January 16, 2022

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo | Recap and Review

A weightlifter meets an annoying swimmer.
Notable Actors/Actresses
Lee Sung-kyung: Kim Bok-joo 
Nam Joo-hyukJung Joon-hyung
Lee Jae-yoon: Jung Jae-yi 
Kyung Soo-jin: Song Shi-ho
Episodes: 16

Recap Grade: A/B
First Impression: 4/5

FanFanX: This is my sixth review and recap, and I can't believe I waited so long to watch this gem! I cannot get over how sweet this series is with every single ep. (I didn't use the original poster for the series as y'all can't see our leads' faces, so enjoy the cute photo instead!) 

Mini Recaps

[Ep1“If you hate your food, give it to a dog. If you hate a person…” 

Kim Bok Joo is a weightlifter at Haneul Sport University. She’s currently able to lift 115 kg and wins a gold medal for completing this feat. 

Jung Joon Hyung is a swimming prodigy who also attends Haneul Sport University, but he’s unable to complete the final race as his head starts pounding, has double vision and then falls into the pool, which results in a false start - he’s disqualified immediately. 

The female weightlifters and gymnasts do not get along - but they have to coexist in the girls’ dorm.

Joon Hyung later crashes his bike into Bok Joo on campus, while she is enjoying her sausage snack with her two best friends (and fellow weightlifters), Jung Nan Hee and Lee Seon Ok. Her sausage snack gets ruined. At first, he freaks out as he thought he broke her finger, but it was only a piece of the beige-colored sausage snack on the ground. Haha. He apologizes to her, but suddenly gets very close to her face and says that she looks very familiar to him for some reason. She’s rather annoyed by this. After he leaves, she finds a lace handkerchief that he had dropped and now she thinks he’s a real pervert. 

Bok Joo’s father (Kim Dad) shows up at the weightlifting gym with fried chicken from his restaurant, Bok Chicken. He’s on his way to the hospital for dialysis and the coaches allow her to leave and accompany him for his treatment.

Bok Joo has a new roommate, a rhythmic gymnast, Song Shi Ho. Usually the two different athletic teams don’t share rooms but they’re limited on space and this was the last spot left. 

After discovering the real panty thief in the girls’ dorm wasn’t Joon Hyong, she washes his handkerchief to return it to him. (She also got her lucky t-shirt back from the thief. Athletes and their superstitions are a real thing.) He sniffs the handkerchief and becomes upset that it was washed. There’s a tug of war with the handkerchief which results in her falling into the deep end of the pool. She screams and splashes as she is hampered down by her heavy clothes (jacket, sweats, shoes, etc.). He sighs but dives in and pulls her to the shallow end. He cradles her in his arms, which brings their faces quite close and they both freeze.

Flashback: A young, chubby and cute Kim Bok Joo catches a small, skinny Joon Hyung as he falls from a window above. They end up on the ground with her breaking his fall, and they sit up and look at each other. Bok Joo spits her mouthful of food all over little Joon Hyung’s face, but he just smiles and she smiles back at him.

Presently, Bok Joo looks at Joon Hyung with a shocked expression as a slow smile spreads over his face. He is so cute!
[Ep2“If you come into my heart”

Flashback: It’s 2005, and it’s Field Day at Bok Joo’s elementary school. Joon Hyung attends the same school, and his relay team warns him that he’d better run fast. When it’s his turn, he drops the baton and runs in the wrong direction. Later on the other boys bully him as he is cleaning the classroom windows. Down below, little Bok Joo bets her friend that she can eat a whole piece of bread in one bite - and shoves the entire thing into her mouth. Joon Hyung’s classmate pushes him too hard and he tumbles out the window. He falls down screaming for his mother, and lands right into Bok Joo’s arms, but they fall to the ground in a heap. They sit up and Bok Joo spits her bread at his face but they both laugh at this.

Presently, it’s Joon Hyung’s turn to save Bok Joo from drowning in the college pool. He smirks when Bok Joo apologizes again for accusing him of being the pervert (panty thief) and for washing his handkerchief. He startles her by calling her by her full name, and then calls her by her old nickname, “Chubs.” She (less enthusiastically than him) remembers him and calls him “that skinny kid who ran in the wrong direction”. She thumps him on the arm, and he thumps her right back, and then she gets away from him. He accepts her apology with these parting words, “See you again, Chubs!”

Very soon, "Hey Chubs" is heard throughout her day: at the quad, in the cafeteria (weightlifters eat a lot to bulk up, so I'm not sure this helps with her relationship with the gymnasts as they already make fun of them for being not feminine, etc.), on the track, at the wishing fountain, and every other place on/near campus. Eventually she finally headbutts him to get him to stop calling her that name - but he continues to call her Chubs. His best friend (and roommate), Cho Tae Kwon, tells him that he's messing with a weightlifter. He just grins gleefully and says that teasing her is fun. 

Nan Hee tells her that she is jealous that she's getting attention from such eye candy, but Bok Joo says she finds him annoying. lol He is annoying but he's also so endearing at it.

Joon Hyung and his friends order delivery from Bok Chicken and Bok Joo delivers the food. He notices that she looks tired and instead of paying for the food, he tells her that he needs to try the food before paying (as a way to get her to sit down with them) but she tells him she owes him and just leaves. Oops, this was not his intention. He runs after her and follows her back to the restaurant and finds out that she’s paid for his meal with her own cash. Aww, now he really feels like a true cad. 
Later that day he goes to the restaurant with another group of friends and he notices the shrine of Bok Joo - wall of pictures and trophies. He smiles at the sight. (He has the sweetest smile here!) Afterwards, he pays for their meal and gives Kim Dad extra money with the mumbled excuse that he owed him from a few weeks ago. 

While walking on campus, Joon Hyung sees his ex-girlfriend Shi Ho (ah, it's Bok Joo’s new roommate) and he becomes stone-faced when she approaches him. They have a civil conversation until she brings up that she misses him which makes him tense. They agree to not ignore each other when they see each other, and then he walks away. She’s not pleased by this.

At home, Joon Hyung opens his top dresser drawer and takes out the lace handkerchief. He also takes out a stack of postcards - all of them are signed "From Mom". He later goes for a swim with his brother, Jung Jae Yi. His brother asks him if he misses his mother. He replies that of course he misses “our mom” as she’s great. Jae Yi says that’s not who he was about. Joon Hyung says he’s not a child who misses his mother and gets up. Interesting and peculiar.

At the Kim home, Bok Joo finds a vanity table and she asks her father if he got it off the street. He denies it (he has a penchant for picking stuff off the streets, rifling through garbage, etc.). Later, she finds a handwritten poster posted asking for the return of their vanity table (there’s a photo of the one at her father’s). She grumbles and returns home to grab it, and goes back out in the rain, carrying the vanity table to return it. While waiting at a crosswalk, a hand reaches out with an umbrella to keep her from getting drenched. She politely declines but Jae Yi continues holding the umbrella over her head all the way to the other side. He then also insists on escorting her to wherever she’s going, and says that he’ll look bad for letting a woman carry heavy furniture alone. Bok Joo is surprised as this is the first time anyone’s called her a woman, and she’s suddenly aware of his handsome face and pleasant voice. As she goes to lift the dresser, a car drives by and splashes water at them - he quickly moves to get in between Bok Joo and water. This makes her heart start pounding. He hands her the umbrella, carries the dresser the rest of the way, and she follows very closely to keep him from getting wet. He lets her keep the umbrella (which he had borrowed from his brother). 

The weightlifting team finds out that the operating budget has been cut (which Coach Yoon and Coach Choi tried to hide from them) so that means a smaller budget for food. The team decides to limit their snacks to one every three days, and to provide their own food. And they will also have discounted meals at Bok Chicken. These students are amazing. 

Bok Joo sees Jae Yi jog through the same crosswalk where they first met. She decides to follow him and discovers that he’s a doctor. She returns back to school, feeling dejected thinking that Jae Yi is out of her league. Later, she changes her mind and marches back to his office to make an appointment. Jae Yi recognizes her and seems genuinely happy to see her. 

[Ep3“Let it go”
Bok Joo decides to sign up for the weight loss program at Jae Yi's clinic but realizes that it'll cost $500 but she's short by a couple hundred. She then starts seeing visions of Jae Yi holding the umbrella, following her around and asking her about signing up for the program. Our girl has a serious crush. (Can you blame her? Look at his smile.) It gets to the point that she starts running away from him, and instead she looks like a crazy person talking to herself on campus. Hahaha.

Shi Ho goes home to her parents and overhears her parents arguing about how expensive her gymnastics has become. Her mother insists on continuing to support her, but her father is afraid of becoming broke. She leaves without going inside.

Joon Hyung gets a text message from Shi Ho which he doesn't look happy about. He finds her drinking alone. She is happy that he came and he says that he only came because she said she’d wait up all night for him. She asks if he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he replies that it's more a bronze spoon. She says that she dreams of having a happy life. He tells her she's unhappy because of the gap between what she wants and her reality, and to be less greedy. They head back to the dorms separately. 

The girls are dreading tomorrow’s mountain climbing race, and they discuss ways to get out of it. Bok Joo discovers that there’s prize money for the first person up on the mountain and is prepared to be the first person up there so she can sign up for Jae Yi’s program.

The race starts and Bok Joo pushes past the other athletic teams and even ditches her friends. Further up the mountain, Joon Hyung drags himself up the mountain wearily, until he spots Bok Joo. Suddenly he has plenty of energy and bounces over to tease her about getting this far. She does her best to ignore him but he stays right on her heels to encourage her. He gets behind her to give her a less-than-helpful push, and accidentally knocks her down. Now he’s apologizing incessantly for hurting her. Bok Joo finally makes it to the top and realizes that she was nowhere near the first person as there are a bunch of people already there. There is no prize money as it turns out to be an empty incentive to get the students to complete the race. Boo. He then suggests icing her ankle, and she finally yells at him to get lost. She also yells that they aren’t even friends, and gripes about his constant hovering around her. She limps off but he looks hurt by her words.

To cheer her up, her best friends take her out for food and beer. Nan Hee drinks so much that she starts moving around enough to hit the guy sitting behind her several times, and then she accidentally spills beer on him. The jerk gets really angry and there’s a heated exchange.

Joon Hyung and Tae Kwon stop in for a drink at the same place, and they notice the fight brewing between the girls and that jerk. Joon Hyung looks concerned but the guys head upstairs. 

Jae Yi’s parents are relieved to hear that Joon Hyung will be trying therapy to find out why he’s having issues right before the start of every race. (My guess is that it’s related to his real mother.)

The jerk gets physical by purposely pushing Bok Joo and daring her to hit him. He starts lobbing insults at her, including that she doesn’t even look like a woman, which finally makes her explode. She grabs him to shake him and their friends try to pull them off of each other. Seon Ok pushes her friends outside to get them to cool down. Bok Joo apologizes for losing her temper, and Seon Ok reminds her that even if they’re weightlifters, they could still get hurt in a fight with a group of men.

Joon Hyung continues watching from the balcony as the jerk continues to badmouth the girls with his friends. When their discussion becomes vulgar, Joon Hyung loses it and runs down to punch the jerk right in the face. Then he and Tae Kwon make a run for it and grab the girls on their way out. Joon Hyung grabs Bok Joo’s hand while they’re fleeing, and they split up from the others to lose the jerks. 

The jerks stop when they lose sight of Joon Hyung and Bok Joo, who are hiding under the counter of a nearby convenience store. They stay hidden until the guys leave and once they’re completely out of sight, Joon Hyung decides they can get up. He bonks his head on the counter on the way up and Bok Joo reaches out to rub that sore spot. Suddenly, they’re both aware of how close they are and that her fingers are in his hair, and for a moment, they’re frozen. But then Bok Joo jerks her hand back, blinking nervously, and the spell is broken. Then she whacks her head in the same manner. They are so preciously awkward.

They walk to a nearby overlook to enjoy the view of the city. Bok Joo wonders why they were running and Joon Hyung wonders why he ran away with her. She asks if he saw what happened in the restaurant, and if he got into the fight because of her. He tries to deny it by saying that he’s not that loyal, so she asks what he was running from then. He lies and says that all the women were looking at his handsome face so he had to run, and she complains that he’s never serious. (I love his playfulness, even when he’s being a pest.) She finally thanks him as her friend for making her run and getting her mind off some things. He asks her what kind of things. She replies that they aren’t close enough for a serious conversation. She ends up asking why he seems different from the way she remembers him from back then. 

Joon Hyung says that he couldn’t survive staying that shy. He then leans in close and asks softly if he’s not much more attractive now, and she threatens to smack him and says that his chin is too pointy. She turns to appreciate their view and he sneaks glances at her. (I’m not sure if he’s even aware that he’s doing this!) He finally tells her that whatever is on her mind, to not force herself to come to a conclusion. He says that time will solve everything and she replies with “whatever”. 

The next morning, Bok Joo is woken from a sound sleep to find Uncle Dae Ho polishing up a brand-new scooter. The old one that was held together with tape (and a miracle) is finally gone, so now they can easily do deliveries. Kim Dad is impressed when Uncle Dae Ho says that he bought it with money he earned working with his side gigs (acting). .  

Her father gives her a ride to school on the new scooter, and then hands her a wad of money. He tells her not to just train all the time but to spend the money on something fun, and refuses to take it back no matter how hard she tries to give it back. He also tells her that Uncle Dae Ho will be going to the hospital with him from now on, so she can be a normal college student. Aww, he noticed.

Joon Hyung receives a new pair of sneakers at the dorms and he knows immediately who they came from. He texts Shi Ho to meet with him to return the shoes to her. She asks why he can’t keep them, and he admits that he thought about it, but he didn’t feel comfortable accepting them from her. She apologizes, saying that she didn’t realize he would feel that way. She’s making it more awkward for them. 

Bok Joo stares at the money from her father but is quite conflicted about using it for Jae Yi’s weight loss program. She doesn’t want to betray her father, so she (unhappily) puts the money away. She also decides to remain committed to her training, and tells her friends that although she’s been listless lately; from now on she plans to work harder. She yells from the dorm rooftop, ”I’m Kim Bok Joo! The rising star of weightlifting, Kim Bok Joo!!” She thinks to herself that she’s liked guys before, and that this crush is just a passing thing.

She makes good on her promise, training hard and earning praise from the coaches. She’s back to her normal, happy self and hanging out with her friends again.

Shi Ho tells her coach that she can’t go to Russia to train, and the coach asks if it’s about the cost. She doesn’t say anything but her coach can tell from her expression that that was the exact reason. Apparently the coach calls her mother, who then calls to fuss at her for not even asking about going to Russia. Shi Ho loses her temper and says that they couldn’t afford it anyway. She yells at her mother to stop pretending that everything is fine, and that they're not poor. Then she throws her phone across the room. She takes the shoes that she bought for Joon Hyung and goes to the boys’ dorm. She angrily walks in and finds Joon Hyung, and shoves the shoes at him angrily. She snaps that she was wrong and she understands his position, but that he shouldn’t reject her gift: “Wear them or throw them away, but I already gave them to you.” He just sighs heavily as she walks away. She has these crazy eyes here! Run, dude, run.

Bok Joo receives a text from Jae Yi saying that now that he’s thought about it, he likes Ronaldo more than Messi. (Nan Hee had told her that bringing up Messi is a way to pique a guy’s interest, so she used that pick up line on him. Hehe.) She runs out, heading towards Jae Yi’s clinic. 
The real deal.
As she reaches the intersection where she first met Jae Yi, she blinks in surprise to see him standing right across the street. The light turns green, and as they approach one another, Jae Yi sees Bok Joo and waves. They stop in the middle of the street, and she stares at him as if unsure he’s really there. (She has been hallucinating him a lot. lol) She reaches out to poke his shoulder, and he just smiles and asks if she’s okay. She still isn’t sure that he’s real, so she touches his cheek. He looks at her curiously but doesn’t seem fazed by this.

[Ep4] “Her double life”

Bok Joo signs up for this weight loss program. During their first session, he tells her that she's already quite healthy and most of her weight is muscle. He plans to get her healthier slowly and carefully, which she agrees to. I know where this is headed…  At the end of the appointment, she mentions his umbrella and promises to bring it next time.

She walks home in a happy mood and stops at a street vendor’s table to look at hair accessories. The vendor suggests she try on a red bow barrette which looks pretty (and girly) so she buys it. She sees the vendor making beaded charms, and wonders if it would be appropriate to give Jae Yi a gift as thanks when she returns his umbrella.

On her way back to the dorm, she also makes a wish at the fountain that night, but Joon Hyung sneaks up behind her and scares the tar out of her. She nearly decks him, and he points out that most girls react by cringing, but she gets ready to fight. I, personally, would not risk life or limb trying to scare her.    

He then notices the bag that she is carrying, the gift she’s thinking of making for Jae Yi and she hides it behind her back. She won’t tell him, so he becomes more curious and annoyingly tries to grab the bag from her. Childish. She starts yelling at him for wanting to see it. He apologizes that he keeps forgetting she’s a woman. Boundaries, man, boundaries.

He follows her back to the dorms, acting quite docile every time she whirls around to glare at him. She finally tells him that a “friend” borrowed something from a guy, and is giving him a gift to thank him. She asks if that’s okay, and Joon Hyung says it’s fine as long as it’s not something the “friend” made. Bok Joo asks what’s wrong with handmade gifts, and Joon Hyung explains that they mean the girl was thinking of the guy while she was making it. If the two aren’t close, that can make the guy uncomfortable. 

Bok Joo goes home and opens the beading kit she bought, relieved that she didn’t just make a huge mistake. So she just writes a simple note to include with the umbrella.

Shi Ho comes into their room while Bok Joo gets a text confirming her next appointment, and notes that Bok Joo looks pretty happy. Shi Ho thinks Bok Joo must be dating someone, which Bok Joo denies. 

Bok Joo hears from her best friends that Shi Ho went to the boys’ dorm and is quite surprised to hear that Shi Ho used to date Joon Hyung. Her friends point out that he is cute and popular. She replies that a guy should be mature. (Heh, why can’t he be both?)

Bok Joo hurriedly eats inhales her lunch in order to make it to her appointment with Jae Yi on time. She hurries back to her room to look for something to wear that isn’t black or grey, and then runs to the clinic excitedly. Before going inside, she stops to put the red barrette in her hair. 

She returns the umbrella to Jae Yi and is thrilled when he notices her barette (he says it’s pretty). She is disappointed about her lack of weight loss, but he assures her that it’s still early. He asks about her major, but she doesn’t want to tell him she’s a weightlifter for fear he’ll think her as being unfeminine. She then notices a statue on his desk of a man holding a cello, and blurts out that she’s a cellist. (Omo, whyyyy?!) Jae Yi then guesses that’s how she got so muscular, carrying around such a heavy instrument.

He chatters excitedly about how much he loves classical music, and she is saved from having to answer any questions by her phone. It’s Kim Dad, who says he’s bringing some chicken to her dorm, so Bok Joo quickly excuses herself and runs out. She runs as fast as she can to meet him, and she nearly collides with Joon Hyung on his bike. She then begs him to give her a ride back to the dorm. He teases her about her barrette, taking delight in having her ask him for a favor, and agrees to take her.

He can barely pedal with Bok Joo flailing and whacking him in the back, and struggles with their combined weight. He makes it to the dorm where she jumps off and runs inside, and from a little distance away, Shi Ho sees them together and looks surprised. Oof, their living situation might get hairy.

Bok Joo catches her father in the dorm lobby and stops him from going to her room. She just grabs the chicken and sends him on his way. He’s confused by why he’s not allowed to go to her room. 

Joon Hyung has his first therapy session, and his therapist says his test results show that he’s under a lot of stress. He asks about the symptoms that Joon Hyung experiences on match days, and Joon Hyung says that his heart pounds, and everything around him gets muffled. Eventually he can’t hear anything, as if the world is muted. He says that it usually happens during matches, but lately it’s happened during practice as well. The therapist asks about any shocks or traumatic experiences, thinking it could be a panic disorder. Joon Hyung replies that he can’t think of anything shocking, but he seems to be holding back.

The therapist notices this and notes that Joon Hyung doesn’t like exposing his vulnerabilities. Joon Hyung says he’s not that complicated, but the therapist thinks that’s just denial, and says that patients like Joon Hyung are the hardest to treat.

Joon Hyung sits outside later, and thinks about what came to mind when the therapist asked about his first symptoms. He remembers being small and his mother drying his tears with her handkerchief and the postcards she sent from Canada. And then the blank postcards he found in a drawer in his aunt’s desk. 

Jae Yi joins him and asks how his session went. Joon Hyung says the doctor is very good, and his brother gives him some encouragement and offers to give him a ride home. Joon Hyung sees the umbrella in a pretty bag in the car, and his brother explains that he lent his umbrella to someone who just returned it. He clarifies that she’s just a patient, and swears he’s too professional to fall for a client. But Joon Hyung doesn’t believe him and asks if the girl is pretty, and Jae Yi admits that she is with a sheepish grin.

Later Tae Kwon notices the bag with the umbrella in the room, and finds the card that Bok Joo included, unsigned. Joon Hyung reads it and sighs that Jae Yi has mesmerized yet another college girl. 

Up in their room, Shi Ho asks Bok Joo how she knows Joon Hyung. Bok Joo says they went to the same elementary school, and confirms that she knows he and Shi Ho dated. 

Bok Joo grabs smaller portions than usual at lunch, but then Joon Hyung swoops in and steals her lunch tray for himself. He makes a big deal out of her normal-sized portions, and plays keep-away with her tray, holding it up above her head while she jumps and screeches. He clearly enjoys the fact that she keeps bumping into him, but his fun stops abruptly when Shi Ho approaches them.

Shi Ho clamps onto Bok Joo’s arm as if they’re close friends, and informs Joon Hyung that they’re roommates. She invites herself to eat with them, resulting in a horribly awkward lunch. Shi Ho puts on a show by putting food on Joon Hyung’s plate like a doting girlfriend would, which annoys him and he leaves the table. (He’s tired of her games.) She follows him outside, and asks why they can’t even share a meal. He replies that they can, but he doesn’t want to make the others uncomfortable. He calls her selfish and walks away but she stops him when she says, “Let’s get back together.” He looks at her as if she’s lost her mind, and she admits that it seems ridiculous since she broke up with him. She blames the pressure she was under at the time, with the national team trials coming up, and she wasn’t improving in her gymnastics.  

Flashback: Shi Ho’s coach had berated her for her bad form and balance, and had yelled at her in front of the entire gymnastics team. She had broken up with Joon Hyung that same day, saying that she wanted to focus on her training and didn’t have time for him.

Presently, Joon Hyung tells Shi Ho that she had her reasons, but he had just been disqualified from an important competition and was having a harder time than she was. He also admits that he had already felt like killing himself, but then she’d broken up with him without remorse. She admits that she was too impatient to comfort him and selfish, and apologizes. She promises that things will be different this time, but Joon Hyung says coldly that he’s not that easy, and walks away.  

Bok Joo’s best friends wonder what was going on between Shi Ho and Joon Hyung, but Bok Joo isn’t paying any attention as she’s already thinking about her next session with Jae Yi.  

Bok Joo is running late for her appointment with Jae Yi, so she rushes over as fast as she can. It’s pouring out again, but she already returned his umbrella, so she’s completely drenched when she arrives at the clinic.

Jae Yi is playing classical music in his office, and he congratulates her on her weight loss since her last visit. He leans over her to explain her test results, and she’s flustered to have him so close. He eventually notices that she’s not paying attention to what he’s saying, and Bok Ju lies that she was listening to the music. He starts talking excitedly about music, and she (barely) manages to sound as if she knows what he’s talking about. (Remember her lie about being a cellist? lol) She dries her wet face with a tissue, and Jae Yi leans in very close to pluck a piece of wet tissue off her face, which makes her flustered again. lol  

Her best friends are waiting when Bok Joo tries to sneak into her dorm room, and they demand to know where she’s been sneaking off to lately. Bok Joo says that it’s something embarrassing. Nan Hee looks at Bok Joo’s butt and she asks if she went to see a doctor for it. They think her hemorrhoid has flared up again and Bok Joo decides to let them think that. Hahaha! They reassure her that it will get better soon, and she cringes at how easily the lies are coming to her now. 

Back in her dorm room, she pulls up the song Jae Yi had been listening to in his office, and Shi Ho expresses surprise that Bok Ju likes classical music. She then abruptly mentions Joon Hyung, saying that he’s charming and caring, but Bok Joo says she hasn’t noticed those things about him. Shi Ho then tells her that she wants to get back together with him, but that she broke his heart so he’s not open to the idea. She asks for Bok Joo’s help, as she seems close to Joon Hyung. Argh. Bok Joo insists that she isn’t. But Shi Ho doesn’t look like she believes her. Ugh.

Coach Yoon calls weightlifting captain Woon Ki about Coach Choi’s idea - to increase his muscle mass and compete in a higher weight class. Woon Ki says that he’ll think about it, and then Coach Choi has another idea.

They go to see Kim Dad with the idea that Bok Joo should increase her weight class, too. It would make it easier for her to win a medal since there isn’t much competition in the higher weight class, and also allow the older girls in her current weight class a chance at medaling. Kim Dad sighs, knowing that increasing weight is hard. (Easier to lose weight than to gain muscle weight.)  

Meanwhile, Jae Yi offers Bok Joo a reward for losing more weight, and tells her to think about what she wants as her reward. She runs out to change and as she’s smiling at herself in a mirror, she hears a voice behind her, “What are you doing here, Chubs?”

She turns around to find Joon Hyung standing there glaring at her accusingly. He knows from her clothing that she’s a patient, but before he can say anything else, Jae Yi joins them. Joon Hyung calls him “hyung”, and Bok Joo eyes practically bulge out of her head as she realizes that her crush and this pest are related. 

[Ep5“I’m happy to be a woman”

Bok Joo quickly explains that she and Joon Hyung went to elementary school together. She pretends that they haven’t seen each other since then, while Joon Hyung just stares at her in disbelief. He is even more surprised when Jae Yi tells him that this is the cellist he mentioned. He then realizes what’s going on and goes along with her ruse by shaking her hand like they’re just now reconnecting. And he’s looking at her with mischievous eyes. 

Later Joon Hyung walks back to campus with Bok Joo, joking that at least she picked an instrument that suits her arms and strength (cellos are quite heavy). He then realizes that she’s upset with him and asks why, as he had lied for her. He wonders how long she’s been seeing Jae Yi, and guesses that if she were just there to lose weight she wouldn’t have lied about being a cellist. He seems to admire the lengths she’s going to go for the guy she likes, and asks if she’ll be in trouble if the other weightlifters find out that she’s trying to lose weight.

She asks him to keep her secret, and he zips his lips, agreeing that he has nothing to gain from telling anyone. Then he unzips them and says that he has no reason to keep it a secret either. Uh oh. He smirks, saying that whether or not he tells depends on how she acts, and she is forced to pretend she’s not furious with him as she’s afraid of what he’ll say. He bikes off with a wide grin on his face - she’s trapped with him in control. She makes it back to her dorm room and screams in frustration.

At lunch the next day, Joon Hyung plunks himself down next to Bok Joo with a ginormous devilish grin. (He seriously looks like the cat who ate the canary.) He forbids her to leave when she tries to escape. Then he pretends that he’s much too tired to cut his own meat and slides his tray over to her, and she’s forced to cut his meat while her friends wonder why she’s not maiming him for this request. (I’d smack him myself. lol) She jabs at the meat like it’s his face as she’s cutting it. Hahaha He then asks her to get him a glass of water, and even Tae Kwon wonders why he’s making her do any of this. But she goes, knowing the consequences if she doesn’t.

Afterwards, her friends ask her what’s going on with her and Joon Hyung and they jump to the conclusion that they like each other. She denies it and says that she’s decided that he’s not so bad after all. They don’t believe her but they drop it.

Joon Hyung spots Bok Joo on her way to another appointment with Jae Yi, and his face lights up when he sees her. He also follows her all the way to the clinic.

At her session, Bok Joo tells Jae Yi that losing weight is difficult, and he reminds her that it just takes time. He comments that she must not have changed much since she was little for Joon Hyung to recognize her so easily, and they both agree that Joon Hyung has changed a lot. She then starts complaining about how much Joon Hyung annoys her and how she wants to punch him. But then she realizes that he thinks that she’s only seen Joon Hyung that one time. Ha. He mentions how Joon Hyung is even more handsome than he is, and he’s surprised when Bok Joo doesn’t agree. She tells him that he (Jae Yi) is a million times more handsome, which makes him blush and laugh in response. 

Joon Hyung shows up and Jae Yi’s next appointment cancels, so they decide to go to dinner and invite Bok Joo along. She tries to excuse herself but Joon Hyung says that he has many things to tell his brother, as he’s looking at her. (He’s such a weasel here but it’s making me laugh.)

At the buffet, Bok Joo watches Jae Yi help a little girl load up her plate, and smiles at how sweet he is. He also brings her some healthy foods to try, and Joon Hyung teases that this is why he’s so popular with the ladies, shooting a loaded glance at Bok Joo. He then dominates the conversation, making a big deal about how strong Bok Joo is and how she’d make a great athlete, and Bok Joo says that she doesn’t like sports. But then Jae Yi remembers that she claimed to like soccer and Messi. Joon Hyun then recalls Nan Hee hitting on him with her “Do you like Messi?” pick-up line, and now he looks annoyed at Bok Joo. Jae Yi steps away to take a call, and she asks Joon Hyung how long he intends to torment her. 

When he pretends to not know what she’s asking, she almost throws her glass of water in his face for pretending not to know what she means, but Jae Yi comes back and she shoves the glass at Joon Hyung’s mouth. Bwahaha. He deserves this!
Just smile and do not get in the car. xD
Jae Yi offers them both a ride to the dorm after dinner, but Bok Joo quickly grabs onto Joon Hyung’s arm and says that she needs to talk to him privately. He desperately tries to escape her grasp and goes to climb into Jae Yi’s car, but she’s strong enough to hold him back. At some point, she even grabs his hair to keep him from getting into his brother’s car, and he even smiles through that. LOL (~18:20, This scene is great - both of their expressions and movements.) His brother drives off alone.

Joon Hyung is finally a bit scared now and he obediently follows her. She offers him a deal: He gets to punch her once, and then he’ll stop dangling her lie over her head. He refuses, admitting that he quite enjoys knowing her weakness. (He’s a little turd. Ha!) He then says that he’ll think about what he wants in return for his silence. So he’s taking her deal, still keeping her on the hook, and now he gets something else out of her of his choosing. Sly like a fox in a chicken coop. lol 

When Joon Hyung gets back to his dorm room, Tae Kwon warns him that their swimming sunbae Ki Suk is out to get him for ditching early from swim practice again. There’s an athletic competition coming up between departments, and Ki Suk plans to give Joon Hyung the most-hated event - lifting bags of rice.

He says that he just won’t show up, since it’s not like Ki Suk could possibly hate him more than he already does. He asks Tae Kwon what his assignment is, and Tae Kwon tells him that he’s the cheerleader. 

After his practice, Shi Ho asks him out for pizza. He becomes stone-faced and asks her why she’s doing this. She replies that she wants to try everything to get him back. He tells her that relationships aren’t like sports - effort doesn’t guarantee success. But she refuses to give up, saying that he is the only thing she has right now. He tells her to learn to stand on her own, and not to expect someone else to solve her problems. Give the guy some credit here. He then says that he doesn’t want to go for pizza with her, and walks away. She watches him leave and remembers how she used to wait here for him after practice, and how he would then steal kisses from her. She says that she’ll accept any punishment he dishes out if it means they get back together in the end. Ugh.

Coach Yoon gets the team fired up about the athletic day, reminding them that they have the best teamwork of all the departments. He tells the freshmen that the weightlifting team wins first place every year due to their strength, endurance, and perseverance.

That evening, Tae Kwon wants to skip training and go play games, but Joon Hyung declines. He gets a text from Shi Ho asking if he ate and saying that she’s at practice, as if their conversation hadn’t happened, so he ignores it. But the text makes him angry and he injures his shoulder while working out. 

He visits Dr. Go Ah Yeong (physical therapist, and also his brother’s friend), who teases that he must miss her because he’s in her office so often. Shi Ho texts him again but he doesn’t even read it, and he tells Dr. Go to worry about herself when she starts to give him dating advice when he ignores the text. He then tells her to take action if she wants to snag Jae Yi, as he’s really popular these days. She says they’re only friends but she gets curious and asks if Jae Yi is dating someone. Joon Hyung suggests that she should get ready to turn on her signal, or she’ll lose her chance to change lanes. Ah, she does like Jae Yi.

In their room, Shi Ho comes in and asks if Bok Joo saw Joon Hyung today. She asks her not to mention him for a while because he’s giving her a hard time but she doesn’t offer any further information. Shi Ho looks at her with suspicion, but doesn’t ask any questions.

It’s athletic meet day, and Tae Kwon makes a very pretty cheerleader. (~31:25, Not even kidding!) Shi Ho asks him where Joon Hyung is, and he tells her that he isn’t coming because he doesn’t like his event. Instead, Joon Hyung is playing games at an internet cafe.  

The first event is a game of dodgeball between the female weightlifters and rhythmic gymnasts. The gymnasts put up a good fight, but the first win of the day goes to the weightlifters.

As the rice-lifting event approaches, sunbae Ki Suk notices Joon Hyung’s absence. He orders Tae Kwon to produce Joon Hyung immediately, but Joon Hyung isn’t answering his calls.

Shi Ho finds Joon Hyung at the internet cafe and wonders if he’s been too busy to read her texts. He tells her that he isn’t busy, but still didn’t read them. Why does he have to read them anyway?

Bok Joo runs into Tae Kwon as he’s complaining about Joon Hyung not answering his phone. She overhears him telling Ki Suk that he can’t find Joon Hyung, and he tells her that Joon Hyung is avoiding his rice-lifting event. Bok Joo grabs Tae Kwon’s phone to call Joon Hyung and he actually answers this time. She says she’ll compete in the rice-lifting contest in his stead and in exchange, he has to stop teasing her about lying that she’s a cellist to Jae Yi and then she hangs up on him.

The weightlifting coaches talk about the fact that the weightlifters can’t compete in the rice-lifting event as they have an unfair advantage. However, if the judo team beats the swim team, the weightlifters will win the whole day, and continue their long-time winning streak.

The athletes line up in front of their stacks of rice bags, and Tae Kwon runs in to announce that the swim team will be competing after all. Against Ki Suk’s objections, he introduces their representative and Bok Joo walks in. Her teammates aren’t pleased to see her now. If she wins the competition for the swimmers, then the weightlifters lose and break their first-place winning streak. But Bok Joo is solely focused on putting an end to Joon Hyung’s teasing that she turns all her efforts to the competition, lifting rice bags easily while her opponents struggle.


The swim team is thrilled, but when Joon Hyung walks in and sees Bok Joo winning the rice-bag-lifting contest for the swimmers, he actually looks ashamed and regretful. Shi Ho notices Joon Hyung watching Bok Joo and notes how upset he is over Bok Joo’s help.

The coaches and weightlifting team are upset about their second-place win. The teammates gripe at Bok Joo after the coaches are gone, and Woon Ki gets them to calm down but then he punishes her by having her clean the weight room after everyone leaves.

Her best friends stay behind to keep her company and after today, they’re convinced that Bok Joo likes Joon Hyung. She swears up and down that that’s not the reason why she stood in for him, but they don’t believe her as she won’t (can’t) tell them the real reason.

Joon Hyung yells at Tae Kwon for letting Bok Joo take his place, and Tae Kwon is wondering how he could have stopped her. He’s like a twig that she could snap in half. lol Joon Hyung is upset that the weightlifting team lost because of him, and when they see Bok Joo leaving the weightlifting practice room, he grabs her and drags her off to talk.

He asks her why she did it, and Bok Joo says that she’s just tired of him dangling that lie over her head. She warns him that he has to keep his mouth shut about her secret, and he yells that he might be thoughtless but he’d never tell her teammates. She admits that she was concerned that he’ll tell Jae Yi, and that stops him cold. She switches to begging him not to tell Jae Yi that she’s a liar, and Joon Hyung asks incredulously, “Do you like him that much?” He gets upset and asks what she likes about him, but Bok Joo doesn’t know why he cares. She apologizes for falling for Jae Yi, and storms off leaving Joon Hyung confused and furious. 

Tae Kwon waits awkwardly with Nan Hee and Seon Ok for their friends to come back, and Nan Hee asks if he thinks Bok Joo likes Joon Hyung. He nervously changes the subject and formally introduces himself, and apologizes for the awkward situation Joon Hyung caused.

Seon Ok says that she thinks that he is leading Bok Joo on, and Tae Kwon agrees that his friend likes to toy with people and then he promises to keep his friend in line from now on. Bok Joo storms past and the girls follow her, and Tae Kwon grabs onto Joon Hyung like he was just saved from a life-threatening experience. He’s sooooo dramatic. Lol

The girls go to the dorm roof for a drink, where Bok Joo insists that she doesn’t like Joon Hyung. Bok Joo stares at the night sky and keeps saying “I miss him so much”. Her friends assume that she’s talking about Joon Hyung, when, in fact, she is imagining a shining Jae Yi in the sky, smiling down at her. 

In the morning, Shi Ho asks Bok Joo why she stepped in for Joon Hyung yesterday. Bok Joo replies that she just had a personal reason. Bok Joo then receives a text from Joon Hyung with a ticket to a classical music concert, and he also says that he gave another ticket to Jae Yi for the adjacent seat. Bok Joo just gawks at her phone, shocked at Joon Hyung’s gesture. 

Ki Suk is still punishing Joon Hyung and Tae Kwon by making them scrub the poolside, and they leave exhausted. Tae Kwon asks Joon Hyung if Bok Joo really likes him, but his friend says that she likes someone else.  

Bok Joo decides to go to the concert and shows up in a baggy dress with her red bow hairpin in her hair. She pretends to be shocked to see Jae Yi there, who seems to be happy to see her. She happily sneaks peeks at him during the concert.

After the concert, he offers her a ride home, which she accepts. During the drive, she ignores a call from Coach Choi. It rains as they’re driving home, and Jae Yi notes that it always seems to rain when they’re together. Bok Joo says that clouds just follow her around, but Jae Yi says it’s the opposite - the sunlight follows her. He’s just so charming.

Bok Joo nervously asks Jae Yi to speak casually with her, but he says he speaks formally because she’s his patient. She giggles and then says that he’s cute, then becomes worried that that was rude but Jae Yi just laughs and says that nobody has ever called him cute before. 

[Ep6“Long tails either get caught or stepped on”

Jae Yi offers her a piece of gum, which she accepts. However, she gets the hiccups from all the excitement, and holding her breath to get rid of them doesn’t work. He pulls over and gets her a drink which stops her hiccups. Then he removes his jacket and places it on her shoulders and she starts hiccupping all over again. She’s just too excited! lol

During his therapy session, Joon Hyung tells his therapist that he learned to swim when he was eleven years old. He says he was lonely and awkward, but the water felt like a safe place, like being in his mother’s arms. 


Flashback: When he was ten years old, Joon Hyung’s mother had remarried and was moving to Canada, without him. 

He says that his mother always sent presents and postcards at Christmastime, so he never felt abandoned. But one year he cut his hand on his gift’s packaging, and had gone looking for a bandage. He had found a pile of blank postcards, and figured out that after the first three postcards, the handwriting had changed. And it turns out that all the following cards and gifts were really from his aunt. (Ah, so his parents and brother are actually his aunt, uncle and cousin.) And that’s when Joon Hyung started having trouble in competitions.

His therapist agrees that that must have been quite a shock, and that he probably felt like he’d lost his only connection with his mother. He has faith that they can solve his problem now that they know what caused it.

Later, Joon Hyung sits at a convenience store, and he sees Jae Yi and Bok Joo drive up right in front of him. He complains loudly to himself, upset that he gave her a chance to hang out with Jae Yi and that she chose to wear such a frumpy dress. Bok Joo deep-bows to Jae Yi and then heads downstairs to the subway station. She reappears a few minutes later in her comfortable sweats (they were stored in a locker at the subway station). Then Joon Hyung follows her to the street corner. He finally reveals himself, and she isn’t even fazed by his appearance. 

Joon Hyung teasingly says that he sure hopes she didn’t wear a dress to the concert, because Jae Yi doesn’t like women who look too feminine. She just stares at him, so he admits that he’s joking. When she gets mad at him, he reminds her that he made that “date” happen, and she thanks him for the tickets. He asks her if she had a good time, and a giant smile breaks out over her face.

He suddenly yells and grabs her to turn her around as a car nears their corner. The car drives through a large puddle which sends a wave towards them and Joon Hyung hides behind Bok Joo. He’s such an idiot. LOL It’s so funny watching his 6’2” frame duck down behind her 5’9” frame though. She screams and angrily chases him through the streets. 

He’s still trying to avoid getting beaten to a pulp by Bok Joo who is now soaking wet and livid. He deftly grabs the sweater from her bag and dries her hair with it and makes a mess of it. He  reaches out to smooth her hair back down, and as he’s fixing her bangs, he seems to really notice her face. He then awkwardly tosses the sweater over her head and turns away. 

They sit, and Joon Hyung asks if Jae Yi noticed that Bok Joo likes him. She says he didn’t, adding that she doesn’t want him to find out about her weightlifting. She then shows him her calluses, but he says it’s not a big deal and that he’d be happy to be with her since she can take care of herself. Though she jokes that he’s good with words, the look on his face is dead serious. Just look at the way he looks at her here. 

He points to the fountain behind them and says that a wish-granting toad lives there. She tells him to work on his creativity, but he swears that if you pray hard enough, the toad will grant your wish. He suggests that Bok Joo pray to the toad to make her and Jae Yi end up as a couple.

Bok Joo suddenly sneezes, and Joon Hyung scoots away from her, saying that he can’t afford to catch a cold. He tries to leave, but she grabs his arm and yanks him back to her with a devilish grin. Uh ohs. She takes his face in her hands and Joon Hyung looks startled but then closes his eyes in anticipation of a kiss but Bok Joo sneezes right in his face. Gross but LOL!!! There’s a pattern here - that she sprays something on his face - bread, germs, and maybe affection? Haha.

She gleefully tells him that her germs are strong like her, and how he’ll get the worst cold ever, and the worst threat Joon Hyung can retaliate with is that he’ll kiss her and give the cold right back. I can’t believe he just said that! 

Kim Dad is worried about her coaches’ suggestion that she move up a weight class, and they’re worried that he won’t consent to this change. He surprises them by showing up at the school to discuss it. After her father leaves, the coaches talk to her and let her know that he gave his permission. They offer to help her increase her weight as safely as possible, explaining that they think her current weight class is too competitive, while the one just above it has no real contenders. They only want her to increase her weight by 3-4 kilos, but Bok Joo is worried about disappointing Jae Yi. (Oof, I knew this was going to be an issue.) The coaches let her make the final call, but they make it clear that this is their expectation of her.

She calls her father to yell at him for giving permission without talking to her first. She then whines that gaining weight is hard, and he tells her that being a weightlifter means always challenging herself. After he hangs up, her best friends offer their support as well, but Bok Joo moans that that’s not why she’s upset. But she can’t tell them why either. 

Joon Hyung tells his coach that he’s ready to enter another swim meet, just to practice. Even though it’s a beginner's race, his coach likes the idea and agrees. Joon Hyung now has a very persistent cough.

He sees Bok Joo and runs over to tell her to take responsibility for his cold. He notices that she seems down, and she tells him that she has to move up a weight class. He knows why she’s so glum about this but he doesn’t think it’s really a problem since she’s not actually seeing Jae Yi to lose weight.


He is actually genuinely supportive but an upset Bok Joo doesn’t see it that way and instead she gets angry with him. She tells him that it’s easy for him to say because it’s not his problem, and says that he has no idea how life really works as he’s from a good family, a great swimmer, good-looking and has girls all over him. She also says that she thinks she was an idiot to expect advice from him. He looks hurt by her mean words. She leaves in a huff. 

Bok Joo hesitantly tells Coach Choi that she’ll give it a try, and the coaches are over the moon. 

Yo-yoing Weight: Coach Choi takes charge of her diet, and increases her food intake. So at her next appointment with Jae Yi, she’s gained weight, so he bumps up her in-office treatments. And then her weigh-in with Coach Choi is off by half a pound, and Bok Joo pretends not to know why her weight is all over the place. 

Joon Hyung’s cold lingers, and his friends worry about his swimming in the upcoming meet while he’s still sick. Shi Ho shows up and sits down next to him at the lunch table so everyone scatters to give them privacy. She asks him if he will be okay competing with a cold, but he replies that she’s acting like a stalker. (She really is.) She responds that she is desperate, as he’s all that she has to hang onto. He tells her that that’s all in her head. Shi Ho then promises to leave him alone.

As she’s leaving the cafeteria, Joon Hyung’s swimming sunbae Ki Suk comments to her that it looks like Joon Hyung rejected her yet again. He says that it’s demeaning to her, and asks if that’s why she keeps rejecting him. He promises to treat her better than Joon Hyung, but she just tells him to get lost. Is this the main reason why he’s such a jerk to Joon Hyung?

Kim Dad and Uncle Dae Ho try to bring a huge barrel of chicken soup to her at the dorm, and ignore her protests. Bok Joo complains that she can’t eat all of this food, but her father is desperate to help her gain weight before the next competition in a few weeks. Coach Choi shows up and solves the issue by easily picking up the soup from Uncle Dae Ho’s struggling arms, and carries it into the building, along with several boxes of pizzas that she brought. Uncle Dae Ho appears to be impressed by Coach Choi. Bok Joo is not happy with any of this. (As this is seriously derailing her weight loss plan.) 

Nan Hee and Seok Ok help Bok Joo eat the massive piles of food, who consider themselves luckier than the gymnasts who have to constantly limit and decrease their food intake. While Seon Ok is off getting drinks, Nan Hee accidentally sees a text reminding Bok Joo of her next appointment at Jae Yi’s clinic. Bok Joo takes Nan Hee with her to the weight clinic to show her Jae Yi, from a distance - the real reason for her recent disappearing act. Nan Hee is very supportive and the two girls squeal over Bok Joo’s crush. 

The day before Joon Hyung’s swim meet, he’s still pretty sick, and Tae Kwon fusses over him. Tae Kwon receives a text from Shi Ho asking him to come outside, not to tell Joon Hyung. She hands him a thermos of ginger tea she made for Joon Hyung. He gives it to Joon Hyung but doesn’t tell him where it came from. 

In the dorm bathroom, Nan Hee listens to Bok Joo go on and on about Jae Yi’s perfections and they’re both swooning over him. Seok Ok finds them and is annoyed that they left earlier without her. She then wonders if they were talking about her.  

In the morning, Seon Ok offers Bok Joo some of her breakfast to help her gain weight. Nan Hee pretends to choke and when Seon Ok goes to get her some water, she stuffs the extra food in her own mouth. Bok Joo looks grateful for her help. Later, Nan Hee helps Bok Joo get ready for her appointment that afternoon by putting her hair in cute pigtails and finding her a pink sweatshirt to wear.

Kim Dad calls to tell her that he contacted an old friend and has bought thirty special abalone just for her. He tells her to come by the restaurant later to eat them, and not to bring her friends this time as it’s all for her. Awesome dad!

Joon Hyung bikes past Bok Joo on his way to his swim meet. He asks her to send him some positive energy, but she’s still annoyed with him, and tells him that she hopes he screws up. Oh, that’s so mean. :(

At her appointment, Jae Yi is confused as to why Bok Joo has put on weight again. She apologizes for disappointing him, but he says that the diet plan is hard, and warns her that it’s difficult to lose weight because people socialize around food so much. Dude, you don’t even know the half of it…lol

Jae Yi then brings up Joon Hyung’s competition, appearing as anxious as Joon Hyung is about it. Bok Joo says she’s sure that he’ll be fine, but Jae Yi says that Joon Hyung is actually pretty tender-hearted, and that this competition is very important to him. He tells her about how Joon Hyung has been making starting mistakes for a couple of years, and that if it weren’t for that, he’d be good enough for the national team.

Bok Joo heads home, now feeling bad about the way she spoke to Joon Hyung earlier. She stops at the wishing fountain and tosses a coin in, wishing that Joon Hyung would do well at his competition today. Awww.

Shi Ho shows up secretly to watch Joon Hyung swim. Before the race, he sits in the dressing room thinking about his therapist’s advice. He’d told Joon Hyung to try not to focus on his symptoms, but to think of something else when he gets nervous. Joon Hyung focuses on his breathing and counts down from ten to one, trying his hardest not to think about his mother.

The moment Joon Hyung steps onto the starting block, his ears start ringing and his vision blurs. He tries to ignore his symptoms to focus on the water, but he’s so busy counting that he misses the starting whistle. He manages to make a good dive and swims the race, but ends up in fourth place due to his late start. Shi Ho waits outside the venue with more ginger tea and she misses Joon Hyung as he leaves in a different direction. 

Bok Joo sees the race results online, and starts and deletes several texts to Joon Hyung. Instead she takes out a piece of paper, deciding to cheer him up in a different way. She texts him as he’s taking cold medicine given to him by his parents (they own a pharmacy), and he replies that he’s heading back to school soon.

Bok Joo waits for him near the wishing fountain, and gives him the little origami toad she made for him. Joon Hyung seems touched by her gift, even though he complains that the toad is wrinkled and lopsided. She apologizes for being mean to him earlier, and he tells her that he’ll be doing a lot better very soon. 

As Shi Ho walks back to school, she sees them bickering on the other side of the street. She pulls out her phone to call Joon Hyung and watches as he ignores her call, and then she angrily tosses the thermos of ginger tea into the garbage. Girl, you’re wasting your time. 

To cheer him up, Bok Joo takes Joon Hyung to Bok Chicken to share those fancy abalone with him. Kim Dad and Uncle Dae Ho glare at Joon Hyung suspiciously, but Kim Dad recognizes him from the time he came before when he paid off his (nonexistent) tab. Uncle Dae Ho is more interested in why Bok Joo is bringing a boy home for the first time, but she only says that they’re just friends.

Kim Dad reluctantly serves the abalone to Bok Joo and Joon Hyung, and hovers nearby as he doesn’t really want anyone other than Bok Joo to eat the abalone. He sets the plate down in the middle of the table but then pushes it closer to Bok Joo. lol Joon Hyung tries to decline the food, as it’s apparent that Kim Dad doesn’t want him to have any. Bok Joo has to send her father to the kitchen before Joon Hyung will even touch the food.

He finally starts eating enthusiastically, until he spots Kim Dad and Uncle Dae Ho staring at him through the kitchen window. Haha. Kim Dad tells Uncle Dae Ho that he does not think he’s good enough for his daughter while Uncle Dae Ho thinks he’s actually way out of Bok Joo’s league and she’s the one that likes Joon Hyung more. Wrong on all fronts. lol 
Later Bok Joo takes Joon Hyung to an overlook with a gorgeous view, and asks him if her neighborhood isn’t very pretty. He agrees it’s pretty, though he’s not looking at the view when he says the words - he’s really looking at Bok Joo. Methinks that this guy likes her… more and more.


Bok Joo asks what causes his start trauma, but he avoids answering the question. He tells her that Jae Yi was the one who took him to a pool when he was a kid and got him hooked on swimming, and she asks if that was when his personality changed. He thinks it was, though he admits that swimming is much more stressful for him these days. She agrees that their sports would be more fun if they could just enjoy them and not worry about scores. They both holler into the night that they hate having to be ranked, but she also acknowledges that it’s part of being an athlete.

Bok Joo tells Joon Hyung that she can tell by looking at him that he’ll be successful, because there’s something strong in his eyes. He leans in and teases her, “Are you falling into my eyes?” Bok Joo teases back that she is, and Joon Hyung holds her gaze just a bit longer. He watches her as she enjoys the view of the city, with a spark in his eyes. *melt, melt, melt*

Back at the dorm, Shi Ho overhears Nan Hee and Seon Ok talking about Bok Joo needing to gain weight. She goes back to their room and starts rifling through Bok Joo’s things, and finds her weight loss diary. Who is she to rifle through someone else’s stuff??

Joon Hyung feels much better by the time he and Bok Joo walk back to the dorms. He asks her how long she intends to keep lying about losing weight, and looks regretful that he asked at all. She says that she should end it soon. He suddenly yells that there’s a toad in the fountain. Bok Joo thinks he’s teasing her again, but he swears there really is a big toad there. She walks away, and he’s looking at the very real toad sitting in the wishing fountain. 

Tae Kwon checks in with Joon Hyung when he gets back to their room, but this time when Joon Hyung says he’s okay, he really means it. The way he sees it, he wasn’t disqualified today, which is a definite improvement. He takes out his origami toad and says how cute it is and is very obviously referring to Bok Joo. 

He jogs by the weightlifting gym the next morning, and spots Shi Ho heading inside looking angry. He finds it odd that she’s there but goes on his way.

Soon after, Bok Joo is called home by her father. She enters the restaurant to find both of her coaches sitting there with her father, all three of them looking upset. Kim Dad throws down her weight loss diary onto the table and demands answers. Oh noes. 

[Ep7“Happy Birthday”

Kim Dad is very angry. He grabs a mop handle and chases Bok Joo around the place to beat her with it. Coach Yoon and Uncle Dae Ho hold him back while Coach Choi tries to block Bok Joo, who only apologizes pitifully. Kim Dad remains angry but Coach Choi tells her to run away. She runs.


Later, the coaches make Bok Joo do squats until she’s exhausted, and continue asking her why she was going to a weight loss clinic. She refuses to answer. Coach Yoon reminds her that she’s a weightlifter and right now she’s a disappointment.

Joon Hyun’s mother invites him to dinner tonight for Jae Yi’s birthday, and he accepts. He then texts Bok Joo to let her know that it’s her crush’s birthday.  


She finishes her punishment squats and Coach Choi comes to talk to her. She continues to ask her about the weight loss clinic, but Bok Joo stays mum about her reasons. Coach Choi then says that she’s going to stick right by her from now on, because her training has to continue. She forbids her from leaving campus without permission and warns her that she’s prepared to use force if she disobeys. A miserable-looking Bok Joo only nods her understanding as she can only accept her coach’s authority.

Her friends take her to her dorm and massage her sore muscles, lovingly griping at her for misbehaving. Shi Ho comes home and listens in as Seon Ok tries to get Bok Joo to tell them why she went to a weight loss clinic, but Bok Joo stays silent on the matter. 

Shi Ho goes for a walk, and appears upset at how her turning in that weight loss diary has negatively affected Bok Joo. Really? What did she think would happen - they’d throw her a ticker tape parade? Petty.

Shi Ho wanders down the middle of the street, distracted by her thoughts and ends up creating a traffic jam. Dr. Go finds her and takes her for coffee, and asks her why she is so upset. Shi Ho replies that she hates herself because she did something terrible to someone out of jealousy. Dr. Go agrees that jealousy is awful, and admits that she was once very jealous over a man. She asks Shi Ho if this is that love triangle she mentioned before, but Shi Ho replies it’s not really a triangle, and Dr. Go tells her not to be too hard on herself. 

Jae Yi is worried when Bok Joo fails to show up for her appointment, and he heads to dinner with his parents and Joon Hyung. Dr. Go calls him, and Jae Yi’s mom perks up to hear that he’s talking to a woman, and invites her to join them. When Dr. Go arrives, Jae Yi’s parents are delighted to meet her, although he seems uncomfortable with what her presence means. 

Dr. Go wonders why Joon Hyung and Jae Yi are so different. (It’s not common knowledge that they’re cousins.) Jae Yi asks Joon Hyung why Bok Joo didn’t come to her appointment today, and Joon Hyung finds it strange too - that, and she hasn’t replied to his text message. 

Jae Yi gives Dr. Go a ride home and apologizes for his mother’s eagerness to throw them together, saying that she’s nervous that he’ll never find a wife. Dr. Go tells him not to be so defensive, pouting that he hurt her feelings. She then asks him if he is afraid that she’ll set her sights on him, and makes it a point to call him “friend,” but pauses to give him his birthday gift. Jae Yi feels like a real jerk as he opens her present to find a stack of CDs.

Joon Hyung worries about Bok Joo as he walks home, knowing she would have come to her appointment if she’d known it was Jae Yi’s birthday. He goes to Bok Chicken to look for her, and Uncle Dae Ho informs him that she’s under the watchful eyes of the coaches right now. Joon Hyung cringes when he hears that Bok Joo got caught going to Jae Yi’s clinic. 

He goes back to the dorms and looks up at her window, and calls her careless for getting busted. He sends her another text, and this time the chime from her phone gets her out of bed to check her messages.

She sees Joon Hyung's earlier text about Jae Yi’s birthday, and the recent text asking if she’s okay. Her face falls, and she goes back to bed without responding. She lays there sniffling, and finally breaks into loud sobs. Everything fell apart in one day.

Joon Hyung and Tae Kwon see Bok Joo eating breakfast under the eagle eye of Coach Choi, who is monitoring her food intake. 

Coach Yoon is on edge as well, complaining about the team’s lack of dedication when they aren’t all present early and ready to train, and retreats to his office. The weightlifting sunbaes corner Bok Joo to blame her for the coaches’ recent bad moods, and warn her not to cause any more trouble for them. Aww, even her teammates are upset with her.

Joon Hyung paces outside the weightlifting gym, wanting to talk to Bok Joo but unsure why he even cares so much. He nearly calls out to her when she leaves the building, but stops himself when he sees Coach Choi right on her heels. 

Kim Dad has taken to his bed (after giving Uncle Dae Ho a black eye) and is refusing to go to his dialysis appointment, so Bok Joo heads home to visit him. At first he won’t speak to Bok Joo either, but eventually he blows up and asks why she even cares if he gets treatment. Bok Joo finally snaps, and yells that yes, she went to the weight clinic, but what her father is doing now is no different. That gets her in even worse trouble for talking back, and he threatens to give the weight-loss doctor a piece of his mind for tricking a naive student into treatment just for money. She follows her father outside and begs him not to go to the clinic, swears that he didn’t lure her there and promises to never go again. Kim Dad suddenly collapses, and Coach Choi hails a taxi to rush him to the hospital. 

Kim Dad is taken for an emergency dialysis treatment, and Uncle Dae Ho sends Bok Joo back to training. She and Coach Choi stop at a convenience store for a drink, and the coach says that she understands her father’s reaction. She tells Bok Joo to be good to him, and Bok Joo can only agree demurely. Then Coach Choi gets called to the administration office, and tells Bok Joo to go straight back to the training room. Bok Joo stops on the way as her eyes are drawn by a bright store window, where she sees a plant with a “Happy Birthday” card on display.

When Coach Choi arrives at the gym to find that Bok Joo hasn’t returned yet, she becomes angry again. 

Seon Ok is still curious why Bok Joo would suddenly develop an interest in losing weight, and Nan Hee continues to pretend she knows nothing about it. Nan Hee says that Bok Joo must have her reasons for lying, but Seon Ok wants to know what those reasons are.

Bok Joo heads to Jae Yi’s clinic, carrying the little “Happy Birthday” plant she bought. She thinks that she probably won’t be able to see him anymore. In her heart, she tells Jae Yi the truth about herself - that she’s a student at Haneul Sport University as a weightlifter. She tells him about her great strength, and that she actually likes Big Bang much more than classical music. lol Lastly, she confesses that she likes him. She tells herself that she’ll forget him soon, and leaves the plant on his car. He finds it later and smiles.

Bok Joo finally takes Joon Hyung’s call as she’s walking back to school, and he asks if she’s okay. He mentions seeing Coach Choi following her around, and she starts to explain but then she sees Seon Ok an Nan Hee waving to her frantically outside the gym. She abruptly hangs up when an angry Coach Choi joins them. Coach Choi demands that Bok Joo explain her behavior after promising she wouldn’t go off-campus without permission, and when Bok Joo remains quiet she decides that a tougher punishment is in order.

She paddles Bok Joo several times with a mop handle, intending to give her twenty lashes, but Nan Hee rushes in after only three swings and says that she’ll spill everything. Nan Hee tells Coach Choi the whole story while Seon Ok listens from around the corner looking upset that she’d been left out. 

After hearing the explanation, a much calmer Coach Choi sits Bok Joo down and tells her how she ran away from home over a guy once. She says that she understands how Bok Joo feels, but promises her that it will pass. She also tells Bok Joo that someday she’ll meet a guy who’ll love her for who she truly is — that’s the man she should date, and she won’t stop her. 

Joon Hyung is worried sick about Bok Joo, and he happens to wander past the spot where she and Coach Choi are talking. He sees Bok Joo sobbing in Coach Choi’s lap, while Coach Choi hollers that she’ll hurt the guy that made Bok Joo cry. Later, she sends Bok Joo home to sleep and spend some time with her father. She tells Bok Joo that training will start tomorrow. 

As Bok Joo walks, she sees a sausage roll down the sidewalk nearby. Curious, she steps closer to investigate, and Joon Hyung is hiding behind a bush mimicking reeling in a fish. Why is he so cute?! I just can’t. He pops out when Bok Joo gets close enough, happy to have her close enough to talk.

He asks why she’s not returning his calls, and she just sighs. He decides not to press the issue, and throws an arm over her shoulder and takes her to eat, unconcerned about breaking curfew.

Seon Ok is hurt and upset that Nan Hee didn’t tell her Bok Joo’s secret. She refuses to listen to Nan Hee’s explanations or apologies, and hides in her bed. (They’re roommates.)

Joon Hyung takes Bok Joo for grilled meat. She remains depressed and sad but she eats when he urges her to. He mentions that it’s not like she needs to diet anymore, then looks upset with himself for reminding her that she won’t be seeing Jae Yi anymore. 

Bok Joo starts to cry softly, though she perks up a bit when she hears that Jae Yi was worried when she didn’t make her appointment. She starts eating again, and Joon Hyung fusses over her, stopping her from eating raw meat and cleaning her elbow when she sticks it in the food. Gahhh, could I just keep him in my pocket?!

After dinner he takes Bok Joo to a club to work through her feelings. He lets her open his drink, impressed by her strength, then pulls her to the dance floor. It only takes a bit of urging for Bok Joo to let loose and dance her troubles away. It’s like watching a wind-up toy lose control. lol  

Dae Ho finds Kim Dad drinking and tries to stop him. He starts to down the whole bottle himself but fails, and Kim Dad smiles a little at his attempt to save face. Uncle Dae Ho knows that Kim Dad is feeling guilty for scolding Bok Joo, and he says it’s only natural for her to want to look feminine and go on dates. 

Kim Dad sighs and says that she’s a weightlifter, not a woman, but Uncle Dae Ho argues that she’s both. Uncle Dae Ho admits feeling bad for Bok Joo who is always wearing baggy clothes and has calluses on her hands. He goes to sleep, and Kim Dad says to himself that he does feel bad for her, too. Aww, they both really care. 

Joon Hyung and Bok Joo walk home in the early morning hours with Bok Joo still dancing a bit. She loses the rock-paper-scissors game and has to pay for their next clubbing outing, and Joon Hyung asks again how she got caught going to Jae Yi’s clinic. She tells him that the coaches found her weight loss diary in the gym, even though she recalls putting it in her bag. But she says she doesn’t have any regrets, because she learned a lot from Jae Yi about being a woman, and how a man can make her heart flutter as much as weightlifting. 


Joon Hyung looks at her sadly for a moment, then perks up and bounces around her in a circle. Bok Joo had permission to be out of the dorm all night, but she asks if Joon Hyung will be in trouble, and he asks if she’s worried about him. He musses up her hair when she says she’s worried, then does it again when she objects to his touch. He gets serious and tells her that she can call him whenever she needs a mood lift. He drops her off at the dorm doors, and she thanks him, saying that she had a good time, “thanks to you.” He returns the sentiment, saying that he had fun thanks to her.

Once she’s gone, it suddenly hits Joon Hyung why her story about the coach finding her weight loss diary doesn’t seem right. He remembers seeing Shi Ho going into the weightlifting gym a few mornings ago, and wonders if she had anything to do with it. 

On the way to her room, Bok Joo wonders why Joon Hyung is being so nice to her, and concedes that Joon Hyung does resemble his hyung a little. Hehe. She sneaks into her room only to find Shi Ho already up, and Shi Ho asks how she’s doing, saying that Bok Joo looked unwell yesterday. Bok Joo wishes her luck at her competition today and lies down for a nap, and Shi Ho accidentally breaks a mirror picking up something from her desk. 

Bok Joo nearly sleeps through the team’s morning run, and she hurries out to find Seon Ok giving both her and Nan Hee the silent treatment. Bok Joo nervously takes a call from Kim Dad, who summons her to the restaurant later. Kim Dad gives her a little gift - a tube of lipstick - and tells her to only use it when she’s going out. She puts it on right away and shows him her lips. 

The rhythmic gymnastics competition begins, and despite Shi Ho’s rival being the coach’s pet, she drops her clubs several times during her routine. Shi Ho looks nervous, but she performs the same routine she flubbed during the national team tryouts, but this time she completely nails it.

Over in the swimming building, Joon Hyung struggles in practice. He’s slow and uncoordinated, and his coach rakes him over the coals. He blames it on his lack of sleep when Tae Kwon asks what’s wrong, and refuses to answer any of his questions.

Shi Ho is on cloud nine about her competition, and she’s even happier when Joon Hyung calls and asks to talk. He offers a halfhearted congratulations on her competition, and she tells him about breaking her mirror and says that it didn’t portend a bad day like she thought.

Joon Hyung looks at her seriously, and coolly comes right out and asks her “Was it you?” He tells her that he saw her at the weightlifting gym a few days ago, and she asks why he’s asking if he already knows. She admits she left Bok Joo’s diary at the gym, and Joon Hyung very calmly asks why.

Then he blows up, demanding to know why she did that to Bok Joo when it wouldn’t benefit her at all. Shi Ho only asks why he’s so upset, since it’s none of his business either. She then confesses that she hates seeing them laugh together, and demands to know who Bok Joo is losing weight for. He is shocked by her anger and says that he and Bok Joo are not in the kind of relationship she seems to think they are. She then asks how he feels about Bok Joo, and he starts to say they went to the same elementary school. She says that she even hates that fact, and she worries that she’s going crazy over this, and that she can’t help hating that he smiles at someone other than her, and she warns Joon Hyung not to provoke her, “or I might go even crazier.” What gives her any right to do/say this to him? 

Bok Joo is in her room, wondering if she should call the clinic and tell them she won’t be coming to her appointments anymore. She calls Joon Hyung to ask for advice, which is when Shi Ho bursts in and overhears their conversation. She angrily snatches the phone out of Bok Joo’s  hand, and demands to know why Bok Joo keeps calling and seeing Joon Hyung. She goes on to say that she heard Bok Joo liked someone else, and asks why she’s making passes at Joon Hyung. She then drops the bomb - she had left the weight loss diary at the gym for her coaches to find, and Bok Joo can only stare at her in utter disbelief. 

[Ep8“The wind is blowing”

Shi Ho continues that ever since she told Bok Joo that she wants to get Joon Hyung back, every time she wants to see him, Bok Joo is there. She says that she heard Bok Joo likes someone else, and accuses her of dating around. She is so narcissistic to think that everyone’s lives revolve around hers.

Bok Joo yells that she has no plans whatsoever of dating Joon Hyung. She tells Shi Ho that she misunderstood the situation, and demands an apology. But Shi Ho refuses to give one, saying that Joon Hyung hurt her feelings because of Bok Joo. Bok Joo counters that that was Shi Ho’s doing, not hers, and says that now she knows why Joon Hyung doesn’t want Shi Ho back. Burn!

Bok Joo gets up to leave with her pillow and calls her out for being two-faced. Shi Ho grabs her back and yells that Bok Joo knows nothing about their relationship. Bok Joo agrees, adding that she’s not interested either, and tries to leave again. Shi Ho won’t let go, so Bok Joo throws an elbow to knock her down. Shi Ho jumps up and grabs her again as she’s furious that Bok Joo is trivializing her relationship with Joon Hyung. Bok Joo elbows her again and this time Shi Ho stays down, and Bok Joo heads off to her friends’ room. 

Bok Joo bursts into her friends’ room and soon notices Seon Ok’s cold shoulder. She tells Seon Ok to blame everything on her, and Seon Ok just throws her head down on her bed. Bok Joo tells Nan Hee about her fight with Shi Ho, and Nan Hee loyally offers to go kick her butt. Bok Joo is annoyed with Joon Hyung when he finally calls her, but she agrees to meet him on the roof.

He waits for her on the top bunk, rehearsing his apology over and over. He’s startled when she shows up. He hangs his head when Bok Joo asks him to just leave her alone so they can stop causing misunderstandings.

He can tell by Bok Joo’s sigh that Shi Ho must have told her everything, so he apologizes. (Although, I can’t say that it’s his fault - this is Shi Ho’s baggage.) A still angry Bok Joo starts to yell that he should be sorry, until she notices the look on his face and notices how sincerely awful he feels. She loses her fierceness and just grumbles that she doesn’t know what Shi Ho sees in him.
The house mother comes to check the roof, and Joon Hyung suddenly grabs Bok Joo and throws them both down on the mattress to hide. She then complains that people might see them and misunderstand. (~6:26, I don’t think he’d mind...) When she starts to get up, he pulls her even closer, and points out the stars, and claims to be cold as an excuse to squeeze her even closer. She allows this and comments on his high nose-bridge, unlike her low nose-bridge (I know the feeling, girl, I really do) and he says that she’s not bad looking - she’s pretty. (I’ve replayed this scene several times just to listen to their conversation here. ^___^)

Shi Ho’s younger sister shows up and tells her that their parents are getting divorced. She goes to see her mother and they get into an argument about her life not being hers. She wants to quit gymnastics and get a job but her mother won’t allow it. She ends up getting slapped by her mother. (I feel sorry for her but it doesn’t excuse everything she’s done until this moment.)

Joon Hyun’s therapist asks if he’s thought about looking for his birth mother, and he says that  doesn't want to look for his birth mother because he knows that she has a reason for severing ties, and he didn't want to hurt his aunt who has sincerely raised him. 

Bok Joo, Seon Ok and Nan Hee finally have a blowout argument which results in apologies and tears as the girls finally make up. They’re a hugging, sobbing mess by the end of this. They go out to dinner followed by karaoke. Coincidentally, Shi Ho is crying in a nearby karaoke room by herself.

Uncle Dae Ho seems to have a crush on Coach Choi. However, they end up black out drunk together. Haha. This results in a very awkward morning-after-hangover at Kim house, and she can’t wait to get out of there.

Bok Joo calls Jae Yi to let him know that she can no longer go to the clinic because she’s leaving for Germany. Joon Hyung comforts her after this call. She tells him that she feels bad for lying to his brother this entire time and wishes she could’ve told him one true thing at least once. 

JJH: Just think of it as your first love and to let it go. Isn't their last love more important to women than their first love? Ohh.
KBJ: I'll never find love again. I might do weightlifting until I die. 
JJH: That's just self-pity.
KBJ: No, that's just the reality. Sighs. I should come to my senses and focus on weightlifting. He looks pained for her at this.

He asks if she wants to go clubbing after her training. No, she doesn't have the strength. Then he asks if she wants to go to the movies - and that he’d buy the popcorn and drinks. She excitedly agrees to this.

Jung Joon Hyung receives a gift from “his mother” - a new pair of sneakers - in his exact size. His parents almost let it slip that they got them for him. He ends up late for the movies with Bok Joo because he has to visit Shi Ho at the hospital (she had fainted from exhaustion/stress). To make it up to Bok Joo (for missing the movie), he bribes her with food by offering to pay for it. He belatedly realizes how much this is going to cost him. lol C’mon, he’s seen her eat before! 

During training Bok Joo hurts her back and has to go to the school infirmary for a massage by Dr. Go. Joon Hyung finds out that Jae Yi is planning to bring food to Dr. Go (from his mother and as suggested by his mother). Joon Hyung and Tae Kwon try to get her out of there before his brother sees her, and they barely manage to conceal her in time. lol The scene with Tae Kwon hiding with her is hilarious. However, later, as he’s driving back to his office, he ends up seeing her walking back to campus in her weightlifting sweatshirt.

[Ep9Joon Hyung arrives too late. He tries to cover for her but Bok Joo finally comes clean. She tells Jae Yi: She’s a weightlifting student and she lied about being a cellist and studying abroad. She then apologizes and walks away with tears in her eyes.

Joon Hyung explains everything to his brother, except the fact that she likes him. He instead says that she was at the weight clinic because she recently started to like someone. His brother asks who is the guy that she likes. Joon Hyung doesn't answer and instead says that he's hungry. Aww. 

Tae Kwon drags Joon Hyung on a 3-on-3 date with English literature beauties with him and a swimming hoobae. Joon Hyung stays quiet and all three girls become only interested in him, paying no attention whatsoever to the two other guys. He then gets a call from Bok Joo and leaves to meet her. He leaves the two guys to deal with the girls. He had zero interest in being there anyway. lol

They go to an arcade and play until she breaks one of the buttons on a machine. lol Oops. They run away, and they end up drinking. Well, it’s mostly him watching her down shot-after-shot of soju (3 bottles). She ends up quite drunk and he has to carry her on his back but she’s fairly tall and outweighs him, so he’s practically dragging her behind him. Like a human cape? LOL Eventually they end up on a park bench, but she’s barely able to sit up and ends up resting slamming her head onto his lap. 

He looks down at her face, touches her bangs, leans forwards and looks like he's about to kiss her but he suddenly opens his eyes and realizes that he was nodding off. (Show, you’re a tease!) He starts yelling that it’s cold and tries to wake her up. He ends up putting her in a shopping cart to take her home - to her angry father. 
While her father and uncle are trying to put her to sleep, she keeps yelling and muttering for Joon Hyung to take responsibility (for the entire mess with his brother, Shi Ho, etc.) but they think he did something worse, so now they want to hurt him. lol They back him into a corner and he says that he hasn't done anything to her, they're strictly friends and went to the same elementary school. Her uncle says that a friend can become a boyfriend, and a boyfriend can become a baby daddy. LOL Joon Hyung repeats that they're friends and says that it will never, never happen over and over. Now her father gets ticked off about him saying never so vehemently and asks what's wrong with his daughter then. Hehehe, oops. Poor Joon Hyung starts crying out of fear. Uncle Dae Ho gets Kim Dad to calm down and they finally let him go home - no broken limbs or anything. lol Her uncle walks him out and tells him that he is in favor of them dating. Aww. 

Bok Joo ends up on an awkward lunch with Jae Yi, Dr. Go and Joon Hyung. Jae Yi is extra attentive to Dr. Go (who he insists he is only friends with), which makes Bok Joo even more uncomfortable and Joon Hyung becomes upset that his brother is so clueless. 

In an effort to cheer her up, he borrows his brother’s car and drives them to the beach. On their drive, she tells him that as a weightlifter, she needs to give up being a woman. She explains that when they’re lifting weights, their veins pop out, their faces grow red, they get double or triple chins, and their bellies stick out. He scoffs at this and calls it nonsense and says that she just needs to meet a guy who also loves that about her. She says that that’s easier said than done. He replies that they exist - take him for example - but she cuts him off to tell him to look at the seagulls. Omo!

They play on the beach, including trying to shove each other into the waves (these two are killing me), and eventually they’re exhausted and sit down to talk. She complains that he knows everything about her and all she knows is about his trauma. So he decides to tell her a couple secrets.

Secret No. 1: In elementary school, he was the one who used to secretly leave chocolates and candies on her desk. She never knew that it had been him. He had wanted to thank her for saving his life. (When he had fallen out the window and she had caught him.) Back then, he had also thought that she was very cool. He had been timid but she was always brave, strong and got along with other kids. 

Secret No. 2: He admits that his parents and brother are not his real parents or brother - they're his aunt, uncle and cousin. When his real mother remarried and left him - that's why he had to transfer schools and he never got to say goodbye to her. She looks sad when he tells her this, and he says that he had a good childhood and has a good life, hence why his personality is different now. 

Bok Joo decides to let go of her crush and puts all of her energy into training. She reaches her goal weight for her weigh-in. However, she spills something on her lucky shirt before the tournament but Joon Hyung gives her words of encouragement to do well. After a conversation with Dr. Go, Jae Yi decides to show up at Bok Joo’s tournament to support her (he even brought a bouquet of flowers) and she is flabbergasted to see him. Her nightmare has come true - the guy she likes is going to see her where she didn’t want to ever. He encourages her to continue and she does well but she still feels embarrassed by her appearance (her flushed face, veins popping out, stomach flopping over the belt, etc.) Joon Hyung shows up late and sees his brother in the audience. She walks off stage looking like she’s about to break down.

[Ep10“A comma or a period”

Joon Hyung finds her alone and crying, so he leaves her alone. He tears up listening to her gut-wrenching sobs. But when he sees his brother looking for her, he makes him go outside with him. He angrily tells his brother that the person she likes is him and then asks him to leave as he's already hurt her feelings. 

The team celebrates at Bok Chicken but Bok Joo is nowhere to be seen. Instead she is hiding in her room and thinking about her humiliation at being seen by Jae Yi at her competition. Joon Hyung stops by the restaurant to check on her and notices that her absence.

The next day, she walks around listlessly around campus and almost gets hit by a car on the road as she’s lost in her thoughts/misery. Joon Hyung pulls her back to safety. He also buys her snacks to cheer her up. She’s not her usual snarky self, instead she’s very subdued - a shell of who she is. He does impressions of her to try to lift her spirits. He’s being sweet. She’s barely smiling or reacting to anything. Nothing works, and eventually she says that she wants to sleep and leaves for the dorm. 

Later, Jae Yi calls her to ask if they can meet.
These heart art lattes represent their (non) relationship. He drinks his on the left and then she drops her spoon into hers, breaking the heart pattern. :(
She hesitates on whether to meet him or not but ultimately decides to meet him at the coffee shop. He starts off telling her that he was scolded by his brother. Then he apologizes to her, saying that he hoped that he hadn't hurt her feelings. She quietly says that it's not his fault that she fell for him. He tells her that he did everything out of goodwill and it could have been misleading. (This could be said of his friendship with Dr. Go as well. Is he really that oblivious of his effect on females?) Bok Joo says that it's her own feelings and had nothing to do with his actions towards her. She then claims that she falls in and out of love easily and that she'll soon forget about him. He seems relieved that she's taking the letdown so well. They end this awkward meeting and she walks in any direction to get away from him. 

She goes to the swimming pavilion, and calls out Joon Hyung in front of the swim team, requesting to speak to him. She is livid and demands answers as to why he told his brother about her crush on him, and that his brother also apologized to her. 

KBJ: Are you enjoying watching me making a fool of myself because of him?
JJH: Hey. Do you think I'm a joke? Do you think I covered up your lies, tried to make you feel better, and told Jae Yi because I'm bored out of my mind? 
KBJ: I don't know. I can't read your mind. 
JJH: Fine. Go ahead and think that's how I am. But what's wrong with you? Why do you walk around like a loser after winning first place? Are you that embarrassed about him seeing you at the match? You've spent all this time on weightlifting and you're ashamed? 
KBJ yelling: This is a different issue!
JJH yelling back: You are ashamed of it! She looks at him. As a fellow athlete, I thought that you were very cool, but I'm disappointed. Who will love you when you're that ashamed of yourself? He walks away and a tear falls down her cheek. Aww, he knew exactly what was bothering her, besides Jae Yi.

Joon Hyung goes to see his brother. He asks Jae Yi why he can't see that his consideration for others can hurt their feelings. He then angrily tells his brother that he wished that he would get mad at him when he breaks his stuff, borrows his car and puts a scratch on it, and that they would fight like real brothers would. He just wants to belong.

Si Ho is now dating Joon Hyung’s swimming sunbae Ki Suk. They’re at dinner and in the middle of the meal she ends up throwing up in the restroom. He’s waiting for her outside the restroom and she asks him why he's putting up with her. He replies because he likes her, and since their freshman year. Is this why he’s always such a jerk to Joon Hyung?
The brothers meet up to play a game of catch (ball and mitt). Jae Yi gets angry when Joon Hyun accidentally hits him on the arm with the ball and starts yelling at him. Jae Yi then turns his back on his brother, but he quickly turns around and asks him with a smile, “How was that?” He laughs and asks if that was enough like an older brother. Awww. Joon Hyung looks startled and then taps his brother’s arm with relief. They’ve made up. I love the brothers’ kinship so, so much. Jae Yi points out that for him to be that upset that Bok Joo must be very special to him. He stammers out a denial. 

Now Shi Ho and Ki Suk are on a date at an ice skating rink. When they’re both done teetering on the ice, he helps her with her skates and then goes to kiss her but she averts her head and apologizes to him. He tells her that he knows that he's not the one [she wants] and she can use him as much as she wants, but she needs to stop feeling guilty about it. Is this healthy? 

Coach Choi gets fired for using operating funds for personal reasons, and she won’t admit what it was for. (She had given the money to Woon Ki, to settle a dispute with a taxi cab driver). Woon Ki tells Coach Yoon that she had been trying to help him, and he didn’t know where the funds came from until just now. He wants to tell the administration but Coach Yoon points out that she will still be disciplined for using the funds at all. Uncle Dae Ho stops by to pick her up on the scooter, but she ends up driving it and he clings to her as he’s frightened by the speed. Heh. 

Bok Joo is quite upset about Coach Choi’s departure. Bok Joo also doesn’t show up for a meeting with the sponsors. Now, everyone is looking for her, especially Joon Hyung, even though they haven’t spoken since their last argument. And her phone’s been turned off.

Finally he finds her. He asks her a series of questions - where has she been, why is her phone off, everyone's been looking for her, but doesn't give her a chance to answer.

JJH: Why do you keep making me feel uneasy? Why do you keep making me worry, if you're okay?
KBJ: Joon Hyung. I feel strange. I think I'm sick. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to lift weights. Strangely, I feel so sleepy. I feel listless. 
JHH: Bok Joo…
KBJ tearfully: I think a part of me is broken. I feel like something is pressing on my heart. It feels so frustrating and makes me sad. What should I do? 

He looks at her and then holds her in his arms. She starts sobbing loudly and pitifully as he pats her back. Our girl’s fiery spirit has been pulverized. :(

[Ep11“It’s the end… It’s not the end”

Bok Joo comes home to tell her father that she doesn't like weightlifting and that she doesn't want to do it anymore. He gets angry that she suddenly doesn't want to do it anymore. She tearfully tells him that she did like it and it made her happy, but now she doesn't like it, in fact, she hates it and it makes her unhappy. With a sob, she asks her father what she should do. Uncle Dae Ho hands her tissues. 

In his dorm room, Joon Hyung is thinking about how upset Bok Joo was. Tae Kwon says that he's been so mysterious lately and asks if he's dating someone. His words make Joon Hyung think about all the time he's spent with Bok Joo, how much fun it is being with her, and how they are even physically closer now. He grabs the origami toad, and recalls his brother's earlier words about how special she must be. He suddenly realizes that he is in love with her [Bok Joo]. 

Kim Dad tells Coach Yoon that Bok Joo is serious about her decision to stop weightlifting. Coach Yoon thinks that she's just in a slump. Kim Dad returns home and tells Bok Joo to pack up her things from the dorm. She’s going to take leave from school. Her best friends are concerned and upset about her leaving. She tells them that she needs time to think about the meaning and value of weightlifting in her life. 

She leaves with her bag and calls Joon Hyung to tell him that she's going on leave. She thanks him for everything and wishes him good luck on his training and then hangs up. He runs out of his room to catch her. He doesn’t see her on campus so he bikes to Bok Chicken. He actually beats her home. Bok Joo is surprised to see him. 
They talk at a park, and are sitting next to each other on a bench. He quietly asks if she needs to take time off from training. She explains that she's lost her motivation and doesn't want to do anything. He then asks what her plans are and she replies she doesn't have a plan but maybe she can go to the mountains. He gets a panicked look on his face and says that she can't, she can't go, she should try to stay in town, not be out of his sight and not to go too far. Hehe. He tells her if she's bored to call him and he'll hang out with her. She opens her mouth to say something but he puts a finger on her lips to silence her, and says that she can call him even if she isn't bored as he’ll be on standby. Awwww. He then gives her a quick one-armed squeeze, and then leaves his arm there (!!!), telling her to cheer up. He goes on to tell her to call him when she wakes up, before she eats, before she goes to the bathroom. LOL She asks if he's a pervert and why would she call him in the bathroom. He says then don’t call him in the bathroom - but call him before and after she has lunch and the same for dinner. This guy wants all of her time. She asks why she needs to call him. He interrupts her and says to call him at 7 p.m., too. She cracks a smile at this. The scenery is gorgeous as it’s sunset. 

Joon Hyung runs into Shi Ho who asks him about why Bok Joo has left school. He asks if this is what she wanted, and she says no, she doesn't hate her that much - it's because she's her roommate. Joon Hyung replies sarcastically that she's such a good roommate, and walks away.

Kim Dad doesn’t allow her to help at the restaurant and tells her to go do the things she wants to do. He goes off alone to his dialysis, and Bok Joo decides to make a list of the things she wants to do.

  1. Study at the library.
  2. Learn to play an instrument. (Maybe the piano.) 
  3. Go to the amusement park on a weekday and ride five attractions, including the Mad Swing and Pirate Ship.
  4. Get a boyfriend:
    • Share a drink with two straws;

    • Walk with her hand in his pocket;

    • Receive a bouquet of one hundred roses.

Bok Joo goes to the library with a study guide and falls asleep within minutes. Ha! Then she talks to a piano teacher but the lessons are expensive, so she decides to look for a part-time job. She almost runs into Jae Yi but hides behind a telephone pole to watch him carry boxes up stairs. She ends up getting a job at a courier place and her weightlifting abilities come in handy for lifting heavy boxes. 

Joon Hyung is disappointed that she hasn't called nor answered his call. His brother calls him out to talk. Jae Yi tells him that he might go to dinner tonight with Dr. Go and Joon Hyung says that he sure knows how to win ladies’ hearts. Jae Yi asks him about how Bok Joo is doing. Joon Hyung gets this look on his face and tells him to not show any interest in her, and that he’d take care of her from now on. Jae Yi looks at him - almost smirking - and then points at Joon Hyung, asks if he was right that they were not just friends and that he had feelings for her. Joon Hyung gets a sheepish grin, and says that she’s not even his type. Jae Yi then teases him by saying his eyes sparkle when he’s with Bok Joo, and to take care of his cute friend. He asks when Joon Hyung plans to confess, and Joon Hyung replies that it’s not the right time as she’s in a slump and he wants to help her get over this time. Jae Yi looks happy for him. 

Joon Hyung goes to visit Bok Joo at home but finds out that she's working late at her part-time job. 

Bok Joo is enjoying her new job, and her co-worker is impressed with her strength. He offers to treat her for dinner after work. Suddenly a voice bellows, “Kim Bok Joo!” She looks over to see an angry (and jealous-looking) Joon Hyung. Uh oh.

Joon Hyung is seriously glaring at this guy. Her co-worker invites him to join them for dinner - udon noodles. Joon Hyung replies that he's allergic to udon noodles. Hehe, this lunkhead. Her co-worker mentions that they have good stir-fried cartilage and she gets excited to have it. Now Joon Hyung says that every time he eats with someone new, he gets panic attacks, becomes violent and curses at times. Hahaha. 


Bok Joo and Joon Hyung have this funny silent conversation (~30:05, just watch it, haha) and finally Bok Joo whispers apologetically to her co-worker that her friend is sick, and he says that he’ll take off now. She tells him that they’ll have udon noodles next time, oppa. Joon Hyung now turns his death glare on her, and he’s still glaring when the guy grabs him in a bear hug to tell him to stay strong. Hehe.

Joon Hyung is still grumpy as he watches her eat convenience store food. He asks her about that “arrogant guy” she works with. Bok Joo replies that this oppa is a part-time worker who treats her like his sister. Joon Hyung demands to know how he can be “oppa” already. She’s oblivious to his jealousy. lol He then says that she has to be wary of men that aren’t her father or uncle, and to keep her distance. She asks him if that includes him. Ha! Valid point. He quietly says that he’s an exception. He then asks about her job, and Bok Joo replies that it’s different from weightlifting but she likes it.

She then tells him that she’s going to use the money to take piano lessons, which she’s wanted to do since she was very young (but she had been busy with sports). He notices her happily tapping do-re-mi on the table and says that her long fingers should make her good at it.

Bok Joo tells him that she’ll play the piano at his wedding, and Joon Hyung says she’ll ruin the wedding and asks her to stand next to him. Whoa. Bok Joo asks why she’d stand next to him instead of his bride. She totally missed his point so he tells her to not stand next to him then and just tells her to eat. lol Maybe he’d feel better if he ate something, too. Heh.

Uncle Dae Ho and Coach Choi are drinking again. Heh. She's too drunk to walk, so he offers to carry her on his back. She just sits down on the ground and asks him if he likes her. He starts to deny it but looks at his face and admits that he does. She then says let’s date. He asks if she’s just saying this because she’s drunk, so she grabs him by the collar and yanks him in for a kiss. The next morning, Coach Choi seems to regret last night’s decision, but then Dae Ho shows up with hangover soup. Heh.  

Joon Hyung and Bok Joo are walking back to her home, and she tells him about seeing Jae Yi. He asks how she felt about seeing him again. She says it felt strange, but the time when she was so obsessed over him feels like it was a long time ago. She compares it to having a cold, and the way you feel when the symptoms start to fade. They arrive at her home, and she tells him that she’ll be working overtime tomorrow, late into the night. This worries him, but she says that she’ll be working with that oppa so she’ll be off earlier. She leaves to go inside but he’s riled up and starts beating up a lamppost while angrily muttering about that oppa. lol 

At work, Bok Joo's boss wants to introduce her to his nephew but her co-worker - that oppa - mentions her having a boyfriend, the guy with the angry eyes. She denies that they're dating, and says that he's just a guy friend. 

Joon Hyung can't stand the thought of her working with that oppa so he drops by to see her. He helps her move boxes but she wants him to leave so there's no misunderstanding - about him being her boyfriend. He tells her that they didn't misunderstand - as she's not just a friend to him. He moves the cart of boxes away and says that she's a special friend to him. Squee, the way he is looking at her! She looks confused. But he walks closer to her, cradles her head and kisses her. She flails like a fish gasping for air with shocked eyes. She pushes him away and asks if he's crazy. He says, yes, because if he wasn't crazy, he wouldn't do this. 

JJH: You idiot. I like you. Not as a friend, but as a girl. If I don't see you, I get curious. If you're depressed, I get upset. If you smile, it makes me happy. If you're sick, I get worried. It's driving me crazy. It means - staring intently at her - I like you, doesn't it? (~44:50, his confession.)

Tae Kwon tries to sneak back into their dorm room but the window is locked. Meanwhile, Seon Ok is on the phone with her mother in the laundry room when Tae Kwon climbs into the girls’ dorm and explains that he's been locked out. She goes to lead him out but they hear Nan Hee in the hallway and end up hiding in between the machines. They suddenly realize how close they’re sitting and have direct eye contact for a long moment. 

Nan Hee is looking for Seon Ok but sees a girl in a nightgown and screams thinking it’s a ghost. (There’s been rumors of sightings of this ghost lately.) Her histrionics creates a disturbance in the whole dorm and Tae Kwon uses this opportunity to sneak out and run back to his room.

Bok Joo is now sitting on a park bench but quite angry with Joon Hyung and refuses to say a single word to him. He’s standing nearby but can’t stand the silence and begs her to say something so she finally asks him, why, why her? It makes no sense to her as it wasn’t that long ago that she was upset over Jae Yi. Then she even asks him if he pities her. He tells her that he isn’t that charitable. She asks why over and over. 

JJH: I can't explain why. There is no reason for liking someone. I like you because I just do. Besides, I realized that - smiling - I started to like you a long time ago. You're my first love. Aww, since elementary school? 

She responds with a scoffing “ha”. LOL! He asks what that sound was supposed to mean, and asks if she hates him or something.

KJB: Well, no, I don't hate you. Gosh, what should I say...all right, I like you, too. He gets this sweet smile. These days, I lean on you more than Seon Ok and Nan Hee at times. You make me feel safe. And you're...to be honest, you're a little handsome. I didn't realize it at first, but I've come to admit it.  But...
JJH: But?
KBJ: I like you as a friend. I've never felt romantically towards you. 
JJH: Then start now. She stares at him. Go out with me for just one month. See if you can be attracted to me and find out how I can be as a boyfriend. Get a full experience and decide whether you keep me or return me.
KBJ: Is this a home shopping channel? That sounds ridiculous. 
JJH: Then are you just going to reject me? She gives him some side eye. Haha. We've been through many things together. You should at least give me a chance. She only sighs. I'll take that as a yes. Let's go. It's cold. He runs off ahead of her.

They're walking but she's acting very awkward around him now. He says that that was probably her first confession, and to just act natural. She denies being awkward. Heh. She gets a call from Nan Hee about seeing the ghost and begs her to come back. Bok Joo agrees to go. He tells her that he’ll walk her home but she tells him to go and then trips over a can to walk get away from him. Hehe. 

As she’s walking away, she drops her wallet and Joon Hyung finds it. He takes it with him as she doesn’t want to see him right now. Back in his room, he checks out her wallet and is looking at her ID card and decides that she’s cute. But when he finds cut out photos of Jae Yi, he gets upset and throws the pictures across the room and hits a sleeping Tae Kwon. Haha.
Look at the cute doodles for the boyfriend section.
He calms down and then he finds her bucket list. He sees the first item, studying at the library and says that she'll fall asleep in 5 minutes. Ha, he really does know her well. The second item, learning to play the piano, and he says that he already knows about this. The third item, going to the amusement park on a weekday - he agrees that this one is good as one wastes so much time waiting in lines on the weekend. The fourth item, get a boyfriend - and he says this is the most important one. And he believes that the universe is helping him at the right moment with this information. 

Back in the dorms, Bok Joo is (barely) listening to Nan Hee go on and on about the ghost as she's thinking about that kiss, and her cheeks turn hot and red at the thought of Joon Hyung’s confession. Her friends notice her red face and ask if she has a fever. Hehe. Sure, a "fever". Later, she’s unable to sleep and gets up to get water and meets the ghost. It turns out to be Shi Ho stuffing her face in front of the open fridge. 

[Ep12“Her bucket list”

Bok Joo asks Shi Ho if she’s okay but she ignores her and stalks back to their room. Bok Joo follows her and asks her if she's okay again but Shi Ho just ducks under the covers and continues ignoring her. 

The next morning, Bok Joo returns to their room and Shi Ho acts as if nothing happened. Bok Joo asks if she remembers seeing her last night and Shi Ho says that she's been sleepwalking lately and tells her to stop being nosy.  

Shi Ho is on the phone talking to a doctor about her sleeping pills, who lists drowsiness and dizziness, delusions, memory defects and sleepwalking as potential side effects. The doctor recommends that she stop taking the pills for now and come in for a check up. She just wordlessly hangs up the phone.

Bok Joo runs into Joon Hyung and Tae Kwon on her way out of the dorm, and Tae Kwon is so excited to see her and grabs her hand tightly as he talks animatedly about her return. Joon Hyung is super focused on his friend holding his girl’s hand. lol I swear his expression is so adorable. (~4:33) He can’t stand it and finally smacks away Tae Kwon’s hands. LOL Bok Joo starts to tell Joon Hyung something but Tae Kwon is all ears as well. So Bok Joo and Joon Hyung have this silent conversation with their eyes about making oblivious Tae Kwon leave. Finally Joon Hyung nudges him and tells him to leave them alone and to take the hint already. Heh.

Once alone, she asks him if he’s seen Shi Ho recently. She starts to tell him about what happened last night but recalls Shi Ho telling her to not be nosy and changes her mind. She goes to leave but he grabs her hand. She asks him what he wants now.

JJH: Did you lose something? 
KBJ: Nothing except my mind. Hehehe. He smiles at this. 

Suddenly he starts yelling and spins her around so she's distracted as he shoves her wallet back into her bag. She turns around and he acts as if nothing happened. Hahaha, and he was so loud. He reminds her that she agreed to dating him for a month before she decides whether or not to return him, and then says that he wants to hang out later. He then grabs her face, making her think he might kiss her again, but he’s just teasing her and says he’ll call her later and leaves. Hehe. 

The college gets a three-day break, and Coach Yoon tells his team to spend their break eating well and enjoy their parents’ cooking. The gymnasts’ coach tells the girls to stay on their diet. The swim team is instructed to rest. Tae Kwon asks what they’re doing and Joon Hyung tells him that he already has plans and tries to leave. Tae Kwon grabs onto him - by his shorts, and Joon Hyung has to step out of his shorts to escape him. XD (~8:00, I wonder how many takes it took to get this right for the camera shots. lol) 

Bok Joo acts annoyed when Joon Hyung texts that he’s picking her up in 30 minutes, but she spends some time primping in front of the mirror. Her father walks into her room looking for Uncle Dae Ho who’s been out lately. She becomes worried when she sees that his face had a sickly pallor to it and he appeared to be sweating excessively. He denies feeling unwell and only asks her to call her uncle for him. She calls her uncle but he isn’t answering his phone as he's busy at Coach Choi's sister's salon. He seems to be driving Coach Choi crazy if her constant eye rolling is any indication. lol

Bok Joo finds Joon Hyung outside and she complains about meeting in front of her house. He says that there is nothing strange about meeting his girlfriend in front of her house. Heh, he’s serious about dating her. She says that they’re just friends but when her father steps outside, she takes Joon Hyung away - in a headlock. LOL! (~11:15) 

He tells her that he’s free all day and asks her what she wants to do. He remembers her bucket list, so he suggests going to the amusement park. But she shoots it down calling it childish. He says that it won't be crowded on a weekday and she agrees but then remembers that she forgot that she promised to hang out with her friends later. She agrees to go - but only if her friends can join them. Seon Ok and Nan Hee meet them at the amusement park, and then Tae Kwon shows up, too. Nan Hee mentions that she invited him, and Tae Kwon looks happy to see Seon Ok. The least happy person is Joon Hyung. 

The group are looking at headbands and Joon Hyung swats off the one with devil horns that Tae Kwon puts on him, saying that he hates it. Then Bok Joo puts on one with a fluffy white halo, and tells Tae Kwon that his headband matches hers. He puts them on and she says they look like a couple. Now Joon Hyung snatches them off his friend’s head, and insists quite loudly that the headband looks good on him and it belongs to him and him only over and over. He’s pitching a fit. So childish! XD Bok Joo says it looks good on him because he looks like the devil. Ha!

The Viking Ship ride (bucket list item) makes Joon Hyung queasy, even though everyone else is having a great time. He even clings onto Bok Joo’s arm at some point. Bok Joo then chooses the Mad Swing ride (another bucket list item), which goes upside down and spins - and no one else wants to ride it, except for Joon Hyung, who just wants to be alone with her. Tae Kwon mentions that Joon Hyung is afraid of heights. Joon Hyung claims that he came to get on that ride today and must get on it immediately. Overselling it, dude. lol When he gets on the ride, he looks scared when the harness comes down. When the ride starts, he screams her name over and over, and eventually just screams for the ride to stop. XD This poor besotted fool. He survives.

He goes to get some snacks, and remembers her wish to share a drink with two straws with a boyfriend. He brings her the drink and puts it on the table, and the moment she leans down to take a drink, he also leans down and they are now face-to face. Her heart thumps at seeing him that close, and he smiles at her and asks if her heart is fluttering. She says that he’s crazy and that she was just startled. Hehe, just a little fib. 

In the dorms, Shi Ho is unable to fall asleep and reaches for her sleeping pills. She recalls the doctor’s words - to stop taking the pills and go in for a checkup, so she tosses the pills into the garbage. 

Nan Hee calls Bok Joo to meet up and watch the fireworks show. Before they find their friends, Joon Hyung takes advantage of the moment to fulfill another one of her bucket list items – he takes her hand, laces their fingers together and puts it into his jacket. She stares at him speechlessly, so he asks her if her heart is fluttering again. He continues teasing her but she finally snaps at him and yanks her hand from his pocket. She calls him annoying and walks off to look for their friends. He berates himself for pushing it when she was already feeling uncomfortable. Awww. They rejoin the group, and everyone decides to take pictures of the fireworks. Joon Hyung snaps a picture of Bok Joo happily watching the fireworks. So sweet. He then decides to slip his hand into her coat pocket where her hand is. 

Her heart thumps again and this time, she leaves her hand where it is. She looks up to see Joon Hyung looking seriously smitten at her and she can’t look away. 

The next day, Bok Joo starts her piano lessons and her instructor says that she’s not gentle enough and needs to keep practicing. Bok Joo gets frustrated and wonders why she can’t do this. She grumbles that Joon Hyung hasn’t called her all day. 

Nan Hee calls Bok Joo and says that Seon Ok hasn’t returned to the school. She is worried that Seon Ok is unable to leave home for some reason so Bok Joo decides to go see her. Kim Dad mentions that he’s going to dialysis later and that Uncle Dae Ho is out again.

Bok Joo finds Seon Ok’s parents’ motel and sees Seon Ok inside practicing her weightlifting lifts. Later Seon Ok tells Bok Joo that her parents want her to drop out of school as there’s not much money in weightlifting as a profession. She is unsure on what to do as she doesn’t think she has any weightlifting talent. Bok Joo tries to comfort her but doesn’t persuade her to come back either.

After his dialysis, Kim Dad doesn’t look well as he’s sweating profusely and his nose starts bleeding. He tries to keep walking but ends up passing out in the hallway. 

Meanwhile, Joon Hyung has been busy working on Bok Joo’s wish to receive a bouquet of one hundred roses from a boyfriend. He purchases this huge bouquet and then calls her, who says that she’s about to take the bus home. He finds out which bus she’s on, and goes to the station to surprise her.

After work, Uncle Dae Ho takes Coach Choi by the arm and starts planning their evening, but Coach Choi removes her arm from his grasp. She starts to say that she can’t date him, but Coach Yoon calls her to meet with him. 

Coach Yoon says that he’s still talking to the school about getting her job back, and she asks about Bok Joo’s break. Dae Ho has tagged along for this meeting, and Coach Yoon asks when they got so close. Dae Ho starts to say they’re dating but she interrupts and says they’re drinking buddies. As Coach Yoon goes to pour them a drink, he drags his sleeve through a plate of food, and Dae Ho notices how attentive Coach Choi is as she's wiping his sleeve for him. 

On the bus ride home, she receives a call from the hospital about her father. When she arrives at the station where Joon Hyung is waiting with the enormous bouquet of flowers, she is freaking out about going to the hospital to see her father. He tries to calm her down and says that the doctors are helping him and that he’ll take her to the hospital. 

At the hospital, she is now running frantically from room to room checking the names on the doors looking for her father. Joon Hyung calmly walks to the counter and asks a nurse where to find Kim Dad. He finds the room, then tells Bok Joo and opens the door for her as she runs inside crying for her father. He stands outside and looks at the roses he’s still carrying. An equally panicked Dae Ho arrives, and Joon Hyung just points to the room behind him. 

Kim Dad looks weak and tired but he says he’s going to be fine. The doctor comes and confirms that he’s not in a critical state, but that it’s time to start thinking about getting him a kidney transplant. 

Jae Yi and Dr. Go have dinner with some old school friends, who tease that they should just get married already. Dr. Go asks him if he wants to get married, and he replies that friends don’t get married. She tells them that she just got rejected. Another pair of classmates joins them, and Jae Yi stiffens at the sight of the woman, Hwan Hee.

When he goes to the restroom later, he comes out to find Hwan Hee waiting for him, and she says that he looks exactly as she remembers. When Sang Gu (the man she came with) joins them, she suddenly leaves. Sang Gu doesn’t say anything - he only glares at Jae Yi and then gives him a shoulder-check as he passes.

After a few drinks, Sang Gu has become extra chatty, and when Jae Yi refuses to have any more drinks himself, Sang Gu says that he was always nice and popular with women. He then slings an arm around Hwan Hee’s shoulders and says that he never can tell if she hates him, or just can’t get over Jae Yi. Jae Yi tries to leave but Sang Gu grabs his wrist and says that Hwan Hee will be upset if he leaves so soon. 

Jae Yi removes Sang Gu’s hand from his arm, and says softly that he’ll regret doing this tomorrow. Sang Gu says he’s just stating the truth, and asks Hwan Hee if she didn’t come all the way to Seoul to see Jae Yi. She tries to get him to leave, but Sang Gu grabs her roughly and tells her to have a good look at Jae Yi now. Jae Yi finally decks him and leaves without another word.

Dr. Go follows him out of the restaurant and patches up his hand, and tells him that he should have ignored Sang Gu. She asks why he was so upset - if he was annoyed by Sang Gu or if it was because of Hwan Hee. The guy was being a real jerk. He doesn't respond so she asks if he still has feelings for Hwan Hee. He mutters that he doesn’t but she doesn’t believe him. 

Dr. Go says that she’s tired of seeing him still hung up on his first love, that he still can’t date anyone else. Jae Yi doesn’t respond, so Dr. Go asks if he’ll ever consider dating her. He now looks at her with surprise, and Dr. Go says that she hasn’t stayed by his side like a shadow for ten years due to friendship. She realizes that he’s never thought about it or even considered dating her. She finally says that she's tired of liking him, of wishful thinking, and says this is the end. She walks away from him. 

Uncle Dae Ho decides to stay the night with Kim Dad at the hospital, and they both urge Bok Joo to go home. She doesn’t want to leave, and decides to head downstairs to get some things that he’ll need, like tissues. She steps out of the room, finds out that Joon Hyung is gone but there’s a bag with the exact items she had planned to get her father. 

She goes home, and sees that Joon Hyung had left a sign in the front of the restaurant saying that they’re closed for the afternoon. She changes it to say that they’d be closed for a few days. 

She goes to her father’s room to get him some clothes, and in his drawer she finds several insurance policies, with her as the beneficiary of all of them. She starts to cry, especially when she sees the holes in his clothes, wondering why he spent all his money on the insurance policies instead of on himself. 

She calls her father who is still awake at this late hour. She says in a wobbly voice that she’s sorry for everything - for making him worry, not listening to him and being rude to him. He says he’s more sorry, for making her do weightlifting, for having to open a fried chicken restaurant to raise her - but he’s most sorry about the fact that she grew up without a mother. She cries that that’s not his fault but he apologizes again anyway. He wishes Bok Joo goodnight and then hangs up. He and Bok Joo are now sobbing. A no-longer-sleeping Uncle Dae Ho wipes away tears, having heard Kim Dad’s side of the conversation. (~45:30, this sweet father-daughter moment. Have tissues at the ready.)

A disheveled Coach Yoon arrives at the gym in the morning to find Bok Joo there mopping the floor. She cheerfully tells him that she’s back for training, and he’s happy that her weightlifting spirit is back. Her teammates arrive for practice and they’re all happy to see her, too. Nan Hee clings onto Bok Joo and wails that she’s been lonely without Bok Joo and Seon Ok. Bok Joo tells her that Seon Ok probably won’t be back for a while, and they cry together. 

Shi Ho isn’t doing well at practice, can barely stay awake, and her coach tells her if she doesn’t stop making mistakes, she might not make it to the next round of competition. 

Jae Yi is thinking about Dr. Go and how she asked if he’s ever thought of her as a potential girlfriend, and that she had ended things. Hwan Hee calls him to apologize for Sang Gu’s behavior and says that she’s never apologized to him properly for what happened between them. Not sure why is apologizing for that jerk she is with but whatever. Jae Yi accepts her apologies, and wishes her well.

Shi Ho is unable to sleep, so she takes out her sleeping pills again, and starts to take one. She thinks about her coach’s warning, and decides to take another. 

Bok Joo calls her father to tell him that she’s going back to weightlifting. He hollers that she always does the opposite of what he says, but he’s actually smiling as he hangs up. 

Bok Joo sits alone in the empty gym, and looks around and is reminded of everything she loves about weightlifting - she’s back in her happy place. 

She calls Joon Hyung to ask him to meet with her to talk, and he runs from the pool to see her. Before she goes to meet him, she goes back to her dorm room and puts her hair up in the red bow hairpin. It’s snowing by the time Joon Hyung finds Bok Joo and asks about her father. She tells him that he’s okay but will need to get a kidney transplant soon. She also thanks him for helping her get to her father at the hospital. She tells him that she came back to school today and he’s thrilled. She says that when she got back to the school today, he was the first thing on her mind. 

KBJ with a huge grin: Joon Hyung-ah. I’ve decided not to return you. I’ll keep you. Yay!!! (~57:20, her confession.) He smiles but doesn’t say anything. I think I like you, too. No. I like you. I don't know if I like you as a friend or a guy, but I don't want you to leave my side. I want you to keep calling my name. You can call me either Bok Joo or Chubs. He leans down to give her a quick kiss. 

She smiles and then grabs his face and gives him a quick kiss, and then another one. She lets go, but Joon Hyung isn’t going to let her get away. He pulls her into his arms and he wraps his arms around her tightly.

Joon Hyung leans down and gives Bok Joo a real kiss. She happily leans into this kiss and hugs him back. The kiss ends and they are smiling at each other. Our couple is here!! May I point out how much I like him? Instead of getting upset or mad about those roses or that she “forgot” about him in her distress, etc. he helps her get through this crisis and gives her space. And she knows.

[Ep13“Jealousy is Love Rounded Up to the Next Step”

Bok Joo is back in her dorm room giddy from her confession. Joon Hyung is back in his room in the same state. They text back and forth - each telling the other to go to sleep but they're both too happy and kicking their legs in glee. 

The next morning, the weightlifters and swimmers are running on the track, and our new couple, both stay behind and Joon Hyung cannot keep his hands off of her and keeps hugging her, and they’re both grinning from ear-to-ear. They're sooo cute and funny here. She even shoots him a finger heart. 

Later, even while brushing her teeth she can't stop smiling like a lunatic. lol Nan Hee comments on her good move but Bok Joo doesn't explain. She receives a text from Joon Hyung to meet at the toad's house (the wishing fountain). She then gets ready - makeup, hair with the red bow hairpin and she's wearing a pink jacket. Aww, she’s looking quite pretty here. Joon Hyung tells her to make a wish when she arrives. While her eyes are closed, he gives her a kiss on the cheek and she pretends to be annoyed. So he brings up the fact that she threw herself at him yesterday, and then goes on to describe the kissing in great detail. Hahaha. She tries to shut him up with her hands. But then he notices the red bow hairpin in her hair and loses his smile. He knows it's the one she wore for Jae Yi, so he starts yelling at her to never wear that ugly thing again and demands she remove it immediately. She says it's her only hairpin, so he rips it off her head and takes a few strands of her hair with it. She is livid now and he's instantly sorry and tries to hold her hand. She yanks her hand back as she's embarrassed by her calluses, but he insists that it’s fine and grabs her hand back with his.

Shi Ho wakes up looking quite ill in their dorm room, tries to reach for her phone and knocks it off the nightstand onto the floor. She then struggles from her bed, to reach for her phone.

Joon Hyung has taken her somewhere to buy a new hairpin, and he asks that she pick one out. Then he admits to being quite jealous as he also remembers how much she suffered because of Jae Yi. She says that he's being petty and it's all in the past. She also says that she dislikes guys who get jealous over little things and play hard to get just because they're in a relationship. Together they pick out a cute little strawberry hairpin. I find it to be much cuter than the red bow was. 

Bok Joo returns to their door room and finds Shi Ho passed out on the floor with the bottle of sleeping pills next to her. She starts screaming for help, and the ambulance takes Shi Ho to the hospital. Tae Kwon runs into the gym to tell Joon Hyung about what happened with Shi Ho and repeats the rumor that she may have taken pills to commit suicide. 

Joon Hyung goes to see an unconscious Shi Ho in the hospital. The doctor tells him that they've pumped her stomach but she didn't take many pills, so it's not a suicide attempt. He mentions that she is malnourished, has reflux esophagitis, and she’s suffering from bulimia and anorexia (eating disorders). They are going to keep her longer to run more tests. Shi Ho's mother and sister arrive and she finally wakes up. Joon Hyung skedaddles out of there without being noticed. 

Bok Joo and Joon Hyung meet outside and she asks him about Shi Ho's condition. He tells her that she woke up, isn't in critical condition, wasn't suicidal but had been suffering from insomnia and eating disorders. Bok Joo feels bad that she didn't do more to help her when she saw her binging at night. Joon Hyung comforts her with a hug. He goes back to his dorm room and notices that he missed a call from Shi Ho earlier in the day and now he feels guilty as well. 

The next day, Jong Hyung returns to visit Shi Ho at the hospital. She seems to be feeling better, so they go outside to talk. He apologizes for not answering her call when she needed help. She waves it off. She admits that she felt as if she had been struggling while hanging off of a cliff and couldn't admit it. She then says that she thinks she can put all that aside now and just enjoy gymnastics. She also apologizes for clinging onto him when he'd been very clear about not wanting to get back together. He says that they're even as they both have something to apologize for. They shake hands as friends. She mentions that she'll be released in a few and will need therapy. He recommends his therapist and she appreciates the help. After returning her to her room, Joon Hyung receives a call from Bok Joo, and he admits that he’s at the hospital. She asks about Shi Ho and he replies that she seems okay and tells her to come over when she can. 

Coach Yoon finds out that the university dean is hiring a new coach. The dean admits that he can’t get the higher-ups to go with his decision. Coach Yoon argues that Coach Choi knows the students better than he does and is a great mentor, and finally threatens to quit if she's not rehired. 

Bok Joo drops by the hospital to see Shi Ho with flowers. Joon Hyung removes the flowers as Shi Ho has a pollen allergy. Bok Joo is apologetic and offers to get them drinks. Shi Ho thanks her and then mentions that she is tired. Bok Joo offers to adjust her bed but Joon Hyung takes over. Outside the hospital, Joon Hyung notices that Bok Joo is extremely quiet and she gets annoyed when he tries to tease her. He chalks it up to her being hungry, so he takes her to a fish cake street cart. However, he answers a call from Shi Ho who asks for his therapist’s contact information. He steps away to take the call, and Bok Joo angrily (and very jealous) eats several skewers of fish cake. He returns and teases her about trying to break a world record and calls her "Piggy". Uh oh. 

She gets irritated and he takes it back - to call her Chubs instead. He notices her eye daggers, so he promises to stop calling her Piggy or Chubs, but he ends up calling her Chubs again. This fool. She leaves him to pay for her pile of fish cakes. He runs after her and hugs her from behind but she slaps his hands off of her. He is clueless as to why she's so upset but he still tries to hold her hand. She yanks her hand away from him and accidentally cuts his finger in the process. He starts whining about his bleeding finger and continues to ask her to tell him why she's angry. She looks concerned but tells him to leave her alone. Then they proceed to have a childish argument over whether or not she was angry, until she finally blows up and says that she's angry because he won't leave her alone about it. She leaves for practice, and now he's confused and also angry with her.  

Bok Joo arrives at the gym and the mood is subdued as the students are worried about Coach Yoon quitting. The students decide to leave but Woon Ki announces that Coach Choi used the funds to pay off his settlement and apologizes for not telling them sooner. Bok Joo is relieved as she had previously defended Coach Choi and said she would only use the funds for a good reason. She and the team decide to stage a hunger strike to keep the coaches from leaving. 

They stand outside the university office with signs and chanting, but Bok Joo regrets the decision to stand outside in the cold. Soon everyone becomes hungry and they start talking about food. lol The dean notices their protest but figures they’ll give up from the cold and hunger. 

Joon Hyung goes to see his brother. He asks Jae Yi about how things were with Dr. Go. He correctly guesses that Dr. Go won't wait for him anymore and wants to end things. Then Jae Yi asks him about Bok Joo. He admits that he confessed but he's not sure why girls won't tell guys what they're mad about. Jae Yi tells him to think about it carefully and he'll figure it out.

Joon Hyung sees Bok Joo’s protest on his way home, and stops to ask her what she's doing. She asks if he can't read their signs. He pulls her to the side and tells her that the temperature is below zero tonight. He asks why is she doing this in the cold winter and she asks why does he care and then tells him to mind his own business. He says how could he not care and is worried about her freezing to death. She continues telling him that it's none of his business, as he has other things to care about. He finally blows up and tells her to stop talking to him like that. He then says that he's just worried about her. She walks away. He angrily tells her to do whatever she wants and finally walks away. All this time she’s been able to say what’s on mind but now that they are dating she suddenly can’t find her voice??

After talking with his brother, Jae Yi decides to wait for Dr. Go to come home after work. He asks if she's ignoring his calls and she admits she is. She apologizes for being too emotional that day. He tells her that he's thought about what she said. He says that for ten years, she was his constant companion, and he took it for granted. He then asks if they could date for real. She asks if this is charity work for him and love doesn't work like that. She thanks him for his friendship, tells him to and goes inside. She watches him walk away from inside her building. 

Joon Hyung is in his room worried about Bok Joo being outside in the cold and still doesn't know why she's so mad. He becomes more worried when he realizes it's snowing now. 

The protestors take a break and Bok Joo sits down on the steps to massage her cold feet. Suddenly Joon Hyung appears in front of her and wordlessly puts on a pair of heat packs on her feet. She doesn't say anything. He then gives her his heavy coat and scarf and tells her to take care of herself. The team returns and recognizes him as being from the swim team. He leaves and she tells them that he's just a friend.  

The next day, one of the weightlifters collapses and the team takes him to the infirmary - which leaves only Bok Joo, Nan Hee and Woon Ki at the protest. Nan Hee sits down and admits that she can't do it anymore. Bok Joo's nose starts bleeding and Woon Ki admits that it's over. Seon Ok is suddenly there - she ran away back to school when her mother went to the market. Nan Hee is crying as the three friends are hugging. The team returns with news - the new coach the dean hired to replace Coach Choi has no weightlifting experience and is only getting the job as a personal friend of the dean. Now everyone is back in fighting order and decides to march up and down the streets and chant against school corruption. 

Coach Yoon receives a phone call about what his team is doing. He runs out to stop them - by laying down on the street. He's worried about them being in trouble. As the team tries to get him to get off the ground, Coach Yoon receives a phone call from the dean - who tells him that Coach Choi is coming back with a pay cut for three months (deducting the money she already spent). They are now celebrating on the streets. Joon Hyung arrives in time to see the celebration (from a distance) and he’s carrying a bag full of heat packs. Aww, he’s so thoughtful.

Coach Choi receives a phone call that she's been rehired. The team is now celebrating at Bok Chicken. Coach Yoon makes a toast and then asks Coach Choi to say a few words. She apologizes for what happened and says that she's grateful for them and she had really missed them. 

The team chants for the coaches to do a love shot (drinks) with arms linked around the neck. They attempt to do this but are interrupted by Uncle Dae Ho, who separates them, then puts his arm around Coach Choi and suddenly announces that they're dating. Coach Choi drags him outside and says that she was really drunk when she said they should date. She asks him to hit her, he refuses to and asks her if it's because of her feelings for Coach Yoon. She denies it, so Uncle Dae Ho says if that's the case, then he's not giving up on her. 

Joon Hyung keeps calling Bok Joo, because he's worried about her being sick from being out in the cold. The girls are helping with the clean up at Bok Chicken. Nan Hee and Seon Ok are squealing over Uncle Dae Ho's public confession. Kim Dad tells them to not date until later, and to focus on weightlifting now. 

When the girls are back at the dorm, she claims to be tired and goes to her room. She then calls Joon Hyung asking him to meet as she has something for him. They meet in the lobby and she tosses his coat and scarf at him. He's disappointed but pulls her down to sit next to him. He asks her why she's angry with him, and if she doesn't tell him what he did wrong, he won't know.

She finally spews it all out: he's so sweet to his ex-girlfriend. Yes, she understands that Shi ho is not well. But then he went on and on about her pollen allergy, and then he didn't even notice her pigging out while he was talking to Shi Ho and what could they be talking about for that long. She's getting louder with every word. lol He then realizes that this entire time she’s been jealous. He then says didn't she say that she hated the childish, jealous type? (She did say this. Ha!) He admits that he had been so nice because he felt guilty for ignoring Shi Ho's call for help that day. He also goes on to say that they're only friends now. He goes to hug her but she keeps fighting it - this goes on for a while before she finally allows him to hug her. He notices her hairpin and asks her who gave her this cute strawberry hairpin and she smiles and says Jae Yi. He lets go of her and gets up saying that he's going to see Shi Ho. These two. lol She protests and they're back to hugging. 

The next day, they're walking around campus and he can't seem to stop hanging onto her arm, hugging her from behind, and just trying to stay touching her. Haha (~55:45) She finally throws him off of her when she spots Shi Ho getting out of a taxi cab. They go to meet her and Joon Hyung almost goes to help her with her bag but he stops, and instead glances over at Bok Joo. Bok Joo gives him a small smile, and Shi Ho notices this. Shi Ho comments that the two of them have gotten very close. They don't say anything in response but Joon Hyung starts drawing a heart on Bok Joo's back and tickles her while the girls are talking. Shi Ho teases them and says to not make it so obvious or else she’ll get jealous and become sick again.  

Shi Ho leaves for the dorm and Joon Hyung is back to jumping onto Bok Joo’s back to hug her. Hehe. She's trying to walk with him hanging on her. He stops to pull her hood up to keep her warm, and she pats his head and tells him to do what he just did - not look at other girls, be ill-mannered, and not show off his chest. G’luck with that last one - he’s a swimmer. lol They then play rock-paper-scissors, and she loses two rounds and receives two thumps to the head. During the third round, Joon Hyung cheats to let her win. So she thumps him really hard and he deadpans that they should break up now. Ha! She then tickles him and then they’re back to hugging as they’re walking in the middle of the street. These two lovebirds. Kim Dad rides past them on a delivery, and they don't notice him.  

[Ep14"This girl is mine”

Kim Dad stops to watch them for a minute and then mutters that these kids should be training and not dating. Luckily, he leaves as he doesn’t see their faces. 

The couple move on down the road, and they pull up each other's hoods and kiss and stumble around. Hahaha! I’m seriously surprised they didn’t fall over. Nan Hee and Seon Ok see them kissing - but they can't see their faces either. The girls are annoyed by this spectacle. lol If they're keeping this a secret - why are they being this affectionate in public?! 

Joon Hyung visits his therapist, who notices his improved mood, and asks him what’s been keeping him busy. Joon Hyung says that he's not hearing the ringing in his ears anymore, and then his therapist guesses that he's dating. Joon Hyung looks shocked and that's all the therapist needed for confirmation. Ha. 

At practice, one of the sunbaes announces that someone in their department is dating, and Bok Joo looks around guiltily. It’s actually two weightlifters on the team are dating each other. Everyone starts teasing them and the couple open their jackets to reveal their matching sweatshirts. Aww. 

Afterwards, Seon Ok and Nan Hee are weirded out that they’re dating, as the guy had said his type was some actress, and not a weightlifter. Bok Joo mentions that one’s ideal type doesn’t match the person one actually dates. Nan Hee then brings up the crazy kissing couple she and Seon Ok saw, and makes Seon Ok and Bok Joo promise not to betray their friendship by dating. Seon Ok says that Bok Joo would never ever do that as a guy put her through so much not that long ago, so she would have to be crazy to date anyone again. Uh, and how is dating someone considered a betrayal exactly? Bok Joo just nods in agreement but she has a very uncomfortable look on her face. 
Joon Hyung and Tae Kwon join the girls for lunch. Joon Hyung practically has heart eyes as he’s looking at Bok Joo as Tae Kwon blabbers away. Awww. When Tae Kwon moves to sit down next to Bok Joo, Joon Hyung shoves him so hard that he careens into the guy sitting behind them at another table. LOL!

Tae Kwon goes to sit in the chair next to Seon Ok instead. Joon Hyung sits down next to Bok Joo and immediately holds her hand under the table. She tries to remove her hand but then Nan Hee drops her utensil and leans down to get it, and almost sees their entwined hands. Bok Joo jerks away so hard that it sends him falling to the floor. Hehe.
Later, he’s still whining about being hurt when they meet up at the wishing fountain. When will he ever learn to not mess with her? lol He asks her why they need to keep their relationship a secret and then asks if she's embarrassed by him. Aww. She denies that she's embarrassed by him. Then he asks if she plans to break up with him after a while, or if she's testing him. She tells him to stop saying such things and that she's worried about her friends finding out and calling her a traitor. She admits that after Jae Yi, she had said that she wouldn't ever date again. He tells her that one usually gets over men by seeing other men. (I guess? :P) She aegyos at him to convince him to let her pick the right time to tell them. (~7:05 He does the cutest little twitch with his lips here - like he’s trying to not laugh at her. Hehe.) He asks her to do it again and then he'll consider it. She refuses so he aegyos at her to do it again. I have heart eyes over here for these two!

Jae Yi shows up at Dr. Go's office to invite her to a concert of a violinist they've seen before. She admits that she's only been pretending to like classical music because he does - so he invites her to go to dinner. Not sure I like that she pretended to like music for him. They're now having steak for dinner - and he's cutting up her steak for her, like he always does. He asks if she really does like steak at least - and she admits that she does. He then asks what she's doing this weekend and if there's anything that she'd like to do. She tells him no thanks and has plans to sleep as she's rather tired lately. He then offers to come over and cook for her. She asks him to stop trying so hard. He says that it could be worth it, and she replies that trying hard won't make him fall in love with her after 10 years and you can't force someone to fall in love. He drops his smile and just continues putting more food on her plate. 

In Bok Joo’s room, Seon Ok is shaving the calluses on her hands and Nan Hee is using a homemade facial mask. Bok Joo decides to try one of the facial masks after feeling how soft Nan Hee’s skin is. The next morning, Bok Joo discovers a huge red pimple on the tip of her nose. She whines about it to the girls in the bathroom. She had fallen asleep with the mask on, and Nan Hee points out that she should have removed it after 20 minutes.  

On the track, Bok Joo is wearing a pink mask as she’s running. Joon Hyung sees her and asks her if she caught a cold. She starts fake coughing, tells him it’s contagious and waves him off as she continues running away from him. Aww.  

He calls her later and she continues fake coughing and goes as far as to say that she had a fever last night. He sounds genuinely concerned and asks if she'll go see the doctor. She tells him that she needs to just rest and won't be able to see him today. She continues fake coughing as they’re hanging up. She then berates herself in the mirror for being so ridiculous. He doesn't care about her calluses so why would he care about her pimple. lol She goes back to training, and of course her team teases her about her pimple.  

Joon Hyung being the sweet boyfriend that he is - asks his mother to put together some medicine for “his friend”, and mom asks for payment in the form of a kiss on the cheek. He gives her a quick peck on the cheek and leaves with the medicine. So cute! He then decides to sneak into her dorm room as she oversells her illness on the phone, and refuses to meet him in the lobby. She's in the middle of taking a bite of her bun when Joon Hyung climbs in through her window.  

He notices the pimple and stares at it, and then giggles to himself. When he’s finally inside her room, he sits in her desk chair and leans in to take a real good (and close) look at her. He tells her that the pimple isn't a big deal and she didn't have to lie about it. She continues to not make eye contact with him. He says that he was so worried about her that he had his mother put together medicine for her. She quietly apologizes to him. He says that this wasn't a wasted trip as he's finally seeing her room. 
Accidentally landed on the bed together.
She's prepared for their kiss.  Hahaha.
His smile. xD
Their kiss...almost.
He tries to look in her closet but Bok Joo blocks him and moves him away from the closet but they end up tripping and falling down together onto her bed. He's staring down at her now. She asks him what he's doing and that they can't do this. He tells her he didn't even do anything. But he does look like he wants to kiss her. She gets ready for his kiss by squeezing her eyes shut (hahaha) and puckers her lips. He looks confused for a second and then grins at her before leaning down to kiss her.  (~18:30, how cute.)
His feet. Hahaha.
Nan Hee's voice calls out Bok Joo's name and they say that they're planning to come in with the pizza. She flings him off onto the floor (Bwahaha!), and then acts like she's doing stretches on her bed. (~19:10, Ridiculously hilarious.) So he just lays on the floor with the comforter just barely covering him. Bok Joo tries to get rid of them saying that she can’t smell up her room with her roommate. Her friends say that she can just open her window afterwards. The girls insist on staying so Bok Joo gets them to sit on her bed facing away from Joon Hyung. Nan Hee then wraps herself up with Bok Joo’s comforter. Why?! lol Now Joon Hyung is trying to hide under her bed but he doesn’t fit and his feet are just hanging out beyond the length of the bed. Hahaha!

Joon Hyung gets up from the floor and motions to her that he's going to hide in the closet. He then shimmies his way over to the closet on his back. LOL Bok Joo distracts the girls long enough for him to get into the closet. Not long after, Shi Ho enters their room and opens the closet door and is startled to see Joon Hyung crouched inside, and he silently begs with her with his eyes to not say anything. She just laughs at him, and then closes the door. She tells Seon Ok and Shi Ho that she's too tired for company. Seon Ok and Nan Hee leave and then Shi Ho continues laughing at our couple. It’s been nearly 3 minutes of this absurd turn of events from when Joon Hyung first ended up on the floor. Hehe.

Once the coast is clear, Joon Hyung comes out and the three of them head up to the roof for a beer. Joon Hyung looks just not really thrilled to be up there with his current girlfriend and his ex-girlfriend. Hehe. They both thank her and then they share a toast before taking a sip of their beer. Shi Ho then says since she’s had a taste of it, she needs to stop as she has an upcoming competition. The girls then talk about how they have to watch their weight in different ways. Joon Hyung is weirded out by their camaraderie. Then Bok Joo offers herself and Joon Hyung to cheer on Shi Ho at her competition this weekend. Joon Hyung keeps quietly telling Bok Joo that they can’t go. Shi Ho leaves, guessing that Joon Hyung and Bok Joo would like to be alone. 

Finally alone, Joon Hyung sighs and mentions that it’s been a crazy day and asks her how long they have to secretly date for. She replies that they should keep it a secret until next semester, especially with Tae Kwon's big mouth. He didn't expect that answer but he says she's adorable. She squeals then says that he’s too cute and then smacks him several times on the shoulder. And then he bops her nose. He does not care about the pimple.

After training, Joon Hyung texts Bok Joo that he’ll call her soon, but he’s waylaid by Tae Kwon who says there’s an emergency and drags him out - to a cafe. This so-called emergency turns out to be a double date with two of the girls from their 3-on-3 date, and the girls had refused to meet unless Joon Hyung came as one of the girls really likes him. Joon Hyung resists going and he knows that he’s a very dead man if Bok Joo finds out. But he can’t tell Tae Kwon the actual reason why can't go so he’s forced to go along with this and just sits down with the girls. 

Meanwhile, Bok Joo is getting annoyed that he hasn't called her. Her teammate sits down on the machine next to her and tells her that she and “that swimmer that wrapped his scarf around you and gave you his coat” are really just friends as she just saw him on a blind date at a nearby cafe. Bok Joo gets a dark look on her face and lets go of the weight bar that she had been working out on. Uh oh. 

Bok Joo drags Seon Ok and Nan Hee with her to the cafe. They spot Joon Hyung and Tae Kwon sitting inside with two girls. They goes in and sit at a nearby table watching this blind date. Bok Joo is glaring at Joon Hyung the entire time, but he doesn’t notice her because he’s busy looking down at his shoes. Nan Hee and Seon Ok notices that one of the girls seems very interested in Joon Hyung as she’s even touching him on the arm.  

Bok Joo pulls out her phone and sends a text to Joon Hyung “You die! I'll kill you. You'd better finish up within five minutes.” Joon Hyung looks at his phone in horror as he realizes that she’s there. He looks around and finally sees her as she’s moving her thumb in a slashing motion across her throat. (~29:11, her threat is real. lol) He swallows and tells Tae Kwon that all of the sophomores need to meet up now. Tae Kwon says that he’s the leader and he didn’t receive this text. Fail. Joon Hyung keeps trying to convince him to leave as Bok Joo starts gesturing at her wrist, as time was ticking. Hehe.
In hot water.
Joon Hyung starts yelling and tells his friend that they have a race coming up and they need to go to practice. Tae Kwon says that he won’t make it to any race, and he tells the girls that Joon Hyung is the ace of the team. Bok Joo keeps pointing to her wrist and Joon Hyung starts squirming and starts looking even more distressed. (~30:00, he’s so scared and cute here. lol) 

One of the girls says that she thought he had the build of Michael Phelps. She mentions that he has such broad shoulders and puts her hand on his shoulder and he literally jumps at her touch. She just smiles and continues feeling his shoulder. He tries to shrug her off but then Bok Joo appears at their spot. He looks at her with real fear in his eyes. 

Bok Joo to the girl: Get that filthy hand off of him. 
Joon Hyung looking very scared: Bok Joo-ah…
The girl touching him: Who is she?

Tae Kwon's jaw drops in shock. Nan Hee drops her food mid-bite and water flows freely from Seon Ok’s open mouth. Hahaha.
Now Bok Joo and Joon Hyung are sitting across from their friends, who are glaring at them.  They wonder if it was that time at the amusement park. Bok Joo denies it and says that they were just friends back then. Joon Hyung admits that he had a crush on her back then. Tae Kwon is surprised by this and Nan Hee giggles at this but then catches herself and loses the giggle. lol, Priorities. They then ask how long they've been dating and Bok Joo replies since she returned to school. The friends ask why they haven’t told them. Bok Joo says that she didn’t want to betray them, especially since it hasn’t been that long since her crush on Jae Yi. Nan Hee says that they might've said that but didn’t really mean it. Bok Joo apologizes for keeping it from them, and the friends demand reparations from her boyfriend, in the form of meat. Joon Hyung agrees to buy them meat if they will forgive them, so they can stop dating in secret. Bok Joo mutters that he shouldn't buy them meat. 

Coach Choi waits for Coach Yoon at the gym and asks him to have a drink with her. He tries to refuse her by saying he's tired but she’s insistent. So they leave together and find Dae Ho waiting for Coach Choi to take her home. He tries to invite himself to go drinking with them, which Coach Choi is distressed about. Coach Yoon then uses this opportunity to leave even though Coach Choi says it's urgent that she speak to him. But then Coach Yoon falls and hurts his back, forcing them to take him home. His place is a wreck. She then offers to stay and take care of him but Dae Ho refuses to allow her to do so saying that he’s worried about what the neighbors will say. He offers to stay and look after Coach Yoon himself.

Nan Hee and Seon Ok are packing away a huge amount of meat and the guys are a bit disgusted at how much meat they’re eating. Even Bok Joo is concerned as she tells them to slow down as she knows that Joon Hyung has to pay for everything. Tae Kwon starts ordering more food and Joon Hyung gives him a nudge. The girls then get huffy when they realize Joon Hyung is upset but Bok Joo and Joon Hyung quickly urge them to keep eating. This is so petty and useless. *rolling eyes*

Joon Hyung then pays the exorbitant bill and tells Bok Joo that he has to do this. The friends decide they want to go to a noraebang (Korean karaoke) - on Joon Hyung’s dime. No matter how much everyone pesters him to sing, he refuses to join in.  

Jae Yi receives a series of texts from Dr. Go: She’s decided to go back to her hometown to work in her father’s clinic. She didn’t want to tell him in person as she might still have feelings for him. He goes to her apartment but she’s already gone, and she doesn’t answer her phone when he calls.

The group gets back to the dorms. Bok Joo and Joon Hyung are staring at each other and just want a moment alone together. But no, it’s almost curfew and the friends literally pull them apart (they were holding hands!) to go back to their respective rooms. Their pitiful faces here. As their hands are being separated, Joon Hyung says, “See you in our dreams, Bok Joo”. Awww, lol. 


The girls drag Bok Joo to their room and want to know if they have kissed yet. She tries to play dumb but her little grins give her away, and then they ask when and where, and she replies - the first or second? The girls start squealing and shrieking over this. 

In Joon Hyung’s room, Tae Kwon is trying to talk him out of dating Bok Joo because she eats too much and is too strong. Yes, she's a weightlifter - and? He asks Tae Kwon what's wrong with that. Then a smile pops up and Joon Hyung admits that he thinks she's sexier that way. Tae Kwon is flabbergasted by this and finally says that he's really head over heels for her. ^__^

The next morning, Shi Ho prepares for her competition, and admits to Bok Joo that despite the many times she’s competed, she’s most nervous about this one. Then Boo Joo takes her to the wishing fountain and tosses a coin in, and tells her to make a wish. Shi Ho wishes to perform without regrets. Bok Joo tells her that she and Joon Hyung will be there. 

Dae Ho brings breakfast to Coach Yoon, who whines that he can’t eat eggs without ketchup. Dae Ho finds the bottle empty so he goes out to buy more. A moment later, Coach Choi comes by, and she’s still there when Dae Ho returns with the ketchup.

He stops in the foyer and listens in, as Coach Choi is fussing over Coach Yoon, and he’s trying to convince her to leave. She says that she doesn’t care what people think, and confesses that she’s liked him for a long time now. Coach Yoon stammers and asks what’s wrong with her that she likes an old divorced man. She says that she just does and asks how he feels. He just looks at her and doesn't say anything. Now she's embarrassed and apologizes and promises to never bring this up again. She goes to leave but he grabs onto her hand and then doubles over in pain. She starts fussing over him again. 

Dae Ho has heard the entire conversation, and he finally turns to leave without letting them know he was there. He just leaves the bag of ketchup hanging on the doorknob and walks away, only looking back for a short moment. Poor Uncle Dae Ho.

Joon Hyung is very excited that he and Bok Jo no longer have to date in secret, and he openly takes her hand as they head to Shi Ho’s competition. She sighs, dreading the rumors that will start when word gets out that the popular Joon Hyung is dating a weightlifter, who isn’t good enough for him. He tells her that he’ll make it obvious how much he likes her. And then he starts telling everyone in the vicinity how pretty, stunning, and gorgeous his girlfriend is. Then he suddenly hollers, “This girl is mine!” Aww, hahaha. *melt*

At her competition, Shi Ho makes a couple of mistakes during her ball routine - by throwing her ball too high and by stepping out of bounds once. But her scores are exceptionally high, which makes the announcers question if her mistakes were even deducted. 

As she’s getting ready for her next routine, she overhears other athletes complaining about athletes with their coaches’ “support” always getting better scores. She steps out for her ribbon routine, and on the sidelines, we see her coach exchanging nods with one of the judges. 

As she’s doing her ribbon routine, she is thinking about every hard moment she’s had - eating disorder, physical and emotional pain, the issues with her family - and then the many years of hard work it’s taken for her to get here. Shi Ho reaches the climax in her performance, and then throws the ribbon high into the air. She raises her hands but lets the ribbon fall and hit the floor. She stands tall in the middle of the floor and appears finished, even though everyone is telling her to pick up the ribbon. She performed without regrets and I want to applaud how far she’s come. 

On their walk home, Bok Joo tells Joon Hyung that she was impressed with Shi Ho today. He jokingly says that he almost regrets breaking up with her, and she crushes his hand in response. lol Bok Joo then wonders if some day, at her last competition, she'll be able to do as well as Shi Ho did - giving it her all. Joon Hyung says that they won’t know until they get there, and tells her not to be afraid, and to work hard. 

Joon Hyung’s parents prepare to close up the pharmacy for the night, and wonder if Jae Yi will ever get married. His mother knows that Dr. Go likes Jae Yi. A woman walks in, and they both freeze to see Joon Hyung's mother for the first time in years. His aunt (calling her aunt now so we can separate the two women) asks why she hasn’t been in contact in so long, and she apologizes and seems remorseful. She’s only arrived in Seoul a few days ago and has something to ask them.

The next day, Bok Joo is stopped by Joon Hyung’s mother, who asks where the swimming building is located. Bok Joo takes her there, unaware of who she is, and then turns to leave. 

Joon Hyung happens to run outside to get on his bike, and Bok Joo spots him and calls his name. He greets her but then sees his mother standing next to her, and his face freezes. (My heart hurts looking at his face.) His mother asks tearfully, “Joon Hyung-ah, do you recognize me? It’s me, Mom.” He doesn’t say anything and Bok Joo is looking back and forth at them.

[Ep15“That’s how you became an adult”

Joon Hyung looks stunned as he sees his mother for the first time in over a decade. He’s crying silently as she steps closer to ask if it’s really him. His mother tearfully tells him that he grew up better than she expected, and then touches his tearful face tenderly. Bok Joo keeps her distance and gives them their space. Again, his face. :( 

At the pharmacy, Joon Hyung’s aunt worries about him, and asks her husband if he thinks she’ll mention the postcards that she’s been sending as if they were from his mother. 

Joon Hyung and his mother are sitting at a coffee shop barely having a conversation. She asks him about Bok Joo being close and he replies with a terse yes. She asks about his swimming and he starts tearing up again and gives a brief answer. She then gives him a pair of sneakers and mentions that she had to guess his size. He accepts them with a polite thank you. She says she’s been thinking of him a lot and apologizes for not coming to see him sooner. They’re interrupted by a phone call from his aunt, and he answers the call, “Hello, Mom” and his mother looks hurt by this. 

At home, Joon Hyung and his mother are having dinner with his aunt and uncle, and Jae Yi.  Joon Hyung chokes on the piece of fish his mother sets on his spoon. He asks “Mom” for a glass of water, meaning his aunt, but his mother stands as well, causing an uncomfortable moment. His aunt graciously hands her the water carafe and glass so she can help him instead. 

He walks her out to catch a cab, and she goes to hold his hand and he finally looks at her. (He looks so dazed.) Before she gets in the cab, she asks if he wants to come to her hotel tomorrow, so she can make him a meal before she leaves. He agrees to come and asks for her phone number. After she leaves, he looks at the hand she had touched and the tiniest smile appears on his face. 

He goes to school to see Bok Joo and grabs her in a big backhug when he sees her. She notices that he seems happy and asks how things went with mother. He tells her what he and his mother did today, and about their plans tomorrow night. He tells Bok Joo about holding his mother’s hand and how it felt so warm, and she says that she’s jealous but she’ll let it go this time. Bok Joo then says that she’d like to have a mom who could come visit her, too. Joon Hyung tears up at that and says that she has a supportive dad and a great uncle instead, and more importantly, she has him. He grabs her in another hug and she says she forgot about that. 

The next day, Joon Hyung calls his mother to let her know that he’s getting ready, and she asks him to bring a photo album of when he was young. He hangs up and tries on the sneakers she gave him - they’re too small but he squeezes his feet into them anyway. 

He goes home to pick up some photo albums to show his mom, and overhears his aunt, uncle, and Jae Yi talking about money. They’re talking about “her child” needing surgery and she will likely need more funds. All Joon Hyung hears is that his mother only came here for money. He steps into the room and asks them if she’s really only here for the money. He starts to sob as he says she should be grateful for all the years they fed and raised him, instead of asking for such a favor. He’s distraught and only grows angrier when his aunt tries to explain there is a good reason for it. He screams that it doesn’t matter, and asks how someone who hasn’t even contacted them for ten years could ask for something like this. 

His aunt then realizes that he must know that she’s been sending the cards and gifts, and he confirms that he’s known for a long time. He says that she should have been honest with him, instead of making him miserable wondering how long he had to pretend to not know and when it would stop. He demands to know why they would consider giving her money, asking if they feel sorry for him, or if they wanted to do one more charitable thing. His aunt slaps him and sarcastically says that she raised him so she could get into Heaven, and then tearfully says that he’s an ungrateful brat as she clutches at her heart. A sobbing Joon Hyung runs out of the house. How awful for this family and his poor face broke my heart.


At the weightlifting gym, Coach Yoon yells at Bok Joo, in front of everyone, accusing her of not training hard enough. He tells her to just quit and go to Taereung (the Korean national training center), and then he grins. He laughs and tells her that she’s been invited to train at Taereung. He says there will be an interview with her tomorrow, and she’s to report to Taereung this very weekend. She is in shock, as the whole team cheers in celebration.

Uncle Dae Ho accepts a produce delivery at Bok Chicken and the new girl making the delivery is very flirty with him. She asks him for a soda, and he becomes mesmerized when she knocks the cap off the bottle and drinks it in one go with a pinky out. She gives him a smile, thanks him, pokes his cheek and then leaves. He’s left literally trying to slap some sense into himself. Hehe.

Nan Hee and Seon Ok are thrilled for Bok Joo being invited to the national team, and she tells them that her father is happy too, since being a national weightlifter was always his dream. They’re sad that she’ll be going away though, and Nan Hee asks what she plans to do about Joon Hyung as they just started dating. 

Bok Joo tries to call him but is unable to reach him. Shi Ho notices that she’s worried and tells her that’s what dating is like - that you worry when you can’t get in touch, and everything makes you wonder if their feelings have changed.

Joon Hyung’s aunt is very worried about him, and feels guilty that he’s known about the postcards and gifts for years. His uncle assures her that he will be fine. And then his mother calls his aunt to see if something happened to him, since he didn’t show up to their dinner and his phone is off. 

Nan Hee and Seon Ok are dressed up for Bok Joo’s interview the next morning, since there will be a group photo. Tae Kwon runs up and asks Bok Joo if she was with Joon Hyung all last night, as he never came back to their room. Tae Kwon also assumed that they were together as his phone was off. Now they’re worried that something has happened to him, so Bok Joo calls Jae Yi.

They meet at a cafe and Jae Yi tells her about the family fight yesterday, and how Joon Hyung learned that his mother only came back for money, and not for him. He says that Joon Hyung had to grow up too fast and puts on a tough front but he’s quite tender-hearted. He’s such a good older brother. He then says that his mother couldn't sleep at all last night as she's never hit Joon Hyung before. He asks her to let him know if she hears from Joon Hyung. 

Her friends tell Bok Joo not to worry too much about Joon Hyung, but she can’t help it. She steps out to call him and gets his voicemail, and this time she leaves a message. She tells him that she knows what happened, but asks him to send her a message so she can stop worrying.

Joon Hyung is okay - he ended up on their beach last night and fell asleep on the sand. He dreams about his mother leaving him, then coming back, and when he wakes up, he finds that the too-small shoes she gave him have caused bleeding sores on his heels. He angrily throws them away. 

The weightlifting team is awkward when the interviewers show up to film, following the camera around and acting completely unnatural. Coach Yoon doesn’t really help by yelling instructions. Bok Joo is distracted when it comes time for her interview, but she tells them about her slump, and how she overcame it with help. She mentions her family, her coaches and friends, her best friends, and starts to mention Joon Hyung. She thinks about all the times he’s been there when she needed someone, and she ends the interview by saying she has an emergency situation she needs to handle. She apologizes and rushes out to find Joon Hyung and be there for him this time.

He’s still not answering his phone, and she ends up leaving an angry message, fussing at him for worrying her (and his family) like this. She goes to the river, then the beach, but Joon Hyung is nowhere to be found. Her last message is angry but she sobs that she's breaking up with him if he’s going to be this way.

Uncle Dae Ho stops at a convenience store for snacks, and finds himself a bit short on cash. The delivery girl shows up and pays the difference, and they end up having a drink together. She leans in close and calls him cute, very cute, and even recognizes him from his (very tiny) movie roles. Later on she’s hammered and invites him to her place. He gallantly tries to turn her down but eventually he caves. 

It’s dark by the time Bok Joo gets back to school, and she ends up outside the swimming pavilion. She goes in and finds a fully-clothed Joon Hyung floating face-up in the pool. She screams at him to come out but he doesn’t move nor make a sound, so she takes off her coat and wades in. As she’s moving towards him, she’s scolding him but she’s really just worried about him. 

He finally looks up when she touches him, but he seems to be in an almost catatonic state. In an emotionless voice, he says that his mother didn’t come to see him, but to ask for money. 

JJH: My assumption was wrong. Even though I missed Mom to death, I persevered through it. I thought it was the same for her. Only I was happy to see her. It's so embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for myself. I feel embarrassed in front of my Uncle and Aunt. Compared to when Mom abandoned me, I'm much sadder now. And then these heart wrenching sobs start as Bok Joo hugs him and he cries on her shoulder, still standing in the middle of the pool.

Later when they get out and dry off, Joon Hyung listens to Bok Joo’s angry messages and smiles as he hears how much she cares about him. He enjoys it when Bok Joo towels off his wet hair, and cutely objects when she pulls the towel around his face and calls him a pretty baby. She fusses at him softly and asks if he knew how worried she was. He ducks his head and says he heard her messages, and asks if she’s really going to break up with him. She says it was a warning and if he cuts off contact again, she won’t forgive him. He smiles and says that she really likes him. She then gives him a mild beating - with each thump, it’s for a different person - his aunt, uncle, and Jae Yi, and then several are from her. He gets her to stop as he’s smarting from it. Ha, imagine if she was really mad instead of worried. Then she says they have to go. Joon Hyung tells her that he can’t go - because he doesn’t have any shoes. They wrap his feet in plastic bags and she piggybacks him a short way. She asks why he doesn’t have any shoes, and he says that he was mad. But he’s too heavy and he says he’ll just walk barefooted but she’s concerned about him getting frostbite. She gets him to stay on a bench and leaves to grab some shoes from a weightlifting sunbae’s locker. He puts them on (yes, they fit, because she knows him), snuggles up to Bok Joo and apologizes again. She tells him that she can understand his mother a little. She says that every child is dear to their parents, and he is dear to his mother but she has a sick child and needs to help this child first. 

KBJ: You might be hurt by this but I can understand your mom a little. Every child is dear to their parents. You're dear to her, but her other child is sick. She must help her sick child first. It doesn't mean that she doesn't love you. Joon Hyung's eyes fill with tears again. It's difficult for your mom, but can you imagine how hard it is for your aunt? Go and comfort her now. She couldn't sleep a wink last night. He moves his head off her shoulder and looks at her.
JJH: How did you know that? Did you meet Jae Yi?
KBJ: What else could I do? You didn't pick up my calls. My only contact was Jae Yi. You're making me angrier. Go home and make your mother [his aunt] feel better.
JJH: Okay. I'll go back tomorrow.
KBJ: No way. Go home now. Is it because you feel embarrassed for what you've done? It will get worse tomorrow. Go home now. He nods. Let’s stay one more minute. He goes back to hugging her. 

She walks him to the pharmacy, and he says that she didn’t have to walk him all the way. She says that she wanted to make sure he didn’t chicken out. She keeps telling him to go inside. He finally says “Okay, noona.” Hehe, he’s calling her that because she’s being quite bossy. He really doesn’t want to go so he whines about them being disappointed in him. She tells him to just give her a tight hug and apologize and to go already. 

After walking as slowly as humanly possible, Joon Hyung finally goes in. His aunt is looking at a family photo and rubbing his face, but when she sees him, she puts the photo frame down. He gives his aunt a bag of roasted chestnuts (her favorite) and starts to peel one for her. She gently takes her hands to stop him and notices his cold hands and offers to make him some citron tea. As she does, Joon Hyung walks up behind her and backhugs her, and apologizes and asks to be forgiven and he’ll never do it again. Then he jokes that his bad behavior is really her fault for not being strict with him and for coddling him, which makes her laugh. He still calls her mom. He apologizes again, saying how grateful he is for having her, his uncle and Jae Yi, and how much he loves them. He then nuzzles his face in her, and says she smells like a mother. She quips that she was too upset to even wash her hair, and now they’re both laughing. His uncle is outside and smiles at the sight of them hugging. Awwww, how lucky this family is to have such love.

When it’s time for Joon Hyung’s mother to catch her flight home, Joon Hyung surprises her by showing up to see her off. She says that was worried that she wouldn’t see him before she left. He looks better and seems almost like his usual cheerful self. She thanks him for coming and starts to say something, but he interrupts and thanks her for giving birth to him. He then hands her the handkerchief and he tells her that he doesn’t think he needs it anymore. She grabs his hand and just looks at him with teary eyes. He asks if she has a picture of his sister. She shows him a photo, and says that her name is Amelia.

Joon Hyung asks his mother to bring her to visit when she’s well, and she says that she’ll be so happy to meet her handsome brother. He then shows his mother a picture of Bok Joo (the one he sneakily took of her during the fireworks, Ep12). She recognizes Bok Joo from that day on campus, and he tells her that she’s his girlfriend. 
Bok Joo is waiting at the airport for him. 

KBJ: Did you say goodbye to your mom?
JJH nods: Yes. 
KBJ: I'm happy because you listened to me. 
JJH: I'm yours, so I have to listen to you. 
She smiles at his response and gives him her hand, and they walk together holding hands. They look so cute together in this scene. 

Dr. Go is shocked when Jae Yi shows up at her new office, and he jokes that she probably wouldn’t believe he was just in the area. He admits that he wanted to see her, and she asks why he’s suddenly doing things he’s never done before. He says that he doesn’t have anyone to eat with, and invites her out now.
On the bus ride back to school, some girls are gushing over Joon Hyung’s handsome face. I concur. lol So Bok Joo pulls his turtleneck up to hide his face. He pulls it down and she suggests shaving his head. He agrees to do that if that’s what she wants. lol She then says that she can't go away because she'll be too nervous about some other girl snatching him up. I don't think that will happen as he's a very loyal puppy boyfriend. 

She finally tells him about being accepted to the national weightlifting team, and that she’s leaving next weekend. He looks and sounds genuinely thrilled and excited for her, and she’s surprised he’s not upset or sad as that means they’ll have to be a long-distance couple now and she won’t be able to visit often. He says if he wins second place at his next swim meet, then they’ll look at his previous scores, and if he wins first place, he gets an invitation to Taereung, so he’ll just win first place and join her. She is so excited that she shoves him to the swimming pavilion to train. He doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, and says if she kisses him, then he’ll run there now. So she gives him a kiss, and he takes off running and then throws his jacket on the track. (~48:30, Haha, these two are so cute!)

Joon Hyung trains hard as he’s motivated to win his competition and join Bok Joo at Taereung. She makes him sandwiches which he enjoys but the minute he’s done eating, she tries to send  him off to run. lol He refuses to go and says he’ll only run if she gives him a kiss. She says she’ll give him one after he’s done running. So he steals a kiss, and then shoots finger hearts at her as he’s leaving, and she shoots them back at him. lol (~50:25) Later, they make a wish together at the wishing fountain for him to get over his “start trauma,” and soon it’s time for the race.

Bok Joo is there to support him, and Joon Hyung looks for her in the audience as he gets ready to start. He seems calm and ready, and when the whistle blows, he dives into the water with no issues whatsoever. (No false start!) He doesn’t have the fastest start, but he catches up to his rival in the next lane. It’s a very close finish, and Joon Hyung comes in second place, separated by only a tiny fraction of a second. 

Meanwhile, Kim Dad gets the news that a kidney donor may have been found for him. He makes an appointment for the next day for further testing, telling Dae Ho that he wants to wait until after he sends Bok Joo off to Taereung, as he doesn’t want her to be worried. He asks Dae Ho to keep this quiet unless the donor is confirmed, who reluctantly agrees. 

Joon Hyung looks disappointed when he sees Bok Joo after his race, but she smiles up at him and gives him a hug. He tells her sadly that he wanted to win and go to Taereung with her. She tells him that he couldn’t have done better as he’s overcome his “start trauma” and now he can focus on improving. She’s such a supportive girlfriend. 

As they walk back to school, Joon Hyung knows exactly how long until she leaves - 13 hours, 26 minutes and 15 seconds. Aww. He tells her not to run away because he plans on following her soon, and if she breaks up with him and starts seeing someone else, he’ll kill her. She tells him that’s what she wants to tell him, and that she’s asked Nan Hee and Seon Ok to keep an eye on him. lol On him, or other females? 

He offers to escort her to Taereung tomorrow, but she says she wants to go alone. She wants him to spend all of his free time training so he can join her. She also asks him to check on her father.
Everyone's looking. xD
She gets a call from Nan Hee who asks her to bring her uniform to the weightlifting gym. Joon Hyung goes with her and decides to take advantage of the dark room for kissing. And then the lights come on and the entire weightlifting team yells “SURPRISE!”, which startles the kissing couple, and there’s an awkward silence even as the tinsel continues falling down. Hahaha, oops. 

Once the awkwardness is over, the coaches give Bok Joo some words of encouragement, and she thanks them for their support. Coach Yoon has Joon Hyung introduce himself, and then the female weightlifters are in awe of his handsomeness and tell Bok Joo that she’s so lucky. Coach Yoon then tries to claim that he was totally that handsome when he was young, but he’s interrupted by Coach Choi who proposes a toast, wishing Bok Joo luck at her first competition in China.

Bok Joo is ready to leave in the morning, and her father and uncle see her off. Her uncle offers her a ride but she says she wants to go on her own, and she asks him to take care of her father.  She salutes them as if she’s going off to army duty, and Dad watches her leave, both sad and proud.

Bok Joo’s thoughts on the bus to Taereung: Joon Hyung-ah, I’m leaving. I couldn’t show you, but I’m so scared and nervous right now. Will I be able to do a good job? After I open that unknown door and walk through it, what kind of world will be waiting for me? 


Joon Hyung’s thoughts as he looks at his locker decorated with photos of Bok Joo: Don’t worry, Bok Joo-yah. You’ll be great. You’re much stronger and prettier than you think you are. You’ll shine brilliantly wherever you are. Kim Bok Joo, SWAG*!” 

*SWAG = something Bok Joo and her friends say in place of “that’s awesome”. Joon Hyung has been trying to say it the same way the girls have for most of this time, and he barely gets it right. I haven’t been focused on it as much. lol Sorry, SWAG fans. 

Bok Joo enters the national training center and in her heart, she promises Joon Hyung that she’ll wait for him but asks him not to take too long. 

Joon Hyung gets ready to train and in his heart, he promises that if she waits, he’ll follow her soon.

KBJ: I miss you, Jung Joon Jyung.
JJH: I miss you, Bok Joo-yah.

[Ep16“Spring again, youth, and us”

Settled at the Taereung National Training Center, Bok Joo calls Joon Hyung to say good night.  He tells her he’s improving his swimming times, eager to earn his spot and be a star athlete like Michael Phelps at Taereung and join her. She tells him that she misses him, her friends, and her father’s fried chicken. Growing sleepy, Joon Hyung promises to run by Bok Chicken tomorrow and check on her father. 

Bok Joo tells Joon Hyung that her time at school feels like it was a dream, now that she’s at Taereung. Joon Hyung doesn’t answer and she realizes that he’s fallen asleep and complains that she feels like she likes him more these days. I doubt that. :)


The following morning, Joon Hyung heads over to Bok Chicken as promised, and when he gets there, he finds a sign stating that the restaurant is temporarily closed for personal reasons, so he calls Uncle Dae Ho and learns that Kim Dad is in the hospital undergoing tests to prepare for a kidney transplant.

He goes to visit Kim Dad, who asks if he and Bok Joo are just school friends, why is he there? He doesn’t say anything but Uncle Dae Ho says that he’s lucky that he cares, and that he (Kim Dad) just has a nasty temper. Kim Dad threatens to beat his brother in response. Haha, just proving his point. His surgery is scheduled for the day of Bok Joo’s upcoming competition in China, so he asks Joon Hyung not to tell Bok Joo about it so as to not make her worry. Joon Hyung zips his lips closed with his fingers and then staples his lips shut for good measure. (~5:15, just funny.)

Joon Hyung gets a call just then, and barely stops himself from saying Bok Joo’s name when he answers. He says that he’ll call back when he’s done “training,” and hangs up on her. Now she wonders what’s going on as he fell asleep on her the night before and now he seems to not want to talk to her. 

A couple of her Taereung sunbaes ask to see a picture of her boyfriend, so Bok Joo pulls up a few on her phone. They exclaim over how handsome he is, and one girl says it’s strange that such a good-looking guy doesn’t answer when she calls. Yikes.

This sunbae goes on to say that most athletes who come into Taereung with significant others end up breaking up, and there are signs to watch out for. 1) You are unable to reach them. 2) And when you do, they will sound aloof and give short answers. 3) Eventually, they ask to break up because they’ve found someone else. Bok Joo argues that Joon Hyung is just in training, but the girls laugh that it’s lunchtime, so that’s just an excuse. Considering his looks, she says she’d give it a month, because surely the girls will be all over him now that Bok Joo is gone. Again, why do such mean people exist? 

While hanging out with Seon Ok and Tae Kwon, Nan Hee takes a call from Bok Joo. She complains that she called Joon Hyung but he said he was in training, and Nan Hee tells her that can’t be true as Tae Kwon is with them right now. Uh oh.

The girls interrogate Tae Kwon demanding to know where Joon Hyung really is. Tae Kwon tells them that all Joon Hyung said was that he had somewhere to go, and now they suspect it has something to do with a woman. Tae Kwon insists that Joon Hyung would never cheat, but the girls want to find out what’s going on and need his cooperation. He doesn’t have a choice. lol 

Dae Ho takes Joon Hyung into the hospital hallway and calls him “nephew-in-law”, which results in a very goofy grin from Joon Hyung. (~8:50, you just have to see it.) He asks Joon Hyung to come back for a couple of hours tomorrow so that he can spend some time with his girlfriend Kim Seul Gi, that sassy delivery girl. Joo Hyung agrees and says he’ll come after his training and then calls him “uncle-in-law”. Both guys giggle at this. Yes, giggle - if it’s any two guys in this series - it would be these two. :)

Joon Hyung tries to return Bok Joo’s call on the way back to the dorms, but she doesn’t answer. Shi Ho bumps into him and offers to walk back to the dorms with him. He doesn’t want to walk with her and tries to send her ahead on her own. He reluctantly walks back with her. Shi Ho tells him that she’s been feeling better since seeing the therapist, and that she’s interviewing for assistant coaching jobs. She asks if he’s able to see Bok Joo much, aware that it’s difficult to date someone at Taereung, and Joon Hyung says that he’s starting to resent the national team. 
Real conspicuous, guys. xD
After practice the following day, Tae Kwon contacts Seon Ok and Nan Hee, and the three trail Joon Hyung to see where he’s going. They follow him (quite conspicuously) as he walks, and they’re sure it’s another girl, and they barely hide casually in plain sight when he notices eyes on his back. The music here makes me think of Pac-Man and these three are the ghosts in that game. Hehe.

Somehow, they’re able to follow him all the way to the hospital without being caught, and gather at the hospital door once he goes inside. Seon Ok recognizes the name on the door, and Nan Hee cringes when she realizes that it’s Bok Joo’s father in the room and not some woman. 

They peek in and get caught by Kim Dad, and Joon Hyung glares at them angrily all the way back to school. He feels betrayed by Tae Kwon for siding with the girls in thinking he was cheating. The girls admit that they forced him to go along with their plan and they were just worried because Bok Joo was upset. Joon Hyung calms down, and makes them promise to keep Kim Dad’s secret. Tae Kwon holds onto his arm and tries to grovel for forgiveness, but Joon Hyung tells Tae Kwon that their friendship is over after this year. lol I think he’s kidding. 
Pretty Bok Joo.
Bok Joo finally answers when Joon Hyung calls again, and they both pout that it’s so hard to talk because they’re in training. Joon Hyung says he’s busy for many different reasons, and has no answer for her when she asks what kinds of reasons. Bok Joo asks if the truth is that he has the time for her but not the heart, and Joon Hyung looks horrified at the idea, but she’s called away by her sunbae before he can answer. Joon Hyung complains to a picture of Bok Joo that hearing her voice only makes him miss her more, and kisses his screen. (Aww, it’s the picture of her he took when she was watching fireworks. Ep12.)

Bok Joo twinges her back injury again in training, and her coach worries that it’s not getting better. She sends Bok Joo for treatment and tells her to take the rest of the day off and spend the night at home, which Bok Joo gratefully accepts.

Tae Kwon calls Seon Ok, says nervously that he has the day off, and asks her to go to a movie with him. She says she’ll call Nan Hee but he stops her and clarifies that he only wants to go with her. 

As they walk to the theater, Tae Kwon tentatively takes her hand, and Seon Ok looks up at him with wide eyes. But Nan Hee comes barreling at them and Seon Ok pushes Tae Kwon away violently by the face. Maybe she learned that move from Bok Joo? LOL! Now that they’re trapped, Seon Ok invites Nan Hee to the movie with them. 

After getting treatment for her back, Bok Joo decides to visit home before seeing Joon Hyung. She calls her father, and Uncle Dae Ho fibs that Kim Dad is in the bathroom, but they both jump when she says she’ll be home in twenty minutes. 

Their first date is ruined as Nan Hee sits between the miserable couple-to-be at the movie. When Nan Hee nods off, their hands meet in the popcorn in her lap, and they hold hands until Nan Hee suddenly wakes up. Ha!

Dad panics at the thought of Bok Joo seeing the closed sign at the restaurant, so Dae Ho thinks fast and calls Joon Hyung. Joon Hyung rushes over to the restaurant on his bike and just barely manages to stop Bok Joo from seeing the sign (lol the way he throws down his bike). He acts like he was there to eat fried chicken and happened to see her, and says this must be what they call “telepathy”. lol This guy cannot lie, and I love him for it.

When she tries to go inside, he suddenly grabs her in a hug and says that he really missed her.  But he’s acting so weird that Bok Joo asks if he’s done something wrong. He says he just missed her and suggests they go eat barbecue. 


However, he doesn’t really think it through and they end up looking at a basket of fried chicken. Fail, Joon Hyung, epic fail! lol Now she’s really suspicious of everything he says, even though he tries to distract her by calling her Chubs. She finally blows up, and asks if he's been flirting with other girls while she’s been gone. He says that he doesn’t have a death wish, but he looks very guilty when he fakes a stomachache to answer his phone.

It’s Dae Ho calling to let him know that he and Kim Dad are on their way home and they need him to stall Bok Joo for thirty more minutes. But Bok Joo sneaks up on him while he’s still on the phone and he looks petrified. This is the face of a dead man. Haha!


He shoves her back to the table, swearing that he wasn’t talking to anyone she knows. He lies that it was an old school friend, but she heard enough of the conversation to hear that he was being too respectful to be talking to a schoolmate. His lies are so bad, possibly worse than her previous ones.

Joon Hyung turns the tables on her and asks why she’s trying to pick a fight when they haven’t seen each other in ages. Bok Joo decides that he must have been talking to a woman, and demands to see his phone. Joon Hyung plays keep-away, which just escalates the situation.

Bok Joo insists that he should show her the phone if he has nothing to hide, while Joon Hyung hollers that she should trust him. Eventually she backs down, saying that her increased training has made her sensitive. So Joon Hyung sets his phone on the table and swears that he hasn’t even looked at another woman. When he reaches for chicken, she snatches his phone.  He chases her around the restaurant as she tries to pull up his call history. He starts yelling about privacy and eats bites of chicken between his words. Hahaha. She gets fed up and leaves. Uhm, how are they doing all this in a restaurant and not a single patron or employee has told them to stop fighting or get out. lol 

Joon Hyung follows her out, but Bok Joo is furious. She admits that she hates feeling jealous and petty. She then yells that she feels stupid for being so excited to see him and storms off.

She walks home, grumbling about him the whole way. She stops short when she gets inside the restaurant, and sees her father wiping tables with a mask on, while Dae Ho is fiddling with the fire extinguisher for some unknown reason. They’re being weirder than normal. Lucky for them, Nan Hee and Seon Ok come running in, after having also been called by Dae Ho, and they do their trademark “swag!” move, which Dad and Dae Ho awkwardly imitate. LOL (~29:00, Just look at Dae Ho.)

Dr. Go sits in her office gloomily staring at her phone, and is disappointed when the knock on her door is just her nurse. The nurse says that “that person” must not be coming tonight, but Dr. Go denies waiting for anyone. 

She hides her reflexive grin when she hears Jae Yi’s voice calling her name “Ah Yeong-ah”. He apologizes for being late and says he got there as fast as he could. She denies waiting for him. She absolutely was. She says she already ate when he asks, but he dimples at her and asks if she’ll go with him while he eats. I can see why this woman waited this long for him. 

At the restaurant, Jae Yi smiles as he watches her stuff her face, and she says that she got interrupted while eating earlier. He takes out his phone and starts talking about other restaurants in the area they can go to, and Dr. Go suddenly jumps up with red eyes and leaves.

Jae Yi catches up to her and asks what’s wrong, and she lets him have it. She tells him that she came all this way to get over him, but now she finds herself waiting for him every night like before. She hates that she’s feeling this way again and asks him to not come again, and turns to leave. Jae Yi reaches out and hugs her which surprises her. 

He says that Seoul is lonely without her, and asks her not to tell him not to come. Now she leans back to look at him and asks what he means, but he just asks, “By any chance, do you like Messi?” Nan Hee’s pick-up line is working for the adults now. lol  Dr. Go laughs at this and says that this is a bad way to pick up to someone. He agrees but opens his arms, and this time she steps into his hug. 

Bok Joo spends the evening with Seon Ok and Nan Hee, and kicks her phone grumpily when Joon Hyung calls. They ask if she’s fed up with him, and she complains that men don’t stay loyal if you aren’t right next to them. So far from the truth.

Joon Hyung goes to Bok Chicken, worried as Bok Joo still won’t answer his calls. He knows they don’t have much time together and wishes that she would just answer his calls. He reaches for the door handle and Kim Dad bursts out.  They sit down inside, where Kim Dad asks what Joon Hyung did to upset Bok Joo. Joon Hyung just says it’s a misunderstanding. Dad has to know it's because of him, right? Kim Dad begrudgingly thanks him for his help today. Ha.

Kim Dad then asks if he’s a good swimmer, and about his parents, and Joon Hyung is honest that he was raised by his aunt and uncle as his father died when he was little and his mother remarried. But he explains that they raised him and he was well-loved, so he never felt like he was missing anything. Kim Dad scoffs at him saying that about himself. Kim Dad then asks what he likes about Bok Joo, and Joon Hyung’s eyes get real soft. 

JJH: She just feels warm. When she is with her friends, when she is with you and her uncle, and also when she lifts weights. Bok Joo, somehow, makes your heart warm ever since she was little. 
Kim Dad: She's a very friendly person. She takes after me. Ha!

Joon Hyung readily agrees with him but laughs awkwardly. Kim Dad says he's lying and then they both genuinely laugh about it. Kim Dad knows that he truly loves his daughter. 

Kim Dad and Uncle Dae Ho hurriedly send Bok Joo back to Taereung the next morning, and the moment she’s gone, they rush back to the hospital. But then Bok Joo doubles back for something she forgot, and sees the closed sign back up at the restaurant.

A friend of her father’s stops by and asks Bok Joo when her father’s surgery is scheduled. It’s news to Bok Joo, and she calls Uncle Dae Ho to ask where he is right now. He lies that he’s at the restaurant, just as she walks into the hospital room.
They sit Bok Joo down and tell her everything, explaining that they just didn’t want to worry her before her first big competition. Her father tells her that he asked Dae Ho to not say anything, and he didn’t want to ruin her chances at international competition - he’d regret it for his entire life. Dad begs her not to be mad. She says that she’s not angry. She sadly says that he always knows when something is wrong with her, but she didn’t suspect anything. He tells her that’s because he’s the parent. Aww, I’m straight up bawling at this. 

She promises to win the gold medal for him, as long as he does well in his surgery. Dae Ho tells her how Joon Hyung helped them stall her yesterday, and Bok Joo realizes this explains Joon Hyung’s recent strange behavior. 

Bok Joo waits for him outside the swimming pavilion, and throws her arms up in the air in supplication when she sees him. (Hehe, he jumps like she’s going to hit him.) She apologizes for being thoughtless, not being understanding at all and being self-centered. Then she says that she doesn't deserve him as a boyfriend. He asks if she’s lost her mind. Then she says she’s sorry for listening to her Taereung sunbaes without evidence, while he’d been doing so much for her father. Then she grabs his hand and asks him to hit her. He refuses to hit her. She explains that she’s just uneasy because he’s so handsome and has a great personality that any woman would fall for. Joon Hyung asks "what else?" She continues that his hands are warm, he’s a good swimmer and a good kisser. He asks "what else?" again. She says that she’s done, and he asks how she found out and if things are okay between her and her father. She just nods.

Joon Hyung takes Bok Joo back to Taereung, and pouts that it seems extra close today when he wanted to spend more time with her. He looks into her eyes and tells her that he’s totally fallen for her and he’s never going to cheat on her. He tells her to just focus on training and bring home the gold medal. He says that he’ll be there for her father's surgery, so she won’t have to worry. They have a hard time parting as Joon Hyung keeps telling Bok Ju to go on but refuses to let go of her hand. She then hugs him and he tells her to go on but refuses to let go of her again. These two are killing me. 
Bok Joo follows through on her promise to focus on training, while Joon Hyung cheers her on by making Jenga towers of her favorite sausages and sending her pictures. He texts tips on taking care of her back and updates on her father. He also makes a wish at their toad fountain for her success.

It’s finally here - the day of the competition in China, and Bok Joo mentally prepares for her turn to lift. She gives herself a silent pep talk, telling herself that she has many people at home loving her and cheering her on. She tells herself, “Kim Bok Joo, you can do it!”

At the same time, Joon Hyung and Uncle Dae Ho wait for news of her father’s surgery, and breathe a sigh of relief when he comes through it just fine. They turn on a live broadcast of Bok Joo’s competition, and clutch each other nervously as she takes the stage. This looks like the face of two expectant fathers instead ones waiting for weightlifting scores. lol


Her old Haneul weightlifting team is also gathered together to watch and cheer as she steps up to the barbell. She lifts the weight above her head and holds it, grimacing as she struggles not to move, and when the bell rings, she drops it to the floor. She’s done it!

Her teammates go crazy, screaming in celebration, and Joon Hyung and Uncle Dae Ho bounce in their seats (lol at Joon Hyung kissing Bok Joo on the phone screen), as Bok Joo raises her arms in triumph. Behind them, Kim Dad opens his eyes, awakened from their barely contained squeals of happiness and a tiny, proud smile is visible from under his oxygen mask. 

The airport is packed with reporters when the team arrives back in Korea, but Bok Joo is looking for one face. When she sees Joon Hyung (who is holding a sign for Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo), she leaves her team and jumps into his arms with her legs wrapped around his waist, and they hug and spin around as if they were alone in their own little world. They really are though. He tells her how proud he is of her. I have nothing but heart eyes here.

Two Years Later

Joon Hyung walks with one of his Taereung sunbaes (they’re wearing national team jackets - aww, he made it), who reminds him that he needs to go or he’ll be late for his own graduation, and Joon Hyung yelps that Bok Joo is going to be mad at him and takes off running. 

Bok Joo (aww, she has long hair now!), Seon Ok and Nan Hee gather with their old weightlifting sunbaes, dressed in their caps and gowns. Coach Yoon starts one of his trademark awkward speeches, and Coach Choi tries to keep him on track. The coaches then do a high-five, showing off their couple rings, which make the females squeal in excitement. Ah, she finally got him, or rather he finally figured it out. lol Coach Yoon finishes saying (as he’s sniffling) that he and Coach Choi will always be there for them. 

Bok Joo looks in her locker for the last time. For graduation, the girls have a fashion show with their teammates in the gym - they’re dancing/sashaying down the line covered in their training gear, and then have to walk the line again while everything is yanked off of them. Hahaha.  

At the swimming pavilion, Joon Hyung fights against his hoobaes as they’re about to toss him into the pool fully clothed. And then Tae Kwon shows up, dressed in his army fatigues and helps them dunk Joon Hyung before he gets thrown in himself. Strange graduation hazing. lol

After the graduation ceremony, Bok Joo and Joon Hyung formally introduce their families to each other, including Jae Yi who is now engaged to Dr. Go. Fi-nal-ly! It appears that the two families have been exchanging fried chicken and vitamins through their respective kids for a while now. Jae Yi teases Joon Hyung that it looks like they’re getting engaged, and Bok Joo congratulates him and Dr. Go on setting a wedding date.  
Jung Family (with Dr. Go!)
Kim Family
Trademark SWAG pose
The Squad
After a round of photos with their friends, Bok Joo and Joon Hyung take one last walk on campus. They go to the toad fountain and then the track, reminiscing about all the times they spent here. They make a bet about who will win the most medals at the Tokyo Olympics. He teases that he'll win and become more famous than her and asks if she wants his autograph. She tells him to just make sure that she'll be able to see him in Tokyo. Hehe. 
He looks so grown up here. T_T
JJH with a serious look: Bok Joo. If I win a gold medal this time, will you marry me? I'll receive a pension, you know. I'll take care of you. 
KBJ casually: I'll think about it.
He makes a noise disagreeing with her response.
KBJ: But should you train hard if you want to win a gold medal? With that said, let's run together. He doesn't look happy.
JJH: Why would you want to run on our graduation day? No.
KBJ: You're a big slacker. If you slack off even just a day, your body will get stiff. He shakes his head. Let's run.
JJH: No. 
KBJ coaxing him: Let's run.
JJH: I said no.
KBJ deadpans: I won't marry you. But when she turns away to run off, she has a little smirk. She runs off to the middle of the field. 
JJH whines: Hey. What do you mean you won't marry me? If you say that, now I have no choice but to run. He runs after her.  
KBJ laughingly: I won’t marry you. He runs to her with open arms. Hurry up. He goes to hug her and she runs away again. 
KBJ: Hug me. And she keeps running. He’s just going to chase her for life. :)
They’re finally hugging and kissing on the field. 

Bok Joo’s voiceover: Everyone has a youth. It's a time more beautiful because we're immature, and a time that sparkles brightly. We're not afraid because we have nothing to lose and our hearts flutter because we can have anything. They’re now hugging and kissing on this field. 

Bok Joo: As a 24-year-old youth, I'm not complete yet, but I'm more than perfect already. 

Message from Writer-Nim: We thank the immature but eager 21-year-old youth and the viewers. Dear youths who are living the present, you’re awesome! SWAG!! 

The End.


by FanFanX

[First Impression (Ep1-4)Swimmer Joon Hyung becomes a pest to weightlifter Bok Soo, as he realizes that she was the girl who saved him in elementary school. He tries to be a good friend to her, but he enjoys teasing her, and sometimes his good intentions end with disastrous results. Bok Joo falls for the kind Dr. Jung Jae Yi, who helped her in the rain. And to make it possible to see him more often, she signs up for a weight loss program at his clinic. Yes, this weightlifter is trying to lose weight now. The tomboyish Bok Joo is now suddenly interested in looking more feminine - wearing a dress, fixing her hair and putting on makeup. Joon Hyung’s ex-girlfriend, Shi Ho is back on campus and seems to want to get back together with him and she is also Bok Joo’s new roommate. And Bok Joo has just discovered that her crush, Jae Yi and Joon Hyung are related - they’re brothers. This is going to get really interesting.

[Actors/ActressesI’ve seen both leads before in other series (separately), but this one is outstanding! 

Lee Sung Kyung gets the female lead role downpat - all the sass, brains, brawn and the right balance of femininity as champion weightlifter Kim Bok Joo. Outside of this role, she is very pretty and generally feminine-looking, so I appreciate the fact that she gave it her all in this role as I actually didn’t recognize her at first. 

Nam Joo Hyuk is so lovable, affable yet vulnerable as swimmer Jung Joon Hyung. If you’ve never seen him before - please don’t watch him in Start-Up, as it’s not a great example of his fine acting skills. This is seriously my favorite role of his! Oh, and in real life, these two did date briefly but things didn’t work out due to their busy schedules - and I know people still want them to be together now. Ha. I just want them to be together forever and ever as these characters. 

Lee Jae Yoon as his brother, Jung Jae Yi, is such a nice guy, with a great smile and an awesome brother but his selflessness drove me insane. There is such a thing as being too nice to everyone and being so selfless that it can lead to misplaced hope. 

To begin with, I really did not like her and almost skipped over her earlier scenes. However, Kyung Soo Jin as Song Shi Ho, has a tough role to play and as they slowly develop her character beyond being the annoying SFL. Hang in there, and you’ll learn to respect her. 

The supporting cast is quite enjoyable as well. So many familiar faces and new faces that I’d love to see again. I’d list each and every one but we’d be here all day.

Cameos (there are others but these are the characters I noticed):
Ep2. Lee Jong Suk as a handsome customer at Bok Chicken.
Ep11. Ji Soo as Kim Bok Joo's coworker, that oppa.
Ep15. Kim Seul Gi as Uncle Dae Ho's sassy girlfriend.
Ep16Byeon Woo-Seok as Joon Hyung's sunbae.

[Behind the Scenes

BTS of Ep14. This is my girl scene - when he's telling anyone and everyone about his girlfriend.
This isn’t a BTS - just a clip of one of my favorite funny scenes in Ep14, when he’s on a double date.  
 BTS of Ep15. I’ll run if you kiss me scene - when he refuses to run and wheedles a kiss from her before he'll do anything.
That's a wrap - I’m going to miss this cast.
[OSTThis is their first kiss/couple’s song: Han Hee Jung's Dreaming (꿈꾼다)It’s a very beautiful song - her voice and the lyrics. This song is giving me so much joy and hope.

I'm dreaming, I hope it will be eternal happiness
I'm dreaming, I hope there will be green days ahead
Even if cold wind blows over to us
I'm dreaming, I hope there will be more smiling days
Than days wet with tears

[Ending] Happy, healthy and forever in love. And this series deserves this kind of ending more than any other series.

[Review & Rating]
A coming-of-age romantic comedy at its finest/sweetest. I just love, love, love this series so much. The leads are so funny and cute. 

Kim Bok Joo is a sassy, kind, confident, outspoken, and tomboyish weightlifter - but then she falls in love. She is trying so hard to be more feminine and feigning interest in things she has no idea about (soccer, classical music). She falls for his brother, Jung Jae Yi who is a weight loss doctor. In a series of mishaps, she ends up being forced to ask Jung Joon Hyung for help in attracting his brother’s attention. Oh, her roommate is Jung Joon Hyung’s ex-girlfriend, Song Shi Ho, a rhythmic gymnast. Her relationships with her family and friends are deep, happy, flawed and natural. I love how much courage she has, and her fiery spirit is everything. Lee Sung Kyung is perfect as Kim Bok Joo - nails the toughness of being a weightlifter and the vulnerability of being a female - who figures out a happy medium for herself. She made some of the funniest (almost cartoon-like) faces and nailed it on being so relatable.

Jung Joon Hyung is adorable, funny, goofy, kind, thoughtful, sweet, and positively energetic. He’s a swimming prodigy but has some sort of anxiety/panic attack when it comes to a real competition - resulting in false starts and disqualification. (Yes, he’s shirtless in several swimming scenes.) He appears annoying to her at first because his best ideas end up backfiring on him. He is also on board with helping her catch the attention of his brother. Nam Joo Hyuk is the best in this. His expressions - from being gleeful to outrage to sadness, nailing pureness and then heartbreak, vacillating between the playful child and a serious adult.

I love how organic their relationship is - from the beginning of their friendship to when it changes to become so much more. They know when to support each other, when to show ‘tough’ love, when to be vulnerable and let the tears flow, and when to be strong and keep fighting. Respect is earned, not freely given. And there is so much heart in this series. It made me laugh and laugh, cry, melt, and just gave me pure joy and love to see our leads’ interactions. They are both surrounded by loving (goofy) family and friends, and such encouraging coaches. Family is defined by love, not by normalized standards. I also appreciate how the second leads are not paired together and instead have their own separate storylines. There is no character in this series that I felt was unnecessary or too contrived. And no, I’m not saying that anyone is perfect  but it’s a step in the right direction for humankind. (They’re in their early 20’s - misunderstandings, fumblings, etc. is natural. Enjoy their journey.)

I don’t want a second season for this series because it was just perfect as is. However, I could use another ep or two. Or maybe they could do a special?! 



Life Lessons

  • Bok Joo: Stay true to who you are - always be yourself.
  • Joon Hyung: Sometimes, you are allowed to be childish. And you can be exactly who you are with the one you love. 
  • Bok Joo & Joon Hyung: We should love our parents and know a parent’s love is eternal. 
  • Kim Dad: You can be soft sometimes yet still be supportive.
  • Uncle Dae Ho: You can’t force someone to like you.
  • Coaches Choi & Yoon: We should help one another. 
  • Nan Hee, Seon Ok & Tae Kwon: Friendship is important.
  • Jae Yi & Ah Yeong: Be patient for love. But don’t stay in one spot forever.
  • Shi Ho: You don’t have to have everything to be happy in life.

Above all, love and kindness goes a long way. SWAG! [/Spoilers]

Random Recommendation: Sunshine of My Life - When a workaholic meets a young woman with ambition and heart.

Rating: 5/5 ♥♥♥

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