June 26, 2024

The Princess Royal | Recap and Review

The Princess Royal
A married couple, a princess and her prince consort, is "revived".
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhang Ling HePei Wen Xuan
Zhao Jin MaiLi Rong
Rao Jun (Author: Mo Shu Bai)
Chinese Title
To Spend Magnificent Years
Episodes: -/40
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.75/5

Recap Updates (for eps pre-18): N/A


Zhang Ling He:
Pei Wen Xuan
Zhao Jin Mai:
Li Rong
Chen He Yi:
Su Rong Qing

Liu Xu Wei:
Li Chuan
Cheng Guo:
Shangguan Ya
Yi Da Qian:
Su Rong Hua
Qin Zhen Zhen:
Xun Chuan

Mini Recaps

[Ep18Li Rong hugs and cries with Jing Lan after hearing that Pei Wen Xuan is back. Have we seen her cry before? As for Su Rong Qing's proposal, he tells her to treat it like nothing happened. 

Su Rong Qing: I don't want to be Your Highness's enemy. I just want you to live well. It seems this go (chess) game, I still lost. 
Could it be?
Li Rong: Su Rong Qing, are you also a... (time leaper)? Nevermind. 
It can't beIt can be

Su Rong Qing meets Pei Wen Xuan at the bridge. They spar with words. 

Su Rong Qing: If His Highness wasn't cautious of his royal relatives, you would never even have a chance of touching the corner of the princess's robes. 
Pei Wen Xuan: Right now, the person standing next to Her Highness is me. I won't yield this spot ever again. You, Su Rong Qing will never have a chance, not in the past nor in the future. He's also implying that Su Rong Qing only got to be next to the princess in round one because PWX yielded

Su Rong Qing lands a critical blow: he tells Pei Wen Xuan about his proposal to Li Rong. 

Su Rong Qing: Protecting Her Highness shouldn't be letting her make enemies with every minister on the court, nor letting her take the daunting responsibility of the Inspectorate. If you dare put her in danger again, then remember this: you will forever lose the right to have Her Highness. Oof. So wrong on so many things. Su Rong Qing wants her to be like a princess sitting in her palace. He does not know Li Rong. And "have/own" the princess? Pei Wen Xuan already corrected himself on that in his first life
Pei Wen Xuan wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. Is he crying at the thought of losing Li Rong? Aw. He doesn't care about what Su Rong Qing says. Okay. Mr. Tear has something to say about that, lol. He knows that Li Rong won't accept Su Rong Qing's proposal. 
Li Rong dashes to the bridge to her fumaPei Wen Xuan, omg. One sight of her and everything that upset him melted away. He clutches her in his arms. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Rong Rong, I'm here to take you home. 

Li Rong awkwardly pat-hugs Pei Wen Xuan. He quickly lets go and apologizes for offending her. No. She just wants to know if he's injured anywhere. Pei Wen Xuan pouts. HE POUTS. "Mm! Hurts." Li Rong's lips split into the widest grin. This cute idiot. 
Lovely Jing Lan shipping everything firsthand
These girls are awesome too.

We have a problem: night falls and our couple is not coupley. Tong Ye reports an emergency to Pei Wen Xuan: the Princess won't sleep! This really is something Pei Wen Xuan is concerned about. LOL. Immediately, he returns to the bedroom to put her (and himself) to bed. 

In bed, Li Rong tells Pei Wen Xuan that everyone thought he died, but she knows he didn't. He emotionlessly thanks her for being able to feel at ease about him. That's not what she meant! 

Li Rong: It's not all because I felt reassurance. I was also afraid. Afraid of losing you!! (Can I please be Li Rong's speakerphone) I was afraid that if you really died, I wouldn't know what to do. It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, I can only convince myself that you're alive. 

Pei Wen Xuan shuffles in bed to face her. All he does is smile at her. Feeling awkward, she turns away. Now he shuffles on top of her. How does she resist this face that's so close. He tells her he's happy that she has him in her heart. 
Pei Wen Xuan: 臣願献人間喜樂,以報君恩.  This humble servant is willing to offer the joys of the human world to repay lord's grace [for having me in your heart]. Your Highness, what do you think? Can she think even? Speaking servile, but acting sexily assertive *Fans myself* Man knows how to flirt a princess.

He kisses her and their fingers interlace, but Li Rong is still hesitant! Why! Li Rong, you can't be moved by Su Rong Qing's proposal, can you?! I think not, but this timing isn't so good for our FL. I think she's over Su Rong Qing. The only thing she's hesitant about is opening her heart to Pei Wen Xuan completely. Because it's going to be a floodgate of love that she knows she can't stop once she frees the last of her resistance. Girl, I know you

Pei Wen Xuan reveals to Li Rong that he knows about the proposal. He only wants to warn her not to be swayed by Su Rong Qing's beauty. Says the most beautiful man on her bed. Pei Wen Xuan, her eyes are consumed by you

Pei Wen Xuan: What Your Highness wants, this humble servant can give you. Whenever Your Highness wants to be served, your humble servant will always be ready. *Gulps*

It's a win on the court. Li Rong officially has every minister's (forced) approval of establishing her inspectorate. Shuangguan Ya has gained a foothold in managing her household. As for our trusty Pei Wen Xuan, he's proudly standing behind Li Rong. Using every inch of his long body to enable Li Rong

[Ep19Shangguan Ya rubs it in to Pei Wen Xuan that his wife is more powerful than him. 

Pei Wen Xuan: Only those who have no ability will use their wife's weakness to show their ability. What I hope is that my wife can do what she wants. If she wants the world, I can give it to her. If she wants stability, I can give it to her. What’s more, as a husband, doting on my wife is not about giving her a golden birdcage, but it is about giving whatever she wants. I have the ability to let her do as she pleases.
At night, Li Rong is counting her blessings for this life. 

Li Rong: Pei Wen Xuan, I have friends, I have family. *Deliberately pauses*
Unsaid: I have a loving husband too. 

In the past, she thought that Su Rong Qing knew her better, but now she realizes it wasn't like that at all. 

Li Rong: Thank you for understanding me. You...will always be at my side, right? 
Pei Wen Xuan: Mm.
I like that her realization isn't just for this life, but in the past, Pei Wen Xuan knew her well too.
Shangguan Ya and Su Rong Hua might be official. Su Rong Qing watches on proudly.  
Xun Chuan (Qin Zhen Zhen) bids farewell to her boys: her brother and the Crown Prince. The siblings opened my floodgate. We were never sure if the brother knew, but how could he not recognize his precious sister? Xun Chuan and Li Chuan are going to be star-crossed lovers! Or is she going to come back stronger and be his soulmate?

At the court, Li Rong and Li Chuan stage their debate so that the Emperor won't be cautious of them, and so that there's "supposedly" a voice supporting the royal ministers. 

After work, Pei Wen Xuan has Tong Ye scrubbing his back, cleansing his body for an intimate night. A man of his words: he's always ready to serve LMAO. But Li Rong seems only interested in the food. She's teasing him. She'd be blind to not see the cleavage he's flashing. 

Li Rong is threatened by the ministers she's investigating. Then they injure her fuma (Pei Wen Xuan). Had they scared her, she would have spared them, but they messed with Pei Wen Xuan. 

Li Rong: It’s I die, or they die. <3 No one can touch (hit) a hair on his head, except Li Rong.

I love that she’s doting on him even though he can drink soup fine with his left hand. She even prioritized that and let Shangguan Ya wait
It's not just Pei Wen Xuan who knows her habits, Li Rong knows him too, like his penchant for drinking soup first.




[First Impression] N/A. I started recapping at Ep18. The plan is to slowly fill in the rest of the episodes. I'm not in a rush, so you shouldn't be either (; 

  • Same author (Mo Shu Bai) as Destined.
  • Quick post-production. This wrapped in February, taking only 5 months to air. 
  • 狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心 gǒu yǎo Lǚ Dòng Bīn – A dog biting Lü Dongbin = to ill reward a person's kindness [Ep10]
  • 萬死而不辭 wàn sǐ bù cí – Ten thousand deaths will not prevent me / Ready to risk life and limb to help [Ep17]

[A Highlight

[Review & Rating]

Rating: /5


Preliminary recs are random / a peek at the list. These may be updated if drama is completed

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