August 2, 2021

My Fated Boy | Reviews

A younger boy is in love with an older woman for his entire life and possibly even before birth. 
Chinese Title
My Neighbour Won't Grow Up 
Episodes: 29

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He YuLu Zheng An
Li Xi RuiLin Yang
Tian Xi WeiLi Tian
Shang Bai: Xie Nan Ke
Zhou Xiao ChuanMa Le
Zhao Yuan Yuan: Cao Ling


(Updated as of May 2022)
My Neighbour Can’t Sleep
DirectorSun Cheng Zhi

ScriptwriterHu Meng
♠ My Neighbour Can’t Sleep (2019)

ProducerHu Meng
♠ My Neighbour Can’t Sleep (2019)


Other Relationships
Other GenresOWYM


Five (5/5)

Reviewer: FanFanX 
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Sept 2021
I hate his hair. That's what I'll start with. 😆 Beyond that, I really love Lu Zheng An. The sweetest smile, those mischievous eyes, and the utter look of love (and sometimes deep sadness) when he looks at Lin Yang. He's so sincere. (He Yu just has the cutest expressions! 😍) Even his voice is sweet. I like how strong he is, resolute and kind.

I was never really into noona romances before. But I think it's more fitting since I'm older now. Hahaha This is the 3rd one this year. (I like the kdrama, Romance is An Extra Bonus Book.)

Li Yang just wanted to live a "normal" life. No huge aspirations and there's nothing wrong with it. I love how much she supports him. She's got an independent streak in her but she's lonely. (I also think her loneliness came from waiting for Xia Nan Ke...) She was stronger than she thought, and she'd always had someone on her side, but it took her a while to realize that.

I got really annoyed at Xie Nan Ke over time. Especially after LZA and LY officially got together and then he seriously tried to trivialize LZA's love for LY. Yet he's the one who let his own insecurities and failure to properly love LY or to even say anything to her - whereas LZA has always, always loved her and has never made her feel otherwise.

Li Tian (Tian Xi Wei) is very pretty, bright and very likeable. She matured through her heartbreak (and with her sister's support). I'd watch her in something else.

His manager, Ma Le, is hilarious. The poor guy does look older than his chronological age. I love it when he falls for Cao Ling (she's so pretty and serene) and acts like a besotted teenaged girl. 😆 Both of her best friends are wonderful - different but compatible. Yao Dan (so straightforward and fierce) is the friend every woman needs.

This series was just beautiful and addicting. It was so easy to watch. And so much develops from episode to episode. I love the titles of the eps (at least the English translation). I loved hearing LZA's voiceover during the beginning of the eps, too. I absolutely love the bits of their childhood days and then their relationship in the present timeline. The childhood days' scenes just got sweeter and sweeter. The kid actors were so cute. The dialogue was amazing!

I also love the way "adult" is defined by each parent in this show (E15). My favorite is Li Dad's: "Adults are actually older children but they can't act like children. They have to be sensible, bear the grievance and stay strong whatever happens and compromise all the time. So being an adult is hard..." Very well put. Personally, this was something that I wish had been explained to me as a child/teenager. I was given the "This is what you are supposed to do as adult. Just grow up already."

LY's love note/lyrics scene with the parents gathered around it like it was a bomb cracked me up. Of course, LY was a Jay Chou fan... 😆 (Reminded me of every missed concert in Wait, My Youth!) Aww, little LZA told on her. But he grew up to become her idol. 🤣 We, the viewers, knew she was his biggest dream. The broken Ming vase...I love how LY covered up for LZA, but Lu Dad was acting like he did it. Awww. (He's the best dad!)

I could probably watch the morning after scene in E21 at least 5 more times. She got so shy and he's relishing in it. 😆 The hallway shuffle scene. 😍 Officially, his lapoa!!

This series, at first glance, seems to be about romantic love but it isn't just that - it's about friendship, family and every kind of love that we experience over time. And you know this series was so endearing as I didn't try to rush watching it, I watched it over a few days to make it last just a little bit longer as I knew I'd hate to see it end. 😭 The last 4 eps with their childhood scenes were brutal...they were so sweet and poignant. And meant the inevitable end to this series. This is going on my go-to re-watch list.

So I took the bait and watched My Neighbour Can't Sleep next...🤣 (Same screenwriter and producer. I binged it. Not quite as good as My Fated Boy, but it's still sweet. The plot is very lax... as in there isn't much of one. But it's all very cute and enjoyable. The leads are great. Xi Song definitely glowed up a bit in My Fated Boy.)

Reviewer: flash2351
(See in comments under Recaps&Review)
Date: Jan 2022
Hearts: ♥♥
So I just binged this after hearing FanFanX recommend it and also because the premise is hilariously relatable (Random tangent, my son is a year younger than my best friend's daughter, and we have continuously been "joking" about pairing them up so that we can be in-laws in future. Inverted commas around joking because we won't force the kids, but we would be ecstatic if it really happens haha.)

Anyway, overall the first few episodes were a little slow to start, and (forgive my bluntness) neither of the leads were super eye-catching nor stunning. And yet, slowly with each episode, show slowly crept into my heart and before I knew it, I was totally in love with this show. There is so much to love here, I don't even know where to start. In most reviews, I feel like I can just talk about the leads, but how can I do that here when all the side characters are just as compelling?

Lu Zheng An

First off, total agreement with FanFanX, what is wrong with his hair? But perhaps, that is only thing we can criticize about him, both character- and actor-wise. I loved his story, of how he was always in love with Lin Yang, of how he refused to call her "sister" and calls her "wife" instead. Initially, I found it slightly presumptuous for him to call her wife without her consent, but drunken Yao Dan makes a good point, she also refers to him as her little brother without her consent. Perhaps it's his way of showing that he doesn't agree to the brother title.
I loved the way he loved her too. He always tried to be there for her, and he never forced her into anything. He always let her take the intiative (though sometimes he can be a little manipulative). It was her who invited him to stay with her, it was her outburst that finally broke the facade and allowed them to be together and it was also her who initiated their first night together. I also liked how despite being a singer, he lets his actions speak, rather than his words. He expresses his love by tidying up her house, by taking care of her and cooking for her... He understood her insecurity and gave her a promise ring to tell her that he is always thinking of her. (My god, I teared up when she sobbed over how touched she was)

There were times where he annoyed/angered her due to his immaturity, but he is always quick to learn, quick to change, quick to apologize. The episode that began in the hospital where his anxiousness caused him to invade her personal space, moving into him consulting a bunch of older women at work for relationship advice and finally transitioning into him not calling out her lie of being at work, just quietly following her and making sure she is safe while giving her space was perfect. Perhaps immature is not the right word for it, rather it's inexperience with relationships, but he is mature enough to acknowledge his problems and quick to improve. I love that about him. Furthermore, how can we blame him for his inexperience? After all, he never had space in his heart for anyone else.

Acting-wise, I think He Yu nailed the character. I loved his mischievous grins and the love pouring out of his eyes when he looks at Lin Yang. He really does feel like a young man, helplessly in love with a woman who doesn't realize it yet.

(Random tangent 2: Did they ever explain how he caused the scar on her shoulder? Was it from them rolling down the hill after stealing oranges?)

Lin Yang

Appearance-wise, I don't think Li Xi Rui stands out among the numerous FLs in other dramas, but acting-wise, she really shone in this drama. I could feel her sadness, her weariness, her anger, her joy, her determination, and most importantly, her love.

I loved how her dream is just to live a normal life and get married. It's seems so simple and yet, I wonder how many people actually achieve it. And really, at the start of the series, she is perhaps the furthest from it she's ever been. She has been used to been alone for so long that she doesn't understand how to rely on someone else. It's why she and Xie Nan Ke were never the right fit (both of them were too head strong and too independent). It's only LZA who teaches her that it's ok to lay down her armor, because he will protect her and never hurt her. Drama sort of equates that with being childish, and I guess it's true somewhat? Children don't need armor, because they know their parents will protect them.

I completely understand her hesitation to embark on a relationship with LZA. After all, he always appeared so playful and bubbly, who knew that he was so serious and devoted to her? I loved how the initiation of her admitting her feelings for him was her learning the extent of his devotion to her (reading his years of posts all only visible to her). Only when she knew how serious he was, was she able to take the plunge.

Her growth in the relationship was also so organic and relatable. She slowly learns to rely on him more and while there are times where she snaps at him, she is also quick to apologize and acknowledge her own shortcomings. There are also times where she reverts back to her bad habits (carrying all the burden on her own), such as insisting on denying their relationship to save his career. Perhaps the point where she really grew up was when she decided to trust him and take the gamble together.

(Random tangent 3: Something that always tickles me is when show does a double entendre to tell the audience the series is ending. When she confronts Jia Ru Xin, she tells her that the show is almost over. But she's also telling us... T_T)

Their childhood and their love

I love the snippets that we see from their childhood. There's humour, but there is also relevance to the events of the episode. I loved how she always protected him as a kid (taking the blame for the vase, for the bullying and "saving" him from the orange tree owner), and how now, it's his turn to protect her. The scene where he moved away was a tear-jerker, and I felt the same way as show was about to be ripped away from me too. The episode of them revisiting all the childhood memories was amazing. It really cemented the feeling of them being meant for each other. In Ma Le's words, perhaps only after we've searched the world for the right one will we realize that the person was right next to us all along.

Their love really enwrapped me as well. I love how they both grew in this relationship to become better people for each other. They also became more alike (e.g. her becoming more clingy, while he learns to give her space). I love how they slowly learnt to trust (for him) and rely on (for her) each other. I also loved how they have no secrets from each other. IMO, that's what a perfect relationship should be like.

The scene where she insists on bearing the blunt of the media attention so that he can chase his dream and him yelling "My biggest dream is YOU" was so touching. I loved how fearless his love is.

Li Tian

Honestly, she was one of the big reasons why the first few episodes were such a turn-off. I was so ready to dismiss her as the typical whiny, bitchy 2FL, but then.... show took my expectations and threw it out the window.

The amount of character growth she shows is insane. She slowly learns from her mistakes and matures from a childish little girl to a woman who knows what she wants now. She learns to accept the reality that LZA is not meant for her and slowly moves on, bit by bit. She even has the courage to go back to her office and work again after embarrassing herself like that. I can feel her hurt, from her sobbing upon seeing his ring, to her taking it out on the printer and then to her, holding back tears as she talks to LZA for one last time. She is healing, but she isn't there yet.

And yet, even as she is broken herself, she manages to help others. She teaches Xie Nan Ke to let go so that he can heal. And she also saves our 2 leads with her proposal. I loved that. I loved how she became the one to save them. In a sense, it's karma isn't it? LZA, although he rejected her time and again, was never harsh nor cruel. LY, although she had to put up with her bitchiness and manipulative techniques, never abused her position nor retaliated against her. Furthermore, LY was willing to give her a second chance and even gave her space to cry (by chasing away another guy at the printer). I loved this message that drama sends. Be kind to everyone.

Cao Ling and Ma Le

Funnily, my favorite line in the show was spoken by Ma Le, "Why should she hide that she has a kid? What is there to be embarrassed about as a single mom? The person that should be embarrassed is that scum who abandoned her and her kid." It's funny, because it's both so true, and yet... so naive? All of us should agree with this statement, and yet it is always the single mom that bears the judging stares, not the scum that walks about freely with no labels.

Cao Ling also grew in this show, from someone who was ashamed of her past, she learns to embrace it, because it is part of her. I loved the final scene where she no longer fears her past and spits it out at her parasite of an ex-husband. Also, as someone who has been hurt and rejected before as a single mom, she slowly learns to trust again and finally ends up together with Ma Le.

Ma Le, omg, where do I even start. He is a hilarious character and it's funny how he's the most childlike despite being the oldest. At first, I thought he was just going to be a bumbling buffoon that gets led around by LZA. But nope, there is so much more depth behind his character. I loved how he was willing to do whatever it takes, even sacrificing his company to protect LZA. Another line that really touched me was when he said to Boss Hua, "Since we are the adults who have everything, shouldn't we be responsible for protecting the dreams and the love of the ones who don't?" It's funny how the funny guy ends up blurting out two of the most touching and inspiring lines in the entire drama. Behind his childish facade, lies a man who has weathered countless storms and yet, still maintains his childlike wonder in the world. Or perhaps, it was LZA who reignited the childlike wonder in him and why Ma Le wants to go to such lengths to protect his dream.

I also love how he turns into a lovestruck teenager in front of Cao Ling. It's as though he reverted back to a 15 year old boy, not knowing what to say, not knowing what to do, but just wanting to be with her. Their romance is so sweet in their own way, and I loved the final scene of him tearing up when he saw the wallpaper on Cao Ling's phone (a photo of the 3 of them).

(Random Tangent 4: Another scene that didn't really fit in any of the above categories was when the 3 "adults" went to solve the issue for LZA and LY. I loved that scene, and it was also so sweet and touching watching the 3 "adults" protecting the dreams of their "children”)

The Parents

Omg, I loved the parents. Mommy and Daddy Lu are hilarious in their bickering relationship, but even under all that, you can see that they do love and care for each other.

I hated how Mommy and Daddy Lin hid his illness from LY, but its perfectly understandable. it's ironic that the next scene is LY lecturing her mom to communicate more and rely on her more, when it's something she herself is guilty of not doing with LZA. But perhaps that's also what helps her realize her own mistakes. I like how the characters grew here as well, the Lin family realizing that they need to communicate more with each other, instead of just bottling everything up, and also how the two families rekindled their relationship.

I also loved how all the parents were so supportive of the relationship. It's funny how the two mums were talking about hoping the kids would get together while the two kids were hugging right outside their door. Hahahaha. It's also funny how the parents end up doting on the other kid more and threatening their own kid to not bully their spouse.

Love vs Career

One theme that is somewhat touched on here is that of love vs career. Initially, we see the sacrifices that the women make. Cao Ling gave up time with her baby for her career, while Li Miao Miao gave up her career for love. And yet, at the end it's the guys that sacrifice. Boss Hua gave up a lot of responsibilities so that he can spend more time with Li Miao Miao, while Ma Le stepped down as the music company's boss to help out at Cao Ling's restaurant. LZA also stopped being a singer and became a producer, probably to reduce the scrutiny on his private life and give more security to LY.

I like this message, that there isn't someone who should always sacrifice, everyone in a relationship has to work to maintain it. Furthermore, is it really a sacrifice? Perhaps, a better word is choice. Each of us only have a limited time in this world, and we just have to choose, how to best spend this limited time, be it in career or in love.


It's nearly the end of this spew, I promise. 

It's funny that the chinese title of this show is "My neighbour refuses to grow up" when I think the overarching theme of this show is growth. All the characters are growing in this show, none of them are the same as they were before.

LY and LZA grew, both career-wise and in their relationship. They grew into the best people suited for each other. Ma Le grew and finally found what he truly wanted in life, Cao Ling. Cao Ling grew and learnt to embrace her past. Li Tian grew into a mature girl who understood what she wanted in life. Even the side characters, Xie Nan Ke, the parents, Li Miao Miao and Boss Hua, all grew in their own way.
I also liked how show didn't equate growth to being an adult. LY and Cao Ling grew to become more child-like. Li Tian also grew and her solution to the BIG problem was a child-like solution, to sell a fairytale love story, an idea that the adults didn't think of. I like the message that there isn't anything wrong inherently to being child-like, we just want to grow to the best version of us, both for ourselves and our partners. It's also fitting how in each relationship, there's an adult and a child (LY and LZA, Cao Ling and Ma Le, Xie Nan Ke and Li Tian), although the last one is not strictly romantic.


Congrats on making it so far!

I loved this show so much. In a way, this show is reminiscent of Go Ahead. Both shows were slow to start, had childhood connections, and it didn't just focus on romance, it's about the friendships, the family, and the growth (or healing for Go Ahead) of the characters.

There's also a lot of positive messages that show sends, which really resonates with me (single moms have nothing to be ashamed about, protecting our dreams, relying on each other in a relationship, etc).

There's also so much more that this review doesn't touch on (some I forgot, some I excluded so as to keep this as concise as I can hahaha), so I would highly recommend watching it for yourselves.

Four (4/5)

Reviewer: cynlynn
(Copied and pasted from Recaps&Review
Hearts: ♥♥

Lin Yang: "Romantic and warm, and with hope”. 

Lin Yang’s line is the feeling this drama elicits. Lin Yang is the mature female lead; Lu Zheng An is the cute boy unconditionally in love. Our drama is a romantic fairytale that blends maturity with cuteness into a romance that’s so heartwarmingly beautiful, you guys, I forgot I was watching a romcom. The snippets of the childhood scenes, the soothing music, everything enamoured me and tenderized my heart, it’s kind of sore now. This drama makes me want to believe their romance can be true. 

In the beginning I wasn’t a believer of this drama. He’s a popular singer and she’s seven years older. It’s already hard dating a celebrity, and on top of that, our drama is adding an Older-Woman-Younger-Man (OWYM) tag but it’s precisely this tag that makes their romance so envious. A line from Lu Zheng An that summarizes his devotion: 

"You grew up with me, (and so) I’ll pamper you until old age."

I don’t consider myself a fan of OWYM dramas because I dread its associated tropes (overcoming stereotypes of differences in age, breaking up because of family and societal pressures, etc.) but the drama easily avoids all of them and with barely any misunderstandings, our couple’s love for each remain resilient the moment they reciprocated. All our secondary characters are such good people. The bosses, the second female lead, the parents, everyone is charming, and everyone is supportive. 

In summary, what worked for me: the romantic romance, the suitable actors, the short format, the soothing music, the supportive characters, and an ending that reminded me how lovely this entire piece is. I think I need to keep tabs on this director. 

Highly worth binging – I actually got to binge most of this (rare for me) because I invested in this one kinda "late". If I ever had time to rewatch a drama, there's a high probability I'd pick this one, especially because it doesn't have the typical drag in the second half of the drama.

Three (3/5)

Two (2/5)

One (1/5)

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