January 19, 2024

19th Floor | Open Thread + Reviews

19th Floor
A girl and her roommates fight monsters in a VR game. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wei Zhe Ming: Gao Yun
Sun Qian: Chun Yu 
Cai Jun (= Author), Jiang Yu
Chinese Title
Episodes: 30

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The Countdown Posters


Wei Zhe Ming:
Gao Xuan

Sun Qian:
Chun Yu
[Spring Rain]
Bai Shu:
Yang Ba Wan
[Yang 80 000]
Wang Ruo Shan:
Nan Xiao Qin

Luo Yu Tong:
Xu Wen Ya
Pan Yue Tong:
Nian Su Lan
Xiao Kai Zhong:
Zhang Tian Qiang
Dai Ya Qi:
Qing You
Zhang Ke Yuan:
A Yong
Zhang Yi Yang:
Hei Er

Tao Hai:
Lao Lin


Level 1.
Top Row: Candlestick + matches; Flashlight; Hairdryer
Bottom Row: Axe; Map (half only); Frying pan
Level 2.
Does not play well with others.
Building 19.
Level 3.
Good night's rest.
Ultimate GTB.
His [2nd] protector!
A happy peck on the cheek.
Didi returning the favor.
Level 4.

He finally notices...
I won't forget.
Level 5.
Bikes and saw.
Blocks and water tank.
Tea-drinking jerk.
Tea-dropping jerk. 

A much prettier Xu Wen Ya
Honey or green tea [b----]?
Level 6.
He's had enough. Running away.
Level 7.
It's cold. Conductor Gao Xuan. XD

Banging with a message.
Doesn't this look delicious? No.
Want help?
Found weapons.
Still in the game!
雨 [Yu]


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Eps1-4)] This one starts out with a crash. And then it's a horror ride. Fun! Beware of Mango subs. Could I get some help from Our Interpreter? Our glorious Moderator? :P 

Warning, there are clowns in this series. [Starting with Ep13.]
  • Eps13-14. Level 4. Part I of Happy Circus.
  • Eps16-17. Level 5. Part II. At the end of Ep16, they're back in Happy Circus level.
  • Ep18. In the last 5 minutes, rawings of the Happy Circus level.
  • Ep24. In the beginning, clown appears in flashback of Happy Circus level.
[Cast & CrewWei Zhe Ming isn't a CEO/professor in this. Xiao Kai Zhong is so easy to hate in this. 

Cai Cong, same director of My Deepest Dream... and A Romance of the Little Forest.

Adaptation of Cai Jun's novel "The Nineteenth Floor of Hell" 地狱的第十九层. 

[Behind the Scenes

→ Eps2-3. Hospital scenes with Sun Qian is being silly.  
→ Ep4. Beast scene. Don't watch unless you've already seen this ep. Not much of a spoiler but it does take away the suspense. So much work for these scenes. Both Sun Qian and Wei Zhe Ming have the work cutout for them.  
→ Eps6-8. All the running was real in that village. Hiding from the monsters. 2CP playinga round.
→ Ep18. Cough after the chest compression. 
→ Wei Zhe Ming gives Sun Qian a massage with an axe and then he lifts weights with Bai Shu.
→ Sun Qian and Dai Ya Qi, onscreen besties.
[OST] Limited OST.

[Ending] Barely acceptable.

Four (4/5)

Three (3/5)

Two (2/5)

Reviewer: FanFanX
Date: April 2024
Honestly, the first half is worth watching as it has a good story with plenty of character-building. The best parts are in the gameplay. But expect the second half to start failing to meet expectations. I loathe the forced romance between Wei Zhe Ming and Sun Qian. Why is romance even here? Somehow they even managed to squeeze out a second couple. This series is truly about bad fathers and how one should excuse them for abandoning their children. This series is a waste of the actors’ efforts (except that Sun Qian is Sun Qian).

Random Recommendation

Rating: 2/5

One (1/5)

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