August 10, 2022

Love Between Fairy and Devil | Recap and Review

Love Between Fairy and Devil
A love between a fairy and a devil. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wang He DiDongfang Qing Cang
Yu Shu XinXiao Lan Hua
Zhang Ling HeChang Heng
Chinese Title
The Legend of Cang and Lan
Episodes: 36 + 2 Clips
Recap Grade: B
First Impression: 4/5

Mini Recaps

[Ep1] 30,000 years ago, the treacherous devil of the Moon Tribe, Dongfang Qing Cang was sealed in Haotian Tower. Lady Chi Di perished to imprison him. If he is released, the three realms will be in danger and then only a Xishan goddess can save the world, but dun dun dun! she has disappeared. Please welcome our FL, Xiao Lan Hua (an orchid fairy who is weak thanks to her alcoholic shifu, Si Ming (Li Yi Tong’s cameo)). And omg! What do we have here? The tower’s seal been broken and Xiao Lan Hua is sucked inside! Our fairy meets the devil with a kiss ~ And bodies have been swapped!
The treacherous devil...
[Ep2] Our powerless fairy threatens the devil! It’s the first time Dongfang Qing Cang has ever been threatened. It’s because Xiao Lan Hua is crying (with his eyes and his face), and that sickens him. Don’t underestimate the power of tears? Afterwards, they escape Haotian Tower with a – you betcha! – kiss. 
I love how our gods entered a painting in this scene.
[Ep3] Although the souls are back in the right bodies, there’s something odd. Dongfang Qing Can can feel all of Xiao Lan Hua's pain! Physical ones and emotional ones. A Xilan spell has bound them.
Ah! The treacherous devil!
Dongfang Qing Can is forced to save Xiao Lan Hua or he will die too. She doesn’t know this and shivers in his malefic presence, asking him if he will kill her too. He says he can’t even though he really, really, really, really wants to.

Dongfang Qing Cang: Not only shall 本座 (ben zuo) not kill you, 本座 shall not allow anyone to hurt you. Anyone who dares to touch a single hair of yours (says the man who cut her hair), 本座 shall pull his tendons and peel his skin to make a human leather lantern. From now on, you are mine. Your life belongs to me. Your breath belongs to me. Your heartbeat belongs to me. Every drop of blood in your body belongs to me. Without the permission of 本座, do not leave the sight of 本座. So. Hilariously. Possessive!!! I also think it’s a sin that there is no English translation for 本座. Instead of saying ‘I’, he says 本座 (ben zuo). It’s the equivalent of the Emperor saying 朕 (zhen) in palace dramas when he refers to himself. What’s funnier to me (because I’m not that familiar with all these regal pronouns) is that 本座 directly translates to “This Seat”. Seat is NOT what it’s supposed to mean in this context, but I keep hearing “This seat, this seat, this seat.” xD.

Xiao Lan Hua sweetly and politely rejects his love confession. HahahaOf course our regular fairy with regular fairy logic assumes he is a possessively toxic ML in love! 

Dongfang Qing Cang might not be that sinister. He doesn’t know what happened 30 000 years ago. His loyal servant, Shang Que (a dragon) advises his lord to not harm Xiao Lan Hua (which he can't anyway). She could be the remaining survivor of Xilan Clan from Xishan. Legend has it that they protected the three realms from ancient evil gods. It would be unethical to attack Xilan, which was always neutral. Then is our devil lord, who dominated the length and breadth of three realms, at the mercy of a mere flower fairy? Impossible! 

One second later

Dongfang Qing Cang cries, lol. Thanks to our fairy
Dongfang Qing Cang trespasses Xiao Lan Hua's manor and conveniently finds Lady Chi Di’s Destiny leaflet (which Xiao Lan Hua retrieved from Haishi). It’s broken and he needs her to repair it because he needs Chi Di to awaken his frozen army.

Xiao Lan Hua cries at all the misfortunes he has brought her. Does he know how sad she is? Our magnificent devil lord cries because of her, and in macho fashion, wipes his tears. He knows. Hahaha.
Xiao Lan Hua can’t fix the Destiny Leaflet. She’s too stressed out. And since it’s late...

Dongfang Qing Cang: Where shall 本座 sleep tonight? Demanding to sleep with her, are we? xD
Xiao Lan Hua: How would I know where you’re sleeping?! It can’t be that you’re living here? You can’t! [...] You must go! 
Dongfang Qing Cang: That works too. Where do you want to go to sleep? Pft.
Xiao Lan Hua: With you? No! I’m sleeping here. 
Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 has said before that you belong to 本座. 本座 can leave, but you must be with 本座

His persistence leaves her with no choice. She gives him a guest room, She also meekly tells him that she has someone she likes.

Dongfang Qing Cang: Who you like, 本座 doesn't care, but you belong to 本座. LOL, talking to a rock is better. At least it doesn’t annoy you back

She shuts the door on him before he finishes his sentence. However, he walks right into hers and takes her bed. She’s left dozing in her chair and headdesks. *Groans* 

Xiao Lan Hua: I’m the one who hit my head so why are you groaning?
Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 orders you from now you shall not hit yourself. 

Xiao Lan Hua smiles at him for the first time. He’s so caring! Ha ha ha.

[Ep4] Dongfang Qing Cang realizes he listens to Xiao Lan Hua's every order because of the Xilan Seal. He’s like “Could it be that 本座 will be in the grasp by this Little Grass and be at her whim?” Yep! :D When Xiao Lan Hua wakes up, a bitter Devil Lord is before her. He replies “8452” and then she realizes he actually counted the flowers as she ordered!  

Xiao Lan Hua: Is it because of what I said? I only casually said that. How could you take my words so seriously? You, why are you so pure? Aw hahaha. She’s seriously touched that he values her words especially when no one else does
Dongfang Qing Cang: Remember. Every word you say is very important to 本座. From now on, you cannot say things casually. Hehehe

After an untimely sneeze, Xiao Lan Hua misunderstands Dongfang Qing Cang’s name as Dongfang Qiang, which she shortens to Da Qiang. She also unknowingly makes fun of Dongfang Qing Cang (or should I call him Da Qiang?) for never showering. Guess what Dongfang Qing Cang does in this episode. He showers xD
Xiao Lan Hua is too weak to repair the Leaflet and so Dongfang Qing Cang is up at dawn to collect dew water one drop at a time for our orchid. Peevish MLs are seriously my favourite! At this very moment, his thoughts are of boiling Xiao Lan Hua's bones to brew alcohol. Romantic guy
[Ep5] Xiao Lan Hua jumps in joy that Dongfang Qing Cang is gone! But soon, she feels empty. She got used to his presence. He hears that. And he’s got a basin of dew for her. Isn’t he maliciously sweet? Although he’s annoyed at all her requests that the water can’t be too cold or too hot (dude, it was boiling!), he’ll adjust it for her each time. He watches her until she drinks every drip from that big basin. Now she really thinks he’s deeply in love with her 
Next on the list, we’re watching a sunrise! It’s because warmth is good for orchids. I love the excuses for the romance. However, even with all his delicate care, she’s still weak. Now she’s even sick. She’s reminded of her shifu who would feed her medicine, and this makes her yearn for her. In midnight hours  our Devil Lord brews medicine for our Little Grass! He’s sick of being sad. He finds it surprising that Xiao Lan Hua is crying again, but these are happy tears. She drinks the medicine. It’s edible. It’s just blacker than coal. Seeing her gulp the drink, he tells her there’s still a whole pot of it!  Episode theme: torture the kidneys

[Ep6] Xiao Lan Hua wants to pass the fairy exam (to be able to see the man she loves all day every day). Dongfang Qing Cang ‘helps’ her

Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 will turn you into the happiest woman to make himself into the happiest man.

And it looks like this soon-to-be-happiest-woman will have a marriage with Chang Heng as foretold by the Destiny Tree. 

[Ep7] Xiao Lan Hua sacrifices herself as bait for the ferocious beast to save the girls even though they’re bullies (e.g. Dan Yin). Dongfang Qing Cang coincidentally passes by. He powers up his sword with an imposing OST that makes my DNA jump but Xiao Lan Hua knocks him off balance. She wants to save the beast. He doesn’t get it. Didn’t the beast hurt her? Says the beast himself. She teaches him about emotions and kindness. Emotions are not weakness, but the reason and the strength we live on. Dongfang Qing Cang doesn’t understand. He was always brutally trained to be emotionless and ruthless, but why is Xiao Lan Hua telling him the opposite? 

Xiao Lan Hua gets first place on the exam! She also gains Dan Yin’s respect, who’s turning out to be respectable! Our little orchid is all cheerful until she misunderstands that Dongfang Qing Cang had malicious intent, using a forbidden weapon, She demands him to turn himself in. He can’t disobey! LOL. He’s forced to explain himself, something he has never done for anyone. He says he wanted to help her pass the exam with no other malicious intent. He would never do anything to harm her. She wonders if her life is really that important to him. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: [Your life] is equal to 本座’s life. LOL very true

Rong Hao is our evil 3ML. He’s the leader of Haishi, a clan that developed after the Great War. Chi Di is his shifu and the woman he loves. The villainess in The Blue Whisper meets the villain in A Dream of Splendour. She’s once again a shifu with a disciple who turns evil.  Rong Hao discovers Xiao Lan Hua is Xishan goddess. How will he use her to save Chi Di?

[Ep8] Dongfang Qing Cang is jealous! He thinks the twang in his heart is because of the spell. Hehehe. He’s also not in a rush to restore the leaflet. He wants Xioa Lan Hua to recover fully first, aw
Our 2ML is tragic! He’s Chang Heng, the God of War. 500 years ago he met Xiao Lan Hua. He was injured. She was too weak to heal him and could only wrap his injuries (which are all over his body) with a single handkerchief around his hand. He falls in love! But he cannot! He’s engaged to another goddess – Xishan Goddess! – whom he has never seen. Even though she has disappeared for 30 000, the engagement still stands! He has to find her to cancel the engagement before he can reciprocate Xiao Lan Hua’s love. And so he erases her memories first. To Xiao Lan Hua, she only knows that Chang Heng stopped her shifu from throwing her (an orchid) away 1500 years ago. For all these years, he has kept her handkerchief with him, hiding the orchid pattern from everyone. From Ep1, he was already in love! That’s why he kept her orchid flower among all the pretty ones! Ahhhhhhh! Zhang Ling He, you’re a dangerous man.  

In Ep1, Chang Heng dropped the Firefly Stone on purpose as a present for Xiao Lan Hua because 1500 years ago, she wanted to see the stars and so he promised he’d pluck one for her. OMG. 2ML is killing me! He even makes up a story for her to keep the stone without her knowing it was meant for her all along. However, it’s stolen. The culprit is caught though, and she lies that it was Chang Heng who gave it to her as a love token, and as a result she is severely punished worse than if she had admitted it was stolen. It’s Lord Yun Zhong's warning to Chang Heng that any girl he falls in love with will be executed. He cannot fall in love with anyone other than his fiancée. And so to protect Xiao Lan Hua, Chang Heng abolishes her admittance. It’s his way of protecting her. :(

Xiao Lan Hua is brokenhearted. Dongfang Qing Cang flicks his own tears away and comforts her. He tells her she’s different from others. She’s convinced he slighted her. No. He meant it. She is different because she is special. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: To 本座, you are as precious as my life. 
She doubts him, but I think she’s starting to believe in him.
Dongfang Qing Cang: You dare challenge 本座? Forget it. Don’t believe it then, but you cannot cry or 本座 will be sad with you. This guy has never lied, LOL.
Guards are combing Xiao Lan Hua’s manor to arrest the fugitive. She takes Dongfang Qing Cang hiding by diving into the sea. A man + woman + underwater = Kiss. I thought it was amusing how he stayed motionless in the water and was calmly assessing her and his feelings for her and once he comes to a conclusion of some sort, he moves. *Kiss!*. When they’re back on land, she’s shy. He clarifies it was to give her oxygen. She knows, she knows, which is why she didn’t push him away, afraid...afraid... that it was because of her innate reaction to a hot kiss. She leaves her sentence trailing and runs away. After she leaves, he softly touches his lips. 

Through the destiny tree, Dongfang Qing Cang sees Xiao Lan Hua marrying Chang Heng. His heart is in pain and he grumbles at Xiao Lan Hua for being sad again. Your heart, dude

Xiao Lan Hua realizes Da Qiang is no ordinary refugee. He’s Dongfang Qing Cang, but instead of turning him in, she sends him away safely. Aw. And did he purposely take the drugged alcohol? He asks if she knows the severity of her crime. She can die if she’s caught. She knows, but she would have died multiple times if not for him. 

[Ep9] Xiao Lan Hua already misses Dongfang Qing Cang. And he’s back! He's watching her from afar. He wonders if she will still save him if she knows he’s the Moon Tribe Lord. When she’s asleep, he gives her a bracelet made from his blood. It can protect her when he’s not at her side. 
Xiao Lan Hua is crucified for hiding Dongfang Qing Cang (she was exposed by the bracelet). Still, she won’t reveal anything about him. Aw. There’s the answer for ya, Dongfang Qing Cang. No matter who he is, she won’t betray him
Dongfang Qing Cang saves her! Let us forget the bracelet got her in trouble in the first place. He slips the bracelet back on her hand as he leaves her temporarily to destroy the palace with his hellfire. Brb. Lemme replay that so Wang He Di can slaughter me again
I am back! And poor 2ML! Dongfang Qing Cang makes Chang Heng choose between saving the palace (which he destroyed) or Xiao Lan Hua (whom he’s carrying as he saunters out of the blazing palace). Did you all see his smirk right before he turned the palace into. raging inferno?!?! *Squeals–cough–squeals~!!* Chang Heng chose the palace. *Raspy-voiced* The defining moment that 2ML has lost her

Dongfang Qing Cang takes Xiao Lan Hua on the Shang-Que-Express, the most frightening ride of her life. Our poor orchid, lol
[Ep10] The scary ride turns beautiful. Our fairy and devil softly gaze at each other.  See! Our devil isn’t that freighting! They arrive at Fengyuan, where everyone eagerly (except Xun Feng, half-brother) bows to the mighty devil lord. Xiao Lan Hua obediently kowtows too. So cute, lol. She fears him, thinking he will eat her alive. He did say plump fairies are his favourite food. She doesn’t know he cares more about her health than resurrecting his army. I don’t think he knows it either.
A finger snap that deliberately looks like a heart when he gave her her home
Our supercilious lord wants Xiao Lan Hua to treat him the same as before. Sir, you do know who you are right? Xiao Lan Hua cannot. She’s like You may have stolen my body (i.e. kept her hostage), but you won’t have my heart! This dramatic line, lol. He reminds her she has nowhere else to go. To everyone, she’s a traitor. Still, Xiao Lan Hua wants to return home. Our devil lord recreates her home to convince her to stay! So sweet. I love the way he’s watching her running around gleefully ~ However, when she realizes it’s only an imitation, she begs him to let her go. Dongfang Qing Cang is livid, especially when she mentions Chang Heng. For the first time, he raises his voice at her. He has never tolerated anyone as he has tolerated her. He bitterly shows her the ring and reveals that with it,  he no longer feels her emotions and that was the only reason he was kind to her. Everything was fake. Don’t say that! He puts on the ring to end their ‘emotional’ bond. Then he locks her in the fake Siming Pavilion.  
It’s thundering (in Dongfang Qing Cang’s heart and so he’s making a storm for her too). The lightning though gives Xiao Lan Hua an idea. She feigns illness to make Dongfang Qing Cang visit. Then she kisses him. Clever girl! 

[Ep11] A kiss when the lightning strikes will switch their bodies. Dongfang Qing Cang realizes it a beat late and kisses (uh, bites?) Xiao Lan Hua with no avail. Shang Que has no idea about the switch and manhandles his devil lord in Xiao Lan Hua’s body. Shang Que might also have misunderstood that his lord is interested in men. It’s Xiao Lan Hua wanting to ask about Dongfang Qing Cang while chatting on the bed and with Dongfang Qing Cang’s manly body. Then the real Dongfang Qing Cang barges into the room, pounces her down, and pins her to the bed. Dongfang Qing Cang (in Xiao Lan Hua’s body) asks Shang Que if he wants to stay as s/he “heats it up” with his lord. Shang Que is stunned and retreats. He ditches his master who’s attacked by a girl!!! Lol, Yu Shu Xin is quite convincing as Dongfang Qing Cang. Also, in the BTS, she accidentally slapped Wang He Di xD
Dongfang Qing Cang stops sexually harassing Xiao Lan Hua (in his own body). It’s useless without the lightning. For the rest of the night, he coaches her on how to be like him. If it’s ever exposed, then his enemies will kill her to kill him. She wonders why they can’t trust Shang Que. Dongfang Qing Cang trusts no one but himself. She also wonders why he killed his own father after defeating him (which is the reason Xun Feng hates him). Because only killing his father can ensure the stability of his reign. “If you don’t want to die, then you must learn how to be a scoundrel.” Well, scoundrel is it? Xiao Lan Hua uses “his” authority and bans the scoundrel from his own room. Heh
[Ep12] “Xiao Lan Hua” is forced to bathe “Dongfang Qing Cang” (who’s blindfolded).. As much I love these shenanigans, I need Dongfang Qing Cang back in his own body! I need to hear his 本座!

Xun Feng discovers the body swap. He’s also colluding with Rong Hao. They had helped each other establish their respective sect 30,000 years ago and now they plan to kill Dongfang Qing Cang (in Xiao Lan Hua’s body). I like how Xiao Lan Hua actually stood in front of Dongfang Qing Cang to protect him (or her Nah, she was protecting him). Chang Heng saves them! He escaped from his realm with the help of Dan Yina good girl!. Xiao Lan Hua fangirls her way (in Dongfang Qing Cang’s body) towards Chang Heng but she’s teleported away by a jealous devil. Rong Hao could have killed Chang Heng, but he spares his buddy's life and retreats to chase Xiao Lan Hua – the Xishan goddess. Now Chang Heng is alone with “Xiao Lan Hua”. Teehee. Your Supreme Lord right there.
[Ep13] Chang Heng gently brushes “Xiao Lan Hua’s” face. He wants to take her home, but then (s)he bites him! He runs away from Change Heng.  
What happened to our Xiao Lan Hua, hahaha
Dongfang Qing Cang wants to kiss Xiao Lan Hua to switch back, They spin and spin, and they don’t kiss! Ludicrous! Drama, you are defying drama logic! Chang Heng arrives, and Xiao Lan Hua hides. Dongfang Qing Cang (in Xiao Lan Hua’s body) tells him that he doesn’t want to return with him. Of course, lol. He challenges Chang Heng if he can protect Xiao Lan Hua, defy Lord Yun Zhong’s mandates, and perish everyone who dares to hurt her. Chang Heng *stumped* deflects the question, saying that the Lord will surely understand. Dongfang Qing Chang snickers that he, Dongfang Qing Cang, can do all of that for her. Chang Heng notices he addresses Dongfang Qing Cang as the “Moon Tribe Lord” and questions if she really betrayed Shuiyuntian. I think that momentary doubt disappointed Xiao Lan Hua
What happened to our supreme Dongfang Qing Cang! xD
Rong Hao reveals the body switch to Chang Heng. Wow. I wasn’t expecting Chang Heng to know so fast. Chang Heng is reunited with Xiao Lan Hua (in Dongfang Qing Cang's body LOL)! 
Rong Hao is ready to kill Xiao Lan Hua’s body to trap Dongfang Qing Cang!! Xiao Lan Hua runs towards him and kisses him during the lightning. Dongfang Qing Cang is back. Xiao Lan Hua, you are so sweet! The kiss blows everyone else away, literally. 
Holy. The most stimulating music has now penetrated your ears. WANG HE DI! Take me as your servant
Oh, you are toasted. 
And so are you. 
But Xiao Lan Hua doesn’t want them to die. Dongfang Qing Cang is a lord of his words and doesn’t take advantage of the injured. That is, he doesn’t take advantage of them physically... 
Because one kiss isn’t enough
Dongfang Qing Cang slaughters with the kiss and the glare. It’s lethal for Chang Heng’s heart and mine. Hehe. Dongfang Qing Cang has disintegrated my second lead syndrome. Although I’m swooning, Xiao Lan Hua has every right to be angry at him for treating her like a trophy. 

Dongfang Qing Cang is confused that Shang Que didn’t kill him when he had the chance. Shang Que is muddleheaded too. Why would he when values him like a brother? Dongfang Qing Cang is tickled with love! At Shuiyuntian, Rong Hao has given up half his spiritual powers to save Chang Heng. Our two baddies are feeling emotions. I don’t like Rong Hao, but I like his friendship with Chang Heng (even though he’s the one who hurt him and he’s withholding information about his fiancée....)

Shang Que thinks Xiao Lan Hua protected Dognfang Qing Cang, so consequently, she him! But his sentence trails and oh man does it make our devil lord anxious to hear what his heart wants to feel. Shang Que: “Steel like loyalty!” Dongfang Qing Cang slumps in his chair. Shang Que, stay pure.
Xiao Lan Hua dances with the girls in her pretty dress. For the beautiful fairy, Dongfang Qing Cang makes the trees blossom for her. She senses his presence, but thought she was imagining and resumes dancing. He’s still there, hiding behind a tree. Slowly, our lord takes off his ring to bask in her happiness. He smiles. Awwwww!!!!!! What is this. Show, now you have to take responsibility for my addiction. And is that you, Liu Yu Ning, dripping honey in my ears? 

[Ep14] Dongfang Qing Cang (likes her already but won’t admit it! Or maybe he doesn’t know) threatens Xiao Lan Hua to repair the Destiny Leaflet with Jie Li's life. Shang Que escorts Jie Li to jail. Xiao Lan Hua warily pleads for her friend, certain she’ll fail, but the moment she opens her mouth, she has Shang Que’s utmost obedience. So enthusiastically loyal! LOL I love this guy! Jie Li spent a year’s worth of saliva while Xiao Lan Hua said ten words. Jie Li gets to stay with Xiao Lan Hua and we all love cunning best friends because she gives Xiao Lan Hua ideas to seduce Dongfang Qing Cang (in order to escape Moon Tribe). 

Shang Que reports to Dongfang Qing Cang that Xiao Lan Hua has a ‘surprise’ for him. He even takes off the ring in anticipation! When they meet, she pretends to be cute and he pretends to be prickly. Her flattery isn’t working either since he’s reminded of Chang Heng. Oh, but Xiao Lan Hua has biscuits ~ Come ~ Come ~ And he’s tempted. Our treacherous devil is weak for pastries! (Probably just hers) Xiao Lan Hua added an ingredient that will surely cheer him up. She knows he must be sad when his brother despises him enough to kill him. Dongfang Qing Cang is no dummy. He sees through her motives and gets up to leave. So he doesn’t deny that he was sad? But she makes him stop as she shouts, “Da Mu Tou!” Big Wooden Head! A nickname that deliberately sounds like 大魔頭 (damotou) meaning Big Devil. Our proud devil lord permits the name-calling. Anything that will allow her to befriend him

Xiao Lan Hua knows Dongfang Qing Cang is sincere. There’s exactly 8452 flowers in the garden! That’s so sweet! Only someone who cares would remember details like that. Dongfang Qing Cang denies it. He shows her his hellfire, the most powerful weapon in all of three realms. To control this fire, he eradicated his emotions. He takes her inside his heart (physically, which is a sea). There’s a tree, representing his emotional state. It’s barren. Dead. Surprisingly, Xiao Lan Hua is enlivened! This means Dongfang Qing Cang never hated her. He’s just void of emotions. Jie Li was right; he’s done so much for her and this time, it’s her turn! Aw. She is so sweet. Xiao Lan Hua is just the right fairy! There is no plant she cannot revive. “Da Qiang (yay! She’s feeling closer to him) I will not give up on you!” Suddenly, the nickname, Da Mu Tou is so fitting. He’s a dead wood and she’s the goddess who can revive him. And I think she read him precisely. This guy yearns to feel emotions. He took off his ring

Xiao Lan Hua uses Jie Lie’s emotion-exaggerating-pills to elicit a reaction from Dongfang Qing Cang. The first one is a happy pill. She’s laughing out loud and it’s making him laugh too. *Deep-voice* Ha-ha-ha-haHahahahaHA-HA-HA-HAHAHAHA! Onto the next pill! It’s a sad one. I like how all her memories have nothing to do with Chang Heng. She’s over him and she doesn’t even know it. And oh dear, now he’s sobbing. And oh my stomach! He’s in a meeting and his ministers are so confused. They think he’s wailing for his half-brother. He ends the meeting abruptly and summons Xiao Lan Hua. Right before her eyes, he strangles Jie Li and drops her to the floor as a warning. Dongfang Qing Cang looks so hot sitting on his throne. Lemme forget about the strangling

Chang Heng is in regret. Ho hum. He watched others bully Xiao Lan Hua, thinking he was protecting her. It made him lose her and now he’s willing to sacrifice anything for her! 
[Ep15] And now Chang Heng is punished, stripped of his title, and imprisoned before he even gets off his paddle boat. The fate of And he’s the God of War! 

Jie Li has an ancient relic, an emotion-blocking hairpin. It’s from Yan Nu (who was the Moon Tribe Lordess). She made it to cut ties with Chong Hua from the Fairy Realm when their sects became enemies. With this hairpin, Xiao Lan Hua feels safer in helping Jie Li escape. Xiao Lan Hua isn’t leaving with her though. She promised Dongfang Qing Cang to repair his Love Tree. So responsible! However, the moment she steps out, Die Yi (of Haishi) attacks them. Xiao Lan Hua gives Jie Li the bracelet to protect her. So self-sacrificing

Dongfang Qing Cang may not sense Xiao Lan Hua’s emotions, but he can feel her pain. Will he make it in time to save her?! Yes, yes, yes! She’s saved! But oh? It’s Chang Heng!! Oh, no no no... it’s not Chang Heng. He’s Rong Hao disguised as Chang Heng. His motive is to fool her into repairing the Destiny Leaflet. Drama has me all over the place, lol. Also, the special effects are ravishing. Rong Hao touches the sky with a finger and it turns to water, very fitting of the name Haishi (Hai = Sea)

Dongfang Qing Cang has descended in Haishi! A glance at the fishbowl and he knows Xiao Lan Hua is there. So smart, omg. He’s invincible. Blows my mind to have the most powerful guy as the ML. And controlled by the sweetest fairy, ahahaha.. However, in the fishbowl there are thousands of realms. How will Dongfang Qing Cang know which one is the real Xiao Lan Hua? 

Xiao Lan Hua realizes she’s in danger. She runs away, but Rong Hao (in a mask) catches her. Not so fast! *Heavy Metal Rock* Maleficent DongFang Qing Cang majestically transpierces into the chimera, shocking Rong Hao. How! Xiao Lan Hua exclaims that he’s here to save her! I like how she believes that even when Rong Hao says Dongfang Qing Cang is only here for the leaflet. Clearly not true. While Rong Hao is distracted, our clever, clever Orchid steals back the leaflet. See, Dongfang Qing Cang didn’t even care about the leaflet. His priority was the safety of his little orchid and then destroying the man who dared to hurt his woman
You, Rong Hao, don’t know who you messed with! You don’t have enough lives to die with! How dare you touch this seat’s woman?! But then Die Yi distracts Dongfang Qing Cang by attacking Xiao Lan Hua. Rong Hao escapes. 
Xiao Lan Hua shrinks under Dongfang Qing Cang’s wrath, but she still tries to talk to him “Oh hey will you look at that, we popped out of a fishbowl!” He finally erupts at her. Aw, he was controlling his anger. Everything he’s furious with is related to her safety. It’s not wrath. What she’s feeling is his overwhelming love concern. 

Dongfang Qing Cang destroys the cauldron of evil spirits. The snow and storm at Haishi comes to a full stop and the sun peeks through. Our Little Orchid loves and heals in the sun ~ Did he destroy the cauldron for her?! I’d like to think that. No one tell me otherwise. She bashfully circles around him (I think she knows too!) and assures him she’s fine and the Destiny Leaflet is repaired. He’s curious how she fixed it so fast. *Ahem* Because of Chang Heng. Great, our Lord is jealous furious again. Xiao Lan Hua pleads with him to listen. “Did you know how I figured I was in a hallucination?” She cheerfully reveals it was the broken wooden stand. “In this whole world only the two of us know about this.” A secret that belongs to only them. Next, Xiao Lan Hua is curious how he found her among the million chimeras of her. *Ahem* Because they’re merely illusions. Even if he had to find her among orchids, all with remnants of her true soul, he could recognize her immediately. *Swoon* 
Dongfang Qing Cang: Therefore in the future, you cannot run away. Even if you escape to the end of the Forgotten River, and the extremes of heaven and earth, 本座 can still find you. Do you understand?

Xiao Lan Hua cries, which confuses our ‘emotionless’ devil. They're happy tears. Her shifu had said that to her too and they’re each other’s most valuable towards her, Dongfang Qing Cang must... [unsaid: also treat her like she’s the most precious person too]. Before she finishes her sentence, she faints.  
Xiao Lan Hua wakes up in a village (full of women). She scoots up to Dongfang Qing Cang, cutely tilts her head and asks if he’s still angry. She calls him Big Wooden Head again. She’s no longer scared like before (if you noticed she was calling him Moon Tribe Lord). She promises to never run away. Wherever she goes, he’ll be the first one to know. Is he shy? Because he’s stuffing food (that he roasted for her!) in her mouth to distract her :D I also like how he complains about her weak body. So concerned about her ~ 
Dongfang Qing Cang recognizes the hairpin and wants her to remove it. Knowing her emotions is for better protection. He can feel her physical pain too though! But maybe her being injured is already too late for him. Xiao Lan Hua refuses to take it off. There’s a back and forth of Why? No reason! Why?! No reason!! She doesn’t want him to know her feelings at all times. Everyone has their secrets. 

Xiao Lan Hua: You can’t just casually enter my heart. Yes he can :D. The writer knows her tropes! It’s like you can’t trespass into another person’s home. 
Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 will go wherever he wants and steal whatever he wants. But yet, he doesn’t steal her hairpin ;) 

Dongfang Qing Cang is annoyed. Before he could know her feelings, but now he can’t. Why is that? What is the difference between then and now?! Yea. What is the difference between now and then ;) 

[Ep16] Dongfang Qing Cang’s Love Tree is budding! Yes! Oh wait, noooooo. Will he be weaker?! D: He can feel sympathy for the grandmother who challenged him to explain his disappearance 30, 000 years ago (which he doesn’t explain, true to his character). He has only ever explained for Xiao Lan Hua (against his will, lol). His newly recovered emotions give him his first nightmare. With horrible timing, Xiao Lan Hua enters to give him a little orchid (she’s giving him herself!). She explains it's different from other orchids because it has her powers and will surely help him sleep better. Our sleep deprived lord hollers at her. All the pain he endured to eradicate his feelings are all for naught. Shaking with anger, he orders her to disappear from his sight. 

Our sleep deprived lord is sweetly hypocritical. He’s still a simp for Xiao Lan Hua. Jie Li stole treasures but he frees her because she lies that it was for Xiao Lan Hua. Why is he so gullible! xD He even tells Jie Li that Xiao Lan Hua can take anything she wants openly. However, his mood destabilizes at the sight of a wooden doll. It reminds him of his nanny, whom his father killed. Oh. The emotional pain. Jie Li is to be executed on the spot. Shang Que tries to save her but Dongfang Qing Cang knocks him away with the most aggressive head tilt. But then his hand flinches. Xiao Lan Hua had flown in to save Jie Li, and suffered a small injury on her hand. Jie Li is spared and calls Xiao Lan Hua the most foolish person in her life (whom she is utterly grateful for). 

Xun Feng is to be executed in three days on the death anniversary of their father. (However, it seems that he’s not the one refining the evil spirits.) Xiao Lan Hua pleads for Xun Feng, despite Dongfang Qing Cang’s fury. She doesn’t want him to execute his own family. Aw, her priority is him. Dongfang Qing Cang snickers that he was never his family. His father never smiled at him and had even asked “Why must it be you?” Dongfang Qing Cang is certain his father despised him because he can overtake his position. He tormented him to eradicate his emotions. He even died for it. But now the love tree has been revived. Isn’t it ironic? Dongfang Qing Cang finds it laughable. So in the end his father sacrificed his life for nothing... So many layers of sadness to his sadness. Xiao Lan Hua grows suspicious. There must be a hidden story behind the father. 

[Ep17] Shang Que warns Xiao Lan Hua she can die for investigating Dongfang Qing Cang’s relationship with his father because it's his greatest and deepest pain. This makes Xiao Lan Hua more determined to resolve his pain. Our poor guy is reliving the death of his father with his recovered emotions T_T. She finds Dongfang Qing Cang’s (repaired) qin and a cuju (ancient soccer ball) carefully stowed away. Then she finds a scroll, indicating that Dongfang Qing Can is the only one (after Yan Nu) who can possess the hellfire. Xiao Lan Hua realizes the father could have been desolated because that’s her reaction to the scroll. The father doesn’t want Dongfang Qing Cang void of emotions, but unfortunately, it had to be him. Xiao Lan Hua is stubbornly insistent that his daddy had secrets and based on Ep16 from the way Dongfang Qing Cang described him, I think her deductions were very logical. She’s a nosy FL, but with reason
Xiao Lan Hua visits the father at the Forgotten River. Xiao Lan Hua, you promised to tell Dongfang Qing Cang wherever you go! Although it's a dangerous trip and she may never return, she’s determined. She can’t let others misunderstand Dongfang Qing Cang for killing another family member. AWW!!!! The way she cares for him is beyond my conception. She’s also so, so brave!

Dongfang Qing Cang notices more wounds on himself. He immediately finds her and dives into the Forgotten River “Even if you escape to the end of the Forgotten River, and the extremes of heaven and earth, 本座 can still find you. Do you understand?” (Ep15).  And he meets his father’s soul T_T.

[Ep18] The father had no choice, he says. Their army was falling. Dongfang Qing Cang was the Moon Tribe’s only hope for survival. Dongfang Qing Cang is sick of that excuse. He asks his father if there was another chance, would he make the same choice, yearning for a different answer, but the father shatters that hope and confirms his nightmares. The father will make his son kill him again.

The Father: I couldn’t bear it, so I chose for you to kill me. 
Dongfang Qing Cang (bellows): Then have you considered my feelings? T_T. He doesn’t say 本座 in front of his father

Xiao Lan Hua doesn’t understand one thing: it wasn’t necessary for Dongfang Qing Cang to kill his father. This is true, but to truly eradicate his Love Tree and not have it relapse requires suffering for thousands of years. It was the fastest and most efficient way. T___T. And now the father makes Dongfang Qing Cang kill him AGAIN to destroy his Love Tree again. My lips are not quivering
Dongfang Qing Cang: I can’t do it. Oh, my poor boy. He’s not invincible after all *sniffles* 
The Father: You can do it! This father, shaddup!

If the emotional roots are there, Dongfang Qing Cang will have to live through the pain, suffering forever. The father doesn’t want him tormenting himself, and so killing him is the solution. !!!!!! Dongfang Qing Cang solemnly refuses. He chooses to live with the heartache. He doesn’t want to forget these feelings. It’s heartbreaking, but Dongfang Qing Cang chooses to suffer to feel his father’s love. I’d like to think that. The father cries with his son. He kicks the cuju to him, but our Da Mu Tou is wooden, frozen, unable to react. Then the fire extinguishes, and it’s too late. The father’s soul disappears. Into the empty space, Dongfang Qing Cang finally speaks. “Father”. T_T
Xun Feng is punished with 81 lightning strikes. Dongfang Qing Cang watches emotionlessly until he volunteers to take the remaining 51!! OMG. Drama, seriously! Emotional pain and physical pain! Are you trying to kill me?! I feel like his physical pain is nothing compared to the storm in his heart though T_T Xun Feng refuses to acknowledge his brother’s sacrifice. Xiao Lan Hua coldly confronts Xun Feng if he ever bothered understanding his brother’s pain. Of course not. He (Xun Feng) only ever cared about himself. Dongfang Qing Cang has heart eyes! admires his little orchid as she drops a mirror for Xun Feng to see for himself. There’s someone who speaks up for Dongfang Qing Cang. Please feel all the love in this world, my lord! 

Dongfang Qing Cang rests in bed. Xiao Lan Hua gets up to leave momentarily, but he grabs her hand. She assures him she’s only getting medicine. Aw, he doesn’t want her to leave. However, when she returns with the medication, he’s gone. He’s crying by himself in his dark garden, clutching his cuju. You mean, I’m not done crying? Xiao Lan Hua crouches down with him. When she was approaching, he tried to stop crying, but he couldn’t T_T
She reaches out to him, which is stopped by his trembling hand, but Xiao Lan Hua clutches onto him. She hugs him with her gentle arms, and cries with him. She knows his agony. Dongfang Qing Cang never felt such a heartache for his father’s death anniversary (today). He wonders if destroying his tree would make it less painful. As he sobs, he hugs her tighter, and so does she. In between his sobs, our devil lord says that he has forgiven his father. 
The next day, Dongfang Qing Cang complains (complains!) that the medicine is bitter. He hates it. Xiao Lan Hua coaxes him to drink it, tempting him with his favourite cookie. There’s honey~ Did his eyes glitter at honey? He’s so weak that even when he walks, he needs her support. And as he’s coughing in staccatos, he insists he’ll continue to need her support. Hahaha. But then when Xun Feng comes, he glides up with ease. Can’t look weak! In front of anyone but Xiao Lan Hua ~ She glares. 

Xun Feng is down on his knees, touching his forelock to Dongfang Qing Cang’s hand. It’s the greatest respect. Looks like our brothers will be on good terms ~ Yes?
Xiao Lan Hua teaches Dongfang Qing Cang on how to be approachable, which he modestly admits he does not know how. Aw! So earnest! Wait, no I want my old Dongfang Qing Cang back! She teaches him how to smile. He smirks. LOL. Xiao Lan Hua helps out the clueless man by pushing the corner of his lips. He’s so innocent! Who are you! What did you do with my Dongfang! Then she teaches him how to hug (I wonder if he asked her how on purpose). But her hands awkwardly freeze in the air. He’s probably anticipating it. But you two already hugged! It was the most emotional hug I’ve seen this year

Xiao Lan Hua smiles to herself as she prepares her biscuits for Dongfang Qing Cang. She’s thinking of him because she finds him adorable. So foolish and so obedient. Only to you, Little Orchid! Jie Lie asks if she’s sure she’s only pretending to like Dongfang Qing Cang. Of course! Better never let Dongfang Qing Cang hear that lie! 
Dongfang Qing Cang practices smiling in the mirror for Xun Feng. I’d thought it would be so awkward between the brothers, but it was a lovely scene
Shang Que is glowing like a proud mama, and breaks into the loveliest grin at his angelic lord. LOL
Dongfang Qing Cang visits Xiao Lan Hua for her biscuits. She verifies if he drank his medication first. He reports that it was bitter, but he drank every drip of it. So cute! Like a boy wanting praise. He’s here for more than cookies. Moon Tribe has a tradition where they smear their blood on the person they’re grateful for. Our Little Orchid shivers at the thought of blood on her. He knew and so he changed it to powder. It’s the first time he’s ever been grateful. She entertains the boy and shows him a cheek. He holds her face in the most loving way to smear the red powder on her. 
A genuine smile, no practice needed!
This episode has crushed me. I am a puddle of sap. A blissful one

[Ep19] Dongfang Qing Cang is grateful for Xiao Lan Hua because she changed him. He can empathize with his father’s wishes. He understands his responsibilities in protecting his land. He further understands her pain in not returning home and so he will wipe out the fairyland and beat up whoever bullied her and then she can return home whenever she wants. Haha, oh wait, this is not funny. Xiao Lan Hua flinches. She excuses herself. She’s saddened that Dongfang Qing Cang didn’t actually change (for her). 

Dongfang Qing Cang doesn’t sense our Little Orchid's sadness. Instead, he picks up a little orchid (I think it was the one that she gave him before) to admire in his chamber. He’s so enamoured with her it, he’s not even mad at Shang Que (who’s so precious! Who can ever be mad at him!) and admits that he not only failed to collect all the pieces of the Chengying Sword (an ancient sword), but that he also didn’t try his best because he didn’t want to kill Xiao Lan Hua. Dongfang Qing Cang isn’t the least bit concerned. In fact, discard those shards! Our lord is preoccupied as he inhales the floral scent of his orchid. However, Xun Feng wants to keep it. Who knows, he might be able to find the last shard........ 
Xiao Lan Hua dreams of her parents. But she has no parents, at least not that she knows of. She decides to freeze herself, to bring out her true form. Dongfang Qing Cang, the wielder of hellfire, strangely finds it cold. Immediately, he knows why. He finds Xiao Lan Hua and wraps her in a blanket (and a hug!). Hugging him must be like hugging a furnace

Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 doesn't care what you are. 本座 only knows you are not a little grass that no one cares about. You to 本座, in all of three realms, is the most important and the most precious. No one can take you away from 本座. From now on,  you will always have to be together with 本座. 

Xiao Lan Hua was moved until she realized she couldn't be moved. He is the Moon Tribe Lord. He wants to destroy the fairyland. Even though they treat her like a traitor, she cannot betray Shuiyuntian

Dongfang Qing Cang (heartbreakingly): Then are you betraying 本座?

Xiao Lan Hua shakes her head. 

Xiao Lan Hua: You and I are enemies. There is no betrayal between us. You are the great Moon Tribe Lord. I am a little grass (A holy Grass Goddess!) who doesn’t even know her identity. What kind of feelings can we even have? Moon Tribe Lord, please don’t waste your time on me anymore. I don't deserve this honour. 
Dongfang Qing Cang: You say that between you and 本座, there is no affection then why do you accompany me every day? Why do you do so much for me? It is you who awakened 本座’s seven emotions. It is you who made 本座 have feelings and yearnings. So now, why!? Oh his emotions. It is cruel. Giving him love and taking it away T_T.

It’s because Xiao Lan Hua understands his responsibilities as Moon Tribe’s Lord. It’s the same for her. Shuiyuntian is her home. He says he can give her a home. 

Xiao Lan Hua: But the people I care about, other than you, are there. She said “other than you”!! 

She asks him what he would do if Cheng Heng stopped him. Kill him. What about her shifu? What if her shifu will never surrender? (Kill her). 

Dongfang Qing Cang: You really can't give up the fairy clan for me?
Xiao Lan Hua: Then can you give up the hatred of the Moon Clan, and give up your promise to your father and your people? Fair question

Dongfang Qing Cang cannot. 

This is brutal. But this is COMMUNICATION. She framed their problems: he cannot abandon and she cannot betray (whether or not anyone appreciates her for it). She is the Xishan Goddess, after all. It’s in her godly veins even if she doesn’t know it yet.

Xun Feng finds Lady Chi Di’s resurrection in a baby. He wants to kill her to retrieve her soul and revive their army, but Dongfang Qing Cang can’t bear to kill the baby because of Xiao Lan Hua! She did change him. Xun Feng does it for him anyway, but it doesn’t work. It turns out Lady Chi Di has to live her mortal life according to her destiny, then she can return to her godly form, and then they can take her soul. 

Xiao Lan Hua deciphers Dongfang Qing Cang’s plans. She’s more clever than I gave her credit for. She’s afraid he’ll ruin Lady Chi Di’s trial as Xie Wan Qing (from the Destiny Leaflet) and then her soul will perish into ashes, never to be reborn. Lady Chi Di is supposed to die from her groom’s sword on the night of their wedding in every single life. 
They look like ghosts
The next day Xiao Lan Hua and Jie Li pop into the mortal realm (which must have been a decade for mortals because the baby is now a grown woman). They’re immediately caught by Dongfang Qing Cang and Shang Que. Notice how he purposely cals himself the “Mighty Moon Tribe Lord”. It’s a grudge because she called him that in the last episode doing their argument. Dongfang Qing Cang is gullible enough to believe that Xiao Lan Hua wants to take a stroll with him. Half of it is his gullibility, the other half is his desires. They're awkwardly alone (thanks to clever Jie Li and cute dork Shang Que). Xiao Lan Hua thanks him for forgiving her (while calling him “Moon Tribe Lord.”). He says it’s nothing. They don’t have any feelings for each other anyway. Hehe. A grudge

Xiao Lan Hua: “Oh” (a sound of acknowledgement)
Dongfang Qing Cang: Other than “oh” can you say anything else. 
Xiao Lan Hua: I’m afraid if I say more, I’ll anger you. 
Dongfang Qing Cang: You’re right. It’s better for you to keep quiet then
Xiao Lan Hua nods silently and solemnly

Jie Li arrives and eases the awkwardness. She tells everyone to follow the rules here. Dongfang Qing Cang is like 本座 is the rule. Xiao Lan Hua urges him not to interfere with the mortals or they can perish. She’s dropping hints to him in case he accidentally kills the mortal Lady Chi Di. She also cleverly taunts Dongfang Qing Cang: Such a supreme lord, an unparalleled genius, respected among the realms, how could he be an ordinary mortal? That’s too hard! Baited.

Dongfang Qing Cang: If 本座 wants to be a mortal, 本座 will be better (qiang) than everyone else at it. Okay der Da Qiang! You da strong one!  

Here are the rules: can’t show magic in case he kills them all and cannot use 本座 because there’s only one Majesty here. Dongfang Qing Cang is like Just kill him. Jie Li suggests a new identity: the richest man, richer than the Emperor. He will be Dongfang Yuan Wai (員外)! Xiao Lan Hua gets to be the chief maid in charge of flowers. 員外 means landlord. Smart Jie Lie gave him the title of a lord in the moral realm as well, lol. Maybe of your interest, there’s a name for the Landlord’s wife, which is 安人 (an ren). It also means to pacify the people. That is totally Xiao Lan Hua, our Xishan Goddess. ;) Xiao Lan Hua confirms with Jie Li that she’s no longer a fairy and he’s no longer a devil lord. This repeated confirmation is Xiao Lan Hua’s heart's desires. She wishes they were not burdened by their identities. Dongfang Qing Cang agrees to the plan. Xiao Lan Hua starts with calling him by his name... 

Xiao Lan Hua: “Dongfang... Yuan Wai.”
Dongfang Qing Cang: Eh. LMAO. His simple reply is already killing me. I do wonder for you all (non-Chinese) if this was funny. It’s a very casual reply, so casual, and so when actors actually react with this tone on TV, it’s funnily surprising and hilariously cozy. And of all people it is the supreme lord

[Ep20] Chang Heng is also taking his mortal trials as Xiao Run. Dan Yin is here too! As a guy, and his lackey, and going through thick and thin with him. It seems Xiao Run will be Xie Wan Qing's (Lady Chi Di) groom. Oh hey, the current God of War is going to marry and kill the ex God of War

Xiao Lan Hua fears Dongfang Qing Cang will kill Chang Heng, perishing him into ashes. To distract Dongfang Landlord, Xiao Lan Hua says her stomach hurts (but can’t Dongfang Qing Cang feel that?) and then she drops her Bone Orchid. She tells him they have to find it because it’s priceless to her. He’s moved! However, he spots Chang Heng and demands Xiao Lan Hua why she’s here. She lies that she’s here to accompany him. In this scene, before she complained about her stomach, she reached for her hairpin. Why is that? She wanted to take it off? She wanted him to know her feelings? 

Xiao Lan Hua is tired of walking. Mortals sure have it tough! Ever so casually, our landlord is like “Why don’t I carry you?” So smooth! Oh, and our Lord is going to carry a grass?! Btw, he said ‘I’! She’s shy and quickly denies being exhausted. Then they both have a question for each other. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: Didn't you say there was no affection (情義) between you and I? Then why did you say the Bone Orchid is a priceless treasure? Were you lying to me? I am doubling back to explain 情義. Separating the term, it is having 情 affection and having 義 affiliation (loyalty). As one term, 情義 is the feeling between two people. It can be between friends, and between lovers, and show obviously means between lovers (who don’t know they’re lovers yet) (;  
Xiao Lan Hua: No. 
Dongfang Qing Cang (hopeful): Then...having no affection for me is a lie? A ray of hope! 
Xiao Lan Hua: That’s not it either. If you attack Shuiyuntian and kill the fairies, you will be my enemy. *The sound of hope shattering*

Dongfang Qing Cang changes the topic! Phew. Neither of them want to talk about this anymore. It’s her turn to ask and wonders if he’s really not mad at her. In the past whenever she disobeyed him or infuriated him, he’ll glare and yell at her, going  ‘本座 will kill you’. He’s rather surprised. He doesn’t understand why he would be angry nor does he realize he was like that to her. 

Dongfang Qing Cang is rather confused. He shares his feelings with an even more confused Shang Que.

Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 has been unable to concentrate, especially towards Little Orchid. Oftentimes, there should be anger, but [I] just cannot be angry at her – Xiao Lan Hua walks across the bridge and distracts him – Instead, [I] actually hope she will come and annoy me. She used to always nag in my ears, but now, even for a second, she doesn’t want to stay with 本座. My ears are in peace but my heart is... [in tumult]. What is wrong with 本座?

Shang Que has the same symptoms as he watches Jie Li. 

A little girl sells flowers to Dongfang Qing Cang and Xiao Lan Hua, thinking they’re a couple. It will bless them for 100 years. Dongfang Qing Cang asks, “Only 100 years?” Not enough! The little girl smartly adds 10 000 years, 100, 000 years, millions of years! The Landlord is satisfied and buys the flower (with one gold bar!) for his little flower maid and gently pins it on her hair. So smooth ~ and he’s using “I” with her. She’s tickled by love, but she’s bothered by his motives, and asks once more why he’s here in the mortal realm. He doesn’t tell her the truth. Oh no! Our Da Qiang is lying?! He assures her he isn’t lying. Maybe he thinks he’s just here observing and therefore just strolling. Xiao Lan Hua is clearly uneasy. He promises her that from now on, he won’t lie to her, but he asks the same from her. “Is that okay?” He’s asking, not demanding o.o. She nods, disappointed that he lied (while she’s lying too!). Oh, you two! The way he asked for mutual trust hurt me. He really wanted it :( While he's distracted by a cuju. Xiao Lan Hua ditches him! Hey! Xiao Lan Hua, that’s not cool! We do not mess with the cuju

Xie Wan Qing is waiting for someone, but she doesn’t know who, until she hears a flute. It’s Rong Hao. Her fate is to be killed during the festival. As long as she and her lover are married on the same day, then their trial will be successful. Does this also mean they don’t have to marry each other, but just on the same day? 

[Ep21] The fates are all messed up! Xie Wan Qing falls for Dongfang Qing Cang (thinking he’s the flute player that only she can hear), while Xiao Run falls for Xiao Lan Hua. Lady Chi Di says something interesting about Dongfang Qing Cang. Hee elicits hate and respect (7:3) and yet she’s full of deep concern for him. It’s as if they have a past feud. “I seem to be waiting for you.” 

At least Xiao Lan Hua and Dongfang Qing Cang can be somewhat honest. They know they’re both lying. In fact, he knew all along when she protected Chang Heng the first time, but he chose to believe her and that the Bone Orchid was invaluable to her. Aw. Xiao Lan Hua swears though that she didn’t know Chang Heng was here in the mortal realm too. 

Xiao Lan Hua tells the team that Xiao Run needs to meet Xie Wan Qing for the trial to be successful even though she’s confused why Chang Heng would kill Lady Chi Di when he is full of 情 affection and 義 affiliation (loyalty). Dongfang Qing Cang pointedly criticizes that fairies can actually have 情 and 義. A complaint pointed at Xiao Lan Hua who has no 情義, lol. Xiao Lan Hua wants to meet up with Xiao Run to get her plan rolling, but allowing her to meet Chang Heng won’t fly with Dongfang Qing Cang. And so the boys handle Xiao Run, and the girls handle Xie Wan Qing. Xiao Lan Hua gulps, worried for Chang Heng. Don’t look down on our lord! He’s not like those hypocritical fairies.
I saw a comment calling them F4, haha. (Wang He Di was in Meteor Garden (2019) as Dao Ming Si)
And we get a blossoming friendship between Dongfang Qing Cang and Chang Heng! Dongfang Qing Cang is horrified. “本座 actually crawled through a dog hole hand in hand in with Chang Heng!” LMAO! They also play cuju. Aw, look at Dongfang Qing Cang staring at the ball in his hands.
Xiao Run is chummy with our supreme lord, patting him, hugging him, and treating his wound. Chang Heng is going to kick himself once he gets his memories back, lol.  
When her fingers left him, his smile to her was so genuine.
We get a flashback of how Xiao Lan Hua reminded Dongfang Qing Cang to be friendly. Ahhh so that’s the reason why he’s so gentle with Chang Heng! 

[Ep22] Xiao Run gently applies ointment to our – forbidding! frightening! – Moon Tribe Lord’s booboo. Isn’t that cute! Our lordie lord lord doesn’t like being cute, especially not when he spots Xiao Lan Hua spying on him. He bashfully shakes off Xiao Run. Hehe

30, 000 years ago, Rong Hao made a deal with the devil, the ancient demon, Tai Sui, to save Lady Chi Di. Rong Hao knows he’s defying his shifu's wishes. It was her volition to perish for peace, but he realizes the Fairy Realm doesn’t care for her sacrifice. He’s persuaded to kill Xishan Goddess (a child). Fortunately, she's protected by her parents who unfortunately sacrifice their lives to turn her into an orchid, hiding her from harm. So Rong Hao murdered her parents. Although Rong Hao fails to kill the goddess, the deal with the devil deepens. Tai Sui uses his evil spirits (shui qi) to sustain Lady Chi Di's body, while her soul will undergo mortal trials for thousands of years. Rong Hao needs to refine evil spirits to keep Tai Sui alive because that’s the only way to keep Lady Chi Di alive. Their goals overlap now. Rong Hao needs Tai Sui who needs the goddess dead.  Everyone only knows that the Xishan Goddess can make all things grow and resurrect the dead, but no one knows the Xilan Tribe has been guarding Xishan (Mount Xi) for as long as time to seal Tai Sui. He needs Rong Hao to kill the goddess because only her powers, purest in all three realms, can oppose his evil spirits. 

Since Dongfang Qing Cang destroyed the pot of evil spirits, Rong Hao doesn’t have enough shui qi to feed Tai Sui. He kills the Fairy Soldiers instead. 

Dongfang Qing Cang is supportive of Xiao Run’s new love, thinking it’s Xie Wan Qing. And there’s a short scene where I think Shang Que might be jealous Dongfang Qing Cang has a new brotha. xD.  Now Dongfang Qing Cang has to foot the bill for Xiao Run to find and marry his little orchid. Hehehe. Calm down, our lord! You can’t kill Xiao Run (yet!). I feel like at this point, Shang Que is no longer jealous. Meanwhile on the girls end, Xiao Lan Hua is clearly jealous Xie Wan Qing likes Dongfang Qing Chang and grumps that he’s no good at all. 
Dongfang Qing Cang and Xiao Run become sworn brother’s. HAHAHA
To good brothers! 
The look of love!
Crying together!
(DFQC is crying. In his heart. Cries of regret. xD)
Moping together! 
DFQC: Must. Resist. Murder.
Xiao Lan Hua and Dongfang Qing Cang blame each other for seducing Xiao Run and Xie Wan Qing respectively. They hide in a closet, but fate has it (no, seriously, fate has it) their admirers find them. 

[Ep23] Jealousy abounds! Xiao Lan Hua – the woman like a goddess from a painting – and Dongfang Qing Chang – the man who’s like a walking dream – are jealous of each other. LOL. You two should be flattered at being worshipped! (; Shang Que is also jealous that Jie Li likes Qu Shui (Dan Yin) because s/he’s dumb. Shang Que is like Aren’t I the #1 idiotic man?! Ya. You, sir, of all things to be jealous of.......
In the BTS, Wang He Di actually did Yu Shu Xin’s makeup
Jealousy aside, they need to make Xiao Run hate Xiao Lan Hua. Making her ugly should do the trick. Jie Li is proud of the ugly transformation. But it isn’t ugly enough! Move it ~ Dongfang Qing Cang will personally be her makeup artist. He gives her caterpillar eyebrows, chicken blooded lips and clown cheeks, all the while he’s carping about Chang Heng still falling in love with (t)his little orchid. 
Jealousy is back (well, it never left). Dongfang Qing Cang grumbles that Xiao Lan Hua seems eager to meet Xiao Run. Poor girl wants to get it over with! She already sacrificed her face. How else can she prove she has nothing personal for Xiao Run? She’s ready to leave again, but he stops her once more. He has a pouch of snacks for her! Aw! Keen cnetz noticed that Dongfang Qing Cang learned to care for Xiao Lan Hua like this because she did the same for him in Ep 8 when she sent him away on the boat. Such an attentive and considerate supreme lord! He’s been keeping note of everything she does and everything she says ~ 

Xiao Run thinks Xiao Lan Hua is testing him and so no matter how unwomanly she is, he loves her. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: This Xiao Run, did he contract an eye disease? 
Jie Li (sighs): In the eyes of a lover appears Xi Shi (Xi Shi is one of the four legendary beauties and the prettiest of the four). Xi Shi... Xi Yun? They’re different Xi’s though

Dongfang Qing Cang has had enough! He saunters in and booties him!!! and is like Niang zi (lady), the floor is cold. Apparently, they’ve married for three years. Niang zi (wifey),why are you still mad at me? Oh and she’s also pregnant. Pika-Chu! Shocked, Xiao Run sinks to the floor. Dongfang Qing Cang leaves him be, but not without the painting of his little orchid, which he snatches from Xiao Run’s limped hands. 
Xiao Lan Hua, take that hand!
Our (fake) couple are far from Xiao Run, but Dongfang Qing Cang is still holding hands with Xiao Lan Hua. When questioned by her, he’s like, Niang zi (wifey), it’s an inappropriate question. What if Xiao Run runs after them. It’s better that they hold hands. She catches on that he’s still mischievously calling her “wife”. And then he’s like Niang zi (wife), why are you still mad at me? Teehee. She’s whining and all, but she isn’t letting go either and she’s even smiling! 
Was Wang He Di always this hot? 
Xiao Lan Hua is distracted by the lantern festival. Dongfang Qing Cang will take her, but she pouts, asking if she can be pretty again. I love his smile here!! A genuinely amused smile. At the lantern festival, he tells her his wife, matter-of-factly: to obliterate Shuiyuntian, kill those hypocritical immortals, realize his father’s wishes, unify the three realms and never have his people suffer from war again. He won’t need the help of a lantern though because he, the mighty Moon Lord, can achieve it himself. Then he asks for her wish as if he didn’t just kill the mood. She’s still thinking. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 is the Supreme Being of the Three Realms. Relying on a lantern for your wish, why not rely on me? Who knows. If 本座 is happy, he could probably make your wish come true. 

Xiao Lan Hua’s wish is simple. She doesn’t want war. However, how can Dongfang Qing Cang forget the pain of his ancestors? He still has 100 000 soldiers sealed in the river. Each of them is a son, a husband, and a father. Xiao Lan Hua apologizes, asking for a change in the conversation. She doesn’t want to spoil the beautiful night. 
Dongfang Qing Cang's wish: “Xiao Lan Hua, I hope that you could always be by my side.” 
Xiao Lan Hua's wish: “Da Mu Tou, even though there’s no way I can always stay by your side, but I wish that you will always be safe and happy with friends, with brothers, with loyalty and love, and never to be alone again.” I think with this wish, it’s clear she cares about him the most if she has to prioritize

Xiao Run is heartbroken, but unilaterally loyal to his sworn brother. He decides to leave for 3-5 years while blessing the couple. Uh oh! He needs to stay to marry Xie Wan Qing though. Jie Li comes up with a brilliant idea. “Congratulations! You have passed the test.” She tells Xiao Run that Dongfang Qing Cang is only Xiao Lan Hua’s brother. Since his devotion has been proven, he can now marry Xiao Lan Hua. Our protective “brother” asks Xiao Run what he likes about Xiao Lan Hua. His answer: whether he’s awake or asleep, his mind is filled with her; once he thought it was impossible with her, his heart felt utterly empty. When Dongfang Qing Cang is alone, his thoughts are the same (as his sworn brother!). “Is this love?” 
Back at home, everyone is sighing but Jie Li. They’re still on track! On the night of the marriages, Dongfang Qing Cang and Xiao Lan Hua can just switch partners. Dongfang Qing Cang is disapproving even if it’s fake. He will only marry the one orchid he loves. Other girls, he won't even glance at them let alone marry. 

[Ep24] Xie Wan Qing arrives to propose to Dongfang Qing Cang! But he refuses to cooperate. “本座 isn’t as casual as you [Xiao Lan Hua]”. Upset, Xiao Lan Hua orders him to stop. Aha!!!! He stops. I forgot about her skill! She demands him to meet with Xie Wan Qing and zip it. Yes ma’am! xD Since he isn’t talking (because he can’t!) Xiao Lan Hua lies that he wanted to propose to her (Xie). “See, my brother’s face is so red!” From rage, lol After Xie Wan Qing awkwardly leaves Xiao Lan Hua angrily interrogates him. Seeing how obedient he was, it seems like he wants to marry Xie Wan Qing too. Mercy on the lord! LOL. He can’t speak! 

Xiao Lan Hua asks Xie Wan Qing for advice. She has a friend who likes this man, but because of their identities, they cannot be together. Xie Wan Qing calls them fools. They can’t give up! It’s not easy finding true love. Xie Wan Qing (Lady Chi Di) is admirable. Assertive. Proactive. The women in this drama are written surprisingly well

Time is up. Dongfang Qing Cang can speak again and the first thing he blurts is this: “She said ‘too’!” Dongfang Qing Cang is certain the “too” meant Xiao Lan Hua is eager to marry Xiao Run. Omg, too funny. He’s been fuming about this for how long?! The dumb and dumber brothers (aka Dongfang Qing Cang and Shang Que) turn to Jie Li for help who suggests to take away Xiao Lan Hua’s emotion-blocking-hairpin. That way, he’ll know what she’s thinking because girls are weird and don’t say what they mean. Am girl. I can confirm – for myself

Shang Que also wants to know about Jie Li’s feelings. She says she has no heart. She already sold it. This girl doesn’t believe in love and only believes in money. 

Xiao Lan Hua and Chang Heng have a date, but her mind is consumed by Dongfang Qing Cang. Everything – the food, the flower, the boat – makes her think of him. Meanwhile he is watching her from afar. Can he feel her emotions? Nope. He can’t because he didn’t switch her hairpin! Dongfang Qing Cang, I am so proud of you! Why are you so sweet! This almighty supreme lord is respecting our little orchid and taking her words to heart. Reminder: in Ep15 he said “本座 will go wherever he wants and steal whatever he wants.” This is him by nature, but for Xiao Lan Hua, whom he holds dearest, he didn’t do it. He resisted his desire to respect her desires. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: Xiao Lan Hua said that 本座 believes he’s never wrong, is always superior, and is unable to understand her heart. 本座 doesn’t believe that without the spell 本座 cannot read her heart. 

Dongfang Qing Cang cannot read her heart. He thinks she’s having fun on her date. Shang Que seems to think otherwise (oh he has an EQ!), but he misses the opportunity to tell his lord. I think SQ notices that Xiao Lan Hua isn’t happy. I guess our Dongfang Qing Cang is too insecure when it comes to Xiao Lan Hua. Xiao Lan Hua catches a glimpse of him, ditches Xiao Run and runs after Dongfang Qing Cang. Lord, if that is not obvious enough, I don’t know what is. She wants to tell him something (that she likes him??) until he grumpily informs her he’s meeting Xie Wan Qing. Xiao Lan Hua asks him not to go! Aw! And then he’s like Why! He doesn’t need her permission to see anyone. Our fairy humphs as he leaves her.

Qu Shui is sad (jealous?) that Xiao Run is marrying. If this is Dan Yin, then she is jealous. But this is Qu Shui (M) so I don’t know. (S)He’s on an errand to deliver a pearl but then (s)he accidentally overhears that the marriage is a plot to have Xiao Run kill Xie Wan Qing. (S)He runs to tell Xiao Run but is killed by a carriage. Lol. And that my folks was her trial. To be run over by a carriage. Qu Shui is dead, but Dan Yin returns! She is punished by Lord Yun Zhong who gives her a chance for redemption if she kills Lady Chi Di. Dan Yin refuses. Chang Heng’s fate is tied with Lady Chi Di. They will perish together. 

Unbeknownst to the imminent danger, our couple are engaged in a petty fight of jealousy. When he’s gone, she’s humphing again and calls him the three realms number one idiot. Now don’t go making Shang Que jealous again

[Ep25] Jie Li prepares for the weddings! So busy! Shang Que remembers dragons have a wedding custom too, which is removing their body’s hardest scale for the bride. Ew? But he explains that the flesh without its toughest scale is exposing their deepest vulnerability to their sweetheart. It means he’s willing to be controlled by her, bullied by her, and deceived by her. Oh so sweet! But boy, that’s not quite love. Just saying

Xie Wan Qing and Xiao Run value their sisterly and brotherly friendship with Xiao Lan Hua and Dongfang Qing Cang respectively. Xiao Run cutely share all his friends and gifts with the friendless Dongfang Qing Cang who’s rather speechless. With an arm hooked around his sworn brother’s neck, he goes, “Oiyoyo! Touched?! That’s nothing. As long as I, Xiao Run, have it, you, my brother-in-law will not receive any less.” Aw. Humans. So precious. Our immortal couple is wrought with guilt though. Dongfang Qing Fang finds it absurd that he feels guilty for a mortal – wait no, an enemy. Xiao Lan Hua earnestly asks if they can forget their identities. “You are not the Moon Lord, and I am not a fairy. Let’s be a mortal for this one day. Can we?” Dongfang Qing Cang Yuan Wai nods. 

A grumpy Dan Yin has returned to the moral realm. Xiao Lan Hua loves it (grumpiness included)! Rong Hao is here too. Boo. They share the same goal: to save Chang Heng. But we all know Rong Hao’s hidden agenda (to save Lady Chi Di). Rong Hao tells Xiao Lan Hua that Chang Heng’s mortal trial was for her. The star rock was meant for her too. He always loved her. However, Xiao Lan Hua has moved on! And doesn’t want to harm Dongfang Qing Cang. She believes in him! Rong Hao gives Xiao Lan Hua a poison for Dongfang Qing Cang and assures her the poison will only temporarily weaken him, allowing Rong Hao to save “Chang Heng”. Will Xiao Lan Hua poison our lord?
The double marriage is over. Our couple is together! Not that together, but they’re in wedding clothes together! I need a proper marriage though. Dongfang Qing Cang recounts how they met for only three months, but it feels like 30,000 years. He saw her in fairy clothes, moon tribe clothes, and mortal clothes, but the most beautiful of them all is her wedding gown tonight. He pours wine for them. Does he know there’s poison in it just like last time? Also since when did our Supreme Lord pour drinks for someone else? It reminds me of Ep19 where they sat down for tea and she poured him some. I noticed him for noticing that. Is he learning etiquette from her too? Although the wedding is fake, he’s happy that it feels like a real one. He’s about to take his wine (poison?) but Xiao Lan Hua stops him! She asks him one last time for his real motives. He tells her it’s not her business. But how can killing her people not be her business? She tears up, “Didn’t you promise me that you wouldn’t lie to me?” He tells her she should have known that this is who he is. But she thought he changed. She thought he liked peace. She thought he liked Xiao Run. Dongfang Qing Cang does value Xiao Run as a friend, but not Chang Heng. If Xiao Lan Hua cannot accept him the way he is, then she is free to hate him. Our orchid cries. She can’t hate him. She knows he’s the Moon Tribe’s hope. She doesn’t know what to do either. Our poor orchid T_T.   Dongfang Qing Cang gently comforts her. 

Xiao Lan Hua doesn't poison Dongfang Qing Cang, but the real danger was never in the wine. From the pearl, an evil spirit bursts forth. Sinister Rong Hao. A villain who impresses me. Xiao Lan Hua’s innate reaction is to push Dongfang Qing Cang away from danger. She begs him to leave as she’s devoured by the dark cloud. Never. Dongfang Qing Cang would never abandon his orchid. With virility, Dongfang Qing Cang triumphs over the spirit. But he’s injured!  
Xiao Lan Hua hugs Dongfang Qing Cang, grateful that he’s alive. He assures his injuries are fine. Then he asks her if the poison and pearl came from the same person. So he did know it was poison before he drank it? 

Another evil spirit takes over Xie Wan Qing. She’s about to kill Dan Yin but Xiao Run protects her and dies. Now, the possessed Xie Wan Qing wants to kill Xiao Lan Hua for stealing her groom. 

As a wrap up for the episode, I just want to say that Xiao Lan Hua chose to protect Dongfang Qing Cang over herself when she knows he would perish Shuiyuntian
[Ep26] Dongfang Qing Cang saves Xia Lan Hua by killing Lady Chi Di. He staggers as reality sinks in. The mortal trial failed. His soldiers remain sealed, unable to return home to their families. Oh so he chose to protect Xiao Lan Hua over his duty too. I am loving the parallels in their actions. I don’t think they’re abandoning their responsibilities outright, It’s their instinct to prioritize each other. The fight isn't over! There’s a residual black energy charging towards them. Our supreme lord is still injured from the previous evil spirit. Oh no! They’re going to be devoured. 
Our Little Orchid blocks it! Xiao Lan Hua surprises herselfHer powers are activated by her desire to protect Dongfang Qing Cang, the man she loves. Yes? I am right. She can stand against the resistance and repel the force. “YAAAA!” Dramaaaaaa, you mean, our couple is a power duo?! She gets a theme song too. Her eyes light up! It’s green! Xiao Lan Hua, I knew it. You and I were connected. And that must be love in Dongfang Qing Cang’s eyes as Xiao Lan Hua channels her divine powers. He realizes our orchid is no grass. She is the Xishan Goddess. After her surge of power, Xiao Lan Hua faints. Did a black spirit enter her Bone Orchid? Was this planned by Rong Hao too? 

Dan Yin is murderous after realizing the trials have failed and that Chang Heng has perished. Shang Que arrives in time for our couple to escape. But! Chang Heng's fate, according to Rong Hao, wasn’t to kill Xie Wan Qing, it was to die for the one he cared for. Dan Yin is still depressed because the one he cared for isn’t her but Xiao Lan Hua. It’s Dan Yin. Chang Heng had said that he was grateful towards her before he left for his mortal trial. It may not have been love, but he cares for her

Dongfang Qing Cang stumbles as he struggles to carry Xiao Lan Hua. He’s injured too. She wakes up, seemingly forgetting her divine greenness. He tells her they need to get across the Forgotten River to go back home. Xiao Lan Hua nods. She nodded! The Moon Tribe is her home!! Unfortunately, the holier-than-thou Shuiyuntian (d)im-mortals are taking advantage of the injured. They plan to kill Dongfang Qing Cang when he’s at his weakest. He’s also unable to summon his hellfire. Xiao Lan Hua blocks in the front, protecting her man. Her powers don’t work because she’s not up against evil spirits. Oh, but look at this! Chang Heng is here to save his brother! Alright, fine, it’s Xiao Lan Hua. By the way, Chang Heng has all his memories of being chummy with Dongfang Qing Cang, hehehe
Chang Heng challenges his brother, Lord Yun Zhong, and insists Xiao Lan Hua is innocent. Then he reaches out his hand to her, asking her to go home with him. Xiao Lan Hua hesitates! Our Little Orchid did not hesitate when Dongfang Qing Cang told her they were almost home!! Dongfang Qing Cang grips her hand. Will she leave him? No, you Big Woodhead! She’s gripping your hand too! Xiao Lan Hua realizes it only now that her home in Shuiyuntian felt so long ago as if thousands of years have passed, it’s almost foreign. Her home is now in the Moon Tribe. Her home is with Dongfang Qing Cang. She sets the boat in motion. She hugs Dongfang Qing Cang (who has fainted) as the fairies attack them. Chang Heng shields her (and his sworn brother)! Chang Heng, you’re a good man. Respect.  

Rong Hao has accompanied Lady Chi Di for every single mortal trial. Isn’t that like every godly day then? Unless there’s a long gap between each trial. Xie Wan Qing will be her last because she found true love. Her soul has finally returned. Rong Hao hides it in a place no one will ever find. O_O 

Dongfang Qing Cang is still unconscious. Xiao Lan Hua cries and slits her wrist. Nothing emo. She realizes her blood has the ability to heal. It works! He’s recovering, but she's too busy weeping and begging him to come back to her. She promises that as long as he wakes up, he can infuriate her or lie to her all he wants. She won’t be mad. “Don’t leave me alone.” 
Dongfang Qing Cang won’t leave her alone! No seriously, he has never left her alone now that I think about it. He wakes up and tenderly caresses her cheeks in both his hands to wipe her tears. In a soft voice, he gently pleads with her not to cry. She assures him between her sobs that these are happy tears. Then he notices (or feels) the injury on her wrist. 
Dongfang Qing Cang (sternly): From now on, do not take your blood to save people, not even 本座. Do you hear me? Her life is no longer just “equal” to his (Ep7). It’s even more precious than his that she cannot use her blood for him. 🥲 Who is this scriptwriter?! Why is she so awesome? She planted so many lines in the beginning that were hilariously tropey, and now they carry so much meaning. 
Xiao Lan Hua (mutters): You’re already hurt and you still have the strength to be angry. *In a cuter voice* I was willing to do this [for you]. It doesn’t hurt at all. Really. Says the Orchid who was always afraid of pain 🥲. For Dongfang Qing Cang, pain is nothing. 
Dongfang Qing Cang: Why did you save me? Didn’t you always say you want to go home? 
Xiao Lan Hua (gulps): I can’t return anyways... (Because she’s already so in love)
Dongfang Qing Cang: Now that you saved me, you really can’t go home. Why [did you save me]? I really love his conviction every time he asks her “why”. He’s always genuine in knowing her answers
Xiao Lan Hua tries to distract Dongfang Qing Cang, but he is persistent. He flips her into his arm, asking her why. Xiao Lan Hua stutters, “Because ... I...” He finishes her thoughts with a kiss. Because her love is obvious
Our dumb dragon interrupts though. Shang Que! Xiao Lan Hua is so embarrassed she wants to jump into the Forgotten River. To forget the embarrassment? Lol. Jumping in that river might actually work.  

Moon Tribe. Dongfang Qing Cang thinks losing his powers is a blip. It won’t be a problem once he recovers. Xiao Lan Hua pops in with medication. She’s smiling up at him, noting that her wish has come true. Ep19 reminder: “Big Woodhead, even though there’s no way I can always stay by your side, but I wish that you will always be safe and happy with friends, with brothers, with loyalty and love, and never to be alone again. Dongfang Qing Cang obediently drinks the bitter medication, not complaining much anymore when her sweet presence is around :). She watches him drink every drip and then leaves. 
Omg, our supreme lord is following her out! So cute. Look at his wide eyes. He holds her hands, unwilling to separate so soon. They’re both so shy! I love it when he holds her hand, her Bone Orchid slides down to clink with his ring. It’s deliberate of the production. A loose bangle does not stay up for that clink to happen, especially when her hand has always been down

Shang Que updates Xun Feng on how Dongfang Qing Cang killed Lady Chi Di for Xiao Lan Hua. Dragon dummy! What are you doing! Xun Feng wants her killed, but not with Dongfang Qing Cang alive! He tells Xun Feng that killing her means killing him. He’s trusting his brother with his greatest weakness. 
Xiao Lan Hua overhears Dongfang Qing Cang blaming himself for failing his people and his father. I think Dongfang Qing Cang overhears it that she overheard him and that’s why he went to her. She tells him he shouldn’t have saved her. Because of her, both missions failed. She couldn’t save Chang Heng and she couldn’t reunite the Moon soldiers with their families. She even injured Dongfang Qing Cang. 

Dongfang Qing Cang assures her that killing Xie Wan Qing was his decision.

Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 will never regret saving you. There must be another way to unseal the warriors. But in this vast and obscure world, there cannot be another [orchid] who is a coward, a crybaby, and a busybody who causes a pile of problems for 本座, but also care for 本座, tend to 本座, and make 本座 willingly regenerate the Seven Love Tree for her, cry with her, and laugh with her. I’m not satisfied with my translation. I like it in Chinese where he says her name at the very end

Holding both her hands, he wants to tell Orchid that she was never a grass in his eyes, and she’s not even a grass and that she’s Xishan Goddess. But Chang Heng interrupts, irritating Dongfang Qing Cang. Chang Heng wants to bring her home. Xiao Lan Hua tilts her head and is like Eh? Clearly she’s confused and wants to stay. But the boys don’t ask her for her opinion and are already summoning their swords, lol. “Stop!” Xiao Lan Hua commands the infants. Dongfang Qing Cang is the first to listen. 
(A) DFQC is telling CH, “She’s taken.”
(B) DFQC is telling CH, “I’m taken.”
Chang Heng is here for another reason. He wants to play qin with his sworn brother. Aw! ;) There’s a very serious problem actually at the Forgotten River. Souls are crying and howling because they’re unable to enter the river. A musical score can alleviate the souls, which was composed by the first Xishan Goddess. For all these years no one could play it except Lord Dong (Chong Hua?) of the Fairy Clan and Yan Nu of the Moon Tribe. They were the most powerful of their respective clans. And look who we have here! Chang Heng and Dongfang Qing Cang. (Even Xishan Goddess is here too). Hahaha. Our sworn brothers are going to play a love song? Cute. Xiao Lan Hua agrees to Chang Heng’s proposal on behalf of Dongfang Qing Cang (because she can and she knows he will for his people). Yu Shu Xin sad that  Qing Cang asking for the music sheet was Wang He Di’s adlib. He thought it was with Chang Heng, but it was actually with Xiao Lan Hua. You can see her trying not to laugh here

The boys are supposed to be practicing, but they’re quarrelling, and even flipping their qins. “Enough!” One is a Supreme Lord, and the other is the God of War. How can they misbehave like this! Because all men, even supreme men, are boys. Dongfang Qing Cang stalks off. Xiao Lan Hua follows him and ditches Chang Heng. 
The villagers (all women) are having a ritual. Every year they gather at the Forgotten River to pray for their loved ones. Dongfang Qing Cang asks the grandmother why all the wooden statues are faceless. It’s because it’s been too long. They can’t remember their faces. She wonders where their souls have gone or if they even rested peacefully at Forgotten River yet. She asks him if he remembers what he promised. Dongfang Qing Cang does: to bring back the 100,000 soldiers. T_T.

Post Notes:
There’s a lot of scenes of Xiao Lan Hua feeding Dongfang Qing Cang bitter medication. It (ominously) reminds me of her line in the early episodes. She told him not to be too nice to her. and gave him this example: 

“When you keep taking medication, it’s habitual so you never feel that the medicine is bitter. But suddenly one day when you were taking the medicine, someone gave you candy. Because of that sweetness, in the future when you drink it, the same medicine, it will be too bitter to swallow. [...] I am that person who tasted the candy and never wants to taste the bitterness again.” 

Dongfang Qing Cang is that person too. She’s his sweetness that he never had until now. What will he ever do without her T_T

[Ep27] For the Moon Clan, for the families who are suffering, Dongfang Qing Cang puts aside his pettiness and completes the duet with Chang Heng. The crying souls are finally at peace. Xiao Lan Hua is blissfully in the middle of the two most powerful men in all of three realms playing qin until they talk about war. 

Before Chang Heng leaves, he wants a moment with Xiao Lan Hua. She looks up at Dongfang Qing Cang. With her eyes, she’s asking for his permission. He clears his throat and graciously (!!) nods. If that’s not gracious, I don’t know what is. Chang Heng also peeked at Dongfang Qing Cang before Xiao Lan Hua asked with her eyes. I think Chang Heng knew that Dongfang Qing Cang would permit it and hence he walked away without hearing/seeing the reply. There’s an implicit trust between the guys ;) And I like how it was Chang Heng and Xiao Lan Hua who walked away. Dongfang Qing Cang, being the supreme lord, wasn’t going to excuse himself, hehehe

Chang Heng wants Xiao Lan Hua to know he likes her as Xiao Run did. Xiao Lan Hua actually takes a step back when Chang Heng approaches. Dongfang Qing Cang anxiously paces back and forth. He almost wanted to rush forward when Xiao Lan Hua reached her hand out to Chang Heng. But he stops himself. Aw! Xiao Lan Hua is only returning the Star Rock to Chang Heng. She drops it in his hand and doesn’t even touch him lol. She’s really keeping her distance. And Dongfang Qing Cang is giving her space because he trusts her despite the fact that she’s talking with her “first love” who loves her
Once Chang Heng is gone, Dongfang Qing Cang leans over to ask Xiao Lan Hua for details. She won’t tell him that she rejected Chang Heng and told him that her love for him was only gratitude and admiration. She didn’t know love until she met Dongfang Qing Cang. She also won’t tell Dongfang Qing Cang that he’s the one who makes her heart sour and sweet and that even if it’s crushed into pieces, buried deep into the soil, her love for him can still bloom. Instead – she expresses her love by flirting! I love it –  she goes “My legs are numb. I can’t walk anymore”. Says the fairy who is no longer a mortal. Clearly, she’s asking to be piggybacked
Dongfang Qing Cang holds her hand, “Can’t walk?” Then he flings her onto his back and spins her around. Ahhh~~ Our Dongfang Qing Cang can be playful! So natural. So lovely. He keeps asking her, but she won’t tell him. He continues holding her and spinning her, making her giggle. 

Shang Que tells Xun Feng the Chengyin Sword can kill Xiao Lan Hua. Hey bro. 

There’s an upcoming Mountain Moon Festival. Every thousand years, the moon shaped mountain will eclipse the moon (or the other way around, whatever, lol). Couples will buy heart locks, engrave their names, and hang it on the bridge. This will bless them to never be separated. Our couple glance at each other, but Dongfang Qing Cang says he doesn’t believe in these superstitions. The next moment when he’s alone, he’s buying a pair of locks! He doesn’t care about appearance. He emphasizes that he wants the most secure and firm one. AW! Who was it that said he didn’t believe in superstitions? And now we’re looking for the strongest lock? xD By the way, this guy will believe in anything that will keep them together forever. He even bought the flower from the little girl in the mortal realm. Meanwhile Xiao Lan Hua is looking for the prettiest lock. They end up buying the same pair and even find each other holding the locks. Love without words

Chang Heng meets with Rong Hao and confirms he is Lord of Haishi. (It was Dongfang Qing Cang who told Chang Heng (and Xiao Lan Hua) of Rong Hao’s involvement.) Rong Hao shares how Lady Chi Di saved him when he was an orphan. He was also blind. For her, he will sacrifice everything. He established Haishi to instigate wars between both sides in order to refine the evil spirits. War profiteering in the name of love. He reminds Chang Heng that for Xiao Lan Hua, he also said he would sacrifice everything. Chang Heng disapproves. They may be similar, but Rong Hao committed an unforgivable sin. And so Rong Hao turns himself in to Lord Yun Zhong. Rong Hao, you are so wicked. I don’t know what you’re trying to do!! Rong Hao is imprisoned. Now it's Chang Heng’s turn to ask his brother to execute him. Like his mother, he’s only a chess piece to Lord Yun Zhong. He probably wanted him dead anyway. What happened to the mother? What is wrong with this family? 

Li Yuan, Dan Yin’s father, is petrified that Rong Hao is Lord of Haishi. He’s worried because Rong Hao knows Dan Yin’s birth secret. Her mother (Xing Luo) is from Moon Tribe. It was Rong Hao who helped them escape from the soldiers. Why does the mom look exactly like Jie Li?  Then we get a scene of Jie Li carving Shang Que’s name in her Heart Lock. 

Die Yi threatens Jie Li to drop a blood cell onto Xiao Lan Hua’s Bone Orchid. Hey sis. 

[Ep28] Jie Li has always worked for Haishi since the moment she arrived at Moon Tribe. She's out of antidote for her poison and has to obey Die Yi. At night, Jie Li drops the blood on Xiao Lan Hua's Bone Orchid. 

The next day is the Mountain Moon Festival. Xiao Lan Hua and Dongfang Qing Cang have a date! However, he's stopped at his doors. Xun Feng has gathered a mob to beg him to banish Xiao Lan Hua. Our supreme lord is unfazed. He destroys a tower as a warning for anyone who dares to challenge him. This is his ultimatum. I love it that my ML is a supreme lord! He reminds Xin Feng that if it wasn’t for Xiao Lan Hua, he would have been dead. If Xun Feng treats him like a brother, then Xiao Lan Hua will be his sister-in-law. Xun Feng is surprised that Dongfang Qing Cang wants to marry her.  
Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 loves her. Not only shall [I] accompany her on the Mountain Moon Festival, but also prepare for her the most magnificent wedding in all of the Three Realms. [...] Since you all love and respect 本座, then from now on, love and respect her as much as you love and respect 本座. 
XLH is already waiting for him at the bridge, not knowing he’s giving her the most romantic public confession to all his people and announcing her as his wife.
Dongfang Qing Cang: You all claim that she is a fairy with ulterior motives, but none of you know that she is as gentle as water, without prejudice, and instead, value my Moon Clan in her heart as her people. You all claim she's a beauty who brings calamity. but none of you know she saved 本座. You all see her as weak, but you don't know of her bravery and fearlessness. She is the most courageous woman in the Three Realms. She will not bring disaster. Contrarily, only she is fit to be my Cangyan Sea’s Moon Queen. 

However, our supreme lord is a loving and responsible leader. Since he failed his people and his 100,000 soldiers, he will suffer the Bone-Devouring Salt Nails. T_T. As long as the soldiers do not return, he will never remove the nails. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: Even if my body dies and my soul perishes, 本座 will not forsake her. Whether you all recognize it or not, the Moon Queen can only be her. 
Dongfang Qing Cang goes on the date to meet Xiao Lan Hua as if he didn’t suffer the most excruciating pain of the Bone-Devouring Salt Nails hammered into his head. Wang He Di was praised for the Nail scenes by the director (and they didn’t have the special effects like we do).  
Our sweet Xiao Lan Hua waited all day, and once she sees him, she runs to hug him. Not at all complaining of his lateness or even asking for a reason. She’s genuinely grateful he showed up. He reminds her he promised her to never lie to her. He said he’d come, then he’d come. Touched, she kisses him. But her Bone Orchid glows red. Oh no! When she wants to hang their locks, Dongfang Qing Cang faints. They don’t hang the locks! 

Xiao Lan Hua is prohibited from Dongfang Qing Cang’s chambers. He doesn’t want her to see him suffering. He doesn’t want her to know of the nails circulating his vessels, transversing his internal organs. It is painful like thousands of ants are ravaging his heart. It is painful like bones are devoured and flesh is peeled. It’s Canyan Sea’s cruelest torture. And he will suffer it every midnight until dawn. All for Xiao Lan Hua. Shang Que tells Xiao Lan Hua the full truth. This is Dongfang Qing Cang’s answer to loving her and to loving his people. He will bear all the consequences. 

Xiao Lan Hua sinks to the ground. She cannot suffer with Dongfang Qing Cang, but she sits outside, waiting for him. There’s a thunderstorm, which scares our Little Orchid, but she won’t budge. Remember she is an orchid. She was always afraid of storms. But here she is, sitting outside for the man she loves.  
Xiao Lan Hua wakes up and finds her Da Mu Tou sitting next to her. I love the way he smiles at her. It’s like the pain he suffered for her was all worth it. She hugs him tightly. He’s weak and moves slowly. He wants to hug her back, but she pulls away, flinging his body back to check if he’s okay. In a raspy voice, he tells her he wants to bring her somewhere. I love how tightly Xiao Lan Hua is holding his arm as they walk. He’s giving her all sorts of rarities like a fabric woven from ancient spider silk made into an invulnerable soft armour, a priceless pearl condensed from the eyes of the merman, and a Moon Flower Pill that can cure any strange poison of the Three Realms. He’s also giving her the key that can open all his treasure troves. Everything he has will belong to her. Our clueless Xiao Lan Hua thinks he’s passing down his inheritance. She assures him he won’t die from the pain. “Calm down.” LMAO. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 has something to tell you
Xiao Lan Hua: Perfect. I have something to say to you too
Dongfang Qing Cang: Then 本座 will go first. 
Xiao Lan Hua: Mine is more important
Dongfang Qing Cang: What you have to say can't be more important than what 本座 has to say. LOL 

Xiao Lan Hua ignores him, ha
Xiao Lan Hua: This [orchid bracelet] is made by me. Dongfang Qing Cang, I want to ask if you are willing to marry me and be my husband. I promise I will treat you well. I will only love you. No matter what happens, I will be with you forever – silence – Are you unwilling? Girl, you just rocked his world. Mine too. Gosh, I’d marry her! 

Dongfang Qing Cang slips on the orchid bracelet. It’s a yes! She’s giving herself to him just as he gave himself to her. Her orchid bracelet and his bone orchid <3. Xiao Lan Hua tip-toes to kiss him. 


Xun Feng is here and reminds his brother of Yan Nu’s law. After being betrayed, Yan Nu made an oath that the Moon Tribe can never marry the Fairy Clan. Those who insist on intermarriage must enter the Fuju Cave. Xun Feng believes the Moon Tribe can survive to this day because they never forgot their hatred. He challenges his brother, “Hatred is the foundation of my Moon Tribe, will you abandon your roots for a fairy woman?” Then he accuses Xiao Lan Hua of seducing his brother into neglecting his duties and indulging in love. He tells her the truth of their curse. “It is you who places him in danger.” I was never sure if Xiao Lan Hua knew they were connected by life as well. I’m glad Drama is creative enough and doesn’t make her question whether all the times he saved her was for his own livelihood. She knows he loves her. Dongfang Qing Cang rages at his ministers for forcing Xiao Lan Hua to take the punishment. Like a dictator, he will abolish the law. However...
Xiao Lan Hua: Moon Lord, I volunteer to enter Fuju Cave
Dongfang Qing Cang: Why?
Xiao Lan Hua: Because I want to be with you.  
Dongfang Qing Cang (shouts): You don't need to go into the Fuju cave and can be with 本座. You don’t need to suffer for 本座 at all. *Nods vigorously!*
Xiao Lan Hua: It’s for you and not all for you. Since ancient times after Yan Nu and Chong Hua broke up, the Fairy Realm and the Moon Tribe have been in constant war. You destroy my city, I demolish your clan. No longer can we tell whose hatred is deeper or whose hatred is shallower. If hatred continues to cycle, tragedy will repeat itself 
Today I would like to be a mantis trying to stop a chariot (= to overrate oneself in trying to do the impossible) and let the wheel of hate roll over my body. I am just an ordinary fairy. I know I am not qualified to even speak of something as absurd as eliminating hatred but I hope you all can see my sincerity. 

I will enter Fuju Cave. Firstly, it’s because I don’t want to helplessly watch the person I love suffer from internecine strife, and criticism, and be unable to give his people an explanation. Secondly, if I only grasp the light and fear the heavy, too weak to stand against the wind, unable to bear Moon Tribe’s millions of years of hatred and pain, how can I match the Moon Lord and stand with him as his Moon Queen? This is Xiao Lan Hua’s public confession for Dongfang Qing Cang. Two public confessions, both brought me to tears. In his confession, he says only she can be worthy of being his Moon Queen. In her confession, she wants to show everyone she is worthy of being his Moon Queen.

Enough! Dongfang Qing Cang forbids Xiao Lan Hua to suffer. They take their argument inside his chamber and are shouting at each other.

Xiao Lan Hua (challenges him): You can suffer the pain of Bone-Devouring Nails for me, so why can't I enter the Fuju Cave for you?
Dongfang Qing Cang: That’s not the same thing. 
Xiao Lan Hua: How is it not the same thing? [...] Originally, it was impossible for us to be together but now that we've made this choice, we have to pay for the consequences, and undergo the hardships. 

Infuriated, Dongfang Qing Cang roars. 

Dongfang Qing Cang (thunderously): All the consequence, all the trials, 本座 suffering it is already enough! They’re yelling at each other, but there’s so much love T_T
Xiao Lan Hua (shouts): How can that work?! Those people outside how could they accept that I am worthy of you? 

Dongfang Qing Chang is silent. He knows she’s telling the truth. Xiao Lan Hua reminds him of his status and prestige. People worship him not because he inherited his father, but because he, with the sword in his hand, treaded through a path of blood to defeat the most violent malevolent spirits. 

Xiao Lan Hua: Similarly, the Moon Queen's honour is my fight to win. 

Despite every word being the truth, Dongfang Qing Cang won’t let her suffer for him. She already suffered enough in losing her home. He doesn’t want her to suffer anymore and especially not in the Fuju Cave. No one knows better than Dongfang Qing Cang of the torture in there. It’s where his father severed his Seven Love/Emotion Tree. I think he chokes a little here at the thought of the pain. How can he let her suffer for him? Since ancient times, no one else but him has made it out alive.  

Xiao Lan Hua (sweeter): I know, but since you could, then I can too. Don’t underestimate me. Our orchid is afraid of pain! But she is also so strong and so brave. Dongfang Qing Cang knows this. 
Dongfang Qing Cang is still reluctant, and so Xiao Lan Hua gently holds his hand. She tells him what she wants, more than any exotic and rare treasure. She wants his respect. 

Xiao Lan Hua: You never asked me what I wanted, but now that we're going to be husband and wife (aw!), it can't be the same as before. Between husband and wife, there is no superior or subordinate, no comparative. We share the honour and disgrace together. Our life and death go hand in hand. No matter what happens, we have to face it together, but what is mine is my responsibility to face it by myself. Can you give me this respect? 

Dongfang Qing Cang relents. He’s unable to reject her request to respect her. 

Xiao Lan Hua meets with Xun Feng. She knows he loves his brother and so she's certain he has a way to protect Dongfang Qing Cang from their curse when she enters the cave (or Xun Feng wouldn’t have suggested it in the first place). She’s right. Xun Feng has an antidote, but he knows Dongfang Qing Cang won’t take it. Leave everything to Xiao Lan Hua! She's confident she can make him drink it. When she leaves, Xun Feng actually cries! He begs her not to go. He only wanted to scare her. If she accepts the punishment, his brother would really hate him. 

Xiao Lan Hua: You love your brother very much, right? Me too. We all need to take responsibility for loving someone, and pay the consequences. You bear yours. I take mine. 
The next day, our couple parts. Xiao Lan Hua pours Dongfang Qing Cang the antidote. She’s not even hiding it! It’s the third time, he says. She reminds him he told her that as long as she gives it to him, he’ll drink it. And he does. Before she leaves, he squeezes her hand once more. 

Their love confessions are public, but between themselves, they need no words to express their love for each other. And more romantic than any I-love-yous, it’s their arguments that are swelling with love. 

[Ep29] Dongfang Qing Cang feels Xiao Lan Hua’s pain! He didn’t drink the antidote. He spat it out! I had to pause this and sob. Cnets have pointed out that DFQC didn’t open his mouth at all after he drank the antidote. Details. Okay let’s play this again. *Sniffle* T_T.  

Dongfang Qing Cang: Since we want to be husband and wife, we have to live and die together, share weal and woe. Even if 本座 cannot take everything [painful] for her, how could she be allowed to suffer all alone? And then at night it’s the Nails!!! AHHH! What I think is beautiful though is that this pain comes from Xiao Lan Hua’s love. Neither of them will let the other suffer alone. He will share her pain. She will wait in the thunderstorm for him.

The only reason Xiao Lan Hua can withhold the torture is because of her love for Dongfang Qing Cang as she remembers every moment they shared. She recalls the cherry blossom scene. Did she know it was DFQC who made the petals fall then? Xun Feng begs Xiao Lan Hua to come out of the cave, but she knocks the coffin twice for everyone to know she intends to stay. Xun Feng staggers. 
Dongfang Qing Cang can feel Xiao Lan Hua overcoming the pain (for him). He slowly stands up and smiles with Xiao Lan Hua. Sharing weal and woe
Three days are over. Dongfang Qing Cang slowly walks towards her. His lips are white. He’s slow, but he rushed here. He’s not even wearing his crown. He caresses her cheeks. Will she ever know he suffered with her?
Together, they walk home. Their arms link and their hands interlace. Everyone is on the ground, honouring our Xiao an Hua as the Moon Queen. Even Xun Feng. 
But there is trouble! Lord Yun Zhong wants war! Rong Hao had blamed the Moon Tribe for the death of the 3000 Fairy soldiers. Truth or not, Lord Yun Zhong will take any excuse to obliterate Moon Tribe because he knows Dongfang Qing Cang is without his hellfire. And so even without Chang Heng’s participation (because he doesn’t want war), Lord Yun Zhong will still have an advantage. It sounds like Chang Heng genuinely cares about Dongfang Qing Cang losing his powers. Rong Hao says Chang Heng will have no choice but to participate just like Rong Hao has no choice. Excuse us! He instigated the war, how is that not his choice? Chang Heng asks if he’s doing all this solely for Lady Chi Di’s resurrection. Rong Hao says he can lie to anyone but him. Why, lol. Do they have a past we don’t know of? And it’s better that Chang Heng doesn’t know. Wait. There’s more to Rong Hao that we don’t know about? It’s taking Xishan Goddess's life to save Lady Chi Di, and in the process helping Tai Sui restore his physical form and then bring doom to all of Three Realms. Right?  

Jie Li accepts Shang Que’s proposal! But her happiness looks ominous. The next scene we have Die Yi threatening Li Yuan (Dan Yin’s father) with his other twin daughter, which we confirm is Jie Li. Rong Hao, the wicked, had kept Jie Li hidden from her father. Die Yi wants him to free Rong Hao from prison. 

Xiao Lan Hua gets a full bow everywhere she goes. Servants are hugging the floor for her. The worst greeting is from Shang Que who almost knocks her out. Haha, I can’t get over his enthusiasm

Lady Chi Di possesses Xiao Lan Hua!!! The drop of blood is Lady Chi Di’s primordial soul. Thankfully, one glance and Dongfang Qing Cang knows she isn’t his Little Orchid. However, the Bone Orchid cannot be removed. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: This Bone Orchid is the blood from the heart of 本座. If she does not have deep affection for 本座 then this Bone Orchid is an ordinary protection bracelet. but if [her affection] is faithful in life and death, this Bone Orchid cannot be removed. To force it off will kill her. 

Our Xiao Lan Hua loves him too deeply! Lady Chi Di’s soul will devour Xiao Lan Hua’s within ten days. This means Dongfang Qing Cang will die too. Xun Feng reports that he has completed the Chengyin Sword. They can kill her without killing him and also resurrect the soldiers. Dongfang Qing Cang orders him to present the sword so he can destroy it but Xun Feng disobeys. Dongfang Qing Chang bellows at Xun Feng’s face that he can sacrifice anything but Xiao Lan Hua. Xun Feng provokes his brother that no wonder their father killed himself to eradicate his emotions and now he isn’t even invincible anymore without his hellfire (which he learned from Die Yi). Why so many problems for our couple within one episode!!! 

Die Yi, the social butterfly, sure is busy! Now she poisons the unknowing Shang Que to threaten Jie Li to lure out Xiao Lan Hua. 

[Ep30] Wedding preparation! Moon Tribe has a custom that the bride will make the crown for the groom. Xiao Lan Hua will prepare hers out of flowers. It won’t lose out to any crown, even the lavish ones. 

Jie Li’s guilty conscience is acting up and she throws a tantrum at the innocent Xiao Lan Hua, telling her she lied about her roots being recoverable. 

Xiao Lan Hua: You scared me to death. I thought there was something more. [...] Actually, it's good that you lied to me. Everyone said my roots were no good. Only you said there was still hope. It made me feel better. I was willing to be deceived by you. 

Jie Lie calls her the most foolish person in all of the Three Realms, just like Shang Que.  

Xiao Lan Hua takes measurements for Dongfang Qing Cang who’s too busy for wedding prep. She finally learns, since he promised he wouldn’t lie to her, that there will be a war and he lost his hellfire. It’s a losing battle. Visibly affected, Xiao Lan Hua tries her best to continue measuring him. She smiles, noting that there’s still enough time (two days) for them to marry. The wedding can be simple. However, Dongfang Qing Cang wants her to leave. She’s not part of the Moon Tribe. Yes she is! SHE'S YOURS! D: When she refuses to look at him, he forces her to face him. Then she hugs him but he hesitates to hold her.  She wants him to remember what else he promised her. He does: “To face everything together no matter what.” She takes a look at his orchid bracelet (with the hand that’s wearing her Bone Orchid). They already gave each other themselves! She tells him, “Cangyan Sea is my home. I’m not going anywhere.” Dongfang Qing Cang finally hugs her back.  
Xiao Lan Hua has a ‘nightmare’. Xie Wan Qing warns her not to be devoured by the other spirits who are all her, but not all are her. “Your life and mine, one will wither and one will flourish. If I am resurrected, you will die. All the secrets are in – ” Where are the secrets!! Don’t vanish! 

Dongfang Qing Cang checks on Xiao Lan Hua who’s calling him to save her in her sleep. Did he already suffer the Nails? Then a dark energy from the Bone Orchid enters him! It’s Tai Sui! It’s from Ep26. Did Rong Hao scheme all this to have Tai Sui enter the Bone Orchid and then DFQC?? X_X The spirit has entered his heart’s darkest corner. He angers our lord by questioning him why he concealed the truth of the Bone Orchid from Xiao Lan Hua. The darkness tempts our lord that he has no choice between saving his people and his love, but he can give him everything he wants as long as they cooperate. 
Dongfang Qing Cang wakes up, alarmed. Xiao Lan Hua smiles at him. She was watching him sleep (just like he was watching her). She shares that she had a nightmare too, but he dismisses her because he knows it isn’t a nightmare, it’s real. He distracts her with his nightmare, which she inches closer, "You changed into a big fat pig” *Pinches cheek* The crew is so cognizant of the details in this drama. The way they’re sitting in this scene is the same as their last body swap.  
The creativity in this scenery.
Chang Heng trespasses Moon Tribe to bring Xiao Lan Hua to Xishan. He tells her she is Xi Yun, the Xishan Goddess. It was the Moon Tribe that annihilated her clan. It was Rong Hao. Xiao Lan Hua takes a moment to absorb everything, but she feels nothing. She can only feel Dongfang Qing Cang’s sadness when he watches his people mourn. 

Xiao Lan Hua: This is how wars are fought, many people will die, genocide is happening all the time, and hate will never stop, but the ones in pain are the ones left behind who want to live well. 

Xiao Lan Hua: In this world, what is true and what is false? I only know that I love Dongfang Qing Cang is true. He loves me is also true, truer than everything. This is enough. 

As Xiao Lan Hua touches the hand-rock, she’s transported to the Black Tortoise High God (God of the North Sky). He tells her it’s not her fate to marry Dongfang Qing Cang. “You are destined to eliminate hatred and protect the common people.” Xiao Lan Hua doesn’t understand why she has to choose between the two (the people and her love). Why do they conflict? The Black Tortoise High God tells her to return. She’s not ready yet. She hasn’t seen what she’s supposed to see. She hasn’t lost what she’s supposed to lose. Oh my. This is going to end so bad T_T 
Xishan. Xiao Lan Hua refuses to accept her fate or destiny. “I am Xiao Lan Hua, not Xishan Goddess!” XLH is also defying her shifu, Si Ming, god of fate. She wants to go back, but Chang Heng pleads with her to leave for her safety. Xiao Lan Hua coldly stares at him. If he forcefully stops her, then she cannot resist, but she will never succumb to him. Chang Heng won’t force her but is desperate to convince her and  reveals that Dongfang Qing Cang knew about her identity but he withheld it from her. “How is that love?” Dude, let me remind you that in Ep26, you sir, interrupted. Xiao Lan Hua leaves without turning around. 

Shang Que worries for Xiao Lan Hua. Dongfang Qing Cang isn’t. He knows that Chang Heng won’t force Xiao Lan Hua and that she will return. One was his best friend and the other was the woman he wanted to marry. Past tense?! Then Dongfang Qing Cang decides to sacrifice Xiao Lan Hua. Huh?! Xun Feng imprisons her in her home. Xiao Lan Hua refuses to believe it’s Dongfang Qing Cang’s orders even though there’s a storm, and greasy food (which only he knows that she hates). 

Xun Feng returns the orchid to Xiao Lan Hua on behalf of the lord. He even tells her about the Chengyin sword that can kill her. Then Xun Feng inflames Chang Heng with Xiao Lan Hua’s safety, inciting Chang Heng to engage in the war. Rong Hao was right about Chang Heng participating. And what is Xun Feng doing?? Why provoke Chang Heng? 
Despite the facts, Xiao Lan Hua believes in Dongfang Qing Cang. He must be in a plight. She begs Jie Li to help her meet him. Fortunately, Jie Li doesn’t betray Xiao Lan Hua. She uses a dummy to fool Die Yi and steals the antidote for Shang Que. 

Meanwhile Xiao Lan Hua has found Dongfang Qing Cang. And he’s wielding the evil spirits! Has he succumbed to evil? Our lord says that only cowards fear the evil spirits. He doesn’t because he is the Supreme Lord. Dongfang Qing Cang had an interesting monologue prior to this scene. He says he understands his father’s predicament when he had to choose between his people and his son. Dongfang Qing Cang is determined to deny his fate (like Xiao Lan Hua!). So what is he planning? Why is pushing her away? Could he be like his father and plan to sacrifice himself? Does he want to switch their bodies and have himself killed in place of Xiao Lan Hua?  Xiao Lan Hua doesn’t believe him. It can’t be true that he’s cooperating with the evil spirits when he sanitized the souls with his own hands. He loves his people the most. He’s kind and compassionate. Dongfang Qing Cang scoffs that everything was a lie. He was only nice to her because he knew she was the Xishan Goddess. Giving her the Bone Orchid was part of his scheme. He never loved her. Our Little Orchid is not stupid! She won’t fall for that lie! Xiao Lan Hua makes him turn around and say it to her face that he never loved her T_T

→ Everyone seems to have no choice. Rong Hao says he has no choice. Rong Hao says Chang Heng has no choice. The Black Tortoise High God says Xiao Lan Hua has no choice. Tai Sui says Dongfang Qing Cang has no choice. Meanwhile our couple is desperately fighting for a choice to save each other and everyone else.

→ I don’t think Xiao Lan Hua will ever believe Dongfang Qing Cang never loved her. Moreover, she's the girl who’s happy that Jie Li lied to her

→ We’re moving closer to Xiao Lan Hua’s inevitable death. It’s why there are so many scenes of Dongfang Qing Cang drinking medication. He’s gotten over the bitterness because of Xiao Lan Hua’s sweetness. How will he survive the days without her? T___T 

→ Xiao Lan Hua knows what her death will mean to Dongfang Qing Cang. “The ones in pain are the ones left behind who want to live well.” She knows very well what it feels like to be lonely. She hated it and that’s why she had asked him not to be too nice to her in the beginning. How sad will she be when she has to leave him all alone? T___T

→ Let’s appreciate the fine details in the drama: the Bone Orchid grows smaller! 
Ep28: XLH proposes
Ep28: XLH convinces DFQC to let enter the Fuju Cave
Ep30: XLH at Xishan and all she wants is to return to DFQC despite learning her identity
[Ep31] Dongfang Qing Cang rips the Orchid Bracelet from his wrist and throws it to the ground. He wants Xiao Lan Hua to hate him. He deliberately allowed her to leave with Chang Heng so that he could tell her how the Moon Tribe was responsible for her clan’s genocide (which is false). She would have wavered (but she did not!) and now with his lies, he’s certain her Bone Orchid will crack (but it does not!). It’s the only way Dongfang Qing Cang can save her. He is so wrong about her. Xiao Lan Hua asks Xun Feng to take her to the Unfathomable Border – a sword shaped mountain – so that she can kill herself with the Chengyin Sword to bring back the soldiers. DFQC and XLH are doing anything they can to save each other. Dongfang Qing Cang doesn’t want her to kill herself. Xiao Lan Hua doesn’t want him to be possessed by evil spirits. I don’t know if she believed him that he didn’t love her, and if she did, this means that whether or not he loved her, she still loves him unconditionally. However, Rong Hao sweeps Xiao Lan Hua away! He snaps her Chengyin sword and cocoons her with his dark energy. She can’t die yet, not before Lady Chi Di is revived. 

Dongfang Qing Cang has succumbed to Tai Sui to resurrect his army. Nooooo! But Xiao Lan Hua arouses him! The Xilan spell alerts him of her danger. He flies to her, but he’s too weak because Xiao Lan Hua is losing her life force as the Bone Orchid (= Lady Chi Di). Dongfang Qing Cang, you see! The Bone Orchid is still there. Her love will never waver. Dongfang Qing Cang drops to the ground, but that doesn’t stop him from treading his way to her against the storm. Xiao Lan Hua can see him amidst the wind and sand, staggering towards her with all his strength. Dongfang Qing Cang, hurry! 

Xiao Lan Hua is saved! By Chang Heng. He tells Rong Hao that he could have turned around. But Rong Hao says he had no choice. And who even cared about his choice? Chang Heng replies, “I do.” Chang Heng was Rong Hao’s only friend, but from today onwards this bond severs.

War wages. Women are on the front line for the Moon Tribe. T_T It’s because the men are sealed. The girls are still wearing the flowers to remember them. The battle is brutal. Soldiers killing soldiers. Dan Yin is killed by two female Moon Soldiers. The Moon General dies too. 
Xiao Lan Hua tells herself she can’t die yet. She has to kill herself with the Chengyin Sword so that everyone can live. So that Dongfang Qing Cang can live. She mentions saving Dongfang Qing Cang first. Xiao Lan Hua struggles to reach the Chengyin sword. Dongfang Qing Cang struggles to reach Xiao Lan Hua. They’re both sprawled on the ground. Xiao Lan Hua gets up first. Omg. If Dongfang Qing Cang is down and she can still walk, how strong is her willpower? She reaches the sword before Dongfang Qing Cang reaches her. Picking up the shard, she recalls her shifu, Si Ming. 

Xiao Lan Hua (complains about a destiny leaflet): This person sure is weird. His wife is an evil person and bullies him. Why does he insist to be with her, treat her well, protect her, and at the very last moment still love her? *Sniffles*
Si Ming: Xiao Lan Hua, you don’t understand. Love has no right or wrong. Good or evil, immortals or mortals, if you fall in love, then you fall in love. 
Xiao Lan Hua: I don’t understand. Is this perhaps “fate”?
Si Ming: This isn’t fate. All that exists is fate, only love is not fate. 

Xiao Lan Hua understands love now. With one last glance at Dongfang Qing Cang, Xiao Lan Hua pierces the sword deeper. A stream of light bursts through her small body. That light dispels the clouds and storms and revives all life. Every soldier is resurrected, even the 100, 000 Moon Soldiers. Whether Moon Tribe or Fairy Clan, they bow to her sacrifice. Xun Feng respects the sacrifice with a fist to his chest. Rong Hao catches a primordial sprint. It’s Lady Chi Di. 
Xiao Lan Hua still has her last breath. She’s thankful that Dongfang Qing Cang is fine. He brings her closer to the sun where it's warm and cozy for our Little Orchid. She doesn’t want him to cry and pushes the corner of his quivering lips to make him smile. The first time she taught him to smile it was for his brother. The second time she taught him to smile it was for his friends. And the last one is for her. But how can he smile? T_T

Xiao Lan Hua: Da Mu Tou, you’re so dislikable, but I still love you. 

Xiao Lan Hua vanishes in Dongfang Qing Cang’s arms. Our supreme lord is crushed and desolate. He howls in agony until he’s washed over with fatigue and heartbreak. Who will hug our lord when he cries if you leave, Xiao Lan Hua..... Take responsibility of the Seven Emotion Love Tree that you revived! T_T 

Shang Que wakes up and misses the whole thing. Omg, lol. When he wakes up, Jie Li is at his side. She updates him there is a 100 year peace treaty. She makes him believe that she is a traitor. He attempts to kill her but he can’t, and so she tells him to forget her. Wait. She’s still poisoned, right? Ah, so she’s going to die, and that’s why she’s mean to him
Dongfang Qing Cang wakes up in Siming Pavilion. Xiao Lan Hua is there! But isn’t she dead? He doesn’t finish that question, and hugs her tightly instead. He’s dreaming and he knows it. They spend their life here kissing, hugging, rolling around, and doing chores. She complains to him for still being bad at drawing her eyebrows when they're married for 500 years. Not a lot of dream sequences make me ugly cry like this. I’m trying to distract myself by remembering the BTS for this. Yu Shu Xin and Wang He Di were playing around, singing weird songs (because they know their voices won’t be recorded). Nope. Still crying

Meanwhile, Dongfang Qing Cang’s real body is glowing blue. He’s burning! 

[Ep32] Dongfang Qing Cang is dying in the dream that he created. He's using his entire primordial spirit to sustain the dream and fortifying it by combusting the fire in his heart. At his rate, his soul will perish and his body will extinguish. Only he can save himself, but Dongfang Qing Cang refuses to wake up. Shang Que risks his life to alleviate the fire. He was saved by Dongfang Qing Cang and will die for him. Xun Feng follows suit, and so does the general. However, our lord remains in slumber, clutching onto the Bone Orchid. 

Chang Heng visits the Moon Tribe! He’s determined to save Xiao Lan Hua. This guy has it together! So productive T_T. Thank the fates we have you, Chang Heng :(. And to save Xiao Lan Hua, he has to save Dongfang Qing Cang. Chang Heng wants to save both of them. I know it. It wasn’t mentioned anywhere that he needs DFQC to save Xiao Lan Hua. Xun Feng is cautious of Chang Heng, but Shang Que believes in him, the sworn brother! Plus, what other choice do they have? 

Chang Heng enters the dream. He shouts at the delusional Dongfang Qing Cang, “She can still live!” Dongfang Qing Cang reacts! He reacts! Xiao Lan Hua still has a “fate” (the marriage) with Chang Heng. This means she has to come back because fate cannot be changed. However, Dream Xiao Lang Hua begs him to stay. She reminds him he promised to never leave her. And so Chang Heng is ejected from the dream. Dream Xiao Lang Hua passionately kisses Dongfang Qing Cang. Xiao Lan Hua, I never once doubted you or hated you. I always admired you, but now you need to be decimated!!! Words directed at dream version only. 

Everyone is desolate for our lord. Is this the end for Dongfang Qing Cang? No! Xun Feng is the first to react. All the other subordinates and Chang Heng follow Xun Feng to expend their powers to save Dongfang Qing Cang. With their willpower, Siming Pavilion disintegrates. If Dongfang Qing Cang won’t step out of his dream, then the boys will demolish the dreamland. Xiao Lan Hua’s wish really came true. “Da Mu Tou, even though there’s no way I can always stay by your side, but I wish that you will always be safe and happy with friends, with brothers, with loyalty and love, and never to be alone again.” He’s just without the person he loves the most T_T
Siming Pavilion crumbles. Dongfang Qing Cang knew from the beginning that this was all a dream and now he has to leave. Xiao Lan Hua cries. “If you save me, then I will marry someone else. Are you willing to see me marry someone else?” No, he isn't. But he has to save you! She hugs him, telling him that if he doesn’t leave her, she is his wife. But Dongfang Qing Cang is ready to face reality and save the real Xiao Lan Hua. Dream Xiao Lan Hua vanishes in his arms once again. Show, stop making him lose Xiao Lan Hua T_T. Dongfang Qing Cang wakes up. 

Shang Que learns from Xun Feng that it’s his (Xun) fault that Xiao Lan Hua died. Is he drowning himself with alcohol, preparing for his brother’s hatred? Our dumb dragon finally realizes it wasn’t Jie Li who betrayed Xiao Lan Hua. He also learns of his butterfly poison, which he’s recovering from. 

Lady Chi Di learns of Rong Hao’s lies. She asks Lord Yun Zhong to punish them, but he needs Lady Chi Di as the God of War (for her sealing powers, omg). Rong Hao is imprisoned though. And when Rong Hao is in trouble, guess who will be around? Die Yi threatens Li Yuan to free Rong Hao again with Jie Li’s life. Jie Li was dying (and digging her own grave) but was “saved" by Die Yi. Now Jie Li (who’s poisoned) reunites with her father and Dan Yin. But why is Jie Li so spiteful? 

Dongfang Qing Cang and Chang Heng travel through galactic space to find Si Ming. Si Ming was in love with an exile, the dragon Chang YuanDragon eh. It’s a cameo by Chen Ruo Xuan. Easiest cameo ever. Not a single line. Nevermind. His VA said two words for him. Lord Yun Zhong incarcerated them both. For all these years, Chang Heng knew and didn’t tell Xiao Lan Hua. He had his reasons, he says. He didn’t know if Si Ming was alive. Then check?? He thinks that if Xiao Lan Hua never knew the truth, then she’d always have hope. 

Dongfang Qing Cang remembers Xiao Lan Hua had told him that Si Ming had a pen that can draw anything. DFQC remembers everything XLH says. He deciphers that this alternate Siming Pavilion must be Si Ming’s creation. Their arrival was predestined as well. Si Ming, the God of Fate, was expecting them: the boat had Xiao Lan Hua’s signature biscuit for Dongfang Qing Cang; the firefly that guided them was a memento from Chang Heng. 
The boys enter the Siming Pavilion. A man is standing there. The boys ask him if he’s Si Ming. A lyrical voice greets them from behind. To their surprise, Si Ming High God is a girl. LMAO. This surprised us (any xianxia drama fan) too! Hahaha. Si Ming orders Chang Yuan to beat up Dongfang Qing Cang. LOL. Dongfang Qing Cang, as much as I love you, and I love you dearly, go shifu go! Our lord closes his eyes ready for the attack. He didn’t dodge because he can sacrifice anything to save Xiao Lan Hua. Si Ming is pleased with his answer. With his conviction, Si Ming says Xiao Lan Hua can be revived!!!! This miracle was planted from the moment they met. When Xiao Lan Hua touched Dongfang Qing Cang’s chest and kissed him, a fragment of her primordial soul harmonized with his. They need to extract her soul from him and then plant it in Xilan’s sacred land. 
Chang Heng has a question for the God of Fate. What about marriage? How come everyone can see it but him? Because the people who can see it (Dan Yin and Dongfang Qing Cang) have a pivotal role in realizing the fate that will come true. Si Ming tells Chang Heng to bring her good wine when that happens. So that the heartbroken Chang Heng will have a drinking buddy! 
The boys leave, but Si Ming asks Dongfang Qing Cang to stay. She gives him Xiao Lan Hua’s Destiny Leaflet. As she looks upon our lord, she recalls a distant memory of Xiao Lan Hua. She had told her “Even if there are 100,000 orchids, shifu can find you in an instant.” So Si Ming did say the exact same thing as Dongfang Qing Cang. The two people who have loved Xiao Lan Hua the most have met. I think Si Ming acknowledges Dongfang Qing Cang

I didn’t want to interrupt the connection between Ep31 and Ep32, and so here it is, the BTS from Ep31. 
  • When Dongfang Qing Cang lost his little orchid. Yu Shu Xin recorded Wang He Di during his crying scene, with his heart shattering cries. She cried with him. It’s pretty raw hearing Wang He Di cry like that, especially when you don’t hear actual crying from the drama. It’s mostly OST. 
  • Afterwards, Yu Shu Xin is her cheery self, telling the camera (us) a funny moment. During Xiao Lan Hua’s death, Wang He Di was supposed to be supporting her neck, but he was too busy crying and forgot. She had to summon her ab powers to keep herself up xD. Then she runs to Wang He Di to show him her recording (of him crying presumably). She also tries to make him laugh that if he smiles, she’ll go by his last name (not in a romantic sense)
[Ep33] Chang Heng warns Dongfang Qing Cang that extracting Xiao Lan Hua's primordial soul will be painful. At all cost, he cannot be distracted. Dongfang Qing Cang understands. Compared to the pain she suffered for him, this is nothing. Chang Heng, you don’t know what our couple has been through. This pain, sigh, although excruciating, is nothing to save Xiao Lan Hua. Her soul is extracted! The glowing seedling rests in Dongfang Qing Cang's palm. Does that mean her soul recognizes him? He smiles. So does Chang Heng. Best 2ML. Chang Heng returns to Shuiyuntian and tells Dongfang Qing Cang to watch over Xiao Lan Hua while he’s gone. Are they mom and dad? Lol. And this is why Chang Heng never got the FL. Always leaving her. Dongfang Qing Cang would never.  Dongfang Qing Cang doesn’t need Chang Heng to order him. He will use his life to guard Xiao Lan Hua. That’s a given. 
Dongfang Qing Cang plants his Little Orchid. She had said in Ep27 that even if her heart/love is crushed into pieces, buried deep in the soil, it will still bloom for him. Every dawn, he collects dew water. Every night he sleeps hugging the pot. Every day he talks to her. He doesn’t leave her at all. He even checks the temperature of the water before he feeds her (with a spoon). He also (mildly) complains about her shifu. They’re not alike at all. Xiao Lan Hua is sweeter. He also wonders if she’s still mad at him. Is that why she only sprouted six leaves? I’m just so happy he has something he can devote his love to *Tears up*

Dongfang Qing Cang (softly pleads): Quickly come back, okay? 

Xiao Lan Hua wakes up! But first, she meets the Black Tortoise High God who asks if she’s sure she wants to wake up as Xi Yun. All that is Xiao Lan Hua’s will become unrelated to her. Yes. Xiao Lan Hua has seen what she was supposed to see, lost ... what she was supposed to lose. She understands true love and pain. No longer will she indulge in the joys and sorrows of one personDongfang Qing Cang :(. She will live according to her fate and protect all of the Three Realms. Unlike all the previous Xishan Goddesses, Xi Yun has travelled beyond Xishan. She went to ShuiyuntianYumengze, and Cangyan Sea (godly, mortal, and ‘demon’ realms). To her, protecting the people isn’t just a duty. She truly loves this world. 

Xi Yun (no!) wakes up. She remembers the Xilan Tribe, and her parents. It was Rong Hao who killed them. She’s looking so indifferent at recalling these memories. Hate isn’t in her godly DNA. But what about Xiao Lan Hua’s love for DFQC! 

Dongfang Qing Cang runs towards Xiao Lan Hua, but she repels him! The truth settles for him: Xiao Lan Hua isn’t Xiao Lan Hua. Previously, her emotions were written on her face. Says the guy who couldn’t read her expressions in the mortal realm. Since when was he so good? xD If she was mad, she’d find the quickest excuse to forgive him. But this Xiao Lan Hua isn’t angry at all. It’s as if she doesn’t care about him. Shang Que tries to cheer him up, but Dongfang Qing Cang is already on it! Forgetting is a good thing. Hah? Because she can forget all the pain he gave her. Our lord, so optimistic, lol. It must be fate for him to pursue her all over again. Our dumb dragon is actually giving good advices on how to win her heart! Our lord is rejuvenated!
Quiz! How many Siming Pavilions are there?
First, Dongfang Qing Cang rebuilds Siming Pavilion for Xi Yun. She likes it. Then he offers to serve her. LOL. Dongfang Qing Cang! Supreme Lord! She asks him for his name. 

Dongfang Qing Cang (humbly): Da Qiang. I am Shuiyuntian’s fairy. Omg, this is our maleficent, supreme, indestructible lord bowing his head and lying that he’s a fairy

Xi Yun accepts him as her attendant. Our lord smiles and thanks the goddess. And there’s no one more considerate than our Da Qiang! He prepares her a drink, beneficial to her roots. He even added nectar, which Xiao Lan Hua loves (girl added at least 7 nectars to her big bowl of drink before), but Xi Yun refuses his kindness. She has no desire for flavour. She also prefers peace and rather not have his company. When he decides to sit next to her, she vanishes.

Dongfang Qing Cang is racking his brain and Shang Que’s for more ideas. However, Shang Que believes Xiao Lan Hua is really gone. Impossible! Dongfang Qing Cang refuses to believe it. He planted her. She is Xiao Lan Hua. However, the next day, he loses faith in his own belief. He had wanted to watch the sunrise with Xi Yun but she was already up. Not only that, she calls him lazy for waking up so late, lol. Everything about Xi Yun is the opposite of Xiao Lan Hua. Worse yet, Xi Yun wants to marry Chang Heng! It’s an alliance marriage for the greater good. They ought to do it. Dongfang Qing Cang scoffs that Chang Heng should be happy. Nope. Chang Heng is offended. 

Chang Heng: Dongfang Qing Cang, you listen to me, just like you, I want Xiao Lan Hua to return. 

Lady Chi Di is possessed by evil spirits! Oh yea, her body/soul was revived by Tai Sui. She kills Dan Yin! Because she won’t shut up? 

[Ep34] Lady Chi Di did not kill Dan Yin, but she gosh, did she want to. When night falls, she succumbs to her inner evil and kills all the soldiers. She realizes she’s possessed by Tai Sui and reports to Lord Yun Zhong but this idiot ignores her claims. He thinks she’s making excuses to save Rong Hao. 

Dan Yin stops her father from freeing Rong Hao, but fails. Rong Hao is released and leaves to find Lady Chi Di. Die Yi is to kill the rest but Jie Li betrays and saves her family. The reunion is short-lived. The father will now surrender himself. His last request is for the sisters to support each other. 

Dongfang Qing Cang will not give up on Xiao Lan Hua, but Xi Yun frankly denies being Xiao Lan Hua, in fact, she tells him Xiao Lan Hua will never return. Chang Heng had told her everything. Si Ming lied to everyone that she was a little orchid to mask the fact that she was Xishan Goddess. Hey, so if Si Ming always knew Xiao Lan Hua was Xi Yun, then she never planned to abandon Xiao Lan Hua when her roots were “damaged". Then technically Chang Heng never saved her. Ergo, she never even needed to admire him, lol... Dongfang Qing Cang refuses to believe her. He has proof. Xiao Lan Hua likes plants, she likes plants. Xiao Lan Hua likes Siming Pavilion, she likes Siming Pavilion. Xiao Lan Hua likes light coloured clothes, she likes light coloured clothes. Xi Yun must still be Xiao Lan Hua! Aw. He’s desperate. Xi Yun says no more, but reminds him that in three days, she will marry Chang Heng. 

Xi Yun cures Jie Li of her poison. Dan Yin had piggybacked Jie Li all the way to Xishan. Shang Que is here too, but Jie Li ignores him. Dan Yin doesn’t understand. Why not reciprocate Shang Que’s love if it’s mutual (unlike her and Chang Heng)? Jie Li doesn’t think she’s worthy of him. “Pei!” Dan Yin spits. She’s her sister, so of course Jie Li is worthy of anyone. When Jie Li is still pessimistic, Dan Yin calls her a coward. (The sisters have bonded ~).

Dongfang Qing Cang tells Shang Que to give up Jie Li. She isn’t who she seemed to be. But Shang Que wants to believe in her just like Dongfang Qing Cang wants to believe in Xiao Lan Hua. I want to believe in Dongfang Qing Cang who wants to believe in Xiao Lan Hua :( 

Dan Yin, who’s not a coward, confesses to Chang Heng that she loved him but she was selfish. He was never meant to be hers. Dan Yin is telling him Xiao Lan Hua isn’t meant for him either. Moreover, Xi Yun isn’t even Xiao Lan Hua. Dan Yin impresses me. Not at all the supporting female role I was expecting

[Ep35] Tai Sui wants to integrate into Lady Chi Di’s primordial soul, promising Rong Hao that she will be cured of her pain and unquenchable feral thirst. Will Rong Hao be manipulated even when Lady Chi Di asks him to kill her? Yes. He wants her alive and painless (even if she’s a zombie). Lady Chi tells him his heart is too fragile with mortal desires. She recalls how she had a “mortal heart” too. To have a mortal heart (凡心 fan xin) is to have mundane desires like reluctance to leave the world. (As a mortal, sorry for being mundane...). When Rong Hao was but a mortal child, he had died. Lady Chi Di begged Si Ming, who then warned her that resurrecting a mortal defies fate and will bring catastrophe to her even if she is a High God. Knowing the consequences, Lady Chi Di accepted and vowed to never regret. 
Rong Hao cries and laughs, realizing he meant as much to her as she does to him. They both wanted to bring back what was dead despite the consequences. He caresses her cheek and hugs her. Feelings have reciprocated. And then he kills her. Lady Chi Di smiles. T__T Woah. This was Rong Hoa's plan all along: releasing her of her pain and committing suicide with Tai Sui whom Rong Hao had lured into his body. However, Tai Sui is too powerful for Rong Hao to kill. In every fate, Lady Chi Di is to die by the hands of the man she loves. This is her eternal ending, and this time it’s with her true love

Xi Yun has all her memories as Xiao Lan Hua! O_O She fooled us all! She is both Xi Yun and Xiao Lan Hua! Dongfang Qing Cang, you were right! She likes the Siming Pavilion, flowers, and light-coloured clothes! She reveals her identity to Chang Heng who hopefully asks her if she wants to marry him because of love. He’s hopeful because she has the memories he had sealed that means she remembers the first time they met. Her silence to his question is telling. Xiao Lan Hua still loves Dongfang Qing Cang! She didn’t lie. Her love, no matter how much it’s crushed, will still bloom for him. Towards Chang Heng, it wasn’t love. But she needs to put world peace above love. Oh. This FL has me stunned. The holy marriage with Chang Heng will allow her powers to ascend and then she will be strong enough to defeat Tai Sui. Chang Heng, whether you like it or not, our Xi Yun Goddess is determined! But, hold up! This also means Xi Yun will sacrifice herself to kill Tai Sui. OMG. She’s going to leave Dongfang Qing Cang again!? This is why she’s ignoring him

Chang Heng: You have affection (情) towards Dongfang Qing Cang and you don’t want him to suffer any bit of pain, but what about me? How can you – how can you make me marry you and then send you to your death with my own hands? 
In Ep19&20 Xiao Lan Hua told Dongfang Qing Cang there is no 情義 between them because they’re bound to be enemies. Look at these two now T_T. Even if they become enemies, even if he’s cruel to her, and even if she has her fate to fulfill, nothing can break their 情

Xiao Lan Hua, who doesn't love Chang Heng, can only apologize. He doesn’t want to hear it or her saying that she had no choice. He’s sick of hearing “choice". First Rong Hao, and now her. Everyone is forsaking Chang Heng. I almost feel bad for him. Xiao Lan Hua shakes her head. She had a choice. She chose to be Xi Yun, the goddess. She begs him to help her. He can’t do it. He can’t sacrifice her life. However, with Lady Chi Di’s death, the only god left for Tai Sui to overtake is Dongfang Qing Cang. Chang Heng realizes they have to eliminate Tai Sui fast.  

Chang Heng: Are you really going to sacrifice yourself to protect him? 
Xiao Lan Hua: I love everyone and I love one person. [Yes]

I like that Chang Heng relents to her choice when he realizes Dongfang Qing Cang is in danger. This has become his choice too  – for everyone and for the two people he loves, Xiao Lan Hua and Dongfang Qing Cang
Dongfang Qing Cang visits Xiao Lan Hua to tell her that he believes she isn’t Xiao Lan Hua. T_T. He won’t bother her anymore after she marries Chang Heng tomorrow, but he has a request. He takes her to the Yearning Bridge. He wants to hang the heart locks with her to fulfill the promise with Xiao Lan Hua – to be together forever, in accompaniment for the rest of their lives. Xi Yun tells him that Xiao Lan Hua is gone. It’s pointless. Dongfang Qing Cang disagrees. The locks must be hung. Even though she isn’t here anymore, he will never forget her. 

Dongfang Qing Cang (clutches onto the locks): I will guard our memories together. That way, it will still count as accompanying each other. 
Xiao Lan Hua: You still have endless time. With your discerning eyes, is there really no one else you can see/love among the millions of beauties in the Three Realms? 
Dongfang Qing Cang: No. And there never will be. In this life and in all of eternity, there will only be her. 
Xiao Lan Hua: She is but a mere orchid grass. Why do you towards her 念念不忘 (niàn niàn bù wàng)? To miss and yearn and to never forget.
Dongfang Qing Cang: You don't understand my love towards her. You will never understand. 
She does! T_T In this world, everyone hates me, fears me, relies on me, and worships me. It is only her who loves me, accompanies me through my hardships, and fixes my love roots. She will follow me even if it means being hated by the universe. But I have thorns all over my body. I only make her sad. I am a jerk. But she is a dummy. She knew how bad I was but she would still find any excuse to forgive me, and to hug me tightly. Even if I am riddled with scars, I yearn to tell her that I am no longer the jerk I used to be. I will properly love her, and protect her. I won’t let her suffer anymore. But there’s no more chances. You’re telling her right now! 

*Xiao Lan Hua can’t hold back her tears anymore. She turns around and tells him to stop talking not because she finds him annoying. He’s breaking her heart. He apologizes. He shouldn’t have brought her here.* 

I can hang the lock by myself. She will always be in my heart. We will never ever be separated. 
Xiao Lan Hua walks away when she can no longer control herself from sniffling. But she can still hear Dongfang Qing Cang speaking to the locks, his Xiao Lan Hua. He ties them to the bridge with a red string. He explains to her that the Bone Orchid has been draining her primordial soul. He deliberately lied to her to make her give up on him. He wishes he can tell her all this as he covers his eyes with tears streaming down.*

Dongfang Qing Cang: But why is it that till death, you still love me? 

Xiao Lan Hua is still on the steps of the bridge! This counts as hanging the locks together! Right?! They will be together forever, right?! 

Dongfang Qing Cang bids farewell. He can’t even look Xiao Lan Hua in the eye as his gaze casts downward. Xiao Lan Hua can’t bear his sadness and pushes the corner of his lips upward. It was instinctual. How can she make her Da Mu Tou this depressed when he’s right in front of her?! Shocked by her actions, Xiao Lan Hua runs away, but he holds her wrist. 

Dongfang Qing Cang (yearning): It’s you. Who are you? Why? 

Xiao Lan Hua runs away without answering. I wonder if her instincts took over because she thought that was the last time they’d see each other. Dongfang Qing Cang recalls the conversation with Si Ming when she gave him Xiao Lan Hua’s Destiny Leaflet. He finally understands what Si Ming meant: he is the only one who can change Xiao Lan Hua’s fate. He thought it was to resurrect Xiao Lan Hua, but Si Ming meant to save Xiao Lan Hua from her fate where she is to sacrifice her life to defeat Tai Sui. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: 本座 will defy the natural order to change her fate (本座要為她逆天改命). 

Si Ming’s words in Ep31: “All that exists is fate, only love is not fate” Dongfang Qing Cang’s love for Xiao Lan Hua will defy fate for it is that great
The next morning, Dongfang Qing Cang is by Xiao Lan Hua’s doors. He doesn’t have the Xilan spell anymore, but his sadness mirrors hers. She can sense his presence, but by then he disappears. She searches Siming Pavilion for him, but he’s nowhere in sight. Is he gone? 
Dongfang Qing Cang morphs in front of Xiao Lan Hua and sweeps in for a kiss. She can’t resist him. She almost cries while kissing him. With one longing glance, he disappears without a word. So domineering! I’m in love with this kiss! So short, though! This kiss makes me desire so much more T_T Show won’t even give us some romantic words! 
As Xiao Lan Hua prepares for her wedding, Dongfang Qing Cang is preparing for a battle with Tai Sui. 
Shang Que is there in support of Dongfang Qing Cang. Chang Heng and Xiao Lan Hua are too! They’re marrying to protect Dongfang Qing Cang from Tai Sui, not knowing he plans to take him down alone

This is an episode of choices too, but instead of feeling helpless, all our leads have bravely moved forward for love (and loyalty)
[Ep36] Dongfang Qing Cang lures Tai Sui into his Heart Sea where he plans to die with him. Tai Sui, in his nefarious laughter, says it’s impossible to kill him. Dongfang Qing Cang concedes to the truth, but with the energy “she” planted in his heart, it is more than enough. Xiao Lan Hua’s goddess powers are in his Love Tree when she had touched him in the “heart” in Ep1. And then she nourished his tree with her love.

Dongfang Qing Cang: You cannot escape. In my Heart Sea, there are traces of her everywhere. 
The purity burns Tai Sui. He takes form as Dongfang Qing Cang, tempting him with desires to live, reminding him of his family’s wishes, his responsibility for the Moon Tribe, and his jealousy for Chang Heng who can take Xiao Lan Hua. But Dongfang Qing Cang is unfaltering. His death will bring her longevity and peace. He has no regrets and no more desires.  
Tai Sui attempts again. Dongfang Qing Cang has to have a desire or he would not exist in his heart. But nothing will make our lord waver – until Tai Sui mentions that Xi Yun would forget him. Our lord falters. That’s his only selfish longing – for her to remember him. Tai Sui spots his weakness and takes over Dongfang Qing Cang!! Oh no. He’s not as pure as our goddess T_T. 

Notice how his Love Tree is in full blossom now! Stare at the far right branches. His body is controlled, but his love remains true. His heart stays pure for Xiao Lan Hua because of Xiao Hua. Nothing can change that.  
A possessed Dongfang Qing Cang marches to Shuiyuntian, interrupting the marriage right before Xiao Lan Hua touches Chang Heng’s hands. 

Xiao Lan Hua is in denial. How could Dongfang Qing Cang be controlled? His willpower has always been tenacious. Only when it comes to Xiao Lan Hua forgetting him. For Dongfang Qing Cang, Xiao Lan Hua trudges through the forbidding mass of evil energy. Since the marriage is interrupted, she’s nowhere near her maximum potential, but she won’t give up. Even when the soldiers of Shuiyuntian are down, Xiao Lan Hua is fighting against the resistance to reach him. 

The Moon Tribe arrives! Under Dongfang Qing Cang’s orders, they are to aid Shuiyuntian to destroy the ancient evil Tai Sui. T____T. A subordinate confirms with Xun Feng if they’re really teaming up with the enemy to kill their own lord. Xun Feng answers with conviction, “This isn’t for ‘who’, but for everyone.” 

Xiao Lan Hua continues to push forward. Chang Heng shouts to Xiao Lan Hua that Dongfang Qing Cang isn’t here anymore. No man, you all don’t understand our couple! They’re always there for each other! Everything in Dongfang Qing Cang’s Heart Sea is destroyed, except his Seven Emotion Love Tree! He’s still here! 
Xiao Lan Hua reaches Dongfang Qing Cang!! She kisses him and enters his Heart Sea. A red fire blazes from his body. Is it the hellfire? No. It’s the Glazed Fire (琉璃火; liu li huo). It has been lost in ancient times. It is the fire of mercy. One needs to experience the seven emotions (joy, anger, anxiety, consideration, grief, fear, fright), and the eight distresses (birth, age, sickness, death, parting with what we love, meeting with what we hate, unattained aims, and all the ills of the five skandhas (Buddhism)) and still not lose his roots. Darkness has taken over, but the Love Tree is still pure. Only a god with great love and compassion can control this fire. This god is Dongfang Qing Cang. He was meant for greatness. Xiao Lan Hua didn’t weaken him with love, she made him invincible with love. 

Dongfang Qing Cang gains consciousness, but he can’t suppress Tai Sui for long. He tells her to kill him. Since Tai Sui has integrated into his body, killing him is killing Tai Sui. Xiao Lan Hua cries that she can’t. Our Xi Yun goddess who loves everyone cannot give up Dongfang Qing Cang for everyone

Xiao Lan Hua: It is my fate to save the world. It’s not yours! 
Dongfang Qing Cang: But it is my life’s mission is to save you. 

He begs her to kill him. He’s losing control. Tai Sui laughs nefariously. Xi Yun summons her energy and kills Dongfang Qing Cang. T______T. She had to kill him before Tai Sui crushed his primordial soul
Our couple emerges from Dongfang Qing Cang's Heart Sea. They’re still kissing. He hugs her back! They’re surrounded by his red hot Glazed Fire. 

Dongfang Qing Cang: 小花妖 Little Flower Devil, 本座 said that [I] would defy the natural order for you. I did it. (Dongfang Qing Cang said “I”) 

He touches their forehead and separates from her. HE’S LEAVING! She cries for her Da Mu Tou and then  crescent moon floats towards her. Is it the Bone Orchid? His heart blood!!!!!!!!  
The first scene in the opening song. His bone orchid is actually surrounded by an orchid just like his heart is surrounded by Xiao Lan Hua’s love.
Xun Feng asks Xiao Lan Hua if Dongfang Qing Cang can still return. It’s impossible to defy the law of life and death, but Xiao Lan Hua asks if he believes in miracles. He, the indestructible, can destroy all things for Xiao Lan Hua. He defied fate once, he can defy it again! 

Xiao Lan Hua: All things in the world are ever-changing, only love does not change. *Clutches onto the Born Orchid* 

Five hundred years later

Xiao Lan Hua’s voiceover: The hatred between the two races that once lasted thousands of years, created partings and death, but there is among the Three Realms an energy so powerful and so miraculous that changed this all. That energy is loveLove makes everyone a better version of themselves. I saw in an interview that this is the message the producers want to convey

For the most prudent ones, love can set them free and help them find their true desires.  

Chang Heng prefers being in the mortal realm as Xiao Run, telling stories. He’s no longer the God of War. 

For the unruly and capricious ones, love can make them stronger and more open- and broad-minded

Dan Yin aspires to be the God of War. She always admired Lady Chi Di. But for her selfish (love) desires, she forgot her dream. Chang Heng apologies for being unable to reciprocate. Dan Yin is over it. She wants to be like a brother to him Aw. He’s confused. How can that be possible when she’s a girl? She asks him if Qi Shui and Xiao Run are brothers and if Dongfang Qing Cang and Chang Heng are confidants (知己; know each other like they know themselves). He answers yes to both. Since his affections can go beyond social status and racial differences, then why can’t they break the gap between gender? Chang Heng smiles. They are brothers! I like her!  

For the most narrow-minded and jealous people, love can make them grow to be tolerant and responsible

Xun Feng is the Moon Tribe leader. He’s guarding the position for his brother but if he doesn’t come back, then they (including Shang Que) will need to take responsibility and keep peace and prosperity for the Moon Tribe. 

For the most deceitful ones, love can make them sincere and dependable

Jie Li opens an orphanage, caring for children. She’s together with Shang Que. 

For the ones who made a momentary mistake and went astray, love can pull him up before he falls into the abyss and make him come to his senses

Rong Hao and Lady Chi Di rest in peace side by side. 

Love can turn a heartless and emotionless person compassionate and kind. It can also make that person give up everything for the one [he] loves, including [his] life

Xiao Lan Hua thinks of Dongfang Qing Cang. She visits the Bone Orchid, which she nourishes under a wreath crown. Could that be the crown she made for him for their marriage?! Dongfang Qing Cang materializes from the Bone Orchid! And he’s all confident saying, “I’m back.” Like he just went on a trip or something. Is he real?? You sir, do you know how much I cried for you when I thought you died!  
That’s the crown wreath Xiao Lan Hua made for Dongfang Qing Cang ~
They kiss. He’s real! It started with a kiss and ended with a kiss.

The OST in this last scene is Liu Yu Ning’s 尋一個你 (Looking For You)In the title, there's an emphasis on 一個, which means one. The closer translation would be “Looking for the one you”. I’m translating the lyrics because it’s so compatible with this scene. He will do whatever it takes to find her and that is why he is back

Losing [myself] in your clear eyes
Is like passing through unforgettable scenery

No-one can compare to the past,
Bright as a multitude of stars. 

Every decision made for you,
The story went through numerous twists and turns that have yet to be written. 

Scene after scene play in my mind
Carved in bones and engraved in my heart (etched into my memory, unforgettable).   

Don’t want to yearn, to miss, to listen.
[My] Heart is no longer surfacing, rippling (beating)

The sky lanterns light up, gathering and separating,
People coming and going, and finally being replaced. 
T/N: Interpretation – everything is changing, but I stay constant, looking for you
The lyrics below start playing when Dongfang Qing Cang says, “I’m back”. 
To pass over mountain ridges to find you,
To live up to this life, to live up this encounter [with you]
To live up to myself for walking through sea of suffering (depths of misery) 
Just to cross you.
T/N: “To cross you” is to have our lives intersect.

Walking all over thistles and thorns to find you
To not be far away, only [to be with you] for all day and all night

Even if I fail the entirety of the word, I will live up to you.  

“Carved in bones and engraved in my heart (etched into my memory, unforgettable" 刻骨銘心 is my favourite line because I’m reminded of the Bone (骨) Orchid and how it’s made from Dongfang Qing Cang’s heart (心 ) blood. It’s a beautiful harmony of the literal words and the meaning of the idiom.

The end. 

How can Dongfang Qing Cang be alive? I think there are sufficient hints that Show has incorporated into the drama from the very beginning. 

→ (1) No one could kill Dongfang Qing Cang in the beginning and that is why he was sealed in the tower. He is invincible. However, in front of Tai Sui, perhaps not, except that all changes when he harnesses the Glazed Fire, also an ancient power. This makes him on par with the ancient Tai Sui. Adding to that, there is Xiao Lan Hua’s purity, the star in his Love Tree which naturally repels all evil. Mathematically speaking, Dongfang Qing Cang > Tai Sui. Taking out Tai Sui should not kill Dongfang Qing Cang. 
→ (2) We got to believe in superstitions! Dongfang Qing Cang bought the flower and the locks for their love to be everlasting. They even hung the lock on the bridge (together! She was there).
→ (3) Si Ming, God of Fate, says fate dictates all things, except love. Dongfang Qing Cang defied fate to save Xiao Lan Hua. He can defy fate again to come back for her. He, the indestructible, is capable of destroying everything for her. He would also never leave her alone to suffer the way he did for her. 
→ (4) There is nothing our Xiao Lan Hua, Xishan Goddess, cannot revive. 
→ (5) The Bone Orchid has Dongfang Qing Cang's heart blood. 

[Epilogue] The message was uploaded on Weibo (each character has a Weibo account). The VA also uploaded the audio version: 

Dongfang Qing Cang: Originally, [I] didn't want to write these things, but Xiao Lan Hua kept pestering and said something about the sense of ritual, so 本座 will write about it. In this life as Dongfang Qingcang, having brother(s), someone loyal, and someone to love can be regarded as fulfilling her wish. At first, people feared my hellfire and relied on my reputation as the strongest and supreme being in the Three Realms. Only this lawless little orchid dared to disregard 本座.  Afterwards 本座’s Seven Emotion (Love) Tree bloomed because of her, the hellfire was lost, but 本座 gained the glazed fire. Xiao Lan Hua is 本座’s «失而復得» (someone who is «lost and regained», and therefore even more precious). She loves 本座 «勝過生命» («more than life» there’s no pronoun in front of “life” so it can be interpreted as not just her life but all life). So is 本座. 
[Special 1] Dongfang Qing Cang mulls that daring folks keep asking about his married life with Xiao Lan Hua (does he see us?). They’ve been married for 300 years. They live everywhere (Shuiyuntian, Cangyan Sea, and even Yumengze). We get a glimpse (2 mins!) of their sweet and simple married life. 


[First Impression (Ep1-9)] Not up for anything serious? This one’s fun with the right lens! At first I couldn’t stand the filter, but I am now in love with the exaggerated anime/donghua-like effects, which is actually a nice touch when there is a donghua for this IP. 

By Ep9 my eyes are shooting hearts. Pew pew! Pew pew pew! Wang He Di’s Dongfang Qing Cang is the malicious, sweet, and grumpy devil lord. Possessive ML lines are cleverly turned hilarious, and adding to my mirth is the deep and serious dubbing voice narrating all the romantic lines. It’s too funny.  

Chang Heng (God of War) makes me have second lead syndrome like no other man has given me. It’s not because of Zhang Ling He (really! I think.). His story setup is excellent and it’s so sad how he missed his chance with the FL. He is so close to being the perfect one! But I am unwavering in my love for the possessively sweet devil.  

[Actors/Actresses] Wang He Di was roasted for his acting in Miss the Dragon but with similar white hair and similar cold ML vibe, he’s back and hotter than ever. Very charismatic. He makes me proud. Suddenly, I am his fan. 

[OSTs] Beautiful! Full OST on YouTube

1. Remaining Love – Zhou Shen [ 余情 – 周深 ] 
2. Find You – Liu Yu Ning [ 寻一个你 – 刘宇宁 ] 
3. Love – Zhan Wen Ting (Faye) [ 诀爱 – 詹雯婷 ] 
4. I Still Remember That Day - Shen Yi Cheng [ 我还记得那天 – 沈以诚 ] 
5. Cang Lan Qi – Li Chang Chao [ 苍兰契 – 李常超 ] 
6. The Other Side – Jing Long & Jing Di’er [ 彼岸 – 井胧 & 井迪儿 ] 
7. Memory Loss – Yu Shu Xin [ 失忆 – 虞书欣 ] 
8. Want to Be With You – Yu Shu Xin & Wang He Di [ 想和你 – 虞书欣 & 王鹤棣 ] 
9. Thought – Shuang Sheng [ 念 – 双笙 ]

[Drama Details
These are details I summarized from different sources. If I add my own thoughts, they will be in [brackets]. 

Screenshot of the Director’s comments on Wang He Di (Douban Post): On 2021/05/12  – “I assure you all that you will fall incurably in love with him!” [Confirmed]

Ep1 (Douban Post): [Here’s a long theory (not going to translate, but you can) of how Dongfang Qing Cang and Xiao Lan Hua could have met 30 000 years ago. I didn’t read all of it, lol. I just thought the pictures were interesting. What was that turquoise star light from her chest that then entered his chest?]

Ep13: This detail is related to the scene where Dongfang Qing Cang made the peach blossoms fall. He did that because Xiao Lan Hua mentionned she liked peach blossom in passing. Dongfang Qing Cang remembers everything she said! (Ep4: “Remember. Every word you say is very important to 本座. From now on, you cannot say things casually”

Ep15 (Douban Post): Dongfang Qing Cang purposely heated the fish when Little Orchid woke up. He had it all ready and was waiting for her because he knew she liked her food warm. [This guy is so attentive! He remembers all her preferences!] 

Ep21-23 (Douban Post): Did our leads mess up the fate or was Dongfang Qing Cang meant to be Xie Wan Qing’s fatal groom all along? In the Destiny Leaflet, it was easy to assume “Xiao lang ()” meant Xiao (蕭) Run. But when he was running away from his debtors, Xiao Run ran past Feixian Pavilion where Xie Wan Qing was. He wasn’t meant to be (and our leads haven’t even interfered with his life at this point). Next, Show led us to Rong Hao who played the 箫 xiao (different xiao Chinese character meaning the instrument). But the one who showed up that night was neither the man with the surname Xiao nor the man who played the xiao. It was Dongfang Qing Cang. He was the 蕭 lang all along[蕭 carries another meaning: miserable / desolate / dreary. This seems to match Xie Wan Qing’s first impression of Dongfang Qing Cang (hate, respect, and concern; a feud)]

Ep22 (Douban Post): Dongfang Qing Cang gave Xiao Lan Hua a pouch with food inside before her date with Xiao Run. Where’d he learn that from? From Xiao Lan Hua when she gave him food in Ep8 for his long trip. 🥲

Ep23 (Douban Post): [There are spoilers in the link (unaired content)] The first time Xiao Lan Hua taught Dongfang Qing Cang to smile it was after he forgave his father and reconciled with his brother. It was a smile for the family. The second time she taught him to smile was to make friends. When will Xiao Lan Hua teach him to smile again and for what?

Ep23 (Source:Weibo?): Dongfang Qing Cang’s tree blossoms when he realizes his feelings for Xiao Lan Hua are love (just like Chang Heng). We see him sitting under the tree, but the tree isn’t in full blossom! There are bare branches. It’s suspected that his love for Xiao Lan Hua can blossom even more. What will trigger that? 

Ep26: When DFQC had a bit of a tantrum while playing the qin, he got a little booboo. It’s a scene to see if Chang Heng would react to the injury like he did as Xiao Run. Nope. Chang Heng didn’t even notice! xD

Ep30: The statue at Xishan closed its eyes once she saw Xiao Lan Hua, it’s like she can rest in peace knowing the Xi Yun is safe. 

Ep29: Dongfang Qing Cang snaps his fingers to make three people faint in the show: Xiao Lan Hua, whom he catches in both arms (Ep29; it’s when she was possessed by Lady Chi Di); Lady Chi Di, whom he catches with one arm (Ep21, very gentleman);  Xiao Run whom he lets drop to the ground (Ep21). 

[Behind the Scenes & Stats
→ Interview (quarrelling duo) (Youtube)¹
→ Ep9 Titanic edition (Youtube)²
→ Hey (嘿) Bro (Ep18): The cast, especially Wang He Di and Lin Bo Rui (Shang Que), crack up whenever they hear “Hey bro”. It’s because of Lin Bo Rui's NGs in Ep18 where he failed at covering Wang He Di with the robe. Lin Bo Rui muttered “Hey bro” in one of the NGs, leaving Wang He Di flabbergasted, “Hey bro!” And that’s how “Hey Bro” stuck with the cast. “Hey” also sounds like 黑 (black), which is fitting for the Black (Dummy) Dragon. Lin Bo Rui also seems to be the guy who everyone enjoys being with. Fun and easygoing. 
→ The drama broke 9000 on iQIYI’s heat index. Zhang Ling He dived into a pool. 
→ The drama broke 9500 on iQIYI’s heat index. Wang He Di delivers his promise and dances Yu Shu Xin’s Gwalla. He practised for 2 days for 2 and a half classes. 
→ The drama broke 10,000 on iQIYI’s heat index. Only three other dramas have broken this record: My Heroic Husband, A Lifelong Journey, and the Story of Yanxi Palace (which is removed from iQIYi). Yu Shu Xin said on her Weibo, “Before the broadcast, I told everyone that we would celebrate if we broke 10,000. Even if no one believed me at the beginning, I just thought we could do it!! We really did it today!  Thank you for everything and thank you to myself! When there’s a will, there’s a way. If you have a goal, go work hard. You will definitely be rewarded!!!” [I think that Yu Shu Xin was confident in this drama because of her lines. She knows Xiao Lan Hua best and she knows she is one of the best FLs in drama history]

本座  Běn zuò – It’s the first-person pronoun  (“I” or “my”) that the Moon Supreme Lord uses. It’s equivalent of the Emperor saying 朕 (zhen) in palace dramas when he refers to himself. (Ep3)

大魔頭 Da mo tou vs. 大頭 Da mu tou – Big Devil (Head) vs. Big Wooden Head. Xiao Lan Hua wants to call him the Big Bad Devil, but cutely changes one word and it becomes a harmless nickname “Big Wooden Head”. (Ep14)

情義 Qíng yì – Often translated as “Affection/Emotion”. It is the feeling between two people where there is 情 (affection) and 義 (loyalty). It can between friends, and between lovers. In a romance drama, there usually is a romantic undertone. (Ep19/20)

凡心 Fán xīn – Mortal heart. The mundane desires of humans e.g. reluctance to leave the world. (Ep35)

念念不忘  Niàn niàn bù wàng – To miss and yearn and to never forget. (Ep35)

逆天改命 Nì tiān gǎi mìng – Defy the natural order to change fate. (Ep35)

知己 Zhī jǐ – Confidants who know each other like they know themselves. (Ep36)

[Ending] Happy. 

Do read up on the character epilogues uploaded onto Weibo, especially Dongfang Qing Cang’s. His voice actor (Wang Bao Shun) even dubbed the message (Twitter for engsubs⁵ or Weibo)! 

[A Highlight] For whatever reason my memorable scene is..... (omg it was so hard to pick!) the domineering kiss in Ep35. 

[Review & Rating]

Our ML is the invincible, indestructible, and maleficent lord of the Three Realms. He’s feared and revered and yet this supreme being is at the mercy of a mere grass. For this grass, he will defy the heavens.

Romance / Chemistry / Pairings:

My favourite romance of the year ~ The drama masterfully captures the grand love story in a detailed yet natural progression. Once their feelings reciprocate, her love is unshakable and his love is earth-shattering – the man will destroy save the world for her. More romantic than any version of I-love-yous, they have one of the most beautiful, loving, and heart-wrenching arguments in all of dramaland (Ep28). Drama is really clever in filling the beginning with cheesy pseudo-love-lines that all turned true, but when the romance really kicks in, their love is expressed in action instead! Drama is always ahead of the game.

My second favourite chemistry is between Dongfang Qing Cang and Chang Heng. It’s a brotherly one that fills each other’s void of family love. Then it's Dongfang Qing Cang & Shang Que ~

Creativity / Visuals

Don’t be fooled in the beginning where it looks like Candy Girl in a filtered, generic Cotton Candy World. The more I watch, the more stunning the visuals get. They’re also so creative: the Xishan statue blinks, Rong Hao touches the sky and comes out of a fishbowl, and Lady Chi Di creates the Unfathomable Border with her sword. I also love the xianxia parodies (e.g. Si Ming being a girl, the God of War being useless, etc.).


Xiao Lan Hua is criminally underrated as the FL. She is your cute and naive girl, and she is not your cute and naive girl. She may be weak, but she’ll speak up for herself. She stands by her beliefs and stays true to her nature. When there are conflicts, she initiates communication. She’s intelligent, beating Dongfang Qing Cang in solving their body-swap, and remembering to snatch back the Destiny Leaflet when the boys are busy glaring at each other (Ep15). She knows when to conform (like bow to the lord) and when to manipulate him (into being Dongfang Yuan Wai). Xiao Lan Hua’s only flaw is when she’s not just Xiao Lan Hua, and so I stand by all my compliments for “Xiao Lan Hua”.

Dongfang Qing Cang! What more needs to be said than the supreme lord’s name? Best ML ever. He is charismatic, and invincible. He is caring, respectful, and loving. He has the most iconic and hilarious lines with all his 本座 (ben zuo). I am bewitched by his spellbinding blue eyes and then when he breaks down, my heart shatters with him (over and over again). He has the most epic scenes, and the most heartbreaking ones.

Chang Heng is the admirable “rival” 2ML. He always loved Xiao Lan Hua, but missed all his chances. He had no one to blame but himself. Still, he remains a good guy through and through. He shines in this drama too, but Dongfang Qing Cang is simply unrivaled.


I would love to say flawless. This drama has virtually no fillers. The xianxia world has robust rules. I have another post to detail the details. There’s character growth for both the ML and FL. Alas, there is the ending that everyone thought could be bigger and better. I thought it was fine and a nice wrap up to a drama that blissfully shattered my expectations 90% of the time.

My take on the ending from the scriptwriting perspective:
The hints of how Dongfang Qing Cang can survive is sufficient for me. In Ep2, he mentions his body and soul will never die and never perish. In Ep4, he says he has always defied the Heavenly laws. In Ep 9, we established that the Bone Orchid is made from his blood. The groundwork was there. I’m quite impressed with the Bone Orchid in general from the naming to all its functions. 

I share the sentiment that the ending was abrupt. Everyone is asking for four more episodes, I’m not greedy like that (ahem). I’m only asking for three more minutes in your last two episodes. Drama, why are you not using up your 45 minute quota! The possibilities! However, when I was compiling all the details, I noticed the drama does not repeat a scene unless there’s a meaningful difference (e.g. the dew scene). Drama already had a marriage. Drama already had an epilogue of their married life (the dream). It’s given that they'll be married for 500 years, and the next 500 years, etc. Drama is true to its goals of no fillers.

Acting / Actors / Reception:

The filming ended in June 2021, which coincided with Miss the Dragon broadcast (May 2021). This means while filming, Wang He Di was attacked with an onslaught of criticisms, laughing at him, and mocking him. One year later, we have all fallen incurably in love with him. His popularity skyrocketed in August. Drama fans are calling him Lord and bowing to him. Even his friends do it to embarrass him. His father (real father) is also called Lord by relation. The drama is such a viral hit that even Lord Yun Zhong trended #1 on Weibo with his head photoshopped on a free-range chicken because everyone loathed him (and then the actor cheekily thanked everyone, haha). Loving this drama was a lot of fun because everyone was loving it, chasing it, and combing for details. I have digressed.

Overall though, the meteoric success of Dongfang Qing Cang isn’t Wang He Di’s credit alone. It’s a combination of a lot of right choices by the team. Wang He Di is a perfect visual fit for the role. He also acted his heart out. The voice actor (Wang Bao Shun) not only has a rich tone, his voice also matches Wang He Di’s face. 

Do watch the BTS of this chaotic couple! I particularly love seeing Yu Shu Xin think through her roles and positively influence Wang He Di. In interviews, I catch him respecting her for this. In and out of the drama, there was so much to love. These two played hard, worked hard, and fought hard. 

Random Recommendation: My Fated Boy.  

Rating: 5/5 

1. BTS Interview from our quarrelling duo (FanFanX’scomment)
2. BTS Ep9 Titanic edition (moochiesezwut’s comment)
3. BTS Ep18 Wang He Di’s crying scene (moonchiesezwu’s comment)
4. BTS Ep23 Wang He Di actually did Yu Shu Xin’s makeup (moochiesezwu’s comment)
5. Epilogue dubbed by Dongfang Qing Cang’s voice actor (moochiesezwu’s comment)

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