July 24, 2023

Lost You Forever | Recap and Review

Lost You Forever
A reverse-harem with men who just cannot be with our girl. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Yang Zi: Xiao Yao / Wen Xiao Liu
Zhang Wan Yi: Cang Xuan 
Deng Wei: Tushan Jing / Ye Shi Qi
Dai Lu Wa: A Nian
Wang Hong Yi: Chishui Feng Long
Tan Jian Ci: Xiang Liu
(Author: Tong Hua)
Chinese Title
Forever Longing Each Other
NetworkTencent Video
Episodes: 39
Recap Grade: A
First Impression: 3.8/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Little Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan both lose their parents to war. At such a young age, it seems they only have each other. FL's mother's pinky. Is there something special about it? And why did she divorce her husband? And she says our Xiao Yao is "different"... She left so many questions and just went to die like that. Irresponsible!  
Xiao Yao and Qing Xuan make a promise to be together forever as meimei and gege. (Not consanguineous. FL's mother is the disciple of ML's grandmother.) 

And they are separated! 

300 years later. Just 300? 

Our Xiao Yao is a "man": Wen Xiao Liu. Meanwhile, Cang Xuan has a new sister (A Nian) who loves the idea of making chairs out of people sprites. I love her already /s

[Ep2] Wen Xiao Liu saves a beggar. His injuries aren't simple. He has suffered long term prisoner abuse. I like the flower detail. The second time Wen Xiao Liu saw him, the flower bloomed, and the beggar reached for the flower instead of the bread. Does he want to live or does he not want to live? 
When the beggar wakes up after the bone-shattering surgery, he notices Xiao Liu sleeping at his bedside. He reaches his hand to block the hot candle wax from dripping on her face. Aw! He's so tender! The next day, she saves the beggar with a drop of her blood. Is this why she's "different"?

And who thought it was a good idea to let a Rock talk? Because the "all knowing" Rock tells Cang Xuan, who has been searching for Xiao Yao all these years, that she's definitely not in this town, and Wen Xiao Liu (male) cannot be Xiao Yao. 
On the other hand, our prisoner instinctually figures out Wen Xiao Liu is a girl. 

[Ep3] Our prisoner is a beauty! He has nowhere to go and wants to be Wen Xiao Liu's prisoner servant. Our sophisticated Xiao Liu names him. Since there are 17 leaves on this random branch, he will be Ye Shi Qi (Leaf 17). Everyone loves the sound of it.
To earn money for Ma Zi's wedding, Wen Xiao Liu goes hunting for rare herbs and trespasses the borders of Chenrong. Unfortunately, she crosses paths with Xiang Liu (the infamous general), who becomes interested in her toxins. He holds her hostage, demanding for her identity until she speaks the truth. She is an abandoned child. She can't see her own face. She only wants to live as Wen Xiao Liu forever. Seeming satisfied with her answer, he asks her to be his. Ou! Work for him, her means. He's gracious enough to give her one night to consider under his surveillance: 
Look at Xiang Liu lounging like he's the Emperor of the Night
The next day, however, instead of agreeing to his terms, Wen Xiao Liu asks for food. She's served. 20 whole flockings. Amidst the punishment, she has the breath to bargain for conditions. Xiang Liu's eyes are glassy, but there's a tint of a smile on his lips. Is he enjoying this? Or is he admiring her resistance? Because despite the agony, Wen Xiao Liu isn't backing down. She has one absolute condition before she's his: she insists on never leaving her hometown. 
Then Ye Shi Qi gusts through to save Wen Xiao Liu! 
[Ep4] Xiang Liu actually releases Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi, and he knows they're from the Godly Clan, both hiding their identities and that Xiao Liu is a girl. Are all my 2MLs going to be beautiful, powerful, and smart?! Xiao Liu still works for Xiang Liu, though. He simply agreed to her conditions of being at home. A cutest, roundest bird is their way of messaging each other. Aw.

Xiang Liu attends Ma Zi's wedding. Aww?  He's served poison by Xiao Liu who then asks if it worked. LOL. She assures him she doesn't want to kill him since they have no bad blood. She just wants to hit him 800 times. Ha! He tells her to dream on as he finishes the last drip of the poisoned wine. 
The same wine is served to Ye Shi Qi, who faints immediately. Wen Xiao Liu calls him silly for drinking it when he knows it's poison. He says it's because she gave it to him. All men will drink her poison eh. However, he ditches her when she needs him! She had expected Ye Shi Qi to be her backup when she was teaching the spoiled princess (Ah Nian) a lesson for messing with her family, but he abandoned her because he was afraid of being recognized by the prince/ss. Our Cang Xuan didn't even recognize his Xiao Yao! But does Xiao6 not recognize him too? And who was it that helped Xiao6 save Lao Mu from rolling? 
Xiang Liu takes Xiao Liu for a flight on his eagle. Dude came all the way here to cheer her up?! She's not mad at Ye Shi Qi. She's mad at herself for being dependent. She should have known not to. If she falls, the only person who could pick her up is herself. Then she leans back and falls into the ocean. Xiang Liu watches her, his emotions are complex. To say that he cares, he shows too little emotion. To say that he doesn't care, then he shouldn't have looked, and he shouldn't have knitted his brows ever so slightly. He orders his eagle to pick her up. He's the one to pick her up! But actually, our girl was confident in her ability to swim anyway.
Xiao Liu asks Xiang Liu about his nine-heads. Do they line up left to right? Which head eats first? To satisfy her curiosity, Xiang Liu flashes his fangs (omona!) and grabs her neck. This head eats first. Really?! He's going to suck her blood?! That's kinda hot.... 

[Ep5] Xiang Liu sinks his fangs and sucks Xiao Liu's blood! His eyes flashed red. Did he lose control? Because her blood is special? And then he goes in for another bite!!! I didn't even recover from the first bite! Thankfully, he spares her. When she gets off the eagle (Mao Qiu = Feather Ball), he flaps her with his wing, lol. This whole day, our poor FL was beaten by ML, betrayed by 2ML, and bitten by 3ML. And now she's bullied by a bird too! And is Ye Shi Qi jealous because he thinks that's a hickey on Xiao Liu?! LOL? 
If the first half is our Xiao Liu suffering from her harem, this second half is their harem's retribution.
  • Cang Xuan is "bullied" into apologizing to Lao Mu on behalf of his sister. Xiao Liu is actually quite impressed with Cang Xuan for expertly maneuvering the people around him (e.g. bending backwards for his sister, standing upright with his brothers). Xiao6 has been sneering at Cang Xuan's Mulberry wine (Ep1). Does she know he's her gege
  • Xiang Liu is injured by Cang Xuan and invades Xiao Liu's room to seek for her blood. And look at our Nine-Headed Hotness, lounging on her bed like he owns it. But in the middle of the night when he's recovering and unable to move, our Xiao Liu makes sure he's a hot-headed-nine-eyed-lounging-humiliation. I love how Yang Zi took a shot at his useless wisps. (I love the pieces of flowy hair!). Our Xiao Liu isn't actually afraid of Xiang Liu even if he sucks her blood. In fact he was magnanimous to only be taking drips when her blood is this powerful. And then he must be allergic to compliments because he threatens he'll nourish her and cook her like ginseng. 
  • Ye Shi Qi is jealous from the second hickey! HAHA. And he saw the white hair on her bed, lol.  When he sees her again, he sincerely promises that there will never be a second time he'll be gone when she needs him. Aww. For the whole episode he's been gentle and cautious. I got a case of pup[y-eyes staring at him
[Ep6Chuan Zi and Sang Tian'er's marriage runs into obstacles. Xiang Liu thinks it's Xiang Liu pulling the strings. She prudently and yet daringly gives him three options: hit her 40 times, kick her off this branch, or listen to her. Ignoring her choices, he bites her. Xiao Liu rolling her eyes, lol. But I kind of pity her. It's like he's her food.
Xiao Liu isn't afraid of Xiang Liu because more than danger, she fears loneliness. She had met a snake before and knew it wanted to eat her, but she kept taunting it because only the snake was there to listen to her. Xiang Liu asks her three questions: 
  • What happened to the snake? Dead. Xiao Liu didn't kill it. A nine-tailed fox wanted to eat her, and so the snake defended her because the snake must believe she can only be his prey. 
  • What happened to the fox? Dead. Xiang Liu did it. The fox had caged her, nourished her so that she'd be tastier, but that was the fox's mistake. A warning to Xiang Liu?! Lol. Girl, you're playing with ice. Then we see a flashback of a child being whipped, but was that Xiang Liu or Xiao Liu's memory? 
  • Is he her snake, entertaining her? Who knows. She could be the snake entertaining him. Then Xiang Liu snaps her branch, making her fall from the tree. It's punishment for thinking too highly of herself. At most she's his snake egg, food for everyone and anyone. LOL. Petty much? 
Ye Shi Qi is counting! Third hickey! He constipates his jealousy as he cannot ignore Xiao Liu. He heals her leg sprain, and kneels down to piggyback her. If he adds a pout with that face, I'll be fainting over

It turns out Sang Tian'er (bride) was Cang Xuan's spy to investigate Xiao Liu! Sang Tian'er comes clean with Xiao Liu. She also never thought a man would marry her. If Chuan Zi is true to her, she will be true to him, and this is how their fake love turns into real marriage. Xiao Liu is prudent in her blessings for she will have a long life to witness if there is truth in Sang Tian'er's vows. 
This garden is cute!
Sang Tian'er and Chuan Zi marry. Ah Nian invites herself. No one told her to talk but she had to be like like "Please beat my face. Please beat my face. Please beat my face" My bad. Did she not say that? I thought I heard it.  

[Ep7] Xiang Liu and Ye Shi Qi battle it out for Xiao Liu. Showdown! Showdown! Showdown! But she stops the boys and obediently leaves with Xiang Liu. Then he learns more about her past. For example, she's weak because the nine-tailed fox diverted her powers to her blood, nourishing her blood instead. She suffered 30 years of abuse, and instead of making her numb of pain, she's particularly sensitive to the tiniest affliction. Xiang Liu reaches his hand our. Xiao Liu instinctively flinches. rounding herself into a protective shell, but he only wanted to comfort her as he gently rests his hand on the nape of her neck. Does he share her pain? I believe there's two separate flashbacks of child abuse...:/ Xiao6's nine-tailed-fox wore white. The brown clothed man is Xiang Liu's abuser

Xiang Liu can walk on water! He beckons Xiao Liu to come forward and takes her on a stroll across the ocean. It seems they both love the water. Xiang Liu thinks living is worthwhile when there are sceneries this breathtaking. Xiao Liu disagrees. The scenery is forever dead. It's the living who give meaning to these sceneries. Xiang Liu glances at her, meaningfully. Xiang Liu exudes loneliness. But did he know he was lonely? And now can he go back to the days without her?  
Xiang Liu is indifferent to Xiao Liu plucking the feather from his fowl (is this Xiao6's revenge for that road rage of a ride earlier? But was it Mao Qiu's fault for Xiang Liu (the driver)?). However, when she tells him to abandon Chenrong and surrender to Xiyan, he almost strangles her to death. Way to finish a gorgeous date
The scene transitions from Xiang Liu's ethereal blue to Ye Shi Qi's emerald green. He plants in his spot, appearing tranquil when he's anxiously waiting for Xiao Liu. Then when he sees her without a hickey, a peaceful smile eases on his lips. 

Ye Shi Qi's family has found him! He's Tushan Jing, the younger of the two princes of Qingqiu Kingdom. He returns to his family, but presumably, his brother is the one who wants him dead because Tushan Jing is superior in every way. Tushan Jing also has a fiancée (Fangfeng Clan). 

Meanwhile Xiao Liu is upset that for the past six years, Ye Shi Qi told her nothing. All this while, Cang Xuan is eating his melon seeds, enjoying the show. Sly Cang Xuan! He brought 17's maids to this town to find 17! (I do kinda like his slyness cleverness though....) 
Xiang Liu's soldiers are mysteriously dying. Is this you again, Cang Xuan? You're efficient! 

[Ep8] Xiang Liu threatens Xiao Liu. He wants her to ask Tushan Jing for medicine to save his soldiers. Since Ep5, I've been starting the recaps with XL bites, XL bites, XL battles, XL threatens. Of course, Tushan Jing (who's wearing 17's clothes!) agrees, and for the meantime until the medicine arrives, Xiao Liu is kept hostage by Xiang Liu at his camp. To her surprise, the nine-headed demon, who prefers freedom, is disciplined and trains day and night with his soldiers. She asks him what's the point though when he has no land and no citizens. He retorts, "Is there meaning in you eating and sleeping every day then?" Pft. Lao Mu said something similar, lol

Xiang Liu smiles for the first time!! It's because Xiao Liu accidentally drank water that he put feces in... I don't even. Ok

Two more Chenrong soldiers die. Xiao Liu sympathizes with them, and drips her blood in their food. However, Xiang Liu is furious. He cares. Even if she's dried up, she can't save them all. 
The medicine for Xiang Liu is stolen by Cang Xuan. Xiao Liu devises a plan: kidnap his darling sister, Ah Nian! (And aw, Xiang Liu gave Xiao6 all his guards when he had the riskier task of distracting Cang Xuan). Cang Xuan is furious. "This time I will not permit losing my sister. Anyone who hurts her must pay." Beware the fury of a patient man

[Ep9] After offending Cang Xuan, Xiang Liu offers to help Xiao Liu, but she rejects. She thanks Xiang Liu for caring, which he pettily clarifies he cares about her blood, not her. 

Xiao Liu surrenders to Cang Xuan. Just like that! Then she's brutally tortured. To take her mind off the excruciating, finger-splitting pain, she recalls happy memories. With GEGE. But this GEGE is caring about that brat and relieved that he didn't lose his sister this time. Naw bro. You didn't lose her. You're just torturing her so much she'd rather die
Xiao Liu is saved by Tushan Jing with Xiang Liu's help. However, she didn't need their saving. Our Xiao Liu, if she dares to commit, she dares to face the consequences. Go girl. Furthermore, she had a plan. She turned herself in for a chance to infect Cang Xuan with a parasite. It's linked to her parasite so that if she's in pain, he suffers with her. I love this. She had wanted to save this for Xiang Liu (ha!), who's listening to all this, by the way. 

The next day(s), Cang Xuan is in agony over his burning hands and in confusion over the same burning hands. Pft. It's because Xiao Liu is suffering and prolonging her therapy just so he suffers with her. I love her. LOL. Then she accidentally hits her hands against a pole and – hold your crotches! – Xiang Liu jumps at her pain. Concern, and fear, and dare I say "love" flashes through his eyes in that split second. He's not infected, but he's infected. With Love. 

Xiang Liu hasn't left Xiao Liu for the past few days, and now we know why. He's been waiting for Cang Xuan's march of menace. Xiao Liu tells Xiang Liu to come back alive. The slightest smile on his face! Love! 

Showdown! Xiang Liu and Cang Xuan fight one to one. It's a tight battle. But how come Cang Xuan is so powerful? Our cheater, Xiao Liu helps Xiang Liu by hitting herself to hit Cang Xuan. Taking advantage, Xiang Liu orders "Right hand", and then "Left leg". Hahaha! Begrudgingly, Xiao Liu obeys every painful command. 

But then Xiao Liu finds Cang Xuan's fox tail. He's her gege
Xiao Liu runs to save Cang Xuan from Xiang Liu's deathblow, risking her life. 

Xiang Liu is furious at the sudden betrayal, and physically hurt from the battle(s), but he's over-exerting himself to retrieve medicine for Xiao Liu. 

[Ep10] Xiang Liu guards Xiao Liu as he lets her heal in a therapeutic spa. What about himself! He needs to recover too. She manages to conceal her relationship with gege from Xiang Liu. She also offers to die for ruining his plans. But our nine-headed demon says that death would be too easy on her. He sinks his glistening teeth in her again. 
Cang Xuan feels every bit of those glistening teeth. LOL! He thinks it's wild that Xiao Liu is in this much pain and is still up for that

But that is our blood bank being depleted! 

Xiao Liu almost faints over, alarming Xiang Liu, who immediately stops, but then his gaze is allured by the clothing over her chest. His finger slowly trails down her chin, rousingly. Then his hot touch is on her neck. Then... lower, and lower... until Xiao Liu stops him, reminding him he's a man. Xiang Liu drops the topic and exits the spa. Then Tushan Jing finds Xiao Liu and brings her to his quarters. Did XL know Jing was nearby? Xiao Liu finally wakes up and is healed by this sight: 
Sang Tian'er is officially Dr. Xiao Liu's disciple. I like her integrity and her desire to improve. Now then, does this kind of Chuan Zi deserve her? When Xiao Liu tells her to take care of Lao Mu as well, Sang Tian'er wonders if Xiao Liu is leaving Qingshui Town. 

Cang Xuan visits! Xiao Liu is so startled, she spills her tea. For the rest of their interaction, it's pretentious (maybe with the exception of his warning to suppress her desires *touches neck*). 

It snows. 

On this cold night Xiao Liu enjoys a warm dinner with her family (Lao Mu, Chaun Zi, and Tian'er). Xiang Liu secretly visits. He wanted to check if she was better! He seems comforted just watching her with her family as he remembers how she's afraid of loneliness and that she might not be able to find an everlasting companion, but short term accompaniment isn't so bad either. Then he whisks away. Her VoiceOver applies to him too. Poignant and ominous
Perhaps because it's cold, Cang Xuan and Xiao Liu yearn for each other more. She actually visits him! And he's drinking Mulberry wine, one that he has vilified for years for Xiao Yao. Xiao Liu asks him why he's here. He says it's for his sister. She thinks it's for Ah Nian. Then she drinks herself to sleep. 

The cold night isn't over. Tushan Jing also visits. He thinks Xiao Liu will receive him warmly when he's in 17's clothes, but she still curtly greets him as Tushan Jing. 

[Ep11] Xiao Liu and Cang Xuan continue their pretentious friendship, but it almost seems genuine now. Xiao Liu truly wishes him well. Cang Xuan is willing to open up and shows her the tail Xiao Yao "lent" him. Everyone tells him Xiao Yao died, but he has hope he can return her precious tail to her. Doting Ah Nian is his way of doting Xiao Yao. The two of them cry! Xiao Liu uses the bowl to hide her face as she wipes away the trails of tears. Cang Xuan can't look at her because he's crying too!! 
Cang Xuan invites Tushan Jing for a game of Go. 

Tushan Jing: If you (Xiao Liu) say play, I play, if you say don't play, then I won't play. 
Xuan is only missing his melon seeds right now
Cang Xuan: I know you and him have a good relationshi– 
Xiao Liu retorts at Xuan: Who has a good relationship? 
Tushan Jing retorts at Xuan: Whether we're good is none of your business. LOL. Hahaha. This guy has not been looking at Xuan at all, and the one time he does, he's spiteful
Cang Xuan: Good or not, he listens to you. Liu ge, just let him play with me. 
Xiao Liu: Okay, but I want to play too! To Xuan's dismay, lol.

They play a three way game. And it's lovely! 
Xuan glares at Jing
Jing smiles at Liu
Xuan glares at Liu
Xuan's head hurts
Xiao Liu's moves are suicidal, and Tushang Jing indulges her. The only one suffering is Cang Xuan. He almost pleads with her to take it back, but Xiao Liu won't. 

Xiao Liu: Xuan ge, you're really something. When I want to take-back, you won't let me. Now that I don't want to take-back, you keep insisting. This is foreshadowing their relationship, isn't it. Xuan leads the way but Xiao Liu doesn't want to follow. Meanwhile 17 follows her wishes

With Xiao Liu sabotaging, Cang Xuan can't not win. Now she says the winner treats Rock Story Time. Tushan Jing agrees (because he always does), but the winner hasn't agreed! Tushan Jing offers that the loser (17) will pay. Hao lei! Now that's more like it for Cang Xuan! They really are a lovely trio! Oh and about winning, Cang Xuan hates it. It's more upsetting than losing. 

Cang Xuan: Your (Xiao Liu) stinky Go moves makes me puke blood. 

But our Cang Xuan is sly. Never believe those smiles! He was using Xiao Liu's connection and the Go game to befriend Tushan Jing. Xiao Liu is aware, though. 

Fangfeng Yi Ying has arrived. She's Tushan Jing's fiancée, but she doesn't seem as in love with him as rumours say, and she really cares if he remembers how he was injured. And she's efficient! The first night she's here, she's assassinating Cang Xuan on her white pegasus horse. What an entrance, girl
Meanwhile our bipolar Xiang Liu makes a suicidal jump with Xiao Liu. At the last minute, he flips her around so that he cushions the fall into the ocean. He's holding her down underwater so she can't escape. She loses oxygen and floats down. Xiang Liu watches her drown. Then ever so slowly (like her life isn't on the line!), he kisses gives her mouth to mouth resuscitation. Whoever is the brain that decided Xiang Liu ought to move that slow, you are genius! It was a gracefully gorgeous nondying moment! 
These two singular events (Xiao Liu drowning and Cang Xuan being shot) aren't unrelated! Fufeng Yi Ying and Xiang Liu are a pact! OH. You are bad, Xiang Liu! 

Xiang Liu asks if Xiao Liu is fine. Fine! It's just drowning! She's concerned about Cang Xuan, though. He must have been deprived of oxygen too. It would have been awesome if Xuan felt the kiss CPR. xD This brings us to the topic of her parasite. Xiao Liu thinks Xiang Liu must know how to undo it. They're relatives! A bug and demon, there must be some ancestral line connecting them. As she's pleading with him with her round eyes, she doesn't realize he's washed over with love. He also went out of his way to investigate it. It's a love parasite, which Xiao Liu doesn't seem to know. He warns her not to take it out by force. The only way to remove the parasite from Cang Xuan is to transfer it to someone else and ruin their lives. Like the life of a certain nine-headed demon? Xiao Liu mulls that the only person she wants to ruin is Xiang Liu. 

Xiang Liu offers another solution: kill Cang Xuan. He has nothing personal with Cang Xuan (really?), but they are opposing forces. He shares with her that if he wasn't sympathetic to Hongjiang (of Chenrong), he could consider siding with Xiyan. He says Hongjiang is a fool, leading a group of fools, doing foolish things. I need to see this Hongjiang who has Xiang Liu's sympathy hostage! Xiao Liu scoffs. Hongjiang isn't a fool. He has ancestors to report to, and offsprings to take care of. That is his land and his people. The real fool is Xiang Liu who has none of that and is still doing everything he can for them. 

Xiang Liu self-depreciatingly jokes who told him to have nine heads. It complicates things. Xiao Liu is surprised at the joke. Isn't it a taboo? Xiang Liu clarifies he hates the contempt and discrimination that the "nine-head" label carries and not the label itself. 

Xiang Liu: I permit you to speak of it because although you make fun of it, you don't find me strange. There's so much vulnerability in the way he shifts his eyes! Tan Jian Ci!!!!

Xiao Liu comforts him that she's stranger. He reaches out and pats her head ~ He's comforting her too. Aw.
[Ep12I almost forgot about Xuan! Cang Xuan is dying! His wound shouldn't be lethal but it won't close and the blood won't clot. Ah Nian searches for Xiao Liu for help. Ah Nian is kinda cute when she thinks Xiao Liu is a man and turns around bashfully. But really your brother is dying. I'd yank Xiao Liu from her bed. Who cares about clothes when "he's" still wearing clothes. Cang Xuan had ordered his men that if Xiao Liu doesn't help him, then stab her with the same arrow so that Tushan Jing is forced to retrieve the antidote. To Cang Xuan's surprise, she genuinely cares about his safety. She even tastes his blood. Omg. OMG. I'm freaking out more than I should about this. Cang Xuan is slightly taken back, but he should know now that Xiao Liu truly cares. Right? She diagnoses his injury. Mainly, the thin sheet of ice on the arrow tip is an anticoagulant. Tushan Jing has the ingredients to stabilize his condition so that he makes it to Haolin's therapeutic spa for proper treatment. 

Cang Xuan leaves the town! He asks Xiao Liu to join (because she's talented), but she rejects. She won't leave this town. Why is she so attached to this place? 

Xiang Liu cannot be more obvious in telling Xiao Liu to transfer the parasite to him. He's fully aware of the conditions too. This parasite takes the life and the heart (love) of the host. If there is no love, the parasite can eat them(? him?) inside out. Xiang Liu may have nine lives, but he only has one heart. Once he gives it, he can't take it back. Oh. Like...literally? Why does that doc make it sound so ominous if XL is to fall in love? 

Xiang Liu "unwillingly" accepts the parasite transfer on the condition that Xiao Liu owes him a favour; as long as he asks, she cannot reject. Xiao Liu also has her conditions. She always does with him. He can't make her hurt Xuan, or Jing, or Xiyan, or Haolin. He scoffs at the last two. All nine heads have to be drowning for him to believe she has anything on Xiyan and Haolin. But he agrees to all her terms, and he makes her swear that if she reneges, everything she finds joyful will be painful. 
Xiang Liu and Xiao Liu travel to the borders of Haolin. They use an oyster-submarine to bypass security check. Once they're close enough to Cang Xuan, the parasite transfer begins. It ends faster than Xiao Liu had imagined. Because Xiang Liu really loves her? It's so easy, Xiao Liu feels uneasy. The walnut that holds the parasite also disappears. The way Xiang Liu is looking at her is killing me. They head back home, and it's gorgeous. Especially Xiang Liu's smiles! (But what did Xiao Liu take out? A mirror?)
[Ep13] Xiao Liu makes plans to leave Qingshui Town. Why? What happened to staying in this town forever? But she didn't expect to be forcefully escorted by Cang Xuan. Zhang Wan Yi. The same smile is scary now. She's your meimei! His shifu, Emperor Haolin, wants to see her after he hears about her skills. Who does Emperor Haolin think she is? His daughter? On the other hand, Cang Xuan suspects Xiao Liu is the son of the rebellion 5th Lord.... Aigoo. What happened to that brain you're proud of

Xiao Liu hits her own leg to call Xiang Liu for help, but Xiang Liu can't feel it! He's busy hiring a blacksmith (Yang Zhi Wen) to make this rare bow and arrow. It'll take decades to complete?! When do you plan to use it?! When he returns to find Xiao Liu, she's already gone. He sees the hammer she hit herself with. But wait, he's covered with blood?! What happened! 

Xiao Liu escaped with Tushan Jing. Then we learn a bit more about his past. His brother tortured him because of their mother. She never loved him. She even hated him. Then when she died, his brother wasted himself. It wasn't just grief. Her death meant he could never earn his mother's love. I had thought he killed her or something... Finally, the grandmother explained to him that he's not her mother's son. Grandmama, now you tell him! 

Tushan Jing outsmarts Cang Xuan and actually brings Xiao Liu to Haolin, the only path that wasn't blocked. But the fiancée (Fangfeng) sold them out, and now Cang Xuan surrounds them. Among his battalion, there's two powerful fighters. Tushan Jing says with the straightest face, "I cannot beat any of them." LOL. But he will distract them long enough for Xiao Liu to escape. He has one request. He wants to see her true appearance. He knows that once she escapes, she will drop her "Wen Xiao Liu" countenance. Xiao Liu simply shakes her head. She asks him if he'll still help her now that he's offending both kings, and he'll never see her again. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose. 

What's Tushan Jing's choice? Help Xiao Liu. At that moment, Xiao Liu understands his brother. Tushan Jin is so good, she wants to hate him too. 

But Cang Xuan is kinda nasty. He captures Tushan Jing, reminding him of his identity and what he represents. Tushan Jing asserts that he's only Ye Shi Qi. That works for Cang Xuan too. . His voice reverberates in the forest for Xiao Liu to hear that Ye Shi Qi is in his hands. What happened to distracting them long enough? Lol. Xiao Liu turns around for her Shi Qi. 

(The cast say goodbye to Qingshui Town. Are we never coming back here again!? They built this set for seven months and we only get 1/7th of the show D:)

[Ep14] Xiang Liu flies his way to save Xiao Liu. I've noticed that ever since Xiang Liu appeared, so many episodes start with him. She's captured by Cang Xuan, who even breaks her leg! Xuan babo! Feeling her pain, Xiang Liu accelerates to save her. Nine-head! Not one head told you to do that sooner?! 
What a despicable angle! (I kinda really like it....heh)
It's so painful for Xian Liu, she slips up and calls Cang Xuan, "ge"! GE!! Then when she looks up at him, eyes brimming with tears, ge evades her eye contact. No ge, LOOK at her! Feel the remorse.

Tushan Jing recovers with Xiao Liu's blood. He's worried about her, but also elated as he realizes Xiang Liu's hickeys weren't love hickeys. Well. Not for her
He lit up the place with lotuses. This guy loves flowers.
Tushan Jing wants to be with Xiao Liu forever. He knows she's a girl because he saw her blush at the sight of his body. I thought he was a modest one. His heart has died after his brother tortured and humiliated him for three years. He had revolting injuries that he couldn't even look at, but she treated him without discrimination and with tenderness. Then at that moment she blushed, he felt like he was revived, that he was truly alive. In her eyes, he was still a man. It was that moment that determined his forever. He wants to be with her. He only returned to his clan because he was afraid his brother would hurt her. Tushan Jing asks Xiao Liu to wait for him for twenty years, no, fifteen years to annul the engagement and then he'll return her a Ye Shi Qi. 

Xiao Liu: How do I wait? 
Tushan Jing: Don't let another man live in your heart. 

At this moment, Xiang Liu emerges from the water! He breaks through Haolin borders. Can he break through to her heart too?! (Do not answer me. *Sniffles*) 

Back at the skeleton cave. 

Xiao Liu: You still don't understand me. My heart is hard. Even if it's fifty years, another man can't run in. 

Xiao Liu agrees to wait! When they press palms to stamp on her promise, he doesn't let go. I thought he was a shy one. He also understands her more than she thinks he does. He knows she isn't someone who will give herself hope. She won't be the first one to trust nor the one to initiate. Tushan Jing will wait until she's willing to accept him even if it takes forever. 

Interjecting here to say that I love how they open their hearts in a skeleton cave. The cave is like the ribs of Xiao Liu's hollow heart that's slowly warmed up by 17's flowery, gentle love.

Xiang Liu glides over the water. Xiao Liu understands his cryptic message that as long as she steps into the water, he can whisk her away, but she notices his injuries. Taking her (crippled) along means death. Exactly! Xiao6, think! Why would he risk death for you! Considering everything (including Tushan Jing's safety), Xiao Liu stays. XL's OST T_T. Understanding her choice, Xiang Liu bids his curt farewell. That lonely back

Cang Xuan FINALLY realizes Xiao Liu is Xiao Yao. Emperor Haolin practically spells it out to the man who called himself clever! (It was also kinda funny watching him watch Xiao6 eat. Only he was offended by her etiquette.) He's determined to know why she's hiding her identity, but the Emperor stops him. Xiao Yao's identity should be determined by herself. She must have a reason. Why did the mother divorce this father? He seems so nice... Did the mother also make a nobly idiotic choice hurt him out of love? 
There's desolation in Cang Xuan's every step, and regret in every memory. Xiao Liu did tell him the truth. Every time she saved him, she was telling him. If only his heart wasn't hardened and blinded by the bitterness of this world. He always, always thought she approached him with a motive. He wouldn't believe she was genuine towards him. Then he sees Tushan Jing feed her longan fruit. He wanted to say Xiao Yao doesn't like it, but Xiao Liu says it first. She really is Xiao Yao. 
Silently hurting, Cang Xuan kneels at Xiao Liu's bedside to heal her legs – the legs he snapped! Every harsh word he said to her, echoes in his ears. Everything is hurting him, except the actual pain, searing his hand by Tushan Jing. 

Cang Xuan: Does it hurt? 
Xiao Liu: No. 
It hurts so much! Everywhere! 

Both of them are crying. Again. 

Neither can look at each other. Again.  

(Details: Netizens noticed that in Ep5, when Xiao Liu was at Cang Xuan's bar, the fruit she spat out was longan.)

[Ep15] Cang Xuan wonders what Xiao Yao has suffered. You, for one, lol. He doesn't blame her for not reuniting with him when he has done nothing for her. Actually, it would have been better if you did "nothing". Emperor Haolin pats his shoulders and assures him Xiao Yao acknowledged him as her gege. The father knows just from hearing the story about her through Xuan. And the person who experienced it....! Aigoo. And you call yourself smart
Emperor Haolin actually gives Xiao Liu gold – a mountain of gold! – just because his daughter said she loves money. 

Xiao Liu is beaten by Ah Nian. What a complementing brother and sister. One beats her leg, the other beats her hand. Xiang Liu (Xiang Liu!!) feels the pain and blames Tushan Jing for failing his post. 
Although Xiao Liu was beaten, she had the upper hand in taunting Ah Nian until her "mother" appeared.  With hands searing from pain, and maids clamping her down, Xiao Liu wrestles her way to her mother. Cang Xuan is on the floor with her, anxiously calming her down. 

Xiao Liu sobs: I want to ask her why she abandoned me.

Cang Xuan holds her tightly. He's in pain with her and cries with her. In his embrace, she hugs him back, calling him "gege". After she recovers from her anguish, there's no shying away from her identity anymore. 

Xiao Yao is truly back home now. 

Xiao Yao (tearily): Cang Xuan gege, I'm back. 
Now he's gentle with her
Emperor Haolin knew Xiao Yao purposely angered Ah Nian for his reaction, but now she won't talk to him. He had wondered what their first conversation would be like, but as the years went on and he still couldn't find her, he only had one wish left: he hoped she was alive, nothing else would mattered anymore. 

Xiao Yao is cautious around her father. She wonders why he didn't pick her up for 70 years. There was unrest in his kingdom but had he known she'd be missing for 300 years, he would have had her at his side even if it was dangerous. She also asks him if he's her father. Of course he is. Even if she doesn't acknowledge him, he will always be her father. Xiao Yao cries and hugs her father for the first time in 300 years. 

Father is not cautious around her daughter's pursuer(s) though! Emperor Haolin interrogates Tushan Jing about his engagement with another woman, making our eloquent prince stutter. Then Emperor Haolin sternly glares at Qian Xuan so that he'd reject sleeping in the same quarters with Xiao Yao. LOL. The way Xuan shrank in front of the dad! xD 

Lao Sang (Cang Xuan's servant) used to be the jasper that Xiao Yao watered her mulberry tree with. 

Lao Sang (apologizes to Xiao Yao): It's all Lao Sang's fault. With my clumsy eyes, and dumb heart, I couldn't differentiate between the good and evil, and failed to recognize you. Xuan's expression! LMAO. He's feeling every bit and more of that criticism
Lao Sang even repeats the glorious insults. *stabs stabs*. (Xuan, I have a soft spot for you, but you're hard to defend. LOL). 

We learn of Xiao Yao's past. The gossiping maids had made her believe she was an illegitimate child of her mother's. Then she went to find her mother. She couldn't find her, and she lost herself. Then she was hunted by sprites, and miraculously gained the ability to morph and hide her identity, but this power cut both ways. She forgot her own face. A kind nine-tailed fox befriended her and gave her a magical mirror (= camera) that helped her maintain one face. After he gained her trust, he captured her for revenge. Xiao Yao's mother had killed his friend and cut his own tail. Oh, her precious toy.... For the next thirty years, he tormented her so that she'd turn into the most potent elixir

In fury, Cang Xuan throws away the tail he's been cherishing for hundreds of years. Xiao Yao asks Tushan Jing to pick it up for her. What does it feel like for a fox to pick up another fox's dismembered part. Cang Xuan inquires Tushan Jing about their face-morphing abilities and the origins of Xiao Yao's disease. He doesn't know. Like Xiang Liu, Cang Xuan must think Jing is useless too, haha. Emperor Haolin has answers, though. It's not a disease. Inside her body, there is a sealed rare weapon: Forever Youthful Flower. Now how do we take that out safely? And why is it in her in the first place? 

[Ep16] Tushan Jing has left. Xiao Yao feels fine, though and asks Cang Xuan if it's cruel of her to be so indifferent. He says no. This is logical of her. They've been through too much "heart-stabbing and lung-tearing pain" that their hearts have learned to protect themselves. 

Then she asks him if he ever felt like there's a voice reminding him that he will lose everything so even if he's surrounded by happiness, he feels a tinge of sadness, and then when it's miserable, he can accept the sadness peacefully.  

Cang Xuan: Never experience the full extent of joy. Never experience the full extent of disparity. I thought I was the only one. 
Now that they're reunited, neither of them are lonely anymore. but Cang Xuan is leaving for Xiyan!?! He needs to be more powerful, and it seems his sudden decision is prompted by his desire to protect Xiao Yao after he realizes the one who sealed the rare weapon in Xiao Yao is her mother. 

Xiao Yao asks Cang Xuan the suicidal question for all men: "If Ah Nian and I fight, who will you help first?" He deflects and misdirects her that it wouldn't even happen in the first place because Xiao Yao wouldn't make things difficult for him. What a cheater. Xiao Yao sticks a thumb in his face, snarking at him for his ability to coax girls. 

But Cang Xuan doesn't need to coax Xiao Yao. Unlike Ah Nian, Xiao Yao has seen the worst. He doesn't have to be afraid of revealing his true self to her. He assures her, the current her is better and beyond what he could ever imagine. So you broke her leg eh
Xiao Yao watches Cang Xuan leave. Their childhood memories flood her eyes with tears. There's his mother, her mother, their grandmother. They've lost so much. She calls his name and tells him she will be Haolin's Princess. She's accepting her position to be the best support for Cang Xuan. Doing everything for each other....

The sisters are bonding too. It's not bad when the brats are on your side. But there are more royal brats to deal with like Chenrong Xin Yue who is friends with Fangfeng Yi Ying. The latter overpowers Cang Xuan, Xiao Yao, Ah Nian, and the maid (Hai Tang). So powerful! (Remember that FFYY wants to assassinate Xuan).

[Ep17] The sisters crawl out of the water on their own. Meanwhile Cang Xuan is saved by Chenrong Xin Yue. So much for Xiao Yao's question of choosing which sister to save/help. It turns out when they're drowning, he drowns too! LOL. And he doesn't even save himself! The sisters don't need him either, hahaha.  
Xiao Yao spots Tushan Jing from afar. She wouldn't let herself believe that if she'd call him, he'd appear. But he really did appear the second she said "Shi Qi". They spend the whole afternoon together (and we're stripped of those scenes). When it's time to leave, he wants her to leave first so that if she turns around, she can see him. He doesn't want her to feel that leaving is lonely. Xiao Yao wonders to herself if he's smart or if he's foolish. Smart. And so sensitive to her needs. After learning about her past, he's fully aware that abandonment and loneliness are her worst fears.

Cang Xuan let Fangfeng Yi Ying hurt him on purpose! And Xiao Yao knew! This is why she wasn't worried at all like Ah Nian was. What is this bond! He wanted to deescalate the fight and let it be bygone, particularly because he knew about Fangfeng Yi Ying's assassination. He just didn't expect Chenrong Xin Yue to save him. Xiao Yao proudly takes credit for alluring an admirer from the Chenrong clan. Cang Xuan is baffled. This is an undeserved catastrophe because of Xiao Yao! I love this bickering, hahahaha. He also laughs at her silly girly thoughts. Forming an alliance takes more than just a little bit of romantic feelings from the Chenrong princess.

Tushan Jing bridges a meeting between Cang Xuan and Chishui Feng LongTushan Jing is allying with Cang Xuan! All for Xiao Yao? Or does he actually respect Xuan? Oh and hello 4th ML! About time. Fiancee Fangfeng Yi Ying joins the meal. Xiao Yao scans her dress enviously. Disheartened, she leaves the group. Cang Xuan automatically follows, but she makes him stay. I like this subtle exchange between them. Xuan was willing to leave this meeting for Xiao Yao, but she wanted him to stay for the connections he needs. Just one touch was needed to express those sentiments
Xiao Yao chances upon Xiang Liu! But what the heck, he transforms into a girl?! Because he needs to hide the fact that he's here to meet Chenrong Yi? He's concealing his identity, but he cannot conceal his desires. To have Xiao Yao sit next to him, he makes the sky rain and the boat shake. LOL! 

Xiang Liu indirectly asks Xiao Ya why she isn't returning home and if there is someone she misses. She admits there's a friend back at home. He eats her –– food. He's a bit mean, but he's a really good person. Xiang Liu is touched. 

Cang Xuan exerts his brotherly entitlement on Tushan Jing. He will not allow Xiao Yao to suffer any pain anymore and if Tushan Jing can't promise this, Cang Xuan wants him far away from Xiao Yao. 
Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu (female) spend the day together and even watch the fireworks. But her thoughts are of Tushan Jing as she stares at the couple on the bridge. She and Tushan Jing stood there too. It's as if Xiang Liu senses her distraction, and randomly falls into Xiao Yao's embrace to snatch her attention again. Who are you and what did you do to my Xiang Liu?! Or actually, why can't Xiang Liu be like this when he's Xiang Liu? Before he leaves, he gives her food to cheer her up and reminds her that whenever she's unhappy, think of the person with white hair people who cares about her because "they" will be unhappy too. Xiao Yao is a little dazed and then she remembers she hasn't paid for her ride yet. But Xiang Liu wants her to owe him. And I'd like Xiang Liu to cash in a bit more!!! Please?!

[Ep18] Xiao Yao wants a pretty dress. Cang Xuan asks if it's because of Tushan Jing. Yes. No. It's because she's a girl. But sometimes she even forgets she's a girl or maybe deep down, she's afraid that "they" will be disappointed in the way she looks as a girl, and then she'll be disappointed in their disappointment. Xiao Yao is so insecure ): Cang Xuan asks who "they" include. Because if it's him and her father, they'll never be disappointed in her. If "they" includes another man, then he tells her that if she doesn't give herself hope, then she will not be disappointed. Ge! This type of comfort isn't very comforting.

Fangfeng Yi Ying's true love is Tushan Hou (brother). She's been working for him, and wishing death upon Tushan Jing. I actually find her strength so captivating, and her taste so repulsive

Xiao Yao returns to Mount Jade (where she lived for 70 years) to restore her true appearance. She also has a choice of staying here to restore her powers, but she refuses. She'd rather live freely even if it meant suffering than stay here where peace felt like a death sentence. 

Queen/Lady Yu (Jade) recovers Xiao Yao's true form except she cannot remove the rare weapon inside her. Exciting. Yang Zhi is going to look like Yang Zi! Anyway. This Queen Jade emulates tragedy. I might run away from her too.
Cang Xuan is mesmerized because that my friends, is a gigantic 大壽包 Big Peach Cake (for birthdays)
This is the moment Cang Xuan sees Xiao Yao as a woman, and not as his sister. Too late! All the other guys knew with her man guise. And you! Aigoo! His dazed expression is concerning for Xiao Yao because she's wondering if she's ugly. She shakes his hand to bring him out of his trance, and that small touch tingles his heart. 
Xiao Yao hides behind Cang Xuan, timid to see her father. However, Emperor Haolin seems a little bothered by the lotus marking on Xiao Yao's forehead. He hides it by lying about feeling old. I love watching Xuan's expressions here. He's finding her so cute, dodging behind him and tugging at his sleeve. Awwwww. Then when she turns around to ask him a question, he's clearly slow in his reply because every cell in his body was overwhelmed with just staring at her.

Xiao Yao is formally introduced to the family. Concubine Jing'an is delighted to meet her. Her name really matches her. It sounds like quietly and peacefully. Ah Nian inherited none of that sweetness. She whines to his brother, demanding him to choose between her and Xiao Yao. There's irritation in Cang Xuan's controlled expression. He looks at Xiao Yao (and there is his answer). She nods, prompting him to appease Ah Nian. However, Cang Xuan does not. He only tells Ah Nian that he wishes they get along. Cue toddler-temper-tantrum. After she leaves, the father continues to eat. If something this small affects his appetite, he'd die of starvation a million times now. Cang Xuan is calmly eating too. These men have been through a lot. Being royal and responsible sucks. Xiao Yao lost her appetite, though. 

Xiao Yao has her own quarters now. Emperor Haolin thinks it's not good enough. She thinks it's fine, particularly because it's close to gege. In this world, she only fears loneliness the most.
Hello Lonely. Xiang Liu learns that Xiao Liu is Xiao Yao. Normally flinty, fury seethes through. He had thought she was like him, alone in this world like him, but she had family. He is the only one who's lonely. And maybe he also realizes they are star-crossed lovers (unrequited too...)

[Ep19] Xiao Yao brings out her mirror. It has her memories of Xiang Liu from his nine-eyed face to his beautiful smile. She did save that image of him when they swam! Emperor Haolin asks who he is. She says it's a "friend who's not a friend" (because he's more than a friend? :D). Well, he must be worthy of remembering because the mirror stores what the heart desires. Her father had thought there would be images of Tushan Jing instead. 

Cang Xuan is asked who's prettier between Xiao Yao and Ah Nian. He replies that their beauty cannot be compared. Then he glances over at Tushan Jing who's clearly lost in thought, thinking of Xiao Yao probably wondering why she's absent today. Then during the Go game, Cang Xuan deliberately makes a bad move. Tushan Jing mirrors his piece. They're both thinking of Xiao Yao's stinky moves. Also, I don't think Cang Xuan lied about who's prettier. He can't compare the beauty of two girls where one is his sister and the other is a woman. But no matter how beautiful Xiao Yao is, she's not a beauty he can grasp as he looks towards Jing

Cang Xuan genuinely asks Xiao Yao who she would choose between him and Tushan Jing. Xiao Yao replies that feelings between a man and a woman cannot compare to their indestructible bond. She says that even if bones are fractured, they are the tendon that cannot be detached. They have one life together. 

Xiao Yao: Whatever you want to do, do it. I'm here for you and I will accompany you to the end. If the Tushan clan is your enemy, then they are my enemy too. 

Xiao Yao chose Xuan, but he also rejected Xuan. I think he already lost to Jing in her first sentence where she says they have a bond, but not one that is between a man and a woman
Ru Shou is cute! Ah Nian messed up Xiao Yao's dress for her inauguration, and now he has to clean up the mess. He freaks out and even yells at Xiao Yao, but she knows he's feigning it for her cooperation. He drops his pretence and smiles. Bingo! He lets her wear the one dress left, but it's the one Emperor Haolin disapproved of..... Could Xiao Yao really not be his daughter? 
The gaping reaction to Xiao Yao's beauty from our F4: 
  • Cang Xuan is smug. Mine! 
  • Chushui Feng Long is enchanted. Dang.
  • Tushan Jing is worried. Too beautiful (for someone like me)
  • Xiang Liu is...smirking. I can't read his expression, but sir, you are yummier. And he is Xiang Liu right? What's he doing here. He's royal? Is this a drama where everyone and their mother is a royal again. 
Tushan Jing asks Xiao Yao for a date via Cang Xuan. His face! HAHAHA Cang Xuan was so happy when it looked like Xiao Yao wanted to reject. No gege, she even wants to dress up prettily to meet her langjun! She can even forgo comfort for Jing. Cang Xuan is so upset, he drinks away. 
Xiang Liu hypnotizes (a willing) Ah Nian to push Xiao Yao off a cliff, and into the water. Xiao Yao can swim, but not when Xiang Liu catches her by the foot, keeping her submerged. He points to his lips. If she wants oxygen, she'll have to come for it. But Xiao Yao rejects! She'd rather die?! Than kiss those lips?! Insanity. He loses to her and takes her back on land. 
Xiang Liu is furious, but Xiao Yao cheers him up with poison. It is that easy to woo him! Well technically, he loved that it was something she made specifically for him. He drinks it immediately, and smirks when she's disappointed. However, Xiang Liu wants to know why she rejected to kiss him even if it meant dying. It's because Xiao Yao is scared of Xiang Liu. That lonely back again. I think this answer cuts deeper than he showed. "Nine heads" is a taboo because he hates the discrimination, and now the woman he loves tells him she's scared of him. But listen! It's because she's afraid that he'd enter her dreams, her fantasies, her "girly" heart. That compared to death is scarier because he is not a man she can love. Is he so happy that he doesn't know how to smile or is he sad because she speaks the truth (that she is scared). I don't get it. Does he now understand? Or do I not understand?! 
Xiao Yao abandons her in the middle of nowhere because if he's too kind to her, he'll accidentally enter her dreams. "Wouldn't I be committing a crime?" You doofus x 9! Xiao Yao actually swims across the turbulent waters, but she's engulfed by a wave. She's exhausted and drowns and when she thinks she's absolutely alone, someone catches her. It's NOT Xiang Liu, but Tushan Jing. 

Xiang Liu was watching all along, and now he clutches his heart in pain. Why is the parasite hurting him? Because Xiao Yao isn't reciprocating or he's suppressing his feelings? Well dude. If you had not drowned her, made her go to you for oxygen, and ditched her in the middle of the night, you wouldn't be in physical and emotional pain right now. Xiang Liu, what is holding you back?! TALK TO ME. Do you NOT want to be happy? Is that it? 

Tushan Jing had waited all night for Xiao Yao. Even if the waves reached his knees, he didn't budge. And he knew to find Xiao Yao in the water because.....of Xiang Liu? I think what happened is Xiang Liu kept Xiao Yao safe from the sea demons or else she'd be dead by now. He also felt Tushan Jing's presence in the water so he waited until Jing picked her up. Again, I don't know WHY. Xiang Liu, are your 9 heads for decoration? Xiao Yao tells Jing that the moment she was dying, she regretted it a little. Is her promise to him more important than her life? Then when she saw him save her, she had no regrets. But now, she pulls their hands apart because her faithfulness was towards Ye Shi Qi, not Tushan Jing. Oh. She rejected Xiang Liu's "kiss" because she promised Jing she wouldn't let "another man enter her heart". D: I'm suddenly very upset that they made the 15-year promise. You know that saying, you cannot hog the potty when you're not ready to go, Jing.  

Cang Xuan drank all night. Bro, you missed everything. In the morning, he has a hangover. Lao Sang thinks his master has never been this happy. Oh Lao Sang, lol. Why does Xuan keep you around to be a pain in the butt, hahaha. Then Cang Xuan receives news that Xiao Yao hasn't returned all night. He's furious, but keeps his composure and assures the maid that this is only a small matter for Xiao Yao's maiden reputation. 

[Ep20] Xiao Yao is so beautiful that Tushan Jing feels unworthy of her. As if to boost his confidence, Xiao Yao kisses him! He backs away, saying they can't. Xiao Yao wants more, though. She closes her eyes, waiting for him to kiss her. Softly, he caresses her face, but right before their lips touch, he kisses her forehead instead. Pleasantly surprised, Xiao Yao naively asks when they can kiss (on the lips). Tushan Jing doesn't know because it's decided by her. He doesn't tell her that he wants the kiss from love and not sympathy. The other boys lost to you for a reason

Outside, someone is bellowing "Xiao Yao!" Yup. That's our gege! He's angry at her until he realizes it's all because of his other darling sister. He removes the leaves from her hair, and reminds her that technically she's her darling sister. Alright! Darling sister, here we come! Xiao Yao marches to take revenge. He's like Don't you want to tidy up first? Nope! This is evidence. Lol. I love this convo. I love her attitude.  

The sisters have a truce. It only took some hair and a panda eye (from Ah Nian).

All the rich kids hang out on a yacht. Chenrong Xin Yue offers to teach Cang Xuan how to swim. He politely rejects until he notices Tushan Jing approaching Xiao Yao. With an inscrutable smirk, he lets Chenrong Xin Yue push him over the ledge. Did he leave to give Jing and Xiao Yao space? That's not like Xuan at all. Then he left to make Xiao Yao jealous? Then Xuan ah, you don't know her at all! LOL. But maybe he wanted to confirm her answer in Ep19 (whether she'd choose Jing or Xuan). Well gege, here's your answer...... I think you knew though
Xiao Yao is so logical in love. I'm not sure she's in love, but she is interested. Tushan Jing can stir her emotions, but she doesn't want it out of jealousy. If he isn't worthy of her feelings, she will not hesitate to cut him off. Jing is scared, but he is fully aware and that's why he treats her with such delicacy and care. Tushan Jing won't make it easy for her to cut him off, though! He will be continuously sending her plum wine. She complains, "You won't keep me close, but you won't let me go". Jing knows she deserves better, but he really can't let go. The wine was meant to tell her that he's thinking of her. Xiao Yao smiles. She likes that a lot. 

Tushan Jing gets his savvy moment when he explains about a "pearl" of some sort. The way Xiao Yao is staring at him eloquently speaking, it seems she is slowly falling in love with Jing who really does seem to know everything. 

Cang Xuan knows the Chenrong princess fancies him because he's a prince. But it's not much different for him: he can't reject her because she's a princess. Xiao Yao asks if he's upset that his feelings have to be suppressed. 

Cang Xuan: To hate but cannot offend. To love – glances at Xiao Yao – but cannot be intimate. How can I not be sad? But this is all I must sacrifice to return to XiyanTo protect the people he wants to protect. To protect the person he wants to protect.
Xiao Yao accompanies Cang Xuan home to visit their family's tombs. However, his brothers and uncles block his path and ignore his existence. It is our Xiao Yao, Princess of Haolin, who leads him by the hand like a queen to enter the gates of Xiyan palace. They are a power duo! Can we have another version of this story where they are endgame. PLEASE. Maybe two more versions actually

[Ep21] Xiao Yao blows by the uncles and even mocks royal grandma's taste in men = mocking Emperor Xiyan
Cang Xuan isn't modest either. He candidly tells his grandfather he wants Xiyan (Mountain). Surprisingly, Cang Xuan says he misses him too. Unsurprisingly, Emperor Xiyan will not help Cang Xuan. Just like how he had to walk towards him on his own to be seen by him, Cang Xuan will have to earn the rights to rule Xiyan. 

Emperor Xiyan: Don't blame me for being cruel. If it isn't by earned skills, even if I give it to you, you won't be able to keep it. 

When Cang Xuan plays Go with his grandfather, his hands are shaking. He's aging. He asks Cang Xuan if he hates him for neglecting him. 

Cang Xuan: Suffering isn't an experience that people like. But once it's defeated, all sufferings will convert to strength. 
Emperor Xiyan: This game, you played well. We referring to Xuan's game pieces or his life pieces? Is this Xuan's approval from his grandfather? Could his grandfather have been protecting Xuan by being indifferent?! I thought I would hate this grandfather because of the first episode, but now I'm feeling sorry for him?! 

Mince her words, Xiao Yao does not. She refuses Emperor Xiyan's offer to keep her grandmother's accessories. Xiao Yao would hate to fall for the wrong man who is interested in her accessories (wealth) rather than the real her (like the grandfather for the grandmother). She also advises the Emperor to ignore her if he finds her offensive, after all he's an expert in pretending to be mute and blind. Splendid

However, Xiao Yao will mince her words for Cang Xuan if he actually cares about his grandfather. She had thought he'd hate him.  Cang Xuan is just eroded by reality. As he becomes older, he understands his grandfather's position. He hurt many people, but he saved the country. While he is hurting others, he is also hurting himself. This is Xuan's foreshadowing.... Stop!! But he assures Xiao Yao, she can keep her sharp tongue. It seems Emperor Xiyan likes it, lol. I see that too. The grandfather tolerates her and is rather amused.
Xiao Yao wants to help Cang Xuan even more. He asks her, Don't you know I have been using you? Hul. From Tushan Jing, to Chishui Feng Long to Chenrong Xin Yue, they respect him because of her identity as Princess of Haolin. She gave him his foundation because she values him like he's her most important person. Just that alone is more than Cang Xuan can ever ask of her. 

Cang Xuan: I know you don't care about tainting your hands with blood, but I care. 

Tushan Jing updates. 1) He requests to annul the engagement. His grandmother seemingly approves but it will have to be done delicately, and with time. 2) He stops sending plum wines to Xiao Yao because someone tampered with them, 3) He's headed towards Xiao Yao once he realizes it's dangerous in Xiyan. But he goes to Zhiyi Town instead. 

Xiao Yao almost finishes her plum wines, and is saddened that there won't be more. Did Jing stop thinking of her? She swirls the empty bottle, which Cang Xuan snatches. He says gege will make her better mulberry wine instead. LOL
Gege also takes her to the brothel! It's actually a rendezvous with his spy (Jin Xuan). Cang Xuan doesn't conceal anything in front of Xiao Yao. He'll give it to her straight that he's using her. And now he brings her here without explaining

Meanwhile Xiao Yao is harassed by a lewd man, but someone saves her. It's Xiang Liu! But his hair is jet black and his attitude screams playboy. Xiao Yao is unsure of his identity and realizes no one has seen Xiang Liu's true appearance. Except her. Technically Xiang Liu doesn't need a mask when he can transform, but Xiao Yao seems to understand why he insists on one. Like her, he wanted to keep his true appearance.

I fear that I'm seeing Cang Xuan's future in grandfather ): The way he has those flowers at his side....is it in memory of his wife (the grandma)? Will this be Xuan's ending if he, like his grandfather, chose to rule the world, and the only way he could keep the one woman he loves is to forcefully confine her in the palace....? Xiao Yao would rather die than live imprisoned...and Xuan knows that.  
[Ep22] Xiao Yao poisons "Xiang Liu", but he reacts to the poison. Is he not Xiang Liu? 

Xiao Yao: Aren't you afraid of death? 
Fangfeng Bei: Then I'll have to see whose hands I'll die by. 
Xiao Yao gives him the antidote, which he makes her feed him. Before she leaves, he pulls her back. Just what does he want? 

Fangfeng Bei: I want you to remember me.

He writes his name Xiang Liu "Fangfeng Bei" in the heart of her palm. 

At night, Cang Xuan is ambushed by Yu Jiang (who is avenging his brother, said to be a ruthless general, killed by Cang Xuan). Before the sword hacks down Cang Xuan's head, it crumbles. He's saved by a female. 
But the danger is far from over! Hovering above on a magnificent horse is Fangfeng Bei. This Fangfeng family, wow. Xiao Yao risks her life to shield Cang Xuan with her body. My man. You're always saved by a woman! He wants to push her away, but he's too injured and she's desperate to protect him. 

Fangfeng Bei retreats.
A tear rolls down from the brim of Cang Xuan's eye. "Xiao Yao, you're never allowed to be like this again. You cannot die."  

The girl who saved Cang Xuan was Chishui Xian. She works for Chishui Feng Long, but it was Tushan Jing's idea to send her. He wants Chishui Feng Long to support Cang Xuan. 

Emperor Xiyan gives Cang Xuan a jade that belonged to his grandmother. With it, he can summon her guards. However, these guards will only protect him within the palace, and if he stays in the palace, Xiyan cannot be his. Tushan Jing had said the same thing that Cang Xuan could be king as long as he left the palace. Our Emperor is rooting for him too
Cang Xuan wants Xiao Yao to leave. She's like You want me to eat well, sleep well, while you stay here, waiting to die. He assures her that he's not as weak as she assumes.  

Cang Xuan: I have lost too many family members, I absolutely cannot lose you. 
Xiao Yao: I have also lost too many family members, I absolutely cannot lose you too. If you don't want me protecting you in the front, then defeat all your danger  
Cang Xuan: I will spare no effort. I will sacrifice myself. I will do anything I can.
Xiao Yao: As long as we can live. Otherwise not only will our hearts be unreconciled, their – glances at the tombs – grievances will be unresolved too. 
The way their thoughts are one. Wow

Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao move out. She throws away the last of her plum wine without drinking it. Once there's a taste of "waiting", she no longer wants it. 70 years was already enough. Cang Xuan comforts her that he has mulberry wine. Oh gege! Oh but hey! He sincerely asks if she wants him to send a letter to Tushan Jing. Xiao Yao declines. Is gege relieved? She would rather him fix up her herbal room. Gone is the fox, and here comes the snake. LOL. Give Xuan a break! xD

Fangfang Bei smiles as he catches Xiao Yao sending poison delicacies to Qingshui Town. Who else could it be for but for Xiang Liu. He's the only person she wants to poison. Is she making amends with Xiang Liu after HE abandoned her in the ocean? Did she perhaps know that he was protecting her from sea demons .....while she struggled to swim all night... Lol. It's so hard to defend you, Xiang Liu
Fangfeng Bai follows Xiao Yao around. It seems they're both playing with fire as he tells her he's only busy at night, and she asks him to show her his archery skills. After one casual shot, Xiao Yao realizes that if he truly wanted to kill her and Cang Xuan last night, they'd be dead by now. 
The pretences (on top of pretences on top of pretences) are still up as Fangfeng Bei teaches archery to Xiao Yao. With his guidance, she strikes the heart of the straw man. She's amazed with herself. But sweetie, that was 90% him. Then he takes her to eat and gives her all the good parts. He's so gentle that she confirms he cannot be Xiang Liu. Fangfeng Bei is disappointed. He's only ever nice to her when he's in disguise..... 

Tushan Jing's intel arrives and it's a detailed account of Xiao Yao "dating". Looks like Tushan Jing is headed to Xiyan too! Bring me all the jealous men! 

[Ep23] The underground casino belongs to the Lurong Clan (their ancestors were the Orthrus (two-headed dog)). They host brutal slave battles for their customers to bet on. Xiao Yao wants to place a bet too, but to motivate the desolate winner. Fangfeng Bei's eyes twinkle. He finds that interesting, very interesting. Ultimately, he's the one who wins. He had told the slaves that he was a slave too, and he survived. Xiao Yao calls him a liar. He replies that "hope" in itself is a lie. 

Xiao Yao is perplexed. There's no way the slave would believe Fangfeng Bei. That is true, but Fangfeng Bei used their unique slave language. Just who is Fangfeng Bei? 
Xiao Yao: Who are you? 
Fangfeng Bei: Who do you wish I am?  
Xiao Yao touches his heart and hers
Xiao Yao: Our hearts are beating as one. 
Fangfeng Bei: Yes. It seems they really are beating as one. Lips as one too? KISS HER

The fox has arrived. With his fiancée. Fangfeng Yi Ying doesn't recognize Xiao Yao, though. Girl can assassinate at night, but she can't see when someone's right in her face. Why is FFYY pretending?
Ah Nian is at Xiyan too. Her father and Ru Shuo were watching her "sneak" out. Ru Shuo and Lao Sang are my favourite servants. The way they unawarely snark at their masters xD

Emperor Xiyan assures Xiao Yao that as long as he is alive, he can enable her to marry anyone she wants. The only man Xiao Yao wants to spend forever with is one who will always choose her first and never abandon her. Tushan Jing is her perfect answer. She knows her conditions are nearly impossible, which is why she doesn't hope because if she does, she will be consigned to eternal damnation. Even if her heart is moved, she will control it. If she never meets the right man, she will never marry. Emperor Xiyan won't stop her. If this is the freedom she wants, then so be it. Cang Xuan is destined to never be rebellious (free), but Xiao Yao can. Grandpa Xiyan won't stop her. When the grandfather mentioned how Cang Xuan is destined never to rebel (be free), I realized this grandpa is giving the love and care he wanted to give Cang Xuan to Xiao Yao T_T.

Cang Xuan asks Xiao Yao to see Tushan Jing for his political gains. Oh my heart is heavy. To defend Xuan, he wouldn't have said this if Xian Yao didn't probe him about Tushan Jing. And if Xuan had trusted there is goodness in people, then he should have betted that Jing would do anything for Xiao Yao without asking for anything in return. Cang Xuan is resentful at himself, but Xiao Yao comforts him. If she cared about her pride, she'd have died in the hands of the nine-tailed fox. She reminds him this place is Chaoyunfeng. He understands. 

Xiao Yao is still angry, though, and she takes it out during archery with Fangfeng Bei. He sees all the callouses on her hand, unfitting of a princess. Awww. Calluses hurt you, Xiang Liu? Not when you drowned her and strangled her? I see. It's not like Xiao Yao wanted to be a princess. 

Fangfeng Bei: How about stop being a princess and roam the world with me? Xiang Liu's heart speaking! 
Xiao Yao: Okay. If you can abandon everything for me, I'll leave with you. 
Fangfeng Bei laughs it offXIANG LIU. Just say yes for heaven's sake! He actually has so many chances and he just lets them go one by one.     

Thanks to trusty Lao Sang (who's always failing our rCang Xuan), Tushan Jing leans that Xiao Yao is back home. He's permitted to enter, but the one who sent those orders was Fangfeng Bei. Xiao Yao is taking a nap. But she wakes up immediately, and makes sure she's pretty before seeing Jing.....only to make him jealous by using Fangfeng Bei. However, she remembers that Cang Xuan needs Jing, and apologizes to Fangfeng Bei that she can't play with him today. Fangfeng Bei loses his smile, and his eyes turn steely. It scares Xiao Yao. Is she reminded of Xiang Liu? But then his friendly playboy smile returns. 

How can Tushan Jing even fail? His love rivals are his aides! There's Cang Xuan asking her to see him, and Xiang Liu, who lets her see him

Tushan Jing spent one day and two nights to retrieve the purple "pearl/jade" for Xiao Yao. Her anger crumbles. She hates him. Whenever she decides to drop him from her life, he always makes her heart tender. 

Meanwhile Fangfeng Bei (Xiang Liu!) visits the food stall all alone. Xiang Liu, I hate you! Whenever you have a glimmer of hope, you just drop it! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU

[Ep24] Chishui Feng Long and Cang Xuan are officially allies as he teaches him to give up Xiyan City to rule the world. Cang Xuan will never forget this favour. He is indebted to Feng Long. Hm. This debt....I'm feeling ominous. And also this was Tushan Jing's idea...
Tushan Jing doesn't care about taking credit anyway. He only wants to be with Xiao Yao. He had told her about the plum wine, and his grandmother's approval in canceling the engagement (but I don't trust this grandma...). Now they're happily painting until Xiao Yao (incredulously) poisons him. Supposedly he can't move, but they can still kiss! (Deng Wei's neck is so red.) She gives him the antidote, and the poison (in the painting) to take back home. Whoever rummages through it is the spy who tampered with his wine. She's awesome! Then Xiao Yao compliments his lush hair as if to ask which maid washes it. When she learns that he does it himself, she delightfully offers to wash his hair with her special shampoos. Tushan Jing expresses his happiness with "I am happy." That line is so awkward. Once was enough. Who goes and says "I am happy" when they're happy. Just be happy
Broody is Cang Xuan. He's outside Xiao Yao's room, controlling his anger, and his heart, but then the lights go out, and Tushan Jing isn't out! He summons his dagger, ready to kill Tushan Jing – Screw ruling the world! Right Cang Xuan! – except Jing quietly exits the room. Cang Xuan warns him that if dares to hurt Xiao Yao, he will take his life. Tushan Jing agrees. "If there is such a day, then kill me." After Tushan Jing leaves, Cang Xuan grips his dagger by the blade. Blood drips, but his grip remains. Because he can't stop the pain in his heart

When Xiao Yao wakes up, she finds a lock of Tushan Jing's hair on her bed. There's online comments on how Tushan Jing won't lose to Xiang Liu because he also had hair on her bed, lol. 

Tushan Jing catches the spy. It's one of his maids. Is that why Xiao Yao asked about the maids when she talked about his hair? She knew! And is it that maid sleeping around with Tushan Hou? Hmmm. The plum wine delivery resumes. Xiao Yao smiles knowingly, while Cang Xuan's every cell is frowning. But gege, you don't understand meimei!  She did it for Cang Xuan (really?) because Tushan Jing can help him better now that his quarter is spy-free.

Cang Xuan pretends to be hedonistic so that his uncles will let their guard down and send him away. Ah Nian doesn't understand his brother anymore, but Xiao Yao does. However, even Cang Xuan is confused with himself. He's been pretending too long that he doesn't even know himself anymore. He asks Xiao Yao if she would abandon him too if he degenerates. Xiao Yao returns the question to him. His answer; Never.  He will always be at her side because there must be a reason she's like this, and if she never wants to heal, he will still be at her side. And that is Xiao Yao's answer too. These two will never abandon each other. No. Matter. What. (Lost You Forever)

Cang Xuan risks his health as he consumes the drugs. His uncles want him addicted, and poisoned. Cang Xuan has faith in himself to resist the addiction, and he has faith in Xiao Yao's toxicology. But Xiao Yao cannot prevent the damage to his powers. Cang Xuan doesn't care. He doesn't depend on those powers anyway. He really is sacrificing his body and his life as he said by the tombs
A masked Fangfeng Bei enters Xiao Yao's room. She advises him to choose a new target, but he leisurely makes his way forward, and so she poisons him. It's not working. Because he's Xiang Liu! The man who couldn't walk into her dreams has now walked to her bed.... When he brushes aside her curtain, her eyes dilate. She reaches out to his mask and removes it...  Did she not know it was Fangfeng Bei or is she finally realizing he's Xiang Liu because she couldn't poison him? 

[Ep25] Just as Xiao Yao is deliberating if Fangfeng Bei could really be Xiang Liu, he flashes a Bei smile. But this Bei is injured, and like Xiang Liu, he's here to recover. 
Xiao Yao finally confirms his identity. She lets him take her bed, but not her neck. He wants to know why. "I used to be a man. Now, can it be the same?" Xiang Liu takes her blood as he stuffs her face in her small wrist. Xiang Liu daren! I don't want to see you looking so lowly!!! T_T 好卑微!  Xiao Yao is lightheaded, but she wants him to take more because she can just nourish herself tomorrow. But he stops. And he even moves farther from her on the bed! He really took her words to his heart: Compared to death, I fear it more if you enter my dreamsAs I understand Cang Xuan, I'm seeing Xiang Liu now. This is cruel self control. He loves her. The choice of being with her forever perpetually dangles in front of him, and yet with every might he's stopping himself. His self control might be stronger than Xuan's because Xuan has no choice
In the morning, Xiao Yao admires Xiang Liu's sleeping face, remembering all his Liu/Bei moments. She tells him (as if he's not asleep) that bidding farewell is unnecessary because she doesn't know who (Liu/Bei) to say it to. She said that, but when she's back with her poison treats, she's disappointed he really disappeared without a word. 

Cang Xuan suffers from addiction. The women his uncles sent over are his nightmare. Ah Nian doesn't understand him and has run back home. He asks if Xiao Yao is angry at him too. No. How could she when he's already this cruel to himself? Plus she doesn't care about other women taking his bed the way Ah Nian does...... Then Cang Xuan tugs at Xiao Yao's sleeve and cutely whines. CANG XUAN TUGS AT XIAO YAO'S SLEEVE AND CUTELY WHINES?! EXCUSE ME. I NEED TO SCREAM IN A CORNER RIGHT NOW. He doesn't want to go back. He doesn't want to see those women. IS HE POUTING?! Xiao Yao says no one is forcing him. Negative. There is. He is forcing himself. From the moment his mother committed suicide right before his eyes, he is destined never to be reckless. :( Xiao Yao offers to temporarily suspend his olfaction. He refuses. He needs to imprint this stench and everything he suffered to remember how he survived. This man is ruthless to himself

Everything seems to be paying off for Cang Xuan except love. He is the Special Ambassador Repair Supervisor (these titles, lol) dispatched to Mount Chenrong. He takes Xiao Yao there too, but sometimes he wonders if it's better to keep her safe instead. She reminds him of their grandmother's last words. They are to support each other. Cang Xuan says he only sees her supporting him. He's keeping his motivation behind unifying the nation (for Xiao Yao) so close to his heart that not even Xiao Yao can know....
Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao have more cute moments. It's so rare. Gotta cherish! He bullies her like a boy in love brother by spellbinding a book to her head. Bet you want to be that book, Xuan! But I do wonder if it's to make her rest.  

Cang Xuan may show Xiao Yao his true self, but not his true pain. He hides the severity of his addiction from her. However, she has been researching all sorts of therapies for him. Tonight, they will detoxify him. Cang Xuan secludes himself during his withdrawal. But this is Xiao Yao! She accompanies him every aching step of the way. And she refuses to tie him with a rope because she knows the only way to overcome his addiction is with his willpower. 
Xiao Yao sings the song Cang Xuan's mother sang. She has tamed the rampaging monster that almost swallowed our Xuan. His will power is returning. He stops biting his own fist (that almost punched Xiao Yao). Those eyes staring at her tell me he only has Xiao Yao.  She comforts him, "Gege, don't be afraid. There's me." There's only you Xiao Yao T____T

The next morning, a touch seems to not be enough for Cang Xuan anymore. Cautiously, he reaches over to kiss her forehead........ 
[Ep26] Cang Xuan slams the break on the kiss when Xiao Yao talks in her sleep, "Gege....Gege... Don't be sad. Xiao Yao will be at your side." He's bound by the words "gege". He pats her head, and reassures her that as long as she's with him, "gege" won't be sad. Gege, but those aren't "eyes" for a meimei
Now that Cang Xuan is sober, let's celebrate with wine~ 

But, not the plum wine!

Cang Xuan notices that Tushan Jing always sends plum wine in 15s as if there's a hidden message he's not getting. What can I say? Cang Xuan's eyesight is improving.  
Cang Xuan and Chishui Feng Long go on a date find a mountain to hang out on. Feng Long has Cang Xuan's forever gratitude. Cang Xuan has no choice, but one path, but Feng Long has many choices, and yet he chose him. Chishui Feng Long disagrees. He says he only has one choice as well because as he sees it, no one else is more fitting to unite the nations than Cang Xuan. They kneel and cheer to each other. They are soulmates. Guys, for my heart's sake, should I just ship these two instead? Something tells me that Feng Long will be all that Cang Xuan will have left by the very end.
Tushan Jing and Xiao Yao go on a date.... in the home of Demon General Chichen, the man Xiao Yao's mother died killing. Jing is romantic. First skeletal caves, and then her mother's murderer. It's fine, though. Xiao Yao is chill and she finds the house surprisingly simple for the legendary ruthless demon. They continue their date here. Xiao Yao says she likes Tushan Jing because she's different. Her and her family are cruel people (and crueler to themselves), but Jing is tender to everyone even if they're cruel. He excitedly asks her to repeat her words. She teases him and even tickles his chin. She just won't say what he wants to hear. He poutingly whines too. "Jiejie, this jiejie – points to her – is bullying me." Xiao Yao cannot beat this 400yo fox in coyness. Giggling, she surrenders and sweetly confesses, "I like you." But the one who's blushing is Jing. He explains, "I am happy." 

Mr. Grumps (= Cang Xuan) waits at home. He tells the maid that once Xiao Yao "plays" enough, she will return home. So you think this is just a fling, eh Cang Xuan? Aigoo. Xiao Yao appeases Cang Xuan by coaxing her gege with a present! Aw, Xiao Yao~ It's from Jing. Oh no, Xiao Yao! Lol. Cang Xuan throws it away like a toddler. However, it's useful! It's a puppet that can turn into Cang Xuan so that he won't have to visit those girls he hates. Begrudgingly, he accepts the present (tail of the fox who beat her sister with the magic of the man who has her sister's heart, lol). He also returns her a present: Fangfeng Bei's bio. So many foxes and snakes infesting your moment, Xuan! LOL. 

Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao date too! I don't care, it's a date. After she tells him she fired her archery teacher, he smugly offers to teach her. She's astonished that The Xiang Liu Daren will teach her. Girl. When will you see his feelings for you. Why don't you research more about that parasite! He also explains his Fangfeng Bei identity. The original Bei died in the north and before his death, he requested a trade for his remaining powers if Xiang Liu took care of his dying mother. Xiao Yao thinks it's a loss, but not Xiang Liu. He cracked out of an egg without parents. Fangfeng Bei gave him a mother, a belonging. 

Xiang Liu fools Xiao Yao into attacking Tushan Jing whose hand is now bleeding. The cycle: Xuan's hand bleeds bc of Jing. Jing's hands bleed bc of Xiang Liu. Xiang Liu's an idiot x9. In the process, Xiang Liu also made Tushan Jing jealous by being so close to Xiao Yao. She's furious with Xiang Liu, but he redirects her anger at Tushan Jing by reminding both of them of Fangfeng Yi Ying's existence. When it comes to slyness, who can beat our snake. This is the only time his 9 heads are working together. She's so angry, she won't listen to what else Xiang Liu has to say. He wanted to tell her about Fangfeng Yi Ying's affair with Tushan Hou. 

The rest of the rich kid's party. 
  • Chenrong Xin Yue says they're all relatives. Chenrong Xing Yue is actually kind of funny when she's not an entitled princess
  • Fangfeng Bei sips his tea/alcohol, literally and figuratively. He's lounging there and can see all the alliances: 1) Fangfeng Yi Ying and Tushan Hou, and 2) Tushan Jing, Chishui Feng Long, and Cang Xuan (because CX was mentioned during the Go games between the boys).
  • The sisters are their brothers' wingwoman for Xiao Yao's heart: Chenrong Xin Yue + Chushui Feng Long, and Fangfeng Yi Ying + Fangfeng Bei. (Feng Long also asks Cang Xuan for help. Cang Xuan politely agrees. Cang Xuan can't even help himself, man.)
  • Chenrong Xin Yue defiles Cang Xuan's lips. When the camera zoomed out, is that a Ruomu Flower (the one Cang Xuan's mother gave him for his future wife)? Maybe not. Dunno.  
  • The only brat missing from the party is Ah Nian. She's moping about Cang Xuan and his girls. But those are his allies. If Cang Xuan needs to rule, he needs them. Emperor Haolin kept to one wife, but look how he had a revolt in his kingdom. This is why he taught Cang Xuan to be better than him. This is why Cang Xuan cannot reject Chishui's Feng Long request to date his sister nor Chenrong Xin Yue's kiss. Everything is for alliance, for power
The party is spoiled when Fangfeng Bei criticizes Chenrong Xin Yue for mocking Demon General Chichen. In this world, anyone can insult the general but Chenrong family. 

Cang Xuan ignores everyone and everything, and only cares about Xiao Yao. He coaxes her with candy after he notices her sulking. Once he takes her out of the party, he promises her that from now on he will be her good brother. Xiao Yao finds it odd. It's like he hasn't been a good brother. 

Cang Xuan: No matter what, at least one of us has to live happily. 
Xiao Yao doesn't understand why only one of them can be happy
Cang Xuan: Do you think I chose this road for happiness? From now on I will be a good gege, and take good care of you. Because this party has reminded him that he cannot be her man

[Ep27] Bei is a bum. LOL. I forgot Xiang Liu has no money. And he won't let Xiao Yao pay. Because. Man Pride! Rigidly, he gets up. She misunderstood that he was going to beat up the waiter, but he just wanted to trade in his jade. Aw, Xiang Liu daren! I can't recognize you anymore! Then when it's time for Xiao Yao to upgrade to a new bow, she genuinely asks who's paying. She really doesn't know this man pride thing. And now they're both laughing. Ok. Can he be her Bae Bei forever? 

Tushan Jing's grandmother never had intentions of canceling the marriage with Fangfeng Yi Ying. Well, Jing cancels this grandmother and this Qingqiu family. But can he really? He can't shake off Fangfeng Yi Ying, and they even appear together as they meet Xiao Yao and Fangfeng Bei tying the bow buying a bow. Yi Ying asks Jing to pay. He hesitates, afraid Xiao Yao will be jealous. Too late. Already jealous. She asks Bei to pay. But Xiang Liu's poor! With her puppy eyes, Xiang Liu can't refuse, but he's furious. It's not about the money. She used him to make Tushan Jing jealous.  

Our hot-9headed Xiang Liu is actually easy to coax, though. Just poison him. In this world, only he can appreciate her culinary skills. However this meeting is a farewell. He asks Xiao Yao to wait for him. !!! She mutters how great it would be if Xiang Liu was just Fangfeng Bei. He thinks so too
Tushan Jing and Xiao Yao reconcile thanks to Fangfeng Yi Ying's ambush. He wasn't injured because he had been waiting for Xiao Yao in the same spot. He's been standing for so long, a membrane of dew has sheeted him. How can Xiao Yao not forgive this man whose love is like a rock (stable, and immovable). 

Fangfeng Yi Yin's failed assassination also benefited our boys. It gives them the excuse to eradicate Tushan Hou's men, weakening his forces.
Why doesn't Xiao Yao like Chishui Feng Long? He's too similar to Cang Xuan. Dang. He can't even confess and now he's indirectly rejected. He's too calculative. He only likes her because compared to other choices, she's his best. Unlike Jing because she is his only. 

Xiao Yao asks if Cang Xuan cannot be without Feng Long (i.e. does she need to entertain him for Cang Xuan's sake). He reveals a secret instead. He has an army here, and if it's exposed, he and his (blood) family will be beheaded. The risk is severe, but he cannot and will not allow himself (and the people he loves) to be vulnerable ever again. This is why he needs Chishui Feng Long. Xiao Yao touches the callouses on her palm. I like the theory that she agrees with Xuan that they need to be strong and protect themselves just like how she's learning archery from Xiang Liu. There's other theories (from the novel?) that she's thinking of Bei. She agrees to help her brother and meet Feng Long. Resigned, Cang Xuan tells Xiao Yao that the relationship is codependent; Feng Long needs him too. It's just that Cang Xuan genuinely believes Feng Long isn't a bad choice either. In this world, there are better men than Tushan Jing. Cang Xuan said this, but I personally don't think he included himself in that category of "better men"...): 

[Ep28] Chishui Feng Long is a clown and the new joke. Cang Xuan, you have an inheritor!  
Look at this cute dork setting up Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing! So this is why they made Wang Hong Yi juggle in his "punishment" video, hahaha
During the firework blast, our daring Xiao Yao kisses Tushan Jing on the cheek. Our fox is so flustered, he falls sitting in his seat. Then she sings and dances – for him. ♪ 長相守, 不分離 To accompany each other forever, and never to separate) ♪ The Chishui and Chenrong siblings are blind to this romance. 
While Xiao Yao is flirting under the fireworks, Xiang Liu is fighting through a path of blood.

While Xiao Yao continues to flirt with Tushan Jing, Cang Xuan has to date Chenrong Xin Yue and admire her feet. Cang Xuan, imprint this smell! Cang Xuan could endure everything, except when she sings Xiao Yao's song. He knows those lyrics were meant for Tushan Jing. 

While everyone pities Tushan Jing who fell from grace, Xiao Yao does not. He is as bright and clear as the moon. It may be cloudy and crescent, but it will never be consumed by the dark night. Pure and splendid. It will always exist. Tushan Jing, in her eyes, doesn't need anyone to pity him. I really like the way she admires him and in admiring him, she's healing herself. She once said that the scenery is dead. It's the people who admire the scenery that give it meaning. She's doing that with Jing (who's name sounds like Scenery by the way). She's admiring him, giving him life. In turn, she's feeling alive. Xiao Yao is someone who felt dead, and being imprisoned those 70 years was living death. Jing's existence allows her to appreciate the scenery that is life.   
While the rest of her harem are being tortured, Xiao Yao is holding Jing's hand and kissing Jing's knee. What's with the feet and knees. She wants him to know that she doesn't mind his leg, but she does mind others pitying him. She hurts for him. However, Tushan Jing only cares about Xiao Yao looking at him. Nothing anyone says will upset him. His finger lingers on her lips, and then he sweeps in for a kiss. It's finally Xiao Yao who's flustered, but he pulls her in for a deeper kiss. He's finally confident she loves him and does not sympathize with him. She asks him why he's kissing her now. He smiles. Perhaps it's because she's too good. Perhaps it's because he's too selfish. Or perhaps it's because she's too alluring. Bashful, Xiao Yao covers his lips with her hand to stop her from making her shy. He kisses her hand too.

[Ep29] Our poor Ru Shuo is petrified. What can scare our cunning cutie? Being Ah Nian's husband. To not die on his deathbed too soon marry, he takes on the daunting task of finding her a compatible man that is anyone but him.. LMAO). But they were kinda cute together before? xD 
Fangfeng Bei asks Tushan Jing (as Xiang Liu) to ship some cargoes, and will trade Xiao Yao for it. WHAT. Exactly what are you trading about her anyway? 

Xiang Liu: Are you accepting or are you declining? 
Tushan Jing: No matter what, I will never use Xiao Yao for a trade. Bullseye. *Calling all rescue squad for XY&XL shippers who sank*

But Tushan Jing will help Xiang Liu. Take it as repayment for teaching her archery.

Xiang Liu: You help Xiao Yao repay me? Have you asked for her permission yet? Dude. All nine heads had memory loss? You mean you were trading her with her permission??  
Tushan Jing: This matter is between Xiao Yao and me. It's none of your concern Fangfeng jun. But of course, accepting or rejecting is your business. You can reject. 

Xiang Liu laughs bitterly. He accepts. My Xiang Liu daren. Don't be like this. T_T I'm hurting for your pride
Chishui Feng Long needs to leave, but Cang Xuan asks him to stay for the holidays for Xiao Yao. Feng Long doesn't love Xiao Yao. He didn't think twice when Xuan asked him "what about Xiao Yao?" But I think this is normal. He's a regular guy with a girl he's simply "interested" in. It's the other three who are crazy (in love). But surprise! Feng Long still went to Chishui. He ain't the kind of bro who will ditch their objective for love. Bruh! Cang Xuan is about to faint from this bro's stupidity and laments him for not telling him because then he could prevent Xiao Yao from dating Tushan Jing.  But bro, where would be the surprise then! You happy, Cang Xuan? 

Cang Xuan (stupefied): Happy. I'm so happy. Hahahahaha! 

It's the New Year. 
  • Emperor Xiyan tops up Xiao Yao's present, but when it's Cang Xuan's, he goes with the protocol. The uncles smirk. My Cang Xuan. Does he get any love?! Other than Chishui Feng Long, lol. I also get that this is Emperor's way of protecting Xuan T___T. Also, giving Xiao Yao more love is his best way of loving CX too :( 
  • Tushan Jing has to leave. When he and Xiao Yao pass by for the farewell, they secretly hold hands, clutching until they must let go. He also gave her a note. It's an extension of her song lyrics, forever accompanying each other.
  • Emperor Xiyan celebrates New Year's Eve all alone. But there's grandma with him........ T____T. A piece of me will be missing if Show doesn't give me a scene of the grandfather and grandson truly happily together without any pretences
  • Tushan Jing is with his family, but feeling more alone than ever. 
  • Xiang Liu is alone too, but he was always alone, always lonely. 
After the New Year, Xiao Yao is ambushed! 

[Ep30Mu Fei tortures Xiao Yao because she is the daughter of the Demon General Chichen (not Chicken!), who annihilated his family. Darts pierce through her body, starting from the extremity of her limbs, and then closer and closer to her organs until all that's left is a lifeless perforated body. 

The harem is on their way! Xiang Liu can feel physical pain through the parasite. Cang Xuan, who is parasite-free, has a heart ache too. This bond is shockingly deep?! Tushan Jing's sachet (from Xiao Yao) snaps. Who will find her first? 

Tushan Jing, the expert tracker, locates Xiao Yao first. But she's dead. His powers cannot revive her. Fire is about to engulf them. Determined never to separate, he dies with Xiao Yao, and protects her body. I'm aware novel readers have more knowledge on how this scene should have run down, but drama didn't show it that well! For example 1) the impossibility of escaping because of the fatal barrier,  2) Jing's spell was to preserve Xiao Yao's body and not to call forth the fire so that they can die together, and 3) he exhausted all his energy when he gave her his powers. #1 and #2 are details that had to be deduced after the scene ended, which shaves down the impact. #3 I could not tell he was power-less. Maybe this was the time to employ some blood-spitting.  

Cang Xuan arrives second, but he's useless because his subordinates knock him out to protect him from the fatal barrier. The subordinates find Xiao Yao, but they can't yank her apart from Tushan Jing, and so they save both of them. Wait, were they not going to save Tushan Jing if he wasn't wrapped around her? xD When Cang Xuan wakes up, he's in denial that she died. He does everything in his power to keep her corpse alive/preserved. He will not let Xiao Yao abandon him. 

Xiang Liu is still on his way. Always late. Author should have given him nine legs instead. But he's doing something with his parasite. Is he giving his life energy to her? Wait, he has nine lives! Can he give them away?  Finally Xiang Liu arrives. His lips are ashen and clothes are bloodied. He says he can save Xiao Yao, but Cang Xuan will have to hand her over. Recovery can take two years or a few decades. Left with no other choice, Cang Xuan agrees. But with a condition. 

Cang Xuan: If you dare hurt Xiao Yao, I will flatten your army and dismember your body into a million parts. 
Xiang Liu: If I don't hurt her, will you not flatten my army? Dismember my body in a million parts?

Xiang Liu has a point. No wonder Xiao Yao is friends with Xiang Liu. Can you two be friends too? Cang Xuan promises to give Xiang Liu anything to save Xiao Yao. Then he orders his men to take them through the secret passage. Xiang Liu assures Cang Xuan that Xiao Yao's reputation won't be damaged. He will only save her. I'm really liking this fleeting alliance/peace between them. For once Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu stand with each otherCang Xuan watches Xiang Liu carry the woman he loves away from his chambers. Cang Xuan must realize Xiang Liu loves Xiao Yao too, right? But now is not the time for matters of love. To cover up Xiang Liu's traces, Cang Xuan uses a puppet to disguise Xiang Liu's departure, and another one for Xiao Yao on this marble bed. These boys are so thorough in protecting Xiao Yao. 

Our harem divide and conquer: 
  • Xiang Liu short-distance-breastfeeds blood to save Xiao Yao. 
  • Cang Xuan will avenge her. He has a record of every injury Xiao Yao suffered. Menacing. Love. 
  • Tushan Jing will sleep. He's in a self-induced coma because of grief. As the endgame, I really think he got the short end of the stick
  • I almost forgot! Chishui Feng Long makes sure Grandma Tushan is okay. 
[Ep31] Xiang Liu sacrifices a life to save Xiao Yao. When he hesitated to touch her neck, I'm reminded that he can't/won't be her "dream man".... Xiao Yao regains consciousness except her physical body is still asleep. Only her soul is awake. The first person she's worried about is Cang Xuan. Family first kinda girl

The Chishui/Chenrong siblings have "good" news". They can earn Fan and Zheng's clan's alliance if Cang Xuan acquits Zhan Xue Lin of plotting murder with Mu Fei. An inscrutable stillness sits in Cang Xuan's eyes. Will he accept? He tells them a story instead. When he was young, his mother and his aunt returned home with his father's corpse. That night he watched them cry, including his grandmother. They were the strongest women he's ever seen, but all of them huddled and cried helplessly. From that night, he vowed to be strong to protect them. But....they didn't wait for him to grow up and grow stronger. If for power, he gives up protecting Xiao Yao, he is betraying himself and everything he stands for. He believes that one of these days Fan and Zheng clan will be allies once they recognize that he is someone who will not have mercy for anyone who hurts his family, his friends, or his subordinates. No wonder Cang Xuan's subordinates are so loyal. I had wondered why in Ep30 they'd go to such lengths to make sure he's okay and then enter the deadly barrier for him. Makes sense. He's a true leader

Xiang Liu returns to the seashell, clean but still haggard. Aw, he didn't let her see him at his worst. He uses his heart blood to treat Xiao Yao and removes the poison with a virtual kiss. ....Am I supposed to feel something for this virtual kiss other than frustration?! Every time he's close, he's far.   

Yu Jiang's Assassination 2.0...2.1...2.2? Was this supposed to be funny? LOL. Dude doesn't manage to kill Cang Xuan, but dude almost kills himself with his own clumsiness. Cang Xuan frees him every time and Yu Jiang finally realizes Cang Xuan didn't accuse his brother of his crimes. I see another loyal follower! And a (happy!!??) potential romance with Chishui Xian.

[Ep32] By the mountain, we learn that Cang Xuan is merciful to his own assassins, but cruel to Xiao Yao's. It's because he will accept grievances and endure torment so that Xiao Yao's life is free of grievances and torture. Ge! By the sea, we learn that Xiang Liu is loyal to his Chenrong army because it was his godfather (Hong Jiang) who saved him from his days of slavery. So you slave yourself again. Ok buddy. Buuuuut I can sympathize him a bit more if I use my Cang Xuan lens on Xiang Liu, they have the same conviction. For their family, they'll slave themselves tread the thorny path  >_____<  

After 37 years, Xiao Yao is on her way to a full recovery. Hang in there, Jing. I haven't forgotten you, Sleeping Foxling. Xiang Liu meets Cang Xuan for his end of the condition: he wants a mountain peak for his Chenrong soldiers to be buried at home if Cang Xuan becomes the emperor. Ok. So you want a grave. You're basically prepared to die. 

Under the sea, Xiao Yao hears the prettiest song: it's a mermaid seeking for love-making. Mortals and immortals cannot hear this but maybe Xiao Yao can even after she has recovered. But it's a pity that she won't be able to hear the duet after they make love. Xiao Yao notices he's talking particularly more. Because he has no more time with you, Xiao Yao! He finally tells Xiao Yao that Tushan Jing is comatose. He asks her if she'd hate him if Tushan Jing dies. Why? Yeah. Why? Did he deliberately prolong her treatment or something? Hmmmm? 
Xiao Yao recovers. This time, she's looking for Xiang Liu, but he's nowhere to be found, and instead sends Mao Qiu to bring her home. Tears well up in Xiao Yao eyes as she lays on the bed, missing Xiang Liu. Just where is he?! .....Watching her from afar. When she leaves, he preserves Xiao Yao's tears into pearls. This moron. I don't know if Xiao Yao loves this moron, but I can see why she protects her heart against this nightmare of a man. He will always make her feel lonely and our Xiao Yao fears only loneliness

Cang Xuan sweetly prepares for Xiao Yao's return and pairs up all the vases in his suite so that no one and nothing will be alone. But ge! Your Xiao Yao left you alone. She's with Tushan Jing. Visibly disappointed, Cang Xuan restrains himself from interrupting. To him, everything is fine as long as she's safe. 
Xiao Yao learns that Tushan Jing sacrificed his life to be with her in death as well. She feeds Tushan Jing her blood with kisses. Poor Xiang Liu only gets virtual kisses only, loooool. Aigoooo
Cang Xuan sees the woman he loves caring for the man she loves. But in his eyes, there's only Xiao Yao. He's simply grateful that Xiao Yao is finally back home, safe and sound. 

[Ep33] It's the third time Xiao Yao wakes up, and it's finally Cang Xuan's turn. Ge, 3rd time's the charm! But he turns around like a child and whines that she's visiting another man over him. She coaxes him that he was the first person he checked on (from afar and from others, lol). 

Cang Xuan, the man who has no chances, ruins Xiang Liu's too by informing Xiao Yao that there was a deal in Xiang Liu saving her, loooool. Universe! Why make it harder for Xiang Liu?! In Cang Xuan's defence, he truly believes Xiang Liu didn't save her out of love. I was wrong before. Cang Xuan can't tell Xiang Liu loves her too. Cang Xuan really is so dense.

Tushan Jing wakes from his beauty sleep. He was afraid to open his eyes in front of Xiao Yao, afraid that she was only his dream. He confesses that he wouldn't let go of his clan because he wanted a status that was befitting of hers when they marry, but after losing her, he doesn't want to be Tushan Jing anymore. Even if he's nameless or her servant, it doesn't matter. He only wants to be with her. Xiao Yao cries. She's swayed, eyes welling with happy tears that he sees her life just as valuable as his. He disagrees. Her life is more important than his. 

Chenrong meimei realizes the YaoJing ship has always been sailing. As for Chishui gege, he still can't get it when Tushan Jing literally asks Cang Xuan for permission to "guard" Xiao Yao. Chishui Feng Long is like Is there danger? Sweetie, the only danger is your naivety. After the obvious gets through his dense head, he throws a heavy punch at Tushan Jing. I get his anger. He's been played like a fool by his brother on his turf, under his roof, and in front of his face (the last one is actually your fault Feng Long...lol)

Cang Xuan says the only permission Tushan Jing needs is Xiao Yao's and of course, she agrees to her Ye Shi Qi. Then they look adoringly at each other, ignoring gegeGe, grit that fist. It's the only thing you can do anyway. 
What is this lighting/focus. Does Deng Wei's face not matter? Hahaha. I can get the CX focus, but I don't get the lighting, especially when I compare Yang Zi's face with Deng Wei's face. Oh wait, this is Cang Xuan's angle! Ofc, he doesn't see Jing. Got it.  

For the man who wasn't sleeping beauty or sleeping with Xiao Yao beauty, each day of the past 37 years felt like a year for Cang Xuan. Each night he was anxious and worried. Each inch of growth in the Phoenix trees that has now flourished the mountain was imprinted in his heart. Feeling slightly guilty, Xiao Yao assures Cang Xuan that she won't leave him again. Even if she marries Jing, they'll stay here with Cang Xuan. So assuring, lol. But he asks why it must be Jing. Because Jing is the only one who hasn't abandoned her. He did once......lol. Actually, everyone did at least once. For that, Tushan Jing has become the person she will wait for. Cang Xuan can't have her and has to listen to all this....lol

As Cang Xuan predicted, Tushan Jing cannot abandon his family, especially when his grandma has 6 months to live. Who gave Tushan Jing the makjang script? 

[Ep34] Tushan Jing tells Xiao Yao the truth that he cannot abandon his grandmother. She understands him and comforts him that it's his kindness that she loves. Meanwhile Cang Xuan is outside watching this (literal) storm unfold. He should be happy, but he can't, not when Xiao Yao is sad too. 

Fangfeng Bei comforts Xiao Yao at Tushan Jing's inauguration and takes her to play at the underground casino. He doesn't know that Xiao Yao knows he saved her. This guy isn't taking a single credit in anything he does for her. They cheer for the slave from 40 years ago (who's like Xiang Liu).When it looks hopeless, only Xiao Yao hasn't given up. Fangfeng Bei sweetly smiles at her, but he too is stunned when the slave actually stands up. He's free. In Xiang Liu's eyes, Xiao Yao saved this slave and gave him hope. So Xiang Liu, can you free yourself too?
Xiao Yao muses that if only she had saved Xiang Liu too. Then she will only let him be Fangfeng Bei, no responsibilities, and only freedom. Show! You're mean! You're implying Xiang Liu could have been 17 before 17 was 17! Xiang Liu snaps at her. His eyes flash red as if reminding us he's a red flag. But I think that's his self control. Xiao Yao is tempting him to do what he truly wants, and that to him is dangerous. He has to control that desire, and that is why he's hurting her.........

Then the green flag is here: Tushan Jing. Xiao Yao leaves with him quietly, but he asks if she's leaving without him. No. The slave (Zuo Er) gave her hope. If he can fight for 40 gruelling years, then they can overcome this obstacle too. Xiang Liu actually managed to comfort Xiao Yao.

Tushan Jing seeks forgiveness from Chishui Feng Long too. They fight and make up. Feng Long is a darling for cheering up Tushan Jing when he said he was unworthy

[Ep35] Xiao Yao is away (back home at Haolin), and two-thirds of her harem is absolutely incompetent without her around. Tushan Jing, this simpleton, believes in Fangfeng Yi Ying that she will cancel the marriage. Turn around, and she's committing suicide. Our Special Ambassador Repair Specialist (i.e. Cang Xuan) fails to repair. The pavilion collapsed the moment it was completed. Chenrong Xin Yue has given up on him and won't give her handwritten copies of Chenrong general's handbook anymore.

Xiao Yao is back to save Cang Xuan. Girl can't even vacay in peace. Ah Nian follows because she's determined to love Cang Xuan. Aw. She was cute with Ru Shuo! Cang Xuan becomes a bumbling idiot when he hears of Xiao Yao's return, running around for a coat, and flicking his head back and forth between which meiemi to give it too. Our gracious Xiao Yao accepts the coat from the smart subordinate instead. 

The danger of the pavilion collapse is that the uncles are sent to investigate, and if they discover Cang Xuan's military base, he'll be executed for treason. Xiao Yao vows to herself Cang Xuan will not lose the Central Plains. She has nothing to fear, and then she grips her bow. My girl! Your charisma is seducing me.

This bow is from Xiang Liu, which Xiao Yao received indirectly from the blacksmith. Xiang Liu looks shocked, Did he not plan to give her the bow like this? It's a rare bow made with the rarest materials. Our Xiang Liu may be a bum, but he's a competent bum! There's a condition with this weapon. The bow must recognize her as its owner, which will require the blood of the nine-headed demon. The competent bum is a sly competent bum. In Xiang-Liu-style, he gives her the blood with unnecessary difficulty: she can have it, if she can shoot it. Xiao Yao answers his challenge, taking his blood, but even his blood is like his personality and pricks her. A bow is tattooed on her wrist. 

Xiao Yao has officially graduated. Xiang Liu is no longer her shifu. She never has to learn from him again. Hear that? That's their connection snapping. Is Xiao Yao sad? He tells her this was always an equal transaction. He teaches her and she plays with him. They only invested their time in each other. Nothing more and nothing less. Time is invaluable! 
They part ways and walk in opposite directions. Their scenes always focus on their backs. And he always makes her think he left first when he's actually waiting. 

[Ep36] Xiao Yao knows that killing Fangfeng Yi Ying will solve her problem (as Cang Xuan unwillingly suggested). But if Jing agreed to that too, he wouldn't be the Jing she loves. She wants someone good, not just someone who's only good to her. 

Cang Xuan (feeling personally attacked): Some people might be cruel, but it's only targeted at outsiders. 
Xiao Yao (scoffs): I refuse to believe that. I'm not that naive. 
I can hear Cang Xuan's silent gasp, hahahaha

Xiao Yao realizes she offended Cang Xuan's sore, very sore spot. She coaxes that gege is the exception. 

In the most makjang way, Xiao Yao finds out Fangfeng Yi Ying is pregnant by being the first to check her pulse in front of the Tushan family. And now we know why Tushan Jing is the mopiest he's ever been. He was drugged by his grandmother and doesn't know for certain if he slept with Fangfeng Yi Ying.  
Bellowing Cang Xuan arrives! Somehow he knew Xiao Yao would faint from heartbreak before she faints from heartbreak. He spends the night taking care of her. She says it's no big deal. Cang Xuan agrees. He told himself it was no big deal when his mother died because all mothers will die. He also told himself it was no big deal when he had to leave his home because all men have to grow up. T_T. Xiao Yao, feeling seen, turns around and finally cries. Cang Xuan cries with her. She doesn't want him to leave. He assures her that she'll always be with her. 

Yu Jiang advises Cang Xuan to be rational and attend Tushan Jing's wedding. But Cang Xuan is rational. If he wasn't, he'd roll over the wedding and turn it into a funeral. Jing might not appreciate this, but YaoJIng shippers would. Yu Jiang persistently pesters Cang Xuan, but Lao Sang shoves him out of the room. Lao Sang is actually on Cang Xuan's side. Are you Lao Sang!?  

Tushan Jing isn't even at his own wedding? Did he use his puppet to be the groom? He's mourning at the place he dates with Xiao Yao (her bio father's home). 

Heartbreak takes a break when Cang Xuan is in danger. She's ready to shoot down the cousin who threatens to expose Cang Xuan's military base. But Cang Xuan blocked her on purpose. These two. You guys don't need to speak, but at least let me know?! He didn't want her in danger. And he didn't want to stain her hand with blood like he promised. She didn't want to lose him more than anything. He assures her, "Xiao Yao, you will never lose me. 
Someone help Cang Xuan: Cang Xuan is falling more and more in love with Xiao Yao. He's smiling sillily at the Ruomu flower meant for his wife. But life is cruel to Cang Xuan: Chishui Feng Long suggests a marriage alliance. Will it be for Xiao Yao or Cang Xuan? And how will knowing Xiao Yao is the Demon General's daughter change Cang Xuan's conviction? Is it more of a reason to protect Xiao Yao at the expense of his own happiness? 

Cang Xuan: If one day the rumour is real, and Xiao Yao becomes Chichen's daughter, then in this world there is no one except me who can protect her. Xiao Yao, you can't withstand the consequence of losing me. I am the same. As long as you live, happily live, nothing else matters. Not even himself

I know that Cang Xuan was never in the lane, but if Xiao Yao wanted someone who would never abandon her, spare a glimpse at Cang Xuan? Dude is abandoning himself for you. Xiao Yao Yao

[Ep37] Cang Xuan will marry Shen Shu Hui for power. Ah Nian storms off, but Xiao Yao stays to comfort him. 

Xiao Yao: No matter what you want to do, I just need you to live well. 
Cang Xuan: I said so, I want Chenrong Mountain to flourish with Phoenix Flowers. For Xiao Yao

It's the wedding. Cang Xuan had told Xiao Yao to refrain from congratulating him. When everyone's eyes were on the bride, Cang Xuan's was lovelorn at the woman he wanted to marry: Xiao Yao. 

Xiao Yao sees the man she wanted to marry: Tushan Jing. Her heart is in pain until it's actually physically in pain. That's Xiang Liu. He physically hurt her so that she won't emotionally hurt him. Since he only has one heart, her emotional pain hurts him equally. There is love in his abuse. I don't know what to say. Xiang Liu, 你牛

Xiang Liu (black haired) leads Xiao Yao away from the wedding and the man who breaks her heart. It's like Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are one. :( To unnecessarily prove that he's bad, he forcefully takes her diving into the ocean. He smirks, eyes twinkling as he watches her squirm for oxygen. Remembering the last time he drowned her, Xiao Yao moves in to kiss him, after all there's no fifteen year promise to keep anymore. Xiang Liu is stunned. And he wants it badly. But then he snaps out of it with a Bei-ly laugh, turning it into a joke. You know what. It's not that Xiao Yao is afraid he'd be the man of her dreams. It's Xiang Liu who's afraid she'd be the woman of his dreams. He can't let himself fall for his desire... -___-"  Xiang Liu keeps hurting Xiao Yao, but when she's hurt, he's instantly at her side, concerned about her safety until he realizes she pulled a prank on him. 

Xiao Yao: You have nine lives, and you gave me one. I'm now like you, travelling freely. If I die once more, and you give me another life, then wouldn't I be the same –– 
Xiang Liu (is angered and strangles her): If you dare to die once more, I'll cut you into nine pieces, perfect for my nine heads to eat. 
Xiao Yao: Lightly, lightly. With so much difficulty, you saved me. What if you accidentally strangle me to death. 你捨得嗎 (ni she de ma?Can you bear that? 
Xiang Liu doesn't say it, but it's all in his expression: 不捨得 (bu she de). No. He loosens his grip, pain in his eyes at just the thought of her death.

Xiang Liu is stunned when Xiao Yao can recognize a mermaid's vocal. This time it's a duet. I'm laughing at the shaking oyster shell. Xiao Yao curiously takes a peep, and shamefully returns. Xiang Liu smirks, knowing exactly what she saw. "Am I an evil person now?" Evil. Cheering her up without telling her you're cheering her up

Xiang Liu makes the same suggestion as Cang Xuan: kill Fangfang Yi Ying. And this is why you two are out. Her face scrunches disapprovingly. She's more interested in seeing the unknown islands. Well, he's not accompanying her. Dude, now you have a mouth? Please shutup. She's miffed and retorts that she never intended on inviting someone like him poisoning her trip. 
Xiao Yao has a wistful question in this ethereal blue shore: 

Xiao Yao: Xiang Liu, days like these, do you feel like they're stolen? There is tonight's dusk, but there isn't tomorrow's morning. Can time stop now? (Speaking for XiaoLiu shippers)

The next morning, Xiao Yao greets Shen Shu Hui warmly as her sister-in-law. Cue Ah Nian's tantrum. That's all she does in this drama, lol. But the person in deep pain is Cang Xuan. 
At night, Xiao Yao apologizes to Cang Xuan who's giving her the silent treatment. She cutely walks away, betting with every step that he'd call her back. And he does. I thought the apology was for the SIL comment, but ofc, she's unaware that it hurt him. She explains she left his wedding early because she didn't want to see him forcing a happy smile. She also didn't want to see Tushan Jing. She thought she would be fine, but he still hurts her. Cang Xuan's pain is twofold. Hearing about Jing from her hurts him. Seeing her sad about Jing hurts him too. 
Grandma Tushan dies. Tushan Hou's wife dies too. She was murdered by her husband because she had a secret to tell Tushan Jing. Jing. With your savvy brain...shouldn't you connect some dots? Can Xiang Liu donate a few heads to Jing? Jing is thinking too little and Xiang Liu is thinking too much

[Ep38] After hearing about Tushan Jing's newborn, Xiao Yao's heart is heavy and that's swelling her feet so that is heavy too.  Cang Xuan takes her hand to climb the long steps. At the peak, she says she's ready to move on, and asks gege to find her a man. She only has one condition: have no other women. Cang Xuan, lol. Never included and always excluded
Danger is looming. The uncles frame Cang Xuan for an assassination attempt on Emperor Xiyan. Xiao Yao stays with Cang Xuan despite him wanting her to retreat with Ru Shuo (hi cutie!). Xiao Yao displays her archery skills for the first time and assures him that she's different from her mother. She has no mercy for Xiyan. She can kill for him, and accompany him every step of the way. 

Cang Xuan overcomes his grandfather's tribunal with the help of Xiao Yao's snark. I'd be impressed with her speech if the uncle's framing wasn't obvious to the blind. Chishui Feng Long is particularly impressed. He's blind. And it seems he's starting to actually fall in love with Cang Xuan Xiao Yao. 
The real danger is here. The uncles actuate their assassination on Cang Xuan and have hired Fangfeng Bei. However, he fails to shoot Cang Xuan because Xiao Yao never leaves his side. And she's a magnificent shooter too. Fangfeng Bei smirks, "Enriched a disciple, and famished the shifu." He's proud of her and terminates his assassination. 

Meanwhile Chishui Feng Long and Tushan Jing are invited by Emperor Xiyan to play a leisure game of go... Grandpapa! We don't need them anyway. Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao are the power couple! 
Xiao Yao is in charge of attacking and Cang Xuan protecting. She's down to her last shot, and intends to aim it at Emperor Xiyan's quarters. Cang Xuan has the same idea. Without communicating, he powers up her shot, and she fires. Emperor Xiyan is unfazed. He is the man who gave Cang Xuan his genes! He approves of the brilliant move. By attacking his quarters, Cang Xuan has converted his strength to protect him.

Power couple moment over. Xiao Yao would like it if Chenrong Xin Yue agrees to the marriage with Cang Xuan now. She would be the best wife aide. Cang Xuan says everyone who helps him has a condition. Only Xiao Yao doesn't. He doesn't blame Chenrong Xin Yue though. "Everyone lives for themselves. Love isn't all there is to life. It can't make you full when you're hungry, can't make you warm when you're cold." There exists few love that is pure. 
I like how this is the last scene for this episode. She's the only one he completely trusts with his back and they accompany each other each step of the way (at least for this ep)

[Ep39] Chishui Feng Long wants to marry Xiao Yao to better support Cang Xuan. Tell me. How do I not ship CSFL and CX?! xD. He also vows that as long as she marries him, she will be his only woman. You know what, CSFL isn't bad at all. He doesn't abuse, and is free of fiancée fiasco. There is only endless loyalty and entertainment. 

Gege thinks Chenshui Feng Long is no good though. Gege's double standards, lol. But he can't disagree with Xiao Yao that Chishui Feng Long is their best choice. She is willing to marry. Cang Xuan turns his back from her to hide his tears. Xiao Yao is teary too. Does it have to be like this?! (Xiao Yao wouldn't have to consider a political marriage had Chenrong Xin Yue agreed to hers with Cang Xuan. But she represents a defeated royal clan. She cannot just marry anyone she pleases.) 

Fangfeng Bei learns from Tushan Jing of Xiao Yao's marriage. Tushan Jing can only sit and mope because he betrayed her. Fangfeng Bei shakes his head. (Is it not funny that this is their final scene in S1? That's it.)

Everyone urges Cang Xuan to overthrow before the uncle is named heir. But Cang Xuan refuses. He will attend the ceremony unarmed. He is prepared for the worst, and drugs Xiao Yao to keep her safe, but also to keep her from tainting her hands with blood. If Cang Xuan dies, he will let his Rumou flower accompany Xiao Yao. The Rushui Clan (his mother's) will protect her forever. 

Everyone is misinformed though. Emperor Xiyan isn't just announcing an heir, he's abdicating his throne. The heir will automatically be the new emperor. 

Do not be surprised: Xiao Yao is here to protect her gege (in her clunky soldier disguise). Trust in Xiao Yao! She aims her arrow at Emperor Xiyan then shifts it to the uncle. Once she hears his name, she will shoot. 

But Emperor Xiyan pronounces Cang Xuan! Grandpa's love for Cang Xuan, it was always there! My Cang Xuan, you are loved T____T.
Oh hey, Xiang Liu, you're getting your grave! 
Grandfather Xiyan (I don't know his name now, lol) adjourns from the ceremony, letting Cang Xuan take the reins. Xiao Yao pops out and links arms with grandpa. She tells him she wanted to kill the uncle and he merrily chuckles. HohohoGramps, that's your son. The grandpa also knew about Cang Xuan's military base. If Cang Xuan had ousted him, Grandpa would think he would be just like him: a great ruler. But he didn't. Cang Xuan has more compassion. He will be the greatest ruler, uniting the nations. 

The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-4)] Seeing all the MLs on the poster had me all stressed out. So stupid of me! Now that I'm 4 episodes in: Are there more MLs?! 😍 They're all so beautiful, powerful, and smart. So far, FL proves herself to be worthy of the boys' devoted love/interest. 

Although I'm the idiot who's tripping in love with every single one of them, the ML has his definitive presence, owing a lot to the setup (and of course, Zhang Wan Yi does have his charisma). I'm really hoping for a good buildup of his character. Deng Wei's Ye Shi Qi is the second man up, and gosh, he's sweet with few words. Tan Jiang Ci's Xiang Liu is going to be a tough one, though. He bickers with our FL! And then he'll take her on a flight just because she's sad. It's such a reversal from his icy impression. (ML, you got this! I trust.)

And this actually feels like S+ level storytelling. 

[Actors/Actresses] Yang Zi is back. If you don't like her.... she's kind of the same. Good luck! Generally, I like her, but sometimes I wish she's less of herself in her characters. (If you care about the Immortal Samsara CP, Cheng Yi is next door at iQIYI with Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Youku isn't losing out and celebrated IS's one year anniversary.) 

I'm so new to Zhang Wan Yi and I kind of like that. I don't know his potential. I have seen Deng Wei, it's just I've never caught onto his (2)ML charm. He's tendered me here, though! 

Tan Jian Ci is as amazing as I imagined he'd be.  

[Behind the Scenes

[Ending] Satisfying. 

Everyone is equally sad and happy, I think. 

[A Highlight] In Ep14 when Cang Xuan asked Xiao Yao if her leg hurt. Their hearts silently breaking together.

[Review & Rating]
My summer harem fever ~ Everyone's journey might look different, especially if you boarded a different ship. Here's mine:
  1. Ship tanked. Heart teared
  2. Still had a blast. Still cheered.
  3. So stoked that my ML will go nuts in S2. 
Drama isn't always stunning. Chunks of this felt like the plot evaporated, romance dragged, and characters stagnated in their sadness. But the character setup, and the actors earned so much goodwill throughout the story (and so much of my tears!!) that I remain impressed, invested, and in love with this drama as a whole despite its flaws. 

*Stop reading if you don't want any spoilers on the endgame* 

There's three main plot: 
  1. ML Cang Xuan’s rise to power
  2. FL Xiao Yao’s healing journey (including her romance with 2ML Tushan Jing)
  3. 3ML Xiang Liu’s anti-hero mystery
Do not worry about the men sabotaging each other. They just sabotage themselves.  

Despite the reverse harem, I don't think the best of this drama is in its romance.

The uncontested highlight of this drama is the acting. 

The final ending scenes for S1 are immensely satisfying, especially because I was invested in Cang Xuan. It's an emotional high for his arc. Do take into account that when this drama was filming, they were mostly likely betting on being able to air their seasons back to back and so this ending. Might feel like an incomplete sentence. 

Pick your favourite guy/ship:

Cang Xuan! My glorious ship that sank before it even sailed. Nonetheless, his relationship with Xiao Yao is the deepest. It’s different from any drama I’ve seen. Xiao Yao is also the coolest FL when she’s protective of Cang Xuan. I desperately want a version where these two are the endgame and become the ultimate power couple. 

Yang Zi and Zhang Wan Yi are powerhouses. I’m floored by the scenes between them. The only highlights that surpass their highlights are their highlights. 

Rank your harem (to yours/FL's standards)

My ranking (not FL's) for favourite ML ~ This happens to be my acting ranking too. 

(1) Cang Xuan isn’t morally grey or evil. The man is a spectrum. I don't know if it's Cang Xuan's character that's written with range or it's Zhang Wan Yi who gave Cang Xuan this expansive reach. His silent scenes can be painful, chilling, and harrowingly lonely. His silence is as potent as his bellowing (or even better). Then he can easily switch from humorously petty to dark and crazy. Watching him suffer was both painful and hilarious. I was addicted to his "unlikable" ML. If there is only one indispensable actor in this cast, my pick is Zhang Wan Yi. 

(2) Xiang Liu is a hot mess that messes with my morals. His elusivity gives him an edge over all the boys. I feel that any actor rewarded this role would be fervently loved. But man, Tan Jian Ci, no one told you to hurt me so much with your vulnerability! When Xiang Liu was beyond frustrating to watch (and the actual explanation scene for his conviction really was lame...), Tan Jian Ci destroyed my rationality. If he hurts, I hurt. He's so good at it, that oftentimes he overshadows Yang Zi and is simply 獨美 (beautiful by himself). In Yang Zi / Xiao Yao's defence, in their scenes, she's always clueless to the waging war at the depth of his heart, and the torment that's leaking through his eyes. When he's silently suffering all that at his own blasted will, how do I not sympathize with this nine-headed idiot?

(3) Tushan Jing is the sweetest. My favourite from him is the candle scene in Ep2 – where his face was covered. You can tell where this is going, right? Sorry guys, he may be sweet, but he is dull. It's not because he is sweet that he is dull. For fox's sake, please give him something else to do other than supporting Xiao Yao’s romantic needs and by extension, Cang Xuan’s financial needs. On top of finding his story bland, Deng Wei isn’t charming me at all. I have never felt so out of touch with a popular male actor while watching the same drama. That’s wild for me. (Sorry. You can make your own list and diss Zhang Wan Yi. I will vehemently disagree, but I won't be offended. And I really am sincere that the candle scene is one of the sweetest gestures in the entire drama.)

Wang Hong Yi’s Chishui Feng Long doesn’t count. He's more competitive for Cang Xuan’s harem actually. 

Last but not least, the FL

Yang Zi is the foundation that allows these boys to shine. Personally, I don’t think there is romantic chemistry anywhere, but each pairing has its distinctively attractive moments and Yang Zi has a lot of credit in keeping the harmony. There's clear differences in her reaction to each ML. With Cang Xuan, she's his mirror, his equal, and his family (poor CX, lol). To me, with him, she is the least feminine, but also the most attractive. With Xiang Liu, she is playful, cunning, and daring. With Tushan Jing, she's timidly/cutely enjoying the simplicity of love. From her perspective, I completely understand why her ranking would be the opposite of mine. She's the happiest with Jing (husband material), the most excited with Xiang Liu (dreamy boyfriend), and the unhappiest with Cang Xuan (a gege with no freedom). 

Yang Zi was heavily criticized (by her own fans too) for acting in this. Her fans had supported her for leaving H&R Century Pictures for better and different opportunities, but there she was picking the "same thing". It was a slap in their face. But now with the monstrous popularity + the high praises, her fans can all be proud and even if you're not her fan, you cannot criticize her for what she brought to this role and this entire drama. 

P.S. Other than the main cast, I hope all the supporting characters who got a boost from this drama can convert it to meaningful projects like Huang Can Can (Fangfeng Yi Ying), Wang Zhen (Chenrong Xin Yue), Ding Jia Wen (Ru Shuo), Jun Yi (CX's loyal male bodyguard), etc

Random Recommendation: An Ancient Love Song

Rating: 4/5 ♥♥♥

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