, they're one body. Betraying one house is betraying all houses.

Wang Hou Wen has one request before his death: free his birds. 

Our birdbrained Consort Rou thinks she can recommend her son, Prince Su, to replace Wang Hou Wen as the Minister of Rites, but the Emperor has someone else in mind. It's Pei Wen Xuan. Wow, how many birds with one stone now? Step by step, he made himself the Minister of Rites! 

The Emperor, however, is losing his sight. Consort Rou's poison is taking effect. There is a jovial moment for him though. He gets a kick from hearing about his daughter, Li Rong, kidnapping Pei Wen Xuan. Somehow the Emperor still makes me like parts of him.

[Ep31[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong defeats Consort Rou and takes back her Inspectorate with the full support of the Noble Houses. Consort Rou is guilty of torturing and/or threatening the victims. Li Rong has gathered signatures from all the class members who are denied the right to examination if they didn't accept the settlement. Chen Hou Zhao is also a victim. He claims that she wanted to assassinate him because he was charging her cousin, Xiao Shun Wen, for displacement due to nepotism. Consort Rou looks like she actually doesn't know about Chen Hou Zhao. Furthermore, Chen Hou Zhao has evidence that she threatened his mother with his little brother's career if they pursued the case. The Noble Houses also have evidence of her soliciting bribes. Double dipping has twofold the consequences. The Emperor struggles to punish Consort Rou despite the facts hurled at his face. He's disappointed in Li Rong for forcing him, but she has won this one. 
Li Rong only feels morose in vanquishing Consort Rou. She'd rather people like Consort Rou never existed, and political classism to cease; no more Noble Houses and no more Common Houses. Pei Wen Xuan is at her side, proud that in this life their goals are finally harmonious. Oh right... Li Rong in her previous life represented the Noble Houses. She never knew the consequences until this second life

The Emperor wants Consort Rou to write a letter that Li Chuan sabotaged her. Gross. This father. Then he wants her to commit suicide to protect Prince Su. She loses her screws and drags the Emperor into the ruins with her by revealing she poisoned him. Hasn't he ever wondered why he had no more children after Prince Su? Dude......Emperor, you were that dumb and never suspected her. He will only ever have two heirs. 

Consort Rou: Li Ming, why are you so stupid and cowardly? You're virtuous, but not virtuous enough. You're vicious, but not vicious enough. As a leader, you're not benevolent. As a son, you're unfilial. As a father, you're heartless. As a husband, you're faithless.

You're thoroughly selfish, out and out, but unfortunately, you have some conscience. You could have lived as a stupid, cowardly, and useless Emperor, but unfortunately, you weren't willing to resign to such a life. You tormented yourself for half your life, and what have you achieved? Utter isolation and utter nothing. She made his strengths into weaknesses, and weaknesses into the biggest regrets of his entire life

Emperor summons Xiao Wen (Another Xiao family....ok). 

Imprisoned, Consort Rou guides her daughter, Hua Yue, through two options: 1) Cut off contact with her, and live with their uncle outside of the capital city; 2) kill Li Chuan and have Prince Su be the only legitimate heir, and Hua Yue will be the Grand Princess. 

[Ep32[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Hua Yue chooses the second option: kill Li Chuan. Uncle Xiao agrees to help her. Or does he? He knows Consort Rou's real motive: she wants to sacrifice her daughter to save her son's future. He also knows Hua Yue's desire: she wants to become the Grand Princess at the expense of her mother's death. Interesting psychology. He sees the girls heartless like this because this man is heartless. The daughter and mother did not give me this vibe at all. Oh, he really is vicious. He betrays Hua Yue and informs the Emperor of her plans. 

The Emperor summons Li Chuan. The son hasn't seen him up close in so long, the dad doesn't even know he's taller than him now. Li Chuan even steps back. He's unfamiliar with his father's touch. The Emperor wants to know if he's willing to be close to him. 

Li Chuan: Chuan'er never thought of distancing from you, after all, you are my only father. But father, you don't only have me as your son.

Li Chuan tells his father he's not interested in the throne, but he just wants to protect his sister and his mother. The Emperor forces him to choose between him (the country) and his mother (Noble Houses). Li Chuan is simple and rational. He only wants to protect his loved ones. 

Li Chuan: My mother only has one son. She doesn't have a choice. 

Ok. So this conversation is the Emperor giving Li Chuan the throne with a condition: abandon his mother. Since Li Chuan rejected...this means he can no longer ascend... at least not properly without some blood. Unless the Emperor changes his mind. And does the Emperor know at this point of Hua Yue's plans to kill Li Chuan? 

Li Rong knows the Emperor is planning to kill her.... because she's the new formidable symbol of the Noble Houses. Her chance of survival is meagre if Xiao Army garners the support of Su + Xie Family. Li Rong worries if Li Chuan will protect her. Will he attack the Emperor for her? If Li Chuan doesn't fight for her, then she will die. She has her reasons to not trust him after their first life... :( Pei Wen Xuan assures her that even if Lin Fei Bai fails to control Xie Army, and Li Chuan abandons her, he still has his men. However, our Li Rong can't trust anyone. She's too insecure. She apologizes to Pei Wen Xuan. He comforts her that he understands. She was never taught to trust, only to distrust. She's afraid to look deeper into anyone's hearts and be disappointed her family doesn't actually love her. Pei Wen Xuan urges Li Rong that she needs to give her family at least a chance to prove themselves or she'll never know if they love her. Their last life was so bitter, he doesn't want either of them repeating the same mistakes. 
Li Rong: Are you really not afraid of death? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Of course. Compared to death, I'm more afraid of losing you. 
The Empress doesn't plan to leave the palace despite the danger. To stay with the Emperor through thick and thin? Rly?? She tells Li Rong there's a secret passage for her to escape. 
There's a proposal for Shangguan Ya! It's not from Su Rong Hua, but Lin Fei Bai! He needs her status to claim control of Xie Family. He promises to not interfere with her life. His army will be her foundation. If she wants to divorce afterwards, he will oblige. Aw...... She accepts! Her accepting Lin Fei Bai and rejecting Su Rong Hua is also partly because of Su Family. They're planning to kill Li Chuan. 
Interlude. Pei Wen Xuan massages Tong Ye who's very ticklish. Awwwwww.

Back to business, and it's looking so bad for Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan! 
  • Su Rong Qing offers his help to Hua Yue to kill Li Chuan.... 
  • Consort Rou teaches Hua Yue to capture Li Rong at all cost and use her to threaten Li Chuan. That way she can kill them both. Consort Rou sees people very accurately when she has no power
  • Qin Lin and Qin Zhen Zhen were going to help Li Rong fight Xiao Army, but they're betrayed by Cui Qin He!! Qin Zhen Zhen, please be okay! 
Su Rong Hua wants Su Rong Qing...

Su Rong Hua: Rong Qing, Refrain from going too far. It's not too late to turn around. 

[Ep33[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Lin Fei Bai and Su Rong Hua are lions fighting for some A'Ya love. While "dancing", Lin Fei Bai taunts Su Rong Hua for not marrying A'Ya sooner if he loved her. 

The lion dance challenge was meant for Su Rong Qing so that he won't interfere with our team poisoning Xie Chun He, the other Xie Family heir. Su Rong Qing knows their plot and their poison. It's the Aromatic Fragrance, the one he used on Li Rong. He changed the teacups, but Pei Wen Xuan tells him the trigger to the poison is in the tea. Su Rong Qing smiles. Even so, he's confident Pei Wen Xuan cannot kill Xie Chun He. 

After Xie Chun He drinks the medicine, he coughs blood. Then he's cured. Li Rong is shocked. And now we know how this poison really works:
  1. Plant the poison. It's latent and has no effect. 
  2. Active ingredients. This activates the poison at any desired moment (e.g. Pei Wen Xuan's tea)
  3. Aromatic pouch. This is the antidote. Smelling it will ameliorate the poison. Drinking it will cure the poison. (Everyone but Su Rong Qing had misunderstood that this was the poisonous element. This is why Su Rong Qing knows Xie Chun He won't die. The antidote pouch was on him.) 
Prince Su is poisoned too! Hua Yue panics, demanding the physician to identify the poison. The Emperor already knows it's the Aromatic Fragrance, which means he poisoned his own son. The Empress is in silent shock. Disgusting. She on the other hand is disappointed because she cares about this man still eh. The Emperor just didn't realize that today's tea was spiked by Pei Wen Xuan. The average person will have no effect, only those with the latent poison will react. 

No Aromatic Fragrance for Li Rong in this life, but she's still in danger. She's lured out (Hua Yue's plan). Li Chuan puts his life on the line for Li Rong to escape. Aw. However, Li Rong meets Clifford too. It's Su Rong Qing who snatches the vine to pull her up but physics won't allow it. He grits his teeth and shouts. "Pei. Wen. Xuan!! Fast!" Not fast enough. Su Rong Qing and Li Rong fall into the water together. Pei Wen Xuan also isn't fast enough to save Li Chuan, but Shangguan Ya got there in time. Phew. Feng Ming is okay too. 

Su Rong Qing and Li Rong recover in a cave. She forces him to tell her the truth about the Aromatic Fragrance. If Su Rong Qing was curing her, who poisoned her? Pained, he answers her: everyone. It was Su Rong Qing; it was Li Chuan; it was Shangguan Ya; it was all of them. 
Su Rong Qing: Now you know why I can't let Li Chuan ascend the throne. He killed his family, and he killed Li Rong. He had said before that everyone who hurt Li Rong must die, including himself.  I entered your dream, I'm now a normal man, and yet I have to watch you marry another. You don't think I want to fight? It's not because I don't dare to or I can't win. It is only because I have no right. Li Chuan and I are only worthy of living in hell. I deserve to die. Li Chuan...doesn't deserve to live. 

Li Rong doesn't understand the motive. Why would Li Chuan kill his only jiejie? Because he thinks Li Rong poisoned him. It was a scheme crafted by Shangguan Ya and the Noble Houses. He assumed Li Rong, the ambassador of the Noble Houses, was part of it. 

Meanwhile, Pei Wen Xuan rock climbs down. His hands are bleeding, but nothing will stop him from saving Li Rong. 

[Ep34[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Chuan (latently) poisoned Li Rong every week when they played weiqi. Wow. Insinuatingly cruel. It's why her health was ailing. Su Rong Qing had the mansion covered with the fragrance to treat her. It's just he didn't cure her. Why? 

Su Rong Qing: It was Shangguan Ya and myself. Because we know the most important to you aren't the Noble Houses, [but Li Chaun]. With the antidote in hand, I can save you at any time, and I can kill you... with ease. 

Su Rong Qing analyzes Li Chuan for her too. In his dying moment, Li Chuan activated Li Rong's poison because he cannot let her live. To him, they kept each other in check. He wanted to abolish Noble Houses, and she kept them. If he died, Pei Wen Xuan would be overpowered by her. He did not trust Li Rong to not kill Pei Wen Xuan, especially when she had Su Rong Qing and Shangguan Ya on her side. He also knew Pei Wen Xuan could not kill her because he loved her, and so Li Chuan ordered Feng Ming to activate the poison. We all thought Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong were the players, but they were also pieces

This life, Su Rong Qing has no faith in Li Chuan. He will fall at the same places, repeating the disastrous mistakes because it's in his bones. He rejoices in grandiose deeds, and he's reckless and stubborn. The moment he became the Emperor, he waged war with the North, emptied the treasuries, and was ill-prepared for emergencies. Then he wanted academic reformation. Finally, he sabotaged his Su Clan. "Your Highness, how do we change him?" Li Rong is silent. He knows that Li Chuan wasn't born aggressive, but he is ignorant and powerless. In the past, Li Rong couldn't stop him. What makes her think she can stop him now? 

Su Rong Qing let Li Rong misunderstand because Li Chuan is her only family. If Su Rong Qing succeeds in killing Li Chuan, then she can just hate him. If he fails, he won't hurt her relationship with Li Chuan. Sigh.

Li Rong now understands she was killed in two ways. 1) Li Chuan poisoned her and 2) Su Rong Qing and Shangguan Ya didn't save her. Why? 

Su Rong Qing: Because Li Xin isn't Li Chuan's child. Dun dun dun.

Su Rong Qing and Shangguan Ya are a team because Li Xin is Su Rong Hua's son, the only Su sperm left! Su Rong Hua also killed Qin Zhen Zhen to protect Shangguan Ya.  

Li Rong's face is contorted with disgust and her voice is shallow. Father isn't a father. Siblings are not siblings. Husband and wife are not husband and wife. Friends are not friends. Everything in the past is rotten to the core, a swamp full of disgusting pus. Su Rong Qing is silent. 

Li Rong: I shouldn't have saved you. 
Su Rong Qing (with a broken and contrite heart): Your Highness is right. You shouldn't have saved me. Once I send you to a high (and safe) place, I will return this life to Your Highness.
Pei Wen Xuan finds Li Rong. It's clear she's been crying, and so he speaks softly to her, letting her act all high and mighty to cheer her up. They're so cute at bickering even here

Li Rong: If I want to order you, why would I hold myself back? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Good. Imprint these words to your heart. Don't just say it without meaning it. 
Li Rong sniffles, and holds herself back from telling him her pain.
Pei Wen Xuan sees her suppressing her emotions again. 
Pei Wen Xuan: You little liar. 
Pei Wen Xuan takes her on his back. He will wait until she's ready to tell him. Awwwww. Pei Wen Xuan! He's cute when he's childishly in love, but when he's a man like this, he's swoony~

Rejoice! Li Rong is pregnant! They got it in one shot. Pei Wen Xuan is the first to know and I love his happy dance 
A child
"I'm an adult"
You're 40. xD
However, Li Rong is too emotional for Pei Wen Xuan to tell her. She's actually thinking about supporting Prince Su. She's too afraid of history repeating itself. She met the same people again, and she fell in love with the same man. Li Chuan could be the same too. She can't bet everything on him. She still doesn't tell Pei Wen Xuan the truth, but tells him the future she wants: leave the palace and.. 

Li Rong: Let's have a child. I want to give the best of this world to you, and them. They will be the happiest people in this world. And their mother will be the strongest one in this world. Even if I have nothing, I will still have you both. 

A new life is here, and another life is gone. Prince Su dies. Consort Rou knows the Emperor poisoned him. Uncle Xiao brings her a solution. It's a man. Please don't tell me it's a guy who looks like Prince Su

[Ep35[Jump to: Top | Comments]

It's a guy who looks like Prince Su. Under Su Rong Qing's advice, Uncle Xiao trained a Prince Su doppelgänger. By using the fake prince, they're all bound together for a rebellion now. Consort Rou also allows him to dispose of the real Prince Su's corpse. Hua Yue breaks down. Such complicated emotions. Consort Rou isn't all heartless. The Emperor poisoned her son. Hatred has consumed her

Li Rong secretly saves Su Rong Qing from Pei Wen Xuan's men, and Pei Wen Xuan knows! He won't allow her to see Su Rong Qing. He doesn't understand her vexation, and how can he when she hasn't told him anything? He's speechless when she demands him if she should die for Li Chuan all over again. "I already sacrificed myself to marry you from a common clan. I sacrificed my entire life for him, and what did I get? I only want to live for myself, can't I?" That hurts!!! Pained, he asks if marrying him was a humiliation to her. NOOO! She's being stoopid right now. "Or did you think investing your life for us isn't worth it?"  Pei Wen Xuan and Li Chuan do share one dream: reforming the imperial examination, abolishing classism in politics

Li Rong finally tells him the truth: Li Chuan killed her. Her life is an utter joke. Everyone she sacrificed for betrayed her. Everyone she loves hates her. No one thought she had feelings or would help them. "Pei Wen Xuan, I thought you were the only one who could believe me until the very end." He is! He's silent, though. WHY YOU SILENT AT THE WRONG TIME SWEETIE.  Out of spite, she sulks, "I don't have family, I don't have friends, I don't need anyone, and I don't need you. I just need power. Go. I don't want to see you."  Every line is a lie. Pei Wen Xuan leaves from his spot ...to sit down right next to her :') Exactly what she needs.  
Pei Wen Xuan: This humble servant knows.
Li Rong: Know what. 
Pei Wen Xuan: I know I'm wrong. I also know what Your Highness wants: me at your side. 
Li Rong: I don't. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Then it is I who wants to be at Your Highness's side. I can't leave Your Highness. How about that?

We can't see it, but Pei Wen Xuan's presence has softened every hard edge in her heart. I know her. I'm her speakerphone. She doesn't want him to concede for her sake (but she likes it). She admits she was emotional and it had nothing to do with him. Pei Wen Xuan disagrees. How could anything related to her have nothing to do with him? This guy doesn't need my speakerphone services. Tears fall, and Li Rong melts into his shoulders until he rudely strips them away! LOL. Her reaction
Pei Wen Xuan argues that this isn't all his fault. His ex-wife spent a whole night with another man and hasn't spoken a word after. Belated compliment. Our Pei Pei really was so calm and understanding. I love that he feels so much security about her love. He was never jealous, just upset because she was upset, and frustrated because he had no idea why she was upset. Li Rong's incredulous reaction tells us she never considered that. Su Rong Qing just isn't a man to her

Pei Wen Xuan: What I cared about most is as your husband, I see that you're sad and I couldn't do anything. 

He's well aware of her tendency to suppress her feelings, and doesn't want to probe her further, but then she hugs him! It's an apology for hurting him. She's changed so much, and it surprises him too
If he took away his shoulder, take it back xD
Why's he so good looking

Ok guys, ready to unpack the past? Pei Wen Xuan and Su Rong Qing do it simultaneously and separately: Pei Wen Xuan retells his past for Li Rong to understand the whole picture. Su Rong Qing tells Su Rong Hua his past like it was a dream for Su Rong Hua to understand why he must rebel. 
  • Su Rong Hua and Shangguan Ya's meet-and-love was even cuter. However, they were star-crossed lovers. She was the appointed Crown Princess. She gives him her hairpin to forget him. Forget me, but keep my memento eh
  • Li Chuan knew Shangguan Ya didn't want to be engaged and encaged. He wanted to free her, but he was powerless. Everyone was telling him to marry. Even Li Rong wasn't on his side. 
  • The marriage happened. The Emperor can no longer tolerate the Crown Prince with a Shangguan wife, and so he deposed his son and imprisoned him (along with Li Rong).
  • Pei Wen Xuan rallied the Noble Houses to support Li Chuan (and free Li Rong as well). 
  • Su Rong Hua was the first to support Li Chuan (for Shangguan Ya who was married to him).
  • According to Su Rong Qing, Li Chuan pacified the north but left them in deficit, and reformed the exams. He adjusted the scores to benefit applicants of the Commons Houses (+10 points) over the Noble Houses (-10 points). Wow. That's a 20 point difference. "Differential scoring" will never be fair tbh....
  • As per Pei Wen Xuan, the treasury wouldn't have been ill-prepared if the Noble Houses weren't embezzling. The counter argument for Su Rong Qing is how do we guarantee Common Houses wouldn't embezzle as well? It's human nature.  
  • The perspectives on both sides are really good. This is politics. There is no absolute win here. They can only find a solution that satisfies most people of what they think is the right thing to do. And really, who is the one who decides what's right? Think today's society: refuges. Accept them for the greater good or reject them to benefit the citizens. Which side you're on depends on your life experience. 
[Ep36[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Pei Wen Xuan tells Li Rong how much he and Li Chuan struggled to scramble for funds. Every time Li Rong lectured her brother, he would lock himself in his room for the whole night. Li Rong had no idea how much she hurt him. Li Chuan's realization of his utter powerlessness was eating him alive and leaving him hollow. 

Caught in the middle was Shangguan Ya. Li Chuan did not love her, but she only had him. Every time she dressed up lavishly to appeal to him, he hated her and the Noble Houses more. Li Rong stepped in to force him to sleep with her. He asks his sister what's the difference between him, an emperor, and a concubine. Oh :(. Then he did it with Shangguan Ya. He was revolted, and she was humiliated. They both needed enhancers. Oh man, lol

Shangguan Ya felt threatened when (Consort) Qin Zhen Zhen was pregnant, and so she asked her father for a man.

Shangguan Ya: Any man will do. :(

Su Rong Hua disguises as a eunuch (the premonition T_T) to visit Shangguan Ya. He's the only man she doesn't want because she loves him and hates that he sees her humiliation, but she can't resist him. Two months later, she's pregnant. 

Presently, Pei Wen Xuan says the timing of Shangguan Ya's pregnancy was awkward. Till now, he's still uncertain who the father is. Oh?

It's the rumours that ultimately killed Qin Zhen Zhen. The "common houses" were obnoxiously celebrating the crowning of her son over the Noble House's prince (Shangguan Ya's) Qin Zhen Zhen knew she was in danger and promised her son would never be the Crown Prince. However Uncle Shangguan still convinced Su Rong Hua to kill her son. Qin Zhen Zhen taste tested every time and so she was poisoned instead.   

Li Rong remembers Li Chuan mourning for Qin Zhen Zhen. She had little sympathy and told him to get back to work. That was the last of his sanity. He could no longer tolerate the Noble Houses. He lost his wife. He "lost" his sister.  She didn't understand him. She sided with the Noble Houses. Li Rong now realizes the depth of his pain. 

Li Chuan became shrewder and crueler. He favoured the Shangguan Prince on the surface, but was weakening the Shuangguan family from within. He also investigated the truth of Qin Zhen Zhen's death. To avenge her, he slits Uncle Shangguan's neck in front of his mother and the queen. He spares Shangguan Ya only because his mother offered her life. Oh Li Chuan ): He had asked her why she participated in the attempted murder of his (and Qin Zhen Zhen's) child. Her answer: "For Shuangguan Clan." *Shakes head*

The blood test revealed that Li Chuan is Shangguan Ya's child's father. We all know their test is bogus. However even if it was accurate, the test will still show positive because Li Chuan is at least half Shangguan Ya. All Shangguan children are related to him. A'Ya is confusing though. She was so confident her son is Li Chuan's. Isn't that interesting. I don't think the show gave a simple answer to who the father is.

Shangguan Ya (and her son) watched Li Chuan murder her father and her aunt in front of her eyes.

Li Chuan didn't stop there. He was wicked. He commanded Su Clan to fight in the North because of Prince Su's revolt. To Su Rong Qing, the Emperor was reckless, and placed everyone in danger and the economy in deficit. To Pei Wen Xuan, what nobody knew was that Li Chuan was expending the Noble Family's army to wear them down. The same history, the different interpretations

Su Rong Hua knew Li Chuan was only finding an excuse (collusion with Prince Su) to execute him, But Li Chuan went much farther. He beheaded the entire Su Clan. Li Rong begged Li Chuan and he spared some lives except castration was inevitable. 

Su Rong Hua committed suicide with Shangguan Ya's hairpin. Li Chuan's smirk is so wicked as he ordered Feng Meng that even if he died, Su Rong Hua cannot escape castration. Li Chuan ah T_T. It does break my heart to watch him become like this. Su Rong Qing only ever saw Li Chuan's evilness. How could he ever forgive Li Chuan and let him rule again. Li Chuan even shows the hairpin to Shangggyan Ya. 
Pei Wen Xuan recalls that night he thought of Li Rong and how all the lights in the palace have ceased except hers. Her light always beamed straight forward. 

The story of the past is over. The storytellers, Pei Wen Xuan and Su Rong Qing, ask their audience for their thoughts. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness, the past, you know. Will you still abandon the Crown Prince? 
Su Rong Qing: Brother, the end, you know. Will you still prevent the seizure of the Crown Prince? 
What a smart parallel in their lines. To Pei Wen Xuan that was the "past" Crown Prince. To Su Rong Qing, this is the "future" Li Chuan. This perspective dictates their choices in this life
Li Rong is indecisive. Tomorrow, Pei Wen Xuan will take her to see both Li Chuan and Su Rong Qing for her to have no regrets. Pei Wen Xuan will respect her final decision whichever it is. 

Su Rong Hua asks his brother if it isn't a pity to give up his own happiness (= Li Rong). Why doesn't he try to change? Su Rong Qing can't turn around, not after seeing the future Li Chuan, a tyrant. The 
thousands of soldiers that died (because Li Chuan wanted to take down the Noble Houses by sending them to war) were lives too. Su Rong Qing thinks it's impossible to change. It's Li Chuan's nature. But Su Rong Hua tells his brother, "Admit it, the Noble Houses are a malignant tumour to the country". Su Rong Hua has such forward-thinking for his time. Is that why he'd rather not participate in politics at all? That should have been more of a reason to participate, bro!  

Qin Zhen Zhen finds her brother. They're both fine and kill the traitor. They regain their army and march forward to help Li Rong and Li Chuan. 
Shangguan Ya and Su Rong Hua are at dead ends again. He can't give up his brother, and she can't give up the Crown Prince for her family. She gives him a dice, vowing never to make bets anymore.

[Ep37[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong visits Li Chuan. She nervously clutches onto Pei Wen Xuan, the one person she can trust her life with, but to help Li Chuan or not is a decision she must make on her own. Right now, she can't even meet him in the eye and needs a divider. He was injured protecting her, and it is him comforting his a jie that he's fine. She's not fine. Unable to consider his pain because of her pain, she tells him her "nightmare" that he killed her. Li Chuan says that's impossible. If anyone wants to hurt her, it'll have to be over his dead body. Even himself. He did wait until he was dying to kill her..

Li Chuan recalls the past of how Li Rong cherished him. They got a kid actor with ears kinda like him. When he was punished, she stayed with him and gave him food. When he wanted to save a cat from being buried alive because he showed preference, she took his beatings for him. Li Rong mutters that the cat still died. (The cat sounds like Qin Zhen Zhen...). That's true, but Li Chuan cherished his jie more. He didn't want this jie to be hurt because of him. Li Chuan is so innocent right now :'( 

Li Rong questions about his future. Li Chuan doesn't know what kind of emperor he will become. He knows he's not suitable and he doesn't want it, but in order to protect the people he loves (Li Rong, his mother, Qin Zhen Zhen), he can only be the emperor. If there is one thing he wants as the emperor, it's to pacify the North. He battled there and every time he closed his eyes he could hear the peasants begging him to save them. Li Chuan wishes for peace and prosperity.

Li Rong goes into detail about the ruler he will ("actually") be: cold and suspicious, and cruel. He will be like the Emperor. He will kill a lot of people. He will kill his mother. He will kill his uncle. He will kill their clan members. He will also kill her. But he will achieve what he aspires as the emperor. 

Li Chuan: Is this really just a dream?
Li Rong: It could also be the future.

Li Chuan cries. Li Rong asks if she should make him pay a life with a life. He drags his sword to Li Rong and places the handle in her arm.

Li Chuan: If this must be our future, then a jie, please kill me now. 
Li Rong (thinks it's a dare): You don't think I can kill you, do you?
Li Chuan: That's not it. To die in your hands, I have no regret. If my path is as a jie said, then I rather my life ends here. It would still be a good ending. 
Li Rong slashes down– far away from Li Chuan. She drops the sword. 
Li Rong: I'm sorry. It was I who forced the dream Li Chuan to die. 
Damn. This is true. Li Chuan was dragged into the life he hated, and his a jie was there every step of the way.  
Li Rong blurts out all the information she knows to help Li Chuan: details about Qin Clan and Su Clan, fake Prince Su, and the Emperor's intolerance to the Shangguan Clan if he still wants to be the Crown Prince. It's an information dump, and it's her dumping Li Chuan to be on his own. "I let you go, so in the future, please let me go." This is the end of their ties. She won't block him, but she will leave him(, which will also benefit him if he wants to secure his ascension). 

Li ChuanA Jie, why can't you believe me a little more? *Whimpers* 
Li Rong (cries): It's not that I don't trust you. I can't trust people's hearts. 
Li Rong will relocate, but wants Pei Wen Xuan to stay in the city. She knows Li Chuan is his ideal emperor. She doesn't want him to give up his future for her. But he wants to leave with her. 

Pei Wen Xuan: I am doing it because you are My Highness, my wife, and of course, our child.  

Pei Wen Xuan wants her to stop being stubborn and accept that he will leave with her (after he settles down Li Chuan). 

Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness has been stubborn with herself for a whole lifetime. That should end. 
Li Rong: Weren't you also stubborn with yourself a whole lifetime? When did you negotiate peace with yourself? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Me? When I admitted I love you. When I decided to steal you from someone else. I stopped being stubborn. 

Li Rong cutely presses him why he loves her so much. He's like "Oh, so many reasons." She will tell him that she cares about power, but her actions say otherwise. She cares about Li Chuan as her didi. She cares about Shangguan Ya as her friend. She didn't want her to marry Lin Fei Bai even though it was beneficial.  She even trusts Su Rong Qing. In the depths of the palace where the deeper you go, the more rotten it is, Li Rong remains righteous. She is a compass pointing to the path of dignity and loyalty. Pei Wen Xuan says her path is much harder. He is following her, whereas she needs to create her own path because she's walking ahead.  

Pei Wen Xuan: My principles are set to your standards. Your principles are set to your inherent quality. After twenty years of seeing your clarity and brightness, You Highness has become the best ruler in my heart. This is the reason he fell in love with Li Rong. His love was at first sight, which gradually deepened. Awwww

Li Rong summarizes that if she was a prince, then he's saying she could be competitive for the throne. 

Pei Wen Xuan: If you're a prince....and I'm not a lady, wouldn't that be a problem. LOL
Li RongLittle lady~ 
Li Rong is sad that she can't pack everything she loves, like this vase. 

Pei Wen Xuan: How about I bring this to you and pack your husband along with it. His sajiao! xD
Tong Ye laughs. LOL.
Pei Wen Xuan can't send Li Rong because tonight's the night. 1) The Emperor wants to meet the Crown Prince and give Li Chuan one last choice: it's the crown or his family (abandon his sister and mother because they are Shangguan). 2) The Empress also plans to take the throne by force. 3) Consort Rou and Su Rong Qing are like it's now or never. 

Pei Wen Xuan has his own family to deal with. He receives this note, garrulous written. If there are 100 characters, at least 90 are useless. It confirms that Pei Wen Xuan's father was poisoned by Pei Li Xian. He organizes a clan meeting to take back the Master Seal for Pei Clan (for the revolt). 
It's our couple's last hug before Li Rong leaves. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Your Highness, what if I die in the palace today? 
Li Rong: If you die in the palace, then I'll gather my army and exterminate them. Do you understand, Pei daren?
Pei Wen Xuan is happy to hear thatHe also did witness her risking it all to save him back at his ancestral hall
Pei Wen Xuan: I love you more than my life. Wait for me. I will light the city with fireworks, spread ten miles of red adornment, take you in a palanquin with eight carriers, and rightfully marry you again. 
Li Rong: I will wait for you. 
The way her small hands can't let go of him :( 
Su Rong Qing spikes his father's tea (for the Master Seal too). 

[Ep38[Jump to: Top | Comments]

The sons are usurping their fathers/uncles! 
  • Su Rong Qing poisoned his father (who's still alive) and wants all non-fighting Su members escorted out of the city safely. 
  • Li Chuan is demanded by his mother to overthrow his father. 
  • Pei Wen Xuan is doing it rightfully, though. He was so shuai when he drank the wine
I love the drooping bell sleeves on Pen Wen Xuan, but he looks good with the garters too.
Li Rong has left safely, but she mourns over the citizens who couldn't. They might not have their heads after the sun sets. Shangguan Ya urgently catches up. She knows Su Rong Qing's plan (from Su Rong Hua). He will ambush the moment Li Chuan usurps and rightfully charge him of rebellion. Su Rong Qing has the support of Xiao Clan, and at least half of the Noble Families. Oh no! Li Chuan doesn't have enough men to fight. 

Li Rong's new strategy: she will keep herself in the palace (as Li Chuan?) in order for Li Chuan to escape. She also orders Yuan Fei Yu (servant) to deceive Pei Wen Xuan out of the city for his safety. 

This sad family: 
  • Li Chuan just wants his father to accept him. 
  • The Emperor cannot love Li Chuan because he's a Shangguan. He says they're heartless. Not as heartless as you, our ruler. They only treat the emperors as tools to rule Daxia
  • The Empress did love the Emperor. That's why she's in pain. The Beiyan tower was a symbol of his love and it is now a joke to insult her as he kept loving consort after consort. She thought he could at least be a father to Li Chuan, and all know how that went. 
The Emperor gives Li Chuan a deal: Kill the Shangguans, and he will give him everything. Li Chuan pats Li Rong's hand before he answers his father. 

Li Chuan: I don't want to give up my sister and mother for my own life. I might not be a qualified Crown Prince or ruler, but I don't want to become you. I want to protect my family. I want to find someone I like and do what I like. I don't want to sacrifice another person's life to live mine. 

I want to be indecisive, I want to be naive. I want to be kind, I want to disregard gains and losses.

You (Emperor) never liked me anyway. But no matter what, I don't want to kill you and stain my heart. 

Li Chuan takes his sister's hand and leaves, but Li Rong must stay. The Empress is watching her, crying. Li Chuan only leaves because Lin Fei Bai knocked him unconscious. I like Lin Fei Bai, lol.

Pei Wen Xuan is successfully deceived. He reads Li Rong's letter: 

Li Rong: My husband loves me beyond his life. I do too. I will endure the hardships with positivity. 

Pei Wen Xuan's eyes seem to glint with inner resolve. He orders Yuan Fei Yu to arrest all the family members of the Noble Clan. This is low, but Pei Wen Xuan doesn't care. He reenters the city gates and spots Shangguan Ya, Su Rong Hua, Lin Fei Bai, and Li Chuan leaving. That was pretty neat
Lin Fei Bai watching Shangguan Ya watching Su Rong Hua with sleeping beauty, Li Chuan

The Emperor is afraid of Li Rong more than he is of Li Chuan. It's because he thinks she can actually kill him. She doesn't understand why her father treats his children like this. "We are Shangguan, but aren't we your children too?"  

Li Rong: Father, I'm with a child too. In my 40 years, this is my first child. Lol. ^^" Dad's also like wtf

Li Rong receives a stamp from her father. It says 國泰民安 Peace and Prosperity. On her full moon celebration, she picked it up. He was elated and proud of his first child, but as she grew older, he became fearful of her power. The Emperor doesn't know if this seal sealed his fear or his love for her. 

[Ep39[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Li Rong doesn't understand the meaning of her father's seal, but Fu Lai does. The Emperor has unsealed himself and let go of his fear. He's embracing her power. He's choosing to trust Li Rong and grants her as the grand princess regent. Li Rong climbs up to the throne. It's high, and it's a bit cold. What an adventure for a first time pregnant mom

Su Rong Qing leads the way into the palace. His alliance and army marches in too. The Emperor has like one man: Fu Lai. And he's not even a man. LOL. Su Rong Qing notices that all of Li Rong's men have stayed behind the palace gates. So far it's a peaceful takeover. 

Pei Wen Xuan knows Li Rong's tactic. If she kept all her men safe, then that means she's buying time and waiting for the Crown Prince to gather his. Pei Wen Xuan nods. "We can win. We must win." 

Fireworks are released. The sky is so busy during wars. How do they know which signal is theirs? Imagine you have one guy in charge of just looking at the sky
Qin Zhen Zhen and Li Chuan reunite! She has his sword, and now he keeps her mask. He tells her she doesn't need to be "Xun Chuan" anymore. Because she no longer has to "find (xun) Chuan". She already found him
At the palace, Su Rong Qing dismisses everyone to be alone with Li Rong....to have tea?!
  • Su Rong Qing makes an offer. Since she's the regent, and he only wants to stop Li Chuan, they can work together. Su Rong Qing isn't here for revenge and doesn't need Li Chuan dead. Li Chuan can change his name and live elsewhere. He can be anything, but the Emperor. 
  • Li Rong rejects. This isn't just about ascending Li Chuan. The Noble Houses need to go. If they weren't embezzling, they would have had enough money to fight the war and fund emergencies. It wasn't just Li Chuan's fault. Su Rong Qing blames everything on Li Chuan, but it wasn't one person's doing. 
  • Su Rong Qing counters that the Common Houses are equally (if not more) susceptible to embezzlement. How come Li Chuan can be reckless and the Noblemen (e.g. Shanggyan Ya and Su Rong Qing) cannot? If Noble Houses have faults, then so does the Royal Family. Should we obliterate us all? 
  • Li Rong corners Su Rong Qing to admit their birth is a crime. They may be born righteous, but they're surrounded by darkness. Li Rong wants to change. She invites Su Rong Qing.
  • Su Rong Qing's reply: "Your Highness. I can't turn around anymore. I already have nothing. I cannot turn around."
Li Chuan charges in and the palace erupts into a battlefield. A messenger updates Su Rong Qing, but wait, what's he doing here with Li Rong when people are dying outside? Having tea. What sup. Anyway. Li Rong is taken hostage. Su Rong Qing wants to help her, but she doesn't want to owe him anything and is a cooperative hostage. She assures her soldiers, "While the green hills last, there'll be wood to burn." Where there's life, there's hope. She doesn't want them to sacrifice their lives to save her. 
The only man qualified to save Li Rong is Pei Wen Xuan. *Heart-eyes* He reveals his card: he has their families as hostages (just as they have his Li Rong). Our man is so calm and collected, he doesn't even need his sword anymore. He steadily marches towards the only person he cares about in his world: Li Rong.  

Li Rong: Why did you come back? 
Pei Wen Xuan: To accompany you in meeting death, or to bring you home. Together forever

The Noble Houses bargain with Pei Wen Xuan. They want to retreat and call it even. Pei Wen Xuan sells his baffled act. "Retreat? Then everyone will just copy the coup." Haha.  Pei Wen Xuan tries to snip a better deal: retreat and accept paying taxes and an academic reformation. Pei Wen Xuan ah, looool. Su Rong Qing persuades the Noble Houses back into the coup or at least not to promise a retreat. Battle ensues. Pei Wen Xuan locks Li Rong in the room to keep her safe. He did it with the sheath. So resourceful. Li Rong tries to beg Su Rong Qing to stop. 

Li Rong: The past is the past. The present is the present. Why must you live in the past? This is a new world. I am a new Li Rong. Why can't you be a new Su Rong Qing? 

Su Rong Qing is adamant that he's doing the right thing for everyone. He cannot be wrong. 

Pei Wen Xuan slays down every enemy, clearing all potential danger from Li Rong. Then rescue arrives. It's Su Rong Hua. He's on our side. Well, Shangguan Ya's side. This is similar to the past too. Su Rong Qing leading the pact to help Li Chuan become the Emperor
[Ep40[Jump to: Top | Comments]

When it's safe, Pei Wen Xuan finally opens the door for Li Rong. *Hugs* 
Li Rong sees Li Chuan. She may not be as warm and hugging, but she scans him down to make sure he isn't injured. Then she embraces Qin Zhen Zhen. She says it must have been tough on her. Qin Zhen Zhen answers that it was tough. But her voice went really soft here! :( It absolutely was tough, but it was worth it

Consort Rou holds a sword at the Emperor, threatening to kill him. She actually plunges the sword into him, and twists the blade. The Emperor surrenders, and reveals the location of his imperial seal. But it doesn't matter. They have no power to rule this country even if they have the edict, which Su Rong Qing flees with.
It's Su Rong Qing and Pei Wen Xuan's first and final showdown. They hated each other since Su Rong Qing carried the umbrella and Pei Wen Xuan married Li Rong. In the midst of their swords clashing, Pei Wen Xuan tries to convince Su Rong Qing that this isn't his only path. 

Su Rong Qing outlines his alternate path. He could have knelt like his brother and begged his father to allow him to marry Li Rong, but he didn't. In that past, he watched her marry Pei Wen Xuan. In this past, he watched and became the best man. He chose this path for himself despite his desires. Su Rong Qing already lost his most invaluable Li Rong. He cannot be wrong as well. 

Pei Wen Xuan (mercilessly): Su Rong Qing, you remember this. Her Highness isn't someone you gave up, but someone I fought for. Whether you fight or not, Her Highness will always be mine. Listen. If you're wrong, then you must admit it. She loves me, so you must scram. 

All of Su Rong Qing's men have been seized. He has lost. In a futile attempt, Su Rong Qing strikes forward at Pei Wen Xuan. At the end, it's Su Rong Qing who's critically injured. He didn't dodge. Li Rong sees this. She looks up at Pei Wen Xuan...

Pei Wen Xuan (knows that look): I'm okay.
Su Rong Qing: I'm not okay. 

LOL. A guy is almost dead on the ground, and I love that she's worried about the man who's standing fine. I also love love the unspoken concern. I was actually a little worried if Li Rong would be upset, but Pei Wen Xuan knew that look of hers is concern for his safety.

Pei Wen Xuan adjourns to give Su Rong Qing a moment with Li Rong. 
Su Rong Qing's perspective. He never thought of harming Li Rong. He only wanted her to live well even if it's with Pei Wen Xuan. He didn't propose to her not because he was weak. He knew she loved Pei Wen Xuan. Oh. He knew since....the first life. He also doesn't deserve her. He harmed her, and he would have to kill Li Chuan to support Prince Su. He went against her Inspectorate because he didn't want her targeted by the Noble Houses. He only proposed marriage to her because he thought that was the best way to keep her in the city. It wasn't to take advantage of Pei Wen Xuan's death. He gives her the dragonfly, and tells her he had loved her since he was 10. He has only ever loved her. 

Su Rong Qing: This life, did you live well? 
Li Rong touches her stomach. 
Su Rong Qing: That's good. Your Highness, are you (pregnant)? 
Li Rong: Yes. Rong Qing. I have a child. 
Su Rong Qing (smiles): Then this humble servant congratulates you.

Su Rong Qing goes on and on and on and on about his fantasy future and what-ifs. This is excruciatingly long. The more blood these people lose, the more breath they seem to have. He has a last request. He wants to play qin. Pei Wen Xuan eases him in, and gives him an antidote. They will free him, but he starts playing "Farewell." Then he burns himself in the flames.

The Emperor is dead too. He passed the throne to Li Chuan and told him to not be like him. 

A lot of criers: 
  • Li Chuan cries for his father
  • The Emperor cries for himself
  • Fu Lai cries for the Emperor. 
  • The Empress cries for her husband, and watches the Beiyan Tower from afar. 
  • Su Rong Hua cries for Su Rong Qing. 
  • Hua Yue cries for her brother and mother and father. Her fake brother follows her and watches with a broken heart. Aw?? 
3 years later

Li Chuan is on hiatus! Su Rong Qing...if only you waited 3 more years. Your Li Chuan was not going to rule anyway. Li Chuan knows he's no king material. He makes Li Rong the Grand Princess Regent. Pei Wen Xuan, Shangguan Ya, Cui Yu Lang are all promoted as her left, right, and middle hand because we all know Zhao Jin Mai has 3 hands (inside joke, dw folks). In a letter, he promises Li Rong he'll come back for Su Rong Hua and Shangguan Ya's marriage. Meanwhile, he's going to live the rest of his life the way he wants with the love of his life: Qin Zhen Zhen. Haha. Just a few eps ago she was sorry about Li Chuan being dungeoned in the palace and while she was going to have love, and freedom. The real winner is Li Chuan

Sometime later. It's Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong's third marriage. He married her as he promised: lighting the city, spreading ten miles of red adornment, and taking her in palanquin with eight carriers. He spoiled her lavishly, and if she wants peace and prosperity for thousands of miles, he can give it to her too. Pei Wen Xuan's entire being is hers. His only wish is to have three lifetimes with her. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Are you willing to bind your fate and marry me for three lifetimes, allowing this dream to last forever?
Li Rong: I do. I wish to grow old with you, cherishing every moment from dusk to dawn. 
He wants forever. She wants every minute of every day in that forever

The end.

[Extra[Jump to: Top | Comments]

Pei Wen Xuan is served homemade food from our grand princess regent, Li Rong. Isn't that sweet? But oh, why is the green bean soup grey? She says it's Jing Lan's recipe. He prepares to eat it with anticipation and great trepidation. Yep, it's gross, but he lies that it's good, which makes her curious. She wants a taste too. He's like Are you sure, and his first motion is moving the bowl towards her. LOL. She almost pukes, and doesn't let him have more. She really is quite caring. When Pei Wen Xuan is drunk, she puts him to bed.
But that's not enough of an epilogue! The vase introduces Rong Rong and Xuan Xuan's 3.0 Married Life. The vase is actually the reason we have the rest of this extra, which takes place 7 years since Li Rong was first pregnant. 

It all began when a vase became an unmanned aerial vehicle targeting Pei Wen Xuan's head. He got amnesia-ed. Li Rong doesn't know and orders him to rest, but he's bored at home and takes a walk. He hears a story about Lord Qing and Jiang Li (aka Su Rong Qing and Li Rong). That's how Pei Wen Xuan learns about his life. His wife was having an affair with Su Rong Qing, and he killed Su Rong Qing. Afterwards the princess regent and the prime minister loved and hated each other. The audiences assure him this is a real story. 
At the mention of Su Rong Qing, Tong Ye's eyes.
Li Rong storms into the room, angry that Pei Wen Xuan wasn't resting, and angry at his ministers for giving her a hard time at work. Pei Wen Xuan is scowling too. Tong Ye is caught in the middle, echoing their spat. He's stressed out and thinks of Cui Yu Lang. He has a way to relieve all stress.... 
Their children are worried about their parents fighting. Jiejie assures didi that it's their parents' love language. Since her birth, they've written countless divorce letters already. Didi is still worried they'll separate because he'll miss jiejieAww. Jiejie is Li Xi, and didi is Pei Qing Yuan. I think their surnames are different because Li Xi was born when Li Chuan was still Emperor. Pei Qing Yuan was born when Li Rong was the regent, and so her son followed her husband's last name. And if anyone is triggered by the Qing in the son's name, it's not the same Qing as Su Rong Qing

Our amnesiac Pei Wen Xuan wants to end his misery and use Cui Yu Lang's "poison" on Li Rong. She doesn't believe he could ever poison her. Then she realizes he's amnesiac and misunderstood everything that she had an affair and wanted to kill him.  

They soon realize that wasn't poison. It was an aphrodisiac. Resentful, Li Rong takes the whole pot in for Pei Wen Xuan....LOL
The next morning, Pei Wen Xuan wakes up in the study room. He sighs that he managed to escape. But he's in pain everywhere. His hip is sore, his leg is numb, and his neck hurts. All those hickeys! LOL. Li Rong hollers from afar. Then he's hit with a vase again. He's non-amnesia-ed. When he wakes up in the evening, he gets Tong Ye to kneel with him to beg Li Rong for forgiveness. Haha.

We go back to regular married life. Li Rong is excited that Pei Wen Xuan is cooking for her. BOOOM

Tong Ye: Gongzi! Why'd you bomb the kitchen! 

Pei Wen Xuan, if you didn't want to cook, you didn't have to go that far LOL. Nah. This just means Li Rong's the better cook, unfortunately

This extra if from the novel itself, and I think the extra is a cute reference to all these Pei Wen Xuan scenes: 
👆 This is a vase. 👆That is a vinegar vase 
Pei Wen Xuan's future, hahaha.
Xuan Xuan: Watch the head~
Rong Rong: Nope.



[First Impression] N/A. I started recapping at Ep18. The plan is to slowly fill in the rest of the episodes. I'm not in a rush, so you shouldn't be either (; 

  • Same author (Mo Shu Bai) as Destined.
  • Quick post-production. This wrapped in February, taking only 5 months to air. 
Post-Drama Notes:
  • My new favourite Zhang Ling He role. Even if there was a stronger actor for the 2ML, no other man could steal his spotlight in this one. Last year, he showed all his acting weaknesses, which is why a lot of his new dramas this year list him after or pair him with “less popular” FLs. (If you care about status, obviously, this isn’t that good, but at this spot, I feel that he has time to choose higher quality scripts). He also emphasized in a lot of interviews that this role is close to his personality and will proudly reveal that he magnified the similarities as he was acting as Pei Wen Xuan. 
  • I love how Zhang Ling He and Zhao Jin Mai compliment each other. She says he has strong analytical abilities and isn't just reciting the words. He says her acting draws out his emotions. These aren't token praises. It's highlighted in their behind-the-scenes and displayed in the drama itself. 
  • Zhang Ling He mentioned that he doesn't actually which take the director would use in the drama because they would veer in their acting (i.e adlibs). 
  • 狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心 gǒu yǎo Lǚ Dòng Bīn – A dog biting Lü Dongbin = to ill reward a person's kindness [Ep10]
  • 萬死而不辭 wàn sǐ bù cí – Ten thousand deaths will not prevent me / Ready to risk life and limb to help [Ep17]
  • 欲擒故縱 yù qín gù zòng – In order to capture, one must let loose / to loosen the reins only to grasp them better [21]
  • 心尖 xīn jiān – Bottom tip of the heart / innermost feelings / my darling [22]
[Opening & Ending Credit

Opening Credit
- An analysis with ending spoilers. 
- This is a scroll box. Scroll to reveal more text
- First line under the picture is a big spoiler
There's three butterflies indicating three characters are reborn. Once in the lantern though, we see that one butterfly was actually a dragonfly. That’s Su Rong Qing. His perspective comes first because he came back first. Like the lantern that's dividing the butterfly from the dragonfly, Li Rong and Su Rong Qing will never be together. Their present scenes are either him peeking at her through a divider or watching her from the back. What's really cruel is that even in the past, they were never truly together. He's either kneeling or he's serving her. 
The lantern turns and it's a butterfly with a buttercup. This is Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan’s perspective since they came back together. They are one entity. Their montage starts with both of them far apart in their marriage (2), and perhaps at different steps (3), but gradually, they face each other eye to eye (4), closing their gap knee to knee (5), until there's not a gap between their bodies (6). 
Piece by piece. Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan's game is timeless just as the sky is endless. 
Ending Credit: Every ending in this show concludes with 'forever.' It's the ending for the drama itself, the opening theme, and also the ending theme. Every time an episode ends, it's Pei Wen Xuan promising  “forever” to Li Rong ~
These two are so consistent. He’ll always want her for as long as ever and she’ll always want him every day of their life.

[Ending] Happy! (Dw about censorship. They turned a blind eye to this rebirth. Show may have referenced "Butterfly Lovers" (google, please) to get the green light, but I wouldn't look deep into that. This show only needed an excuse to adapt this rebirth story.)

It's a rebirth that's not about revenge. Their biggest regrets are their motivations for their second life: 
  • Su Rong Qing had Li Rong, but lost his family. 
  • Pei Wen Xuan had power, but lost Li Rong. This life he does everything to keep her and love her. 
  • Li Rong had her heart shut so tight. This life, she learns to see the heart in others, by first seeing her own. 
  • Although Su Rong Qing had Li Rong, it was cruel. He could never be her man. In both lives, although he loves Li Rong, she is second to his values about family and tradition. He's a great example of noble idiots and how they should end up. 
I love Pei Wen Xuan and Li Rong's approach. They lived their second life striving for their own happiness. They were selfish for themselves. They let the past be the past. 

On the other hand, Su Rong Qing lived as if the past was the future. No one in this story suffered as much as him. He was castrated. He never felt he deserved Li Rong. He lived through the tyranny of Li Chuan, who wanted to wipe out the Noble Houses because they were cockroaches of the palace. Li Chuan (and Pei Wen Xuan) painted with one broad brush, generalizing every noble-member and took their clans down ruthlessly. The (clan) soldiers that Li Chuan expended in war were lives too. At the end of the day Noble Houses and Common Houses are all human, and they all suffered discrimination. Then he's reborn with all the memories and chooses the path that makes him the least happiest. Not only does he live in the past, he lives with past "noble" values/tradition.

From an audience perspective, of course we see Li Chuan's innocence and understand how he spiralled into madness. We can then project Li Chuan's life onto the Emperor, and sympathize with him too. Li Rong only acknowledged the travesty of class disparity after involving herself with Qin Family and Consort Rou, and watching her own family fall apart (her father hates her and her brother because of their mother, like wtf). Pei Wen Xuan himself comes from a Common House. He also understands the struggle. But Su Rong Qing does not. 

You cannot in the last 5 episodes tell Su Rong Qing: "Trust." No. Su Rong Qing only ever saw Li Chuan as the tyrant ruler. Then when he's reborn, he sees that Li Chuan's personality has always been the same. Even Li Rong's trust wavered for her own brother. How does anyone expect Su Rong Qing to understand that Li Chuan won't be the same?

This character is unfortunate to be in the hands of Chen He Yi. I like you dude, but this was too complex for you. You were not supposed to be pathetic, but sympathetic. If every other character garnered sympathy and understanding (Li Chuan, Su Rong Hua, Shangguan Ya, Prince Su), it's ridiculous that you as 2ML failed. You had so much more in your story than all the other supporting characters.

[A Highlight] Their second marriage in Ep9. I felt nostalgic(!) watching their past and present overlap as they bowed. She was so innocent and shy the first time, and naughty in the second round. 

[Review & Rating]
I love me some thoughtful storytelling, and this one isn’t just some, it’s overflowing. It's more cerebral than you think. The last couple of episodes, although dense, is layered with perspectives, I was gripped to the unravelling past. It’s impressive how the exact same history was so different depending on who's interpreting it and yet all were true. Their sins became sympathetic. Everyone from their point of view thought they were heroes for the people/country they love. That was incredibly insightful and thought-provoking. 

I am a glutton for romantic lines, and Pei Wen Xuan melts me every other episode. He is the heart of the show.

If she wants the world, I can give it to her. If she wants stability, I can give it to her. What’s more, as a husband, doting on my wife is not about giving her a golden birdcage, but it is about giving whatever she wants. I have the ability to let her do as she pleases. (Ep19)

Rong Rong, ten years...twenty years, is that enough? (Ep21)

My exclusive speciality is rooster-standing-on-one-foot. If Your Highness is willing, I can stand on the tip of your heart for the rest of my life. (Ep22)

From now on, Your Highness will have a fuma, and Li Rong will have a Pei Wen Xuan. (Ep23)

A freebie line from Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan already has a new family. He has someone to care for him, and someone to love him. If you cannot assume the responsibility of a mother, then at least don't give him trouble. He can tolerate it. Bengong cannot. (Ep12)

Pei Wen Xuan is sly. See, his servility and humility is actually manipulative. He’ll push and pull, and flirt under the guise of being subservient. I love it. Ha. He goes above and beyond to cherish Li Rong, not out of selflessness, but because he values this relationship and it was his greatest regret. Swearing to never make the same mistake, he indulges himself and snuggles up to his wife any chance he gets as the cutest clinger and the most irresistible vinegar jar. 

No character is wasted. Characters requiring depth possess an unimaginable richness; characters seemingly insignificant have layers too! (Acting capabilities vary, however.)

I love how the drama patiently explored Li Rong’s emotional depth. Her love isn’t instantaneously rewarded just because a man blasts her with affection; instead it gradually builds from within until it breaks though the iron walls she fiercely guarded her heart with. Li Rong gets dragged for wavering between two men, but once her personality is revealed that she conceals absolutely everything she loves down to the most insignificant details like her favourite flowers, you'll realize how dear and close she held Pei Wen Xuan at the depth of her heart and in contrast how Su Rong Qing barely penetrated the surface. One of the most subtle hints is how she'll drop “Rong Qing’s” surname but never Pei Wen Xuan's. The more she allowed herself to show her preference for Su Rong Qing, the more she was hiding her true feelings for the man she truly loves and this was all her subconsciousness. Once Li Rong asks Pei Wen Xuan to wait for her to open up, she already allowed herself to be vulnerable. In that second, she gave her whole heart to this man. 

This is slow romance, deep and detailed, enduring and resilient. 

Where to improve? I would like 20 more episodes of romance, please. 

Rating: 5/5


Author Married Underated
Destined New Life Begins An Ancient Love Song

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