May 30, 2024

Nancheng Banquet | Recap and Review

General Well
A general falls in love with a eunuch who is his (female) assassin.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Wang You ShuoYan Zhang Yun
Zhao Zhao YiFu Xiao / Xiao Qiang Zi
Chinese Title
Episodes: 24
Recap Grade: C
First Impression: 3/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1Fu Xiao is to assassinate Yan Zhang Yun, a corrupt general (according to her shifu), but she's amnesia-ed and becomes a eunuch: Xiao Qiang ZiXiao Qiang is usually a nickname (for men), which means cockroach = strong vitality

Wang You Shuo:
Yan Zhang Yun
Zhao Zhao Yi:
Fu Xiao / Xiao Qiang Zi

Our FL has no idea who she is but our ML does: his assassin. Out hawt, hawt General Yan arrests her, but she's saved by the silly, silly Emperor who claims her as his "inner bedroom's"! It sounded like he was claiming her as his consort! xD He just meant personal eunuch

[Ep2] General Yan spares Xiao Qiang Zi after confirming she's got an amnesia-bullate on her occiput. Aight. The bump doesn't make her stupid, but General Yan stupidly thinks so and lies to her that she's actually his agent! Even his lackey is shaking his head. She squeaks out of his threatening grip, and runs...but not for long. He needs her to recall a memory about the (other) corrupted general she assassinated. This is how he triggers her memory: 
Xiao Qiang Zi: "Bang!"

Xiao Qiang Zi faints after the fright therapy. She's being diagnosed by the physician. General Yan is concerned, "What disease does she have?" Doctor's like, "Da ren, what kind of disease do you want her to have?" LOL. She's actually poisoned. 

Xia Ning Jun:
Zhao Yun
Zhou Zi Xin:
Xiao Heng

2nd Couple. The situation: Empress wants his babies; the Emperor doesn't want her babies. (They don’t even want to look at each other in the character posters.) They're kinda funny actually. Everyone's scheming around them, but they remain pure.

[Ep3] The Emperor draws the Empress (in order to not sleep with her): 
Xiao Qiang Zi is threatened to "poison" the Emperor by an unknown woman who has been helping her pass all her eunuch examinations. It's a devitalizing pill = pro-erectile-dysfunction pill. Someone doesn't want the Emperor to have an heir (or an heir with the Empress?). Eunuch Liu Yi Dao took it by accident. Thankfully he has nothing to devitalize. It does make him cry weak tears. Hahahaha
Xiao Qiang Zi also took the Pro-ED pill thanks to General Yan. Thankfully, in a way, she's like Eunuch Liu Yi Dao, and only got the sobbing symptoms. Then she accidentally takes an aphrodisiac-spiked soup (meant for the Emperor from the Empress). I'm crying for her poor hormonal system, lol. The effect is strong. She's allured by the very presence of General Yan, who knocks her out immediately. 
My vision of him exactly since Ep1.

General Yan wants Xiao Qiang Zi under his surveillance, and so he amplifies the gossip between the Emperor and Xiao Qiang Zi. This leads to Xiao Qiang Zi's arrest by the Grand Empress Dowager. Xiao Qiang Zii's fighting instinct activates, which surprises everyone including herself. General Yan arrives in time to offer this explanation: Xiao Qiang Zi is his agent who he assigned to protect the Emperor. Everyone's got an O-shaped mouth, except our hawt General Yan.  
General Yan: So, are you mine? 
Xiao Qiang Zi: Yes, I am General Yan's. Bring me with you!

Xiao Qiang Zi also trusts General Yan's antidote implicitly and gulps it down. 

General Yan asks her if she blames the Emperor for not saving her earlier. No. 

Xiao Qiang Zi: You're the one who put your life in someone else's hand, and then when they can't save you, you hate them? What kind of logic is that? 

She'd rather not rely on someone to survive if she could. Smart and capable

General Yan wants Xiao Qiang Zi real close, like right in his bedroom. She sleeps on the floor, though. When he's asleep, Xiao Qiang Zi searches his body for more antidotes.... 
I love his composure even after being molested xD.

[Ep4]  Oh blast it. There's a childhood connection. Xiao Qiang Zi saved General Yan when they were children. Why did I only cry, eat and poop as a child 😩.
General Yan uses Xiao Qiang Zi to expose an executive minister for embezzlement, but when there's a punishment (flogging) he bears it all by himself. 

The Emperor suggests nominating an officer to oversee General Yan's Division. Both the sinister ministers agree except they can't agree on whose mole to insert. They ask the Emperor, who quickly appoints Xiao Qiang Zi. He mutters merrily, "You guys are the ones who let me decide." I like how this trio (Emperor, Xiao Qiang Zi and General Yan) have each other's back.

[Ep5] Xiao Qiang Zi feels guilty that General Yan is flogged because of her. It's because of himself

Xiao Qiang Zi: I really wanted to take a few hits for you!
A Cheng: No one stopped you from doing that! LOL.

Xiao Qiang Zi tends to General Yan's wounds. His back is marred with fresh wounds on top of older scars. Each scar tells a silent story. My heart! General Yan mitigates the severities of his wounds. There's one that's recent and is actually from Xiao Qiang Zi (assassin), but he lies that he was bitten by a dog. He was being sweet, and he insulted her, lol. He also got her back for calling him a crazy dog

Xiao Qiang Zi is devastated when she discovers General Yan's antidote was a lie. She sobs to him that he never cared about her life or death. He's sitting there, motionless, and utterly helpless to her tears. Very cute. To compensate, he gives her a whistle. Wei Tian Jiao is jealous. [He's a loyal commander (whose father is unfortunately the embezzling minister)]. He wants a present too! 
This is when Xiao Qiang Zi realizes the value of her gift. Every time she blows on it, General Yan will run to her like a dog! HAHAHA. Now everyone wants a present from General Yan. (None are as awesome as her whistle)

[Ep6] Xiao Qiang Zi cares for General Yan now ~ She buys him hand lotion while going on a date with the Emperor. She also defends him when citizens defame him. General Yan was already admiring her for caring about the citizens, and now she's caring about him too. It's over. His eyes are permanently heart-shaped. 

I see their married life:
It is Xiao Quan (Empress's brother) who wants to kill General Yan and has taken control of Xiao Qiang Zhi's sect. Everyone there is poisoned.

General Yan's real identity is Qin Yan. He grew up with the Emperor (and for him to return with a new identity must mean his family was banished or executed). 

[Ep7] General Yan loses to Xiao Qiang Zi and injures himself in order to fool the Emperor that he isn't Qin Yan. I love how much more worried the lackey is. I can see this CP's biggest obstacle, lol. General Yan also applies a skin patch to hide the scar from the past. Xiao Qiang Zi feels bad for hurting him, but General Yan feels worse that he fooled her again.
Xue Ru (Empress's maid) nonchalantly suggests to transfer Xiao Qiang Zi over. There's so many benefits. It'll give the Empress more chances to see the Emperor, and she can teach the Empress how to seduce the Emperor. When a girl needs relationship advice from a eunuch: #Desperate. Empress's wits aren't a total loss. She has Xiao Qiang Zi test her flirting on General Yan first. With a heavy heart, Xiao Qiang Zi knocks on General Yan's doors, her cutesy voice squeaks and grates my ear: "Chang Yun, it's me! *Cringes* Zhao Zhao Yi's cutesy voice is no joke*Door shuts*
I love how she rested the flower on herself, haha
Working for the Empress is killing Xiao Qiang Zi. Literally, haha. She gains a little life when General Yan visits. But he doesn't. She huffs and puffs on her whistle and hurls it out the window. 

General Yan visits! He waits until Xiao Qiang Zi is dead asleep to check on her wound. He was worried all day! And it's fake. xD. He's a little upset about that.

The next morning Xiao Qiang Zi runs away from the palace, and leaves a letter for General Yan. She really wants him to fetch her. 

[Ep8] Two main discoveries: 1) Xiao Qiang Zi learns her pre-amnesiac mission was to kill General Yan; 2) General Yan knows Xiao Qiang Zi is a girl. 
  1. Xiao Qiang Zi meets Qing Yun who says he's her shidi. He asks her to step aside to talk about her mission. One step, and they're out in the woods, lol. Meta. She's like "Isn't it just one step? Do we need this big of a step?" 
  2. General Yan discovers Xiao Qiang Zi is a girl when her clothes are disheveled because of the pain from her poison. Release your love, General Yan! 
Xiao Qiang Zi sympathizes with the Empress now. Her father is using her, and the Emperor doesn't love her. The Emperor admires Xiao Qiang Zi's considerateness. Meanwhile Xiao Qiang Zi pinches her nose at him because he just came out from perching on the potty for hours. The potty is his only safe place. Lol. Poor Emperor and Empress.
General Yan is investigating Xiao Quan. His team is blocked from entering a makeup store because "men and things with claws (=animals) are prohibited from entering." LOL. Is that not implying men and animals are equals. The boys recruit Xiao Qiang Zi to have her cosplay as a girl. When General Yan finds out, he's enraged, and quickly fetches her back by arresting her for molesting him.
I love how she accused him back xD

[Ep9] Out of jealousy (of Chu Yue), Xiao Qiang Zi commits to her mission and devises an elaborate trap to kill General Yan. 10 seconds later. She regrets it. She goes back to save him, which is an excuse to dance with flying arrows. Two self-realizations are made: for Xiao Qiang Zi, she realizes her heart won't allow her to kill him; for General Yan, he loves her, but – O'! – he cannot love her. He has to prioritize his revenge. He cannot forsake everyone's sacrifice – Qin Family, Uncle Lei and Chu Yue – to selfishly love a woman. Human, we can do both! 

How Qin Family (ML) went down: The Emperor, who was just a kid back then, was forced by the ministers to issue an edict against Qin Family, and now PM Xiao is doing it again. The Emperor, an adult now, is no different than when he was a kid. Useless. Infuriated at his own inferiority, he takes it out on the poor Empress, ordering her to strip in public with all the attending servants present.

Xiao Qiang Zi goes on a mission for General Yan (who doesn't know) to search Xiao Family for evidence.

[Ep10] Xiao Qiang Zi blushes with happiness when General Yan saves her. She doesn't really need it. She's certain he cares for her. To help her clear her suspicions, he creates a distraction. Even the Empress is defending Xiao Qiang Zi! Aw!! Even though we all know she just wants Xiao Qiang Zi's brain to seduce the Emperor, lol, but that's still very sweet of her.
The next morning, General Yan blows the whistle to inform Xiao Qiang Zi that 1) he's outside and 2) he's safe. This little morning date was supposed to be brief, but she tells him she took a day off today. She wants to spend more time with him, and he smiles at that.

In between, Xiao Qiang Zi must have fallen asleep walking because General Yan is now putting her to bed. She's been faking her sleep though with her pursed her lip, wanting a kiss, and conveniently forgetting that she's a eunuch to him. General Yan leans in only to give her the whistle, but there's a symphony of butterflies in his heart right now, I know it

General Yan is hopelessly jealous. His guard shares one sip of soup with Xiao Qiang Zi, and he punishes him to run laps. The guard will never know what he did wrong. 

There's a forbidden love!! Xiao Quan loves his sister, the Empress! Scandalous! But she's not his sister. His father's mistress had someone else's child. Xiao Quan vows to give the Empress happiness and freedom. That's why his spies want to give the Emperor pro-ED pills. Xiao Quan's father dies oh so conveniently after he learns of his son's forbidden passion. (By the way, more than the son, it's the Emperor who sobs the most because it's tears of joy, lol.)

[Ep11] Xiao Quan plays the filial son card to take back his father's corpse from General Yan's autopsy. 

There's one person who's actually sad for PM Xiao's passing: the Empress when she really should be the last person to care. He doesn't love her as a daughter and only has use for her womb. She sobs that she has no one to depend on anymore. Oh, good. She cares about herself, lol.  Yes, don't worry about him, worry about yourself, sweetie. Without her father's support, the Emperor's love, and a child of her own, she's vulnerable in the palace. Xiao Qiang Zi drinks with her to comfort her. The girls get so drunk, they play with makeup. I don't think Xiao Qiang Zi looks prettier with heavier makeup, but I'll go with that facade
The Emperor sees Xiao Qiang Zi with makeup on. Even though General Yan quickly throws her over his shoulders, it's too late. She already tantalized the Emperor's heart. 

Xiao Qiang Zi continues to tantalize, and her – one and only – target is General Yan:
Xiao Qiang Zi: Empress says I'm pretty. Am I pretty?

There's more seduction! 

Xiao Qiang Zi: Yan Chang Yun [...] I'm a girl, and I LIKE YOU.
He covers her lips, but he's not as fast as her mouth. Then she kisses him! He doesn't stop her at all, but neither is he reciprocating. Awwww. You poor man. KISS HER BACK. Again, she kisses him! And he finally kisses her back. 
Too bad Xiao Qiang Zi is drunk, and doesn't realize her kisses weren't a dream. 

Xiao Qiang Zi may have wished she was still drunk and didn't see this other kiss: Xiao Quan kissing the sleeping Empress. Xiao Qiang Zi hid it well, but Xiao Quan still learns what she saw. I thought they arrived at a deal, but when Xiao Qiang Zi leaves after the supposed agreement She immediately blows her whistle. General Yan runs to save her, but she's already injured. (He's calling her "Fu Xiao"). 

[Ep12]  Xiao Qiang Zi wakes up from her injuries. She realizes General Yan changed her clothes. She smiles bashfully. He's even more bashful, can't make eye contact.

Xiao Qiang Zi lies that she didn't see her assaulter im to protect the Empress. General Yan asks if she can at least tell him. She can't, but she swears she will avenge herself.

General Yan also lies that keeping Xiao Qiang Zi's sex a secret is to cover his negligence.

Xiao Qiang Zi: Is it not because you're worried about me?
He changes the topic to her medicine
Xiao Qiang Zi: You are worried about me. 
Silence is admittance.
General Yan (to himself): I'm sorry. I will not let this person hurt you again. Phew, I almost thought the apology was for something bad

General Yan gives up his room for Xiao Qiang Zi to sleep in now that they both know she's a girl and she's injured. No no no. She insists he stays. Furthermore, even if she's healthy, they can still cohabitate (;

Xiao Qiang Zi tells shidi that she has feelings for her mark. Shidi's like, It might be a honey(-man) trap. Xiao Qiang Zi giddily replies, Then I'll just beat his trap with my beauty trap. Her mood is immediately spoiled when she spots him entering a brothel though. (General Yan is visiting Chu Yue to tell her to leave because Xiao Quan knows her identity: the daughter of the deceased General Lei.)
Jealousy visits General Yan too. He's petty that Xiao Qiang Zi is fooled into caring for the Emperor, who's faking a respiratory inflammation (i.e. cold), and orders her to guard the door for him and Chu Yue's rendezvous at the brothel. That also shows how much he trusts Xiao Qiang Zi. Chu Yue is his spy

[Ep13] Jealousy is here to stay. Xiao Qiang Zi is bothered by the pouch General Yan keeps dear to him, and when she questions him, he's upset. Xiao Qiang Zi, it's your awful sewing! The next day, Xiao Qiang Zi tempts General Yan into noticing her, but every flirtation is intercepted by the Emperor. He has hopelessly convinced himself that Xiao Qiang Zi is in love with him. 

Xiao Qiang Zi pettily makes General Yan guard her doors too. She's just sitting on the bed with the Emperor, and somehow they can still fall on top of each other. 
Did Xiao Qiang Zi's petty revenge actually work? Because General Yan's everywhere with buns, and hot water. Aw, you. At night, she's "cold". Achoo. Despite the obviously fake sneeze, he gives her his blanket. Now he's cold, but insists he's not. 

Xiao Qiang Zi: [You gave me your blanket.] Is that not because you're worried about me?" 
General Yan: That's because you – belong to my Qianyuwei.
She makes him correct himself. 
General Yan: ...That's because you're mine. Eeeeeee!
Xiao Qiang Zi silently squeals at the top of her lungs. 

And then everything sucks. Grand Empress Dowager arrests Xiao Qiang Zi after learning she's a girl. Meanwhile Xiao Quan has captured Chu Yue. Who will General Yan choose to save: Xiao Qiang Zi or Chu Yue? He makes orders to fetch the Emperor to save Xiao Qiang Zi while he goes to Chu Yue. 

It's bad either way: Xiao Qiang Zi becomes "pregnant" with the Emperor's child (in order to keep her safe), and Chu Yue stays kidnapped, while another comrade dies to ensure General Yan's identity is concealed. General Yan can't do anything, except silently watch them die and let their corpses be devoured by dogs. 

It sucks for the Empress too. She treated Xiao Qiang Zi as her friend, and she now has the child of the man she loves. And she's loved by her brother, ew, and her father is not her father.
The one funny moment in all of this: This imperial physician. HAHA.

[Ep14] General Yan is a noble idiot, rejecting Fu Xiao and pushing her to the Emperor, who's the safer option. He's rotting himself in his room and drinking, blaming himself for the death of his comrade while Fu Xiao is blind to his pain

Fake babies are always fun, lol. This is the Emperor's solution for Fu Xiao's pregnancy:
A new cushion for each trimester! Fu Xiao = where do I die? There's still a baby problem 10 months later. The Emperor has the solution again: get the imperial physician to diagnose a Nezha ultrasound, and they will have three more years of gestation LOL.  Yep. She should just die now. The Emperor has another solution: actually have his baby. 

EmperorZhen will definitely give you a royal heir. 

So where's the coffin? (This Emperor actor had another fake-pregnant FL: Oh! My Sweet Liar!)

The Emperor's harem are all happy consorts that Fu Xiao is pregnant. They all thought he was gay, hahaha. Now there's hope for everyone. Fu Xiao feels uncomfortable with the attention and fakes a fetal movement. Empress's like Hasn't it only been a few months? Fu Xiao replies, "It's because (s)he's royal." xD

15 years ago, it was Bai Yi, Fu Xiao's shifu, who killed Qin Yan (General Yan). He's actually royal too. He's from Ningguo).and works with Xiao Quan to covet their respective thrones. 

Xue Ru is the masked woman with orders from Xiao Quan to kill Fu Xiao because she's pregnant with an heir. Fu Xiao didn't even manage to blow her whistle in time, and General Yan is already here to save her. Xue Ru commits suicide. Is Xiao Quan hot or something? Why are these girls dying for him?

Fu Xiao takes the pregnancy in her own hands ("since it's her own flesh", lol haha). She's going to lose it from falling off a chair, but then Xiao Quan arrives. He's better than a chair, most definitely. As she walks past him, she falls all on her own, and blames him for pushing her, HA!

[Ep15] Poor Imperial Physician Qu! He has to pulse-read a fake fetus and mind-read Fu Xiao and the Emperor who are discordant on the fake fetus's livelihood. He chooses Fu Xiao. She's un-pregnant! Grand Empress Dowager demotes Fu Xiao to cleans potties. 

The Emperor was playing possum this whole time. It was his men who killed PM Xiao, but without orders. The Emperor did clean up the crime scene. He eliminated his archvillains (Xiao and Wei), but realizes Xiao Quan is worse. Hoping that General Yan is indeed Qin Yan, they work together and frame Minister Song....... He's guilty of embezzlement, yes, but not murder........

At the end, did the Emperor give an opportunity for Fu Xiao to see General Yan? Aw? 

[Ep16Scratch that sentence above. The Emperor knows Fu Xiao likes General Yan, but still wants Fu Xiao as his wife. What happened to being bros! He hopes to promote her to be his consort after she attends to Princess Jiayang of Ningguo. However, her promiscuous rumours have General Yan worried for Fu Xiao. 

The Princess is also related to the Mercury Sulphide case, and General Yan's assassin from 15 years ago. She's also Bai Yi's (shifu) jiejie.  

Fu Xiao is jealous that General Yan is seduced by the Princess. She imitates the Princess's scent, but gets high on the aroma. Now she's dancing in General Yan's ward and pounces on him. He flings her over his shoulder to take her back, but her room stinks of the Princess's stench. Haha. He takes her to his bed, and holds her hand that's holding him, aw. However, noble idiocy is in his blood. No matter how much he wants to hug her, he must restrain himself. 

[Ep17] Fu Xiao diets to seduce General Yan. She makes a bet with the three guards that if she can't lose 5 jin (~pounds) then she'll give them each 3 taels. Deal!
All that eating work, and she still gains weight. The universe is against her. But! General Yan will fight the universe for her! He punishes all of them for betting. It's 10 taels each, except he gives every penny to Fu Xiao. Awwwwwww. Sho shweeeet. He tells her to buy food (all of her favourites), but too bad, the Princess intercepts. Fu Xiao has no room to eat food. She's full from jealousy. 
General Yan confiscates Fu Xiao's beauty products from the Princess. He had asked her if she noticed any peculiarities after using them. Fu Xiao turns serious. "See my skin, see my hair, see my aura." LOL. But there are consequences. It makes users dependent. Can someone care about Eunuch Liu Yi Dao? I'm quite worried for his health. He seems to be the mice for all poisons, haha)

Fu Xiao changes her approach. She badmouths General Yan to repel the Princess. General Yan hears it all.

General Yan: So you I'm despicable and shameless, devilish and crafty, sharp and unkind, vicious and merciless.
Fu Xiao: Yes! I'm talking about you. You shamelessly and despicably seduced me. You craftily tricked me into loving you. Now you're sharp and unkind to stop me [from falling more in love with you]. You're viciously and mercilessly pushing me away. She's a pro! 

She asks him if he feels a sense of achievement to have her chase him like this. 

General Yan: If it's this painful, why must you be so dedicated? 
Fu Xiao: Who's dedicated! The princess is right. A woman cannot just hang and die on one tree. If she has her Four Seasons, then I can have my 24 solar terms. Haha.
He really is vicious and merciless: General Yan grabs her wrist, and pulls her into a soft embrace

I have no idea if he said it out loud or it was telepathy, but now Fu Xiao believes General Yan that he's approaching the Princess to investigate the Mercury Sulphide case. The next day, she brings the Princess's Four Seasons to the brothel and finds out Xiao Quan has connections with Ningguo. She tells General Yan her findings, but he's hung up on her hanging out at the brothel with Four Seasons. Hahaha
Uh oh, Princess wants General Yan as his fiancé. 

[Ep18] The four, I mean the two of them play jianziThey're so selfish, hahaha.
Playtime's over. Let the suffering begin. Fu Xiao is drunk after she learns of General Yan's engagement. He visits her. (Chu Yue's there too, but it's like she's oxygen to him.) 

Fu Xiao: He doesn't want me anymore. 
General Yan: He doesn't not want you. Maybe he had no choice either. 

The next morning, Fu Xiao leaves the palace and writes a letter to General Yan. It's not a hate letter this time. It's filled with love, but since he has big things to do, she can't be with him. She even comforts him that since she has amnesia, maybe she can forget him. 

General Yan spots Fu Xiao's pouch. He confirms she's the girl who saved him 15 years ago. Apparently that was her dowry. Aw. Fu Xiao's new pouch must have the same meaning: marrying herself to him. comment brought up that General Yan had already engaged himself to her, and knowing that they're one person freed that guilt

General Lei assassinates Fu Xiao! She blows her whistle. Luckily, General Yan was already pursuing her. She's saved. Her martial arts don't work without her memory eh.

KISSSSSU! (He let go of the harness. I was totally worried if the fake horse was going to run)
Enough of  ♪ Conceal, don't feel, don't let [her] know ♪ General Yan tells Fu Xiao everything (about the fake engagement). He would rather be with her even if it's dangerous. She's absolutely understanding, and absolutely flirty. She wants some 甜頭. It means benefit, but the characters literally mean a bit of sweetness. She wants this 甜頭: 💋
General Lei ends his assassination plans but warns General Yan that her parents died because of him. ???

Eunuch Liu Yi Dao is not okay! I told you guys to check on him! He makes great evidence, though, and confirms there's HgS in Ning's incense. 
The boys staring at their enemy (Xiao Quan).
Our couple can't sleep. They're in their own rooms and talking to each other. What are these walls. She wonders when she can sleep while watching his face. Wow, lol. He's wow-ing on the inside too, I swear. She questions him if he doesn't want to. From her end, he's silent. He has to tell her that he's been nodding. Awwww

There's a consistent theme with the Emperor. On top of liking theatre, he himself loves to 假戲真唱 (fiction comes true / play-acting that turns into reality) whether it's the fake baby, the fake engagement, or the puppet monarch. His whole life is an act, and he tells everyone else to fake it till you make it too (like Fu Xiao's pregnancy and General Yan's engagement).

[Ep19] Our stupid couple thinks they're not obvious in their honey-moon phase.
It's Qixi. 
  • Empress is still a simp for the Emperor who is still unaffectionate towards her. 
  • Wei Tian Jiao and Chu Yue are going to be a couple?? I like that a lot. That means she'll leave our ML alone
  • General Yan and Fu Xiao are secretly being mushy. 
It's a bloody Qixi. The Princess is killed by Bai Yi (her brother!) and it's framed on General Yan. 

[Ep20] General Yan is imprisoned. There are witnesses that he didn't kill the Princess, but she still died on his watch. Releasing him will raise tensions between the nations. Fu Xiao visits General Yan with dumplings. I thought it tasted awful, but that's an expression of nostalgia.
Fu Xiao busily investigates in General Yan's stead. For the princess-murder, she suspects her shifu/shijie. For the HgS, we have to thank Eunuch Liu Yi Dao. He really does make great evidence! They take his urine sample to extract HgS that they couldn't from the incense. Now Ning cannot force the Emperor to incarcerate General Yan since they were in the wrong first, but he is demoted for failure of duty. Liu Yi Dao. What a clever name that keeps serving. Liu Yi Dao = 留一刀 =  to hold back a trick / not to divulge all one's trade secrets. There’s always one critical trick left in this eunuch, hahaha.

Everyone is "mean" to Wei Tian Jiao because he's the new general, lol.

General Yan oh no!!!! He's just "Yan Chang Yun" *mopes* apologizes to Fu Xiao for making her worried.

Fu Xiao: You're mine, of course I have to be worried about you. 

Chu Yue overhears the lovebirds, and betrays Yan Chang Yun. She tells Xiao Quan about the thumb ring. No way! Tell me this is a scheme of hers...

[Ep21] Fu Xiao wants a night of romance (sex, lol), but Yan Chang Yun only has the capacity for work (revenge). He sleeps on the bed, and doesn't notice it's covered with rose petals. In the morning, he wakes up with Fu Xiao next to him. Clothed. She quietly admits that she only wanted to watch him for a bit, which ended up being the whole night. He loves it that he can wake up seeing her. <3 The first person he wants to see after he wakes up is her. The last person she wants to see before she sleeps is him. You two
Seeing the old pouch, Fu Xiao jokes that if he accepts her new pouch, he's her.

Yan Chang Yun: It's a promise ("I'm yours")
Fu Xiao: I'm joking! 
Yan Chang Yun: I'm serious. Swoon.

All of a sudden, Fu Xiao's poison is worsening. Out of nowhere, Shifu arrives with an antidote. As random as his appearance is, he's here to threaten Yan Chang Yun that to save Fu Xiao, he must die. I guess it's a deal. Yan Chang Yun completes everything on Fu Xiao's bucket list. He also gives her all his money. She's not suspicious at all...
Oh background, can you be faker?
Fu Xiao overhears a conversation between Chu Yue and her father. They gossip that General Yan has completely fooled Fu Xiao into loving him. It's only a matter of time she'll tell him the thumb ring's location. Fu Xiao refuses to believe them. She wants to confirm it with Yan Chang Yun. This conversation makes no sense unless it's some sort of scheme.

[Ep22]  Fu Xiao swipes her sword at Yan Chang Yun (when I thought she was going to confirm first!), her mind a whirl of fractured memories slowly coming into focus. She remembers her parents' deaths and believes Yan Chang Yun is responsible. As he lunges to strike her, instinct takes over, and she drives her sword into him first. Blood flows, but Yan Chang Yun's lips curl into a faint smile. A Cheng ambushes Fu Xiao, slamming her head against a pillar. (Memory unlocked.)

Everything that happened was part of Yan Chang Yun's agreement with Bai Yi to save Fu Xiao, EXCEPT Chu Yue and General Lei's conversation. Grr. Yan Chang Yun just went along with it and almost died. 

Yan Chang Yun is imprisoned again. It's like he's the only guy who can threaten Xiao Quan that he just needs Yan Chang Yun locked up. (The Emperor also knows Yan Chang Yun is Qin Yan.)

Fu Xiao doesn't completely trust her shifu either. She recovers the thumb ring in the jade roller, and reads the note by herself, and learns of shifu's alliance with Xiao Quan to frame Qin Family. She sets off immediately to save Yan Chang Yun, but meets a masked Xiao Quan. She recognizes the mask. He's the man who slaughtered her town and her parents. Dude couldn't have used a regular mask to commit his crimes eh

[Ep23] Fu Xiao was actually this awesome and kills all of Xiao Quan's men and almost kills him too, but now shifu reinforces Xiao Quan. Fu Xiao has backups too: General Lei and A Chang.

However, Freaking shifu's crippled body is a rapid-fire-Go-shooter. General Lei dies to protect Fu Xiao. In his dying breath, he asks Fu Xiao to allow Chu Yue to marry Yan Chang Yun. She agrees. Man, you're dying, and I should respect that, but you can't even let the living people live in peace? Meanwhile Qing Li dies to protect shifu. In her dying breath, she asks him if she's better than Fu Xiao now. They never told us, but I see it as she loved him....and he loved Fu Xiao. Shifu wonders if this is all worth it.

It's déjà vu. Fu Xiao arrives at court to vindicate Yan Chang Yun and Qin Family. Unfortunately, the Grand Empress Dowager slams down the evidence as just a piece of unidentified paper. She's hateful, but she's not  entirely wrong

The Emperor updates Yan Chang Yun about everything including Fu Xiao's love for him. He comes to this verdict, however: 

Emperor: Qin Yan, you must die.

Fu Xiao promises Chu Yue she'll leave Yan Chang Yun, but she won't forgive Chu Yu nor congratulate her. Her love is selfish, and someone like her doesn't deserve true love. 
Xiao Qiang Zi returns! Fu Xiao disguises as a eunuch (along with A Chang) to save Yan Chang Yun. They have Eunuch Feng hostage to deliver a fake edict. Yan Chang Yun is touched and furious. She's risking her life to save him. She tells him she won't live if he dies. But he won't leave if it'll endanger her. *Smacks* She knocks him out and then sets the prison on fire. 

This is what Fu Xiao meant by leaving Yan Chang Yun: she's going to marry the Emperor in exchange for Yan Chang Yun's freedom. That hurts the Emperor. This one move broke everyone's hearts. He hollers in a trembling voice the announcement that Fu Xiao will be his f**king consort. Oof. So emotionally charged.

Blood spit! Drama is now complete. Yan Chang Yun is devastated after learning of Fu Xiao's sacrifice.

Fu Xiao has one request from the Emperor. On the day they marry, she wants to leave from Yan Chang Yun's residence. Until the very last second, she wants to be with Yan Chang Yun

The Empress doesn't hate Fu Xiao for marrying the Emperor. She hurts for her. She must be suffering too. As for the Empress, she won't be with the Emperor for long. She coughs (up blood too?).

[Ep24] Chu Yue despises Fu Xiao for marrying right after Yan Chang Yun died. Wei Tian Jiao tells her the truth. Dude, move on from this woman

Where to find a happier bride and groom? 
Xiao Quan throws a coup, which is a trap the Emperor laid. His battalion, and Yan Chang Yun were all ready. In a desperately hopeless attempt, Xiao Quan kills the Emperor, but the Empress shields the strike. In her dying breath, she begs the Emperor to spare her brother. She doesn't regret her life, though. "Maybe marrying you was a mistake, but meeting you, I already feel content." The Empress dies!!!!! That's a punishment for Xiao Quan, but not our poor Empress!! 
The Emperor still never loved the Empress, but he learns of all she did. She planted orchids, and then ground them into powder to help him sleep. She also sewed him clothes. Oof. Empress, you silly girl T_T

Chu Yue becomes a nun! Appropriate. Though, I didn't think we'd end up with 0 secondary couples. That's new.

The Emperor spares the ministers (unwitting accomplices) so that they feel indebted and are therefore easier to manipulate. I see our game, sir. The Emperor also clears Qin Family's name. He asks our couple if they want more rewards. Modesty is not Fu Xiao. She asks for a house, jeweller– *Ahem* Yan Chang Yun clears his throat. 

Fu Xiao: I'm kidding. In my lifetime, other than [Yan Chang Yun], I don't need anything/anyone else. 

When she adjoins, the boys "joke" about the Emperor actually wanting to marry Fu Xiao.
Where to now? General Yan and Fu Xiao volunteer to fight at the borders to help the Emperor protect the country. First though, Fu Xiao officially brings her boyfriend/fiancé home.

The end.


[First Impression (Ep1-4)UghWang You Shuo is smouldering me. He had me at the collar (Ep1). This might just be Wang You 👃's best (ML) role. 

I was annoyed by Zhao Zhao Yi's previous FL, but I'm finding her cute here, and so, so funny. She's got a great comedic rhythm going. 

It's been too long since I felt invested in a smaller budget period romcom. I almost thought this genre was dead in regular format dramas.

[Cast&Crew] Zhao Zhao Yi is getting more recognition after her variety show Divas Hit the Road with her playful and bright personality. Although everyone in the cast seem wholesome and easygoing, she plays a large part in making everyone feel comfortable.

[Ending] Happy. 

[A Highlight] When General Yan said “mine” in Ep13, I was squealing with our FL.

[Review & Rating]
A low-budget drama that packs a punch of Wang-You-Swoon

I thought Wang You Shuo’s ML days were over before it really started. Am I glad I was wrong. There’s finally one ML-drama I can love from him. 

This is the type of show where you know its maximum potential is mid, and it’s whether you can bank on the cute and ignore the rest. I definitely maximized my enjoyment. When romance was on, I was smiling with squeals here and there. 

I have no problem with the FL(’s voice). Her character is straightforward. If she loves, she really loads up her love ammo. It’s the guy who’s chicken-hearted. Every setback (from him, and of course for all the righteous reasons) strengthens her resolve to love him more. 

Supporting Cast. I also really enjoyed the characterizations of the Emperor (his love for theatre) and the Empress (oh, Empress!). One of the villain’s motives managed to shock me (huch). The eunuchs, and all the guards need way more scenes.

Rating: 3/5 


"Underrated" "Baby" Eunuch
Decreed by Fate Oh! My Sweet Liar! Oops! The King Is in Love

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