July 30, 2023

Extremely Perilous Love | Recap and Review

Extremely Perilous Love
A devilish general in love with his doctor wife who is more keen on killing him. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Li Mu ChenXu Yin / Xu Qing Qing / Xu Ying Ying
Wang Zu Yi: Gu Sheng Han 
Chinese Title
Difficult to Win His Heart
Episodes: 24 (Mini)

Recap Grade: A 
First Impression: 2.33/5

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The Alternative Posters

Romcom / Romance Checklist

How much of the plot is angst/romance?
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The ML
Cold–Lukewarm–Warm / Timid / Falls in Love First / Noble Idiot / CEO / General /
The FL
Bold / Cute / Cool & Independent / Falls in Love First / Better Than ML / Noble Idiot / 
Describe the Relationship (the tropes):
Bickering Start / Childhood Connection / Cohabitation / Contract Marriage or Fake Couple / Enemies to Lovers / Hidden Identity / School to Adulthood / Love Triangle / Married Couple (Real) / Secretly in Love (F/ML) / Star-Crossed Lovers / 
Relationship Progress (officially togetherfirst (official) kiss; breakup*):
Ep 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15* / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 
# of CPs (including main CP):
0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Happy / Sad / Open Happy / Open Sad / Bad

FanFanX: Apparently, I bought the lifetime pass for the mini-train ride. XD This was going to be an open thread but then I started typing away... I'm here for the leads.

Mini Recaps

[Ep1Irreconcilable Hatred

A red-eyed man kills another man. When confronted by his upset daughter, the man bites her neck.

One Year Later.

Xu Qing Qing, the Prime Minister’s daughter, is to be married to Gu Sheng Han, a cripple. She’d rather be dead but Xu Yin, the daughter of Xu Liu Lang [the deceased man] tells her that she’ll disgrace her family. Xu Yin offers to marry him herself and kill him. Xu Qing Qing says he’s a cannibal now and if she isn’t afraid. Xu Yin wants to avenge her dead father. 

Xu Yin has this magic powder which can change her appearance and she can look exactly like her, however it comes with a price – intense pain. And so she now looks exactly like Xu Qing Qing. [I’m going to refer to her as Xu Yin to avoid further confusion.]

The groom-to-be is in a wheelchair as he wipes off a blade covered in blood. It's a political marriage between the two. The wedding day is tomorrow and his lieutenant is worried about the full moon.

During the wedding ceremony, Gu Sheng Han stops the ceremony during the bowing portion as he’s in a wheelchair.  To everyone's shock, the bride removes her veil and calmly asks him if he’s looking down on this marriage which arranged by the Emperor. He replies that he only looks down on her. She says that’s fine and then goes to get the wine cups and secretly something into the cups. When she offers one to him, he tells her to drink it herself. She does but then she kisses him on the lips to feed him the wine!

[Ep2You’re An Imposter

When she pulls away, not to be outdone, he pulls her back in for another kiss - to give her the same poisoned wine. 

His cousin, Mu Yue Xi who is also engaged to him, still wants to become his concubine. When she goes to drink the wine, Xu Yin becomes agitated and tries to stop her. He tries to stop Xu Yin but she continues trying to force Mu Yue Xi to spit it out. While the two women are fighting, Mu Yue Xi notices a scar on Xu Yin's left wrist. 

Back in the chambers, Gu Sheng Han gets up from his wheelchair and waits for the poison to pass. He now knows that Xu Guo Ru is using his daughter as a spy. For the past three years, Gu Sheng Han has been pretending to be disabled. His lieutenant points out that Xu Qing Qing seems like a different person in the last few days, as she’d previously adamantly refused to marry him.

Xu Yin places a virgin poison on herself, so if she loses her virginity to him, the poison would transfer to him. This is, indeed, a magical poison. She vows to avenge the death of her father. Their wedding night is here… He burns some incense and then tells her to help him undress. She moves to help him and he quickly hugs her and tells her to enjoy the incense’s calming effects. She says it’s nice and he asks how she is fine if she’s allergic. Ou. She says that was before… and then goes to disrobe him. She trips into him and the two almost kiss. He thinks he’s bothered by this because of her poison. He makes the excuse that he has to tend to other matters. She thinks to herself that the poison will only last an hour so must consummate their marriage tonight. 

His lieutenant says that Prime Minister has been controlling him for the past three years with this poison yet they still haven’t found its antidote. With every full moon, he loses control and a becomes bloodthirsty and violent beast. Ou. To avoid harming/killing people, he has isolated himself and tries to only injure himself. 

Gu Sheng Han starts transforming (those red glowing eyes!) and slows down his bloodthirst by cutting his own hand with a knife. Xu Yin later enters his quarters even though it’s off-limits. When he sees her, he pulls down the collar of her gown and bites her neck. Suddenly, he has memories of the real Xu Yin’s face and that seems to calm him down. He reverts back to a normal state and catches her right before she passes out. He then wonders why he just thought of the real Xu Yin. (~8:30)
Our red-eyed devil.

[Ep3I Know Your Lies

As he watches his sleeping wife, he wonders how she’s the antidote to his poison. His lieutenant reaches for his sword and offers to bleed her but he stops him as he still needs to verify something. 

Eventually she wakes up alone and wonders what happened. Mu Yue Xi barges in and fusses over her. She then mentions that she saw the same scar on a female doctor that she once knew. In the past, Xu Yin had treated her for a wound. Mu Yue Xi rips off the bandage on Xu Yin’s left wrist… and claims that she’s been practicing medicine for years. She forcefully treats her wound, until Gu Sheng Han interrupts and dismisses her. Mu Yue Xi resentfully leaves. Gu Sheng Han treats the wound himself and she remembers how gentle he used to be. When she knocks off the medicine and goes to retrieve it from the floor near his leg, he recoils from her. She wonders if he’s faking his injury. 
Flashback: Gu Sheng Han and Xu Yin.
She tries to question him further but he ends up pulling her onto his lap. (This wheelchair is the best prop. lol It needs its own billing.) She becomes nervous and her right ear twitches which he realizes is something that the real Xu Yin did. 

Now they’re serving his grandmother tea in the great hall. Gu Sheng Han makes a show of holding her hand and his grandmother comments that this is how newlyweds should be. A smug Mu Yue Xi shows up with Xu Qing Qing’s nursemaid. 

[Ep4I Protect You, Solely Because It’s You

The nursemaid says she’s raised Xu Qing Qing from childhood and has never had a scar on her body. Mu Yue Xi mentions the scar on her left wrist and tries to expose it but Gu Sheng Han stops her. Mu Yue Xi protests that he shouldn’t be deceived by this face, this Xu Qing Qing. He replies that he’ll judge for himself. 

He then asks the nursemaid if everything she’s said is true, and she’s lying, then it’s her head. She admits that a year ago, she had left the Prime Minister’s Manor but her lady shouldn’t have any scars. Xu Yin says that the scar is from an accident from six months ago. Gu Sheng Han orders for the servant to be taken away and be executed. The nursemaid now crawls on her knees and begs Mu Yue Xi to save her as she’s the one who gave her money to identify her. Mu Yue Xi tells her to shut up. The nursemaid wails and continues begging for her life. Mu Yue Xi grabs a teacup and dumps it on Xu Yin's face and declares that she must be wearing a skin mask, which will wrinkle and deform when exposed to hot water. (~2:35) Gu Sheng Han looks at his wife with concern. Xu Yin wipes at her face with her sleeve, and Mu Yue Xi now grabs at her and demands that she show her true face. Grandma tells her to stop. Mu Yue Xi insists that there wasn’t enough water, so she runs to go grab the teapot.

Gu Sheng Han pulls on his wife’s arm and spins in his chair to block the oncoming attack. The tea ends up spilling all over his sleeve, as husband and wife now stare at each other as they're eye-to-eye. Grandma finally says that’s enough and tells the servants to lock Mu Yue Xi away, to reflect on her mistakes. 

Now Gu Sheng Han is putting medicine on the wound on her neck [where he bit her]. She becomes a bit flustered when he blows on the wound. She gets up and asks if he’s protecting her because he’s afraid of offending the Prime Minister. He says regardless of her identity, he’s willing to do this for her. She replies then he’s afraid she’ll have further conflict with Mu Yue Xi. She moves away and then returns with medicine. She then tells him that so long as she isn’t provoked, there won’t be any conflict. She rolls up his sleeve to reveal the burn on his left arm. She applies ointment on it and tells him that tomorrow, they need to see her father for the family banquet but without many attendants. 

Gu Sheng Han knows that she [the real Xu Yin] wants to kill him for her father’s death. His lieutentant protests that he wasn’t even the one who killed him. Ou?

A year ago, her father had been trying to remove all of the poison from Gu Sheng Han’s body. But he could only suppress it temporarily. Xu Yin is also actually General Feng Ming’s daughter, and he’d told her foster father to leave with her before the Prime Minister found out about their real identities. It was too late, as the Prime Minister's henchman arrived to slaughter everyone. Gu Sheng Han had given him two breath cessation pills, so father and daughter could fake their deaths and escape. Unfortunately, his poison activated sooner than he’d anticipated that night so… 

In the present, he tells his lieutenant that he wants her to stay by his side so he can protect her better. 

The next day, on their way to her father’s, she suggests they take a shortcut on foot. She wheels him out to a marked spot and then sets fire to it after pushing him there. Suddenly assassins show up and start shooting arrows at them. She gets pushed towards him as arrows continue raining down on them and a flying arrow grazes her shoulder.  

[Ep5Hidden Secrets of True Identity 

Gu Sheng Han holds onto her even as an arrow comes towards him, but it gets stopped by the Prime Minister, Xu Guo Ru (Xu Qing Qing’s father) who loudly demands to know who would dare harm his daughter. 

In private, Prime Minister Xu chides her for acting so recklessly and nearly ruining their family’s years of planning. When she suggests killing him right now, he slaps her for taking action inside their home. He tells her to forget this and just focus on becoming the General’s wife and obtain more information. He wants her to get the pass token to Gu Sheng Han’s viewing platform, so he can eliminate his secret organization. She promises that she will do this so long as he agrees to one condition – to let her kill Gu Sheng Han herself. 

The lieutenant quickly brings the imperial medicine to Gu Sheng Han, who wanted it for his wife. His lieutenant chides him for treating her so well even though she tried to assassinate him. Gu Sheng Han tells him to investigate the assassin and not worry about the rest of it. 

Gu Sheng Han brings the medicine to her and interrupts her inner thoughts of seeking revenge on him. After he applies the medicine to her shoulder, she offers to mend his clothes. She lets her hands roam over him as if to help him remove the clothes, when in fact, she’s actually searching for the token on his person. 

Prime Minister Xu is still looking for General Feng Meng’s daughter. He gives the order that if Gu Sheng Han finds any trace of the child, he’s to be killed. Then he'll have the tiger token, to rule the world.

Gu Sheng Han wonders if she will help Prime Minister Xu in completing his tasks as she hates him so much. 

She later brings him pastries and says she wants to share them with him. He says since she made them for him, he wonders if anything is wrong with them. 
She offers to taste it and when she places one between her lips, he pulls her down onto his lap and takes a bite from the other end of the pastry. (~9:30) Their lips meet for an instant as he takes a bite of the pastry. He chews and swallows before saying that it’s very sweet. He then promptly passes out. She quietly says the real knockout drugs are in the candle and the antidote is actually in the pastries. She then starts searching around his desk, and from behind her, he asks what she’s looking for. 

[Ep6Madam is in Trouble

She calmly turns around and says that she wanted to know more about his preferences. He says it would be easier for her to kill him. She says he must be kidding, as how could she harm him. He brings up the poisoned wine, her intentional approach on their wedding night, and sabotaged carriage. He asks what her next plan is. She says there isn’t. He says that Prime Minister Xu wants her to kill him and to take the token. She asks him what this token is. She then claims that she wanted to see what he was reading and shows him the book in her hands. He pulls her towards him and places her hands on his knees. Nearly touching her face with his, he says, since she wants to understand him, there’s no need for covert inquiries so ask him directly and he’ll tell her. She pulls away and says that her injuries haven’t healed yet, so give her more time. She quickly leaves. Ha. 

Gu Sheng Han has already had the assassins involved in the previous attempt killed, as he won’t stand for anyone harming A Yin. I like how he affectionately says her name.

Xu Yin, wearing a half-mask, has snuck out for the day. She ends up running into a man wearing white robes who seems to have chest pains right outside of Anfu Hall [her former home]. She feels his pulse and then treats him. When she gets up, her mask falls off but she doesn't stop walking away. He gets a glimpse of her face and then picks up the mask to follow her and returns it to her. She wordlessly leaves and he’s left wondering who she is. Oh no, a triangle [square?]! 

Xu Yin returns home and Mu Yue Xi announces that she has evil spirits inside her. So at the request of Grandma, the shaman has her tied up on a post as he’s trying to remove these spirits from her in the courtyard. 
The man in the white robes, Gu Sheng Ming returns to this public spectacle and learns that she’s Gu Sheng Han’s wife. He doesn’t seem to like Gu Sheng Han. After Gu Sheng Ming takes Grandma away to rest, Mu Xue Yi forces her to ingest something. A masked Gu Sheng Han arrives to knock out his cousin and then unties his fainting wife from the post. When he notices the flurry of white gownscoming around the corner, he’s forced to leave her sitting there. Gu Sheng Ming arrives and so she thinks he saved her. She learns that he’s Gu Sheng Han’s younger brother, and is captivated by the familiar white jade pendant at his waist. 

Flashback: One day, an injured and masked Gu Sheng Han had shown up at the doctor’s hut and Xu Yin had tended to him. She had also noticed the blood-splattered jade pendant at his waist. 

So now she thinks that man was Gu Sheng Ming. Oh no. Gu Sheng Ming knows that she thinks he’s Gu Sheng Han. In the past, he had seen Gu Sheng Han looking at the pendant longingly. He plans to take advantage of the fact that they don’t know each other’s real identities. Poor Xu Yin...and Gu Sheng Han.

[Ep7Mistaken Identity

Three years ago, after Xu Xin saved him, he had then asked for her name but she had said it wasn’t important. She says it's Gongyi, the Holy Hand. But he knew and called her A Yin. When they’d walked together for a task on the mountainside, she’d almost slipped off and he’d actually caught her and saved her. Another night, the two had enjoyed watching the fireflies together – well, he’d actually watched her. She had given him a snow lotus flower elixir for curing all blood poisons. He’d thanked her for attentive care for the past month, and said he wouldn’t forget her. He had then gone to remove his mask to reveal his identity to her but suddenly an arrow appeared. She’d seen it and been injured. Assassins came out from the woods and attacked him. He’d fought them off, but he’d received a bite on his right hand. While Xu Yin was still resting, he’d removed the mask and then given her half of the elixir by mouth. (~5:15) And so this whole time, he's actually been waiting for her. 

In the present, Gu Sheng Ming promises to secretly protect her. They’re interrupted by Gu Sheng Han, who barges into the room and says he didn’t expect her to befriend his brother so soon. Why would she, a married woman, be alone with his brother in private anyway?!?! His brother makes a show of clutching his heart and even coughs and so she fusses over him. A jealous and angry Gu Sheng Han yanks her away and tells her that his brother has been ill since childhood and she doesn’t need to concern herself with him. She then notices that the token is on him, and so she quietly says yes, and she was careless, as she tries to remove the token from his body. He icily tells her to be mindful of her status and then flings her away from him but maintains a tight grip around her wrist. 

Gu Sheng Ming excuses himself to leave but his brother tells him that he should know what he's allowed to do and to act with propriety. He warns him to not have inappropriate thoughts. Gu Sheng Ming replies that he’s decisive in battle, yet he allowed Mu Yue Xi to do wrong and dare not stop her. Sheng Ming continues saying that he still has a lot to learn as a husband. Gu Sheng Han glares at him but then he becomes dizzy and starts breathing heavily. He taps on his chair and a servant grabs his chair to roll him outside. Gu Sheng Han roars at the man to get lost before rolling himself away. Gu Sheng Ming warns her that his brother becomes moody like this and she should be careful around him when he’s in a fit of rage and loses control. She asks him why this always happens at night. She leaves to go after him even as Gu Sheng Ming tells her to be careful around him when there’s a full moon. 

Gu Sheng Han sits alone in the courtyard as he’s transforming. Xu Yin asks if he’s not feeling well as she grabs at his hand. He yells at her to get lost as his eyes start turning red. She notices that his legs are moving. But when she approaches him, he rips open her collar and goes to bite her neck. But he stops himself as he can’t bear to hurt her again. So he pulls out a knife and she asks what he’s doing. He says that it’s too late and then stabs himself with it. A shocked Xu Yin pulls out the blade and that’s when Mu Yue Xi sees them and starts screaming about a murderer. Xu Yin reels back and drops the bloodied knife onto the ground. 

[Ep8Expose the Disguise

Xu Yin is given two options for attempting to murder Gu Sheng Han: Divorce him or stay as his wife and receive one hundred lashes. She chooses the latter as she still needs the token. Gu Sheng Ming quickly says that he’s the one who injured his brother, and it was an accident. (Is there a guy’s version of GTB? Because that’s what he is. Ick) Mu Yue Xi protests at this. Grandma says since he’s so eager to take responsibility, the hundred lashes are being split between her and Gu Sheng Ming. 

While they’re receiving these lashes, Gu Sheng Han suddenly appears and stops them. He says it was an accident, and no one is allowed to lay a finger on his wife. His lieutenants cuts the hand of the servant giving her the punishment. Gu Sheng Han takes her away, yet Gu Sheng Ming is smug about his brother’s overt show of concern. He continues laying there to receive his fifty lashes.

Gu Sheng Han now pays Mu Xue Yi a visit. He tells her that he can overlook all the schemes she’s pulled. But this time, she’s dared to harm his wife. So he pulls a hairpin from her hair and places it against her neck and asks if she still wants her face. She quickly begs for her life. When he removes the hairpin, she cries that she's a fake so why – He replies if he says she's real, then she's real, and then flings the hairpin with deadly accuracy into the wood frame behind her.

When he returns, Xu Yin begs him to save his brother. He refuses. And knowing that she’s overly concerned about it, he says then he’ll make sure he suffers even more. She tells him if he doesn’t save him, she’ll expose him for faking his disability. He grabs onto her arm and gets up out of the chair. He says that she dares to threaten him. She says he can try her. He sits back down and angrily says he’ll have someone rescue him.  

Xu Yin now tends to Gu Sheng Ming’s wounds. And he even makes sure to bump knees with her. When she turns to leave, he feigns further injury to keep her longer. Gu Sheng Han interrupts and grabs her by the arm and demands that she leave with him. His brother continues clutching at his shoulder, and so Gu Sheng Han roars at his brother to stop this act already. Xu Yin yanks her arm from his grip and asks why he’s so cruel to his own brother. He says then he’ll show her true cruelty and forcefully pulls her onto his lap and refuses to let her go even as she struggles to get up. Gu Sheng Ming asks why he’s treating her so harshly. His brother says she’s his woman, so it’s none of his business how he treats her. His lieutenant rolls them out of Gu Sheng Ming’s quarters even as Xu Yin continues protesting. Gu Sheng Ming vows that one day, everything he has will become his. O_o Such deep-seated hatred.

Back in his quarters, Gu Sheng Han carries his wife to the bed and then forcefully kisses her. (~9:00) She pushes him off and even tries to slap him. He then pins down both of her arms by her head and tells her that she belongs to him and tonight they’ll have their wedding night. He proceeds to kiss her neck and she tries to fight him off. He continues kissing her skin until he notices the sudden appearance of a red mark on her chest. He’s interrupted from his thoughts as he hears someone running away outside.

[Ep9Tiger Token Revealed

Upside down view of the tiger token.
The red mark on her body is actually the tiger token that he’s been looking for. Gu Sheng Han leaves to go after the fleeing woman, one of Prime Minister Xu's spies. He grabs her by the throat and asks if she'll talk. She slowly nods and says she will but then she reaches behind her back and brandishes a knife at him. She tries to stab him with it, and he manages to turn the knife on her. At this point, Xu Yin comes outside and sees him killing the woman. She runs over to look at the dead woman and calls him a heartless devil who kills without blinking an eye. (He is a general, ergo a warlord…) He coldly replies that he’ll kill everyone around her to keep her isolated and alone, so she better keep her distance from Gu Sheng Ming, as he’ll be next. She says that he’s innocent. He reveals that he knows who she really is and what she’s up to. She says since all their secrets have been revealed then they’ll be a couple only to the public and will lead separate lives. He lets her go but he looks pained by her words.

Gu Sheng Ming stops her and even puts his hand on her to pull her aside. He also happens to notice the fading red mark on her chest. Xu Yin thinks about Gu Sheng Han’s threats to kill everyone around her, especially Gu Sheng Ming, and so she tells him that she’s tired and then walks away. She wonders how she's going to be able to approach Gu Sheng Han to get the token now.

Gu Sheng Han now realizes that the tiger token isn’t an object but a living person. General Feng’s wife planted the token on Xu Yin, and when she’s highly emotional, it becomes visible. He hopes that Prime Minister Xu doesn’t find out about this mark. Meanwhile, rumors are running rampant that he killed the servant in a fit of rage, and he wants this as a means of protecting his A Yin. 

Xu Yin is still trying to find the pass token. So she asks to make a deal with Gu Sheng Han – she’ll cure him as she knows medicine and skilled in detoxification. He asks what her condition is – she wants a divorce once he’s cured, as living under a false identity will cause one to lose their true self. He agrees to this. She then suggests that they use his secret chamber. He agrees on the condition that she fulfill all of her duties as the General’s wife. 
He walks over to her and then pulls her in for a very close embrace to her to finish what she started. She pulls a needle from her waist and places it near his neck and says that he’s been greatly afflicted with the poison so it should be treated as soon as possible. We were tricked again. All the flutters for naught.

She discovers that even his clothing is covered in different poisons as he’s trying to build immunity to all of them. She tells him to lie down and administers acupuncture to his left hand. He falls asleep and dreams of the real Xu Yin. When she gets up to leave, a sleeping Gu Sheng Han grabs onto her dress and tells her to not go. Then he says repeatedly for to not leave him. She gently caresses his forehead as she’s surprised he has such vulnerability but then she gets up and leaves him be. She doesn’t hear him say “A Yin” in his slumber.

[Ep10A Birthday Gift for You 

Xu Yin snoops around his room and discovers a sketch of the thatched hut. An awake Gu Sheng Han suddenly shows up behind her and spins her around. He commands her to never touch anything in the study without his permission. She says that she’s just studying pharmacology here. He tells her to take out what she has behind her back. She shows him the sketch and says he obviously stole this. He says that everything in this manor is his, and this shoddy sketch belongs to Gu Sheng Ming. He also says that he himself has even made a sketch of it. She tries to take it back from him but she trips over his foot. He quickly grabs onto her to keep her steady, and she’s reminded of when she was saved by the masked man three years ago. He also remembers the same incident. She asks if he’s been to the thatched hut before. He thinks about the real Xu Yin's face and then crumbles up the sketch in his hands. He says that it's an ordinary place and has no memories of it. He leaves with the sketch.

Later his lieutenant comments that the sketch is pretty good. Gu Sheng Han has asked him remove all weapons and sharp objects to keep Xu Yin safe. His lieutenant says then Prime Minister Xu's can now easily sneak in the chamber. Gu Sheng Han tells him to watch the spies closely. It's the ninth day of the month, and Gu Sheng Han knows that today is her birthday.

Xu Yin is absentmindedly pouring tea into a cup and it overflows onto the table. Gu Sheng Ming reaches over to stop it and asks what’s going on with her. She asks if his jade pendant is the only one. He wonders if she’s become suspicious and surreptitiously puts some powder into his own cup. He says that he’s been wearing it since he was young and suddenly he has chest pains. Fraud. She checks his pulse and says that this seems like poisoning. He wonders out loud who would find him intolerable. He then says that his current condition is due to the assassins sent by his brother three years ago. Ugh. She asks if he has evidence. He mentions that he always does things covertly including going to a specific pharmacy. And so Xu Yin tries to find Gu Sheng Han around town… and Gu Sheng Han finds her instead. She tells him that she’s brought him a toxin suppressant and hands it to him.

Accompanied by a curious Xu Yin, Gu Sheng Han brings medicine to the refugees who are suffering from rabies. She then gives them money to buy food. The refugees are grateful to both of them for their generosity.  She then pushes him in his chair and asks if he doesn’t want to return home. He says it’s been a long time since he’s had mung bean cakes. She stops walking and asks if he likes it too. He asks if she likes it. She says in the past, her father used to buy it for her birthday. But this is the past as she’s now Xu Qing Qing so she’s forgotten it.

He then makes the crowd scatter from the stall and heads towards the vendor. He says that he’s buying all of the cakes - with one pack for her, and the rest to be distributed to everyone at the market. When he hands the cakes to her, she gives him a small smile. A spy reports to Prime Minister Xu that his daughter and Gu Sheng Han are very affectionate while they’re out in public. Prime Minister Xu is pleased by this and wants their relationship to progress further and suggests giving them a helping hand.

On their walk, Xu Yin thinks she sees someone who resembles her father but the man quickly disappears into the night... She wonders if he really is alive as there wasn’t a body in the unmarked grave. 

Flashback: Her father had asked to get a glimpse of her every once in a while, and so Gu Sheng Han had suggested it be on her birthday.  

He now looks at her and wonders if she likes his birthday present. She looks a bit sad and leaves to make a wish about her father before pushing the lantern further into the water. Assassins suddenly arrive and he urges her to leave. She instead runs over to move his chair, but he pulls her onto his lap and then stops sword blade with his bare hand.

[Ep11An Inexplicable Sense of Empathy

His lieutenant arrives in time to cut down the assassins. She sees his wounded hand and asks if he’s lost his mind. Then she says if the wound was any deeper, then his hand woud've been paralyzed. She then pulls out her handkerchief and quickly ties it around the bleeding wound. He doesn't care about himself - it's always about her - every single time! 

The next day he continues looking at the handkerchief, and tells his lieutenant that he’s surprised that she cared about his injuries at all. His lieutenant tells him that the captured assassins have all committed suicide by poison. Gu Sheng Han knows that Prime Minister Xu is behind this attack to injure him but not kill him. And this would give Xu Yin the opportunity to steal the token. So now he's waiting on what A Yin is going to do.

Elsewhere, Xu Yin is confused about why she wanted to save him when she wanted nothing more than to kill him. She distractedly works with the herbs and ends up cutting her finger. Her husband interrupts to have her change the dressing on his hand. She says she’s not the doctor of his manor. He replies that he got injured because of her. She asks why he saved her. He replies that she said she would detoxify him, and if she’s injured what would she have to negotiate with.  

She later asks Gu Sheng Ming to secretly look for Xu Liu Lang [her father] who ran Anfu Hall, the former hospital. He asks if this is where Gu Sheng Han had slaughtered everyone a year ago. He then asks her what her relationship with Anfu Hall is. She replies he taught her medicine, and then she’d be able to treat his angina issues. She asks him for a second favor – to keep Gu Sheng Han busy. 

Gu Sheng Ming has his henchman look into Xu Liu Lang, and now he is fairly certain that she’s Xu Yin, and also General Feng’s child with the tiger token. He also knows why his brother faked their deaths. He never expected that his brother’s love would become his perfect weapon to use against him. -__-’

Gu Sheng Ming is resentful that his brother has easily taken everything away from him, even though he’s been the one who’s been ill since childhood. He tells his brother that he feels inferior as the son of a concubine. Gu Sheng Han tells him that he’s never felt this way about him. The two continue playing a game of chess as Xu Yin continues searching through her husband’s study. Once she finds the key, smoke billows out from the rooftop which doesn’t go unnoticed by Gu Sheng Han. 

[Ep12The Deadly Scheme

Xu Yin wonders if harm will come to Gu Sheng Han when she takes the key and the token. Meanwhile, Gu Sheng Han is disappointed that she's taken the key and doesn't even notice that he's lost the game to his brother. His brother says that as the winner, he wants Xu Yin. Gu Sheng Han reaches across the table and pulls his brother down onto the table. He then uses his injured him to press his head onto the board. Gu Sheng Ming smugly says he now knows that he's her father's murderer so why not leave her with him. And he'll be able to offer her the love that he can’t. Gu Sheng Han continues applying pressure and tells him to shut up. Xu Yin happens to only see this last part and yells at him to stop. 

Gu Sheng Han lets go of him as she runs over to ask him why he’s so heartless to his own brother. He says that he may be cruel but it’s better than the deceitful love of a spouse. She fusses over Gu Sheng Ming, and her husband tells her that he knows what she’s done. She says that she had to do what she needed to do. He tells her that she’s so naive as she’s being manipulated repeatedly yet remains completely unaware. Gu Sheng Ming finally stands up and tells her to stay with his brother. She says his brother is too precious for him to take care of and then she helps Gu Sheng Ming who is clutching at his arm. They’re interrupted by Gu Grandmother’s lady-in-waiting who was watching from nearby, and now tells her that Grandma has requested for her presence in the great hall. What now? Xu Yin asks to tend to Gu Sheng Ming’s wound first, and the servant tells her that someone else can take care of him. Gu Sheng Ming offers to go with her, and so they leave together. Xu Yin doesn’t even spare a single glance in her husband’s direction. :(

In the great hall, Grandma tells her that she needs to follow the Gu family rules. She asks what she's done this time. Grandma says that she needs to keep her distance from her brother-in-law and Grandma looks pointedly at Gu Sheng Ming, who is sputtering at this. Xu Yin gets on her knees and says that she’s not well-versed in family rules and has not learned proper female virtues. She offers to transcribe in the ancestral hall as a means of atonement. Grandma says she needs to kowtow before the ancestral tablets, making a thousand bows and to pray earnestly for their blessings. Gu Sheng Ming protests at this and is promptly told to shut up by Grandma. Xu Yin is taken away and now Gu Sheng Ming gets on his knees and tells Grandma that there’s nothing going on between them, only that they have common interests. She tells him to shut up, and if he genuinely wants to protect her, then do nothing. She reminds him that she belongs to his brother. Grandma plans to arrange a marriage for him soon so he should settle down and behave. Gu Sheng Ming thinks to himself that he is not going to accept this – that she’s his brother’s along with the tiger token.  

At the ancestral hall, Xu Yin is told that once she’s done with her thousand bows, then she can come back out, and then the doors are closed behind her. Once alone, she decides to try the key in a lock on the incense holder. But then the doors open behind her – it’s Gu Sheng Ming who is delivering her meal. 

While she’s eating this meal, a piece of vegetable gets stuck to her face, and Gu Sheng Ming gently removes it with his thumb. Ugh. Wash that spot immediately! He tells her that he’s been in trouble with his grandmother before as he’s had trouble following all these rules. Three years ago, those days at the thatched hut were some of the most care-free days of his life. The lies that come from his mouth like horse dung. He then says A Yin is the girl he’s deeply loved from back then. Nooooo. She looks startled by this and thinks to herself, to leave those beautiful memories from three years ago as just that as she has more important matters to deal with now. So she tells him that the girl is fortunate that he’s always kept her in his thoughts. A disappointed Gu Sheng Ming wonders why this trick didn’t work on her. 

Once he’s gone, Xu Yin uses the key again and the pass token for the viewing platform falls out from its hiding spot inside the incense holder. But she’s interrupted by her husband. She quickly hides the token under a pillow. The two exchanges words, and he notices that the incense holder has been recently disturbed. Outside, Gu Sheng Ming has decided to lock the doors. Then he throws something emitting smoke and actually sets fires to the outside of the place as he plans to make her grateful to him, her savior. Inside, when Xu Yin notices the smoke, she sees the fire and runs to open the doors to find them locked. Gu Sheng Ming starts calling her name with concern. When he hears from her, he says that he’ll be in soon to rescue her. He then starts yelling for help. 

Inside, Gu Sheng Han tells his wife that the servants must be outside trying to extinguish the fire so she’ll need to push him out later. He reminds her keep his fake disability a secret. She runs to grab the token from its hiding place and then she tries to break down the door with a chair. She suddenly passes out and Gu Sheng Han catches her in his arms but he can’t stand to watch her suffering. And so he breaks down the doors using his wheelchair and then walks out carrying her in his arms.

[Ep13Do You Want to Help Me or Kill Me?

Gu Sheng Ming angrily watches his brother walking and carrying his wife in his arms. He suddenly remembers to offer something to Xu Yin for smoke inhalation. Gu Sheng Han tells him to get lost and holds Xu Yin even closer to his body. He then walks away and announces that if anything happens to his wife, he’ll make sure that the arsonist will know a hundredfold of pain. 

Gu Sheng Han moves to lovingly caress his sleeping wife’s cheek but when she starts stirring, he quickly moves away and maintains a mask of indifference. She sits up and asks why he took such a big risk to save her. He replies it’s because she is still very useful to him and his poison hasn’t been cured. She says he may be at a disadvantage when Prime Minister Xu finds out about his fake disability. He says what choice did he have. She replies that when the fire started, Gu Sheng Ming had already come to save her so he didn’t need to reveal himself. He replies that this was all a setup by Gu Sheng Ming. She says that’s impossible because why would he do that? He says that he did that to gain her favor. He finishes stirring the medicine and then places the spoon in front of her lips and she backs away from him. She asks if in his eyes, everyone has ulterior motives and no one can be trusted. He now angrily flings down the bowl and says then just consider this as Gu Sheng Ming saving her today. He quickly walks out of there. Once he leaves, she looks at the token and wonders why he saved her even knowing that she’d taken this. 

Prime Minister Xu learns of Gu Sheng Han’s deception, and that he exposed himself to save his wife. He wonders what other cards he has up his sleeve. Prime Minister Xu’s lieutenant wonders if he has the tiger token. Prime Minister Xu says that they can’t keep him alive anymore. Next, he’s holding a banquet to celebrate Gu Sheng Han’s recovery. Gu Sheng Han agrees to go and his wife says she’s going with him. He asks if she’s attending to help him or to kill him. 

The couple along with his lieutenant arrive at the restaurant, but they only allow Gu Sheng Han and his wife to enter per the Prime Minister’s orders. Gu Sheng Han is forced to let his lieutenant stay outside as this is a family banquet. Her father makes a big deal about his sudden recovery and says that someone might think he deliberately pretended to be disabled and deceived everyone, including the Emperor. Gu Sheng Han says he’s already reported to the Emperor and he’s been pardoned. His father-in-law drops the matter and says he’ll have to rely on him in the future. Gu Sheng Han says he needs time to recuperate so he can’t concern himself with military affairs for now. His father-in-law suggests that he hand over the military power of General Feng Ming’s old troops to him. Gu Sheng Han says that military power requires his child to mobilize the tiger token. But both the person and object are missing, so he wonders why he is asking him about this. 

His father-in-law says Feng Ming’s old troops are rebels against His Majesty, so if he finds them, he’ll execute them all. Gu Sheng Han stands up and says that he can’t just produce the tiger token out of thin air. His father-in-law calls for his guards and Xu Yin interrupts to tell her father that she has something to report to him in private. 

Xu Yin tells Prime Minister Xu that he really didn’t have any information about General Feng’s child or the tiger token. He grabs her by the throat and says why she didn’t tell him that he was faking his injury. She widens her eyes and says that she really didn’t know as he spends all of his time in the study. He doesn’t allow her to get close to him at all.  He says she’s his wife, so how can she not know that he’s faking his injury before finally letting go of her throat. He then asks about the whereabouts of the token, and if they have it now, he can kill him now. She reaches for the token at her waist and thinks a moment before saying that she’s incompetent as she hasn’t found it yet. 

Xu’s assassins withdraw as does Gu Sheng Han’s lieutenant and soldiers, as she tells Prime Minister Xu that she recently discovered his outing routine. It’s possible that it’s in the secret base on the viewing platform. He hands her a small vial containing a tracking fragrance that she’s to put on Gu Sheng Han the next time he goes outside. This way he can find the location of the viewing platform and wipe them all out in one fell swoop. He will then grant her request to kill him. 

She realizes that there’s something suspicious about her father’s death, and that Gu Sheng Han has saved her numerous times. So this time she’ll repay him the favor. A little girl sells him flowers as she can see that he’s in love with his wife. Gu Sheng Han asks his wife if there will come a day when they can live a normal married life. He offers the flowers to her and she just stares at him before finally saying that they’re separated by uncrossable mountains and seas. They can never be a normal married couple. She ignores the flowers and walks away from him. Prime Minister Xu watches them from a distance and then asks Xu Qing Qing who is standing behind him if she sees this. Ou.

[Ep14Our Love is Separated by Mountains and Seas

Prime Minister Xu was always suspicious about the first time the imposter was in his home. He asks his real daughter if she really thought she could deceive him. She replies that she wants to defy him and ruin all of his careful planning. He gives her a hearty slap across the face and asks if she can really destroy all of his years of careful planning. She replies that her stand-in said that she has a deep-seated hatred of Gu Sheng Han so she was just fulfilling her wish. He says that she’s already become Gu Sheng Han’s tool. His daughter says it seems that no one wants to associate with him, the old fox. He gives orders to have them keep a very close eye on her and she’s not allowed to step out of her room. Well, that answers my question as to where the original Xu Qing Qing went.

Gu Sheng Han thinks he’s won this time. Later, a barely standing Gu Sheng Han is escorted into  Xu Yin’s quarters by his lieutenant. Apparently, he had a chat with Minister Cui, who insisted on drinking. But the lieutenant needs to leave to attend official matters so Yu Xin offers to take care of him. She gets him onto the bed and then says that she’s surprised that he’s unable to handle alcohol.
When she goes to pull the covers over him, he grabs her and pulls her down so they’re face-to-face. He opens his eyes and says if he hadn’t pretended to be drunk, how could Minister Cui let him off so easily. She pulls away, and he says that Minister Cui’s tolerance for alcohol is unfathomable, and he wouldn’t have been able to leave and come back tonight. She asks him why he’s in such a hurry to return home. He smiles at her and then sits up to give her his answer, to see her. (~3:50) She turns to look at him and he teases her for having a flushed face even though she didn’t drink. She looks away and tries to get up but he quickly puts his arm around her shoulders. 
He tells her that he’s very happy and just as he's about to kiss her, Gu Sheng Ming calls for her and says that his angina has flared.
Gu Sheng Han loses his carefree smile and glares at that voice. Gu Sheng Ming continues asking if he could get some medicine from her.  Xu Yin answers yes, she’ll be right there and goes to get up but her husband refuses to let her go. She softly tells him that she’s going to get some medicine for Gu Sheng Ming and she’ll be right back. She tries to get up again but he won’t relinquish his hold on her. He says that he hasn’t had his medicine yet and locks eyes with her. A small smile appears on his face and she breaks eye contact. (~4:48) She turns around and tells Gu Sheng Ming that the General isn’t feeling well so she can’t leave right now. She tells him to go to the clinic first. 

She then quietly asks her husband to let go of her so she can get him his medicine. He still refuses to let go of her and pulls her even closer to tell her, “You are my best medicine.” And then he kisses her. The two continue kissing as they lay down together on the bed. (~5:10) Buzz off, Gu Sheng Ming.

Gu Sheng Ming stays outside and resentfully wonders why everything he wants ends up being his brother’s. However, in the middle of their kiss, Xu Yin suddenly remembers her father’s death and all the corpses at Anfu Hall, so she pulls away and says he must be tired. She then says that she’s going to get him his hangover medicine. She leaves and he can only sigh and wait for her return. 

While she’s boiling his medicine, Gu Sheng Ming tells her that he’s looking into Xu Liu Lang’s whereabouts but there’s no trace of him. He asks if she mistook that person for him the other day. She says she’s pretty sure it was him that day but wonders why he can’t be found. He says that Anfu Hall has been sealed and his brother won’t allow anyone in there, but perhaps they can find something there. He suggests that she shake Gu Sheng Han off and leave the manor for the investigation. She doesn’t say anything so he suggests perhaps during the full moon. She agrees that three days from now on the night of the full moon, she knows that he won’t leave the manor. Gu Sheng Ming gives a small smirk at this.

Three days later, Gu Sheng Han hears that his wife left with Gu Sheng Ming to Anfu Hall. 
Now concerned he gets dressed to leave the manor. His lieutenant says that he shouldn’t leave but he’s concerned that Xu Yin’s appearance at Anfu Hall will expose her real identity. He hands his lieutenant an arrowhead that’s been coated with knockout drops, and instructs him to use it on him if he does anything to harm A Yin during this time. 

Xu Yin and Gu Sheng Ming arrive at Anfu Hall and she sees the memorial tablet for her father on the table with lit candles. She sniffles at this and Gu Sheng Ming says that he’s known that she’s his daughter and the same person he met at the thatched hut three years ago. She breaks down in front of him now and caresses the tablet and talks to her father. She mentions taking revenge for her father’s death, and he says that Gu Sheng Han was incredibly cruel. And then Gu Sheng Han shows up, just as Gu Sheng Ming wanted. Xu Yin stands up and looks at him with disdain. 

Gu Sheng Han runs up to her and shoves his brother out of the way. He tells her that she needs to go with him and starts pulling her along. She shoves him away and calls him a murderous demon. She then screams that he killed her father. He calmly tells her when they get back, he’ll tell her everything. He grabs her arm again and she screams at him to let go of her. Keeping his distance, Gu Sheng Ming gleefully watches the two argue. Gu Sheng Han tells her that they need to leave and then assassins show up. He cuts down one of them and then his eyes glow red. He strangles the assassins with his bare hands and flings them away. Xu Yin is remembering that night of a year ago when she’d seen all of the slaughtered people in this place, and so she reaches over to pull out her knife. He grabs her hand to leave and an assassin shows up from behind them. Just as he turns around to kill the assassin, she stabs him in the chest. He gasps and then his eyes turn back to normal. Gu Sheng Ming watches this unfold with mirth. 

Gu Sheng Han looks down and she pulls the knife out of his body and looks at him with hatred. He stumbles back and mutters “A Yin” over and over before falling down onto the ground. His lieutenant arrives and tells her that he’d rather harm himself than her ever. He asks why can’t she listen to his explanation. He helps him up and they walk away together. She watches them go and then the knife drops onto the ground with a clatter. 

[Ep15Earnest Protection 

Gu Sheng Han finally wakes up and his wife asks him if he was the one she saved three years ago. He denies this. He’s protecting her but…talk to her already?! She asks how he knew her real identity. He says the strength in his viewing platform isn’t in killing but its intelligence work. He sits up and tells her that a year ago, he let her escape but he didn’t expect that she’d be so capable as she infiltrated his manor and tried to kill him. She asks why did he murder her father and everyone in Anfu Hall? He smiles and says he doesn’t have any reason to kill anyone. They were merely objects for him to vent his frustrations when his poison acted up. And they were like ants to be trampled by anyone. She screams at him that everyone he killed were her closest relatives and only family. He scoffs and says he knows that she hates him.
How can cruelty look so gorgeous?
He then gets out of the bed and stands before her. He tells her that he deliberately saved her over and over again so she can’t bring herself to hurt him. In this way, he manipulates and toys with her, watching as she struggles and feels conflicted. A cruel smile appears on his face as he says it’s truly amusing. 

She says he’s really a bloodthirsty and heartless demon. He gives her a cruel smile and then walks over to pick up a brush. His inner thoughts: After last night, he’s afraid that her identity can no longer be hidden. So right now, he cannot acknowledge her. This is the only way to keep her safe and keep her away from all of this. He finishes writing and sets down the brush. He says that this is the divorce letter and says that he doesn’t want to see her anymore. She grabs it from him and tears it up into small pieces. She says that every moment she spends with him makes her feel extremely disgusted. From now on, they’re done with each other forever. She then throws the pieces at him before leaving. He finally drops the mask and his eyes fill up with tears as he sits down unsteadily on his desk. (~3:22) :( 

With everything packed up, Xu Yin lingers outside the General’s Manor as she’s waiting for him to appear. Unbeknownst to her, he’s already watching her from a distance in the woods. He thinks she can only be safe once she leaves here. His lieutenant says that he may never see her again. Gu Sheng Han says this way he won’t have any concerns. He then asks what’s going on with Prime Minister Xu. He’s told that they’ve fallen into the trap as they’re already following the tracking fragrance. Xu Yin finally gives up and gets into her carriage. 

Along the way, she’s stopped by the appearance of a hooded man. It’s her father who is well and alive. She runs over to hug him, and he tells her that it’s his fault that she’s suffered. She asks how he survived and he says that he took the breath cessation pill, which put him in a fake death state. He says since they’ve reunited then they can leave together. She asks why he’s in such a hurry to take her away. She asks if he and Gu Sheng Han have known each other for a long time. He tells her to stop asking questions as they’re all trying to protect her. She asks what they are protecting her from. She’s the weapon. He doesn’t look like he wants to answer and so she says that she’ll return back to ask Gu Sheng Han. He relents and says he’ll tell her everything. 

Once he does, she realizes that she’s completely misunderstood Gu Sheng Han, who has always been protecting her. She wants to go see him but her father says that she can’t. Once Prime Minister Xu learns that she’s General Feng’s daughter, then she’ll be in great danger. She still runs back through the forest intent on helping him.

She finally sees him and calls his name. She hugs him from behind and says that her father has told her everything. She knows he’s been protecting her this whole time but he’s kept everything from her. He replies that he’s indebted to General Feng, and repays him by protecting his descendants. But now, they don’t owe each other anything anymore. From now on – she interjects that from now on, she won’t misunderstand him like a fool anymore. She used to hate him but every time he was hurt, the heartache she felt was unbearable. Now she finally understands that she’s fallen for him long ago. He forces himself to jerk her hands from around his waist and tells her to her face that he has no romantic feelings for her. She shakes her head and says that he’s lying. If he really has no feelings for her then he should look her in the eyes and say it again. He says whether she believes or not, he’s said everything that needs to be said. So they can part ways here, and he then turns to leave. She grabs onto his arm and asks him to stop pushing her away all the time. She says that whatever happens, they should face it together, and this makes his eyes tear up. But when she walks over to stand in front of him, he can’t look at her, and she says that he can’t bear to part with her, right? He finally hugs her back and kisses her. In his mind, he says that he’s fallen for her as well, and that’s always been true. He then quickly reaches over and knocks her out with a hard tap to the back of her neck. She passed out in his arms. He says, “A Yin, I can't keep you selfishly by my side. Leaving is the only option. It’s the safest choice for your sake.” 

Prime Minister Xu is told by his lieutenant that there was no one at the viewing platform. Instead the area was filled with hidden weapons and deadly poisons. So all of their highly-skilled men died instantly. So he forces his daughter to be of use to him and feeds her a poison which needs to be detoxified once a month or else she’ll die. He orders her to go to the General’s Manor and find the tiger token. 

Xu Yin wakes up in the carriage and gets kidnapped by Prime Minister Xu. She calls him father, and he asks what she called him. He then calls for Xu Qing Qing, who walks in and tells her it’s been a long time.

[Ep16You Are In My Hands

Xu Qing Qing starts beating on Xu Yin with a whip. But then Gu Sheng Han shows up to stop her. Xu Qing Qing greets him while he totally ignores Xu Yin. Prime Minister Xu says that he doesn’t seem surprised and wonders if he’s known all along. Gu Sheng Han asks if he deliberately replaced one with the other and planted her as a spy. Xu Qing Qing smirks at her father. Prime Minister Xu says that he was deceived as well. And if he wanted to investigate the General, would he make such a great plan. Xu Qing Qing says it doesn’t matter if he can tell the real from the fake, as what matters is everything has been reset. She then proceeds to strangle Xu Yin with the whip. Prime Minister Xu says since Xu Qing Qing has been found, he should take her home and not let her suffer anymore. Gu Sheng Han watches Xu Qing Qing squeeze the whip tighter and tighter. Once the Prime Minister leaves, Gu Sheng Han notices that her tiger token is starting to show up. So he reaches over to grab Xu Qing Qing by the wrist. She asks if he feels sorry for her. He coldly replies that this woman has deceived him over and over, so how could he care for her? Xu Qing Qing says she has no reason to keep her alive and reaches over to hit her again. Gu Sheng Han pulls her into his arms and says that there’s no need for her to dirty her hands with the likes of her. He suggests taking her back to the manor and torturing her slowly. Xu Yin just looks at him in shock. Xu Qing Qing asks if she can be left in her care. He tilts up her chin and says that only a Prime Minister’s daughter like her is worthy of being married to him. He’s willing to rekindle their past and marry her again. Xu Yin looks heartbroken by this. Xu Qing Qing hugs him and he lets her but he doesn’t touch her. The two walk away and Gu Sheng Han nearly turns back to look at Xu Yin. Xu Yin cries and says his name over and over inside her head. 

Back at the manor, Xu Qing Qing gives Gu Sheng Han a backhug, and he coldly says that she refused to marry him before so why is she so driven now. She claims she wasn’t in her right mind before and she wants to be a proper wife to him now. She starts untying his clothes and he grabs her wrist and says that he has work to attend to. He goes to leave and she asks if he’s attached to her replacement or if there’s something special about her. He replies that she’s just a mere doctor so why would he care about her. As he’s walking away he says if she dislikes her, then she should find someone to get rid of her. Xu Qing Qing knows that she’s found his weakness.

The next day she finds Xu Yin and says that she’s stolen something of hers – a betrothal gift from the General, a hairpin. The servant finds it under her bed and so she drags her out to punish her. In the courtyard she gets ready to put Xu Yin’s hands in a zanzhi [hand crusher] and Gu Sheng Han says to stop. He grabs the device from Xu Qing Qing’s hands and flings it on the ground and says why she’s bothering with such an insignificant person. Xu Qing Qing laughs and says torturing her is quite amusing so why doesn’t he come witness this with her. He says he’s not interested and she asks if he’s not interested or still harbors sympathy for her. Yu Xin says, “Gu Sheng Han. You know it. I would never…” He quickly slaps her across the face which makes her fall to the ground. He tells Xu Qing Qing to not let her affect her mood. Xu Qing Qing looks at Xu Yin clutching at her cheek and says that he truly has a way to help her vent her anger. He tells them they should go and he walks ahead with Xu Qing Qing right behind him. He gives a brief sidelong glance back but he turns to look ahead and continues walking away.  

Gu Sheng Han is now drinking cup after cup when Xu Yin suddenly appears. He asks her why she hasn’t left. She says that she’s said it before. No matter what happens, she’ll face it with him. Now that he’s facing many difficulties, she can use the tiger token to help him summon the old troop. He slams down the cup and tells her that the tiger token is useless to him now. He stands up and says now that he’s married Xu Qing Qing and earned the trust of her father, he’ll definitely have the chance to rise again. She grabs onto his arm and says that she knows he has his reasons for marrying her, and he has his plans but she wants to do her best to help achieve his goals. He jerks his arm away from her and sneers, help him? Now, she holds no value to him. All she is is a burden. She says she doesn’t believe it. She says he’s just saying these things to drive her away. He replies that they’re divorced so there’s nothing between them now. He doesn’t want to see her again. He walks up to her and tells her with direct eye contact and says that he’s never liked her, so stop deluding herself. He then angrily tells her to get lost and turns his back to her. Her eyes fill up with tears and she says that they’ve been through so much together so his feelings for her aren’t a lie. She repeats that no matter what happens she won’t leave him. Hidden from her view, he clenches his fists.

It’s nighttime now and Xu Qing Qing is told that Xu Yin has entered the General’s forbidden area. She’s decided that so long as she has control over Xu Yin then she can manipulate Gu Sheng Han. 

She requests Gu Sheng Han come to her room and she invites him to have wine. He takes a sip of the wine and notices a dress slipping out from the wardrobe behind her. Xu Yin is currently bound and gagged inside that wardrobe and forced to peek out from the slightly cracked doors. Xu Qing Qing says that she’s a bit drunk and asks him to help her to bed. She pushes him onto the bed and then removes her top layer and then joins him on the bed. She then trails her fingers from his forehead to his full lips. He then looks up at her and they lock eyes. (~12:45)

She leans down to blow into his ear and continues caressing his head. He quirks his right brow and then she leans down to continue embracing him.

Evil gloat.

She looks directly towards the wardrobe where Xu Yin is and gives her a devious smile.

[Ep17Today Will Be The Day of Your Demise

Xu Qing Qing lays down on top of Gu Sheng Han and he quickly spins over on top of her. He gently caresses her head and then he smiles right before quickly striking her on the side of her neck to knock her out. He gets up and quietly walks over to the wardrobe and removes Xu Yin’s gag and unties her before turning to leave without saying a single word to her. She asks him why, and if all of his promises were lies. He coldly tells her that she’s seen it all now, and all he cares about is that face. As for the position of his wife, anyone can do it. She asks then why did he save her over and over again? He even lied to protect her. He cruelly tells her that his feelings for her were just temporary sympathy. He then removes her hands from his arm and sneers that she really believed it. She now angrily slaps and then takes off. He watches her leave and thinks,  “A Yin. I’m sorry. Only by leaving here, and leaving me, would you be best protected.” 

Xu Yin returns to Anfu Hall and asks her father if they could leave. She touches him and he just collapses over onto the table. She then sees that his neck has been cut. He’s really dead this time. She starts sobbing for him to wake up. Gu Sheng Ming arrives with a bag and says that Gu Sheng Han has finally resorted to murder. She says that she doesn’t believe it. He says that he’s spoken to her father, and she asks him what he told him. He says that she’s General Feng Ming’s daughter and the tiger token on her body can summon the old troops. Thus it’ll attract calamity upon her. Her father saw through Gu Sheng Han’s scheme, who said he was protecting her. But he was actually using her father to coerce her to achieve the goal of controlling the old troops. She still says that’s impossible as all he’s been wanting is to send her away. Gu Sheng Ming quickly says that his brilliance lies in this. This so-called sending her away is just to avoid Prime Minister Xu’s attention. He then says that her father secretly told her all of this so she wouldn’t be manipulated by Gu Sheng Han. Once she lost her value, then she was an obstacle to him. Her fate will be the same as her father’s. She then pulls a piece of paper from her dead father’s hand - it’s for “crystalline mirabilite”. He says this is a clue left by her father before he died. I trust nothing this vile thing says. He says that this was Gu Sheng Han, and she starts sobbing why, why did he do this. She buries her father and vows to avenge his death. Standing behind her, Gu Sheng Ming gives a smirk.

Xu Qing Qing sets down some drugged tea in Gu Sheng Han’s study, and then she sits down on his lap. She says that they’ve been married for so long, so it’s time for them to consummate their marriage. He replies that she’s the Prime Minister’s daughter and this type of behavior doesn’t suit her status. She cups his face and sweetly says that they’re doing something that’s appropriate between husband and wife. He replies since she’s his wife, she should know that he has no interest in sexual relations. *cackling with delight* She grabs one of the teacups and places it in front of his lips and he actually forces her to drink it herself. She angrily gets up and threatens to tear down the manor. He tells her to try it and then leaves her there. She then remembers that she drank the tea, and then Xu Yin shows up and makes sure she’s completely knocked out. 

The next day, Gu Sheng Han says that he won’t be able to go to the Lantern Festival today. Xu Yin posing as Xu Qing Qing unsheathes her knife and makes a mental vow that today will be the day of his demise. She puts the knife away and then slowly turns around and softly says his name.

[Ep18] The Person You Hate Will Disappear Now

Gu Sheng Han notices the difference in her personality. She says that the Lantern Festival is a nationwide celebration, so they must go to the bridge to release lanterns to pray for the people. He gives her a soft smile (full of love) and she asks why he’s looking at her like that and if there’s something wrong with her appearance. He walks up to her and gently caresses her temple before saying that he’s captivated by her beauty. She says that she knows he’s a very busy man but she hopes that he can join the Lantern Festival with her.
He says since she’s so enthusiastic about it, then he’ll go with her. He then offers her his hand and she holds onto it. He moves his hand to envelope hers and leads the way with the sweetest little smile on his face.

They’re now under a wishing tree, and she tells him that the priest said that the higher they throw the plaque, the longer they’ll stay together. He removes his jade pendant and ties it to the plaque and then throws up onto the highest branch. With a smile, he says look, they’re destined to grow old together as a loving couple. (~2:45) She asks if this tree is really that magical. He holds onto her hands and says of course, as he’ll hold her hands and grow old together with her. Xu Yin now thinks that all the past moments they shared were fake. She thinks the only person he loves is the Prime Minister’s daughter. She removes her hands and says they should go and release the lanterns. He says okay, he’ll do whatever she says. 

When she carries a lantern over to the water, she trips and he catches her, calling her Qing Qing and tells her to be careful. She extricates herself from his hands and goes to make a wish. She wishes to avenge her father by killing Gu Sheng Han with her own hands. When she stands up, he asks her what she wished for and she says that wishes lose their power once spoken. He says if it’s not spoken then how can others know what’s in her heart. She says okay, and walks over to tell him her wish. She says this is her wish and then she stabs him in the abdomen. (~5:25) O_O

He’s shocked by this and asks why she did this. She says he doesn’t know that she isn’t Xu Qing Qing and that she’s actually Xu Yin. He looks so hurt but then he takes a deep breath and asks if she wants to kill him so badly. She says from beginning to end, he’s always been her enemy whom she hated to the core. He stumbles backwards and closes his eyes in pain.
He opens his eyes, and tears flow down his cheeks as he reaches over to gently stroke her face, and says okay, he’ll grant her wish. He will disappear now. He then pulls on her arm to push the knife further into his body. (~6:54) He starts gasping and falling backwards, and then his lieutenant and attendants show up. His lieutenant reaches for his sword but Gu Sheng Han stops him from pulling it out any further. He looks at her with pained eyes and tells his men that they need to go. They help him walk. A shocked Xu Yin stands there holding the bloodied knife in her hands. 

Back at home, Gu Sheng Han dismisses everyone as he refuses to receive medical treatment from anyone. Xu Yin walks around aimlessly before she finally arrives back home. She tells herself that she’s just here to witness his death. When his lieutenant sees her, he begs her to save him. She says that she’s not a doctor so how can she save him. He says that the General won’t let anyone treat him. In this world, only she, Xu Yin, can save him. She’s shocked by this admission and asks how he could recognize her. He says he wouldn’t know but it was the General who knew. No matter how she changes her appearance, he can always recognize her at a glance. And he can tell from the General’s eyes that it’s her. She says he’s known from the very beginning that it was her. He says certainly, and he’s never seen him so happy like tonight before. Only when facing her can he reveal his true self. She thinks about his final words to her before shoving the knife even deeper. She walks over to the bed and his lieutenant finally leaves. 

She goes to untie his clothes and he opens his eyes to tell her that he doesn’t need her treatment. He then tells her to get lost and reaches over to grab her hand. She tells him to not move and continues untying his clothes. She then starts treating his wound. Later, she tries to feed him medicine but he’s not conscious, so she administers it with her mouth.

[Ep19Why Did He Pretend To Be Him? 
Gu Sheng Han wakes up and sees Xu Yin sleeping at his bedside. He turns towards her and then lightly caresses her head. 

GSH: In this world, only you can hurt me so easily. And only you can save me. Gongyi, the Holy Hand. He continues stroking her hair. Your reputation is well-deserved. He then turns away in pain and falls back to sleep. 

Xu Yin wakes up and remembers the conversation from three years ago when the masked man had asked for her name and she’d jokingly told him that Gong Yi, the Holy Hand was her name. She wonders how he knows this. 

The real Xu Qing Qing finds out that her husband was injured last night but they’re keeping what happened under wraps. She goes to see him and when she strokes him on the chin, he says, “Run, A Yin. Hurry, A Yin. Your identity is at risk.” She wonders why a mere doctor would be at risk, unless she’s General Feng’s daughter? The lieutenant returns with the medicine that Xu Yin asked for and Xu Qing Qing says that he should take care of it then and takes her leave. 

Xu Yin returns to Anfu Hall where Gu Sheng Ming is waiting. But when he goes to put a hand on her, she moves away from him and wonders if she really mistook him for someone else. She asks him if they really met three years ago. He asks why she’s asking him this, or did that murderer, Gu Sheng Han say something to make her suspect him instead? She says no and then sits down. He sits down across from her and says that Gu Sheng Han was attacked at the Lantern Festival and he knows it was her. He says that he’s been worried about her safety all along. She says that she’s injured him severely. Unfortunately, he was lucky that she didn’t succeed this time. He says from now on she doesn’t need to do something so reckless by herself again. If she needs anything, he can help her. She says that she’s not afraid of the wild beasts in the mountains, so why would she be afraid of Gu Sheng Han. He says no matter how brave she is, she’s still a girl. From now on, he’ll protect her. *puke* She wonders if he’s forgotten that she was terrified of the wild beasts in the mountains. She tells him that the two of them are merely acquaintances from three years ago.  She looks at his jade pendant and says if it wasn’t for this pendant, she might have never recognized him. She also tells him that even until today, she still feels uneasy in her heart. As if everything from three years ago was just a dream. He removes the pendant and says it’s a symbol of their love. He, Gu Sheng Ming, will not marry anyone else but her and then he hands it to her. *puke* She accepts the pendant. 

Back at the General’s Manor, Grandma is suddenly quite ill and unconscious and none of the doctors have any idea what’s wrong with her. His lieutenant suggests enlisting Xu Yin’s help but Gu Sheng Han says it’s too risky and they don’t want to rouse the Prime Minister's suspicions. He tells him to post notices and offer a large reward for doctors. No matter what, they must find a highly-skilled doctor. Xu Yin finds out that even the imperial doctor can’t cure her. 

In a disguise complete with a mask, Xu Yin shows up at the manor. When she sees Grandma, she wonders why she’s suddenly so ill as it’s only been a few days. She takes her pulse and realizes that she’s been poisoned. Her lady-in-waiting asks if she can save her, and she says she can. And if she had arrived any later, she would have been beyond saving. She then pulls out a case of acupuncture needles and starts the treatment. She then writes a prescription and hands it to her. Suddenly, the jade pendant falls to the ground and the lady-in-waiting recognizes it. She asks how she got this pendant and Xu Yin says she found it by accident and would like to return it to its owner. She then asks if she knows the owner of this pendant. She’s told that there are two identical looking pendants like this one and both masters of the General’s Manor have one. However, the one belonging to the First Master was broken and then fixed when he was a child. She turns it over and says there are faint traces of the repair. Xu Yin asks if she’s saying that this belongs to Gu Sheng Han. She replies yes, but it hasn’t been worn for a long time, so it seems that it was lost. 

Xu Yin now searches through Gu Sheng Ming’s room for the other jade pendant and finds the perfectly unbroken one. She wonders why he has both of them and why he was pretending to be Gu Sheng Han. Gu Sheng Ming returns and she tries to hide somewhere. But then Xu Qing Qing appears and asks him what if the female doctor finds out that he’s the one who killed her father. Does he think she’ll still trust him?

[Ep20The Actual Murderer 

Gu Sheng Ming asks her how she found out. Xu Qing Qing says she saw it with her own eyes. He had killed Xu Yin’s father because he couldn’t have him take Xu Yin away. Xu Qing Qing says his plan is effective as she guesses that Xu Yin must now believe that Gu Sheng Han is responsible for her father’s death and hates him for this.  She says she doesn’t mind this outcome. He asks her what her intention is. She says that she wants to collaborate with him as their goals align perfectly. They both want to bring down Gu Sheng Han. She mentions that Xu Yin’s real identity is General Feng Ming’s daughter. Otherwise why would the two brothers fight over her so fiercely. He says that he’s fond of her and can’t simply hand her over to Gu Sheng Han.  Xu Qing Qing scoffs at this and says he doesn’t have to pretend in front of her, as he’s not some lovesick fool. In this regard, they’re the same – they’ll do anything to achieve their goals. She doesn’t believe it’s love. He tells her since she knows that then she should be smart. As long as she doesn’t harm her, she’s bound to become a deadly weapon against Gu Sheng Han. 

He then asks what her plans are for the collaboration. She scoffs and asks if he thinks he deserves to as he’s just a concubine’s child of General’s Manor. So killing him in the General’s Manor is as simple as killing an ant. She just wanted to know Xu Yin’s true identity, so now he’s of no use anymore. These two deserve each other. 

Later Yu Xin slips out but runs into Xu Qing Qing who asks where she’s going in such a hurry to. Xu Yin says she’s a Miao traditional doctor who came to treat the Old Madam (Grandma) and just got lost in the manor. She tries to leave but Xu Qing Qing’s henchman blocks her way. Xu Qing Qing says she went to great lengths to bring her into the manor so how could she let her escape so easily. Xu Yin says she intentionally poisoned the Old Madam. Xu Qing Qing’s henchman grabs Xu Yin and she asks her where the tiger token is. Xu Yin says she doesn’t know what token she’s asking about. Xu Qing Qing says then she’ll have to search her personally, and so she starts patting her down. Xu Yin throws a fine powder at her face and runs away and directly into Gu Sheng Han. Gu Sheng Han puts his arm around Xu Yin and then tells his lieutenant to kill the Prime Minister’s men who dares to attack the General’s Manor. He then tells Xu Yin that he saved her today because she saved the Old Madam’s life. But don’t ever come back to the General’s Manor again. She quietly says yes, General and then leaves. He watches her departing back and thinks, “A Yin. Give me some more time. I’ll officially marry you into the General’s Manor one day.” Outside, Xu Yin thinks, “Sheng Han. I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I don’t expect your forgiveness. Let me do one last thing for you.” Sigh, these two ninnies…

Xu Qing Qing wakes up from the knockout drug and immediately thinks she needs to tell her father about Xu Yin’s real identity. Just as she starts walking, Gu Sheng Ming grabs her and quickly slits her throat. Prime Minister Xu then finds out that his daughter is dead, as she accidentally fell into the lake. He’s livid that his plans have been ruined, and thinks that Gu Sheng Han must’ve discovered something. Gu Sheng Ming drops by for a surprise visit.  

Gu Sheng Ming tells him the truth behind Xu Qing Qing’s death – that Gu Sheng Han murdered her because he wanted to make way for Xu Yin using Xu Qing Qing’s identity to take the General’s wife’s position. Prime Minister Xu asks why he’s telling him this. Gu Sheng Ming says that he’s been a long time admirer of Xu Yin and Gu Sheng Han stole his love. So he’ll keep him informed about the General’s Manor and help remove Gu Sheng Han. Prime Minister Xu says okay and asks for his conditions. Gu Sheng Ming says he only has one condition, to marry Xu Yin. And so the two drink to this.

Gu Sheng Ming returns to Anfu Hall to tell Xu Yin about Xu Qing Qing’s death and blames it on a bloodthirsty Gu Sheng Han. He says he knows she hates Gu Sheng Han but he’ll arrange for her immediate entry into the manor to get close enough to assassinate him. She asks how to get inside. He says since Grandma is so ill, and then reaches over to hold her hand – in the name of warding off illness, no one will dare to question it. He says that even though this wedding is only for her to take her revenge, he genuinely wants to marry her. He then presses her hand between his and says he hopes that they can be together for life after her revenge. *puke* She thinks about Gu Sheng Han and how he’s  already done too much for her, so she’s going to do this last thing for him. She clenches her free hand into a tight fist before releasing it, and then places her hand over his and she agrees. But she says that she’ll need a legitimate identity. She wants to marry from the Prime Minister’s Manor. She convinces Prime Minister Xu by saying that she still wants to serve him as she also wants to take down Gu Sheng Han. When he asks why she wants to work for him, she says she needs refuge and goes on about hating him for killing her father. She asks for a new identity. 

When Prime Minister Xu asks for an explanation for his daughter’s death. Gu Sheng Han says that due to health reasons, he’d neglected her. He asks for him to forgive him. Prime Minister Xu seems to accept this and then says that they’re celebrating today for two reasons: He’s found his long-lost daughter, Xu Ying Ying and it’s her wedding. To Gu Sheng Han’s horror, Xu Yin as Xu Ying Ying comes down the stairs with Gu Sheng Ming.

[Ep21I Want You to Live


Gu Sheng Han angrily protests on the grounds that his little brother decided to get married without getting his permission. Gu Sheng Ming says he’s gotten permission from Grandma. Xu Ying Ying [there is only Xu Yin now but let’s use this new alias for a moment] gently says that they’re truly in love. Gu Sheng Han says he won’t let her get married to him and then grabs onto her right arm and Gu Sheng Ming pulls on her other arm. Xu Ying Ying says perhaps she looks too much like her older sister and that’s why he’s mistaken her for her. She then says that she and her sister have extremely different personalities. She asks if it’s because of his selfish desires that he wants to destroy a compatible relationship. He tries to refute this but Gu Sheng Ming smugly tells him that he should know what to do and what not to do and act accordingly to the General’s Manor’s rules. Gu Sheng Han reluctantly lets go of Xu Ying Ying’s arm. With reddened eyes, he asks her if she really wants to marry him. She calmly replies no one else but him. With eyes full of tears and anger, he quickly leaves without a single look back. She looks at his angrily departing back and thinks that only by using the pretext of marriage can she move into the Prime Minister’s Manor and have the opportunity to look for the antidote for his poison. 

It’s nighttime now as Gu Sheng Han insists on going to the Prime Minister’s Manor but his lieutenant says it’s too dangerous for him. Gu Sheng Han says her life is at risk because of her identity, so how can he just stay here and do nothing. His lieutenant asks if he really thinks she wants him to go which makes him falter. Xu Yin is busy searching through the Prime Minister’s study and finally locates the antidote. But then Prime Minister Xu catches her in the act. She decides to swallow the pill before being captured. 

On the day of the wedding, Gu Sheng Han arrives to take away the bride from his brother but when he takes her away with him, the veil comes off. It’s actually a female assassin who tries to slash him with a knife. He quickly grabs her arm and cuts her throat with her own knife. Prime Minister Xu arrives with Xu Yin in her wedding robe who is restrained by his henchman. He says that she obtained a new identity from him to look for the antidote for him. And that she’s the daughter of the traitor, Feng Ming. 

Gu Sheng Han asks if he knows that’s her identity. Prime Minister Xu replies that harboring the daughter of a traitor is punishable as treason. She tells Gu Sheng Han that she doesn’t need his help as he’s the one who killed her father. Gu Sheng Han demands that he let go of her, and Prime Minister Xu says he enjoys watching their acting here. Gu Sheng Han roars at him to let go of her and reaches for his sword. Prime Minister Xu asks if he’s willing to exchange his life for hers. Gu Sheng Han pauses and then puts his sword back into its sheath. Prime Minister Xu says that his legs annoy him and then orders his men to break them. A scared look comes over Xu Yin’s face as she screams at him to not listen to Gu Sheng Ming. She insists that she doesn’t want his help as she’s not afraid of death. Gu Sheng Han says that he doesn’t want her to die as he wants her to live well. She shakes her head and says no. He pulls out his sword, swings it high up into the air and then stabs it down into the ground while getting on one bent knee. He’s surrendering. She moves towards him and screams his name in anguish. Gu Sheng Han asks if he’s satisfied and Prime Minister Xu laughs gleefully at this. He says that he’s been pretending to be a cripple to deceive him. Then he asks if he enjoyed it so now he can be one for the rest of his life and he’ll ensure that he’ll never be able to turn things around. Gu Sheng Han insists that he let go of her, and Xu Yin takes the opportunity to jab a needle into Prime Minister Xu’s neck, which only enrages him to punch her in the chest. 

This prompts Gu Sheng Han to stand up with his sword and the sword fighting starts. Prime Minister Xu stabs Gu Sheng Han in the chest, and stops Gu Sheng Han’s sword with his bare hand. He says that no one will leave alive today and then he pulls out the sword in Gu Sheng Han’s chest. He falls back, and from behind Prime Minister Xu, Xu Yin grabs a sword and puts it through his back. She then pulls it out before running to Gu Sheng Han. Prime Minister Xu moves to attack them but then Gu Sheng Han’s lieutenant arrives with the imperial decree. General Feng Ming’s case of injustice has been presented to the Emperor and the decree states that Xu Guo Ru colluded with foreign enemies and framed loyal subjects, so he’s sentenced to immediate execution. Bleeding from his wound, Prime Minister Xu laughs and says what can he do to it, as he’s plotted his entire life to hold power over the court. He then falls to his knees and says no one can kill him but then he keels over in death. He was going to end up dead either way. 

Xu Yin helps Gu Sheng Han up and says they should go and then some red smoke bombs appear and everyone starts coughing and becoming dizzy.

[Ep22] Don’t Dream of Marrying Her

Gu Sheng Ming appears and tells them to stop struggling as the soft bone powder is extremely powerful and not easily cured by ordinary antidotes. Xu Yin has already passed out in Gu Sheng Han’s arms. Gu Sheng Han says that he planned all of this. Gu Sheng Ming says he can only blame himself for always looking down on him. Gu Sheng Han asks what he wants, and so long as he spares her, he’ll fulfill any of his desires. Gu Sheng Ming sneers that he’ll get whatever he wants on his own. He then says let him personally take his bride away and then he yanks Gu Sheng Han’s hands from Xu Yin’s body. He tells his brother to save his strength for later, as he still has to officiate their wedding.
He then carries Xu Yin away and Gu Sheng Han is forced to let go of her hand and can only helplessly watch from the ground.

Now back at the General’s Manor, Gu Sheng Han is bound to a chair but still tells Gu Shang Ming to not dream of marrying her. Gu Sheng Ming has one of his men stab Gu Sheng Han in the leg which makes Xu Yin scream his name in anguish. Gu Sheng Ming cruelly tells her that she better cooperate with her and complete the wedding and he will naturally feel better. She cries as she listens to Gu Sheng Han barely stifle his groans of pain. Gu Sheng Han locks eyes with his brother and goads him by asking if this is all he’s got. 

Gu Sheng Ming gives the signal and the henchman twists the knife in Gu Sheng Han’s leg. Xu Yin screams for him not to do this and then she finally sobs out that she'll marry him. She falls into an anguished heap on the ground and repeats that she’ll marry him. Gu Sheng Han whispers her name in denial. Gu Sheng Ming says that he hopes his brother can take over the role of their ailing grandmother and officiate the wedding. And he can witness the wedding as well. Grandma appears and scolds him for treating his own brother like this, disrespecting his elders, and committing a grave offense. 

Gu Sheng Ming asks why is it that he, as he points at Gu Sheng Ming, can be forgiven for any misdeeds he has done from childhood to adulthood, while he has to endure and tolerate everything. He says it’s because he’s the esteemed legitimate son, while he’s just a poor illegitimate child and this isn’t fair. Grandma looks at him incredulously and asks how he ended up like this. He roars that it’s all because of their pressure. He does not want to compete under Gu Sheng Han’s shadow. He must have all of him. Grandma asks how could there be such a beast in their family. Gu Sheng Ming laughs and says that he’ll spare her because she’s an elder. So she won’t witness a bloody scene and tells her to go and rest. He makes the servants take her away and then returns to having the knife twist in his brother’s leg. A tormented Yu Xin watches this.

Gu Sheng Ming calls for the start of the ceremony and forces Xu Yin to stand. He grabs a cup of wine and forcefully makes her hold it in her hand. Gu Sheng Han starts fighting against his restraints. Gu Sheng Ming then forces her to cross link arms with him.
Loathing her new groom.
When he goes to sip his wine, she dumps hers on his face and then pulls out her hairpin and says that she needs to kill him for killing her father. So she jabs him in the heart with the pin and he starts gasping that she’s been acting all along. She tells him that she married him just for this moment and then pushes the hairpin even deeper. He shoves her away, pulls out the hairpin and then he cackles maniacally as he’s actually fine. He says he was prepared and then he opens his robe to reveal his protective vest. He says it’s not that simple to kill him. He then walks over and grabs her by the throat. Gu Sheng Han continues trying to break free of his restraints but then he gets stabbed in the chest.

Xu Yin sobs as Gu Sheng Han spits out blood. Gu Sheng Ming says if she doesn’t behave, he’ll be the one to suffer. She tearfully says she promises him, so long as he doesn’t kill him, she’ll do anything she wants. Gu Sheng Ming smiles and says that the ceremony is over so they need to go do something more exciting. He takes her away and Gu Sheng Han can only watch. 

In the bedroom, Gu Sheng Han is now tied to a wheelchair and forced to watch Gu Sheng Ming and Xu Yin for their wedding night. She says it’s their wedding night, so why not let the idle onlooker leave. Gu Sheng Ming says how he can be an idle onlooker, as he’s the witness of their love. Gu Sheng Han says his name and suggests that he better just kill him. His brother replies how he could let him off so easily. 

He wants him to witness this with his own eyes. He then puts his arm around Xu Yin – his woman, his power and his dignity – everything that was his is now his. Gu Sheng Ming says it doesn’t matter which one of them dies but he’ll make sure one of them suffers a fate worse than death. He then heartily slaps his brother on his shoulder which makes him groan in pain. Gu Sheng Ming asks how the poison was, as he specially made it for him.  Gu Sheng Han groans  and seems restricted in any further movement. Gu Sheng Han says the poison acts up every other hour and it should feel like the sensation of hundreds of insects crawling and scratching his body. He wants him to beg for death but he won’t be able to die. Gu Sheng Ming then pulls out a vial and tells if she wants to save him, then she’ll have to please him with her body. *puke* Gu Sheng Han grips the arms of the chair and tries to get up but his brother grabs him by the throat to keep him there. 

Xu Yin now says yes, she’ll satisfy him and starts removing her belt. Gu Sheng Han yells don’t and then tells his brother to come at him as she’s innocent. Gu Sheng Ming screams that he likes her so much but she likes him, so how can she be innocent?! With tears in his eyes, Gu Sheng Han watches Xu Yin remove another layer and asks his brother what he needs to do so he can spare her. He tells him to beg him. As he watches Xu Yin, he starts begging him to let go of her and our couple are both crying copiously. Gu Sheng Ming cackles at this and asks if this is how one begs. He then purposely holds onto Xu Yin and breathes on her neck. Gu Sheng Han moves out of his chair and his brother demands that he kneel. Gu Sheng Han doesn’t move so Gu Sheng Ming moves like he’s going to kiss her neck and an anguished Gu Sheng Han throws himself out of the chair. On hands and knees he says, “I, an inferior person, am willing to bow down and surrender. I can only ask for you to show mercy, young master. Spare her.” Xu Yin has to turn her head away from this humiliating obedience.  

Now they’re in Gu Sheng Ming’s study, and while Xu Yin is standing next to Gu Sheng Ming, she has her eyes locked on Gu Sheng Han. He comforts her faintest hint of a smile. Gu Sheng Ming finishes writing and then reads what he’s written: “I, Gu Sheng Han, appoint Gu Sheng Ming as the Northern General. All staff on the viewing platform will listen to Gu Sheng Ming’s arrangements. No one shall disobey the orders.” He shows it to his brother and asks if his handwriting looks like his. Gu Sheng Han doesn’t give a response, so Gu Sheng Ming slices his finger and forces his fingerprint in blood on it. Xu Yin tells him to release him and she’ll help him find the tiger token.

[Ep23The Method to Activate the Tiger Token

Gu Sheng Ming shows her the items left behind by her father, and she locates her father’s most cherished book. The tiger token inside her still isn’t complete and requires activation. She finds a slip of cloth in between the pages and hides it back inside the book. She then tells him that activation requires a special potion to wipe it. She starts wiping at her chest but he becomes skeptical and finds the fabric with the instructions. “Tiger token will appear when my daughter and her husband have an emotional connection.” He relishes the fact that the tiger token is a dowry left by General Feng Ming for his daughter. *puke* He continues reading: “As long as the couple gets intimate, it can be activated.” He says it seems that the tiger token is destined to be his and then tries to become intimate with her. She shakes him away and tells him to get away. He slaps her and then grabs her by the throat to tell her that he’s her husband so why can’t he touch her. She replies that her husband has always been one person – and that person is Gu Sheng Han! He backs her up towards the bed and says that she, the tiger token and everything that belongs to Gu Sheng Han is now his. If she resists again, he’ll make Gu Sheng Han’s life worse than death and then he shoves her onto the bed and climbs on top of her. She continues resisting and manages to pull out a needle from her dress and quickly jabs it into the back of his neck. He passes out and mutters that she can’t escape him. She’s made him stay in a dream state thinking that he’s had his way with her. She decides to not kill him right now because he has his men everywhere. She’s worried that their lives are at stake, and she needs to help Gu Sheng Han regain everything he’s lost.

She goes to Gu Sheng Han who asks if his brother has been a beast to her. She tells him that she’s drugged him so he’s in a dream state. Gu Sheng Han goes to stand up and says he’ll go kill him now. She tells him to not be in a hurry and that she’s finally found the method to activate the tiger token. After she gathers her father’s old troops, they can wipe him out in one fell swoop. He asks why the tiger token hasn’t appeared yet. She tells him because there’s only one way to activate the tiger token, and then she kisses him. The two continue kissing and end up making love. (~4:45)

Afterwards, as they’re laying face-to-face, she tells him thank goodness it’s him. With a smile, he says, since three years ago, when they met in the thatched hut, there has only been her in his heart. He should’ve started with that from day one of their marriage.
With twinkling eyes, she asks if this is because she saved his life. She teases since she’s his lifesaver, he should offer himself to her. He replies that he can give her his life. She gives a sad smile and then puts her arm around him and rubs his back. She apologizes for before, for always misunderstanding him, and even wanting to kill him. She’s caused him to keep getting hurt to save her and she doesn’t deserve to be a doctor at all. He says no, she’s the best doctor in this world.  If he falls seriously ill, he can only allow her to treat him. She then asks why he’s never acknowledged her and kept rejecting her. And even tried to drive her away. Was he willing to see her upset? He caresses her cheek and says A Yin, he doesn’t understand how to love and just wants her to live well. She replies she feels the same way.
With so much love in his eyes, he gives her a smile. And then they return to kissing but then she feels chest pains. She opens her collar to reveal the tiger token which is completely visible now. The two smile and then hug each other.  

Now sitting together with his arms around her, Xu Yin tells him that from now on, no one will ever call him a bloodthirsty demon anymore. Gu Sheng Han agrees and says once his poison has been cured, then he’ll kill Gu Sheng Ming. He moves to take both of her hands in his and says that he will definitely marry her in the General’s Manor in a grand and glorious manner. She gives him a serene smile and pats his hand before saying that actually, all she wants is a simple life like an ordinary married couple. He says then let’s leave this place and stay away from the matters of the palace. Let’s live as a loving and ordinary married couple. 

She smiles back at him and then cups his cheek and says okay. She kisses him and he pulls her into his full embrace. The two continue kissing until he pauses and a look of confusion flashes over his face. When he looks over at her, he notices a lone tear falling down her cheek. With one hand, he reaches over to wipe the tear but he passes out onto her shoulder before making contact. She caresses his back and says when he wakes up, everything will be back to normal. She lets him sleep and then she grabs a dagger. She’s taken the cure for the poison, now they only need to use the bloodletting method to transfer his poison into her body in order to clear it. She then cuts her wrist and thinks that her father’s old troops will help him settle everything. Did she cure him of the red-eyed demon poison already? Or is she trying to transfer everything to her body?

[Ep24Will You Marry Me Again?


In the great hall, Gu Sheng Ming is gleefully playing with a sharp knife in his hand. Xu Yin returns and he says she dares release Gu Sheng Han. He tells her not to forget that she’s his woman – and he grabs her by the throat – and continues saying that her body and her heart all belong to him. She says he’s already hurt him like this and he’s already notorious outside now, isn’t he satisfied yet? He removes his hand from her throat, shakes his head and says he wants to completely ruin him and leave him with nothing. Not only that, as he caresses her face, he also wants him to see them living happily and lovingly. Dream on. He then goes to kiss her and she says “tiger token”. He stops and asks if after they became intimate if the tiger token was activated. She pulls down her collar to show him the token. He tries to touch it but she moves away from him and asks him if he only married her for the token. She says that all those vows and sweet words that he said to her were all lies. He quickly says that he’s never lied to her as from the moment he first saw her, he fell in love with her. But she was Gu Sheng Han’s wife. He asks if she knows how desperate and pained he was. He says why did the person he love belonged to his brother, too, and he wanted to snatch her back. Ha. Still pretending he was the guy at the hut. He wants to take everything back, to stand higher than Gu Sheng Han, and to be the only one in her eyes. He now grabs her and earnestly says that once Gu Sheng Han is gone, he’ll treat her very well. She shoves him away and says his love for her is nothing but a pretentious excuse to feed his own jealousy. She asks if he really thinks he has her. He asks what she means. 

She walks towards him and asks him if he remembers last night’s wedding night. She then says that was just a dream she made for him using the bewitching needle. He then asks why the tiger token – and then realizes it was Gu Sheng Han. She says yes, it’s Gu Sheng Han as her body and her heart all belong to Gu Sheng Han. He moves to slap her but she blocks him. He then tries to go at her with the knife and says he’ll kill her. She reaches out and pulls his hand towards her neck and tells him to kill her. But if she dies, the tiger token will disappear. She tells him to do it. He says give him the tiger token and he’ll spare her life. So she takes the knife from him and carves out the tiger token and hands her flesh to him. She presses a handkerchief to her profusely bleeding wound. 
Gu Sheng Ming is overjoyed to have the tiger token in his possession as he can now summon Feng Ming’s old troops. He laughs maniacally that he will have the most powerful military power in the world. He gloats that without utilizing a single soldier, he accomplished what Gu Sheng Han could never achieve in his entire life. Then he notices that the tiger token has faded from the flesh in his hands and asks what’s happening. She says she, Xu Yin, is the tiger token. Once it leaves her skin, it will naturally disappear. He doesn’t believe her and thinks she’s lying. He runs over to hold it over a candle and tries to make it reappear. She rasps out that her greatest revenge against him is making him realize that everything he thought he had obtained was only an illusion. He asks why she is doing this to him. He grabs a sword and tries to swing it at her but his angina returns and he’s left clutching at his chest. She says that he’s the one who said that death is better than life. He had wicked intentions. Now his angina has led to a heart condition. From now on, he will forever experience the excruciating pain which no one can cure. He calls her a wicked woman and tries to swing the sword at her again and Gu Sheng Han arrives to block him. A soldier helps a weakened Yu Xin stand up as Gu Sheng Han shoves his brother to the ground. 

Gu Sheng Han stands over him and says he pursued his ambition ruthlessly. He then declares that today, he will personally weed him out of their family. Gu Sheng Ming crawls over, clings to his legs and cries for ge ge to help him. Gu Sheng Han yells that he’s been too lenient with him since they were young. He knew his brother’s body was weak, was afraid of pain and cried easily so he never let their father force him to learn martial arts. But in Gu Sheng Ming's eyes, this turned into neglect and oppression. Also, the agate chess pieces from back then was set up by the late emperor from the Crown Prince’s reading partner. If he had excelled at chess, then he would forever be the Crown Prince’s slave, trapped within the palace walls. Gu Sheng Ming screams that he must be lying to him. Gu Sheng Han moves away from him and gives a big sigh. He then says when he grew up, he knew that Gu Sheng Ming’s thoughts were not righteous so he reminded him many times. If he truly wanted to kill him, would he have made it to today? Gu Sheng Ming says he thought that he was clever. He never expected that he would end up living like this. He gasps and then slowly tries to run at Gu Sheng Han and he’s promptly cut down by one of the soldiers. He falls to the floor and finally dies. 

Xu Yin starts gasping and Gu Sheng Han quickly runs over to her. She then collapses into a heap in his arms. 

XY painstakingly: Gu Sheng Han. The dumbest thing I’ve ever done in my life is treating you as my enemy.  He gives her a small smile.
GSH: [With tears in his eyes] A Yin. The happiest thing in my life is that you treated me as an enemy. She gasps in pain and a tear slips down her cheek. As long as you’re by my side, no matter how you treat me, it doesn’t matter to me. She slowly raises her hand and he grabs onto it to hold it against his cheek. 
XY [gasping]: So even if you’re my enemy, I still love you. A tear slides down her cheek and then she passes out. Her hand slips away from his and drops onto her lap. He tearfully says her name over and over. But she’s not responding. He holds her tightly in his arms.

Gu Sheng Han asks the doctor how his wife is. The doctor says luckily, she still has half of the snow lotus in her body, which protected her vital artery and saved her life. (Three years ago, he had given her this.) He asks when she will wake up. The doctor says it’s hard to say and that will depend on her.

Some time passes...

Gu Sheng Han finds their plaque from the wishing tree, “I hope to return to the time at the thatched hut”. He’s brought her to the place she’s always longed for, the hut in the mountains. Sitting on the steps, he holds a still unconscious Xu Yin in his arms and waits. 
GSH: If you’re not here, I won’t stay in this world either. If you never wake up in this lifetime, I will protect you for my entire life. He keeps one arm around her shoulders with his right thumb stroking her arm as her head rests against his neck. I once promised to live a normal married couple’s life with you in the thatched hut. Now, I can fulfill that promise. Will you marry me again? Suddenly, the fingers of Xu Yin’s free hand move ever so slightly and then her eyes flutter open. 
XY whispers softly: Yes... (~11:43)
When he realizes it's her voice, he lifts her up to look at her face. He continues staring at her in shocked joy as tears fall down his cheek before he softly and reverently whispers her name. He gently caresses her face and asks if this is real? He then says she’s awoken and he’s no longer dreaming. She benevolently smiles and then slowly leans forward to press her lips against his.
She moves back and they lock eyes. He’s frozen for a moment with eyes so full of love (and tears).

He snaps out his stupor and quickly lifts her onto his lap and then kisses her deeply. She wraps her arms around his neck as their kiss continues. Ahhh, so pretty they are.  
Pink petals rain on our passionately kissing couple.

The End.


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-)] The opening sequence is very pretty for this one, and it's definitely giving me some false hope. Our main couple are married in the first ep but both have secrets. Who will outwit the other? 

An Ji Er, the scriptwriter for Night of Love with You and Confess Your Love is behind this one, too. I'm ready for heart fluttering. ^_^ Although right now, I'm mostly frustrated at 2ML and FL.

[Actors/Actresses] Our new queen of minis is back, with Li Mu Chen having multiple roles in this one. Ah, I remember Han Qing's calm demeanor in another mini, Hold On, My Lady. I enjoy her quiet onscreen presence. 

I recall watching Wang Zu Yi in another mini, Love at Second Sight which wasn't great but I remember his pretty face and those eyes. At a certain angle, he reminds me of Lee Soo Hyuk...   

Wang Xing Wei as Gu Sheng Ming (ML's brother) was also in Provoke with Li Mu Chen, as the villain's righthand man. I have no idea who Ma Zi Wei is but I can tell from her character's appearance that I'm going to want need to muzzle her. 

One may recognize Xu Guo Ru portrayed by Ren Yu as one of the rival coaches from Let's Tug It!. I'm not all that surprised about which side he's on in this instant series.  

[Behind the Scenes

[OST] Full OST.

Rain Fall on Crabapple 雨落海棠 | Zeng Zhao Zhao 曾昭昭, Yin Yao Pei Fang 音药配方
Let’s Forget About It 散了算了 | He Cun Zhu 何村猪

[CP Name]

♥ Deliberately Mystifying 
Gu Sheng Han 顧盛寒 + Xu Yin 徐引
= Gu Nong Xuan Xu 顧弄玄胥 
→ 故弄玄虚 
Want to see more CP names?  

[Ending] At last, a happy couple!

[Highlight] Ep14. Naughty Sick husband.

[Review & Rating]

Fairly easy and quick watch – a mini about a woman seeking revenge against her father’s murderer by marrying him. But nothing is as they appear. He knows who she is, and does his best to keep her safe but things go awry. 

Aesthetics: A+ 
Acting: B 
Plot: C-

✔️ Strong and loving ML
✔️ Clever FL (unless it’s about ML, see other column)
✔️ Sweet romance…after an eternity
✔️ Li Mu Chen owning every scene and character

➖ Misguided FL ergo consistently misunderstood ML
➖ Psychotic 2ML and quest to get his piece of flesh
➖ FL having an “identity crisis” over and over 
➖ Plot making less sense with every identity change. 
➖ Noble idiocy on both sides. 👎

After a while, it’s frustrating to watch FL continue being naive and blinded by her quest for revenge. Add to it, ML’s constant need to protect her – actions that don’t always match his words – which puts a damper on this romance. I wanted to rate this one higher but the story just isn’t the best, even though the romance does get quite sweet (and melodramatic). 

Random Recommendation:  

Rating: 2/5

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