March 1, 2023

18 Again | Recap and Review

18 Again
A man returns to his 18-year-old life and discovers what he's lost sight of.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Lee Do-hyun: Hong Dae-young [Teen] / Go Woo-young
Kim Ha-neul: Jung Da-jung
Yoon Sang-hyun: Hong Dae-young [Adult]
Ha Byung-hoon
Year: 2020
Episodes: 16

Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 4/5

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Romcom/Romance Checklist

[In Progress]
How much of the plot is angst/romance?
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The ML
ColdLukewarmWarm / Timid / Falls in Love First / Noble Idiot / CEO / General /
The FL
Bold / Cute / Cool & Independent 
/ Falls in Love First / Better Than ML / Noble Idiot / 
Describe the Relationship (the tropes):
Bickering Start / Childhood Connection / Cohabitation / Contract Marriage or Fake Couple /  Enemies to Lovers / Hidden Identity / School to Adulthood / Love Triangle / Married Couple (Real) / Secretly in Love (F/ML) / Star-Crossed Lovers / 
Relationship Progress (officially togetherfirst (official) kiss; breakup*):
Ep 1 / 2 / 3 / 
5* / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10  / 11  / 12  / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16  
# of CPs (including main CP):
0 / 1 / 2 / 
Happy / Sad / Open Happy / Open Sad / Bad

FanFanX: I recently started this and binged it overnight. I knew this would happen and finally accepted it. Worth the wait and the watch! My 2023 crush = Lee Do Hyun.

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Life Goes On

Hong Dae Young and Jung Da Jung have been together since high school. One day, Da Jung tells Dae Young some shocking news. He walks away from her, but then he walks away from his basketball game and goes after her. When she sees him, she tearfully says he shouldn't have come. He says no, it's his decision. He tells her to not cry, that she's his future and their baby is their future. He hugs her and says it's all right.

18 years have passed and they have twins, daughter Shi Ah and son Shi Woo, who are now high-schoolers. Da Jung has asked for a divorce and Dae Young isn't even living with them anymore.

Following a conversation with an old man, Dae Young goes to his high school to shoot basketball and makes a wish to go back in time. And so, he reappears as an 18-year-old man. Unaware of this change, he tries to exert authority over his daughter, when he discovers that she is secretly working at a convenience store after school. With help (and housing) from his best friend, Dae Young is now, Go Woo Young, ready to enroll in his children's high school as a student. 

Summer 2001. When Da Jung had found out that she was having twins, her mother had suggested that she get an abortion. She refused even though she'd miss out on going to college. Dae Young had argued with his father, who'd told him to not ruin her life, and so Dae Young had asked if she wouldn't regret keeping them. She'd gotten upset and left. Later, he received a call that Da Jung was in the hospital. He'd rushed over there and she'd tearfully told him that they couldn't hear the twins' heartbeats. Dae Young had tearfully sobbed an apology as the twins' father as he tightly held onto Da Jung's hand. Suddenly, the doctor could hear their heartbeats, as if they'd heard their parents' voices.

HDY voiceover: Life always weighs on a more important side. And even if the weight made us give up a lot more, we thought nothing would be as important as having these babies. And that's how we became their parents.

[Ep2] About The Things That Made You Smile

Today, Da Jung applies for an anchor job. However, it's a tough market for a woman nearing 40 with two kids to be on television. 

Later, Dae Young busts his daughter for vaping at school, so his wife has to come deal with this. When Da Jung arrives, she literally checks him out by pulling on his face with her hands.
She exclaims that he looks exactly like her husband did in his youth. XD 

JDJ voiceover: If you’re serious about your dream, no matter how hard it gets, I hope you’ll take good care of yourself.

[Ep3A Story About Rain and You

Da Jung had been a new transfer student at Dae Young's high school, and all the boys had wanted to win her favor. One day, it rained heavily and every single boy had offered the use of their umbrella to her. Dae Young had interrupted them and loudly asked for her to go with him. So they had shared his jacket to run out into the pouring rain. 

In the present, he finds out that his daughter doesn't like him because he's so old-fashioned. Da Jung gets the job. (Unfortunately, it's due to a misunderstanding about her age - because they had asked when she had graduated...) Dae Young gets his severance pay, and LDH's awkward dance here. Hahaha. (~21:00)
Da Jung tells Shi Woo that she got the job and while the two are hugging, Dae Young (as Woo Young) circles back and suddenly hugs them! LOL The varying expressions here! 

Da Jung's direct superior learns about her actual age and he's under instructions to not let her have proper work so she'd leave of her own volition. Double standards, sexism, unethical, etc.

Shi Woo has a bully, Goo Ja Sung. Dae Young helps out his son by challenging Ja Sung to a basketball game. His son isn't too confident about this.

Da Jung ends up interviewing a baseball player, Ye Ji Hoon (Ahh, Wi Ha Joon's smile...), and ends up getting water dumped onto her. She recovers with such composure and ease, while on air, which earns her the respect of Ji Hoon and many viewers. Shi Woo sees how well his mother handles this and decides to try out for basketball with Woo Young. The shy twin is becoming more confident.

Unfortunately, news of Da Jung's teen pregnancy gets out and now all these fans are against her. These same rumors are also spreading throughout the school. When an angry Woo Young was about to approach Ja Sung makes snide remarks about Shi Ah's parentage, and a livid Woo Young goes to approach him - but then Shi Ah's only guy friend, Seo Ji Ho beats him to the punch - by literally decking him. Eventually, Woo Young stops Ja Sung from using a weapon (mop stick) on Ji Ho.

June 2008.

JDJ voiceover: On rainy days, people can measure how big their love is. Even when they share umbrellas, as everyone holds them at different angles, it’s clearly visible how big their love is. So love and rain come hand in hand.

Dae Young had been told to pick up the kids from school. When he realized it was raining out, he had then remembered that the kids didn't have an umbrella, so he had ran to meet them with their one umbrella. When he arrived, he apologized to them for having drawn the wrong kind of whiskers on their face with permanent marker, but they didn't care. They only knew that they had had a good day today. Cute kids! He had insisted that they get under the umbrella, lest they become sick. Yet he allowed himself to get soaked to the bone as they're walking home in the downpour. Even though he was busy and tired, the kids were the most treasured part of his day. They were once such a happy family. (~1:03:55, my heart can barely handle this love.)

[Ep4The Boy We Loved Back Then

2000. Back in high school, Choo Ae Rin had had a crush on Dae Young. When she confessed to him, he'd told her that he didn't have time to date. But then he always made time for Da Jung. Ae Rin was very jealous and resentful of this. But one day, Da Jung saves her from her bullies, even though they weren't even friends at the time. And that's how they became the best of friends. Awww.

2012. At one of their high school reunion gatherings, a tired, defeated and disheveled-looking Dae Young arrives late to join his wife and then proceeds to only drink. To her utter disappointment, Ae Rin finds him to be the opposite of a glow up - "You insulted my memories!" xD

Ja Sung make disparaging remarks about Shi Ah's mother (it's gotten out that she had been a teen mother), and Shi Ah takes matters into her own hands by sucker punching him. She then tells him to never say anything about her mother and leave her brother alone or else. Heh. Don't mess with the women of this family! Rawr!

Da Jung deals with work issues as they're trying to reassign Ji Hoon's interviews to a younger newbie, Kwon Yu Mi, who acts like she's better than them (even though they've all entered at the same time). Ji Hoon asks to being interviewed by Da Jung only but it falls on deaf ears. Da Jung later tells him that she can take care of herself, so don't do anything on her behalf.  Elsewhere, Shi Ah is telling Ji Ho the same thing... and the guy appears to be secretly in love with her.

Later when Shi Ah passes out in school, Woo Young carries her on his back all the way to the hospital. Then Shi Ah catches Woo Young caressing her hair when she wakes up at the hospital. Oops. LDH's dad act is the best though. She has stomach spasms due to stress.

Later, Shi Ah talks outside with Ji Ho, who tells her to not always keep her problems to herself. And so she talks about her mother pretending to be okay when she's not. She resents her father because he was never there when they needed him. Dae Young overhears this last part and ends up leaving with those words ringing in his head. Shi Ah also blames herself for her parents' divorce, and for being born. :(

[Ep5First Love Never Comes True

Five months ago, Da Jung had asked for a divorce. 

2001. Dae Young had become jealous because Da Jung went to see a movie with some guy from church. She had finally told him that she loved him to get him to stop being upset. His response: He had wanted to tell her first. He had then said he loved her, and that she was his first love. Awww. (~0:44) 

When she had asked for the divorce, it had caused them to fight and say hurtful things to each other. 

HDJ: There are things that you can’t turn back. From the moment you confess your love until the moment you break up. Words that hurt each other and the regret that follows. I don’t understand why we are separating. 

Back in the present, any time Ji Ho tries to be attentive to Shi Ah, Woo Young is already a step ahead of him. Uh oh... Dae Young is trying to be a proper father to her.

Four months ago, during the class reunion gathering, Dae Young had gotten drunk and then upset and then yelled at her in front of everyone - about how he wanted to turn back time as he regretted meeting her. While he humiliated her, to add insult to injury, he had then passed out. Dae Young recently heard about his bad behavior from Ae Rin, and he has no recollection of this.

Today's the divorce proceedings and Dae Young can't appear so he sends "Woo Young" as his proxy to read his letter. Nonetheless, the divorce is finalized. T_T 

Shi Ah now not only has an admirer in Ji Ho but also Ja Sung. Except this girl seems oblivious to their feelings. Dae Young is surprised to see his own father outside waiting for the twins. He recalls the last time he’d seen him… 18 years ago.

Later, Ji Hoon and Dae Young finally meet... and it's not a great impression for either.  

Epilogue: Some creep has been keeping tabs on Shi Ah for the past six months or so...

[Ep6A Sincere Heart of Her Number 1 Fan

Da Jung receives a pair of heels from her No. 1 fan. Two days ago, during the guys' standoff, she'd tripped and fallen as her heel broke off mid-stride. She'd been taken to the hospital, and both guys had left to get her replacement shoes. Dae Young had taken the shoes to be repaired and it had taken a while, and he’d picked up a pair of slippers for her. Ji Hoon had returned soon with a pair of sneakers for her. Dae Young gave her the repaired shoes. 

Ji Hoon appears to have a daughter who lives at home with him. She later goes missing and when they’re reunited, there are photos taken of him carrying her out of the police station. She had gone looking for her mother. 

Back then, Dae Young’s father had said he would disown him after hearing about Da Jung’s pregnancy. Somehow, Dae Young ends up spending the day with his father, who only knows him as Shi Woo’s friend. He learns that Da Jung had given his father the shirt he was wearing, and he realizes that today’s his father’s birthday. It is revealed that Dae Young’s father had been helping Da Jung after she'd given birth to the twins. And in turn, she’d taken care of him. When they see each other later, it starts raining, so Da Jung runs over to give him her umbrella as she lives nearby. He says he’s fine but she insists. He offers to walk her home, and so they share the umbrella. He carries the umbrella and she’s the only one mostly shielded from the rain. Aww. Stop making me cry over an umbrella! 
Shi Woo spots Woo Young using sign language with a deaf woman who is asking for directions. When Shi Woo asks him about it, he says that he knows a little bit. Shi Woo is unable to practice with him today, so he invites him over to study instead. Dae Young ends up doing the dishes, and realizes that he had left all the housework to his wife because he'd been too busy getting drunk whenever he was not at work. When his mother-in-law shows up, he bolts out of there after a very awkward exchange. He later makes the decision to quit drinking.

Epilogue: Da Jung had gotten her shoes from her number one fan – Dae Young. He'd also secretly changed the light outside the stairwell of their home, had cleared out the sink full of dishes and left her her favorite snacks (that even the twins didn't even know she loved). 

HDY voiceover: They were so small and insignificant. You considered them to be unimportant. But these small things make you smile. I finally realize that now. It’s impossible to share my sincere feelings as it is too late. But I’ll be okay. As long as it makes you smile. 

[Ep7Someone Who Gives Me Courage

Ae Rin finds out who Woo Young really is, and Dae Young begs her to not tell Da Jung. She eventually reluctantly agrees. (~5:00, all about Lee Do Hyun's face here!)

Da Jung finds out that Ji Hoon is actually raising his deceased brother's daughter. His older brother had been the one who'd raised him, and had been his biggest supporter up until he'd died in a car accident. So Ji Hoon had adopted her and made plans to raise Seo Yeon as his daughter, just like his brother had with him. T__T My heart.

A drunk Ae Rin lets it slip to the twins' gym teacher (who had a crush on Da Jung in high school, and still does) that Woo Young is Dae Young. The jerk teacher decides to talk to Da Jung.

[Ep8The Story Only I Didn't Know

Woo Young and Shi Woo are now on the basketball team. Da Jung finds out from the jerk teacher that in 2009, Dae Young had made it to the draft, but he hadn’t taken it because he wanted to make money for their son’s asthma treatment. So much sacrifice from both parents. She feels awful and guilty that he had spent all his passion and energy on her and the family… instead of his dream. Dae Young had worked as a repairman and dealt with irate customers who were not satisfied with his work or refused to pay for his time. He’d started drinking and stopped sharing his worries with Da Jung. My heart is working overtime for these two.

Ja Sung finds out that his father’s been paying for him to be on the basketball team. He’s not the only parent dealing with this but no one wants to talk. 

Dae Young knows sign language because his late mother had taught it. She had had pancreatic cancer but the parents hadn't told him about it. And his father had started drinking…  She later died from her surgery which further deepened this gap between father and son. 

Back then, Dae Young's father had told Da Jung to get an abortion. He had completely alienated himself from his son. And Dae Young had become like his father… drinking to get through life. 
In the present, Dae Young and Shi Woo win their basketball game and Shi Woo really hugs him, which reminds Dae Young of their earlier days as father-and-son. He hugs his son back and once his son leaves, Dae Young decides to sign to his father who has been watching them play. “Abeoji. You said you were the happiest when you watch me play. I wanted to show you again. I’m sorry that it took me so long. I’m sorry, abeoji.” Both are crying, and Dad acknowledges this with a nod. (~1:00:00). T______T !!! Outside, they hug each other as they both sob over the missing years. All the onions.

Epilogue: Da Jung was late to the game because she had remembered back when Dae Young had left his game to tell her that she was his future, as was the baby. When she sees Woo Young in his basketball uniform, she is flooded with memories of young Dae Young.

[Ep9The Things You Notice Only After You Have Lost Them

The rest of the basketball team’s parents reluctantly join this meeting which is spearheaded by Da Jung with the help of Woo Young and his "father". She wants to expose the jerk teacher and the rest of the network for forcing parents to pay to have their kids on the basketball team. Back then, Dae Young’s best friend had been bullied by the jerk teacher in high school. He did the same thing then as he’s doing now – taking other people’s money for himself. However, the parents need more convincing. Later, when the jerk teacher actually beats on Woo Young’s “father” and even shoves Da Jung to the ground, they finally agree to help expose the whole operation of these corrupt “coaches”. 

Later Ja Sung apologizes to Shi Woo for being a bully before, as he had been mostly taking out his anger on him for witnessing his father slapping him. Hmm, still doesn't make it right though. 

Da Jung learns that Dae Young didn’t get the promotion he’d been waiting for and had been transferred to Busan. After his boss had insulted his family, Dae Young had punched him, which resulted in his termination.  

Meanwhile, Dae Young has a meal with his father. Dad tells him that Da Jung must’ve been busy raising two kids, working and taking care of him (Dae Young’s father). Dad also knows that she went through a lot because of him and his inability to properly care for himself. The meaning of family is right here in a nutshell. 

Dae Young finds out that Ji Ho likes Shi Ah. Afterwards, Ja Sung asks Dae Young if he likes Shi Ah, too, which makes him vehemently protest and adamantly deny this as a fact as he finds it disgusting. lol! Then Ja Sung says that he likes her as a woman. Dae Young imagines pointing a gun at him and having him cower before him. (~28:00, hilarious scene of our angry Dad…)

Later, Dae Young gives Shi Ah an alert keychain from “her father” so she can stay safe on her walk home at night. 

HDJ voiceover: Da Jung, you are doing a good job. So don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do a great job again. There are some things you notice only after you have lost them. A smile of my loved one. Time you spent with your family. When I had them, I didn’t know how precious they had been.

[Ep10If I Love Again
Shi Ah definitely has a stalker. Luckily, her mother had had her take self-defense classes with her before, so she is able to at least hurt the guy before she presses down on the button on the keychain from Dae Young. Dae Young suddenly appears out of nowhere to take down the guy –  but once he realizes that the person running away is Shi Ah, he becomes even more livid.

Now at the police station, Dae Young wants to kill him, and he actually puts the guy in a headlock so both Mom and Grandma can properly beat on the guy. The cops just watch this. In fact, one of them takes a broom to obstruct the camera’s view of the fight. (~22:55, Justice is justice? Terrible situation but the beating scene is so chaotic and hilarious!) 

While listening to Woo Young sing a song as he's playing the guitar, Shi Ah is reminded of her father. Aww. Later, Dae Young provides updates on Shi Woo and Shi Ah as Dae Jung is busy at work. She, in turn, sends these updates to Dae Young’s phone. He then asks her if she can meet…and when he shows up, he sees Ji Hoon already talking to her. So he turns around and leaves. 

Epilogue: A girl likes Shi Woo and gives him a bottle of water. Ahh, sweet Shi Woo is getting more attention now. He then asks Woo Young for dating advice.

[Ep11Lost Love

Da Jung waits for Dae Young, who never shows up. She's still worried about him, so she calls him to ask where he is. He says that something came up and then asks if she’s waiting for him. She lies and says she isn’t. 

Ja Sung sings at the arts festival, and it’s obvious that it’s for Shi Ah. He then publicly confesses to her and hands her a bouquet of flowers. To Ji Ho’s disappointment, she accepts his flowers. But her eyes have such sadness in them. The imp known as Dae Young is behind this grand public confession as he’d suggested to him that this is what she’d like. Even though he'd known the opposite was true. lol! Later, Ji Ho overhears Shi Ah rejecting Ja Sung, and she’d only accepted the flowers so she wouldn’t humiliate him in front of everyone. 

Ji Ho invites Shi Ah to a baseball game with Ji Hoon as starting pitcher and Dae Young crashes it thinking she’s on a date with her boyfriend, Ja Sung. Shi Ah then spots her mother talking to Ji Hoon. Our fangirl gets to meet Ji Hoon, and both mom and daughter are invited to dinner with Ji Hoon.
When asked to join, both Ji Ho and Woo Young say they’re not interested in going. Yet they’re both seething with jealousy. Of course they crash the dinner and make it super awkward. Ha! LDH's expressions here need to be made into one big GIF file. (All the time really. lol)

On her new divorce show, Da Jung admits that she regrets getting divorced, as she wasn’t honest and had she known that he had struggled just like her, she would’ve been able to comfort him. Later, she cries over her memories with Dae Young. 

Half Moon

Da Jung has a dream about kissing Woo Young, and she's understandably freaked out about it. xD 

Several events happen, which leads everyone into thinking that Woo Young likes Shi Ah. Hilarious…(and gross) to mull over. 

Later, Dae Young can't help himself and kisses Da Jung when she mentions the half moon as she wonders how her other half is doing. 

[Ep13The Man That Makes My Heart Flutter

Da Jung slaps Dae Young. However, this kiss and slap has been witnessed by Ae Rin, the twin’s teacher and Dae Young’s best friend. A humiliated and angry Da Jung leaves in a hurry to get away from him. When asked what he's doing, he replies that he's decided to tell her the truth about who he is because he doesn’t want to keep lying to her as he loves her. He follows her to the park and tries to talk to her but Ji Hoon interrupts them. She then lies by saying Ji Hoon is her boyfriend, and Ji Hoon helps her get away.

Ji Ho recalls Shi Ah thinking that doctors’ coats looked cool when she was at the hospital, so he decides that his career goal is to become a doctor. Meanwhile, Shi Ah’s decided to not go to college. Dae Young as Woo Young asks why she’s not going. She admits that she wants to become a makeup artist, which is her dream job.

In the elevator at work, Da Jung catches a pervert producer taking videos of Yu Mi - under her skirt, and she physically restrains him. She won’t back down, and refuses to apologize for insulting/assaulting the man. After the man is hauled away by the police, Da Jung’s heel breaks off. Yu Mi asks her why she refused to back down and to apologize even though their jobs were on the line. Da Jung says that she was reminded of her daughter being in the same situation. Later, Da Jung loses her show to another anchor. When she gets the shoes repaired, she learns that they're not from Ji Hoon. He later confesses to her but she gently rejects him. He seems to know that it’s because of her ex-husband. 

Da Jung finds out about Shi Ah’s part-time job, and she’s been saving money for makeup academy. When she tells her mother that she’s not going to college, her mother gets upset. Shi Ah thought that her parents thought she was a mistake, a burden and they never cared about her. Later, the two make up and her mother promises to listen to her first and she certainly cares. 

Dae Young looks at the bankbooks he’s kept for the twins. Later, he hands Shi Ah her bankbook saying it's from her father. She goes to the bank and the teller hands her the previous bankbooks. She starts sobbing as she reads each line item, as every deposit entry commemorates an accomplishment of hers, no matter how big or small, as they were all precious. Sobbing with her. It was evidence how proud he (both parents actually) had been. Her first steps, the first time she said Appa, first time she rode her bike on her own, the time she made him a scarf, and how both parents truly love her. Later, she finally calls her father to tearfully say that she misses him. When she asks for him to come see her, he sobs quietly at this. He says that he will make sure to be there. The call ends with both in tears.

In person, while on Dae Young’s phone, he tells Da Jung the truth about who he is - not Go Woo Young, and actually Hong Dae Young.

[Ep14I Miss You

Ji Hoon shows up at the address listed for Hong Dae Young, and is surprised to see Shi Ah answer the door. She tells him that Hong Dae Young is her father. 

Of course, Da Jung doesn't believe this is Dae Young, but his words continue driving her crazy. She’s even looking up anti-aging products. 

Ji Ho tells Shi Ah that he likes her but she only runs away from him. Later, she accepts him. Finally!

Da Jung learns from Shi Woo that Woo Young is his only friend, and he was bullied in school before. He says that after meeting Woo Young, he became more courageous and was able to play basketball. 

As one of the probationary employees, Da Jung doesn’t make it and gets fired from job. After work, she’s understandably upset and this is how Dae Young finds her. She tells him that she doesn’t want to see him. He tells her that it’s fine as she’s been doing well all along. She realizes this is exactly what Dae Young would say. 

It seems that Dae Young was somehow involved in the accident that killed Ji Hoon's brother.

Da Jung also finds out that Dae Young was the one who sent her the shoes. She finally realizes that he's really been there this entire time just as he had said. So she calls him, and they meet on the rooftop. She admits that she misses him. With great pain in her voice, she asks him why he kept staying by her side, after he’d said that he regretted meeting her. He pulls her close to him to say that he missed her, too, and then he kisses her. He pauses for a moment but then returns to kiss her as he can't seem to stop.  (~56:55)

Epilogue: A fatherless Ji Ho remembers Dae Young being a good father. When they had a school run, Dae Young had ran with him even after he’d ran with the twins. Later, Ji Ho looks at the footage from 2009… and realizes the young Dae Young in the video is Woo Young! Omo. But his face here…xD


Da Jung tells Dae Young that she didn’t have him stay so why is he here again. She admits that she misses him, and he tells her that he missed her, too. The two share a long kiss under a full moon. Later, Da Jung admits to not being in a relationship with Ji Hoon. They stay out all night long. 

Ji Ho is happily holding Shi Ah’s hand in school as he doesn’t care who catches them. But when he sees Woo Young, he quickly lets go of Shi Ah's hand like it's on fire. XD 

Da Jung and Dae Young decide to tell their best friends about their relationship… lol But they punk them first - she tells them that she loves Woo Young. The friends are quite shocked and our new couple leave together.  XD!!!! (~12:00) Da Jung then texts them – she doesn’t like being lied to but thanks them for helping Dae Young.  

Dae Young finds out that Shi Ah is dating Ji Ho - who continues to be afraid of holding her hand. Dae Young receives a call asking if he’s Shi Ah’s father, and he says yes, but then he realizes he’s using Woo Young’s phone. He turns around and sees Ji Ho is standing there on the other end of the call. The two talk about Dae Young’s identity, and surprisingly, Dae Young is very encouraging of his relationship with Shi Ah as he even gives him money for their dates. Ji Ho tells him that Shi Ah is waiting for him – whenever he returns to his old body. (~27:00)

Later Shi Woo and Dae Young find out that they’re being scouted by Hankuk University, and Shi Woo suggests they attend together. Dae Young leaves and Shi Ah immediately calls his father to ask him if he can come watch him in the finals on Saturday. His father says that he wishes he could but… Shi Woo is disappointed and hangs up so Dae Young returns to talk to him. Shi Woo tells him that he’s only interested in basketball because of his father. He wants to achieve his father’s dream for him but he’d been worried about disappointing his father, or being bad at playing so he’d always pretended to not care about basketball. Shi Woo explains that his father isn’t able to come so… Ja Sung interrupts to say his father is too busy, too and then he invites him to go to the PC cafe with him and his friends. Aww. Dae Young doesn’t go with them. 

Ji Hoon is in a slump. Ji Hoon's niece's birth mother doesn't want to see her daughter but at his insistence, she agrees. At this meeting, she promptly breaks the little girl's heart by saying that she’d forgotten about her long ago and never wanted her. He’s shocked by this, and she says that she’s now warned her off from ever wanting to contact her. He tells Da Jung that he’s quite worried that he’s making everything worse for his niece. Da Jung suggests what if he stays as her uncle. Just as no one can ever replace his brother for him, to his niece, there’s only one father for her. He realizes that he’s been trying to make his niece forget someone that meant the world to her. 

Ji Hoon then tells her that he’s been looking for her husband as Ji Hoon's niece had been a passenger in the car at the time of the car accident. A drowsy driver had run into his brother’s car that night. Dae Young was someone who’d ended up in the accident, but then he’d noticed a car was on fire. He had actually rescued Ji Hoon’s niece from the car first. A truck ended up hitting the car again, and then the car exploded before Dae Young could return to save her father. Dae Young had then ended up fainting and when he’d woken up, his family had been there. At the time, Ji Hoon had offered compensation to Dae Young for this heroic deed and he had refused. In the more recent conversation between the two men, Dae Young had actually apologized for not being able to save his brother. Ji Hoon had then offered compensation again and Dae Young had said that he'd only thought of his own daughter, which is what he’d said back then, too. T_T 

Ji Hoon tells her that her husband is a great man. She agrees with him. He then says if she’d told him that she couldn’t get over anyone else, he wouldn’t have given up. But if it’s her husband, he can’t be his match. He sincerely wishes the two of them only happiness. He then asks if it’s hard for them to be friends. She replies that she thought they were friends already as she considers him a good one. 

Shi Woo tells his mother about being scouted for Hankuk University, along with Woo Young. However, Woo Young has told him that he’s not going, but he won’t tell him where/when he’s going. Da Jung asks to meet Dae Young, she congratulates him on being scouted. He tells her that he’s going to find every way to return to them. She tells him to go live his dream and to end their relationship. He tearfully begs her to let him stay by her side. (~1:00:00) 

She admits that it was hard to see him playing basketball, as he seemed so happy. She wonders if she hadn’t told him that she was pregnant then… She tells him that regretting his life once is enough so… He tearfully begs for her to give him a chance. She shakes her head no and tells him he already has a chance right now, Woo Young. She leaves and he continues sobbing. She’s also sobbing nearby. 

Later, at the empty school gym, Dae Young desperately begs to have his old life back. T___T

[Ep16Life Continues

Dae Young meets with Da Jung, instead of playing at the finals. She’s quite upset to see here though. She screams that he’ll regret this again. Da Jung cries heartbreakingly as she tells him that she's ruined his life again. He denies this. He had thought that at first but then he remembered everything with the kids and their life together, these memories made him happier than playing basketball. He recalls when their kids took their first and being called Appa for the first time. These moments made him happier than playing basketball and being named MVP.  And right before her eyes, Dae Young is back as an adult! (~2:00, this entire scene with the two of them just slays me. Ugly crying. See below.) 

HDY: I didn’t realize how precious those moments were, and every time things got hard, I became a fool and regretted what happened 18 years ago. I asked myself, “Would I have been happy if I didn’t give up on basketball?” I always dream of the life I never lived. However, I know now what kind of life I want. Da Jung, you didn’t ruin my life. You gave me a chance. And my decision back then was the best decision of my life. I won’t miss out on that chance. Da Jung. You have no idea what you mean to me. She’s sobbing and so is he. You are my first love as well as my last. You are my life. I love you. 
JDJ: Me too. I love you. She walks over and cups his face between her hands. I missed you, Hong Dae Young. With tears streaking down their cheeks, they kiss. 

Inside the gym, Dae Young and Da Jung watch their son play basketball but his team is losing. Dae Young calls out his son’s name and Shi Woo looks over in surprise. Dae Young only nods his head in encouragement. Shi Woo runs off and then gives a pep talk to the team - that his father is here watching him play for the first time ever and he wants to win. The boys, including Ja Sung look over at the few fathers who are in the crowd. Now they’re all properly fired up, and Shi Woo makes the final shot to give them the win! Afterwards, Shi Woo happily runs to his father and then tearfully hugs him. Dae Young is reminded of when Shi Woo had hugged him when they were classmates/teammates. Awww. Dae Young says, “Good job, my son” as he hugs him and pats him on his back. He can finally say it now.  

Outside, a bully tries to push Shi Ah, but she quickly steps out of the way and the bully ends up falling to the ground. Suddenly, the bully’s father shows up and demands that she apologize to his daughter. When Shi Ah says that she picked on her first, so why would she need to apologize, the father gets angry and scolds her for refusing to apologize when she did something wrong. The man then asks if that’s how her parents raised her and they’re interrupted by another voice - it’s Dae Young – saying “You’re too much.” Shi Ah can only stare at him in surprise. Dae Young tells his daughter that she did wrong. The bully smirks at this. Shi Ah says she really didn’t hit them. He says if he were to ask who was at fault here, anyone could answer who is. He then looks at the father and says, “You think this very old man wouldn’t know and just stubbornly argue that he’s right? That’s only what uneducated people do. People aren’t that stupid nowadays.” Uncomfortable now, the man breaks eye contact and clears his throat. 

Dae Young turns his attention back to his daughter and says, “And I know I should’ve thought twice when you started learning martial arts! You can’t just beat up people like that.” He turns back to the father and says loudly, “You have to stay calm, even when some brat comes along and ticks you off. If you go ahead and punch them, you could easily knock their ribs out. Look how tiny they are.” The bully starts covering her ribs with her hands. Dae Young then asks if they shall go over what really happened. They don’t say anything so he asks the bystanders if they all saw what happened. A girl points at Shi Ah and says that she was right, as the other girl started the fight and she tripped over while trying to trip his daughter over. Dae Young turns to the bully and her father and says to apologize to her. The father tells his daughter to apologize and the girl begrudgingly does it. Then Dae Young tells the father, “You too. You should apologize, too.” The guy says, he’s just an old man, how can he possibly apologize to some young girl. Apologies are limited by age? Dae Young says age doesn’t mean anything. He points out that he had said himself that one needs to apologize if they did wrong. He continues, “My daughter is as precious to me as yours is to you. I’m being very civil right now, despite how frustrated my daughter feels. So, just apologize and leave.” The guy finally apologizes and Shi Ah accepts it. The man quickly leaves with his daughter trailing behind him with a whine. 

Dae Young looks back at Shi Ah and asks if she’s okay and says that she must’ve been scared. She says with tears in her eyes, that she’s fine, thanks to him. She then asks how he knew to come at the right time. He replies that he didn’t, as he came to see her because he missed her. Shi Ah sniffles at this and then hugs her father. She cries out what took him so long. He apologizes for making her wait as he hugs her and rubs her back. Awww. She now starts sobbing. T_T The onions… Both kids know their father’s love has always been forever.

Now the twins are at dinner with their parents, as Dae Young apologizes for putting both of them through so much because of them. He also apologizes for scaring them. Da Jung also apologizes to them. Then Dae Young says if they will allow them to, they’d love to live together as a family again. Shi Woo tears up at this and an equally tearful Shi Ah asks why he’s even asking that. She continues saying that of course they’d be happy to have him back, and Shi Woo agrees that he’d like that. Dae Young smiles with tears in his eyes. 

Yu Mi secretly leaks the footage of Da Jung fighting that pervert producer inside and outside the elevator, so she goes viral again. Ahh, she’s finally redeemed herself. Da Jung starts receiving calls for different shows and Dae Young notices how busy her schedule is becoming, so he says that she needs a manager. He becomes her new manager and takes the job very seriously. Eventually, Da Jung runs into Yu Mi and asks if she’s the one who sent the video. Yu Mi admits that she did, and she knows that she was very mean to her before. Da Jung says that she didn’t have to do this. Yu Mi says she thought about what if her older sister was in the same situation so this is all she could do. Da Jung thanks her and offers to treat her to a meal next time. Yu Mi says she’d like that, Eonni. Redemption complete. 

Dae Young shows up at the high school to meet with Shi Ah’s teacher about her college plans, and he runs into her and her friends. He makes sure to give them money for the snack bar and the three thank him. After he leaves, Shi Ah’s friends comment that he normally gives her an earful. Shi Ah says that he’s always said that for her benefit and suggests they head out together. 

Dae Young is told by the teacher that Shi Ah doesn’t plan to go to college, which he is already aware of. When asked if he’s not sad, he admits that he was at first, but there’s something she wants more so he’ll support her decision. The teacher is surprised that he’s more understanding and accepting than she’d thought he would be. 

Shi Woo shoots basketball by himself and recalls one of his last conversations with Woo Young, who had told him that he was going back to the U.S. so he wouldn’t be able to attend the same college as him. Ah, this is how they explain Woo Young’s sudden disappearance! Shi Woo had asked how he was going to do this without him. Woo Young had said that he could be a cool guy without anyone’s help, and now he has the guys from the basketball team. Shi Woo asks if he’ll regret not going to university, and Woo Young says, “No. Shi Woo, there are too many things I cherish more than basketball. And I realized that too late. That’s what I regret the most. You should always live your day to the fullest. And never forget your loved ones around you. I want you to remember your days as an 18-year-old filled with good memories instead of regrets.” He then put his arm around Shi Woo’s shoulder and patted him on the arm. Shi Woo’s reverie is broken by someone saying, “Hey, Hong Shi Woo.” Shi Woo turns around thinking it sounds like Woo Young, and is surprised to see his father walking towards him. 

Dae Young cocks his head at him, and says that he’s pretty good at basketball, too, which is something Woo Young had said to him before in the same manner. Shi Woo looks confused so Dae Young asks if he doesn’t believe him, and asks for the ball. Shi Woo hands it to him, and Dae Young makes the shot from the mid-court line and in it goes. Dae Young then suggests that whoever scores ten points first gets a free drink. Shi Woo agrees and Dae Young loses the game. Shi Woo says that playing basketball with him reminded him of Woo Young. Dae Young pauses but before asking him who that is. Shi Woo replies that he was his friend who was always next to him whenever he needed him. Dae Young asks if starting now if he can take Woo Young’s spot and be his friend. When he needs him, he’ll be right there with him. Shi Woo smiles and says yes. I don’t want to cry anymore but I’m tearing up at this.

Later, Dae Young and Da Jung are having drinks in her hiding place, the stairwell, and he says that it seems like yesterday when they had these two toddlers crawling in their small studio. He then says treating his time with the three of them as a regret was the biggest mistake of his life. Da Jung asks if he has another regret now. He shakes his head and says, “No. There is one thing I learned after getting young.” She asks what that is. He replies, “No matter how old you get, there is always something new to learn. If you think of it as a regret, that’s the end of it. But when you think of it as a lesson learned, it brings a new beginning. I’ll try to learn more from now on. Whether it’s about work, life or love. I’ll try to find what I love to do again.” She thinks it’s great and wanted to tell him that, too. He replies that he’s going to spend the rest of his life without any regrets. She agrees and says it’s not too late for them. So they can learn everything they want and appreciate them. He says that there’s so many things he wants to do with her and asks if she’ll join him. She says she can’t wait. The two hug and enjoy the view of the full moon. 

Afterwards, she hands him a pair of VIP baseball tickets with a note from Ji Hoon: “This is a token of gratitude to Mr. Hong Dae Young. Please come together.” He’s confused about a token of gratitude and asks what that means. Da Jung says, actually…

Da Jung meets Ji Hoon before his game. He asks where her husband is and she says that he had something to do and he’ll be late. He notices the bracelet on her wrist and gives her a compliment about it. She says it’s a gift from a fan, and since she’s put it on, good things have happened. Ji Hoon says he doesn’t know who it is, but that fan must be happy. (It was him!) She offers to lend it to him for his game tonight. He laughs and suggests that she should just cheer for him. 

Later on, Dae Young meets Ji Hoon’s niece, the girl he saved that night, in the boxed seats. He tells her that she’s grown a lot, which makes her ask if he knows her. He nods. After Ji Hoon wins the game, Yu Mi interviews him and asks what the secret to his win today is. He replies it’s a special person - and then he shouts “Seo Yeon. Your uncle won!” Seo Yeon happily waves at the TV and calls him uncle. Aww.

Afterwards, Dae Young meets Ji Hoon, who thanks him. They’re interrupted by Seo Yeon who calls for her uncle. So Ji Hoon picks her up, and he walks away as they’re discussing ice cream. 

2 Years Later

At their high school reunion, Ji Ho and Sa Jung show up together, and they each sit next to Shi Ah. When asked why they’re so late, Sa Jung says he had [basketball] practice and Ji Ho says he had practicum. Shi Ah’s friends comment about medical school being intense and Shi Ah says don’t get her started. Ji Ho says that he never gets a break. Shi Ah asks why he had to go to med school. With his secretive-looking smile, he says that he doesn’t know, because of someone. Heh. He then pulls out a bouquet of flowers and presents it to her. She smiles and says he knew it was their 800th day anniversary. He says of course, and then apologizes for being so busy lately. She happily accepts the flowers, even though she normally doesn’t like this sort of thing. Her friend says when it’s someone you love, anything is great. Ha. She then tells Sa Jung to give up already. He just drinks his beer and then promptly passes out. Haha! Ji Ho asks why Shi Woo isn’t here. Shi Ah says that he’s probably in a fight. 

Shi Woo is chasing after his upset girlfriend who won’t tell him what’s wrong. He finally holds onto her hand and tells her that she has to tell him so that he’d know. She asks if he really doesn’t know – it’s because he keeps smiling at his fangirls. She asks if he thought she’d get scared that she might lose him. She says that he changed after going to college. He gives a smile before saying all right, he won’t ever do that again. Then he says that his father said that a man must not ever let go of a woman who was there for him during his difficult times. So she doesn’t need to ever worry. Aww. 

Dae Young is now teaching sports to little kids. Perfect job for this appa! Da Jung has a sports’ fan meet show now. The two meet after work, and he’s wearing a suit. He takes her to.. shoot basketball at the high school gym so she can watch. Ha. He tells her if he makes this shot, then she has to grant his wish. So right before he lobs the ball across the way, he proposes to her. The ball goes in and he’s happy. Then he turns serious, and says they should have a wedding. He continues saying that he knows that when they were young, they couldn’t afford it, and then as they got older, they didn’t have time. But now, both of their kids are in college now, so let’s not push it back any longer. He adds that he really wants to see her in a wedding dress. She asks if she’ll still look nice if she wears it now. (Kim Ha Neul really does look wonderful in everything!) He sweetly replies, “In my eyes, you’re the prettiest woman as you are. And that won’t change.” He then pulls out a ring box and says that he might not be able to give her things as expensive as other men but he’ll only give her the best things that he can. He then places the ring on her finger. Squeeee!

Some time later, Da Jung’s name is trending again because she’s getting remarried to Dae Young. To celebrate her upcoming nuptials, Ae Rin takes her paragliding. lol Okay, green screen it is! 

The whole family in their wedding finery. 

Their wedding day arrives. Both her mother and his father are part of this wedding. Awww. I’ll stop crying…never with this one. This family. T_T The old man who changed Dae Young’s life shows up right before the family photo is taken.

HDY voiceover: If our story stopped here like the ending of a movie, my life would have been a happy ending. However…

JDJ voiceover: From time to time, we find ourselves struggling. We fight and get disappointed. 
HDY: There are days when we hated each other. But… Thanks to that, we understand each other better. We learn to appreciate each other more.
JDJ: And we love more. There were days when we were happier. 
A young Da Jung and Dae Young watch an old couple holding hands walk ahead of them. Da Jung says that’s so cool. Dae Young reaches over to hold her hand and says “Let’s never let go of each other’s hand until we grow old like them.” 

In the present, Dae Young reaches over to hold Da Jung’s hand and says, “We should never let go of each other’s hand for the rest of our lives.” She smiles at him, and they continue walking with their hands linked. 

HDY: Thinking back… endless happiness was always in our lives. Anyone can find it and enjoy it. It’s a common luxury all of us can have. For that happiness, we decided to love our decisions. We chose people based on love. And we are grateful for our decisions. And as for my loved ones and myself who are living diligently as always, I would like to cheer them on to the end of time. In life, even if you miss out on happiness…[Montage of their past and present moments together and with their children.]
JDJ: As long as you have that one person who will look for happiness with you, your life will be worth living. [Scenes of their children walking with their own respective loves.] 
HDY: Don’t forget that you love each other. 
JDJ: Be disappointed that you cannot cherish each other better. 
HDY: And promise for a better tomorrow. 
JDJ: Just like that, our lives will continue. [The further they walk away, the more they age, but they’re still holding onto each other.] 

The End.


[First Impression (Ep1-)] I've wanted to watch this for so long but knew it would literally send me on an emotional rollercoaster, which happened within the first ep. Lee Do-hyun was the initial draw. I binged this is one night. (Yes, it was worth losing sleep and then going to work on one hour of sleep for it. xD)

[Actors/Actresses] Lee Do-hyun is truly a treat (and treasure) in this. His facial expressions plus his I-am-your-dad scenes are just spectacular. He's a method actor and it shows. 

Ahh, Yoon Sang-hyun - I haven’t seen him in a long time, at least not in anything substantial since My Fair Lady. Get ready to cry...

I've actually never watched Kim Ha-neul before and only know of her by name. One of my favorite kdrama mom actresses, Kim Mi-kyung, appears as her mother. Ah, Wi Ha-joon is in this and I've loved him since Romance is a Bonus Book. It took me a while to recognize Roh Jeong-eui as Hong Shi-ah – she’s the popular 2FL from Dear.M. I find her to be a much better character here. Ryeoun as Shi-woo is adorable here! (I've seen him in Adult Trainee, and he's not this sweet... albeit totally ripped. I still can't reconcile that it's the same guy!) Ah, and Hwang In-youp is in this as well but I'm not liking him here.

How is Lee Ki-woo, who was so sweet and mild in My Liberation Notes such a disgusting pig in this?! Kim Yoon-hye from Shooting Stars is not very likable in this. I want to slap her smug face in this. These two are great at making me hate them so much in this series. Mark of a good actor? Ha.

[Behind the Scenes] Plenty available out there but will spare you and only share this sweet one. :)

Not a BTS but this is the link that had me interested at all. I'm all about Lee Do-hyun's expressions! Don't watch if you haven't seen the series yet though... 

[OST] Full OST

하나면 돼요 The Only One | 소유 SOYOU 
Hello 헬로 | 소향 Sohyang * 
너였으면 If You | 최낙타 Choi Nakta 
한사람 One Person | 솔지 Solji 
 How To Love | 손디아 Sondia
기억은 추억이 된다 Moments Make Memories | 적재 Jukjae 
Somebody | 클라라C Clara C
다시 사랑한다면 If We Love Again | 윤상현 Yoon Sang-hyun

[Ending] Happiness in life and love.

[Highlight] Ep3. Umbrella scene


[Review & Rating]
I finally watched this series! I’ve been waiting to watch it – because I knew I’d get hooked –  in the best way possible.

I truly enjoyed Lee Do Hyun and Yoon Sang Hyun’s performances as teen and adult Hong Dae Young respectively. Lee Do Hyun’s performance is captivating – his I’m-seriously-your-appa yelling and those expressions with his eyes cracks me up juxtaposed against those heartbreaking moments of past and present. He carries a maturity that not all actors of his age can exude. He totally channels his inner ahjussi here!) Kim Ha Neul as Da Jung is just as compelling – a woman who can hold her own, gracious, and refuses to stay beaten down by obstacles. She remains unbroken in spirit and stays compassionate and kind. It doesn’t mean she’s a doormat. Her friendship with her bestie is an interesting one as well. Yoon Sang Hyun’s Dae Young also broke my heart – just so beaten by life, and so blinded by its hardships. 


I’m always a fan of Wi Ha Joon but I’m ready to see him stop being the sweet 2ML who doesn’t get the girl, as this series was no exception. It was refreshing to see how accepting he was about Da Jung's rejection, and instead he was able to build a much more meaningful relationship with his niece, the most important person in his life.

As much as I enjoy our leads, this story really wouldn’t work without the twins – Shi Ah and Shi Woo who have such different personalities which is also reflected in their high school experience. I love the bonding between each parent and child – and my favorite was Shi Woo with his father when they’re in high school together. Like mother, like daughter, Shi Ah is also independent and takes no bull from anyone. She has a love story of her own which is slowly revealed over the series, and we know more about this than her for most of it.  It took a little while but we learn to appreciate one's parents, such as Da Jung's mother and Dae Young's father.

Besides the romance between our leads, this series really is about family - the changing dynamics, love that is there but not always seen, and forgiveness for not being perfect as individuals, a partner, a parent, a child, and a fellow human being.

Romance ✔️
Family love ✔️
Young love ✔️
Forever love ✔️
Healthy relationships ✔️
Hilarious ML ✔️
Independent FL ✔️
SLS ✔️
Fantasy element [Just enough to make this work]✔️
Annoying best friend of ML ➖ 

What I did not like about the series but it won’t drop my rating is the annoying side couple composed of Dae Young’s best friend (his faux father) and the twins’ teacher. 

This series is like a mosaic coming together - every little individual piece has intrinsic value on its own but it works even better when you connect it to the larger framework. There's a complexity, nuance, and more focus on what truly matters. Usually a series with flashbacks can be so tiresome and sometimes useless in moving the storylines along. For this one, it’s so necessary as they provided insight into both Da Jung and Dae Young’s thoughts and feelings for the different timeframes. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in living life that you can forget about the reasons why you live the way you do. It makes me weepy even writing this because it was so deep – their love for their children, and the fact that the real love between these two people had been left out in the cold as they were both equally worn out with the daily grind of life and obligations. Their biggest issue isn’t lack of love but lack of open communication as they’d forgotten how to do that.

Overall, I love this series. I’d rewatch this one easily without hesitation. It’s sweet and tender, interspersed with laugh-out-loud-hilarious situations, and just enough chaos. This top-notch cast is what makes this series so enjoyable, memorable and relatable. My heart shattered so many times but it got put back together and now my heart is better than before. We can find happiness, grab onto it, and continue to make our own.

Random Recommendation: Doctor John 

Rating: 5/5♥♥♥

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