May 3, 2020

Intense Love | Recap and Review

Intense Love
Two drop dead gorgeous people in love. 
Notable Actors/Actresses
Ding Yu Xi: Zhou Shi Yun
Zhang Yu Xi: Su Jin Bei
Chinese Title
Episodes: 24
First Impression: 3.75/5

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Mini Recaps

[Ep1] Our main leads were engaged since childhood but they have never met. Su Jin Bei is a an actress and Zhou Shi Yun is a doctor. She's gorgeous. He's gorgeous and smart. At their engagement party, neither of them show up. Instead they meet in the operation room. Su Jin Bei drives likes she's a racer when she's not and ends up on the hospital bed. In her hazy memory of the surgery, she remember his eyes under his face mask, eyes that can steal hearts. He knows she's his fiancée and a celebrity but he doesn't give her any special treatment. Her anesthetics still haven't worn off and she unconsciously makes a move on Zhou Shi Yun. She kisses him behind the face mask. That was her first kiss minus kiss scenes in dramas she's filmed. The next morning when she sees him behind the mask again, she recognizes him immediately and remembers it was him kissing her. Her heart rate picks up via the heart monitor. He's doing his check-ups on her but when she puffs her chest out for him to listen to, our professional doctor hesitates. Zhou Shi Yun is still in his mask making Su Jin Bei curious about his looks. After a failed attempted at pulling down his mask, she trails him catching him half-naked in his change room instead.
[Ep2] In his half-naked state, Zhou Shi Yun pulls Su Jin Bei in the room to hide from a nurse who's looking for him. This scene developed just for the purpose of the above pose. Su Jin Bei belatedly learns he's her fiancé and is upset he didn't attend their engagement dinner. Not like she attended either. Now she's wearing her war clothes to seduce him. First, she channels Marilyn Monroe vibes as she's riding on a bike to seduce him. He knows she's flirting as he slightly smirks while walking away. Yay, he's smiling. Then she channels the good-girl-next-door vibe by reading a book to an old patient. When he takes off his mask as he walks away, there's another slight smile on his face. Lastly, she channels sexiness and enters his office. However, it's truly a question who's seducing who.
The next day the tabloids are filled with news of Su Jin Bei and Xu Jia Wei's dating scandal. He is a fellow actor who was in the same car accident as her and he (or actually his manager) is using her name to increase his popularity. Zhou Shi Yun overhears this and there follows another scene of them in close physical proximity. He's hiding her from Xu Jia Wei. However, they're both distracted by a dangling spider right in between them. Su Jin Bei is fearless; the fearful one is our cool doc.

Although Xu Jia Wei was planning to use her (by the way he does like her), it seems like he's being used instead. She's using him to make Zhou Shi Yun jealous. I think it's working? She thinks so too.

The family: Their engagement was a promise set by their mothers. Zhou Shi Yun's mother had passed away so his older brother is handling that engagement. His brother wants him to take over the CEO position because his health is deteriorating. The older brother is probably in his 20's or 30's max but he's already using a cane.

Secondary loveline: Su Jin Bei recruits her manager, Wu Di, to retrieve information about Zhou Shi Yun from his doctor buddy, Xiao Yuan Song. However after a night of too much drinking, the two blackout and wake up naked in bed.

[Ep3] A crazy fan of Xu Jia Wei dumps a bucket of water over Su Jin Bei. The damage is dampened with Zhou Shi Yun's quick reactions. For her safety he discharges her from the hospital but the way he says it sounds like he hates her. She refuses to leave and so he threatens to nullify their engagement. Thus she leaves. Does that mean engagement continues? It also means he was going to follow the engagement all along, no? As she's leaving, her angry stomps have snapped her heels. He rushes to her aide but she'd rather walk barefoot than stay with a man who's rejected her any second longer. He picks up her heels and that night he arrives at her door to personally tend to her feet. My only conclusion of why these two fell in love is because they’re both so gorgeous. Understandable.

As he's caring for her feet, she asks him a series of questions (using third person):
SJB: Do you dislike female celebrities?
ZSY: I don't dislike them
SJB: She's usually a little loud, will you be annoyed?
ZSY: Maybe not.
SJB: She has a lot of rumours but there's actually nothing between her and those men. Will you believe in those rumours?
ZSY: I won't.
He knows she likes him. He likes her too. 
The next day she sends him a package of body care (face mask) stuff and when his buddy wants to take some, he hogs them all to himself. SJB and ZSY start developing a friendly texting rapport. Our busy doctor is always glued to his phone screen whenever he can. He's patiently waiting for her texts especially when he sees her status as constantly typing. He's so distracted with waiting for her text, he completely ignores his senior.

[Ep4] Su Jin Bei gets a cold/fever and falls asleep while phoning Zhou Shi Yun. He's so worried about her, he hires locksmiths to open her door to checkup on her. He carries her to bed where he finds a familiar protective talisman. He smiles. It's a pair with his that his mother had given him when he was a child. She wakes up and tells him she's hungry. But he leaves. She thinks he's left her alone but he had went to buy her food. When she chokes, he runs to pat her back. When he sees her house messy, he cleans up for her. When she's asleep on the sofa, he quickly covers her up with a blanket. When she grabs his hand in her sleep, he won't leave her for the entire night. Just what is supposed to happen in the next twenty episodes? 

He asks her for a first date: to attend his ancestors' sacrificial rites (memorial day). Wooooow. That's a first. She's excited to go but remembers to be modest. She tells him it's inappropriate unless she's someone special to him. Shyly, he tells her she'll be going as his finacée. She calmly tells him she will consider it. And so for the next few days he's constantly checking his phone waiting for her answer. He had sent a text to comfort her about her rumours but retrieves the message back because she still hasn't accepted his date request. Meanwhile she's watching her own drama and admiring her excellence. She sent a text to tell him that she's recovered but retrieves it back because she remembers him reacting coldly to the date request. It's funny how they're both recalling the same incident but their memory of it is so distorted to their own perception. His is probably more objective where she did put him on hold by giving him a modest rejection. Hers is definitely distorted; her modest rejection in her memory was not the slightest modest, it was a signal for him to ask again. Obviously, our smart doc isn't that smart in romance.
[Ep5] For the whole week neither of them text each other. She refuses to text first because that would mean she lost. Meanwhile he's dejected because he thinks he's rejected. I mean, the guy had already asked. The morning of the memorial rites when she's finally decided to go, she breaks her phone and can't reply. Thus she drives her fancy looking car to his place instead to personally tell him but he's already left. Angry (I don't think she deserves to be angry), she takes it out with shopping and food. When she returns home late in the afternoon, Zhou Shi Yun is waiting at her home. The text she had sent to him agreeing to go was delivered before her phone died. She asks him if he has been waiting for her since then. He hesitates on answering but still gives an honest one.
ZSY replies with a straight face: What do you think? He's got me, I love this guy even more
He gives her thirty minutes to prepare and she assures him she'll be done before that with a wink. When in the car, he tells her to put on his seat belt. She replies with a straight face of her own that he needs to put it on for her. Initially he refuses but he still obliges. She falls asleep and he pulls over to cover her with his jacket. He takes her on a detour to buy a present for her grandmother because he knew she forgot. He protects her from a passing bike and makes her walk on the inside. Is there anything this perfect guy won't know how to do? Yes there is. It's hard to have a normal conversation him. He takes every sentence literally.

Su Jin Bei is introduced to his family. She was worried about grandma, but the one she really should worry about is his jealous younger sister, Zhou Su Ying. She sets SJB up to cook knowing she's going to fail. SJB practically creates a war zone in her fiancé's family's kitchen. She takes the food that was prepared for the memorial rites and cooks it. Yikes.
[Ep6] Fortunately, the family takes her side. Zhou Shi Yun is prepping for the memorial rites at night for her. She wants to help but he tells her to not add mess. So she plays with a cat. Zhou Shi Yun stares at her smiling face in love struck mode. Zhou Su Ying's pranks aren't done yet. She messes up her wardrobe so that Su Jin Bei will arrive late. This gives Zhou Si Ying the perfect opportunity to give her a stunning traditional one piece to wear. Such gorgeous leads bestowing my screen. The jealous sister doesn’t just hate SJB because she’s clingy to her brother but because she's Xu Jia Wei's fan.

At night, she uses the excuse of her broken hairdryer to barge into his room. She poses in all sorts of sexy poses a girl can think of with a hairdryer but all his focus is on the cute cat. Maybe his love struck mode from the previous scene was because of the cat. She sheepishly tells him she has to leave tonight for a variety show. He doesn't mind. However, when she tells him Xu Jia Wei will also guest on it, he hesitates on replying but tells her he'll drive her back. After dropping her off home, he hesitates on giving her his family heirloom (jade earrings). His brother had given it to him to give Su Jin Bei. Brother also comments how their cat (Wu Tou) has accepted her as well because Wu Tou was only ever sweet to mom and Zhou Shi Yun. When Zhou Shi Yun gets a second chance to give the earrings to her, he chickens out again.

[Ep7] Zhou Shi Yun uses grandma as an excuse for everything he does for Su Jin Bei. For example, he'd drop by at night to give her dessert and tell her it's from grandma; he'd tell her to be safe for the recording because it's grandma's orders. Su Jin Bei knows who's the real one caring for her.

Now that our leads feelings have long reciprocated, the next plot device: Jealousy. Zhou Shi Yun finds himself oddly jealous of Xu Jia Wei. He's watching a clip of Su Jin Bei and Xu Jia Wei's icecream punishment. He then uploads his first ever social media post to give an advice: girls should not eat cold food in the winter. It's directly aimed at Su Jin Bei and she's in love with him again. Su Jin Bei calls just in time to dampen the jealousy telling him to not believe the rumours and that's enough to make him smile again. She also drops by his office to give him a surprise. He puts on a cold face but he's actually dying from happiness to see her.
[Ep8] Su Jin Bei pretends to injure her ankle. A not so worried Zhou Shi Yun tends to her tiny bruise. A crazy fan girl, Zhou Su Ying, tries to sabotage Su Jin Bei but she's caught by her brother. An almost kiss happens between our love birds. An annoying hospital director disapproves of Zhou Shi Yun's relationship.

[Ep9] Su Jin Bei sees a dead rat and runs right into the arms of Zhou Shi Yun. That's not enough, She jumps him. She wraps her legs around him until he asks her,  "How long do you plan to hug me for" does she let go of him. She confides in him that she feels followed. Thus, he takes her to his home. And this is their first night together under one roof. But separate rooms. Last time at grandma's didn't count. It was practically a mansion with mini houses as rooms.... This time she's fearful of sounds from the roof and jumps onto his bed on top of him. Despite spending the night together, she's even more disappointed how her long legs had no effect on his sexual desires. However, from his perspective, their every interaction makes him anxious, long legs or not.

[Ep10] Zhou Shi Yun is so anxious he can't even touch her or look at her properly when he finds her asleep on his sofa. She's playing her ace card but Zhou Shi Yun is still stoned. In the morning, she helps him with breakfast by blowing sexy wisps of air after each and every word. Zhou Shi Yun caves in as they almost kiss but the doorbell rings. It's his siblings inviting themselves for breakfast. Zhou Su Ying takes every chance to ruin their romantic moments. With no choice, SJB asks him on a secret date to the rooftop.

[Ep11] So “Zhou Baby” nickname is a thing now. After a sweet little secret date, the morning is just as sweet. Zhou Shi Yun brings breakfast to her bed and feeds her. She’s asking for a date and it’ll be their first official one. The pressure is now on Zhou Baby to plan out the perfect first date. I can’t be the only one thinking this Zhou Baby nickname is cringe. They both become rather worried about it but at the end of the day as long as their date is with each other, does it really matter? He brings her to a lake to set their bird free. I really hope this is CGI and they didn’t set a pet bird free... She trips in her tall thin heels to which he asks her why would she wear those. To look pretty for him, duh. The moment after she trips, he whisks her in his arms and carries her. She asks him if he would ever be like the bird and fly away without a word. He tells her the bird is flying home. To him, home is where she is so he’d only be flying to her. Jeeeeeeeez. However, even their outdoor date is interrupted by his bratty sister.

The three return home from their date and his sister passes out at the back for spending all her energy to ruin the date. Su Jin Bei’s stomach grumbles and automatically he makes her a midnight dinner. She gets up to help but he orders her to just stay seated and wait to be fed. When dinner is served, the lights short circuit giving them a chance for a romantic candlelight dinner. The dessert of the day is the kiss they share at night. Their kiss ends only when the lights turn on. The sweetness doesn’t. She changes her contact name on his phone to “Bei Bei”. Ah so that’s the purpose of her name being “Bei”.

Second couple: Xiao Yuan Song makes me mad. He sells his home at a super low price to settle the contract dispute Wu Di has. That’s just dumb. If I liked this guy I’d be so mad at his idiotic decision. What a waste of money. If I don’t like this guy I wouldn’t know what to do with my guilt. Without a home, Wu Di adopts him. 

[Ep12] Sister problem is solved once Su Jin Bei tempts her with what she wants: Xu Jia Wei. Meanwhile Xu Jia Wei doesn't get what he wants: Su Jin Bei's love. He's rejected. Additionally, he rejects a girl who loves him (that actress). 

Su Jin Bei is hosting a live video at home and Zhou Shi Yun casually walks by. SJB calms her fans by introducing him as her driver. The result: an angry Zhou Shi Yun. 

[Ep13] An angry Zhou Shi Yun seems to have forgotten his anger when she invites him to his family for dinner. Dad is putting a dad face and tries to find ZSY's flaws. But he has no flaws. 

Second couple: Xiao Yuan Song has uremia...

Third couple: Zhou Su Ying and Xu Jia Wei. He hires her as his manager (just because she plays his video games). It's so weird that a celebrity would hire a (crazy) fan to be his manager...

[Ep14] Their first problem: Zhou Shi Yun sees the clip of Su Jin Bei talking about seducing him. The clip is menacingly cut to make Zhou Shi Yun misunderstand that she never loved him. The sister is finally useful to Su Jin Bei and helps her mend her relationship with her brother. Su Jin Bei chases him to a remote city (where he's temporarily lending his expertise) but disappears for an entire day. Zhou Shi Yun is about to send a rescue crew (that includes himself) to find her but she suddenly shows up all haggard and ashen. 

[Ep15] A very dramatic scene envelopes our screen as Zhou Shi Yun and Su Jin Bei run towards each other with emotional music to boot. Zhou Shi Yun is actually teary. Despite mud all over her face he kisses her like she's his most precious beautiful thing. With everything explained and his love proven to be much deeper, these two become even more lovable. Jealously is beyond them. The next night, he finally gives her his family heirloom, the pair of jade earrings. The next morning is sweet too, but like way too corny type of sweet that I don't feel like transcribing

[Ep16] Zhou Shi Yun threatens the girl who's trying to sabotage Su Jin Bei (Gao Zhi Tong, the one who sent him the video) proving nothing can get in the way of his love for her. He takes SJB to his family dinner and the siblings immediately point out her earrings. There she learns the gravity of those earrings: Zhou Shi Yun has recognized her as the one. 

[Ep17] Su Jin Bei pops up at Zhou Shi Yun's house as a surprise. She has a present for him: it's the protective talisman. He has one too and now Su Jin Bei knows they were fated since childhood. The talisman was a pair that his mother had gifted them. He sweetly puts in on her as a necklace.

Zhou Shi Yun finally has some time (from his busy love schedule) to care for his buddy, Xiao Yuan Song, and his terminal disease. They reinvestigate his health checkup and finds that he mistook someone else's urine specimen. So what about that poor guy who thought he was healthy but actually needs treatment asap? XYS is perfectly healthy, but he chooses to continue the lie because of how nice Wu Di is to him.
[Ep18] Seeing Su Jin Bei's tears for her best friend's lover, Zhou Shi Yun pulls her aside to tell her the truth. He doesn't like his girlfriend crying. She wants to tell Wu Di but ZSY tells her to let them take care of their own business. Thus, ZSY takes her away from them to spend some alone time but she's caught by her crazy fans. Zhou Shi Yun suavely takes her under his coat and saves her. The next day, SJB accidentally reveals to WD the truth and WD takes her revenge on XYS: she boils his feet.

Meanwhile SJB and ZYS are still intensely in love. She wants a reward from him because of her successful commercial. Since she's given him her heart, she wants his "body" in return. SJB says "meat" in place of "body". He pushes her down on the sofa with just enough force to make her nervous. He softly tells her to close her eyes to wait for her "meat". While her eyes are waiting, he gratifies her ears with music. Moments later, he's back to satisfy her. More specifically, to satisfy her tastebuds with an actual bowl of meat. She's (majorly) disappointed but she's also temped by the food.

Their next problem: their relationship is exposed and contracts are cutting ties with Su Jin Bei left and right. Zhou Shi Yun also has to stop work.

Second couple: Wu Di kisses Xiao Yuan Song on the cheek for comforting her. Xiao Yuan Song touches his cheek and smiles. He then kisses those fingers that just touched the cheek she kissed, lol.

[Ep19] There's quite a bit of men sacrificing to save her career. Xu Jia Wei will do a free commercial and Zhou Shi Yun will hide the fact he's her fiancé. However, Su Jin Bei isn't that weak. In the press conference, she goes against the script and declares her love for Zhou Shi Yun. Luckily they get well wishes from the public. The reason is simple: Zhou Shi Yun is popular (looks and smarts). Su Jin Bei's career is back on track. There's a hiccup when Xu Jia Wei gets mixed in her rumours but he sets up a live video to clarify everything. Once again sacrificing himself. Zhou Shi Yun now has unwavering trust in her so it doesn't matter what rumour pops up, he believes her regardless.

He puts her to sleep. Shortly after she screams awake from a nightmare. She can't sleep anymore so they play some Wii together. It brightens her right up. Being the sweet doctor he is, he puts on wrist protectors for her. But where's his? She asks him to sign it like it was a cast.

Zhou Shi Yun takes her to a date and purposely picks out a quiet place for her to feel at ease. He becomes the perfect selfie boyfriend kneeling down to take the perfect shot of her. He's looking at her through the camera and is washed over with how beautiful she is, you can tell he fell in love again. Su Jin Bei wants a selfie with him. She kisses his cheek right before she captures the selfie which takes him by surprise. The second picture, she does the same thing but he laughs and pushes her away. Third time is the charm. She repeats the same kiss. He responds with pushing her against the bookshelf and gives her a deep kiss.
[Ep20] Su Jin Bei's company isn't happy with her being publicly known as a fiancee. She loses a lot of drama roles. She's supposed to stay low but her kiss with Zhao Shi Yun is captured. She's not fazed and is happy to take a second lead role. The leading lady is Gao Zhi Tong and it was her that purposely recommended Su Jin Bei so she can slap her face to her content. However, Zhou Shi Yun has her back. He gets his brother, a CEO, involved in the filming production and exposes Gao Zhi Tong. Zhou Shi Yun also has her covered from rain as he waits for her with an umbrella at her film location. They kiss again. The sweetness in the drama comes tenfold after one bad event.

[Ep21] Gao Zhi Tong has fallen to pit bottom. Although Su Jin Bei learns of all her misdeeds, she forgives Gao Zhi Tong. The two girls make up because of Su Jin Bei's otherworldly graciousness. GZT’s words have motivated SJB to achieve a new dream: to become an award winning actress. She wants to be a perfect match to Zhou Shi Yun who has won an award for his career.

Su Jin Bei has to train for two months for her role which means she'll have less time for her dates. It doesn't matter though, he'll just show up at her training centre. He's also got more romantic plans: he's bought her a ring and asked his buddy to be his best man. His proposal is on pause though because she’s focusing on her career. His heart pains for her when she injures her foot during her training. He's deliberating whether or not to pull strings to help her get the role easier, this is the strict, strait-laced doctor we're talking about here. The things he would do for her lightly injured ankle...

[Ep22] Su Jin Bei successfully wins the role. Zhou Shi Yun plans a surprise celebratory dinner for her. He's hiding the proposal ring behind his back but grips onto it, too nervous to ask the question. It's also too late. Wu Di arrives with news that Zhou Shi Yun did pull strings for her to get the role. This seems to be their hardest obstacle yet: his distrust in her abilities. She wants to be recognized by him but his actions deny her of an opportunity to show she's his worthy partner.  

Zhou Shi Yun never influenced the audition results. However, he still is disappointed with himself that he didn't trust her capabilities. Su Jin Bei is rightfully mad at him. He sulks for days overworking himself to numb his emotional pains. It's only until his buddy reminds him that the dude can just apologize..

[Ep23] Zhou Shi Yun is at her door ready to apologize but she's left to her parent's home. SJB's Mom pretends to be angry at him just to get him to run over to their home to apologize to her daughter. However, SJB doesn't let him take a single step into her home and slams the door on him. Mom exaggerates that Zhou Shi Yun looks devastated waiting outside to make SJB forgive him but when Su Jin Bei opens the door again, he's already gone. Mom's overreacting personality is just like SJB's and Dad's calmness is like Zhou Shi Yun. Her parents are the future them, heh.
Zhou Shi Yun never left though (I don't know why he had to disappear that moment she opened the door for him). It's nighttime and he's still waiting in the snow for her. Su Jin Bei can't stand being angry at him anymore and runs out to throw herself at him. Before he can apologize, her mouth has already met his. After they separate, Zhou Shi Yun takes the proposal ring from his pockets, kneels down, and asks for her hand. Su Jin Bei is all smiles and accepts his proposal.

Her parents are watching their every moment after she brings him in for dinner. Su Jin Bei doesn't care though and tells him to sit closer to her as they flirt the entire dinner. Mom assigns Zhou Shi Yun to sleep in Su Jin Bei's room. SJB is excited but she's assigned to sleep with mom. Mom leaves them to give them a bit of alone time. They use it effectively. Su Jin Bei kisses him but when he wants to kiss her back she teasingly backs away. She kisses him again and he wants another one but she just won't give it to him. She's about to leave him but he grabs her back and hovers over her on the bed. Unfortunately, Mom interrupts and Zhou Shi Yun never gets to initiate his kiss. First time seeing Zhou Shi Yun look so openly disappointed as she leaves him alone in her room. Zhou Shi Yun finds consolation in hugging her picture to sleep and dreaming of her all night. Gah, this sweetness.

Second couple: Xiao Yuan Song is too chicken to propose to Wu Di. No worries, Wu Di is not one to waste time on these useless formalities anyways. Before he can propose, she asks him to get married this instant. They're married

[Ep24] Zhou Shi Yun takes Su Jin Bei to his grandmother's home to tell her about the proposal. Grandma thinks Su Jin Bei is pregnant. Su Jin Bei shares this happy news with Zhou Shi Yun who's excited to be dad. Only Wu Di is the logical one who tells her to go for an examination. What happened to a pregnancy stick? She's not pregnant. Zhou Shi Yun's disappointment is two-fold. Not only is he not a dad yet, but he can't use her pregnancy to hasten their marriage.

Third couple: Xu Jia Wei makes a public confession to Zhou Su Ying. He gives her a contract that binds him to her for fifty years.

Someone close to Zhou Shi Yun has passed away (his senior's wife) and that has motivated him to cherish his every moment with Su Jin Bei. The wife also gave a present to Su Jin Bei. It's a wedding veil. Zhou Shi Yun regrets not meeting Su Jin Bei the moment she was born. She comforts him that they have the rest of their lives together. He takes her hand and runs with her in the wind to take her to be his wife this instant. There isn't a grand ceremony, it's just the two of them saying their wedding vows and that's as perfect as it can be.
The last scene: Su Jin Bei and Zhou Shi Yun hugging their baby: Wu Tou. The cat.

The end. 


[First Impression (Ep1-6)] This follows the airing of Girlfriend. MangoTV is on a roll with a sweet romance drama. It's another love story between a CEO and an actress. However, this time it's a perfect girl chasing and an even more perfect guy. Story-wise I think it's weaker than Girlfriend. However, I have an infinite amount of love for Ding Yu Xi so I admit to loving this more than I should. 

[Actors/Actresses] What a coincidence our leads have the same name – phonetically. Both Yu Xi. Zhang Yu Xi isn't a stellar actress but she's good at choosing roles that suit her and this one is of no exception. Ding Yu Xi had stole my heart from Just an Encore. I hope he smiles more in this drama because that's when he shines.

[Behind The Scenes] If I didn’t watch the BTS’s I wouldn’t know how much pain Ding Yu Xi goes through to film all the perfect sweet kiss scenes. Watch this and this. Zhang Yu Xi might have to put mud all over her face but it’s Ding Yu Xi who has to kiss that muddied face. In the BTS, Ding Yu Xi looks so calm and serious, it makes me like him even more 🥰.

[Review] It's a drama with one focus and one focus only: to be cavity inducing. When there's one hiccup in their relationship, it's followed by a whole gallon of honey. Absolutely nothing deep here. Characters aren't realistic at all. Still, I enjoyed it. I can't say I like this role from Ding Yu Xi, his character is a brick at times, but I'm glad I got to see him. It's one of those fluffy dramas that are excellent for binge watching when you want something sweet with no stress especially if you don't mind watching perfect and beautiful people being perfect and beautiful.

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