October 1, 2022

My Calorie Boy | Recap and Review

My Calorie Boy
A boy drops weight and a girl raises her grades.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Zhai Zi Lu: Kang Jia Wei
Dai Lu Wa: Xu Jing Jing
Wang You Jun: Gao Zhan
Chinese Title 
Episodes: 30

Recap Grade: A/B/C 
First Impression: --

FanFanX: About 3/4 into this series, I changed this from an Open Thread to Recaps. You'll have to forgive some of the choppiness/shorthand though. I've lifted most of the text from my originally posted comments, but I moved them to this post so it'll be easier to follow in sequential order. If I've created a GIF for a specific moment/scene - the majority of them are in the comments

Mini Recaps

[Ep1The Transfer Student Trope is a lie!

They're in their second year of high school (Grade 11). FL is Xu Jing Jing ("XJJ1"), who is feisty and a bit tomboyish, and her neighbor and rival since childhood is the ever-popular Xu Jing Jing ("XJJ2"), who is the perfect student, dancer and cheerleader. The girls' names are slightly different in Chinese.
Lo and behold, it's the new transfer student, Kang Jia Wei, who is now deskmates with XJJ1. Dream filter warranted here. This is a virtual chat for our chubby ML and XJJ2. Dream filter warranted above. This is a virtual chat for our chubby ML and XJJ2.

These are XXJ's artwork in sticker form - they're of herself. I wonder if these stickers really exist. 😏
Right now it's a love square: Kang Jia Wei (chubby ML) likes XJJ2 (cheerleader) who likes Gao Zhan (current basketball star), and XJJ1 (tomboyish FL) also likes Gao Zhan. Confused yet? lol 

XJJ1 made and then gave Gao Zhan his favorite drink from her mother's tea shop - the matcha drink with red bean - but the matcha powder was actually fiber powder so he ended up with diarrhea in the middle of the basketball game. 😆

[Ep2] Who took my letter?

Poor XXJ1 wrote a love letter to Gao Zhan but she'd misplaced it and somehow it ended up in Kang Jia Wei's desk. Now Teacher Chen reading it and correcting her grammar! 😆 Rather than admit she wrote it for Gao Zhan, she says it was meant for Kang Jia Wei. In an effort to discipline her, she has her read the letter out loud to the class, but both Kang Jia Wei and Gao Zhan speak up for her. 

So Kang Jia Wei's been chatting with someone in a Douban group, "Why Am I Worthless" who posted a photo of a specific bracelet. So he thought it was XJJ2 who wears the same one on her wrist. And now he's discovered that XJJ1 wears the same one on her ankle, which he saw during her Taekwondo club. He asks her about the Douban group and she's annoyed that he'd think she'd be part of that. 
And now he's decided to order this for himself. I have no idea. lol

For unknown reasons, Gao Zhan has started walking XJJ2 home after school. She's happy about it.

[Ep3] Muscle shirt and yellow rain boots.

Gao Zhan has been walking XJJ2 home because he'd noticed someone taking photos of her around the school. She’s also been sneaking around (in a parking lot) to practice her street dance routine. (Her mother wouldn't approve of this style of dancing.) Kang Jia Wei spots the guy and tries to detain him. XJJ2 ends up calling Gao Zhan because Kang Jia Wei has issues breathing. Gao Zhan arrives and opens up Kang Jia Wei’s jacket to reveal the muscle suit, which he then rips apart. As a result of this incident though, Gao Zhan has stood up XJJ1 for their big match. The pervert escaped.

XJJ1 and Kang Jia Wei end up commiserating together after their humiliating moments. XJJ1 is miffed that Gao Zhan hasn’t apologized for standing her up - even though she now knows why.

We learn that XJJ1 resents XJJ2 for bringing her unnecessary pressure since their childhood days as she excelled at everything. And she resents XJJ2 for having Gao Zhan’s attention now. Later we find out that XJJ2 felt slighted and became insecure by XJJ1’s sarcasm and popularity since childhood.

Kang Jia Wei has a good relationship with his father but wants absolutely nothing to do with his mother. (Haven’t seen her onscreen.) XJJ1 helps Kang Jia Wei lose weight by training him, and he helps her raise her grades. They both begrudgingly work towards their goals. lol

[Ep4] Preoccupied Holiday.

The pervert has posted XJJ2’s photos online. The kids come up with a plan for XJJ1 to shows up in a skirt to lure out the pervert, both guys and their friends, Xiong Shuai and Ni Da Peng ("Da Peng") notice that she's a girl. Kang Jia Wei stares the longest though. Heh. After a long chase and fighting in the streets and alleys, they manage to catch the pervert and his friends. Luckily, XJJ2 was smart enough to call the cops this time. 
At the police station, it turns out that Gao Zhan’s late father was a police officer as the captain knows Gao Zhan. I've been rewarded for my patience - Gao Zhan smiles!
Kang Jia Wei's bandage after this incident. lol His expression is especially charming... XD

XJJ1 gets her first 90 on her math test (from 48 to 90 in one month's time), but her other subjects still need improvement. She’s frustrated by this and he tells her that they’ll tackle the subjects one at a time. The two end up placing a bet. If she copies anyone’s homework, then she’ll have to be his domesticated elf for the next semester.

So she creates a winter holiday study schedule. And her parents place bets on how long she’ll last. XD Mom says one day and Dad says he’ll support his daughter - as he’d give her  two days.  Hahaha.

During the break, XJJ1 studies with Wang Jia Yao and Lu Xiao Bai. As she thinks he’s not holding up his end of the bargain (losing weight) as he’s posting about food, she decides to have fun for the next three days. XJJ1 seems to miss Kang Jia Wei as she looks at his various social media accounts.

When they return to school and there’s a new guy who is catching the attention of all the girls. However, he only seems interested in watching XJJ1 copying her homework.

[Ep5] The blessing of five cups of ice cream.

XJJ1 is shocked to realize that it’s a thinner Kang Jia Wei. We can finally see all of his expressions!! (See comments for GIFs.)

She slaps herself as she can’t believe it. She then runs away in disbelief and anger (because she lost the bet). When he finds her, she attempts to kick him, so he bidongs her. lol They’re supposed to get new seat assignments but no one goes to sit next to Kang Jia Wei - because he’s put a sign on the chair - “the seat of the domesticated elf.” XD He’s calling her Dobby now. Haha. The price for losing the bet. Technically, he’d cheated by having his father post food photos on his account.

Kang Jia Wei joins the basketball team and gets them the final point to win. Later when the jerk student confronts him and grabs him by the collar, he starts to fake falling. (~27:00) Hehe. He’s experiencing the tremors though. :( Later, he really falls and luckily XJJ1 and her friends help him out. He claims it’s from over-exercising. Is it low blood sugar?

Gao Zhan and Kang Jia Wei finally have their match. While most students are placing bets on Gao Zhan, Kang Jia Wei places his bet on Xu Jing Jing. But it appears that Gao Zhan is winning…

[Ep6] Dobby is a free elf.

XJJ1 finally beats Gao Zhan when she remembers Kang Jia Wei’s encouraging words and continuing support.

The jerk from Class 6 decides to taunt XJJ1 and her friends about being dead last. Sports Day is coming up and if Class 3 (XJJ1 and friends' class) wins, Class 6 will have to crawl around the stadium twice while shouting “Class 3 is the best.” The jerk says sure, and if his class wins, then Class 3 will have to call them “Ba” [Daddy]! XJJ1, Ni Da Peng and Kang Jia Wei all respond to “Hey!” when he says Ba, which makes the jerk’s cronies laugh at him. Heh.

This photoshoot of Kang Jia Wei is so ridiculous. Bwahahaha. The falling petals, the windblown shots by the window and then the umbrella one. Then he asks XJJ1 for edits.
XJJ1 is noticing how handsome he looks. But she can’t have that so this is the result… XD

Oh, the emcees for Sports Day are KJJ2 and…. Kang Jia Wei! And then Kang Jia Wei releases KJJ1 from her servitude as Dobby.

XJJ1 wants to participate in the marathon but only the male students are allowed to participate. XJJ1 and her friends get signatures to petition for her participation. Teacher Chen supports this idea while Teacher Zhang adamantly objects. Because he's a real ***? Kang Jia Wei would rather give up the coveted emcee position than allow the female athletes (KJJ1) to be treated unfairly. And so he gives up. Right after, he chides himself for giving it up for her. And he doesn’t know why he did it for her. She’s not happy that he gave it up for her though.

To his surprise, when he tells XJJ2 the news, she isn’t upset with him. She comments that he has a strong bond with XJJ1 and she’s impressed with him. He says it’s not for her but for all the girls at the school. (Right, dude, right… But look at all of his expressions here! GIF in comments.)

[Ep7] I'm a girl, I want to run.

The boys need uniforms and Da Peng is begging his father to provide it as he has a huge garment factory. His father points out that he’s paid for a lot of stuff - and his son just takes and takes. Dad says no - that is until the star, Gao Zhan shows up. 
He smiles again! (Sorry, I'm not sorry but I'm distracted by his smile every time.)
Teacher Zhang is such a jerk. The uniforms are t-shirts with XJJ’s cartoon likeness, skirts and matching socks. Hahaha. They’re showing support for XJJ1 - “I am a girl. I want to run.” is their chant. While Teacher Zhang is blowing a fuse, Principal Shen just laughs and even takes photos. lol Afterwards, Teacher Zhang rakes them over the coals, and gets even louder when Teacher Chen supports them. Principal Shen shows up and says there isn’t a problem. Teacher Zhang insists that girls can’t participate in the marathon. Principal Shen says then the solution is to add a women’s group to the marathon, five minutes after the boys run, and split the timing. Teacher Zhang is forced to agree to this. Ha!

During his marathon, Kang Jia Wei passes out. It's due to low blood sugar. XJJ1 fusses over him.

During her race, XJJ1 falls but she gets up and continues even with a bleeding knee. XJJ1 wins the race. But she’s taken to the infirmary.

XJJ2's friend, the mean girl, tries to make XJJ2 jealous about XJJ1 and Gao Zhan (even though there’s nothing going on). Class 3 beats Class 6. Gao Zhan decides to not make them crawl but they still need to do the chant. Haha. Teacher Chen takes them out for a celebratory meal, and Teacher Zhao joins them. (I think that’s our 2nd couple-to-be.)

XJJ1 asks Gao Zhan to help investigate how Kang Jia Wei lost weight.

[Ep8] Sunday afternoon’s can of worms.

XJJ2 lies about having a male cousin with questions for Gao Zhan about Taekwondo, as a way to spend time with him. But she has questions about judo for him. Girl, if you’re going to lie - be more thorough. *facepalm* Kang Jia Wei and equally jealous  XJJ1 are watching them by a tree. And then they crash this "date" by joining Gao Zhan and XJJ2. I failed to pay attention as to why XJJ1 is wearing this horrible wig with pigtails. lol The foursome end up hanging out together and XJJ1 tries her best to create moments between herself and Gao Zhan. 
When she asks Gao Zhan to open her bottle of water for her, she fantasizes about him smiling at her. (Yeah, I'm not sure why that bright light behind him is directed right at the lens.) In reality, he can’t open it because she’s glued the lid shut. LMAO. Epic fail.

The pests also join Gao Zhan and XJJ2 for dinner. Both of their attempts to be alone with their respective crushes fail so awkwardly. At some point, XJJ1 manages to get raw shrimp paste all over her face and while she’s cleaning up her face, she pulls down her wig. LMAO. Kang Jia Wei gets up to help her but is hilariously repulsed by that thing - the wig.

Meanwhile, XJJ2 tells Gao Zhan that she wants to go to the same university as him, but he clearly doesn’t understand the point of this conversation. 

Later, it turns out that the person that Kang Jia Wei’s been talking to online is actually Gao Zhan?! lol! So Kang Jia Wei starts avoiding him because he thought he was a girl and is quite embarrassed about the situation. Bwahaha. 
Well, Gao Zhan wants to partner up with him in gym class, and poor Kang Jia Wei is repulsed by this interaction. (Get to the end of it, where you can see the whites of his eyes. XD)

XJJ2’s mother decides to make trouble for Teacher Chen when she snoops on her daughter’s phone. I’m not liking this mother. Overbearing is an understatement. How is her father so nice?! Her mother is definitely forcing her to live her life the way she plans it. *rolling eyes* I’m definitely going to continue to skip through this mother’s scenes.

[Ep9] Let’s Battle! Mid-term Exam!

Gao Zhan contacts Kang Jia Wei but he wants nothing to do with him. Awww. Gao Zhan doesn’t know the online person he's been chatting with is Kang Jia Wei, and wants to talk about his mother. Later, Gao Zhan asks XJJ1 why Kang Jia Wei’s been avoiding him. She says she doesn’t know. Nonetheless, he tells her about how Kang Jia Wei’s been losing weight – he’s been skipping his meals as he even pretends to eat in group settings.

Awww, XJJ1 cries when she finds out that he does indeed have an eating disorder - as in he’s not eating. That’s why he’s been fainting. She makes a deal with him – he helps her with raising her score and she’ll help him with his relationship with food. 

XJJ1 does well on her exams but Teacher Zhang suspects her of cheating. He’s such an a**.  Unfortunately, Class 3 is still ranked at 4th, so Teacher Chen has to leave. I wish Teacher Zhang would leave. Sheesh.

[Ep10] Master Kang’s Home Visit.

XJJ1's mother defends her daughter and Teacher Chen, and right to XJJ2's snotty mother's face. XJJ1 decides to retake the rest so Teacher Zhang can stop saying she cheated, and to stop all of the adult fighting. The condition is, if she does well and Class 3 makes it to top 3, then Teacher Chen stays. What’s the point of having a principal if everyone’s playing games with students’ grades and teachers staying and going? I hate Teacher Zhang so much and he gets worse with every ep. She retakes the exam and she gets 102, which is 8 points higher than the previous one. Teacher Zhang only says that she should have gotten 120. *rolling eyes* Kang Jia Wei stands up and asks for him to apologize to XJJ1. Teacher Zhang refuses and tells them to take out their papers. And so Kang Jia Wei says he didn’t bring his and stays standing. Gao Zhan does the same thing, and pretty soon the entire class follows suit.

Teacher Zhang goes to whine to Principal Shen, who tells him to take some time off, as there have been complaints from the teachers about him. Interesting… I didn’t expect that!

Kang Jia Wei is invited over to XJJ1’s house for dinner as her parents' thank-you for tutoring their daughter. She warns him about how tacky and ugly her house is, and that her mother’s cooking sucks. Haha. At the dinner, she tells him which dishes are safe to eat – all of the ones made by her father. XD! She has such a great relationship with her parents!

Kang Jia Wei is envious as his relationship with his own mother hasn't been great since the divorce. She finds out that his father is a well-known interior designer, so she covers his eyes from seeing her place any further. LOL So he's trying to get her to stop it and the two shove at each other and eventually they trip and fall onto the bed…with her on top of him. After a long moment, they awkwardly break apart. The awkwardness continues as he zigs and zags she zags - but to the same spot as each other. Oops. Finally he runs away. (GIFs in the comments.)

Gao Zhan finds out that his mother is dating Da Peng’s father. Ou, so that’s why he was being so extra nice and so agreeable with Gao Zhan about the uniforms that day!

[Ep11] Go, Team Whale!

Gao Zhan walks away angrily after realizing that his mother is dating Da Peng’s father. Da Peng’s known and kept him in the dark. I appreciate how when Gao Zhan is insulting Da Peng’s father and Da Peng gets angry about it, Da Peng’s father knows to pull him back and to stay out of it. (FTR, Da Peng isn’t the brightest student, so I’m going to guess that probably makes Gao Zhan upset as well…)

Gao Zhan doesn’t show up to the school the next day. Da Peng tells the class that he won’t be attending because Gao Zhan’s mother is dating his father. This makes everyone laugh as they think he’s joking. Gao Zhan’s mother is worried about where he’s gone, as he’s not answering his phone and hasn’t come home.

Kang Jia Wei and XJJ1 find Gao Zhan by using XJJ1’s notebook about Gao Zhan. She thinks he's at his favorite place is at a now-closed paintball place. They find him there and encourage him to go home and talk it out with his mother. He admits that he doesn’t want a new father. He came to the paintball place because his father used to bring him here and they’d play forever then… Aww. He’s not ready to move on or let go of his father. He’s worried about forgetting his father. XJJ1 says that he won’t and he’ll be with him for life. He doesn’t know how to face his mother or accept Da Peng’s father, so XJJ1 suggests that he stay at Kang Jia Wei’s until he decides. The only condition is that he returns to school while he works through this.

The jerk from Class 6 tries to provoke Da Peng. Wang Jia Yao comes to his defense with her words and humiliates the jerk and his cronies. The bullies leave and so she does as well with Xiao Bai.

XJJ1 goes with Gao Zhan to see a matchmaker about finding a more suitable husband for his mother. And the matchmaker turns out to be XJJ1’s father, where he works part-time. Gao Zhan is impossible to please as there’s something wrong with every candidate. (Too old, too bald, too fat, etc.) Her father suggests a lecturer for his mother. He wants them to meet tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Dad starts to say something about planning it but then XJJ steps on her father’s foot so it doesn’t happen soon.

Afterwards, XJJ1 asks why he dislikes Da Peng’s father so much. He says because he’s so different from his father – nouveau riche with his gold chain and gold watch.
Kang Jia Wei’s father finds him and his friends a relatively secluded place for XJJ2 to shoot her dance submission video. While pulling Kang Jia Wei along for filming, Gao Zhan and XJJ1 accidentally pull off his pants. I’m really obsessed with seeing Gao Zhan’s smile… lol The final product - the video is a bit much. lol I am cringing so hard.

Another day, they play the game of "I Have but You Haven’t" with lemon slices. It’s in high spirits until Gao Zhan says his mother is dating his classmate’s father. When it's her turn, XJJ1 says that she has a crush on someone in their class.

[Ep12] All About Strawberry Cakes.

Gao Zhan replies that he doesn’t like anyone and eats a slice of lemon. XJJ1 looks relieved while XJJ2 looks disappointed. Afterwards, XJJ2 asks her who she likes. XJJ1 tries to avoid answering her. XJJ2 says it’s Gao Zhan. And XJJ1 continues avoiding the question and tries to walk away, but XJJ2 tells her that she’s let go of him, and hopes she gets him.

Da Peng continues bringing breakfast to Wang Jia Yao (angel by his side), because that’s who he likes now and not XJJ2 (distant goddess). She asks him again to stop bringing her breakfast because she eats at home before coming to school. He takes this to mean he should deliver breakfast to her house then. lol Xiao Bai lets it slip that Gao Zhan has made inquiries at a matchmaker for his mother. He goes to see Gao Zhan and he ends up with a black eye. They get punished and they’re forced to hold hands. Ha. Afterwards, Gao Zhan angrily confronts XJJ1 about telling anyone about the matchmaking business.

To try to win a particular backpack for Kang Jia Wei’s birthday, XJJ1 and Kang Jia Wei participate in a best couples contest…which is being emceed by XJJ1’s father. XD Her father is everywhere! XJJ and Kang Jia Wei do quite well, and they’re so cute! The final challenge: Ultimate Kiss. This is when they walk away. lol Oh, now there's a line. Ha. She doesn’t want to give her first kiss to him. She ends up buying a white backpack. XJJ1 returns home to her parents who want answers about them dating or not. She says no, he’s her - male best friend. She then paints a rainbow on the bag - like the one he wanted.

Kang Jia Wei’s divorced parents get along well, and his mother is getting remarried. Kang Jia Wei is curious but wants to appear cool and act like he doesn’t care. Kang Jia Wei has a birthday party at home with Dad's permission. Gao Zhan is there but he’s still mad at her so they're not really talking.

XJJ2 gives Kang Jia Wei the backpack he wanted. So an embarrassed XJJ1 tries to leave with the one she painted herself and keeps it out of sight. Aww. Kang Jia Wei follows her out and lifts the bag from her hands and sees what it is. She’s embarrassed as it might as well be a knockoff. But he’s smiling. “This is a worldwide limited edition. Customized and handmade only one. I like it.” (If he’s going to say things like that, how could I not like him?! I already did!!!) 
She doesn’t look quite convinced so he cutely whines and begs her to let him keep it. Gaaah, he’s so sweet and cute here!!! (~28:20) She finally laughs and says she’ll reluctantly part with it. The birthday party is a bit awkward as Da Peng is still upset with Gao Zhan, who is upset with XJJ1.

Later when XJJ1 goes to get the strawberry birthday cake, she ends up tripping over a rug and drops the cake, which reminds Kang Jia Wei of a past strawberry birthday cake and runs away.

Everyone’s looking for him and XJJ1 finds him eating bags of junk food. He admits that after her turned 9, he never had a birthday again as that’s when his parents got divorced. His mother had said that her life and career had been held back by her husband and son… and he'd overheard his mother saying this. After his parents got divorced, Dad always made food for him, as if he was trying to assuage the guilt with food. He was never full or hungry as he kept trying to fill a void. T_T Then he discovered mayonnaise and kept eating it to help himself calm down. He admits that his mother is getting remarried to a man who has two kids. He tearfully says that she’s willing to cook for them, but not him - an accident. Aww, this poor guy. XJJ1 says they need to show her that they can live happily without her.

When Kang Jia Wei returns to school, he's using the backpack from XJJ1. She teases him for not using the one from the Goddess (XJJ2).

[Ep13] 100 Reasons We Like You.

The students are on a farming field trip. Kang Jia Wei is trying to record a video message for his mother at the request of her fiance, David. So XJJ1 offers to record the video for him. He starts off happy but it quickly turns into him being upset and even breaking down in tears as he asks his mother what he did wrong that she hates him. He admits that his existence ruined her plans but has she thought about how he’s going to face his life? Awww. So much pain inside from the little 9 year-old-boy whose mother left him. XJJ1 cries for him. (~11:30, I cried for him, too!) 
Later at the bonfire, they play a game and Kang Jia Wei gets every single prompt. But it’s good because it involves him getting hugs and compliments from his friends and various peers. And it ends with a birthday cake (a steamed cake decorated with colorful vegetables) for him, which makes him tear up. Then he has to make a wish and blow out the imaginary candles (the red chili peppers). How sweet are these kids?!

This was definitely engineered by XJJ1 as she’d gotten her friends and other students to help. He later thanks her for rewriting his painful memory into his happiest one. She tells him to remember what they’ve told him, that everyone likes him. So she won’t allow him to say that he’s unnecessary. Even if his mother doesn’t like him, it doesn’t mean the whole world doesn’t like him. She hopes that he won’t use food to fill the hole in his heart anymore. I cry at this simple sentence of hers. He asks why she’s so nice to him. She says because they’re xiong di.

Da Peng shows Gao Zhen the texts from his father to Gao Zhan’s mother, about being serious, and wanting to change himself to be worthy of her love and her son’s love. Da Peng lost his mother when he was young, and his father did everything he could to give him a better life, as both mom and dad to him. To him, he’s the best father in the world, and he’ll support his father as he’s found love. He then tearfully hands Gao Zhan some papers – Property Transfer Agreement and Equity Transfer Agreement. Kang Jia Wei talks to Gao Zhan about his anger with XJJ1. He knows that Gao Zhan knows that she didn’t do anything wrong, but he’s more angry that he went to the matchmaking agency because he knows that he did something wrong.

XJJ1 asks Kang Jia Wei to repay his debt by approaching Gao Zhan to watch the sunrise at some popular viewpoint on the mountain. He says no and leaves for a run instead.

It appears that Xiong Shuai likes Xiao Bu.

[Ep14] The Sunrise at the Age of Seventeen.

Kang Jia Wei tells XJJ1 that something came up for Gao Zhan, but they’d all go with her to see the sunrise. She gets upset as it’s not about the sunrise but who she’s going with. But then Gao Zhan shows up to join them. She finds a way to spend alone time with him. Da Peng finally manages to have a sweet moment with Jia Yao by offering her his shirt because she's cold - but it’s ruined when she notices it smells, and Xiong Shuai points it was the one he wore earlier when he was shoveling manure. lol

Kang Jia Wei finds out that XJJ2 is Give Up Virtuoso. So she knows he’s Mayonnaise with Rice. He realizes that it was her who asked to meet up (and not Gao Zhan). She says that she happened to run into Gao Zhan and Kang Jia Wei must’ve arrived when she was in the restroom. Ha...

Kang Jia Wei tells XJJ1 about the mix up at the coffee shop but he looks perplexed by this. While everyone waits for the sunrise in darkness, they all manage to fall asleep. Luckily, they don’t miss the sunrise - because the teachers wake them up. Gao Zhan takes a photo with XJJ1 while Kang Jia Wei takes a phone with XJJ2. However, XJJ1 and Kang Jia Wei both notice each other during this...
XJJ1 takes this opportunity to make Gao Zhen and Da Peng make up with each other. When Gao Zhan offers his hand, Da Peng realizes he’s come around. So he exuberantly hugs him and calls him Ge. Awww. I like these two as brothers. Later, the group has their photo with Teacher Chen, by Teacher Zhao. (GIF in the comments.)

Kang Jia Wei is confused about XJJ2 being Give-Up Virtuoso (her Douban handle), because she doesn’t seem to understand many of the memes nor any other references he makes.

Gao Zhan asks his mother how she met Da Peng’s father. She’d been driving when she found out that Gao Zhan’s dad’s killer had been caught. She’d stepped on the brake while driving in a heavy downpour. Da Peng’s father had been the driver of the car behind hers. When he’d confronted her, she could only sob. He’d then gone to deal with the long line of cars backed up behind them. The two became friends. Mom explains that no one can take the place of his father in his heart, and it's the same for her. If he doesn’t genuinely accept Da Peng’s father or anyone else, then she won’t get married to them. She suggests that he have a meal with Da Peng’s father so they can get to know each other.

XJJ2’s video gets first place in the competition. She’s decided to quit cheerleading but Kang Jia Wei convinces her to continue on so she can perform with the group for the Culture and Art Festival.

XJJ is in the hospital, recovering from pneumonia. She texts Kang Jia Wei that she’s bored, and he suggests that she study. She tells him to come and tutor her then. To her surprise, Gao Zhan drops by with her homework and notes. And he actually touches her forehead to see if she’s feverish. Kang Jia Wei asks what’s in it for him and she basically ignores her phone, because Gao Zhan is here. lol KJJ1 wants to have the Taekwondo club perform for the Culture and Art Festival, but she’s stuck in the hospital for now. Gao Zhan suggests she teach him the choreography now and he’ll teach the others when he returns to school. Kang Jia Wei arrives with fruit for her but sees the two of them laughing and chatting. So he leaves them be.

Kang Jia Wei helps XJJ2 with her cheerleading performance. She offers to treat him to a meal afterwards. He agrees and suggests the coffee shop. He notices that the shop only sells coffee but he knows that Gao Zhan doesn’t drink coffee. So why was he at the coffee shop before?

[Ep15] You Look Cute When You Snore.

XJJ2 doesn’t answer as she clicks her pen. Kang Jia Wei asks if he was here because she’d asked him to be there. He asks why she wanted him to meet Gao Zhan. She admits that she had an ulterior motive.

After Gao Zhan had told her to go to dance university, she had thought Gao Zhan didn’t like her. When she told her friend this, her friend said that’s not true. He just doesn’t realize it yet. So the two concocted this idea to have Gao Zhan meet her at the coffee shop.

XJJ2 tells Kang Jia Wei that she didn’t know he was her Mayonnaise (with Rice). She’d only asked him out to make Gao Zhan jealous. *rolling eyes* Gao Zhan may have low EQ but he doesn’t deserve this BS. Kang Jia Wei now knows he's been used as she has no romantic interest in him.
Another day, Gao Zhan returns to the hospital room and XJJ1 has fallen asleep - she’s snoring. He smiles and then takes a video of her. O_o He even puts a tissue under her drooling mouth. But then she wipes it on his hand. She starts talking in her sleep and he’s laughing about it. Later she wakes up and sees him reading in the chair next to her. She asks him if she snored, drooled or talked in her sleep - he denies all of this. She asks about the performance, and he says it’s going well. She suggests buying a week’s worth of breakfast as a thank you. He says he has something to tell her – and she thinks he’s going to confess. He actually tells her that the broken eggs (the chicks she’d been trying to incubate) on the farm were likely eaten by the dog he’d been watching. She’s mortified to realize that’s why he’s been visiting her. He says it’s his fault that she has pneumonia. (She’d walked out into the rain, sobbing her heart out, after she’d discovered the broken eggshells… Yes, very dramatic.)
Back at home, Gao Zhan is studying but looks at his phone - to play the video of XJJ1 sleeping. He’s laughing at this footage. He then types a question - he thinks his classmate is very cute when she’s snoring, drooling and talking in her sleep - is this normal? Yes. He then poses this question: I suddenly find my female classmate really cute - is this normal? Answer: Perhaps that’s a sign of you being in love. He's isn’t sure what to think of that. lol

XJJ1 has been discharged and finally back at home. But then she discovers that her room has been redone – covered in pink Hello Kitty galore. XD A Sanrio store threw up in it. She’s not happy with this surprise. Her parents are so proud to go of this Princess Lolita style. She has no choice but to say thank you and then says she needs space. Jia Yao and Xiao Bai come over and do what friends do best – tease her about it. lol She then tells them about her latest humiliation – the dog ate the eggs which is why Gao Zhan’s been so nice to her. She then gripes about Kang Jia Wei not visiting her at all during her hospital stay. Xiao Bai says there’s a new web novel out that reminds her of their situation.

When she returns to school, she wants to give Kang Jia Wei a piece of her mind but then she sees XJJ2 wanting to talk to him first. XJJ2 wants to apologize to him but he’s not really mad at her. But he doesn’t really seem comfortable around her.

During the Cultural and Art Festival auditions, the Taekwondo Club manages to get disqualified. Even though the cheerleading group didn’t have music in the middle of their set. XJJ1 is angry with XJJ2 who appears to be rubbing it in that they got a spot. Then XJJ1 gets angry at Kang Jia Wei for mocking her loss as she knows he helped XJJ2 with her rehearsals, and then she walks into a tree. LOL (This is something I’d do. Okay, I’ve done it several times...shush!)

XJJ1 continues being mad at him and even ignores him. Kang Jia Wei tries to cut down time for some of the performances. lol(~24:00, I like how he snidely asks “What are you singing?” here. Ha!) But he only manages to tick off the other students.

He eventually gets the Taekwondo club a chance to perform in the festival as a Taekwondo dance with XJJ2's cheerleading group. XJJ1 thinks XJJ2 is helping her, but Kang Jia Wei actually came up with the idea, and did all this for XJJ1. She asks him where he was when she was in the hospital. He tells her that he’d see Gao Zhan with her when he came so he didn’t disturb her. She’s so childish here. SMH. He tells her even though he’s online friends with XJJ2, he’s still best friends with her. She pretends to hurl at these words. 

During the dance rehearsal, XJJ1 and Gao Zhan work together and appear closer than ever, which is noticed by Kang Jia Wei. I think he likes her but doesn’t know it yet…

The Taekwondo club starts their performance. At some point, the cheerleaders come out and XJJ1 is supposed to do cartwheels from a certain mark but she ends up colliding into XJJ2.

[Ep16] Found You, Give-Up Virtuoso.

The accident results in XJJ2 going down with a foot injury. XJJ2 lashes out at XXJ1. She's angry as she even helped her with get a spot in the festival. XJJ1 isn’t sure how this happened as Gao Zhan had marked the spike on the stage for her.

XJJ2’s foot is fine as it’s just a sprain - nothing happened to the ligaments. All her mother cares about is that she'll be able to go back to ballet. Gao Zhan and Kang Jia Wei investigate what led to the accident - it turns out that someone moved the mark to ensure that XJJ1 would somehow embarrass herself on stage. The boys figure out who it is, and have a conversation openly on campus about XJJ2’s severe injury. XJJ2’s mean friend was the one who had moved the spike - for XJJ2’s sake. After apologizing to XJJ2, she’s told that she’s apologizing to the wrong person. So this friend apologizes to XJJ1 saying she was doing it for XJJ2, XJJ1 gets angry that she’s using her as an excuse for her own actions.

XJJ1 thanks Kang Jia Wei for his help in resolving the issue by giving him a customized phone case (with her artwork). Kang Jia Wei just goes with it. Poor Gao Zhan! lol GLater, Gao Zhan tells her the truth. Elsewhere, when Kang Jia Wei makes a reference to something XJJ2 had posted on Douban, XJJ2 seems clueless about it.

XJJ1 and XJJ2 make up - as in XJJ2 explains herself to XJJ1 and apologizes for blaming her. She’s actually envious of XJJ1’s individual happiness and her family's happiness, as she’s stuck with living the way her mother insists on pursuing ballet.

Meanwhile, Gao Zhan has found XJJ1’s Gao Observation Notebook…(aka stalker notebook on him. lol, ~28:20.) He learns how much she likes him. So he walks her to their classroom later. However, Kang Jia Wei isn’t too happy - as he impatiently throws snacks at her desk. lol He's dying to ask her about XJJ2. (~40:00, All of his frustrated expressions crack me up.) Teacher Chen asks Kang Jia Wei, XJJ1, Da Peng, and Xiong Shuai to turn in their placement interest forms - arts, science, etc. Kang Jia Wei wants to choose science but he wants to stay in arts with his best friend (XJJ1).

Kang Jia Wei learns that XJJ2 has been copying XJJ1’s Weibo posts as her own posts on Douban. Later he asks XJJ2 why she’s imitating XJJ1. She says she doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

[Ep17] Jealousy is My Nature.

Oh, Kang Jia Wei didn’t actually ask her but imagined that he did and the likely result of her flipping out on him and humiliating him. So he just walks away from her without saying anything that makes sense.

Meanwhile, Gao Zhan is enjoying XJJ1’s notebook on him. He’s smiling more and more. He even seeks girl advice from Da Peng. lol You know, the guy who is pursuing Jia Yao, who isn’t easily persuaded.

Gao Zhan asks XJJ1 if she's free after school so they can do homework together. Kang Jia Wei answers for her – that he’ll take care of her. Gao Zhan says they’ve both chosen the Arts, so it’s best if they studied together, and he’ll wait for her after school. XJJ1 isn’t that excited about this because she wonders if he did something wrong and wants to make it up to her again. After school, of course, Kang Jia Wei shows up at the same cafe as them. He’s been trying to tell her about XJJ2 but gets interrupted every single time!

Gao Zhan decides to show her the video of her snoring and gives her advice to get medical attention for the snoring. *facepalm* She tries to get him to erase the video, and Kang Jia Wei interrupts to tell her that she’s his Give-Up Virtuoso, as in XJJ2 has been copying her Weibo posts. And he’s the only one who truly understands her. So they’re truly online bosom friends. (So not xiong di? lol) XJJ1 says that in her heart, he’s always the cute chubby boy and her Prince Charming is Gao Zhan. Nope. This was only in his mind! She asks what he wants to say and he ends up leaving. Thanks, Show!

Later,  after XJJ1 keeps mentioning how brilliant Gao Zhan is, to Kang Jia Wei, he finally flips out on her. He likens her obsession with Gao Zhan to Xiao Bai’s worship for an idol, Xiao Qi. Yes, I originally kept typing Xiao Bu instead of Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai would actually be idolizing someone she calls Xiao Qi. lol Thanks, Universe. She says that she wants to be on the advanced track for herself, and not for Gao Zhan. He asks if she even knows if she’s going into the arts or not, or if she’s waiting for Gao Zhan. She argues that she isn’t - but he interrupts to say that she’s never had her own opinion. He asks if she has any aspirations. She says she’s never had one and walks off in a huff.

XJJ1 won’t speak to Kang Jia Wei now. Gao Zhan returns her notebook to XXJ1 and she’s quite embarrassed by it. She even tries to say it’s not hers as she’s never seen it before. lol When she asks if he’s read it, he says yes, it’s well-written. He keeps the book. When she tells the girls later, they just laugh at her.

XJJ1 drafts the redesign of her room in blue tones. No more Sanrio vomit? lol The next morning, both boys want to talk to XJJ1, they show up outside her place.

[Ep18] It’s Okay to Not Have Dreams at 18.

Gao Zhan wants to talk about her notebook but she changes the subject every time. She tells him that the normal reaction is to have her locked up for being a stalker. He says that she’s quite cute which makes her choke on her food. She then thinks this is like a drama, so it must be a dream and starts hitting herself on the head. Gao Zhan reaches over to stop her and she realizes this is real life. He apologizes for taking her notebook as curiosity got the better of him. He thinks she knows him better than he does and points out the details in the book. When she threatens to kill herself with her chopsticks, they break in half in her hands. Ha!

XJJ1 gives her room a makeover and Kang Jia Wei sees it online. He then goes to see his father about the website where he can send in his interior design plans for a competition - it’s Cozy Home. Right before Kang Jia Wei showed up, Dad had been reviewing a medical report - with sonogram imaging - but he hid it before Kang Jia Wei could see it.

Teacher Zhao has written a confession to Teacher Chen for the TV program. She finds him practicing, and tells him to not read it tomorrow. She asks if he really does like her. He says yes, and then he gets her to agree to be his girlfriend. Aww.

Gao Zhan comes home and finds Da Peng’s father there. His mother is at the supermarket, so the two have an awkward conversation while they’re waiting for Mom to return for dinner. Gao Zhan asks how one knows when they’re in love - as he’s not sure if he finds the girl cute because she’s interested in him, or if she’s always been cute. Da Peng’s father says when other girls had crushes on him, did he find them cute? No. So that’s the answer.

Teacher Chen admits that she’s the one who’s been writing that new web novel, to the joy of her students. This cheers up Xiao Bai who didn’t make it to the advanced class with her friends.

Gao Zhan actually confesses to XJJ1 - in front of the entire school – asking if she wants to study with him in Beijing. But she notices Kang Jia Wei walking away and then throwing away something in the trash. She picks out the letter/speech Kang Jia Wei threw away. Awww. She cries as she’s reading the apology he had planned to give - that it’s okay to not have a dream. And they can take time to find their dream at this age.

It’s the last day of school, and Gao Zhan offers to walk XJJ1 home after school but she refuses as she tells him she has something to do. He says she can take her time to give him her answer. It's officially  summer break.

XJJ1 meets up with Kang Jia Wei and shows him the discarded apology. She finally forgives him. He asks her about Gao Zhan asking her to study in Beijing. She says she should be happy but she’s confused. She can’t figure out what to take for college or where… Kang Jia Wei has submitted XJJ1’s redesigned room to Cozy Home, and it’s already in the top ten. So, perhaps interior design like Kang Jia Wei’s father? She’s worried because she knows nothing. He says neither did his father at her age.

She has to pass an exam - and learn to draw in six months’ time. She checks out the art program that Jia Yao is already in but the tuition is 10,000 yuan. So she tells her parents that she has ambitions to be an interior designer. She needs to start a special art training program during the summer break. But her father is not happy about this. He wants her to apply to a sports school for Taekwondo, especially as she's had years of training.

[Ep19] My Summer Holiday, My Say.

This is the first time that her father hasn’t supported her. But later, her father gives Mom the tuition money to give to her. XJJ promises to work to repay her the money. XJJ and Dad are still on the outs.

Da Peng’s father tries to propose to Gao Zhan’s mother, but she asks for them to take a break. He thinks it’s Gao Zhan but she says it’s her, her problem. Wow, that was unexpected. He calls Gao Zhan but he has nothing to do with why she rejected him.

XJJ1 calls Kang Jia Wei to complain about Gao Zhan, but when she brings him up, Kang Jia Wei acts like XJJ2 is hanging out with him. So the two start acting like everything’s going well, and even post pictures of their activities with random people’s limbs - trying to one up each other. XJJ1 and Kang Jia Wei are both wearing pink shirts during this call.

Gao Zhan asks his mother about what’s going on. She’s worried about the two families coming together and having issues. He asks her how she feels about Da Peng’s father but she says she needs time to think about it.

XJJ1 suffers through her art class as the instructor is very critical and even humiliates her for her bad drawings. Gao Zhan tells XJJ1 about his mother’s relationship issue. XJJ1 thinks that their marriage will cause an adverse affect on Gao Zhan and Da Peng’s studies. Afterwards, Gao Zhan asks about studying in Beijing.

XJJ2 doesn’t want to go to a dance academy but her mother insists on it. Her mother makes me crazy!
Kang Jia Wei practices his confession to XJJ1! He's interrupted by a call from Gao Zhan. (~38:00, Bwahaha, he is so cute and greasy here. "Hey girl!" Hahaha.)

When the two guys meet up, Gao Zhan asks if he himself is abnormal. XD Kang Jia Wei asks what he said to her when she said she was cold yesterday. Gao Zhan says he asked if her feet were cold and then went into the scientific explanation as to why…
Kang Jia Wei rolls his eyes at this, as this guy is really hopeless. He yells if he could’ve just asked the waiter to increase the temperature of the AC. (LOL, His eye rolling here! ~40:15) 

Gao Zhan admits that he always says the wrong thing to girls. lol Kang Jia Wei tells him to make sure to side with her to begin with - as in complain about what she complains about. And then when “she comes to her senses” then tell her what he really thinks. *facepalm* Kang Jia Wei then casually asks about what XJJ1 thought about his rooftop question. Gao Zhan says she said she’d need to think about it, and he’s willing to wait. Kang Jia Wei says maybe she just wants to focus on studying now. Gao Zhan quickly says he can’t stop thinking about her and feels restless when he goes a day without seeing her. He then asks Kang Jia Wei to teach him more. OMG. lol Complicated! 

Back at home, Kang Jia Wei is eating dinner with Dad. Dad notices that he’s barely eating. He asks his Dad if he’s a coward. Dad asks him to tell him what’s wrong. Kang Jia Wei says he has a difficult question and isn’t sure if the answer in his heart is the one that he’s supposed to give. Dad says sometimes it takes time to get an answer. He tells Dad that he’s never come across such a difficult one before. Dad says then the ones before never mattered much to him. Dad asks if he’s heard of this saying, “Love is a touch and yet not a touch.” This makes him choke on his food. lol He quickly says he’s talking about the question, why is he mentioning love. Heh. Dad says that’s what he’s talking about, too. Kang Jia Wei asks what does the question have anything to do with love then? Dad says he thought it was an essay question. Where has his mind gone? Kang Jia Wei says it was a math problem.

Gao Zhan’s mother receives a call from an unknown number, it’s XJJ1 saying that Gao Zhan and Da Peng got into a fight.

[Ep20] I Have a Secret To Tell You.

With XJJ1’s help, the proposal happens and Gao Zhan’s mom finally says yes. To thank her, Gao Zhan gives XJJ1 a present: a toy gun (like a keyring sized one), as it’ll help protect her when she’s in trouble. It’s on a chain and he places it around her neck, so she’s wearing it. lol

Da Peng and Gao Zhan manage to talk the parents into allowing them to be page boys for the wedding…with the intent of having flower girls, XJJ1 and Jia Yao. (Mom doesn’t want a bridesmaid and best man at their age.) LOL They're all too grown for these positions! Da Peng and Jia Yao argue and then he says that she can be a bridesmaid with him as best man then. She says that one can only be a bridesmaid three times at most, otherwise, one won’t be able to get married. Da Peng says if she can't get married, he’ll take care of her. Hehe. (Da Peng's become a favorite of mine.) She gets irate and says she doesn't want him to take care of her, and there’s no way she can’t get married. Gao Zhan, the calm voice of reason, says that they want to be a part of this wedding, and given their age, they can’t be best man and bridesmaid, so this was their workaround. lol XJJ1 agrees as she knows this wedding is important to the boys. Jia Yao finally says yes.
The boys are both in awe of the girls in their flower girl finery. They take a cute photo together. When it gets posted, Kang Jia Wei freaks out and shouts "flower girl" when he sees it on his phone but he’s in class. lol He pretends to have a stomach ache so he leaves class to call XXJ1. He demands to know why she’s involved in this. He asks what about her drawings, as it’s a waste of time. She gets angry and hangs up on him for wasting her time.

XJJ1 mentions that her father officiates weddings with performances. And so the boys decide that that’s a good idea. So they plan to sing a song - but Gao Zhan is terrible at it. They end up at KTV to practice their singing. 
XJJ1 tells Gao Zhan to sing from the diaphragm and places her hand on his stomach which makes him a bit nervous. But then she shows him how to sing with his hand on her stomach and he practically loses it. LMAO His face (~27:50, GIF in comments.) His singing doesn’t really improve and it's awkward enough that XJJ1 just takes off. Meanwhile, Kang Jia Wei is busy searching the rooms for XJJ1. The boys run into each other and Kang Jia Wei lies about being there with his friends. He does find out that XJJ1 has already left.
It’s the wedding day, and when the foursome sing their song, Da Peng ends up holding Jia Yao’s hand. When Gao Zhan offers to hold XJJ1’s hand, Kang Jia Wei unexpectedly shows up and inserts himself in between Gao Zhan and XJJ1! And he continues holding onto XJJ1’s hand himself. Gao Zhan and XJJ1 both glare at Kang Jia Wei as he starts singing. Eventually, they remember where they are and start singing again. (~34:00, GIF in comments.)
Afterwards, Kang Jia Wei leaves and XJJ1 follows him out demanding to know what that was about. He says he didn’t mean anything by it. Then he mentions all of her posts about movies. He tells her that XJJ2 has been copying her Weibo posts. But the most important thing is that she’s the real internet friend. And the person he’s been looking for has been her. It’s always been her. He asks if she understands. (~35:20)

She says that she’s confused right now, and she has something to do. So he goes to walk away. She stops him by asking him if that’s really what he wanted to tell her. He says yes. Then she says and then? He wants to answer but he’s interrupted by Gao Zhan as she’s needed for photographs. He just looks at Gao Zhan and then back at her, but he doesn't say anything. So she returns to the wedding with Gao Zhan. After she leaves, he says, and then - he doesn't know.

[Ep21] Pickled Mustard Greens v. Fish.

XJJ1 goes missing and only Kang Jia Wei knows where she is. She’s feeling down as she’s quite tired from work, art school, and even Gao Zhan’s presence isn’t enough. Ou?

The two admit to lying about their social media posts (the ones with XJJ2 and Gao Zhan). She’s looked up XJJ2’s posts, but what she doesn’t understand is why XJJ2 copied all of her Weibo posts.

Kang Jia Wei goes to see XJJ2, and knows she lacks the courage to be herself, and to like herself. (I get it but I’m tired of watching this girl and her woes. And her misplaced/misdirected anger.)

Later XJJ2 apologizes to XJJ1 and returns the whale mask to her. XJJ2 wants to give up on dancing but XJJ1 doesn’t want her to. So she dances, and then they run into Teacher Zhang who is with his disabled daughter, who is a big fan of The Loneliest Whale/Alice (XJJ2's stage name)… He apologizes to XJJ1 for underestimating her. Teacher Zhang is actually quite loving, patient, and dedicated to his daughter. (Contrary to his very rough exterior previously at school.)

Afterwards, XJJ1 and XXJ2 end up together at dinner when Kang Jia Wei ditches them. XJJ1 asks XJJ2 why she did it. XJJ2 admits she wanted to be like her - popular like her. XXJ1 is confused as she’s the goddess. XJJ2 doesn’t have any friends and wants sincere friends like XJJ1 has. XJJ2 says she’s like this pickled mustard greens fish dish - the fish is supposed to be the star of the dish. But if you ask those who like this dish what they love about it - it’s the pickled mustard greens. She’s the fish and XJJ1 is the pickled mustard greens. She tells her that being cute beats out being excellent. XJJ1 protests this, and says there’s a lot of things that can be cute in their own way. So if the pickled mustard greens are cute, then so is the fish. She has so many fans, and XJJ1 points out that she’s the cutest when she’s doing what she likes and being herself.
The girls return home and XJJ2 goes inside first. Kang Jia Wei is waiting for XJJ1. (Yes, I'm all agog about ZZL right now.) He’d purposely give them some private time to chat. 
He’d left to do something very important – to win her the stuffed dog (that looks like her real dog). Awww. If she wants it, she needs to be his Dobby again. These two are so cute. (~26:00) 
Later when she posts a picture of herself with the toy dog, with this caption "Seems like my holiday is not as bad as I expected." Both a smiling Kang Jia Wei and a frowning Gao Zhan notice it.

It’s their final year of high school! XJJ2 and Kang Jia Wei are deskmates in a different classroom apart from their friends. Gao Zhan has also requested for XJJ1 to be his deskmate, so she's sitting right next to him. He claims it's to help her - to tutor her. The latter are in the classroom taught by Teacher Chen.

XJJ’s Dad gets her 100 cans of Great White paint as a surprise. Kang Jia Wei happens to be at the same art shop and sees what Dad is doing. Teacher Chen goes to see Teacher Zhang to give his daughter the whale helmet…and to ask him to come back and help the students get into top universities. He asks if she can teach him how to be a friend to the students.

[Ep22] Coming-of-Age Blessings.

The coming-of-age ceremony ends and XJJ1 is alone while everyone else is with their parents and accepting presents. She walks away and both Gao Zhan and Kang Jia Wei notice her departure. The boys meet outside and Kang Jia Wei unties Gao Zhan’s shoes and even throws his presents (books) so he can beat him in reaching XJJ1. Kang Jia Wei gives her his present, a pencil sharpener. Then Gao Zhan shows up with his stack of books for her. She struggles to carry them, so the two guys start fighting over it. She breaks it up and takes the presents and tries to leave in a huff but is hampered by the books. 

Gao Zhan confronts Kang Jia Wei about how he said he would teach him on how to be friends with XJJ1 and he trusted him. The two then argue about their presents, where they’re going to college (ergo where (and who) XJJ will choose for design school) - here at home or in Beijing.

XJJ1’s Dad finally shows up but she’s so mad at him. He tries to tell her what happened but she refuses to listen to him. She says everything is more important than her and then she stomps away. Kang Jia Wei sees this and asks Dad what happened. Dad tells him about the accident, etc. To Dad’s surprise, Kang Jia Wei asks about the paint.

Wang Jia Yao gives Da Peng a present, and it’s the drawing she made of him.

Kang Jia Wei talks to XJJ1 about her father telling the truth. Meanwhile, the parents are worried about the Great White paint. XJJ1 comes home and apologizes for today. They finally talk. She asks why he’s always believed in her except when it came to studying art. Dad doesn’t want her to be hurt by not realizing her dreams. (Like he did.) And it’s revealed that XJJ1 had an older sister.

Later, she tells Kang Jia Wei about her older sister, Xu Liang Liang. When she was two years old, she was crawling around and a cabinet fell onto her which crushed her. When Xu Jing Jing was born, her father had made furniture that was attached to the wall, which is why her home looks so “ugly” yet safe.

In class, Gao Zhan pulls out a deck of cards. XJJ1 and Kang Jia Wei play this game where if she pulls a Queen or 7, it was a good sign, good luck for her. So she pulls from the deck and draws an Ace which makes her worried. For their mock tests, Gao Zhan gets 145 (high scores) and she gets 80s… Teacher Zhang actually doesn’t scold her but tells her it’s only a mock test. The man who crushed spirits is showcasing some compassion now! Gao Zhan offers to tutor her again at her parents’ tea shop. She offers to repay him with a lifetime supply of matcha red bean drink. For the gift of his books, she gives him the Tencent Video VIP Member Card so he can watch the FBI show. (Blatant self-promotion here! LOL) He smiles and says she’s very cute. She’s shocked and quickly says she got him the year’s membership which is the value of the books. She doesn’t want to take advantage of him. He says it’s okay, he’s more than willing for her to take advantage of him. OMG, Gao Zhan! (~28:00) She excuses herself to use the bathroom, and he tries to go as well but she makes him stay put.

Back at home, Kang Jia Wei is struggling to write his paper - on one of the chosen topics, and not whatever he wants to write. He looks at his phone and sees that Gao Zhan got a coming-of-age gift from XJJ1. He wants to demand to know where his gift is but then thinks better of it. Meanwhile, XJJ1 is at home sketching Kang Jia Wei from a photo.

Kang Jia Wei is in his class and looking over at XJJ1’s class. He has no interest in XJJ2 now, even though they’re deskmates.

Gao Zhan is preparing to get laser eye surgery, so he can apply for public security university. (Police work, like his late father.) He then asks if she’ll apply for school in Beijing. Luckily, they’re interrupted. When he returns…he tells her if something happens to his eyes, she can be his eyes. She asks him where he’s learned these cheesy lines. He says it’s from Da Peng. LOL!

Kang Jia Wei has submitted his original paper, but Teacher Tian doesn’t know yet. XJJ2 knows that he likes XJJ1. She tells him to not regret it later.
The next day, Kang Jia Wei shows up in XJJ1’s class and sits right next to a napping XJJ1. Outside the classroom, Gao Zhan is confused to see someone in his seat. Kang Jia Wei wakes her up and says he has good news for her. (Imagine seeing this face when you wake up! Hehe. GIF in comments.) Gao Zhan interrupts to tell him, “this student” that he’s in his seat, but his vision is still impaired from his eye exam so he doesn't realize it's Kang Jia Wei. Teacher Chen returns and announces that Kang Jia Wei is joining their class.

[Ep23Never Regret Despite the Shame. 

Gao Zhan’s mother finds his medical record in his bedroom and absolutely refuses to allow him to get the eye surgery and as expected, she’s dead set against him going into the academy. Da Peng supports him though. I love the brotherhood between Gao Zhan and Da Peng! 

Kang Jia Wei turns in his application to go to Nanshan, instead of Fuxing University. When asked why, he won’t tell Ms. Chen why. So she calls his father to ask why he’d choose this. His father says it’s because he has interest in the majors there. His father is coughing up blood. Oh noes!  XJJ1 isn’t happy about Kang Jia Wei’s decision and presses him. He finally admits that he chose Nanshan for her, as the standard for the arts program for Fuxing is simply too high. Uh oh. She’s pretty upset that he’d think this. Da Peng overhears part of this fight and assumes that there’s still a chance for Gao Zhan. Looking out for his Ge now!

Kang Jia Wei begs Xiao Bai to help him. She tells he’s worse than Gao Zhan - as he, at least, asked XJJ1 to go to Beijing with him. He assumed she’d only make it to Nanshan. She asks if he forgot about when he needed to lose weight and XJJ1 was his biggest supporter and had faith in him being able to do so. So why doesn’t he have any faith in her?  He says that he’s being practical. She says, fine, so they both get into Nanshan, did he think about the fact that she’d feel bad that he gave up Fuxing for her? 

Now Gao Zhan and Da Peng are talking to XJJ1 while Kang Jia Wei watches from a distance. Da Peng suggests that XJJ1 walk home with Gao Zhan. But she says his eyes are fine now and our robotic Gao Zhan says oh, right. Da Peng just looks at him like, I can’t help him! XD Gao Zhan finally says he has something to talk to him about, and then he looks at Da Peng for help. 

Teacher Chen gets an opportunity to be a screenwriter for her novel. But she hesitates because she’ll have to leave the students during their senior year. 

XJJ2’s mother finds out about her street dancing. Her mother threatens to cut herself to force her to do what she wants. Wow. I need a trigger warning with this scene.

XJJ1 remains mad at Kang Jia Wei. XJJ1’s friends find out that she rejected Gao Zhan. When he returns the notebook to her, she tells him to keep it as it’s her gift to him. It’s a bit embarrassing and silly but it was her most wonderful memory for her, and she doesn’t regret writing about him. She also doesn’t regret writing that version of him. She tells her friends that Kang Jia Wei had told her that her feelings for Gao Zhan is like Xiao Bai’s feelings for idols. 

[Ep24] USB, Poker and Headphones.

Gao Zhan is friendly to Kang Jia Wei, who is confused by this. To XJJ1’s surprise, Gao Zhan isn’t avoiding her and actually wants to remain friends. Aww. How could I not like him, too? Kang Jia Wei is worried about their continuing close friendship - until Xiao Bai tells him that he should be celebrating. She tells him that XJJ1 rejected Gao Zhan. He then goes to see Teacher Chen if it was too late to change schools. She teases him but gives him a blank form to reapply. 

Teacher Chen has decided to pull the rights for her novel to adaptation. She’d rather send off her students to college than take the screenwriting opportunity. 

Kang Jia Wei tries to make it up to XJJ1 but she's still quite mad at him. He gives her a flashdrive with study materials. He’s also written a note to her - an apology. 

Things are weird between XXJ2 and her mother. Her mother apologizes to her and has researched how to help her get into street dancing. So while she’s studying for the gaokao, she’ll help her find a management company for street dancing. I don’t trust this mother.

XJJ1 is practicing how to make up with Kang Jia Wei when Xiao Bai startles her. But when Xiao Bai spots Kang Jia Wei and gets his attention, he sees them and quickly walks away. 

Teacher Chen officially rejects her dream job, because she wants to be there for the students. Coach Zhao knows that she’s conflicted and wants to stay for them. The students have a surprise - for her to go after her dream as adults can do it, too. She’s their biggest role model, as she’s taught them the value of their dreams. They thank her for being a part of their youth, and for letting them be a better version of themselves. They assure her that they have Teacher Zhang so she should go. Even Teacher Zhang is encouraging her to follow her dream as he'll take care of the students. So sweet. T__T (~17:00)

Since the two haven’t made up, Kang Jia Wei contacts Jia You and Xiao Bai every day about her. XJJ1 feels awkward about talking to him now as their distance continues to grow. She continues avoiding him though but neither one wants to make the first move. 

Gao Zhan talks to Kang Jia Wei about them not making up still. Kang Jia Wei says he can make the first move but he’s worried that they’d argue again and continue fighting. Gao Zhan says that’s nice - as she’s never scolded him and is always so polite to him. Ah. Later, Kang Jia Wei and XJJ1 each draft a text message to the other but they’re both worried about the other rejecting them. Still nothing.

After they receive their graded artwork back, Jia Yao hands XJJ1 a pair of playing cards - Queen of Hearts and 7 of Hearts from Kang Jia Wei. XJJ1 looks at the cards and suddenly takes off running. She’s running to catch Kang Jia Wei outside his exam building.  As they’re waiting at the crosswalk, he notices that she looks cold. So he removes his oversized over-the-ear headphones and places them on her ears to keep her warm. (The title of this ep is everything he gives to her in this ep.) They make up as they both apologize to each other for ignoring each other. And then they start arguing about who was wrong. XD He wishes her a happy birthday. She says it was so long ago. He says he missed it, and then asks her what she did for her birthday. 
She had actually spent it beating up her stuffed version of Kang Jia Wei (it’s Kang Jia Wei’s face on a Pink Panther doll. lol) She’d also thrown a slice of cake at his face. She only tells him that she had cake with her friends. Bwahaha. He asks what she wants for her birthday. She says she doesn’t need anything. He then asks her why she’d hang Gao Zhan and XJJ2’s gifts on her bag but not the stuffed dog he’d won her. She says it’s too big for her bag. (It is!) He asks if the bag she got him isn’t more dramatic, yet he uses it every day. She asks if he’s jealous and he admits he is. He’s jealous every day as he has nothing better to do. She finally says she’ll hang it on her bag to get him to stop complaining. He then asks why she got Gao Zhan a coming-of-age present but there was not one for him. She says he’ll need to wait a bit longer. Since the two were too busy arguing in the crosswalk, they were ordered to stay at the crosswalk until they caught someone else. And so, eventually a young boy tries to cross against the light. The two of them start scolding the boy and hand him the flag. This ends with Kang Jia Wei yelling at this boy insults XJJ1, by saying be good or else he’ll turn out like her. XD These two are great in this scene. (~38:40) She gets angry and they’re back to normal - bickering! lol

XJJ2 is back at ballet practice with her mother. Ou?

Kang Jia Wei’s Dad is going overseas for a business trip (or is it really for medical reasons?) and has hired someone to cook for him and clean the house while he’s gone. Before he leaves, Dad asks for a hug from him. I'm worried about Dad. The housekeeper is from Sichuan so everything has chili peppers. 

[Ep25Operation Rescue Whale Alice. 

XJJ1 is really dangling that stuffed dog from her bag now. It’s a bit too big but it’s so cute! lol When they get to school, Gao Zhan has asked for a seat by the window, back to where he used to sit. He’s counting on Kang Jia Wei to tutor XJJ1. 

Kang Jia Wei’s Dad is at the hospital, waiting to get surgery - and he has stage IV liver cancer!! The doctor tells him to tell his family (son) now as it’s crucial. Dad doesn’t want to - because he doesn’t want to disturb his son in his last year of high school/exams. 
Kang Jia Wei is at lunch with the girls, and they’re talking about superstitions. One of Jia Yao’s seniors said writing one’s name and hanging it on the tree will guarantee entrance to Fuxing. When he tries to discredit some of it, he’s told to shut up by XJJ1, and he actually does! lol So obedient. (GIF in comments.)

Later while XJJ1 is working on her painting of Kang Jia Wei, she receives a frantic call from him asking for help. Our sweet Kang Jia Wei is stuck up high in the tree. She says it’s more like he can’t get down. lol She insists on taking pictures of him. He complains and so she turns to leave. He relents. Ha. She then asks if he wasn’t the one who isn’t superstitious. He says he isn’t, but she is. She decides to climb the tree and join him.
He asks her if they don’t get into the same school, they can still be together, right? Aww. She says of course. She accidentally lets it slip that she’s painting from a photo of him… as it’d be nice in the future if she could do a painting of him in person. Awww. When he asks about it, she denies it and says who wants to draw him. 

Jia Yao continues to be intimidated and discouraged by what she overheard from XJJ1 and Snape’s conversation. (Snape is the nickname of their supercritical art teacher. He thinks XJJ1 is progressing well for a beginner.) Kang Jia Wei fires Gu Ayi. lol Too spicy. Dad calls him and he asks when he’ll be back. Dad lies and says in about a month. 

XJJ2 finds out that her mother’s been ignoring the calls from the entertainment management company for her street dancing. So her mother’s been lying about supporting her and just wants her to go back to ballet. The 2nd interview for this company is the same day as the college examination. So she asks for help from her friends. 

While XJJ1 creates a diversion by distracting XJJ2’s mother with fake stomach pain, XJJ2 has her second interview. At the hospital, XJJ1 sees someone who looks like Kang Jia Wei’s father being pushed in a wheelchair. 

[Ep26Under the Same Roof. 

She confronts his father and he admits to having liver cancer. She asks him why he isn’t telling Kang Jia Wei. He doesn’t want him to worry and binge-eat. XJJ2’s mom discovers that it was all a lie. Her mother returns home to destroy everything in the house. XJJ2 finally tells her that she doesn’t want to help her mother achieve her dreams anymore. Bingo. 

Back at home, XJJ1 is in trouble with her parents as well. When she tells her parents about Kang Jia Wei’s father, they agree to not tell Kang Jia Wei. She’s worried that he won’t forgive her for lying to him later. 

The results are in but XJJ1 doesn’t want to open it. So Mom does and she’s in 3,560th place. Oops. Read the wrong number. lol She received the following - Drawing 75, Sketch 77 and Coloring 70. Total of 222. Passing mark is 200! 

Kang Jia Wei is enrolled at Fuxing. His father contacts his ex-wife to come back and take care of him post-op. Meanwhile, Kang Jia Wei is staying at XJJ’s house. One morning, she goes into the bathroom and brushes her teeth – not realizing that Kang Jia Wei is on the toilet. Hahaha. She says good morning and so does he. She quickly finishes brushing her teeth and runs out of there. But when she leaves, the two are separately beating themselves up over this. LMAO (~34:20) 
Later, she takes a picture of a sleeping Kang Jia Wei, to send to his father. Dad worries about him, when KJW should know to worry about Dad, too. :(

[Ep27A Sad Spring Festival. 

Kang Jia Wei’s Dad is still at the hospital. 

Gao Zhan’s mother returns and she reconciles with Gao Zhan. The foursome then go visit Gao Dad at the cemetary. She tells Dad about Gao Zhan’s plan to be a police officer, as he had promised his father before. Ah, she’d known. 

The students continue preparing to take the next round of mock exams for the gaokao. Everyone’s stressed out… except for Kang Jia Wei. Da Peng sells the students some kind of chewing gum that’ll give them energy. It turns out that it’s caffeinated gum, and sends several students, including XJJ1 to the infirmary. 

Kang Jia Wei returns home to pick up some clothes and discovers his mother inside the place. He finds out where his father’s been and runs to see him in the hospital. Aww, I’m glad he finally knows. Dad suggests that he move back home, with his mother. He then tells him to help him update his post and that’s when poor Kang Jia Wei starts yelling and sobbing. Dad doesn’t look good. Kang Jia Wei leaves XJJ’s home to return to his place. 

It’s 70 days until gaokao and Teacher Chen has returned. She is very concerned about her students as she has her lifetime to achieve her dream but only has this one chance to help her students. She takes them out to relax and relieve some of their stress for a day. 

Gao Zhan needs to check his public security exam results but he’s kind of scared to. XJJ1 does it for him. He’s in the top spot.

[Ep28The Young Man in Pursuit of His Dream.

XJJ2 has decided that she will only sign on with the company, after her college entrance exam, and the company’s willing to wait for her. When her mother finds out about this, the two officially reconcile. (Right, what about when she threatened to cut herself with a knife?)

Xiong Shuai didn’t pass his student-athlete recruitment test and has decided to quit school. His best friend, Da Peng goes to look for him and to persuade him to return. He’s unable to persuade him. The group of friends come up with a plan, everyone starts buying the produce from Xiong Shuai’s family business – their produce stand until its inventory is gone. At the end of it, he calls Teacher Chen. She tells his friends to not focus on this but on their exams. Xiong Shuai has asked for them to not be affected by his decision and to do well on their exams.  

Eventually, Xiong Shuai is finally convinced to return due to everyone saying they’ll work hard together. 

Tomorrow is the second mock exam and Kang Jia Wei’s father’s operation. He’s still angry that his father didn’t tell him sooner as he could’ve been with him the entire time. 

It’s exam day and Kang Jia Wei receives a call. His dad has barely made it through surgery but he’s in very bad shape - he’s in a coma. Later, XJJ1 is worried about him and receives a text message about his father’s oat bar. She looks frantically for this oat bar which her father had, and she just runs out into the rain to see him. He’s sitting on a bench in this heavy downpour. Awww.  When she gives it to him, he asks if this is the last thing from his father. She says he’ll be okay. He tells her that the doctor told him that the cancer’s spread. He’s in so much pain. :( 

Both XJJ1 and Kang Jia Wei didn’t return home but she goes to school. Everyone asks her about him and she says it’s something only he can discuss.  Kang Jia Wei finds out that his father is in a critical state. Then his mother lets it slip that XJJ1 knew about his father being sick long ago. Uh oh. He goes to the school to confront her about why she didn’t tell him sooner. She admits his father asked her to keep it a secret from him. She apologizes but he doesn’t want to talk to her. He says he’s lost two months because of her. How could she deny a dying man his last request? Although, it does put her in a very difficult position - in between them. He angrily asks her if she can give him those two months. 

She returns home and looks at the painting of him. Aww, it’s finally completed but now… She has a lot to say to him but she knows he won’t forgive her. 

Kang Jia Wei and his mother have a fight, where she admits that she was too selfish back then. But with his father in the ICU, she suggests they stick together for all future issues. He throws an armful of old presents back at her. He then shows her his phone and tells her to watch this video to answer if he hates her. It’s the heartbreaking video that XJJ1 had recorded during their farming trip (Ep13). She sobs after watching this video as he asks such deeply sad questions. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t hate her as much as he’s so hurt by the way she had left.  

She later apologizes to him and tearfully tells him she really loves him. She said it wasn’t because she hated him but the marriage wasn’t working and she didn’t want to be a mother forever. For the first few years she went abroad, she saw his face every night when she closed her eyes. If she could turn back time to 10 years ago, she wouldn’t have left him behind again. He finally hugs her as they’re both sobbing together with so much pain. T__T

[Ep29My Youth is like a “Dog”.

Kang Jia Wei continues ignoring and avoiding Xu Jing Jing. His mother explains that she did it out of kindness and it was a great responsibility that his father asked of her. When Xu Jing Jing receives full marks for the first time ever on a math test, she sends him a message and finds out that he’s blocked her. 

Kang Jia Wei’s father finally passes away and Xu Jing Jing goes to his home but no one is at home, and he still has her blocked. She leaves a handwritten page filled with the words “I’m sorry” over and over for him on the bench outside his place. School continues without the return of Kang Jia Wei. 
Kang Jia Wei has packed up everything to move to England with his mother. He still has every gift from Xu Jing Jing, including the handwritten apology. He's packed these items separately from everything else. The students spot Kang Jia Wei and his mother walking by with their luggage. Xu Jing Jing runs out to go after him but Kang Jia Wei doesn’t want to speak to her. His mother insists that they talk, and she thanks her for her help. The “The celebrate my sorrow tee” is here again.  

His mother leaves them alone. Xu Jing Jing asks how long he’ll be angry with her. He finally says, with his back to her, that he’s not angry with her. It’s just that when he sees her, he’s reminded of his father. He walks away from her and she tearfully reminds him that he wanted to go to Fuxing University with her, and the one who fails is a dog. She asks if he’s the dog now and he’d said they’d be better selves but why is he leaving her behind. He just continues walking away with tears streaming down his face. Xu Jing Jing can only cry as she watches him go. Her friends try to comfort her. 

Later, a delivery arrives for Xu Jing Jing from Kang Jia Wei - his books, a deck of cards and a letter. He admits that if he’d been in her shoes, he’d have done the same. So he apologizes but he can’t face her now. He thanks her for being part of his youth, being his best friend. 

Teacher Chen tearfully wishes her students do well as it’s officially gaokao day tomorrow. Xu Jing Jing misses Kang Jia Wei but she forces herself to focus on doing well on her exam. 

Later she checks the results of her exam and imagines Kang Jia Wei being there for her. Right before she goes to click the button, her parents start arguing about all of the cards shoved under the couch cushions. Xu Jing Jing pulls out the deck of cards and looks inside, it’s all Queens and 7s only. He had loaded the deck so whenever she pulled from it, it would always give her luck and hope. She starts sobbing over the cards. Xu Jing Jing's college entrance exam score is 483, so she’s going to her college of choice. But without Kang Jia Wei? :(

It’s the last day of school and Kang Jia Wei suddenly returns! He goes to ask Xu Jing Jing if she wants him to stay. And when he continues talking to her, the bell rings so she can’t hear him anymore. She starts panicking.

[Ep30It was only a dream for Xu Jing Jing. :( When she wakes up, she discovers that her place has been ransacked and she’s been robbed. She reports the burglary and the missing items are her tablet, laptop and the most important item, her bag. She’s working as an assistant designer and living on her own. It’s been four years since high school.

Kang Jia Wei is back in town and planning the makeover of his father’s house. He's going to meet a designer about this project. I bet I know who it is. Xu Jing Jing and Kang Jia Wei finally meet again. She’s been assigned to be the lead designer on this project. But she runs away from their meeting. Aww. She goes to pinch herself and realizes it’s not a dream this time. She returns to the meeting and her boss has informed Kang Jia Wei about the break-in at her place. Kang Jia Wei is concerned about her but she’s angry with him. She abruptly leaves the meeting and then receives a call from Gao Zhan. She wonders what’s going on with today. 

Kang Jia Wei returns to his home with Dad. He tells Dad that he’s healthy and starting a new business in China. As for all else, he isn’t doing so well.

Da Peng and Jia Yao have been together for nearly four years now. Xu Jing Jing tells her friends that Kang Jia Wei is back. Xiao Bai thinks he’s back for her. Her friends ask if she’ll give him another chance. She says why would she as he’s the one who blocked her. Teacher Chen has written a novel about Kang Jia Wei and Xu Jing Jing using different names, but the open ending has left the readers upset.  

Kang Jia Wei is back at the designers' office, but Xu Jing Jing isn’t on the project anymore. He wants to know where she is and is told that she’s at the police station. He tells her boss that if she’s not on the project, then he doesn’t need the work done. This is his great plan? How many times does a ML need to hire FL for a job, to win her back? He finds her but she doesn’t want to talk to him. He says that he knows she doesn’t forgive him. She says that she forgave him long ago. She then calls him Mr. Kang, and explains that it’s been four years and she has her own life now.  

Kang Jia Wei is back at his place and thinking about his father’s oat bars. He receives a call from Gao Zhan who is now a detective. He asks Gao Zhan why he’s asked to meet him. He asks how close they are now. Gao Zhan says “My girlfriend…” and Kang Jia Wei spits out the tea he just sipped. Gao Zhan finishes saying “...is a policewoman.” Haha. Kang Jia Wei gets upset with him for tricking him just now. Gao Zhan laughs, and then asks if he’s heard about the break-in at her place. Everything’s been returned to her - the tablet, computer and bag. But the bag is missing the stuffed dog from Kang Jia Wei. She was quite upset about the missing dog. Gao Zhan asks if that’s the dog he gave to her. Ah. :( Kang Jia Wei is confused as to why she’s avoiding him if she really cares about him. Gao Zhan says the biggest issue is with him now.

Kang Jia Wei contacts Xiao Bai to ask where Xu Jing Jing is. She’s actually at dinner with Xiao Bai and Jia Yao, and getting quite drunk. She complains about Kang Jia Wei not contacting her for four years. Jia Yao encourages her to take the first time, and if neither one makes a move, then they’ll be stuck here forever. She then asks if she still has feelings for him, and if she likes him. Xu Jing Jing says she likes drinking and continues to drink. Her two friends suddenly disappear. Then Kang Jia Wei sits down right next to her. Without looking, she loops an arm around his neck and says, Xiao Bai, let’s keep drinking until they’re drunk. He looks quite surprised yet tender at the same time. (~25:00, his face.) He remains silent, so she asks to have more beer poured. He obliges by pouring some in her glass and then some in his own glass. They clink glasses and she takes a deep sip. She finally looks over at him and realizes it's him. He tells her that he knows that she still cares about him, as Gao Zhan has told him about the bag and how she only cared about the dog. The dog he gave her. He says it’s okay that she’s lost the dog. As he’ll be her dog from now on. Aww. She just looks at him and then he places her hand in between his hands. 

He tells her that he’s moving home for good. He asks for her to give him another chance, so they can start over. She yells no, and jerks her hand out of his, which draws the attention of the other diners. She asks if he isn’t asking for too much. He blocked her four years ago and never tried to contact her again. And now he shows up and asks for them to start over. During the past four years, he hasn’t been here, when she’s been sad and feeling down. He never sent her a single text. Is he going to pretend like those four years never happened? Isn’t he being too selfish? He says that he didn’t contact her because –  but then she passes out right then and there. He puts his hand on the table to keep her head from slamming directly onto the table. (~26:00)

Kang Jia Wei drops her off at home and places her onto her own bed. He sits down next to her to take a long look at her sleeping so peacefully. He moves his hand to caress her cheek but thinks better of it and just drops his hand. He then gets up and looks at her photos – the years he's missed. He then notices their high school senior group photo and she’s stuck a cartoon sticker of him in his place. She starts saying his name in her sleep and mutters that he’s back. He just watches her sleep.

The next morning she wakes up and he's gone. He has left breakfast along with a note for her. The note says that he’s bought and installed a surveillance camera for her. He hopes she can reconsider the project as she knows him and his father best. Xu Jing Jing thinks back to she had been secretly visiting and taking care of his father. The two had talked about her dream of being a designer. He’d asked her for a favor – to design the perfect home for his son in the future. She had said only he could do this, however she could be the assistant. T_T  

Xu Jing Jing shows up at Kang Jia Wei’s home as a professional designer. She goes over the plans with him. When the meeting is over, he asks about going out to dinner. He asks if she wants to know his answer as to why he didn’t contact her for four years. She angrily says she didn’t ask him. He says that she did when she was drunk but she fell asleep when he went to answer. She says she was drunk and she doesn’t want to hear it now. 

He brings up some guy she had taken a photo with in college, and he’d assumed that she’d been dating the guy. She tells him that that guy was the president of the Taekwondo Club and besides club activities, she never met him in private. Kang Jia Wei is surprised by this. She asks if this is why he never contacted her.  He thought she had moved on so he’d been afraid to approach her. He thought she’d forgotten about what had happened in high school. She yells that she wishes she could have as well. 

He apologizes for misunderstanding her, and admits that he’s never gotten over what happened between them. Then he had to take gaokao, and when he'd thought she’d been dating someone, he had never gotten in touch with her. He continues saying that he can’t change the past but what’s important is the present. He asks what he should do now, and what they should do. He waits for her answer and they’re interrupted by her phone ringing. She looks at her home, and says she needs to go back to the office. She turns and leaves. (This reminds me of her “And then” question in Ep20.)

Via text, Teacher Chen asks her former students if they’d like to meet at the high school for a reunion. And so the former students reunite at the school. It’s apparent that Xiong Shuai (who is now the athletics teacher) is still interested in Xiao Bai, as he confirms that he did have a crush on her in high school. Xu Jing Jing notices that Kang Jia Wei is absent though. 

XJJ2 is in a movie based on Teacher Chen’s book - their high days - being shot on site at the school. Of course. They’re shooting the scene where Kang Jia Wei is leaving even though Xu Jing Jing wants to talk to him. But XXJ2 is struggling to express the right emotions for the scene. So Xu Jing Jing tells her how she felt when Kang Jia Wei left at the time. 

Kang Jia Wei finally shows up and walks from the rear to get to her. She talks about how important he was to her, and how everything still reminds her of him. From directly behind her, he says he’s sorry. He walks to her and she looks at him, and asks if he knows that she’s waited every day for him to text her. And she didn’t know how long he’d hate her for. He says he never hated her. He was only worried that she wouldn’t be bothered to talk to him. She asks if he’s stupid as why would she ever ignore him. She repeats the last part over and over emotionally before he finally hugs her. He apologizes again and says he won’t run away from his problems again. He should’ve been honest and looked into her eyes and said what was on his mind. He then leans back to look her in the eyes and says he likes her. She’s the most fun, cutest, kindest and bravest person he knows. He’s never met anyone like her before and will never find anyone like her in the future. He likes her very, very, very much. She smiles at him. Their friends and the actors cheer and chant for her to date him.  
Kang Jia Wei tells the Director that there’s something missing in this scene. The Director laughs knowingly but Xu Jing Jing doesn’t know what it is. With a smile and twinkle in his eye, Kang Jia Wei pulls her in for a kiss! Remember when she backed out of the couples contest as the final task was to kiss each other? :) (Ep12.) Are they officially each other’s first kiss now?!
Xu Jing Jing is startled at first but she soon leans into the kiss. Our couple continue kissing.

The End.


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-)] I started this as an open thread, so go to Comments if you want to see what the initial impressions were. (Again, I lifted the comments text for 3/4 of the recaps. There are many more GIFs in the comments.)

[Actors/Actresses] I totally had to watch this for Zhai Zu Li. I've suffered through two others - for him to not get the girl both times. I wanted to try my luck with a third series this year. lol Bonus was finding out that the cute Wang You Jun is also in this. His Gao Zhan is the polar opposite of his Fang Lie character in My Girlfriend Is an Alien. lol He's monotone, serious and has no smile! 

[Behind the Scenes

BTS of Zhai Zi Lu getting his prosthetics and makeup put on…  and then the fat suit.  
Wang You Jun and Xu Jing Jin's dog, because he wasn't cute enough. lol

[OSTThe full OST.

Our Time | Zhai Zi Lu - The opening song for this series. 
Lyrics that I've lifted from the series' translation for the song. (Might be partial only?)

Embracing the lingering warmth of summer
Tuning in to the breeze
That passes through the morning in my memory

Your palm print is within my fingers
Closing old books
Seeing the stars in your eyes

Our innocent and joyful faces
Love grows slowly
The alleys we walked through together never change a bit

The time with you
Illuminates my life, oh, the sweet moments

When youth is finally over
We won't regret the moments we spend together

[Ending] Sweet. Our CP exists! 

[Highlight] Ep12. Kang Jia Wei's albatross. 


[Review & Rating]
The honest truth is that I’ve only recently discovered Zhai Zi Lu this year. This is the third series I’ve watched with him, and it's being the least frustrating of the three. 

Within the first two eps, I fell in love with the leads, Xu Jing Jing (Dai Lu Wa), Kang Jia Wei (Zhai Zi Lu) and Gao Zhan (Wang You Jun, he’s not listed as a lead but he’s pretty prominent in this series) who were all lovely and hilarious in their own way. To my surprise, I also found their families to be very pleasant and heartwarming as the parents were quite supportive and encouraged their children to find their path to happiness. The families are not perfect but there is so much heartfelt love. 

On a more personal note, I also continued watching this series because of Kang Jia Wei’s relationship to food, which resulted in his weight gain. It’s fairly early on that he loses the weight but the show does a good job of addressing the lingering issues that remain. Even when one loses the physical weight, it’s the mental and emotional issues that may go unresolved that lingers and festers as an untreated wound would. Xu Jing Jing is the one friend who can see it and wants to help him face it head-on. But just like any other mental issue, this is something that the person has to want to face of their own volition. 

I was also able to relate to Xu Jing Jing’s issues - her grades and her lack of “dreams.” Kang Jia Wei helps her realize that there is no right path for everyone. You find the path that works best for you - whether it’s a mnemonic device, a clever mind map, or just knowing that you’ll be okay if you fail. Not everyone knows who and what they’re meant to be at 18… and some don’t even know at 30, 40, or 50. Speaking of dreams, let’s not forget another adult that we can respect - Teacher Chen, a new teacher who has such faith in these students. As she encourages these students to have inspiration and hope, they, in turn, want the same for her when they find out about her lifelong dream of being a writer. 

Gao Zhan is the most studious and quiet, especially when compared to the histrionics of Xu Jing Jing and Kang Jia Wei together. He may be the popular smart and athletic guy, but he doesn't have any airs about him. In fact, he’s quite straightforward. Usually when there are two guys pitted against each other in a series, I automatically prefer one over the other, but in this case, I was rooting for both, Gao Zhan and Kang Jia Wei. 

One of the supporting characters that I ended up liking is Ni Da Peng (Liu Hao Qun), who is at the bottom of the class, right next to Xu Jing Jing. He’s brash, cocky, and like a clown - always wanting to get a laugh. Eventually, we know it’s nearly all just blustering to cover up his tender heart. He’s a sweet knucklehead. Without giving away too much, I really enjoyed his friendship and eventual brotherhood with one of his fellow classmates, as his father gets married to said classmate’s mother. And it’s quite cute how he crushes on one of Xu Jing Jing’s best friends, the sharp-tongued Wang Jia Yao. 

Word of caution: There is a second Xu Jing Jing (Li Xi Meng) in the series. She’s Xu Jing Jing’s  neighbor, classmate and lifelong “rival.” She’s controlled by her overbearing mother, and for me, this mother is quite unbearable to watch and listen to. That’s all I’ll say about this family. 

Yes, there is romance in this series, and it's pretty subtle as the main cast are high schoolers. It’s fun falling in love with these characters and finding out how it all shakes out. For the ending, I wish they would've made it longer, instead of having a time jump and then resolving all the "issues" in the final ep.

Overall, I’d re-watch this high school drama series, because it’s a good mix of comedy and tender moments. I laughed with joy and cried in heartbreak as they went through the trials and tribulations of high school. 

The theme song sums up this series so well – 

The time with you
Illuminates my life, oh, the sweet moments

When youth is finally over
We won't regret the moments we spend together…
“Our Time” by Zhai Zi Lu

Random Recommendation: By Stealth Like You A cute and funny super-mini campus romance. 

Rating: 3/5♥♥

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